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Abstract. Bryophyte dynamics after fire in the Mediterranean macchia of Southern Italy was studied both by diachronic and synchronic approaches. Changes of bryophyte cover and species composition were found in relation to both age and fire intensity. During the first 2 yr after fire, bryophytes dominated the plots which had experienced the highest fire intensity while herbs were dominant in plots affected by lighter fires. Pioneer species, such as Funaria hygrometrica, Barbula convoluta and Bryum dunense, characterized recent intense fires, whereas Bryum torquescens, B. radiculosum and B. ruderale were dominant after less intense burning. Pleurochaete squarrosa, Tortula ruraliformis and Tortella flavovirens dominated intermediate successional stages. Pleurocarpous mosses were dominant only in the older closed stands. Different patterns of regeneration strategies were described: spores dominated early stages of intense fire, while vegetative propagules characterized later successional stages and less severely burned areas. Although bryophytes usually have a low abundance in Mediterranean vegetation, their role in post-fire vegetation dynamics may be locally enhanced according to burning conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Rates and directions of change over a 20-yr interval in five long-unburned (> 60 yr) plant communities were studied using multivariate analyses and compositional vectors. The study sites were located in fire and summer-drought adapted, xerophytic vegetation with many endemics on acidic, nutrient-poor, sandy soils in south-central peninsular Florida. Sizes of individual stems from 72 sets of nested permanent quadrats were measured in 1969, 1979, and 1989. Patterns of vegetation change differed by community. Flatwood and bayhead quadrats showed rapid increases in densities and basal areas of Persea borbonia (red bay). In the southern ridge sandhill community, evergreen clonal Quercus species (oaks) and Pinus clausa (sand pine) increased in dominance and grasses declined. Oaks (especially Q. geminata) also increased in importance in scrubby flatwoods. Sand pine scrub was relatively stable in composition, but experienced marked structural changes due to substantial sand pine mortality (18% during 1969–1979, 39% during 1979–1989). Compositional changes in the absence of fire were greatest whereas structural changes were least in southern ridge sandhill and scrubby flatwoods, both communities which normally receive frequent, recurrent fire. Compositional changes were lowest in sand pine scrub, which is normally infrequently burned. Classic successional patterns such as species replacement, decreases in density, and increases in basal area were generally lacking. Tree densities increased in two of four community types (southern ridge sandhill, scrubby flatwoods); while basal area declined in the flatwoods/bayhead and sand pine scrub sites. Directions of compositional vectors included divergent, opposing, and complex patterns, suggesting vegetation change in the absence of fire has a strong stochastic component.  相似文献   

Abstract. The germinable soil seed bank is described from a coastal barrier island off the northwest coast of Florida, USA. Soil samples collected from seven vegetation types, recently deposited dredge spoil and unvegetated areas in autumn 1990 and spring 1991 were placed out in greenhouse trays. 110 taxa germinated from the samples with the largest number (41) being C3 perennial dicots. The largest number of taxa germinated from dry (57) and wet (54) swales, the fewest (one species: Heterotheca subaxillaris) from strand. Similarity of seed bank densities to above-ground species cover was low (Jaccard's Index = 0.36), not different between vegetation types, but higher in the autumn than in the following spring. Compositional gradients in the seed bank and above-ground vegetation determined using DCA ordination were highly correlated and related to distance from mean high water, and plot elevation. At the landscape scale, the seed bank provided an equally clear delineation of vegetation types to that based upon the above-ground vegetation. The seed bank of low disturbance, late-succession vegetation types (wooded dunes, swales, marshes) was well developed (high species richness, emergent density, and percentage annual species) with the exception that the large-seeded woody species (i.e. Quercus spp.) were absent from the wooded dune seed bank. By contrast, a poorly developed and transient seed bank occurred in more frequently disturbed (extensive sand movement, salt spray), early successional dredge spoil, unvegetated areas and strand. These contrasts support a general pattern of increasing seed bank development and a persistent rather than transient seed bank with decreasing disturbance frequency, increasing time since disturbance and successional maturity.  相似文献   

