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To understand the olfactory mechanism of honeybee antennae in detecting specific volatile compounds in the atmosphere, antennal proteome differences of drone, worker and queen were compared using 2-DE, mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. Therefore, 107 proteins were altered their expressions in the antennae of drone, worker and queen bees. There were 54, 21 and 32 up-regulated proteins in the antennae of drone, worker and queen, respectively. Proteins upregulated in the drone antennae were involved in fatty acid metabolism, antioxidation, carbohydrate metabolism and energy production, protein folding and cytoskeleton. Proteins upregulated in the antennae of worker and queen bees were related to carbohydrate metabolism and energy production while molecular transporters were upregulated in the queen antennae. Our results explain the role played by the antennae of drone is to aid in perceiving the queen sexual pheromones, in the worker antennae to assist for food search and social communication and in the queen antennae to help pheromone communication with the worker and the drone during the mating flight. This first proteomic study significantly extends our understanding of honeybee olfactory activities and the possible mechanisms played by the antennae in response to various environmental, social, biological and biochemical signals.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity in the midguts of pupae and imagos of worker honeybees was determined over a 1-yr period. The bees were of defined ages and the size of the hypopharyngeal glands was used as a parameter of their functional status. The activities of trypsin-like, chymotrypsin-like enzymes and the total caseinolytic activity were investigated; they did not depend on Ca2+ and showed optimal turnover at pH values above 7. Proteolytic activity is limited in pupae and newly emerged bees, then increases rapidly in the first hours of the imago stage. Proteolytic activity and the relation between trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like activity vary with age, season and functional status of the insects. Nurse bees show the greatest proteolytic activity. Age-dependent distributions of enzymatic activities in the endo- and ecto-peritrophic space indicate that the peritrophic membrane establishes compartments within the midgut lumen.  相似文献   

通过解剖镜和扫描电子显微镜对意大利工蜂Apismellifera ligusticaL.前胃的形态结构进行了观察,发现前胃包括前胃瓣和前胃管两部分。前胃瓣是由4个瓣片环围而成,球形,在蜜囊中,每个瓣片的长度约为0.8mm,前端为三角形结构,可以运动,边长约为0.35mm,三角形的前缘有较长的毛形结构。在每个三角形顶端各有一个直径约为50μm瘤形突起。前胃瓣最大孔径为0.89~1.00mm,具有调整和控制食物进入中肠的功能。前胃管是一直径0.01~0.02mm的较为柔软的管道,插入中肠5mm,该结构可防止中肠食物的倒流。前胃瓣上有7种毛状结构,分布在前胃瓣的不同部位,该结构的功能是分离和过滤、捕捉和感觉功能。本研究为理解工蜂前胃在消化系统中的功能和作用以及昆虫形态学和昆虫分类学提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Summary The thoracic salivary gland of the worker honeybee was investigated by dissection, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The glands are paired and each lateral half consists of two parts, a smaller external and a larger internal lobe. The lobes are composed of densely packed secretory tubes and ducts, the tubes of which often show ramifications. A reservoir is packed within the anterior medial part of the gland. The secretory tubes are composed of two types of cells, secretory cells, which are most frequent, and parietal cells. Secretory cells are characterized by a basal labyrinth, abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, dark secretory vesicles, light vesicles of different sizes, and apical microvilli. Parietal cells are smaller and have a characteristically lobed nucleus and no secretory vesicles. Between the cells there are intercellular canaliculi. In the center of each tube there is an extracellular space with a central cuticular channel. The abundance of rough endoplasmic reticulum and the rare occurrence of smooth endoplasmic reticulum implies a saliva with proteins but rarely with pheromones. Between the secretory tubes there are frequently neuronal profiles which are partly in contact with the secretory cells. Thus a nervous control of this gland is, in contrast to previous investigations, clearly demonstrated. The axonal endings contain dark neurosecretory vesicles as well as light synaptic vesicles. Large parts of the glands are surrounded by a thin tissue sheath which has a smooth surface towards the secretory tubes and shows irregular protrusions towards the outer side. This sheath is considered to be a tracheal air sac, and due to its large extension is probably of importance for the hemolymph flow in the thorax.  相似文献   

The COI-COII intergenic region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was studied in local honeybee (Apis mellifera mellifera) L. populations from the Middle and Southern Urals. Analysis of bee colonies in these regions revealed apiaries enriched in families descending from A. m. mellifera in the maternal lineage. These results confirm the suggestion of preservation of A. m. mellifera refuges in the Urals and provide grounds for work on the preservation of the gene pool of this bee variety, valuable for all Russia.  相似文献   

