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Blue tangs in Barbados exhibit three distinct social modes: territorial, schooling and wandering. We compared the mobility, foraging, aggression performed and received and the use of cleaning stations of adult blue tangs among modes and among habitats within a single fringing reef in Barbados. Evidence from observed switches during focal observations and multiple observations of tagged individuals indicate that fish are either territorial or non-territorial. Non-territorial fish formed schools and wandered. However, wandering can be used during solitary movements by fish in either type. Fish in the territorial mode, not previously described in adults of this species, restricted activity to a small area overlapping the territories of other tangs. They actively chased conspecifics and were chased mostly by damselfishes. They swam more slowly and fed at higher rates than other modes. Fish in the schooling mode ranged widely in compact, polarized groups of conspecifics, congeners and other species. They were not aggressive and were attacked mostly by damselfishes. They swam rapidly and fed at intermediate rates. Fish in the wanderer mode showed neither aggression nor association with other individuals. They swam rapidly, well above the substrate, fed little, were chased by conspecifics, ocean surgeonfish, A. bahianus, and damselfish and visited cleaning stations more often then other modes. All three modes were observed in all four main zones of the reef, and their behaviour changed quantitatively with habitat type. We suggest that territoriality reduces competition for algal food, schooling allows fish to overcome the food defence by damselfish, tangs and ocean surgeonfish, and wandering permits solitary movement over the reef to cleaning stations, feeding sites and other resources.  相似文献   

Australoheros facetus is a neotropical cichlid and an exotic species in the Guadiana and Odelouca basins (Southern Portugal). In this research, we aimed to characterize the main behavioural patterns and circulating hormones, 17β-estradiol (E2) for females, and testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) and cortisol for both sexes, during the formation of social groups, a crucial step in the life-history of A. facetus. A pair-breeding strategy with territorial behaviour and aggressive interactions was found, with a positive correlation between dominance and size for both sexes. There were no significant differences between non-territorial and territorial individuals in the baseline levels of hormones, but 11KT was higher in males when they became territorial, as E2 for territorial females, while there was no clear pattern for testosterone. In contrast, cortisol was higher in non-territorial males and correlated negatively with social dominance. These results suggest that size is the main driver for social dominance and that formation of stable hierarchies result in higher circulating 11KT and lowers stress in territorial males. Related to A. facetus’ behaviour, aggressiveness and biparental care may be an advantage during the invasion process of A. facetus, facilitating colonization of new habitats.  相似文献   



We used behavioural and genetic data to investigate the effects of density on male reproductive success in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Based on previous measurements of aggression and courtship behaviour by territorial males, we predicted that they would sire more offspring than non-territorial males.


Microsatellite analysis of paternity showed that at low densities territorial males had higher reproductive success than non-territorial males. However, at high density territorial males were no more successful than non-territorials and the sex difference in the opportunity for sexual selection, based on the parameter I mates, was low.


Male zebrafish exhibit two distinct mating tactics; territoriality and active pursuit of females. Male reproductive success is density dependent and the opportunity for sexual selection appears to be weak in this species.  相似文献   

Males of several animals increase their reproductive success by territorial behaviour. In butterflies, males may defend a territory (i.e., territorial perching tactic), but this is assumed to be an energetically costly way to locate mates. Limitations of the energy budget may affect fight performance, and may, consequently, force males to adopt an alternative non-territorial searching behaviour (i.e., patrolling tactic) to maximize reproductive success. In this study, we tested to what extent behavioural tactics adopted by adult males of the butterfly Pararge aegeria (L.) were affected by the nutritional conditions during the larval stage. We compared the occurrence of territorial versus patrolling behaviour, lipid mass, flight muscle ratio, metabolic rate and spermatophore production of low quality males that were reared as a larva on drought-stressed host plants and control, high quality males. Low quality males were less likely to adopt the territorial perching tactic and emerged as adults with lower lipid mass than high quality males, but they were able to restore their lipid mass through adult feeding (and perhaps the breakdown of flight muscles). Host plant quality also affected spermatophore size. Independent of the larval food treatment, territorial perching males metabolised more lipids than non-territorial males, produced larger spermatophores and copulated for longer than males adopting non-territorial behaviour. We discuss the results relative to the co-existence of the behavioural tactics (perching and patrolling).  相似文献   

