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A commercialized bumble bee pollinator (Bombus terrestris) introduced from Europe has colonized in Japan and potentially competes with native bumble bees for food and nest sites. To examine the competitive impacts, a field removal experiment was conducted in an area in northern Japan where B. terrestris has become feral. In 2005 and 2006, totals of 1,511 and 2,978 B. terrestris bees, respectively, were killed in six removal sites. In those 2 years and the pre-removal year (2004), the bee abundance and worker body size were measured in the six removal sites and seven control sites, and effects of the removal on the measurements were examined using statistical models. In 2005 only, the removal decreased the number of B. terrestris queens and increased that of two native species, B. ardens and B. hypocrita, the tongue length of which overlaps that of B. terrestris. The removal in 2005 affected the worker body size of neither B. terrestris nor any native species. These results show the competitive impacts of exotic B. terrestris on the queen abundance of the native species that are likely to share floral resources with B. terrestris.  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of invasive and native populations to environmental change is crucial for reliable predictions of invasions in the face of global change. While comparisons of responses across invasive species with different life histories have been performed before, comparing functional traits of congeneric native and invasive species may help to reveal driving factors associated with invasion. Here we compared morphological functional trait patterns of an invasive species (Impatiens parviflora) with its congeneric native species (I. noli-tangere) along an approximately 1600 km European latitudinal gradient from France (49°34′N) to Norway (63°40′N). Soil nitrogen was recorded during six weeks of the growing season, and light, soil moisture, and nutrient availability were estimated for each sampled population using community weighted means of indicator values for co-occurring species. Temperature data were gathered from nearby weather stations.Both the native and invasive species are taller at higher latitudes and this response is strongest in the invasive species. Seed mass and number of seeds per capsule increase in I. noli-tangere but decrease in I. parviflora towards higher latitudes. Surprisingly, plant height in the invasive I. parviflora decreases with increasing soil nitrogen availability. The latitudinal pattern in seed mass is positively related to temperature in I. noli-tangere and negatively in I. parviflora. Leaf area of both species decreases with increasing Ellenberg indicator values for nitrogen and light but increases with increasing soil moisture. Soil nitrogen concentrations and Ellenberg indicator values for nitrogen have significant positive (I. noli-tangere) and negative (I. parviflora) effects on the number of seeds per capsule. Our results show that the native I. noli-tangere has efficient reproduction at its range edge while the invasive I. parviflora shows a marked decrease in seed size and seed number per capsule. These patterns are unrelated to the growth and obtained size of the plants: even low soil nitrogen availability in the north seemed not to limit plant growth and size. Our results suggest that the invasive I. parviflora tends to become more invasive at lower latitudes by producing heavier seeds and more seeds per capsule.  相似文献   

The effect of invasive opportunistic predators may include population changes in both native prey and native predators as well as alteration of predator–prey interactions. We analyzed the activity of native magpie Pica pica and changes in population, nest sites and nesting success probability of native waterbirds (namely: grebes, ducks, rails and native gulls) in response to the population growth of the invasive Caspian gull Larus cachinnans. The study was carried out at a reservoir in southern Poland and at a similar control reservoir where the Caspian gull was absent. Both the invasive gulls and the native magpie are opportunistic predators of nests of native waterbirds. The population increase of the invasive gull led to a decline in the population of native black-headed gulls Larus ridibundus only. However, the invasive gull displaced all the native species from the breeding islets located in the central part of the reservoir to islets located close to the shoreline. The latter were frequently visited by magpies, which depredated on nests along the shores, leading to an up to threefold decrease in nesting success as compared with nests located in the central area of the invaded reservoir. Predation by Caspian gulls was rarely observed. Thus, the invasion of Caspian gull caused complex direct and indirect effects on the waterbird community that included competition for breeding sites, changes in the spatial distribution of nests and alteration of predation rate by native predators. Moreover, the effects of invasion may not be reflected by changes in population size of native species.  相似文献   

两种入侵植物与三种本地植物根系特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以菊科2种入侵植物飞机草(Chromolaena odorata (L.)R. M. King & H. Rob)和紫茎泽兰( Eupatorium adenophorum Speng)以及生活型相似的3种本地植物异叶泽兰(Eupatorium heterophyllum DC.)、佩兰(Eupa-torium for...  相似文献   

