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Habitat and Fish Fauna Structure in a Subtropical Mountain Stream in Taiwan before and after a Catastrophic Typhoon 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Kwee Siong Tew Chiao-Chuan Han Wei-Rung Chou Lee-Shing Fang 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》2002,65(4):457-462
Habitats and fish populations of a subtropical mountain stream in Taiwan were surveyed before and after the hit of super-typhoon Herb in July 1996. There was a significant decrease in total pool area and an increase in total riffle area. Upper stream habitat was more susceptible to the disturbance. Relative abundance of the species was significantly correlated before and after the typhoon (rs=0.89, p<0.001). Morisita's index of similarity for the fish communities in June 1996 and October 1997 ranged between 0.82 and 1.02 for seven out of nine stations. Most common cyprinids decreased in densities after Herb, but recovered seventeen months after the typhoon. There were only minor changes in fish community fourteen months after the typhoon. Cyprinids that are smaller in size, such as Candidia barbata and Abottina brevirostris alticorpus were affected the most. Gobiid Rhinogobius nantaiensis that is well adapted to riffle habitat was unaffected throughout the surveys. The results of this study suggested that in subtropical mountain stream, severe typhoon may significantly alter the habitats, but the impact on fish populations could be relatively small due to features of these mountain species. 相似文献
Patterns of Fine Root Mass and Distribution along a Disturbance Gradient in a Tropical Montane Forest, Central Sulawesi (Indonesia) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Christoph Leuschner Maria Wiens Marieke Harteveld Dietrich Hertel S. Tjitrosemito 《Plant and Soil》2006,283(1-2):163-174
Large parts of the remaining tropical moist forests of South-east Asia are encroached at their margins by selective logging,
rattan harvesting and the establishment of small agroforest plantations under the rainforest canopy. These slight to heavy
disturbances affect aboveground forest structure by reducing wood biomass and canopy cover; however, they may also have a
profound impact on the belowground compartment. In a lower montane moist forest of Central Sulawesi, we studied the profile
totals of fine root biomass (FRBtot, roots <2 mm until 50 cm of soil depth) and of fine root necromass (FRNtot), the vertical distribution of fine root mass, and the fine root live/dead ratio by root coring in 12 forest stands that
represented a gradient in forest use (or disturbance) intensity (forest use type A: undisturbed natural forest, B and C: slightly
or moderately disturbed forests with selective timber extraction, D: heavily disturbed cacao agroforest systems under a remaining
rainforest cover; each forest types being replicated three times). FRBtot decreased significantly from forest A to the disturbed B, C and D forests, and reached less than 60% of the FRBtot value of A in the agroforest systems D. A similar decrease with increasing disturbance intensity was found for FRNtot. Forest disturbance intensity had no significant influence on the vertical distribution of fine root biomass in the profiles.
According to correlation and principal components analyses, fractional canopy cover was the most important factor influencing
FRBtot and FRNtot, whereas diameter at breast height, stand basal area, stem density, soil pH and base saturation had only a minor or no influence
on root mass. A reduction in canopy cover from 90% (forest type A) to 75% (types C and D) was associated with a reduction
in FRBtot by about 45% which indicates that timber extraction leads not only to canopy gaps but to corresponding ‘root gaps’ in the
soil as well. We conclude that forest encroachment that is widespread in large parts of South-east Asia’s remaining rainforests
significantly reduces tree fine root biomass and associated carbon sequestration, even if it is conducted at moderate intensities
only. 相似文献
Edith B. Allen Emmanuel Rincn Michael F. Allen Alfredo Prez-Jimenez Pilar Huante 《Biotropica》1998,30(2):261-274
Mycorrhizal fungi were sampled in a deciduous tropical forest on the Pacific coast of Mexico during different seasons and in natural treefall gaps and pastures. All 12 plant species sampled in the forest were arbuscular mycorrhizal. The percent root infection and spore production were closely related to the phenology of the plants. Most tree species and all herbaceous species had the highest infection in the summer rainy season, but two species, Opuntia excelsa and Jacquinia pungens, had highest infection in the dry season. Unusually high rainfall during the dry season was associated with increased infection but not increased spore production. Spore density was low for all species at all sample times, except at the beginning of the July 1993 rainy season in, when we observed up to 28 spores/g soil. The percent cover of shrubs or herbs did not increase in gaps after two years, and we observed no colonizing seedlings. No plant species with cover higher than 2.7 percent occurred exclusively in gaps or forest. The percent mycorrhizal infection did not differ significantly between gaps and forest. Spore counts were as high in the gaps as in the forest in two of the three gaps but lower in the third gap. The lack of significant response of plants in these gaps after two years differed from the rapid response in tropical rainforests. It is likely related to the small size of the gaps and to light infiltration to the forest floor. Pastures were dominated by two species of exotic grasses and one species of mycorrhizal fungus, whereas forests had 15 fungal species. The slow regrowth of vegetation in gaps was not limited by mycorrhizal fungi, since they were still abundant after the treefalls, but recovery in pastures could be affected by low fungal diversity and dominance of grasses. 相似文献