On the basis of two trawl surveys made in the summer of 2005 and 2008 the diet of white-spotted greenling Hexagrammos stelleri, a widely distributed near-bottom sublittoral species, is investigated. The qualitative and quantitative characteristic of its food spectrum is given, depending on its linear size. The principal food consists of crustaceans and fish, and secondary food items are mollusks, polyhaetes, and echiurids. With growth, the composition of crustaceans in the food changes: gammarids and mysids are replaced by shrimps, crabs, and hermit crabs. With growth, the significance of fish in the food of white-spotted greenling increases. In the food of the largest specimens, over 30 cm long, fish are dominant.  相似文献   

Two spatial tactics are usually distinguished in males of Calopteryx damselflies: territorial and nonterritorial. These tactics are believed to underlie two alternative condition-dependent reproductive tactics in these insects, and territorial males are believed to copulate more often. With age, males become weaker, turn nonterritorial, and only occasionally manage to copulate. However, the details of space use by damselflies are poorly known, which hinders the interpretation of the existing empirical data. We describe the space use by individually marked males of the banded demoiselle C. splendens studied during three field seasons in Vladimir Province, Russia. Each male on each day of observations was characterized as either territorial or non-territorial, and the sites of encounter were mapped. The probability of being territorial declined with the male’s age. The spatial tactics (territorial vs. non-territorial) on a given day strongly influenced the tactics used on the following day. We identified the territorial and non-territorial phases in the life of a male damselfly, which occurred consecutively and had a roughly similar duration. During the territorial phase, the male occupied a certain territory and tried to hold it as long as possible. The male abandoned its territory in two cases: (1) when it was driven onto a different territory as the result of competition with other males, or (2) when it was exhausted and became non-territorial. Thus, the space use by the male changed predictably during its life. Therefore, direct comparison of morphological or other characteristics in territorial vs. non-territorial males, frequently made in the literature, makes little sense. Further progress in studying the so-called “alternative reproductive tactics” in damselflies may be more successfully achieved by comparing individual life trajectories of different males (e.g. duration of territorial and non-territorial periods, the number of consecutively occupied territories, etc.). We performed correlation analysis and found that the above parameters did not depend on the wing and abdomen length of the males.  相似文献   

DOUG ROBINSON 《Ibis》1990,132(1):78-94
Scarlet Robins Petroica multicolor and Flame Robins P. phoenicea occurred sympatrically during the breeding season in southeastern Australia. Scarlet Robins that occur territories in forest habitat remained there throughout the year, while those, mostly first-year birds, that occupied territories in grassland habitat were present only during the non-breeding season. Flame Robins were present for 9 months of the year and were territorial for 6 of those months. The migratory Flame Robin did not show more intense or prolonged territorial or courtship behaviour than the sedentary Scarlet Robin, despite having to obtain territories and mates when it returned each year. It is suggested that the similarities between the two species' social organizations arise partly from high adult survivorship (70–75%) and lengthy breeding seasons (4–5 months). High adult survivorship and scarcity of suitable breeding habitat also caused intense competition for territories and mates, and appears to have led to the evolution of bright, signalling plumages among female and young male Scarlet Robins. Scarcity of females and breeding habitat may have caused delayed maturation of plumage among male Flame Robins.  相似文献   

Social isolation is a major stressor which impacts the physiology, behaviour and health of individuals in gregarious species. However, depending on conditional and contextual factors, such as social status and group composition, social isolation may be perceived differently by different individuals or even by the same individuals at different times. Here we tested the effects of social status (territorial vs. non-territorial) and previous group composition (i.e. type of social group: mixed sex group with two territorial males, TT vs. mixed sex group with one territorial and one non-territorial male, TnT) on the hormonal response (androgens and cortisol) to social isolation in a cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus). The different steroid hormones measured responded differentially to social isolation, and their response was modulated by social factors. Social isolation elicited a decrease of 11-keto formation only in territorial males, whereas non-territorial males present a non-significant trend for increasing KT levels. Testosterone did not respond to social isolation. Cortisol only increased in isolated individuals from TnT groups irrespective of social status (i.e. both in territorials and non-territorials). These results suggest that it is the perception of social isolation and not the objective structure of the situation that triggers the hormonal response to isolation.  相似文献   

