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When a reaction system described in terms of species is in a certain state, the Gibbs energy G provides the means for determining whether each reaction will go to the right or the left, and the equilibrium composition of the whole system can be calculated using G. When the pH is specified, a system of biochemical reactions is described in terms of reactants, like ATP (a sum of species), and the transformed Gibbs energy G' provides the means for determining whether each reaction will go to the right or the left. The equilibrium composition of the whole system can be calculated using G'. Since metabolism is complicated, the thermodynamics of systems of reactions like glycolysis and the citric acid cycle can also be considered at specified concentrations of coenzymes like ATP, ADP, NAD(ox), and NAD(red). This is of interest because coenzymes tend to be in steady states because they are involved in many reactions. When the concentrations of coenzymes are constant, the further transformed Gibbs energy G" provides the means for calculating whether each reaction will go to the right or the left, and the equilibrium composition of the whole system can be calculated using G". Under these conditions, a metabolic reaction system can be reconceptualized in terms of sums of reactants; for example, glycolysis can be represented by C(6)=2C(3), where C(6) is the sum of the reactants with six carbon atoms and C(3) is the sum of the reactants with three carbon atoms. These calculations can also be described by use of semigrand partition functions. Semigrand partition functions have the advantage of containing all the thermodynamic information on a series of reactions at specified pH or at specified pH and specified concentrations of coenzymes.  相似文献   

As of yet, steady-state optimization in biochemical systems has been limited to a few studies in which networks of fluxes were optimized. These networks of fluxes are represented by linear (stoichiometric) equations that are used as constraints in a linear program, and a flux or a sum of weighted fluxes is used as the objective function. In contrast to networks of fluxes, systems of metabolic processes have not been optimized in a comparable manner. The primary reason is that these types of integrated biochemical systems are full of synergisms, antagonisms, and regulatory mechanisms that can only be captured appropriately with nonlinear models. These models are mathematically complex and difficult to analyze. In most cases it is not even possible to compute, let alone optimize, steady-state solutions analytically. Rare exceptions are S-system representations. These are nonlinear and able to represent virtually all types of dynamic behaviors, but their steady states are characterized by linear equations that can be evaluated both analytically and numerically. The steady-state equations are expressed in terms of the logarithms of the original variables, and because a function and its logarithms of the original variables, and because a function and its logarithm assume their maxima for the same argument, yields or fluxes can be optimized with linear programs expressed in terms of the logarithms of the original variables. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Free radical reactions and their importance in biochemical systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Mathematical methods of biochemical pathway analysis are rapidly maturing to a point where it is possible to provide objective rationale for the natural design of metabolic systems and where it is becoming feasible to manipulate these systems based on model predictions, for instance, with the goal of optimizing the yield of a desired microbial product. So far, theory-based metabolic optimization techniques have mostly been applied to steady-state conditions or the minimization of transition time, using either linear stoichiometric models or fully kinetic models within biochemical systems theory (BST). This article addresses the related problem of controllability, where the task is to steer a non-linear biochemical system, within a given time period, from an initial state to some target state, which may or may not be a steady state. For this purpose, BST models in S-system form are transformed into affine non-linear control systems, which are subjected to an exact feedback linearization that permits controllability through independent variables. The method is exemplified with a small glycolytic-glycogenolytic pathway that had been analyzed previously by several other authors in different contexts.  相似文献   

A set oflogically connected models, to study chemical systems ofbiological interest, is presented. The sequence in the set is dictated by a progressive reduction of details with a corresponding enlargement of the field of application. The exposition starts with models suitable for interactions among a finite number of molecules, passes then to models considering also solvent effects and ends with models specialized for DNA containing systems.  相似文献   

Kinetic models for enzyme reactions are considered which take into account enzyme and substrate isomerization. Application of graph-theoretic methods allows to reveal fragments in schemes which may induce multiple stead-states or concentrational selfoscillations. The role of substrate isomers in the inhibition of enzyme isomers to produce critical phenomena is considered. The boundaries of parameter domains for critical phenomena are estimated. It is shown that the controlled change in concentrations of substrate and enzyme isomers may be important in regulation of enzyme systems, if different enzyme isomers are inhibited mainly by different substrate isomers. The models are used for interpretation of possible critical phenomena in the open reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase. It is shown that lactate dehydrogenase may act as a trigger in carbohydrate metabolism by changing "critically" its activity in relation to changes in pH and pyruvate fluxes. Slow enzyme inhibition by enolpyruvate is suggested as a possible reason for glycolytic oscillations.  相似文献   

