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Abstract. In French Guiana, inselbergs in the form of granite outcrops rise abruptly from the surrounding rain forest. They constitute isolated islands of a special type of vegetation restricted to this peculiar substrate. Shrub granitic vegetation, organized in thickets on open exposed rocks of inselbergs, are described using the Braun‐Blanquet method combined with Correspondence Analysis. This phytosociological study revealed only one particular shrub community on each inselberg, including predominantly evergreen and sclerophyllous shrubs, especially microphanerophytes, belonging to the Clusiaceae, Myrtaceae and Bombacaceae. These outcrop communities exhibit species endemic to the Guianas region and also species rare in French Guiana. Affinities with flora of other inselbergs and vegetation types in South America are examined and discussed. Reasons for observed floristic and structural changes in each community are also discussed.  相似文献   

Although spiders are a very diverse group on vegetation, their associations with plants are poorly known. Some salticid species specifically use Bromeliaceae as host plants in some regions of South America. In this study, I report the geographic range of these spider‐bromeliad associations, and whether the spiders inhabit particular bromeliad species and vegetation types, as well as open areas or interior of forests. Nine salticid species were found to be associated with up to 23 bromeliad species in cerrados (savanna‐like vegetation), semideciduous and seasonal forests, coastal sand dune vegetation, restingas, inselbergs, highland forests, chacos, and rain forests at 47 localities in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. Some species were typically specialists, inhabiting almost exclusively one bromeliad species over a large geographic range (e.g., Psecas chapoda on Bromelia balansae), whereas others were generalists, occurring on up to 7–8 bromeliad species (e.g., Psecas sp., Eustiromastix nativo, and Coryphasia sp. 1). The regional availability of bromeliad species among habitats may explain this pattern of host plant use. More jumping spiders were found on bromeliads in open areas than on bromeliads in the interior of forests. These results show that several jumping spider species may be strictly associated with the Bromeliaceae in the Neotropics. This is one of the few studies to show host‐specific associations for spiders on a particular plant type over a wide geographic range.  相似文献   

The Bushmanland Inselberg Region (BIR) of South Africa provides an ideal system to study population interactions, as these inselbergs function as islands of Succulent Karoo surrounded by Nama Karoo vegetation. The population genetics of four Conophytum taxa endemic to the quartz-associated habitats of inselbergs in the BIR were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), namely C. marginatum subsp. haramoepense, C. marginatum subsp. marginatum, C. maughanii, and C. ratum. Conophytum marginatum colonizes the quartz outcrops on the summits of the inselbergs, while C. maughanii and C. ratum occupy quartz patches at the summit and base of the inselbergs. A total of 24 populations were sampled to assess genetic differentiation between populations of each species, specifically between summit and base populations of C. ratum, eastern and western populations of C. maughanii and populations of the two subspecies of C. marginatum. Moderate levels of genetic differentiation were recovered between the summit and base populations of C. ratum, with an indication of some genetic connectivity between the populations. Slight differentiation between the eastern and western populations of C. maughanii was recovered, however, this was not reflected in the PCoA and STRUCTURE results. In C. marginatum, no significant genetic differentiation was recovered between populations of the subspecies. These results may reflect evidence of different dispersal mechanisms in the species, with the genetic connectivity between populations of C. ratum possibly indicating dispersal through hygrochastic capsules, while genetic connectivity between populations of C. maughanii and C. marginatum may, for the first time, suggest long-distance dispersal, i.e. anemochory. This study provides the first insights into population interactions across the BIR and highlights the importance of conservation in the region, particularly of the Gamsberg, in light of the recent mining activities.  相似文献   