Best RJ 《Oecologia》2008,158(2):319-327
Increased resource availability can facilitate establishment of exotic plant species, especially when coincident with propagule supply. Following establishment, increased resource availability may also facilitate the spread of exotic plant species if it enhances their competitive abilities relative to native species. Exotic Canada geese (Branta canadensis) introduce both exotic grass seed and nutrients to an endangered plant community on the Gulf Islands of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. I used greenhouse experiments to assess the competitive advantage of the exotic grasses relative to native and exotic forbs in this community and to test the impacts of nutrient addition from goose feces on competitive outcomes. I grew experimental communities varying in their proportion of forbs versus exotic grasses, and added goose feces as a nutrient source. I found that both native and exotic forbs produced significantly more biomass in competition with conspecifics than in competition with the grasses, and that the proportional abundance of two out of three native forbs was lowest in the combined presence of exotic grasses and nutrient addition. In a second experiment, I found that in monoculture all species of forbs and grasses showed equal growth responses to nutrients. The exotic species did not convert additional nutrients into additional biomass at a higher rate, but did germinate earlier and grow larger than the native species regardless of nutrient availability. This suggests that the exotic species may have achieved their competitive advantage partly by pre-empting resources in community mixtures. Small and late-germinating native forbs may be particularly vulnerable to competitive suppression from exotic grasses and forbs and may be at an even greater disadvantage if their competitors are benefiting from early access to additional nutrients. In combination, the input of exotic propagules and additional nutrients by nesting geese may compromise efforts to maintain native community composition in this system.  相似文献   

In prairie ecosystems, abiotic constraints on competition can structure plant communities; however, the extent to which competition between native and exotic plant species is constrained by environmental factors is still debated. The objective of our study was to use paired field and greenhouse experiments to evaluate the competitive dynamics between two native (Danthonia californica and Deschampsia cespitosa) and two exotic (Schedonorus arundinaceus and Lolium multiflorum) grass species under varying nutrient and moisture conditions in an upland prairie in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. We hypothesized the two invasive, exotic grasses would be more competitive under high-nutrient, moderate-moisture conditions, resulting in the displacement of native grasses from these environments. In the field, the experimental reduction of competition resulted in shorter, wider plants, but only the annual grass, Lolium multiflorum, produced more aboveground biomass when competition was reduced. In the greenhouse, the two exotic grasses produced more total biomass than the two native grasses. Competitive hierarchies were influenced by nutrient and/or moisture treatments for the two exotic grasses, but not for the two native grasses. L. multiflorum dominated competitive interactions with all other grasses across treatments. In general, S. arundinaceus dominated when in competition with native grasses, and D. cespitosa produced the most biomass in monoculture or under interspecific competition with the other native grass, D. californica. D. californica, D. cespitosa, and S. arundinaceus all produced more biomass in high-moisture, high-nutrient environments, and D. cespitosa, L. multiflorum, and S. arundinaceus allocated more biomass belowground in the low nutrient treatment. Taken together, these experiments suggest the competitive superiority of the exotic grasses, especially L. multiflorum, but, contrary to our hypothesis, the native grasses were not preferentially excluded from nutrient-rich, moderately wet environments. Laurel Pfeifer-Meister and Esther M. Cole contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The invasion of European perennial grasses represents a new threat to the native coastal prairie of northern California. Many coastal prairie sites also experience anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition or increased N availability as a result of invasion by N-fixing shrubs. We tested the hypothesis that greater seedling competitive ability and greater responsiveness to high N availability of exotic perennial grasses facilitates their invasion in coastal prairie. We evaluated pairwise competitive responses and effects, and the occurrence of asymmetrical competition, among three common native perennial grasses (Agrostis oregonensis, Festuca rubra, and Nassella pulchra) and three exotic perennial grasses (Holcus lanatus, Phalaris aquatica, and Festuca arundinacea), at two levels of soil N. We also compared the root and shoot biomass and response to fertilization of singly-grown plants, so we could evaluate how performance in competition related to innate plant traits. Competitive effects and responses were negatively correlated and in general varied continuously across native and exotic species. Two exceptions were the exotic species Holcus, which had large effects on neighbors and small responses to them, and competed asymmetrically with all other species in the experiment, and the native grass Nassella, which had strong responses to but little effect on neighbors, and was out-competed by all but one other species in the experiment. High allocation to roots and high early relative growth rate appear to explain Holcus’s competitive dominance, but its shoot biomass when grown alone was not significantly greater than those of the species it out-competed. Competitive dynamics were unaffected by fertilization. Therefore, we conclude that seedling competitive ability alone does not explain the increasing dominance of exotic perennial grasses in California coastal prairie. Furthermore, since native and exotic species responded individualistically, grouping species as ‘natives’ and ‘exotics’ obscured underlying variation within the two categories. Finally, elevated soil N does not appear to influence competition among the native and exotic perennial grasses studied, so reducing soil N pools may not be a critical step for the restoration of California coastal prairie.  相似文献   