Patterns of Forest Damage in a Southern Mississippi Landscape Caused by Hurricane Katrina 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Understanding and predicting the ways in which large and intense hurricanes affect ecosystem structure, composition and function
is important for the successful management of coastal forest ecosystems. In this research, we categorized forest damage resulting
from Hurricane Katrina into four classes (none, low, moderate, heavy) for nearly 450 plots in a 153,000 ha landscape in southern
Mississippi, USA, using a combination of air photo interpretation and field sampling. We then developed predictive damage
models using single tree classification tree analysis (CTA) and stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) and examined the importance
of variables addressing storm meteorology, stand conditions, and site characteristics in predicting forest damage. Overall
damage classification accuracies for a training dataset (n = 337 plots) were 72 and 81% for the single tree and SGB models, respectively, with Cohen’s weighted linear κ values of 0.71 and 0.86. For an independent validation dataset (n = 112 plots), classification accuracy dropped to 57% (κ = 0.65) and 56% (κ = 0.63) for the single tree and SGB models. Proportions of agreement between observed and predicted damage were significantly
greater (P < 0.05) than would be expected by chance alone for all damage classes with the training data and all but the moderate class
for the validation data. Stand age was clearly the best predictor of damage for both models, with forest type, stand condition,
site aspect, and distance to the nearest perennial stream also explaining much of the variation in forest damage. Measures
of storm meteorology (duration and steadiness of hurricane-force winds; maximum sustained winds) were of secondary importance.
The forest-wide application of our CTA model provided a realistic, spatially detailed map of predicted damage while also maintaining
a relatively high degree of accuracy. The study also provides a first step toward the development of models identifying the
susceptibility of forest stands to future events that could be used as an aid to incorporating the effects of large infrequent
disturbances into forest management activities. 相似文献
Andrew L. Mack Kalan Ickes J. Heinrich Jessen Brian Kennedy Ross Sinclair 《Biotropica》1999,31(1):111-120
The large seeds of Aglaia mackiana (Meliaceae) germinate and produce vigorous seedlings under closed canopies or in large gaps. To assess seedling ecology after germination, we measured growth, herbivore damage, and survivorship of seedlings over one year. The sample included shaded seedlings from dispersed seeds, undispersed seeds under parent trees, and seedlings transplanted to gaps. We quantified the light environment using hemispherical canopy photographs taken above seedlings at the beginning and end of the one–year study. Seedlings transplanted to gaps grew faster and had more leaves, larger total leaf surface area, longer secondary roots, and greater root mass than shaded seedlings. Seedlings in gaps did not differ from shaded seedlings in survivorship or amount of herbivore– and pathogen–caused leaf damage. The canopy photographs taken one year apart suggest there is a rough equilibrium in closed canopies with slight changes occurring around an average light level. Sites with < 0.06 ISF (a unitless, relative measure of canopy openness or reflected sunlight) tended to remain the same with minor fluctuations toward brighter or darker. Sites with canopy openness > 0.06 ISF tended to close; few gaps grew larger. Seedlings under parenr trees and seedlings away from parent trees had similar amounts of leaf damage and virtually identical survivorship after 18 months, but seedlings under parent trees had slower growth rates and smaller total leaf surface areas. Dispersal did not strongly benefit seeds via escaping high levels of mortality or comperition around the parent. 相似文献
JensChristian Svenning 《Biotropica》2000,32(2):252-261