Wetlands occur where biotic and abiotic conditions combine to create unique habitats and plant assemblages. These systems have anaerobic or hydric soil resulting from waterlogging and are found across all nine biomes in South Africa. Wetlands can thus be regarded as hosting azonal vegetation. On Platberg, the freshwater wetlands are embedded within the Grassland Biome forming distinct units. Platberg wetlands were surveyed and described to explain and document vegetation of this inselberg. Additional aims were to elucidate Afro-montane floristic links with the Drakensberg Alpine Centre, and provide data for conservation management. The study site is located in the Eastern Free State, South Africa, on edge of the Great Escarpment. It is one of an archipelago of more than 20 inselbergs stretching north from the Drakensberg. A total of 51 sample plots (30 m2) were located in a randomly stratified manner within the wetland units to include all variations in the vegetation. The data was analysed using the TWINSPAN classification algorithm, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures. The analysis showed the wetlands divided into five communities, six sub-communities and six variants. The wetland communities had an average of 13.56 species per relevé, ranging from 7 to 29 species per sample plot. Numerous floristic links with the Drakensberg Alpine Centre, the Cape Floristic Region and the Grassland biome were found. Platberg shows vegetation and hydrogeological affinity with low altitude freshwater and the high altitude Lesotho Mires of the Drakensberg Alpine Centre. A list of high altitude wetland species was compiled.  相似文献   

Inselbergs are isolated monolithic outcrops which are characterized by large areas of exposed crystalline rock. Due to harsh edaphic and microclimatic conditions, inselbergs are completely differentiated from their surroundings. Consequently they host a very distinct vegetation which is being investigated on a global scale over a six year period. The seasonal dynamics of Selected plant communities (Afrotrilepis pilosa mat, shallow depression, ephemeral flush vegetation) on granitic inselbergs in the Comoe National Park (NE Ivory Coast) were studied during the rainy period from May to November 1991 by recording all vascular plant species at 12 intervals. For the habitats investigated, the seasonal vegetation dynamics were related to the rainfall pattern. Maximum values both in species diversity and richness were attained in the first third of the rainy period. Drought in August and September caused a decline in species number and diversity in the shallow depression and ephemeral flush vegetation, resulting in mortality of more than 20% of the species. The individual communities studied differed considerably in species diversity and richness. We conclude that ephemeral flush and shallow depression communities are more species rich than the mat community which is dominated by the highly competitive and specialized K-strategist Afrotrilepis pilosa (a poikilohydric Cyperaceae) due to stochastic climatic perturbations which allow the maintenance of species rich non-equilibrium assemblages with r-strategists as major components.  相似文献   

Vascular epiphytes are a characteristic life form in many tropical regions and often occur growing on bare rocks. South America has the highest diversity. Here, we describe a neglected life form: hyperepilithics adapted and restricted to growing on vertical (inclination above 70°) and bare rock walls without having roots intruding the substrate. Hyperepilithics are in particular present on Brazilian inselbergs and dominated by highly specialized Bromeliaceae, mainly of the genera Stigmatodon, Tillandsia and Alcantarea, whereas Orchidaceae surprisingly has a low representation. An overview of this habitat, the life form hyperepilithics and a comparison with similar paleotropical habitats (mainly inselbergs in Western/Eastern Africa and India) are provided. Attention is drawn to hyperepilithics as a most promising and not yet exploited source for a sustainable urban ‘vertical gardening’, for example in tropical megacities.  相似文献   

Abstract. A vegetation map at scale 1:5 million is presented. * * Attached on the inside of this issue's back cover.
It covers Bangladesh, Burma (Myanmar), India, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Sri Lanka and fills a conspicuous gap in the cartography of tropical vegetation, following the publication of vegetation maps of South America, Africa and Malaysia. For conformity, it is presented as one sheet at a scale of 1:5 million. It uses the basic map of the American Geographical Society (1942; bipolar oblique conformal projection) which forms the base for FAO's Soil map of the world. Basic information was obtained from many published maps, unpublished observations and satellite data. The limits of the main vegetation types have been updated with a complete set of Landsat MSS images (369 scenes) with a mosaic of Landsat TM data for 1991 and with recent forest maps from Asia. Nine main vegetation units, which are groups of forest formations, have been identified and mapped, including woodlands, thickets and wooded savannas. Agricultural land has been shown in a uniform pale green colour in order to clearly express the extent of human impacts on woody vegetation. In spite of the necessary oversimplification of the ground data, this map is probably the most explicit expression of the remaining forest stands and of the regression of natural vegetation in the region. It can be considered as a benchmark for future monitoring of tropical vegetation.  相似文献   

