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Adaptations in coactivation after isometric resistance training.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Twenty sedentary male university students were randomly assigned to an experimental or a control group. The experimental group trained the knee extensors of one leg by producing 30 isometric extension maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) per day, three times per week for 8 wk. After 8 wk of training, extensor MVC in the trained leg increased 32.8% (P less than 0.05), but there was no change in vastus lateralis maximal integrated electromyographic activity (IEMGmax). The most important finding was that the degree of hamstring coactivation during extension MVC decreased by approximately 20% (P less than 0.05) after the 1st wk of training. Less pronounced adaptations occurred in the untrained leg: extension MVC force increased 16.2% (P less than 0.05), hamstring coactivity decreased 13% (P less than 0.05) after 2 wk of training, and vastus lateralis IEMGmax was unchanged. The same measures in legs of the control group were not changed during the study. There were no changes in flexion MVC, biceps femoris IEMGmax, or the degree of quadriceps coactivity during flexion MVC in either leg of the control or experimental group. A reduction in hamstring coactivity in the trained and untrained legs indicates that these muscles provide less opposing force to the contracting quadriceps. We conclude that this small but significant decrease in hamstring coactivation that occurs during the early stages of training is a nonhypertrophic adaptation of the neuromuscular system in response to static resistance training of this type.  相似文献   

Isokinetic plantar flexion: experimental results and model calculations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In isokinetic experiments on human subjects, conducted to determine moments that can be exerted about a joint at different angular velocities, joint rotation starts as soon as the moment increases above the resting level. This contraction history differs from the one in experiments on isolated muscle, where the force is allowed to increase to an isometric level before shortening is initiated. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of contraction history on plantar flexing moments found during maximal voluntary plantar flexion on an isokinetic dynamometer. In ten subjects, plantar flexing moments were measured as a function of ankle angle at different angular velocities. They were also calculated using a model of the muscle-tendon complex of the human triceps surae. The model incorporates elastic tendinous tissue in series with muscle fibers. The input of the model consists of time histories of active state (the force generating capacity of contractile elements) and shortening velocity of the muscle-tendon complex. Different time courses of active state were offered at fixed length of the muscle-tendon complex. The time course yielding a close match between the calculated rise of plantar flexing moment and the rise measured during fixed angle contractions was used to calculate moment-angle curves for isokinetic plantar flexion. The active state value reached when a peak occurred in calculated moment-angle curves was found to be lower if the angular velocity was made higher. Comparing measured and calculated results, it was concluded that moment-angular velocity diagrams determined in studies of isokinetic plantar flexion in human subjects reflect not only the influence of shortening velocity of contractile elements on the force which can be produced by plantar flexors.  相似文献   

Propulsion in swimming is achieved by complex sculling movements with elbow quasi-fixed on the antero-posterior axis to transmit forces from the hand and the forearm to the body. The purpose of this study was to investigate how elbow muscle coactivation was influenced by the front crawl stroke phases. Ten international level male swimmers performed a 200-m front crawl race-pace bout. Sagittal views were digitized frame by frame to determine the stroke phases (aquatic elbow flexion and extension, aerial elbow flexion and extension). Surface electromyograms (EMG) of the right biceps brachii and triceps brachii were recorded and processed using the integrated EMG to calculate a coactivation index (CI) for each phase. A significant effect of the phases on the CI was revealed with highest levels of coactivation during the aquatic elbow flexion and the aerial elbow extension. Swimmers stabilize the elbow joint to overcome drag during the aquatic phase, and act as a brake at the end of the recovery to replace the arm for the next stroke. The CI can provide insight into the magnitude of mechanical constraints supported by a given joint, in particular during a complex movement.  相似文献   

This study tested the common assumption that skeletal muscle shortens uniformly in the direction of its fascicles during low-load contraction. Cine phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging was used to characterize shortening of the biceps brachii muscle in 12 subjects during repeated elbow flexion against 5 and 15% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) loads. Mean shortening was relatively constant along the anterior boundary of the muscle and averaged 21% for both loading conditions. In contrast, mean shortening was nonuniform along the centerline of the muscle during active elbow flexion. Centerline shortening in the distal region of the biceps brachii (7.3% for 5% MVC and 3.7% for 15% MVC) was significantly less (P < 0.001) than shortening in the muscle midportion (26.3% for 5% MVC and 28.2% for 15% MVC). Nonuniform shortening along the centerline was likely due to the presence of an internal aponeurosis that spanned the distal third of the longitudinal axis of the biceps brachii. However, muscle shortening was also nonuniform proximal to the centerline aponeurosis. Because muscle fascicles follow the anterior contour and centerline of the biceps brachii, our results suggest that shortening is uniform along anterior muscle fascicles and nonuniform along centerline fascicles.  相似文献   