This study tested three hypotheses regarding how plants respond to the spatial heterogeneity in light availability in the rain forest understory: (1) understory plants occur preferentially in the lighter parts of the understory; (2) under–story palms are more shade tolerant than other understory plants; (3) rain forest plants differ in their ontogenetic response to understory light conditions. The study was carried out in old–growth rain forest in the Yasuní National Park, Amazonian Ecuador. The hypotheses were tested by comparing the distributions of 20 plant species (1454 individuals) over microsites with differing degrees of exposure to canopy gaps to the background distribution of these microsites in the forest. The gap exposure of a given microsite was described by an index based on the number and size of gaps in the canopy to which the site was exposed. Two plant height classes were studied: 0.80–2.49 and 2.50–5 m. The first and third hypotheses were accepted, while the second hypothesis was rejected. The results for the individual species corresponded well with what is known from earlier studies about the ecology of these species or close relatives, suggesting that the patterns observed can be generalized for Neotropical rain forests. Notably, the most abundant species in the study represent several different life history strategies. Thus, abundance in the rain forest understory can be achieved by several different strategies. This suggests that niche differentiation in terms of response to small changes in understory light conditions may be an important factor in the maintenance of the high local plant species richness of tropical rain forests. 相似文献
Long-term studies are needed to understand the dynamics of tropical forests, particularly those subject to periodic disturbances such as hurricanes. We studied a flood plain Prestoea montana palm forest in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico over a 15-yr period (1980–1995), which included the passage of Hurricane Hugo in September 1989. The passage of the hurricane caused the dominant species to become more dominant and created low instantaneous tree mortality (1% of stems) and reductions in tree biomass (-16 Mg/ha/yr) and density, although not in basal area. Five years after the hurricane, the palm flood plain forest had exceeded its prehurricane aboveground tree biomass, tree density, and basal area. Aboveground tree biomass accumulated at a rate of 9.2 Mg/ha/yr, 76 percent of which was due to palms. Before the hurricane this rate was on the order of 3 Mg/ha/yr. Forest floor litter decreased to prehurricane levels (6.7 Mg/ha), within 5 yr, mostly due to the disappearance of woody litter. Thirteen tree species not represented in the canopy entered the forest by regeneration, and 2 species suffered almost 20 percent/yr mortality over a 5-yr period after the storm (floodplain average of 2%/yr). Delayed tree mortality was twice as high as instantaneous tree mortality after the storm and affected dicotyledonous trees more than it did palms. Regencration of dicotyledonous trees, palms, and tree ferns was influenced by a combination of factors including hydroperiod, light, and space. Redundancy Data Analysis showed that the area near the river channel was the most favorable for plant regeneration. Palm regeneration was higher in locations with longer hydroperiods, while regeneration of dicotyledonous trees was higher in areas with low risk of flooding. This study shows how a periodic disturbance provides long-term opportunities for species invasions and long-term ecosystem response at the patch scale of < 1 ha. 相似文献
Hawaii's dry forests are among the most endangered of all ecosystems in the archipelago. Invasion of alien plant species into these ecosystems is one of the most significant threats to on-going efforts to preserve and restore Hawaii's remaining dry forests. Comparing the physiological performance of alien and native species can offer causal explanations behind the relative success of alien plant invasions within Hawaiian dry forests and elsewhere. We compared maximum rates of net CO2 assimilation, water-use efficiency (WUE), daily carbon gain, and leaf morphology for three native and two alien shrubby species growing within 1-m2 plots under two natural light (sub-canopy shade relative to open full sunlight) treatments. Maximum rates of net CO2 assimilation were similar between alien and native species (8.15 vs. 7.12molm–2s–1, respectively), however, native plants exhibited lower stomatal conductance and higher instantaneous WUE than alien plants in all treatments (0.13molm–2s–1 and 72.36mol CO2mol H2O–1 against 0.23 and 58.78, respectively). Alien plants had approximately 65% more aboveground biomass than native plants. This result may reflect differential seed production and seed bank viability between native and alien species. We found an overall strong, positive correlation between species-specific physiological traits and final species aboveground biomass. Based on this type of information we can predict species-specific boundaries across light gradients, and focus restoration efforts accordingly. 相似文献