The South Brazilian grasslands occupy some 13.7 million ha and support very high levels of biodiversity. This paper reviews the current state of ecological knowledge on South Brazilian Campos and of threats and challenges associated with their conservation. The principal factors shaping grassland physiognomy and diversity are discussed, and information is presented on diversity of plant species; best estimates suggest that 3000–4000 phanerophytes occur in the South Brazilian grasslands.It is argued that, despite their high species richness, Campos vegetation is not adequately protected under current conservation policies. In the past three decades, approximately 25% of the grassland area has been lost due to land use changes, and this trend continues. However, representation of Campos grasslands in conservation units is extremely low (less than 0.5%), and the management in most of these is inadequate to preserve the grasslands, as grazing and fire are important factors for their persistence. In conclusion, the following urgent needs are identified: (1) to create more conservation units in different regions, including different grassland types throughout southern Brazil, (2) to develop proper management strategies where grasslands are subject to shrub encroachment and forest expansion, (3) to conduct research on biodiversity and ecological processes in the Campos region and (4) to raise public awareness of the value and vulnerability of this vegetation type.  相似文献   

Temperate South American–Asian disjunct distributions are the most unusual in organisms, and challenging to explain. Here, we address the origin of this unusual disjunction in Lardizabalaceae using explicit models and molecular data. The family (c.40 species distributed in ten genera) also provides an opportunity to explore the historical assembly of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests, a typical and luxuriant vegetation in East Asia. DNA sequences of five plastid loci of 42 accessions representing 23 species of Lardizabalaceae (c. 57.5% of estimated species diversity), and 19 species from the six other families of Ranunculales, were used to perform phylogenetic analyses. By dating the branching events and reconstructing ancestral ranges, we infer that extant Lardizabalaceae dated to the Upper Cretaceous of East Asia and that the temperate South American lineage might have split from its East Asian sister group at c. 24.4 Ma. A trans-Pacific dispersal possibly by birds from East Asia to South America is plausible to explain the establishment of the temperate South American–East Asian disjunction in Lardizabalaceae. Diversification rate analyses indicate that net diversification rates of Lardizabalaceae experienced a significant increase around c. 7.5 Ma. Our findings suggest that the rapid rise of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests occurred in the late Miocene, associated with the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the intensified East Asian monsoon, as well as the higher winter temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels.  相似文献   


Background: Inselbergs (granitic and gneissic rock outcrops) are common elements in the Atlantic Forest and present large taxonomic (TD), functional (FD) and phylogenetic (PD) diversity.

Aims: We investigated how plant diversity changed across ecological and biogeographic scales by comparing TD, FD and PD of communities within and between two inselbergs. We expected converging FD and PD but distinct TD between outcrops, because of similar local environmental conditions in inselbergs and the long-term lineage isolation.

Methods: We calculated TD, PD and FD, and partitioned diversity into α (each inselberg), β (between inselbergs) and γ (whole sample) components. Phylogenetic signal was estimated for all traits. To link environmental predictors to functional traits a redundancy analysis was run. Variation in TD, FD and PD was analysed by general linear models with patch area and the two inselbergs as predictors.

Results: The inselbergs were taxonomically different, but showed convergence in their functional and phylogenetic diversity. The limited retention of phylogenetic signal suggests that different species may converge and respond similarly to environmental variables. Within inselbergs, larger patches displayed higher TD, FD and PD.