An analysis of horizontal elbow flexion at maximal velocity was made to determine how different loads affected power output. Twenty male subjects operated a specially constructed dynamometer initially performing a maximal effort isometric trial with the elbow fully extended and then three dynamic trials at each of three loads equal to 75, 50, and 25 per cent of the maximal isometric strength. Angular acceleration was used to calculate forearm torque, and power was obtained by taking the product of torque and angular velocity. Power was found to be a cubic function of time and a fourth-order polynomial function of angular displacement reaching a peak early in the movement. The 50 per cent load resulted in a higher peak level of power than either the 25 or 75 per cent loads.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate muscle fatigue measuring changes in force output and force tremor and electromyographic activity (EMG) during two sustained maximal isometric contractions for 60s: (1) concurrent hand grip and elbow flexion (HG and EF); or (2) hand grip and elbow extension (HG and EE). Each force tremor amplitude was decomposed into four frequency bands (1-3, 4-10, 11-20, and 21-50Hz). Surface EMGs were recorded from the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), extensor digitorum (ED), biceps brachii (BB) and lateral head of triceps brachii (TB). The HG and EF forces for the HG and EF and the HG force for the HG and EE declined rapidly, whereas the EE force remained almost constant near to the initial value for the first 40s and then declined. The decrease in EMG amplitude was observed not for the FDS muscle but for the ED muscle. The HG tremor amplitude for each frequency band showed similar decreasing rate, whereas the decreases in EF and EE tremor amplitudes for the lower band (below 10Hz) were slower than those for the higher band (above 11Hz). The neuromuscular mechanisms underlying muscle fatigue during sustained maximal concurrent contractions of hand grip and elbow flexion or extension are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether running economy is affected by isokinetic eccentric exercise designed to cause muscle damage. Twenty-four young healthy men performed 120 maximal voluntary eccentric actions at each thigh's quadriceps muscle at an angular velocity of 60 degrees .s. The participants were then randomly divided into 2 equal groups, 1 of which exercised 24 hours later, while the other group rested. Muscle damage indicators (i.e., serum creatine kinase, delayed onset muscle soreness, and eccentric, concentric, and isometric peak torque) and running economy indicators (i.e., oxygen consumption, pulmonary ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio, respiratory rate, and heart rate during treadmill running at 2.2 and 3.3 m.s) were assessed prior to and 48 hours following the eccentric exercise. All muscle damage indicators changed significantly in both groups (p < 0.05) in a way suggestive of considerable muscle damage. Running economy indicators of the exercise group demonstrated only an elevation of respiratory rate at 48 hours (p < 0.05) and a tendency to lower economy compared to the resting group. It can be concluded that isokinetic eccentric exercise applied to the quadriceps femoris muscles did not affect running economy 48 hours later and that resting during this period tended to result in more economical running compared to exercising at 24 hours.  相似文献   

