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Richard  Gaston 《Insectes Sociaux》1957,4(2):107-111
Summary In antennæ of Termites there are 3 groups of sense organs: — the chordotonal organ of the scapus;—the chordotonal organ of pedicellus; the Johnston's organ.Their structures are always the same during ontogenesis; the number of scolops increases slowly. Johnston's organ however distinguishes of the other in course of moulting but its modifications are very similar in structure to these of sensilla trichodea.
Zusammenfassung Bei den Antennen der Termiten sind 3 Gruppen von Sinnesorganen feststellbar: das Chordotonal Organ des erstens Gliedes; das Chordotonal Organ des zweites Gliedes; das Johnston'sche Organ.Diese Struktur bleibt während der ganzen Ontogenese dieselbe; die Anzuhl der Scolopidialen Nägel steigt langsam an. Das Johnston'sche Organe hingegen insicht davon im Laufe der Häutungen ab, trotzdem seine Modificationen beim Häutungs denen der sensilla trichodea gleichen.

The prognosis of cancer in young men of childbearing potential has been considerably improved over recent decades as a result of therapeutic progress. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy have well known effects on spermatogenesis. Apart from quantitative and qualitative impairment of spermatogenesis, animal studies have also demonstrated nuclear lesions (aneuploidy, presence of adducts, DNA fragmentation, etc.) and sometimes lesions affecting the F1 and F2 generations. Chromosomal studies of human spermatozoa after radiotherapy have demonstrated an increased frequency of chromosomal anomalies. The first studies concerning the effects of chemotherapy used the heterospecific fertilization technique to demonstrate spermatozoal chromosomal anomalies. More recently, thefluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique has been used to study several chromosomes on a large number of spermatozoa. The results of various studies based on small sample sizes vary as a function of the therapeutic protocol administered and the time of sperm collection in relation to the end of treatment. We studied 5 patients who provided a semen sample 6 to 17 months after completing the BOE chemotherapy protocol (Bleomycin, Etoposide, Cisplatin). We demonstrated an increased rate of aneuploid and diploid spermatozoa. The results of our study and those reported by R. Martin et al. [45, 47] suggest the possibility of a transient effect of chemotherapy on gamete chromosomes. Other studies, conducted in the context of Hodgkin’s disease, have demonstrated the transient nature of the aneuploidy effect. Apart from the harmful action on chromosomes, treatments could also damage spermatozoal DNA. Studies conducted on larger sample sizes and using other methods of analysis therefore appear to be essential. In the meantime, it appears preferable to systematically propose semen cryopreservation before treatment and to provide very cautious advice to patients desiring a pregnancy soon after completion of treatment.  相似文献   

Résumé Alors que la plupart des travaux sur la réaction hygrotaxique des Termites ont étudié l'effet de l'humidité de l'air, le présent travail est consacré à l'étude de l'eau du substrat, comme facteur attractif chez le Termite de Saintonge.Quand l'eau est présentée aux Termites sur des barres de plâtre en quantité croissante continue, aucun gradient pour l'hygropreferendum n'est mis en évidence: les Termites tendent à se grouper dans la zone d'humidité maximale. La réaction est plus rapide à température plus élevée.Quand l'eau est répartie de façon discontinue sur des morceaux de plâtre, les Termites manifestent toujours une préférence pour l'humidité maximale. Les Termites peuvent très bien discriminer des humidités peu différentes entre elles. Ils évitent de se fixer à l'humidité la plus grande lorsqu'on leur présente à proximité une humidité légèrement inférieure à cette dernière. Cet hygropreferendum est aussi bien marqué pour les substrats neutres (plâtre) que pour les bois attractifs. Le nombre de Termites joue un rôle important dans la réaction hygrotaxique. Un termite isolé peut choisir l'humidité maximale, mais plus le groupe est important plus la réaction hygrotaxique est intense. La réaction hygrotaxique est plus intense si l'eau est présentée sur le substrat que si elle parvient par l'atmosphère. Les Termites ne vont pas directement dans les zones humides mais essaient, avant, toutes les possibilités offertes.
Summary Most works upon Termites hygrotactic reactions studied the effect of air humidity; this paper deals with water into the substrate as an attractive factor in Saintonge Termite.When water is presented to termites into plaster bars following a continuous pattern, no hygropreferendum gradient can be detected; termites seek to cluster in maximal humidity zone. The reaction is faster at higher temperature.When water is presented following a discontinuous pattern (separate plaster bars) termites prefer always maximum humidity. They are very able to discriminate humidities slightly different only. They avoid saturation hygrometry when a slightly inferior humidity is presented close to. This hygropreferendum is as clearly seen in the case of neutral substrates (plaster) than in the case of attractive ones (pieces of wood). Termites number play an important role in hygrotactic reaction. An isolated worker can choose maximal hygrometry but the more the Termites group is big, the more hygrotactic reaction is intense. It is more intense when water is into the substrate than into the air. Termites do not go directly towards wet zones, but try first all the possibilities following a chance schedule.

