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The objective of this study was to observe the impact of a perceptible difference in the liking of milk on consumption of the milk in both laboratory and cafeteria settings. We produced milk with no flavor defects and milk with a light oxidized flavor. The defect-free milk scored about 1 point higher than the off-flavored milk on a 9-point hedonic scale. We placed the same two milk products in the milk dispenser in a dormitory cafeteria for a total of 32 dinner meals and measured the amount of milk consumed. A subset of subjects from the cafeteria population also consumed the milks in a laboratory consumption test. In a second laboratory consumption test a different group of subjects consumed the two milks. The liking difference had no impact on consumption in the dormitory food service setting and either no impact or a small impact on consumption in a laboratory setting.  相似文献   

The effect of consumption of bitter taste substances (caffeine and beer) to bitter taste sensitivity was examined by 19 healthy adults. For individual taste sensitivity, detection thresholds were used on 6 bitter substances (caffeine, iso-alpha-acids: beer bittering agents, quinine sulfate, L-tryptophan, L-phenylalanine and glycyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanine) and 3 non-bitter substances (L-aspartic acid, aspartame and NaCl). Nonusers of caffeine had significantly higher sensitivity (lower threshold) for caffeine compared to moderate and heavy users. Slight consumers of beer had significantly higher sensitivity for iso-alpha-acids relative to heavy users of beer, Iso-alpha-acids were not detected in saliva in acute dosing test by using 6 subjects. The correlations between thresholds of 6 bitter substances were calculated. Significant correlations (p < 0.01) were noted in 2 cases between caffeine and quinine, and iso-alpha-acids and L-trypothan. These data suggest the significant relation between individual bitter taste sensitivity and the consumption of caffeine and beer (iso-alpha-acids).  相似文献   

SUMMARY: On exposing a strain of Bacterium coli 28.D.10 in a surface film at atmospheric temperature to atmospheres of different moisture contents, it was found that for relative humidities between 100 and 66% the numbers of survivors decreased with decreasing humidity. There was also some evidence of a slight increase in survivors for a decrease in relative humidity from 43 to 0%.
The percentage of survivors of Bact. coli after exposure to quaternary ammonium disinfectants also decreased with relative humidity between 100 and 66% but no significant differences were found for changes in relative humidity below 66%. The numbers of survivors of a culture of Staphylococcus aureus were the same after storage at a relative humidity of 43% as at 100%; drying did not appear to affect the sensitivity of Staph. aureus to quaternary ammonium compounds. Tests of the effect of storage time in a saturated atmosphere gave results which were not entirely consistent, but where differences were observed, there was a lower percentage of survivors for freshly inoculated films than for films which had been stored for 3 hr, presumably because a fresh film was more easily removed to the disinfectant.
When either Bact. coli or Staph. aureus was exposed to a disinfectant, the percentage of survivors was higher when the organisms were in a surface film than when they were inoculated directly into the disinfectant. Agitation during exposure reduced the numbers of survivors from a surface film. Neither the glass nor the metal coming in contact with the disinfectants affected the level of survivors.
Under the conditions of testing, sodium hypochlorite was a more effective disinfectant than the quaternary ammonium compounds used.  相似文献   

Four combinations of cookie and juice were presented to 42 subjects for ratings of pleasantness of the items and their combinations (Experiment 1). Pleasantness of juice contributed to the pleasantness of a combination more than that of cookie (multiple regression analysis). In Experiment 2, subjects (N=41) rated each combination after ad libitum consumption in four separate sessions. Pleasantness of a cookie contributed more to the pleasantness of a combination than that of juice, and the average R2 obtained in multiple regression analysis was higher than in Experiment 1, suggesting that ratings after ad libitum consumption are more reliable. Pleasantness ratings explained ad libitum consumption of an item up to 23%, but perceived hunger and thirst, and consumption of the other item were at least equally good predictors. It is concluded that the pleasantness is only one among the multiple factors affecting amounts consumed in laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

The perception of astringency and basic taste in mixtures and their interaction effects were investigated by two procedures. In Experiment 1, focused and nonfocused testing procedures were compared using mixtures of low and high concentrations of alum and basic taste solutions. Both procedures yielded taste and astringency intensities that were modality‐dependent. Nonfocused testing was used in Experiment 2 to investigate the interactions of astringent phenolic (tannic acid) and nonphenolic (alum) compounds with each basic taste. Sweetness of sucrose increased with increased concentration with or without alum or tannin present. Changes in salty, bitter, and sour taste intensities were modality‐dependent. Astringency either remained unchanged or decreased with the addition of sucrose, sodium chloride, citric acid, or caffeine depending upon the taste concentration. Bitterness of tannin and alum at high concentrations was suppressed by the addition of sucrose, sodium chloride, or citric acid; sourness also decreased in the presence of sucrose or sodium chloride as well as a high level of caffeine.  相似文献   