The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 enabled the invasion of more than 100 alien fish species into the Mediterranean. The aim of the present study was to compare the diet of native and alien fish species and to identify possibly shared food resources. We examined the diet composition of 13 of the most abundant fish species (6 alien, 7 native) on shallow soft bottom off southern Israel. All 13 species are omnivorous/carnivorous. The native fish exhibited a wider diversity of food types than the aliens. Alien fish prey upon and are preyed by native species as well as by other alien fish. A high level of diet overlap was found among some species, the aliens Saurida lessepsianus and Scomberomorus commerson overlapped with the native Synodus saurus; and the alien Nemipterus randalli with the native species Pagrus caeruleostictus, Lithognathus mormyrus and Pagellus erythrinus. The identified diet overlap is discussed, and the possibility of competitive interactions between these species is considered.  相似文献   

Aims Global climate change and ongoing plant invasion are the two prominent ecological issues threatening biodiversity world wide. Among invasive species, Lantana camara and Hyptis suaveolens are the two most important invaders in the dry deciduous forest in India. We monitored the growth of these two invasive species and seedlings of four native dry deciduous species (Acacia catechu, Bauhinia variegata, Dalbergia latifolia and Tectona grandis) under ambient (375–395 μ mol mol-1) and elevated CO2 (700–750 μ mol mol-1) to study the differential growth response of invasive and native seedlings.Methods Seedlings of all the species were exposed to ambient and elevated CO2. After 60 days of exposure, seedlings were harvested and all the growth-related parameters like plant height; biomass of root, stem and leaves; total seedling biomass; R/S ratio; allocation parameters; net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative growth rate (RGR) were determined.Important findings Biomass, RGR and NAR of all the species increased under elevated CO2 but the increase was higher in invasive species and they formed larger seedlings than natives. Therefore under the CO2 -enriched future atmosphere, competitive hierarchies could change and may interfere with the species composition of the invaded area.  相似文献   

The patterns of spread of the three exotic species Solidago altissima L., S. gigantea Ait. and S. graminifolia (L.) Salisb. after their introduction to Europe were investigated, based on herbarium specimens and literature records. The spread was analysed by mapping the localities for each decade since 1850. Cumulative numbers of localities as well as numbers of occupied grid squares showed a continuous increase since 1850 for all three species. The slopes, however, were significantly different among the species. Solidago gigantea had the highest colonization rate, followed by S. altissima , and finally S. graminifolia . The latter showed only a slight increase in abundance over time. The increase in diameter of the range in central Europe was logistic for S. altissima and S. gigantea with a rapid increase between 1850 and 1880. The spread of the species in area and time over Europe showed no clear front; new localities at large distances were simultaneously colonized. A large part of the actual range of S. altissima and S. gigantea was already achieved about 1950. It is assumed that the spread of the species followed the hierarchical diffusion model with several independent foci from which the species began to spread. The data suggest that S. altissima and S. gigantea will successfully spread further, leading to an increase in abundance and area, while S. graminifolia seems to spread slowly.  相似文献   

To assess the likely impacts of environmental change, the responses of two well-known invasive plant species, native Pueraria lobata and alien Humulus japonicus, to differences in growth temperature were studied in South Korea. Habitat preferences, physiological responses such as photosynthetic rates and chlorophyll contents, growth rates, and nutrient contents were quantified for each species. A competition experiment was conducted to evaluate the temperature preferences of the two species. All results indicated that the alien species H. japonicus can take advantage of elevated temperatures (35 °C) to enhance its competitive advantage against the native species P. lobata. While H. japonicus took advantage of elevated temperatures and preferred high-temperature areas, P. lobata showed reduced performance and dominance in high-temperature areas. Therefore, in future, due to global warming and urbanization, there are possibilities that H. japonicus takes advantage of elevated temperature against P. lobata that could lead to increased H. japonicus coverage over time. Therefore, consistent monitoring of both species especially where P. lobata is dominated are required because both species are found in every continents in the world. Controlling P. lobata requires thorough inspection of H. japonicus presence of the habitat in advance to prevent post P. lobata management invasion of H. japonicus.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of biotic resistance to exotic plant invasions   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Biotic resistance describes the ability of resident species in a community to reduce the success of exotic invasions. Although resistance is a well‐accepted phenomenon, less clear are the processes that contribute most to it, and whether those processes are strong enough to completely repel invaders. Current perceptions of strong, competition‐driven biotic resistance stem from classic ecological theory, Elton's formulation of ecological resistance, and the general acceptance of the enemies‐release hypothesis. We conducted a meta‐analysis of the plant invasions literature to quantify the contribution of resident competitors, diversity, herbivores and soil fungal communities to biotic resistance. Results indicated large negative effects of all factors except fungal communities on invader establishment and performance. Contrary to predictions derived from the natural enemies hypothesis, resident herbivores reduced invasion success as effectively as resident competitors. Although biotic resistance significantly reduced the establishment of individual invaders, we found little evidence that species interactions completely repelled invasions. We conclude that ecological interactions rarely enable communities to resist invasion, but instead constrain the abundance of invasive species once they have successfully established.  相似文献   