Analysis of the evolutionary conservation and change of the Y human specific Hae III 2.4 kb repeated sequence were studied between man and anthropoïd species after restriction with EcoRI endonuclease. In chimpanzee, blocks of these repeats are absent, the remaining copies being interspersed with other sequences. A close similarity of the restriction patterns of these sequences is found between gorilla and man.  相似文献   

The section has been logged on the southern slope of the Montejunto Mountain, near Cabanas de Torres (North of Tage River, Portugal). Typical ammonites of the Platynota zone with species-index Sutneria platynota (Reinecke) have been found in the lower part of the «Marnes d'Abadia formation. Orthosphinctes and Desmoides subzones of early Kimmeridgian are paleontologically well characterized. Unlike what is usually thought, the lower Kimmeridgian does occur. More fossiliferous beds of the «Marnocalcaires de Tojeira formation are coincident with Upper Oxfordian (Planula zone and Upper part of the Bimammatum zone). They yield Ardescia gr. enayi Atrops which appear earlier in Portugal than in South-eastern France.  相似文献   

Jean Chauvel  Joel Nion 《Geobios》1977,10(1):35-49
Two specific genera of Bohemian Llanvirn(Sarka Formation), Reticulocarpos and Lagynocystis have been recognized in Traveusot, le Pissot and Pierre Melière Formations (Llanvirn and Llandeilo of the Armorican Massif). Though three species are new (R. pissotensis, R. sp., Lagynocystis sp.) this discovery once more underlines the relationships between Bohemia and Armorican Massif during this period.  相似文献   

Summary The author studies the developpement of the neuro-sensorial organs on the legs ofCalotermes flavicollis Fab. He has found that the outline of the neuro-sensorial organs developing in the larvae of the first instar do not change their structure. After each molt the number of sensorial organs increases and in correlation with this the small sensorial nerves ramify and secondary nerfs branch off the primary nerfs. On the legs of the larvae of the forth and mainly on those of the fifth instar the number of sensorial organs increases considerably. These latter are of different size and sit according to the region of the leg more or less densely together. The same is observed on the nymphs and imagines.A regression of the number and size of the sensorial organs accompanies the development of the pseudergates.The anatomy of the neurosensorial system of the third pair of legs is alike that of the second pair. The first pair of legs shows on the front surface the anatomy found inthe hind surface of the second pair of legs and the hind surface of the first pair the one of the front surface of the second pair.
Zusammenfassung Die Studie behandelt die Innervation der Beine vonCalotermes flavicollis Fab. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die gesamte sensoriel-nervöse Anlage schon bei den Larven des ersten Entwicklungsstadiums vorhanden ist und sich nicht mehr verändert, und dass nur mit jeder stattfindenden Häutung die Anzahl der sensoriellen Organe zunimmt und begleitet ist von einer reicher werdenden Verzweigung der Sinnesnerven. Gleichzeitig entstehen sekundäre Abzweigungen der Sinnesnerven, welche von den Hauptnerven ausgehen. Die Extremitäten der Larven des vierten und hauptsächlich des fünften Stadiums weisen eine sehr starke Zunahme der Sinnesorgane auf. Diese letzteren haben dann verschiedene Grösse und stehen je nach Region des Beines mehr oder weniger dicht beisammen. Dieselben Verhältnisse finden sich auch bei den Nymphen und Imagines.Eine zahlen- und grössenmässige Regression der Sinnesorgane wurde bei der Entstehung der Pseudergaten festgestellt. Die Anatomie der Sinnesorgane des dritten Beinpaares ist derjenigen des mittleren Beinpaares ähnlich. Die vordere Fläche des vordersten Beinpaares ist der hinteren Fläche des mittleren Paares ähnlich und die hintere Fläche derjenigen der Vorderfläche des mittleren Beinpaares.

A histological study of the gonads and androgenic glands of Carcinus parasitized with Sacculina carcini showed no correlation between the degree of infestation of the gonads by the roots of the parasite and the progressive inhibition of the course of male and female gametogeneses. Also, no correlation could be observed between the degree of degeneration of the androgenic glands and that of the testes.

Modifications in parasitized crab testes essentially involve a degeneration of the mesoderm tissue of the germinative zone; primary gonia become pycnotic after an abnormal development; germ cells already engaged in spermatogenesis become blocked in prophase of meiosis; and ultimately, the testis becomes empty. Progressive degeneration of the androgenic glands, after an initial hypertrophy that starts as early as the internal Sacculina stage, seems related to the disorganization of the neurosecretory centers of the host.

Arrest of spermatogenesis at a more or less advanced stage is probably the result of an imbalance in neurohormonal controls acting directly on the germinative zone or indirectly via the androgenic glands. At the level of the ovaries, parasitic infestation leads to inhibition of the second phase of vitellogenesis possibly due to an abnormality in the organization of the vitellogenic follicles. Hormonal imbalances related to the presence of the parasite appear to be responsible for these phenomena.  相似文献   

Subtle motor, emotional, cognitive and behavioural abnormalities are often present in apparently healthy children and adolescents who later develop schizophrenia. This suggests that some aspects of causation are established long before psychosis becomes manifest. We aim to assess the factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia focusing mainly on genetic factors, pregnancy and delivery complications, early development and scholastic performance, as well as later educational, social and health consequences. This is done by reviewing the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort, its scientific activities, publications and work in progress.  相似文献   

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