Abstract In the 2005 edition of the Global Forest Resources Assessment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, a moderate negative trend was reported regarding the change of tropical forests: the net annual change was estimated at ?11.8 million ha for the period 2000–2005, while the rate was ?11.65 for the previous decade. Tropical Asia showed the highest rate and most negative trend, passing from ?0.8% to ?0.96% per year. The remote sensing survey done for previous Forest Resource Assessment editions covering the period 1980–2000 revealed distinct change processes in the three tropical regions. Survey results indicated that socio‐economic and cultural aspects that characterise and differentiate the geographic regions determine the nature of the change processes and underlying cause–effect mechanisms, while the ecological setting determines the intensity of change and reveals its environmental implications. A comparison of deforestation processes of the two decades indicated an on‐going process of “radicalisation” of the dynamics determined by an increasing frequency of high‐gradient changes (e.g. total clearing rather than fragmentation and degradation) and by a shift of deforestation fronts towards wetter zones, with a consequent higher per‐hectare carbon emission associated with deforested areas. 相似文献
Matt Delaney Sandra Brown Ariel E. Lugo Armando Torres-Lezama Narsizo Bello Quintero 《Biotropica》1998,30(1):2-11
Dead wood can be an important component of the carbon pool in many forests, but few measurements have been made of this pool in tropical forests, To fill this gap, we determined the quantity of dead wood (downed and standing dead) in 25 long-term (up to 30 yr) permanent forest plots located in six different life zones of Venezuela. Downed wood was separated into fine (< 10 cm in diameter) and coarse (≥ 10 cm in diameter) classes, and three decomposition states (sound, intermediate, or rotten). The total quantity of dead wood, averaged by life zone, was lowest in the dry (2.43 Mg/ha), reached a peak in the moist (42.33 Mg/ha) and decreased slightly in the wet (34.50 Mg/ha) life zone. Most of the dead wood was in the standing dead category (about 42–76% of the total). The decomposition state of dead wood in all plots was mostly rotten (45%) or intermediate (44%); there was little sound wood (11%). Turnover rates of dead wood generally ranged between 0.03/yr to 0.52/yr with no clear trend with life zone. The large amount of dead wood in some plots was equivalent to about 20 percent or less of aboveground biomass, indicating that dead wood can represent a significant amount of carbon in these forests. 相似文献
Forest succession in Kibale National Park, Uganda: implications for forest restoration and management 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
Jeremiah S. Lwanga 《African Journal of Ecology》2003,41(1):9-22
Forest succession was studied in four plots in former grasslands at the Ngogo study area in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The plots were located in areas that had been protected from fire for 0.58, 25, 9 and ≈30 years for plots 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Species richness reflected the length of time that the plot had been protected from fire; it was highest in plot 4 and lowest in plot 1. Species density, stem density and basal area were all highest in plot 4 and lowest in plot 1. The species densities of plots 2 and 3 were not different. Similarly, plots 2 and 4 did not differ with regard to stem density or basal area. Animal seed dispersers played a vital role in the colonization of grasslands by forest tree species. 相似文献
D. Daby 《Hydrobiologia》2006,556(1):47-60
The oceanography around Mauritius (in the Western Indian Ocean) remains largely unstudied, hence there is an acute scarcity
of marine environmental data for management purposes. Rigorous water depth and current measurements were made on a system
of grids inside Le Morne lagoon (in the south western part of Mauritius) in March–April 2000 to generate semi-quantitative
models of general flow pattern in the form of contour maps using SURFER 6 computer programme. A simultaneous survey on composition
of bottom cover was conducted to examine possible relationships with current speed. A separate investigation recorded surface
and bottom currents prevailing amongst various habitat types to demonstrate the nature of the resulting damping effect on
surface current speed. Significant correlations generated from data analysis were discussed as a basis for real biophysical
relationships. Some of the limitations in the current analysis and some of the seemingly contradictory results are acknowledged
and addressed in the light of the general assumption that the structure of the lagoon is conditioned by current speeds. Much
stronger current speeds just outside the reef (e.g. >0.5 m s−1) than inside the lagoon (e.g. <0.32 m s−1) indicated a substantial slow-down of water current by the reef barrier. Inshore bottom currents were weaker than at the
surface and current speed correlated well with water depth. Bottom and surface current directions were generally similar,
i.e. going northward during flood tide and southward during ebb. The lagoon would be classified as ‘restricted’, exhibiting
well-defined tidal circulation, which is modified by wind forcing. Dense fields of branching Acropora corals slowed down surface current speed by as much as 87%, but the relationship between current speed and bottom cover appears
to be variable, depending on the specific location within the lagoon under consideration. The contour plots of the flow pattern
model generated reasonably high qualitative modelling of spatial current speed pattern in the lagoon, with stronger currents
generally along the reef areas, at the reef passes and in the deeper zones. However, these plots did not match closely those