可可茶经栽培后化学成分的变化及其与传统茶的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
野生茶树可可茶(Camellia Ptilophylla Chang)由于其芽叶中的嘌呤生物碱主要为可可碱,因而不同于传统茶叶。通过化学筛选,在纯种无性苗建立的可可茶基地上,随机进行单株取样,对可可茶的水浸出物、游离氨基酸、水溶性糖、茶多酚、儿茶素类、花青素、嘌呤生物碱等成分进行了检测。将这些结果与野生可可茶相关成份进行比较,发现可可茶经人工栽培后,含优势可可碱的特点保持不变,游离氨基酸总量和儿茶素类含量得到了明显的提高。进一步与传统茶叶比较后,得出两者之间的最大差异是可可茶含可可碱,不含咖啡碱;传统茶叶含咖啡碱为主,同时伴生相当于0.5~1%咖啡碱量的可可碱。  相似文献   

Two taste sensitivity measures (detection threshold and time-intensity [T/I]) were applied to evaluate bitter taste sensitivity of caffeine in both caffeine nonusers (n = 12) and users (n=12, caffeine consumption level; > 300mg/day). Taste thresholds of caffeine were significantly different between nonusers and users in two test sessions (p < 0.01 in first and p < 0.05 in second). In T/I measures, only the difference in peak height was observed between the two groups in one of two test sessions. The other two measures, half width and area of T/I curves showed no significant difference.  相似文献   

不同类型茶园昆虫、蜘蛛群落结构分析   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
谭济才  邓欣  袁哲明 《生态学报》1998,18(3):289-294
应用多样性指数,排序和聚类分析方法研究了不同生态环境和防治处理的茶园昆虫,蜘蛛群落结构,结果表明:在生态控制的茶园,由于完全不使用化学农药,昆虫和蜘蛛的丰富度,多样性指数,均匀度均较大。综合防治的茶园次之一。而主要依靠化学防治的茶錾,丰富度减少,多样性指数和均匀度降低,经常出现害虫暴发成灾的现象。  相似文献   

A number of behavioral experiments have attempted to measurethe absolute taste thresholds in the rat. Certain aspects ofthe procedures and methods of data analysis used in these experimentsare reviewed with the suggestions that: (1) Although comparisonshave commonly been made between the taste threshold values reportedin different experiments, these are not valid because of theabsence of a common definition of threshold. (2) The high thresholdmodel on which these experiments are based may be inappropriate.(3) It is possible to measure taste sensitivity rather thantaste thresholds, and (4) Had these points been considered inprevious experiments different conclusions might have resultedregarding the effects of adrenalectomy on NaCl sensitivity.  相似文献   

This study dealt with the determination of the most preferred level of sugar in plain yoghurt. Twenty-four consumers participated in 13 lab meals. The results of a rapid test, based on ideal relative-rating were compared to the results of a consumption test, based on the amount of test product consumed, in order to assess if this rapid test predict actual consumption behavior. Linear regression of the ideal-relative intensity ratings on logarithms of sucrose concentrations was used to estimate, for each subject, ideal-point (i.e., sucrose level corresponding to a null distance from ideal) and slope (which accounts for tolerance) with a good reproducibility. The consumption tests revealed behavior which could not be related to the level of sugar for 30% of the subjects. Moreover, the most preferred level of sugar obtained with the rapid test was not always the most consumed. However, the two mean values of ideal level are close: 6.3% with ideal-relative rating, and 7.5% with measurement of eaten quantity. Thus our experimentation underlines the interest of ideal-relative rating as a good predictor of consumption behavior.  相似文献   

酯酶试验与聚合酶链反应鉴别中间普氏菌的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究脂酶试验和常规生化方法与聚合酶链反应比较在鉴别中间普氏菌Pi中的敏感度和特异度。方法 对207株牙周临床分离的产黑色素G厌氧杆菌分别进行脂酶试验、常规生化法鉴定和16srRNA特异引物PCR鉴定。结果 207株实验菌中PCR鉴定出Pi97株,脂酶试验检测出Pi126株,其中有85株PCR阳性,其敏感度为87.6%,特异度为63.7%。常规生化方法和脂酶试验共同鉴定出Pi80株,其中有55株PCR为阳性,其敏感度为67%,特异度为86.4%。结论 脂酶与常规生化方法对Pi的鉴别能力低于PCR( P<0.05),尚不能作为Pi菌种的可靠鉴定方法。  相似文献   