Synopsis We compare the (relative) abundance of life phases [juveniles (JU), initial phase (IP) and terminal phase (TP) fish], social categories (territorial and group adults), and fish following alternative mating styles, in three local populations of the protogynous reef herbivore,Sparisoma viride, on the fringing reef of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). In order to determine the adaptive significance of variations in social organization, they are related to the density of conspecifics and other herbivores and to the availability of food, shelter and mating sites. The most striking difference is the high abundance of JU and group fish at one location (Playa Frans) and the total absence of group fish at another (Red Slave). These differences are coherent with a gradient in population density, total herbivore density, scarid grazing pressure, and reproductive output, all of which are highest at Playa Frans and lowest at Red Slave. Exposure to waves and currents shows an inverse trend. The differences in the relative abundance of territorial fish can be explained by the concept of economic defendability, which is reduced at higher population density. In a life history context, small TP group males represent bachelors that sacrifice current reproduction for better future prospects. As predicted by life history theory, early sex change is promoted at sites where the future rewards are higher (higher spawning rates of large TP males) and where the costs incurred during the bachelor phase are reduced (more spawning opportunities for group TP males). At Red Slave an alternative male mating style (streaking) appears to be promoted by the lack of a refuge for group TP males and by a dense gorgonian canopy, allowing IP males to reside inside territories. We conclude that most observed differences in population structure can be considered adaptive in an ecological and in a life history context. Population density is a major factor in both contexts. Analysis of the variability in adult density in relation to JU density and the availability of food and shelter indicates that theS. viride populations at Bonaire are not totally controlled by stochastic processes. Considering the small spatial scale and the high dispersal of the planktonic embryos and larvae, the observed variability in behavioural and life history traits ofS. viride points to a high degree of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Although there have been many studies on ecological factors responsible for the organization of reef fish communities, most of the studies have focused on isolated habitats. However, findings from isolated habitats cannot necessarily be applied to fish communities in other habitats (e.g., a continuous habitat). In this study, therefore, we examined the structures of fish communities (abundance, species richness and species composition), and the dynamics of fish communities (seasonal changes in abundance, species richness and species composition) over a 2-year period in two different habitats (continuous habitat and isolated habitat) in an Okinawan coral reef. We established eight permanent quadrats (8m × 8m) on a rocky reef flat (continuous habitat) and rock reef patches surrounded by a sandy sea bottom (isolated habitat). The abundance and species richness of fishes such as pomacentrids, labrids, chaetodontids and acanthurids were greater in quadrats located in the continuous habitat, whereas those of blenniids, gobiids and mullids were greater in quadrats located in the isolated habitat. This caused marked differences between the fish community structure at the two sites. Seasonal and annual changes in fish community structure were relatively small at the continuous habitat site (>0.7 similarity based on C index) but were large at the isolated habitat site (C < 0.4), indicating that the fish community structure was relatively stable at the continuous habitat site but unstable at the isolated habitat site throughout the study period. Spatial differences between the fish community structures in the four quadrats at the continuous habitat site were small (C > 0.65 in most sites), but these differences were large at the isolated habitat site (C < 0.4). Our findings suggest that habitat structure (spatial arrangement of habitats) affects both spatial and seasonal differences in the reef fish community structure. The results also suggest that the main mechanisms underlying organization of reef fish communities in continuous and isolated habitats are different.  相似文献   

The morphological differences between the testis and testicular gland of territorial and nonterritorial males of Tripterygion tripteronotus and T. delaisi were examined and correlated with differences in reproductive behaviour. In territorial males of both species the testicular gland is much more developed than in non-territorial males. Larger cellular and nuclear sizes in the territorial males indicate that the activity of the gland cells is enhanced. These cells contain SER, numerous lipid droplets and mitochondria with lamellar cristae. Absence of 3β-HSD activity at these sites points to lack of a steroidogenic potency. In both territorial and non-territorial fish, steroid-producing Leydig cells have been demonstrated in the connective tissue betweeen the testis and the testicular gland, and around the collecting sperm duct. In addition, 3β-HSD activity has been found in the scarce interstitial Leydig cells of territorial fish. Morphometric data indicate an enhanced activity of the Leydig cells in territorial fish.  相似文献   