Abstract. Distribution patterns of coastal sand dune plant communities in the Circeo National Park (Central Italy) are quantified and compared by measuring spatial connectivity and richness of community boundaries along the dune profile. The purpose of this study is: (1) to evaluate patchiness and frequency of spatial links between communities; (2) to identify the communities most sensitive to disturbance; and (3) to predict probable changes due to modification of spatial zonation. Data were obtained using belt transects across the Holocene coastal dune zone. Vegetation zonation from the seashore to the foredune slacks is analysed in relation to chorological, phytosociological and life‐form types. We found that under relatively undisturbed environmental conditions communities formed a sequence (communities 1 to 7), with the exception of a replacement community, which occupied gaps in the perennial vegetation. The spatial distribution of some communities was reduced as a consequence of disturbance; others became fragmented in small patches or even disappeared. In coastal environments with strong, complex gradients, the existence of certain communities depends on specific links (neighbourhood effects) and high connectivity values do not indicate better conservation conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Most species-rich grasslands dominated by Themeda triandra in southeastern Australia have been ungrazed and frequently burnt for decades. The seedling emergence technique was used to determine the size and taxonomic composition of the soil seed bank of five grasslands that had different fire histories (i.e. burnt at 1 yr, 3 yr and > 10 yr intervals) and this was compared to the standing vegetation at each site. A nested sampling design (subplot, plot, site) was used to determine the effect of spatial scale on the patterns observed in both the vegetation and the seed bank. Temporal variation in the seed bank was assessed by repeated soil sampling over a two year period. 61 native and 30 exotic species were recorded in the vegetation. Richness varied more between sites than within sites. Sites were therefore internally homogeneous for species richness. However, no correlation between burning frequency and richness was found. DCA ordination separated the sites into distinct groups, but sites with similar fire history did not necessarily group closely. 60 taxa germinated from the soil seed bank, comprising 32 native and 28 exotic species; 11 species, mostly therophytes, were restricted to the seed bank. The richness of the seed bank was significantly lower than the vegetation at all spatial scales. No correlation between seed bank richness and fire history was found. The seed bank of species-rich grasslands is dominated by a limited number of widespread, highly clumped, annual, native and exotic monocots. Most native hemicryptophytes, and perennials in general, were represented in the soil by a transient seed bank. Only 12 % of study species, all therophytes, were considered to form large, persistent seed banks, the size of which was greater in unburnt grasslands at all times of the year. The distinct floristic patterns observed in the vegetation are less clearly represented in the seed bank. The seed bank represents a floristically distinct (and less variable) component of the vegetation when compared to the standing flora. The size of the long-term soil seed bank suggests that it has little functional importance for many native species and probably contributes little to seedling regeneration processes following disturbance. Altering established fire regimes is likely to only change the composition and small-scale richness of the existing site vegetation and will not re-integrate species previously lost from the vegetation due to past management. It is suggested that the maintenance of vegetation remnants and processes that encompass a range of long-term burning histories will be necessary if the flora is to be conserved in situ. Restoration of degraded grasslands cannot rely on the soil seed bank but rather, will be dependent on the reintroduction of propagules.  相似文献   

Abstract. The vegetation of central Arizona is a mosaic of four vegetation types: chaparral, chaparral grassland, woodland, and woodland grassland. We analysed ten environmental variables, three disturbance variables, and five disturbance indicators to answer the question: What is the relative importance of environment and disturbance in explaining the vegetation pattern of our study area? We found that chaparral, chaparral grassland, and woodland are differentiated primarily by environmental factors and have high stability in the landscape. In contrast, woodland grassland is differentiated primarily by disturbance and is likely an early‐successional stage of woodlands. Although other researchers have indicated that semi‐arid vegetation is generally unstable, the vegetation of central Arizona is composed of two systems: those with a more stable landscape position determined primarily by environmental factors and those with a less stable landscape position determined primarily by disturbance factors.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the effect of burning frequency on the density and species richness of understory flowering stems in a Florida sandhill. Flowering stems were censused weekly for 54 weeks in six sites that had been burned one to six times in the previous 16 years. We concurrently measured overstory characteristics such as species composition, density and basal area. We used maximum likelihood and Akaike's Information Criterion to compare linear, quadratic, saturating, and null models of community response to repeating burning. We did not find a relationship between species richness, diversity or flowering stem density and fire frequency. Tree density was related to fire frequency and may represent an indirect pathway for fire effects on understory characteristics. While we found no support for the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, an analysis of our experimental design indicated that we had low statistical power. We develop the hypothesis that a saturating model of response to fire best describes understory species richness in our system. We test this hypothesis using the most extensive published fire data set we are aware of and find support for a saturating model.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr) reduce methionine sulfoxide (MetSO)-containing proteins, back to methionine (Met). MsrAs are stereospecific for the S epimer whereas MsrBs reduce the R epimer of MetSO. Although structurally unrelated, the Msrs characterized so far display a similar catalytic mechanism with formation of a sulfenic intermediate on the catalytic cysteine and a concomitant release of Met, followed by formation of at least one intramolecular disulfide bond (between the catalytic and a recycling cysteine), which is then reduced by thioredoxin. In the case of the MsrA from Escherichia coli, two disulfide bonds are formed, i.e. first between the catalytic Cys51 and the recycling Cys198 and then between Cys198 and the second recycling Cys206. Three crystal structures including E. coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis MsrAs, which, for the latter, possesses only the unique recycling Cys198, have been solved so far. In these structures, the distances between the cysteine residues involved in the catalytic mechanism are too large to allow formation of the intramolecular disulfide bonds. Here structural and dynamical NMR studies of the reduced wild-type and the oxidized (Cys51-Cys198) forms of C86S/C206S MsrA from E. coli have been carried out. The mapping of MetSO substrate-bound C51A MsrA has also been performed. The data support (1) a conformational switch occurring subsequently to sulfenic acid formation and/or Met release that would be a prerequisite to form the Cys51-Cys198 bond and, (2) a high mobility of the C-terminal part of the Cys51-Cys198 oxidized form that would favor formation of the second Cys198-Cys206 disulfide bond.  相似文献   

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