Conclusions: Seeking conservation strategies for inselbergs is challenging since, despite their functional and phylogenetic similarity, endemic species make individual rock outcrops unique.  相似文献   

Inselbergs occur as mostly dome-shaped rock outcrops in all climatic and vegetational zones of the tropics. Consisting of Precambrian granites and gneisses, they form ancient and stable landscape elements. Due to harsh edaphic and microclimatic conditions, the vegetation of inselbergs differs markedly from those of the surroundings. Monocotyledonous mats form one of the most characteristic communities of this ecosystem. The floristic composition of this community was studied on six inselbergs located in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Dominating are Bromeliaceae ( Alcantarea , Encholirium ), Velloziaceae ( Vellozia ), Cactaceae ( Coleocephalocereus ) and the Cyperaceae Trilepis . The alpha diversity of the mats was relatively uniform among the six outcrops. However, beta diversity varied considerably between the different sites. Beta diversity was highest at the most speciose locality indicating a high degree of stochasticity in colonization. In contrast to the low diversity mats on West African inselbergs, the Brazilian rock outcrops bear a floristically more diverse mat community rich in endemics. Thus the edaphically controlled inselberg vegetation reflects the outstanding diversity of the Mata Atlaântica. Possibly the high species richness of mats on East Brazilian inselbergs is a consequence of a large species-pool. The processes that regulate regional and local diversity in the Mata Atlaântica are not fully clear. It is assumed that historical (i.e. long-term stability) and biotic (i.e. evolutionary interchange of taxa between canopies and rock outcrops followed by differentiation of local populations) conditions have promoted high rates of speciation and their coexistence in isolated habitats. A danger to the unique vegetation of East Brazilian inselbergs is the establishment of invasive weeds.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the saxicolous lichens and cyanobacteria of the open, exposed rock surface of inselbergs. Twenty-three species of cyanobacteria and 17 cyanobacterial lichen species (“cyanolichens”) from several inselbergs and other rocky outcrops of three major climatic regions, savanna, transition zone and rain forest, are reported from the Ivory Coast. Inselbergs are isolated and frequently mountains consisting of Precambrian granites or gneisses that abruptly rise from the surrounding plains. Cyanobacteria were found to be the dominating organisms on all rock surfaces. The lichens found mainly belong to the family Peltulaceae and a few were present from the family Lichinaceae. Nine species of the cyanolichens and most of the cyanobacteria are new for the Ivory Coast. A gradient in total species number (cyanolichens and cyanobacteria) occurs from the savanna to the rain forest, with a decrease in species number towards the rain forest. Saxicolous cyanobacterial lichens reached a higher species number in the savanna type ecosystem (11) than on inselbergs in the rain forest (7). The cyanolichens and cyanobacteria found are characteristic for larger, light-exposed rock surfaces and species like P. congregate, P. lingulata, P. tortuosa and P. umbilicata preferentially occur on the granite or sandstone of inselbergs.  相似文献   

The biogeography of Gunnera L.: vicariance and dispersal   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Aim The genus Gunnera is distributed in South America, Africa and the Australasian region, a few species reaching Hawaii and southern Mexico in the North. A cladogram was used to (1) discuss the biogeography of Gunnera and (2) subsequently compare this biogeographical pattern with the geological history of continents and the patterns reported for other Southern Hemisphere organisms. Location Africa, northern South America, southern South America, Tasmania, New Zealand, New Guinea/Malaya, Hawaii, North America, Antarctica. Methods A phylogenetic analysis of twenty‐six species of Gunnera combining morphological characters and new as well as published sequences of the ITS region, rbcL and the rps16 intron, was used to interpret the biogeographical patterns in Gunnera. Vicariance was applied in the first place and dispersal was only assumed as a second best explanation. Results The Uruguayan/Brazilian Gunnera herteri Osten (subgenus Ostenigunnera Mattfeld) is sister to the rest of the genus, followed sequentially upwards by the African G. perpensa L. (subgenus Gunnera), in turn sister to all other, American and Australasian, species. These are divided into two clades, one containing American/Hawaiian species, the other containing all Australasian species. Within the Australasian clade, G. macrophylla Blume (subgenus Pseudogunnera Schindler), occurring in New Guinea and Malaya, is sister to a clade including the species from New Zealand and Tasmania (subgenus Milligania Schindler). The southern South American subgenus Misandra Schindler is sister to a clade containing the remaining American, as well as the Hawaiian species (subgenus Panke Schindler). Within subgenus Panke, G. mexicana Brandegee, the only North American species in the genus, is sister to a clade wherein the Hawaiian species are basal to all south and central American taxa. Main conclusions According to the cladogram, South America appears in two places, suggesting an historical explanation for northern South America to be separate from southern South America. Following a well‐known biogeographical pattern of vicariance, Africa is the sister area to the combined southern South America/Australasian clade. Within the Australasian clade, New Zealand is more closely related to New Guinea/Malaya than to southern South America, a pattern found in other plant cladograms, contradictory to some of the patterns supported by animal clades and by the geological hypothesis, respectively. The position of the Tasmanian G. cordifolia, nested within the New Zealand clade indicates dispersal of this species to Tasmania. The position of G. mexicana, the only North American species, as sister to the remaining species of subgenus Panke together with the subsequent sister relation between Hawaii and southern South America, may reflect a North American origin of Panke and a recolonization of South America from the north. This is in agreement with the early North American fossil record of Gunnera and the apparent young age of the South American clade.  相似文献   