(1) This paper examines removal and other experimental studies on the role of territorial behaviour in the limitation of bird densities. Experimental design is discussed, as are the types of conclusions that can be drawn. (2) Experiments have been conducted on more than 40 species from a wide range of taxonomic groups. Most provided evidence for density limitation, probably mediated by territorial behaviour, and for the existence of a non-territorial sector able to take territories when territory owners were removed or when additional habitat was made available. Experiments in the breeding season indicated that some surplus birds, although younger on average then territorial birds, were sexually mature and able to breed when given the chance. In some species, replacement birds bred less well than other territorial birds, but in other species no difference was apparent between the two groups. (3) Other experiments indicated that, while density was limited by territorial behaviour in good habitats, this was not the case in poor habitats, and that some individuals would move from poor to good habitat when territory owners were removed from good habitat. (4) In some species, non-territorial birds of breeding age were present in the population despite the existence of vacant territorial sites, while in others replacements were observed on good territories but not on poor ones. The implications were that site quality influenced whether settlement, defence and breeding occurred, and that some individuals had more stringent site requirements than others. In some seabirds' sites in the centre of a colony were more attractive than sites on the edges. (5) Many land-bird species that have been studied show two peaks of territorial activity each year, in autumn and in spring, and a limitation on breeding density can occur at either or both seasons, depending on conditions. (6) The fact that densities of many bird species fluctuate greatly from year to year is not inconsistent with the limitation of density by territorial behaviour. Several mechanisms are apparent through which density might be limited by territorialism at different levels in different years, so that surplus non-territorial birds are present in years of low territorial density, as well as in years of high territorial density. (7) Experiments have shown that density is limited by the presence of territorial birds, in some species at different levels in different areas or years. The next step is to find whether density is regulated by the presence of territorial birds over a period of years in a density-dependent manner. For this, observational data are required to find whether the proportion of birds that is excluded by territorial behaviour each year varies with the total number available for settlement. Such studies can be made only on species in which non-territorial birds can be counted accurately, as well as territorial ones.  相似文献   

The function of chemical signalling in non-territorial solitary carnivores is still relatively unclear. Studies on territorial solitary and social carnivores have highlighted odour capability and utility, however the social function of chemical signalling in wild carnivore populations operating dominance hierarchy social systems has received little attention. We monitored scent marking and investigatory behaviour of wild brown bears Ursus arctos, to test multiple hypotheses relating to the social function of chemical signalling. Camera traps were stationed facing bear 'marking trees' to document behaviour by different age sex classes in different seasons. We found evidence to support the hypothesis that adult males utilise chemical signalling to communicate dominance to other males throughout the non-denning period. Adult females did not appear to utilise marking trees to advertise oestrous state during the breeding season. The function of marking by subadult bears is somewhat unclear, but may be related to the behaviour of adult males. Subadults investigated trees more often than they scent marked during the breeding season, which could be a result of an increased risk from adult males. Females with young showed an increase in marking and investigation of trees outside of the breeding season. We propose the hypothesis that females engage their dependent young with marking trees from a young age, at a relatively 'safe' time of year. Memory, experience, and learning at a young age, may all contribute towards odour capabilities in adult bears.  相似文献   

Chemical structures of several urinary reproductive pheromones in fish have been identified, and their role in the chemical communication of reproductive condition is well characterized. On the contrary, the role of chemical communication in signalling of social/territorial status in fish is poorly understood. Fathead minnows are an example of a fish species whose life history traits appear conducive to evolution of chemical communication systems that confer information about social/territorial status. Male reproduction in this species is dependent upon their ability to acquire and defend a high quality nesting territory, and to attract a female to the nest. We hypothesized that fathead minnow males use visual and urine-derived chemical cues to signal territorial status. To test this hypothesis, effects of territorial acquisition on male-specific secondary sex characteristics (SSCs) and urine volumes were first assessed. Second, frequencies of male urination in varying social contexts were examined. Finally, nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics was used to identify urinary metabolites that were differentially excreted in the urine of territorial versus non-territorial males. The expression of SSCs, sperm, and urine volumes increased with territory acquisition, and either remained unchanged or decreased in non-territorial males. Frequency of male urination increased significantly in the presence of females (but not males), suggesting that females are the main target of the urinary signals. Territorial and non-territorial males had distinct urinary metabolomic profiles. An unforeseen finding was that one could discern future territorial status of males, based on their initial metabolomic profiles. Bile acids and volatile amines were identified as potential chemical signals of social status in the fathead minnow. The finding that trimethylamine (a fishy smelling volatile amine) may be a social cue is particularly interesting, because it is known to bind trace amine-associated receptors, indicating that these receptors may play role in chemical signalling of social status in fish.  相似文献   