Abstract. Piper aduncum is a neotropical invasive species which has spread throughout Papua New Guinea over the past three decades. It has become a most successful alien woody plant in New Guinea, occurring from sea level up to 2000 m a.s.l. The species prefers initial stages of forest succession and is particularly common in recently abandoned gardens representative of a system of swidden agriculture. It often attains high cover, suppresses other pioneer species and becomes the absolute dominant species in these habitats. The species is now also spreading into naturally disturbed habitats far from direct human influence, such as natural tree‐fall gaps, landslides and frequently flooded stream banks. It has, however, never been found in a closed primary forest. The species germinates from faeces of mammal and bird species, and we conclude that dispersal through endozoochory contributes to this species’ extraordinary success in Papua New Guinea. A similar invasion behaviour has been documented over a large geographic area, from Malaysia to Fiji. Piper aduncum has attributes which are common amongst successful invasive species: (1) a large native geographic range; (2) aggressively colonizing disturbed habitats in its native area; (3) relatively small seeds; (4) a short juvenile period; (5) a large seed production every year.  相似文献   

Biological invasions can impact the abundance and diversity of native species, but the specific mechanisms remain poorly discerned. In California grasslands, invasion by European annual grasses has severely reduced the quality of habitat for native forb species. To understand how introduced grasses suppress native and exotic forbs, we examined the response of a Southern California grassland community to factorial removals of live grass and the litter produced in previous seasons. To examine the role that belowground competition for water plays in mediating the impact of grasses, we crossed grass and litter removal treatments with water addition. Our results show that forbs were almost equally suppressed by both competition from live grass and direct interference by litter. Water addition did not ameliorate the effect of grass competition, suggesting that water was not the resource for which plants compete. This evidence is consistent with the susceptibility of forbs to light limitation, especially considering that litter does not consume water or nutrients. Interestingly, despite different histories of co-occurrence with annual grass dominants, native and exotic forbs were comparably suppressed by exotic grasses. Our results indicate that suppression by both live and dead stems underlie the influence of exotic grasses on forb competitors.  相似文献   

Growth, biomass allocation, and photosynthetic characteristics of seedlings of five invasive non-indigenous and four native species grown under different light regimes were studied to help explain the success of invasive species in Hawaiian rainforests. Plants were grown under three greenhouse light levels representative of those found in the center and edge of gaps and in the understory of Hawaiian rainforests, and under an additional treatment with unaltered shade. Relative growth rates (RGRs) of invasive species grown in sun and partial shade were significantly higher than those for native species, averaging 0.25 and 0.17 g g−1 week−1, respectively, while native species averaged only 0.09 and 0.06 g g−1 week−1, respectively. The RGR of invasive species under the shade treatment was 40% higher than that of native species. Leaf area ratios (LARs) of sun and partial-shade-grown invasive and native species were similar but the LAR of invasive species in the shade was, on average, 20% higher than that of native species. There were no differences between invasive and native species in biomass allocation to shoots and roots, or in leaf mass per area across light environments. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates (Pmax) were higher for invasive species than for native species in all light treatments. Pmax of invasive species grown in the sun treatment, for example, ranged from 5.5 to 11.9 μmol m−2 s−1 as compared with 3.0−4.5 μmol m−2 s−1 for native species grown under similar light conditions. The slope of the linear relationship between Pmax and dark respiration was steeper for invasive than for native species, indicating that invasive species assimilate more CO2 at a lower respiratory cost than native species. These results suggest that the invasive species may have higher growth rates than the native species as a consequence of higher photosynthetic capacities under sun and partial shade, lower dark respiration under all light treatments, and higher LARs when growing under shade conditions. Overall, invasive species appear to be better suited than native species to capturing and utilizing light resources, particularly in high-light environments such as those characterized by relatively high levels of disturbance. Received: 30 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 September 1998  相似文献   