Although characterization of the genotype has undergone revolutionary advances as a result of the successful genome projects, the chasm between our understanding of a fully characterized gene sequence and the phenotypic repertoire of the organism is as broad and deep as it was in the pre-genomic era. There are two fundamental unsolved problems that provide the context for the challenges in relating genotype to phenotype. We address one of these and describe a generic method for constructing a system design space in which qualitatively distinct phenotypes can be identified and counted, their relative fitness analyzed and compared, and their tolerance to change measured.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling is an indispensable tool for research and development in biotechnology and bioengineering. The formulation of kinetic models of biochemical networks depends on knowledge of the kinetic properties of the enzymes of the individual reactions. However, kinetic data acquired from experimental observations bring along uncertainties due to various experimental conditions and measurement methods. In this contribution, we propose a novel way to model the uncertainty in the enzyme kinetics and to predict quantitatively the responses of metabolic reactions to the changes in enzyme activities under uncertainty. The proposed methodology accounts explicitly for mechanistic properties of enzymes and physico‐chemical and thermodynamic constraints, and is based on formalism from systems theory and metabolic control analysis. We achieve this by observing that kinetic responses of metabolic reactions depend: (i) on the distribution of the enzymes among their free form and all reactive states; (ii) on the equilibrium displacements of the overall reaction and that of the individual enzymatic steps; and (iii) on the net fluxes through the enzyme. Relying on this observation, we develop a novel, efficient Monte Carlo sampling procedure to generate all states within a metabolic reaction that satisfy imposed constrains. Thus, we derive the statistics of the expected responses of the metabolic reactions to changes in enzyme levels and activities, in the levels of metabolites, and in the values of the kinetic parameters. We present aspects of the proposed framework through an example of the fundamental three‐step reversible enzymatic reaction mechanism. We demonstrate that the equilibrium displacements of the individual enzymatic steps have an important influence on kinetic responses of the enzyme. Furthermore, we derive the conditions that must be satisfied by a reversible three‐step enzymatic reaction operating far away from the equilibrium in order to respond to changes in metabolite levels according to the irreversible Michelis–Menten kinetics. The efficient sampling procedure allows easy, scalable, implementation of this methodology to modeling of large‐scale biochemical networks. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 413–423. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



A fundamental issue in systems biology is how to design simplified mathematical models for describing the dynamics of complex biochemical reaction systems. Among them, a key question is how to use simplified reactions to describe the chemical events of multi-step reactions that are ubiquitous in biochemistry and biophysics. To address this issue, a widely used approach in literature is to use one-step reaction to represent the multi-step chemical events. In recent years, a number of modelling methods have been designed to improve the accuracy of the one-step reaction method, including the use of reactions with time delay. However, our recent research results suggested that there are still deviations between the dynamics of delayed reactions and that of the multi-step reactions. Therefore, more sophisticated modelling methods are needed to accurately describe the complex biological systems in an efficient way.


This work designs a two-variable model to simplify chemical events of multi-step reactions. In addition to the total molecule number of a species, we first introduce a new concept regarding the location of molecules in the multi-step reactions, which is the second variable to represent the system dynamics. Then we propose a simulation algorithm to compute the probability for the firing of the last step reaction in the multi-step events. This probability function is evaluated using a deterministic model of ordinary differential equations and a stochastic model in the framework of the stochastic simulation algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed two-variable model is demonstrated by the realization of mRNA degradation process based on the experimentally measured data.


Numerical results suggest that the proposed new two-variable model produces predictions that match the multi-step chemical reactions very well. The successful realization of the mRNA degradation dynamics indicates that the proposed method is a promising approach to reduce the complexity of biological systems.

The application of mathematical theories to understanding the behaviour of complex biochemical systems is reviewed. Key aspects of behaviour are identified as the flux through particular pathways in a steady state, the nature and stability of dynamical states, and the thermodynamic properties of systems. The first of these is dealt primarily in theories of metabolic control, and metabolic control analysis (MCA) is an important example. The valid application of this theory is limited to steady-state systems, and the cases where the essential features of control can be derived from calibration experiments which perturb the state of the system by a sufficiently small amount from its operating point. In practice, time-dependent systems exist, it is not always possible to know a priori whether applied perturbations are sufficiently small, and important features of control may lie farther from the operating point than the application of the theory permits. The nature and stability of dynamical and thermodynamical states is beyond the scope of MCA. To understand the significance of these limitations fully, and to address the dynamical and thermodynamical properties, more complete theories are required. Non-linear systems theory offers the possibility of studying important questions regarding control of steady and dynamical states. It can also link to thermodynamic properties of the system including the energetic efficiency of particular pathways. However, its application requires a more detailed characterisation of the system under study. This extra detail may be an essential feature of the study of non-equilibrium states in general, and non-ideal pathways in particular. Progress requires considerably more widespread integration of theoretical and experimental approaches than currently exists.  相似文献   

The use of G' in discussing the thermodynamics of biochemical reactions at a specified pH and pMg is justified by use of a Legendre transform of the Gibbs energy G. When several enzymatic reactions occur simultaneously in a system, the standard transformed Gibbs energies of reaction delta rG'0 can be used in a computer program to calculate the equilibrium composition that minimizes the transformed Gibbs energy at the specified pH and pMg. The calculation of standard transformed Gibbs energies of formation of reactants at pH 7 and pMg 3 is described. In addition a method for calculating the equilibrium concentrations of reactants is illustrated for a system with steady state concentrations of some reactants like ATP and NAD.  相似文献   

Biochemical systems theory (BST) characterizes a given biochemical system based on the logarithmic gains, rate-constant sensitivities and kinetic-order sensitivities defined at a steady state. This paper describes an efficient method for calculation of the time courses of logarithmic gains, i.e. dynamic logarithmic gains L(Xi, Xj; t), which expresses the percentage change in the value of a dependent variable Xi at a time t in response to an infinitesimal percentage change in the value of an independent variable Xj at t=0. In this method, one first recasts the ordinary differential equations for the dependent variables into an exact canonical nonlinear representation (GMA system) through appropriate transformations of variables. Owing to the structured mathematical form of this representation, the recast system can be fully described by a set of numeric parameters, and the differential equations for the dynamic logarithmic gains can be set up automatically without resource to computer algebra. A simple general-purpose computer program can thus be written that requires only the relevant numeric parameters as input to calculate the time courses of the variables and of the dynamic logarithmic gains for both concentrations and fluxes. Unlike other methods, the proposed method does not require to derive any expression for the partial differentiation of flux expressions with respect to each independent variable. The proposed method has been applied to two kinds of reaction models to elucidate its usefulness.  相似文献   

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