TA Baird  TD Baird  R Shine 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41819
Theory predicts the evolution of alternative male social tactics when intense competition coupled with the superior competitive ability of some individuals limits access to reproductive opportunities by others. How selection has shaped alternative social tactics may be especially interesting in long-lived species where size among sexually mature males varies markedly. We conducted experimental studies on long-lived eastern Australian water dragons living where competition was intense to test the hypotheses that mature males adopt alternative social tactics that are plastic, and that large size and body condition determine resource-holding potential. Approximately one-half of mature males (N = 14) defended territories using high rates of patrol and advertisement display, whereas 16 smaller mature males having lower body condition indices utilized non-territorial social tactics. Although territorial males were larger in absolute size and head dimensions, their heads were not allometrically larger. Territorial males advertised very frequently using displays involving stereotypical movements of the head and dewlap. More aggressive displays were given infrequently during baseline social conditions, but increased during periods of social instability. Female home ranges overlapped those of several territorial and non-territorial males, but females interacted more frequently with territorial males. The extreme plasticity of social tactics in this species that are dependent on body size was confirmed by two instances when relatively large non-territorial males spontaneously evicted territory owners, and by marked shifts in tactics by non-territorial males in response to temporary experimental removals of territory owners, followed (usually) by their expulsion when original owners were reinstated. The high level of social plasticity in this population where same-sex competitors are densely concentrated in preferred habitat suggests that chronic high energetic costs of defense may select for males to cycle between territorial and non-territorial social tactics depending upon their changing energetic status and their current capacity for competition with rivals.  相似文献   

Summary Adult largemouth bass alter habitat use by, and abundances of, other fishes in small streams. Experimental manipulations of bass in natural stream pools (Brier Creek, Oklahoma) showed that responses of other fishes to adult bass were highly dependent on prey size, and that both direct and indirect effects of adult bass influence the distribution and abundance of other stream fishes. Experiments measuring the distributional responses of members of natural pool assemblages to adult bass revealed differences among adult sunfishes, small fishes (16–80 mm SL), and larval sunfish and minnows. Adult sunfishes (Lepomis spp.) did not detectably alter their depth distribution in response to adult bass, but changes in abundance of adult Lepomis on the whole-pool scale appeared positively related to changes in the number of bass. Small fishes tended to occupy shallower water when adult bass were present; changes in abundance of small fishes were negatively related to the number of adult bass. Larval minnows and larval Lepomis occupied primarily deep, mid-regions of pools, and were found only in pools which contained, or had contained, adult bass. A second set of experiments was motivated by censuses of small prairie-margin streams which revealed co-occurrence of larval fishes (of both minnow and sunfish species) and adult largemouth bass. Experimental manipulation of bass and Lepomis larvae on the whole-pool scale showed that adult bass enhanced short-term survival of Lepomis larvae. This effect appears to be an indirect result of habitat shifts by small fishes in response to bass; additional experiments indicated that these small fishes are potentially important predators of larvae. The interactions suggested in this study are analogous to those hypothesized for bass and sunfish in lakes by Werner and Hall (1988).  相似文献   