Early emergence of plant seedlings can offer strong competitive advantages over later-germinating neighbors through the preemption of limiting resources. This phenomenon may have contributed to the persistent dominance of European annual grasses over native perennial grasses in California grasslands, since the former species typically germinate earlier in the growing season than the latter and grow rapidly after establishing. Recently, European perennial grasses have been spreading into both non-native annual and native perennial coastal grass stands in California. These exotic perennials appear to be less affected by the priority effects arising from earlier germination by European annual grasses. In addition, these species interactions in California grasslands may be mediated by increasing anthropogenic or natural soil nitrogen inputs. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to test the effects of order of emergence and annual grass seedling density on native and exotic perennial grass seedling performance across different levels of nitrogen availability. We manipulated the order of emergence and density of an exotic annual grass (Bromus diandrus) grown with either Nassella pulchra (native perennial grass), Festuca rubra (native perennial grass), or Holcus lanatus (exotic perennial grass), with and without added nitrogen. Earlier B. diandrus emergence and higher B. diandrus density resulted in greater reduction in the aboveground productivity of the perennial grasses. However, B. diandrus suppressed both native perennials to a greater extent than it did H. lanatus. Nitrogen addition had no effect on the productivity of native perennials, but greatly increased the growth of the exotic perennial H. lanatus, grown with B. diandrus. These results suggest that the order of emergence of exotic annual versus native perennial grass seedlings could play an important role in the continued dominance of exotic annual grasses in California. The expansion of the exotic perennial grass H. lanatus in coastal California may be linked to its higher tolerance of earlier-emerging annual grasses and its ability to access soil resources amidst high densities of annual grasses.  相似文献   

The impact of alien species on native organisms is a cause for concern worldwide, with biological invasions commonplace today. Suppression efforts targeting many invasive species have included introductions of biological control agents. The numerous releases of biological control agents in the Hawaiian archipelago have resulted in considerable concern for non-target impacts, due to high levels of non-target parasitism observed to occur in some cases. This study investigated the impact of introduced Hymenoptera parasitoids on a Hawaiian moth. The endemic Hawaiian moth Udea stellata (Butler) has seven alien parasitoids associated with it, two purposely introduced, three adventive, and two of uncertain origin. The objective of this study was to determine the relative contribution of the seven parasitoid species to the population dynamics of U. stellata by constructing partial life tables. Marginal attack rates and associated k-values were calculated to allow comparison of mortality factors between experimental sites. Sentinel larvae were deployed on potted host plants and left in the field for 3-day intervals in open and exclusion treatments. The factors that contributed to total mortality in the open treatment were: disappearance (42.1%), death due to unknown reasons during rearing (16.5%) and parasitism (4.9%). The open treatment incurred significantly higher larval disappearance compared to the exclusion treatment (7.8%), which suggests that in large part disappearance is the result of predation. Adventive parasitoids inflicted greater total larval mortality attributable to parasitism (97.0%) than purposely introduced species (3.0%).  相似文献   

Recent studies have focused on the role of behavior in biological invasions. Individuals may differ consistently in time for several behavioral traits (personality) which covary (behavioral syndrome) resulting in different behavioral types, some of them favoring invasion. Social hymenopterans have a strong potential to be invaders and their success depends primarily on the foundresses’ ability to found viable colonies. They are expected to be active, explorative and bold for optimally establishing their nest. In Europe, 2 hornet species coexist: the native Vespa crabro and the invasive Vespa velutina. These 2 species may compete for nesting sites and we suggest that the initial success of V. velutina has been favored by its behavior in outperforming V. crabro for the traits involved in nest initiation. Here, we (i) defined the personality of V. crabro and V. velutina, (ii) tested for the existence of behavioral syndrome in these species, and (iii) compared their performances using an open‐field test. Our results show that V. crabro foundresses behave consistently but not V. velutina; this lack of consistency being mainly due to reduced variance among individuals. This result questions the possibility of detecting consistent behavioral differences in species having recently undergone a strong bottleneck. Both species exhibit the same correlations between activity, boldness and exploration and V. velutina clearly outperforms V. crabro for all traits. Our results suggest that activity, boldness, and exploration are implicated in both hornet nest initiation and invasion process which contributed to explain why social hymenopterans are so successful at colonization.  相似文献   

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