A technique was developed for calculating the torque generated by two individual muscles (biceps brachii and brachioradialis) that contribute to the isometric flexion of the elbow. The external torque is the sum of individual torques which are unknown. Each individual torque (CB or CBR) can be related to the corresponding integrated surface EMG (QB or QBR) by means of coefficients (pB or PBR). A block of several equations C = pB QB + pBR QBR is obtained by exploring several experimental conditions. In these conditions, isometric flexion efforts of the elbow were associated to isometric efforts of supination or pronation so as to vary integrated EMG by reciprocal inhibition. By means of a least square method it was possible to know the coefficients PB and PBR. With these coefficients, it was possible to calculate the individual torques generated by the biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscles in each experimental condition.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare the effects of two different training protocols, which differ in the duration of the eccentric phase, on the one-repetition maximum (1RM), thickness and contractile properties of elbow flexors. Twenty untrained college students were randomly divided into two experimental groups, based on the training tempo: FEG (Faster Eccentric Group: 1/0/1/0) and SEG (Slower Eccentric Group: 4/0/1/0). Training intervention was a biceps bending exercise, conducted twice a week for 7 weeks. The intensity (60–70% RM), sets (3–4) and rest intervals (120 s) were held constant, while repetitions were performed until it was not possible to maintain a set duration. In the initial and final measurements, 1RM, muscle thickness and tensiomyography parameters – contraction time (Tc) and radial deformation (Dm) – were evaluated. An ANCOVA model (using baseline outcomes as covariates) was applied to determine between-group differences at post-test, while Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient was used to investigate the relationship between absolute changes in muscle thickness and Dm. Muscle strength increase was greater for SEG than for FEG (6.0 ± 1.76 vs. 3.30 ± 2.26 kg, p < 0.01). In both groups muscle thickness increased equally (FEG: 3.24 ± 2.01 vs. SEG: 3.57 ± 1.17 mm, p < 0.01), while an overall reduction in Dm was observed (FEG: 1.99 ± 1.20 vs. SEG: 2.26 ± 1.03 mm, p < 0.01). Values of Tc remained unchanged. A significant negative relationship was observed between changes in muscle thickness and Dm (r = -0.763, Adj.R² = 0.560, p < 0.01). These results indicate that the duration of the eccentric phase has no effect on muscle hypertrophy in untrained subjects, but that slower eccentric movement significantly increases 1RM.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of elbow joint angle on the short-(M1) and long-latency stretch reflex (M2 and M3) responses of the elbow flexion synergists, the brachioradialis (BR), and the biceps brachii (BB), during weak isometric elbow flexion tasks. The elbow joint angle was 35,75 and 115 degrees (full-extension angle was 0 degrees ), and the muscle contraction level was 0,3 and 6% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) of the BR. In BR, the M1, M2 and M3 responses were significantly greater at 75 and 115 degrees than at 35 degrees. On the other hand, in BB, the M2 response was significantly greater at 35 degrees than at 75 and 115 degrees, while the M1 and M3 responses were not significantly different among the elbow joint angles. These results indicated that the stretch reflex responses of BR might be dependent on the changes of muscle length in stretch stimulus, while the M2 response of BB might not be dependent on the actual stimulus intensity. Therefore, we concluded that the M2 of BB might be modulated selectively by a higher reflex center in accordance with relationships of the mechanical advantages between synergistic muscles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to show that velocity-specific training may be implicated in modifications in the level of coactivation of agonist and antagonist muscles. Healthy males (n = 20) were randomly placed in to two groups: one group trained using concentric contractions (n = 12), the other was an untrained control group (n = 8). The training group underwent unilateral resistance training at a level of 35 (5)% of a one-repetition maximal contraction of the elbow flexors, executed at maximal angular velocity. Training sessions consisted of six sets of eight consecutive elbow flexions, three times per weak for a total of seven weeks. The velocity of the ballistic movements executed during training were measured using an optoelectronic measuring device (Elite), both at the beginning and at the end of the training period. Subjects were tested pre- and post-training during isokinetic maximal elbow flexions with constant angular torque (CAT) at 90 degrees (0 degrees = full extension), and at different velocities (60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 degrees x s(-1)) for concentric actions, and -60 and -30 degrees x s(-1) for eccentric and isometric contractions at 90 degrees. In order to verify the levels of activation of the agonist biceps brachii (BB) muscles and antagonist triceps brachii (TB) muscles during maximal voluntary activation, their myoelectrical activities were recorded and quantified as root mean square (RMS) amplitudes, between angles of 75 and 105 degrees . The results show that mean angular velocities between elbow angles of 75 and 105 degrees were similar before [302 (32) degrees x s(-1)] and after [312 (27) degrees x s(-1)] the training period. CAT significantly increased measures at angular velocities of 240 and 300 degrees x s(-1) by 18.7% and 23.5%, respectively. The RMS activity of BB agonist muscles was not significantly modified by training. Post-training normalized RMS amplitudes of TB antagonist muscles were inferior to those observed at pre-training, but values were only significantly different at 300 x s(-1). In conclusion, in this study we attempted to show that an increase of CAT to 240 and 300 degrees x s(-1), though velocity-specific training, may be due, in part, to a lowering of the level of coactivation.  相似文献   