The evaluation of panel performance was made by three methods: average of correct responses (A), comparison of distances of individual standardized judgments to the average standardized responses (D) and a principal components analysis (PCA). Thirty assessors identified water and basic tastes and discriminated different sweet stimuli in neutral or acidified vehicles using R‐index rating and ranking tests. By A and D methods 22 assessors were qualified as proficient. Composition of both panels was identical except for one judge. The output from PCA provided a graphical representation of the performance of the assessors and retained different subsets of 24–26 panelists for different proposals as discrimination of sweetness in acidified beverages, recognition of bitterness, sourness and discrimination of slight sweetness or evaluation of saltiness.  相似文献   

To assess the current situation regarding the incidence of red rust disease in tea plants, an extensive survey was conducted in southern Indian tea plantations covering different tea cultivars and agroclimatic zones. The results indicated that the incidence of disease was more severe in tea seedlings than clones in all the agroclimatic zones. On the other hand, a simple, reliable, and reproducible technique was standardized for culturing Cephaleuros parasiticus G. Karst. isolated from infected tea leaves. Ten isolates were obtained, of which two were screened based on growth rate and culture characters for further studies. Ten culture media were tested for the culturing of C. parasiticus in which Trebouxia and Bristol media were the best followed by George, Go algal, and tea leaf extract media. Variations between isolates (Valparai C. parasiticus field number 27 [VCP27], Munnar C. parasiticus field number 11 [MCP11], and University of Texas culture number 2412 [UTEX2412]) of C. parasiticus were studied based on the growth pattern, protein expression profile, and cellular constituents in the filaments. The quantitative estimation of cellular constituents showed that there was no significant difference in these constituents among isolates. The detection of amino acids in the filaments of C. parasiticus isolates showed 16 free forms and 11 bound forms. Amino acids in bound form were higher in all the isolates than in free form of amino acids. The three isolates of C. parasiticus were closely related, with bands lying between the molecular weight of 116 and 35 kDa.  相似文献   

Gymnastics floor exercises are composed of a set of four to five successive acrobatic jumps usually called a “series”. The aims of the study were: 1) to relate the acrobatic gymnastics performance of these series with a repeated jumps test of similar duration (R60), 2) to study the relation between R60 and physiological parameters (heart rate and blood lactate), and the performance obtained in different kinds of jumps, 3) to confirm whether R60, executed without a damped jumping technique, can be considered an anaerobic lactic power test. Twenty male and twenty-four female gymnasts performed three repeated jumps tests for 5 s (R5), 10 s (R10) and 60 s (R60) and vertical jumps, such as drop jumps (DJ), squat jumps (SJ) and countermovement jumps (CMJ). We assessed heart rate (HR) and blood lactate during R10 and R60. The average values of the maximal blood lactate concentration (Lmax) after R10 (males = 2.5±0.6 mmol · l−1; females = 2.1±0.8 mmol · l−1) confirm that anaerobic glycolysis is not activated to a high level. In R60, the Lmax (males = 7.5±1.7 mmol · l−1 females = 5.9±2.1 mmol · l−1) that was recorded does not validate R60 as an anaerobic lactic power test. We confirmed the relation between the average power obtained in R60 (R60Wm) and the acrobatic performance on the floor. The inclusion in the multiple regression equation of the best power in DJ and the best flight-contact ratio (FC) in R5 confirms the influence of other non-metabolic components on the variability in R60 performance, at least in gymnasts.  相似文献   

不同地域牛蒡叶绿原酸的含量比较及其抑菌实验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用80%的酸化乙醇(pH2-3)提取不同地域的牛蒡叶,提取液经减压浓缩和石油醚脱色后,分别用polyamide柱层析法和硅胶薄层层析法分离纯化绿原酸,测定并比较产自不同地域牛蒡叶中的绿原酸含量差异,并对纯化的绿原酸进行抑菌实验。结果表明,采自不同地域牛蒡叶中的绿原酸含量存在着差异,野生牛蒡叶的绿原酸含量最低,种植和盐碱地种植牛蒡叶绿原酸的含量差别不大。纯化的绿原酸对4种实验菌株大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草杆菌、藤黄微球菌均存在着一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

比较了四组乙型肝炎血源疫苗不同剂量和不同免疫途径的免疫效果。每组对象为6~7岁儿童30~50人。每人三剂疫苗,程序为 0、1和6个月。其中10μg肝注组免疫三针后1个月和3年,抗HBs阳住率均为100%;而3μg肌注组仅为78%和40%;5μg肌注组和3μg皮内接种组的抗-HBs阳性率在89%~100%之问。免疫后18个月做抗-HBs相对定量,各组mIU/ml的GMT由高到低依次为10μg肌注组、3μg皮内组、5μg肌注组和3μg肌注组。由此可见,对学龄前HBV标志阴性的儿童进行免疫,在各组中以10μg疫苗肌注效果最佳,而3μg肌注无实用价值。如考虑到疫苗费用,则5μg肌注或3μg皮内注射也不失为可取的方法。  相似文献   

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