Mountain areas are recognized centres of endemism and diversity on account of their isolation and altitudinal diversity. In tropical regions, mountain tops usually stand as islands of xeric vegetation among mesophytic assemblages. Unlike the vegetation growing on other rock outcrops lithologies, such as inselbergs (granite/gneiss) or campos rupestres (quartz/arenite), ironstone outcrop plant communities still lack systematic studies in Brazil. These outcrops (locally known as canga) share most of the characteristics of other rock outcrops, such as isolation and edapho-climatic harshness, but differ in that they are the object of opencast mining, and thus subjected to irrecoverable degradation. In addition, they are expected to harbour metal-tolerant and hyperaccumulator plant species. A botanical survey of two ironstone outcrop locations in the most important mining region of southeastern Brazil, the Iron Quadrangle, revealed a high within-site (138 and 160 species per site), and between-site diversity (only 27% of common species), totaling 64 families and 234 species among basal families and eudicots (154 species), monocots (68 species), and ferns (12 species). Canga crusts are rich in dicots, several of which play an important role in community structuring, together with the more usual monocot aggregations. Distinct plant communities are found associated to different microhabitats within the iron crust, depending primarily on the amount of soil and moisture retention in the different microtopographies. The environmental uniqueness, high diversity, lack of studies and rapid destruction of these ecosystems pose an immediate challenge for their conservation.  相似文献   

Very few South American avian superspecies or species groups are composed of both forest and non‐forest taxa. The genus Lepidocolaptes comprises 8–9 species of woodcreepers, most of which are forest birds, but two species, L. angustirostris and L. souleyetii, inhabit open vegetations. Therefore, this genus should play an important role in the discussion about the relationships between forest and non‐forest South American avifaunas. Nucleotide sequences from two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b and ND2, suggest that: (i) L. fuscus should be removed from the genus since its association with other members of this genus is poorly supported. This view has been pointed out also by morphological and behavioural data; (ii) the phylogenetic position of the open‐vegetation species within the Lepidocolaptes radiation indicate that the split between forest and non‐forest elements within this genus took place as recently as two million years ago. This result suggests that the evolutionary relationships between forest and non‐forest biotas in South America may have been more dynamic than previously thought.  相似文献   

The vegetation of small granitic rock outcrops (geomorphologically small-sized inselbergs) which do not reach the canopy was studied in the Taı rain forest (southwestern Ivory Coast) under aspects of species diversity and phytogeographical affinities. Rock outcrops form edaphically arid (due to absent or very sparse soil cover) and microclimatologically xeric (i.e. low air humidity, temperature regularly exceeding 50°C) islands with cryptogamic crusts, succulents and poikilohydric vascular plants as characteristic elements of their vegetation which differs totally from the surrounding forest. Altogether sixty-six species of vascular plants out of twenty-nine families occur, the number of species correlates positively with inselberg size. Compared with large inselbergs the microclimatic attributes of small-sized rock outcrops are less pronounced. This is accompanied by a decrease of typical inselberg taxa (i.e. species mainly occurring on inselbergs). Low beta diversity between inselbergs indicates deterministic influences as important regulators of species composition. Annual Poaceae and Cyperaceae are richly represented. It can be hypothesized that inselbergs may represent natural growing sites of widely distributed tropical weeds today. Inselbergs might provide habitat resources for savanna elements in rain forest zones.  相似文献   