displaying distribution of bottom cover, thus confirming results obtained from pair-wise correlation tests, namely the lack
of a significant relationship between current speed and bottom cover. Most of the correlations would appear to represent biological
relationships, with different types of communities enabling or excluding other types. Thus, the biophysical structure of the
lagoon would be driven a priori by the distribution and abundance of corals rather than current speeds, which contradicts the above hypothesis. Recurrent
natural hazards subject the benthic communities to a state of ‘perpetual knock-down and recovery’. Recovery, however, can
be seriously impaired by the chronic ongoing degradation of the coastal marine environment of Mauritius. An urgent review
of its coastal zone management and protection strategy would be desirable for the island. 相似文献
Rodel D.Lasco 《中国科学C辑(英文版)》2002,45(Z1)
Terrestrial ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon (C)cycle. Tropical forests in Southeast Asia are constantly changing as a result of harvesting and conversion to other land cover. As a result of these changes, research on C budgets of forest ecosystems has intensified in the region over thelast few years. This paper reviews and synthesizes the available information. Natural forests in SE Asia typically contain a high C density (up to 500 Mg/ha). Logging activities are responsible for at least 50% decline in forest C density.Complete deforestation (conversion from forest to grassland or annual crops) results in C density of less than 40 Mg/ha. Conversion to tree plantations and other woody perennial crops also reduces C density to less than 50% of the originalC forest stocks. While much information has been generated recently, there are still large gaps of information on C budgets of tropical forests and its conversion to other land uses in SE Asia. There is therefore a need to intensify research in this area. 相似文献
Generation of Spatial Patterns in Boreal Forest Landscapes 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Boreal forests are composed of a few plant species with contrasting traits with respect to ecosystem functioning and spatial patterning. Early successional deciduous species, such as birch and aspen, disperse seeds widely, do not tolerate low light and nitrogen availabilities, have rapidly decaying litter, and are highly preferred by herbivores. These later succeed to conifers, such as spruce and fir, which disperse seeds locally, tolerate low light levels and low nitrogen availability, have litter that decays slowly, and are unpalatable to most mammalian herbivores. Although there are also early successional conifers, such as jack pine and Scots pine, the aspen-birch-spruce-fir successional sequence is the most common over much of North America, and (without fir) in Fennoscandia and Siberia. The course of succession in these forests is controlled partly by seed dispersal and selective foraging by mammalian herbivores. Both of these processes are spatially dynamic, but little is known about how their spatial dynamics may affect ecosystem processes, such as nitrogen cycling or productivity. We present spatially explicit models that demonstrate the following: (a) Spatially explicit seed dispersal results in more clumped distribution of tree species and persistence of greater paper birch biomass than uniform seed rain across the landscape. Such results are consistent with current spatially explicit population models of dispersal and coexistence. (b) With localized seed dispersal, the concentrations of available soil nitrogen are distributed in larger patches with sharp transitions from low to high nitrogen availability near patch edges. In contrast, with a uniform seed rain, the distribution of soil nitrogen availability was more uniform and “hotspots” were more localized. Thus, the spatial pattern of an ecosystem process (nitrogen cycling) is determined by seed dispersal and competition for light among competing populations. (c) A dispersing herbivore, such as moose, that selectively forages on early successional deciduous species with high quality litter, such as aspen or birch, and discriminates against late successional conifers, such as spruce or fir, imposes higher-order repeated patterns of plant species and biomass distribution on the landscape. Thus, seed dispersal and herbivore foraging correlate properties in adjacent patches but in different ways, and different spatial patterns emerge. Other processes, such as insect outbreaks, fire, and water flow, also may correlate properties between adjacent patches and result in additional patterns. Received 8 February 1999; accepted 28 May 1999. 相似文献
Rodel D. Lasco 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2002,45(Z1):55-64