Three groups of juvenile salmon were introduced sequentially into an artificial stream to investigate the effects of prior residence on behaviour and territory choice. Almost half of the first group obtained and defended distinct territories, the other half being constrained to an area approximately the size of one large territory. All of the fish in the subsequent groups, bar one, were also constrained to the same site. Since the fish were of similar size, prior residence alone seemed to influence which individuals obtained territories. However, within the first group, the fish that obtained territories were larger and more aggressive. The territorial fish did not appear to choose the most profitable territories, although they had the greatest opportunity to do so. Since juvenile salmon emerge from their gravel nests fairly synchronously, a time constraint on site sampling is hypothesised: there may be a risk in taking time to sample sites, since these same sites may become occupied with conspecifics. However, fish with territories fed at faster rates than non-territorial fish, possibly because of reduced competition for prey items. Consequently, fish from the first group (containing most of the territorial fish) grew faster than the other two groups. Moreover, most of the territory holders, but only one of the non-territorial fish, reached the threshold size that increases their probability of smolting the following year. This suggests that ability to obtain a defensible territory, primarily through prior residence, influences the age at which juvenile salmon can migrate to sea.  相似文献   

Summary Observations in rocky intertidal areas demonstrate that breaking waves throw rocks and cobbles and that these missiles can damage and kill organisms. Targets in the intertidal were dented by impacts from wave-borne rocks. New dents/day in these targets was positively correlated with the daily maximum significant wave height and with new patches/day in aggregations of the barnacle Chthamalus fissus. Impact frequency was highest in the upper intertidal and varied dramatically between microhabitats on individual boulders (edges, tops and faces). These patterns were reflected in the microhabitat abundances of old and young barnacles. Comparisons were made of the survivorship and the frequency of shell damage in two populations of the limpet Lottia gigantea living in habitats which differed primarily in the number of moveable rocks (i.e. potential projectiles). The mortality rate and frequency of shell damage were significantly higher in the projectilerich habitat. In addition only in this habitat did the frequency of shell damage covary significantly with seasonal periods of high surf. Investigation of the response of limpet shells to impacts suggests that shell strength varies between species and increases with shell size. Species-specific patterns of non-fatal shell breakage may have evolved to absorb the energy of impacts. In two of the intertidal habitats studied, wave-borne rock damage was chronic and, at least in part, may have governed the faunal makeup of the community by contributing to the physical boundaries of the environment within which the inhabitants must survive.  相似文献   

L. Hansson 《Oecologia》1982,52(2):246-252
Summary Several pairs of species of microtine rodents show inverse distributions or abundance. Here I determine if the inverse abundance relationship of the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus (a forest species) and the field vole Microtus agrestis (an open field species) could be explained by habitat selection. Habitat selection was examined by choice experiments with combinations of soil and vegetation types, and with separate habitat factors. The effects of early experience and social behaviour were also studied, e.g. in a large outdoor enclosure. M. agrestis showed a stronger dependence on shelter (e.g. easily excavated soil or thick grassy vegetation) than C. glareolus, while the presence of preferred food did not affect habitat selection for either species. In both species, laboratory-bred specimens showed considerably fewer preferences. Habitat selection in subadult C. glareolus was influenced by social clumping, while territorial behaviour made more even distributions in M. agrestis.The less rigid habitat selection and weaker territorial behaviour observed in the forest species (Clethrionomys) compared with a species from temporary habitats (Microtus) is not consistent with present concepts of r- and K-selection.  相似文献   

Topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) is one of the most invasive aquatic fish species in Europe and causes adverse effects to ecosystem structure and functioning. Knowledge and understanding of the species’ interactions with the environment and with native fish are important to stop and prevent the further spread of the species. Creating species distribution models is a useful technique to determine which factors influence the occurrence and abundance of a species. We applied three different modelling techniques: general additive models, random forests and fuzzy habitat suitability modelling (FHSM) to assess the habitat suitability of topmouth gudgeon. The former two techniques indicated that the abundance of native fish (i.e. biotic variables) was more important than environmental variables when determining the abundance of topmouth gudgeon in Flanders (Belgium). Bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), stone loach (Barbatula barbatula), three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and predator abundance were selected as the most important biotic variables and implemented in the FHSM to investigate species interactions. Depending on the preferred food source and spawning behaviour, either coexistence or interspecific competition can occur with bitterling, stone loach and three-spined stickleback. In contrast, the presence of predators clearly had a top down effect on topmouth gudgeon abundance. These findings could be applied as a biological control measure and implemented in conservation strategies in order to reduce the abundance of earlier established populations of topmouth gudgeon.  相似文献   

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