Hundreds of megaloolithid eggshells have been found at the Costa de la Coma site (Tremp Fm, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain), the microstructural features (spherulitic eggshell units, thickness, ornamentation and pore system) of which agree with the Megaloolithus oogenus diagnosis. Comparisons with other megaloolithids from the Tremp Basin, southern France and South America, however, showed that these eggshells share many features with the South American oospecies Megaloolithus patagonicus. A cladistic analysis of the qualitative eggshell features of the main dinosaur taxa was performed. The results grouped the Costa de la Coma eggshells with Megaloolithus patagonicus, forming a clade separated from other megaloolithids, and revealed a polytomy of megaloolithids (associated with sauropods) and spheroolithids (associated with hadrosaurs). The finding of Megaloolithus cf. patagonicus in the Tremp Fm agrees with skeletal evidence provided by four indeterminate titanosaur forms from the Formation's late Cretaceous deposits. Other Megaloolithus oospecies of the Tremp Fm may belong to hadrosaurs, the skeletal remains of which are also abundant in the Tremp Basin.  相似文献   

The Gm and Km immunoglobulin allotypes are presented, for the first time, for six South American Indian tribes (Baniwa, Kanamari, Kraho, Makiritare, Panoa, and Ticuna) and one Central American tribe (Guaymi). Additional allotype information is presented for five previously reported South American tribes (Cayapo, Piaroa, Trio, Xavante and Yanomama). The distributions of the Gm and Km allotypes among all the tribal populations tested to date are reviewed and evidence is presented for the presence of a north (high) -south (low) cline in Km frequency. The wave theory of the populating of the South American continent was tested by an examination of the distribution of six alleles (Gmax;g, Gma;b0,3,t, Dia, Rz, TFD Chi, and 6PGDC), absent in some populations but with polymorphic proportions in others. The present, limited, data failed to confirm the theory.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the historical biogeography of the lichen genus Chroodiscus using a phenotype‐based phylogeny in the context of continental drift and evolution of tropical rain forest vegetation. Location All tropical regions (Central and South America, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, north‐east Australia). Methods We performed a phenotype‐based phylogenetic analysis and ancestral character state reconstruction of 14 species of the lichen genus Chroodiscus, using paup * and mesquite ; dispersal–vicariance analysis (DIVA) and dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis (DEC) modelling to trace the geographical origin of individual clades; and ordination and clustering by means of pc‐ord , based on a novel similarity index, to visualize the biogeographical relationships of floristic regions in which Chroodiscus occurs. Results The 14 species of Chroodiscus show distinctive distribution patterns, with one pantropical and one amphi‐Pacific taxon and 12 species each restricted to a single continent. The genus comprises four clades. DIVA and DEC modelling suggest a South American origin of Chroodiscus in the mid to late Cretaceous (120–100 Ma), with subsequent expansion through a South American–African–Indian–Southeast Asian–Australian dispersal route and late diversification of the argillaceus clade in Southeast Asia. Based on the abundance of extant taxa, the probability of speciation events in Chroodiscus is shown to be extremely low. Slow dispersal of foliicolous rain forest understorey lichens is consistent with estimated phylogenetic ages of individual species and with average lengths of biological species intervals in fungi (10–20 Myr). Main conclusions The present‐day distribution of Chroodiscus can be explained by vicariance and mid‐distance dispersal through the interconnection or proximity of continental shelves, without the need for recent, trans‐oceanic long‐distance dispersal. Phylogenetic reconstruction and age estimation for Chroodiscus are consistent with the ‘biotic ferry’ hypothesis: a South American origin and subsequent eastward expansion through Africa towards Southeast Asia and north‐eastern Australia via the Indian subcontinent. The present‐day pantropical distributions of many clades and species of foliicolous lichens might thus be explained by eastward expansion through continental drift, along with the evolution of modern rain forests starting 120 Ma, rather than by the existence of a hypothetical continuous area of pre‐modern rain forest spanning South America, Africa and Southeast Asia during the mid and late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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