Terrestrial ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle. Tropicalforests in Southeast Asia are constantly changing as a result of harvesting and conversion to otherland cover. As a result of these changes, research on C budgets of forest ecosystems has intensi-fied in the region over the last few years. This paper reviews and synthesizes the available infor-mation. Natural forests in SE Asia typically contain a high C density (up to 500 Mg/ha). Logging activities are responsible for at least 50% decline in forest C density. Complete deforestation (conversion from forest to grassland or annual crops) results in C density of less than 40 Mg/ha. Conversion to tree plantations and other woody perennial crops also reduces C density to lessthan 50% of the original C forest stocks. While much information has been generated recently, there are still large gaps of information on C budgets of tropical forests and its conversion to otherland uses in SE Asia. There is therefore a need to intensify research in this area. 相似文献
Michael R. Willig Christopher P. Bloch Nicholas Brokaw Christopher Higgins Jill Thompson Craig R. Zimmermann 《Ecosystems》2007,10(5):824-838
Abstract In studies of biodiversity, considerations of scale—the spatial or temporal domain to which data provide inference—are important because of the non-arithmetic manner in which species richness increases with area (and total abundance) and because fine-scale mechanisms (for example, recruitment, growth, and mortality of species) can interact with broad scale patterns (for example, habitat patch configuration) to influence dynamics in space and time. The key to understanding these dynamics is to consider patterns of environmental heterogeneity, including patterns produced by natural and anthropogenic disturbance. We studied how spatial variation in three aspects of biodiversity of terrestrial gastropods (species richness, species diversity, and nestedness) on the 16-ha Luquillo Forest Dynamics Plot (LFDP) in a tropical forest of Puerto Rico was affected by disturbance caused by Hurricanes Hugo and Georges, as well as by patterns of historic land use. Hurricane-induced changes in spatial organization of species richness differed from those for species diversity. The gamma components of species richness changed after the hurricanes and were significantly different between Hurricanes Hugo and Georges. Alpha and two beta components of species richness, one related to turnover among sites within areas of similar land use and one related to variation among areas of different land use, varied randomly over time after both hurricanes. In contrast, gamma components of species diversity decreased in indistinguishable manners after both hurricanes, whereas the rates of change in the alpha component of species diversity differed between hurricanes. Beta components of diversity related to turnover among sites declined after both hurricanes in a consistent fashion. Those related to turnover among areas with different historic land uses varied stochastically. The immediate effect of hurricanes was to reduce nestedness of gastropod assemblages. Thereafter, nestedness increased during post-hurricane secondary succession, and did so in the same way, regardless of patterns of historic land use. The rates of change in degree of nestedness during secondary succession were different after each hurricane as a result of differences in the severity and extent of the hurricane-induced damage. Our analyses quantified temporal changes in the spatial organization of biodiversity of gastropod assemblages during forest recovery from hurricane-induced damage in areas that had experienced different patterns of historic human land use, and documented the dependence of biodiversity on spatial scale. We hypothesize that cross-scale interactions, likely those between the local demographics of species at the fine scale and the landscape configuration of patches at the broad scale, play a dominant role in affecting critical transfer processes, such as dispersal, and its interrelationship with aspects of biodiversity. Cross-scale interactions have significant implications for the conservation of biodiversity, as the greatest threats to biodiversity arise from habitat modification and fragmentation associated with disturbance arising from human activities. 相似文献
Patterns of rodent species abundance and diversity were examined over a 5 months period in two areas of a Kenyan relict tropical
rainforest. The two areas are subjected to different administrations which lead to various levels of anthropogenic disturbance:
one can be considered relatively disturbed and one relatively undisturbed. Anthropogenic disturbance causes a reduction in
woody stem density between 0 and 1.5 m and reduced understory tree canopy cover. Rodent abundance was estimated using the
program CAPTURE and compared with the number of individuals actually captured. Density was estimated with three different
methods, two of these utilised a boundary strip to estimate effective size of the area trapped. Density resulted in being
relatively high in both areas, so population might have been at a peak. Species richness was higher in the disturbed forest,
while species diversity and evenness was higher in the undisturbed forest. We suggest that in the disturbed forest the increase
in number of species might be due to sporadical entrance in the forest by non-forest species, while the decrease in diversity
might be due to the decrease of lower strata vegetation that occurs in the disturbed forest, hence this factor might affect
species equitability. Bibliographic data supports this hypothesis as rodent species diversity and ground vegetation cover
have been found to be correlated. 相似文献