PurposePrevious studies have suggested that muscle coactivation could be reduced by a recurrent activity (training, daily activities). If this was correct, skilled athletes should show a specific muscle activation pattern with a low level of coactivation of muscles which are typically involved in their discipline. In particular, the aim of this study was to verify the hypothesis that the amount of antagonist activation of biceps brachii (BB) and triceps brachii (TB) is different between tennis players and non-players individuals during maximal isokinetic contractions.MethodsTen young healthy men and eight male tennis players participated in the study. The surface electromyographic signals (sEMG) were recorded from the BB and TB muscles during three maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) of elbow flexors and extensors and a set of three maximal elbow flexions and extensions at 15°, 30°, 60°, 120°, 180° and 240°/s. Normalized root mean square (RMS) of sEMG was calculated as an index of sEMG amplitude.ResultsAntagonist activation (%RMSmax) of TB was significantly lower in tennis players (from 14.0 ± 7.9% at MVC to 16.3 ± 8.9% at 240°/s) with respect to non-players (from 27.7 ± 19.7% at MVC to 38.7 ± 17.6% at 240°/s) at all angular velocities. Contrary to non-players, tennis players did not show any difference in antagonist activation between BB and TB muscles.ConclusionsTennis players, with a constant practice in controlling forces around the elbow joint, learn how to reduce coactivation of muscles involved in the control of this joint. This has been shown by the lower antagonist muscular activity of triceps brachii muscle during isokinetic elbow flexion found in tennis players with respect to non-players.  相似文献   

Motions of the forearm induced by electrical stimulation to two elbow flexors (brachioradialis: BR, biceps brachii: BB) were examined in five healthy human subjects. Stainless steel wire electrodes were implanted percutaneously into each motor point of the muscles. The muscles were stimulated separately with a computer-controlled multi-channel stimulator. The motions were taken with a digital video system. Angular changes of the motions in elbow flexion/extension and forearm pronation/supination were measured. Electromyograms (EMG) of BR, BB, and the triceps brachii (TB) were recorded. Electrical stimulation to BR induced a motion of flexion and that to BB motions of flexion and supination. The stimulation to BR with an adequate intensity provided holding of flexion with the prone forearm in all the subjects. In this situation, additional stimulation to BB resulted in motions of flexion and supination. However, the additional stimulation accompanied with a decrease of the stimulation intensity for BR provided a motion of supination with maintenance of the flexion in all the subjects. Since during the stimulation BR, BB, and TB showed no voluntary contraction in EMG, it is suggested that modulation of contraction between BR and BB by the stimulation can produce force in supination with keeping constant force in flexion to support the weight below the elbow.  相似文献   

The applicability of static optimization (and, respectively, frequently used objective functions) for prediction of individual muscle forces for dynamic conditions has often been discussed. Some of the problems are whether time-independent objective functions are suitable, and how to incorporate muscle physiology in models. The present paper deals with a twofold task: (1) implementation of hierarchical genetic algorithm (HGA) based on the properties of the motor units (MUs) twitches, and using multi-objective, time-dependent optimization functions; and (2) comparison of the results of the HGA application with those obtained through static optimization with a criterion "minimum of a weighted sum of the muscle forces raised to the power of n". HGA and its software implementation are presented. The moments of neural stimulation of all MUs are design variables coding the problem in the terms of HGA. The main idea is in using genetic operations to find these moments, so that the sum of MUs twitches satisfies the imposed goals (required joint moments, minimal sum of muscle forces, etc.). Elbow flexion and extension movements with different velocities are considered as proper illustration. It is supposed that they are performed by two extensor muscles and three flexor muscles. The results show that HGA is a suitable means for precise investigation of motor control. Many experimentally observed phenomena (such as antagonistic co-contraction, three-phasic behavior of the muscles during fast movements) can find their explanation by the properties of the MUs twitches. Static optimization is also able to predict three-phasic behavior and could be used as practicable and computationally inexpensive method for total estimation of the muscle forces.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether children with cerebral palsy (CP), like typically developing peers, would compensate for muscle fatigue by recruiting additional motor units during a sustained low force contraction until task failure.Twelve children with CP and 17 typically developing peers performed one submaximal isometric elbow flexion contraction until the task could no longer be sustained at on average 25% (range 10–35%) of their maximal voluntary torque. Meanwhile surface electromyography (EMG) was measured from the biceps brachii and triceps brachii, and acceleration variations of the forearm were detected by an accelerometer. Slopes of the change in EMG amplitude and median frequency and accelerometer variation during time normalised to their initial values were calculated.Strength and time to task failure were similar in both groups. Children with CP exhibited a lower increase in EMG amplitude of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii during the course of the sustained elbow flexion task, while there were no significant group differences in median frequency decrease or acceleration variation increase. This indicates that children with CP do not compensate muscle fatigue with recruitment of additional motor units during sustained low force contractions.  相似文献   

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