通过研究意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera工蜂咽下腺的结构及形态,为蜜蜂形态学和蜜蜂生理学以及王浆分泌生理提供新知识采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、HE染色石蜡切片和透射电镜,从形态学和细胞学水平对意大利工蜂咽下腺的结构和功能做了详尽探究和分析.意大利工蜂咽下腺由多个卵圆形腺泡组成,每个腺泡的直径约为120×180 μm,腺泡之间有微气管相连,腺泡外侧有神经细胞,神经细胞的胞体直径约为12μm.每个腺泡是由多细胞构成,最外层有0.1 ~0.2 μm的结缔组织膜,内部有壁细胞、酶原细胞和王浆分泌细胞,其中王浆分泌细胞分布较多,细胞直径约为16 ~ 18 μm,细胞核直径约为6μm. 由咽下腺的形态结构和细胞类型推断,意大利工蜂咽下腺主要分泌王浆,也具有分泌消化酶的功能,同时了解到分泌消化酶和王浆的途径.  相似文献   

Oxley PR  Thompson GJ  Oldroyd BP 《Genetics》2008,179(3):1337-1343
The all-female worker caste of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) is effectively barren in that workers refrain from laying eggs in the presence of a fecund queen. The mechanism by which workers switch off their ovaries in queenright colonies is pheromonally cued, but there is genetically based variation among individuals: some workers have high thresholds for ovary activation, while for others the response threshold is lower. Genetic variation for threshold response by workers to ovary-suppressing cues is most evident in "anarchist" colonies in which mutant patrilines have a proportion of workers that activate their ovaries and lay eggs, despite the presence of a queen. In this study we use a selected anarchist line to create a backcross queenright colony that segregated for high and low levels of ovary activation. We used 191 informative microsatellite loci, covering all 16 linkage groups to identify QTL for ovary activation and test the hypothesis that anarchy is recessively inherited. We reject this hypothesis, but identify four QTL that together explain approximately 25% of the phenotypic variance for ovary activation in our mapping population. They provide the first molecular evidence for the existence of quantitative loci that influence selfish cheating behavior in a social animal.  相似文献   

Despite their similar genetic makeup, honeybee (A. mellifera) queens and workers show alternative morphologies driven by nutritional difference during the larval stage. Although much research have been done to investigate the causes of honeybee caste polymorphism, information at subcellular protein levels is limited. We analyzed queen- and worker-destined larvae mitochondrial proteome at three early developmental stages using combinations of differential centrifugation, two-dimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, and quantitative real time PCR. In total, 67, 69, and 97 protein spots were reproducibly identified as mitochondrial proteins at 72, 96, and 120 h, respectively. There were significant qualitative and quantitative protein expression differences between the two castes at three developmental stages. In general, the queen-destined larvae up-regulated large proportions of proteins at all of the developmental stages and, in particular, 95% at 72 h. An overwhelming majority of the queen larvae up-regulated proteins were physiometabolic-enriched proteins (metabolism of carbohydrate and energy, amino acid, and fatty acid) and involved in protein folding, and this was further verified by functional enrichment and biological interaction network analyses as a direct link with metabolic rates and cellular responses to hormones. Although wide-ranging mitochondrial proteomes participate to shape the metabolic, physiologic, and anatomic differences between the two castes at 72 h, physiometabolic-enriched proteins were found as the major modulators of the profound marking of this caste differentiation. Owing to nutritional difference, prospective queen larvae showed enhanced growth, and this was manifested through the overexpression of metabolic enzymes. Differently from similar studies targeting the causes of honeybee caste polymorphism, this subcellular level study provides an in-depth insight into mitochondrial proteins-mediated caste polymorphism and greatly improves protein coverage involved during honeybee caste determination. Hence, it is a major step forward in the analysis of the fundamental causes of honeybee caste pathway decision and greatly contributes to the knowledge of honeybee biology. In particular, the consistency between the 22 proteins and mRNA expressions provides us important target genes for the reverse genetic analysis of caste pathway modulation through RNA interference.  相似文献   

Raes H  Verbeke M 《Tissue & cell》1994,26(2):223-230
The occurrence, development and ultrastructure of two types of gut endocrine cell have been studied in the midgut of adult honeybees. These cells, one of a basal granular type and one of a vesicular type, are evenly distributed throughout the posterior three-quarters of the midgut. Each crypt complex contains one of each cell type, both of which may be derived from the same stem cells as the enterocytes. They already contain their respective secretory product while still in the nidus. Both reach the midgut lumen by a narrow apex and are therefore of the open type. The granular cells release their secretory granules at the cell base in a typical endocrine way. In young vesicular cells the secretory vesicles are released at the cell base and in the intercellular spaces. Old cells are still filled with vesicles when they are shed in the midgut lumen. This seems to indicate that these cells have both an endocrine (or paracrine) and an exocrine function, the latter apparently by holocrinc release.  相似文献   

Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) have an extreme polyandrous mating system. Worker offspring of 19 naturally mated queens was genotyped with DNA microsatellites, to estimate male reproductive success of 16 drone producing colonies. This allowed for estimating the male mating success on both the colony level and the level of individual drones. The experiment was conducted in a closed population on an isolated island to exclude interferences of drones from unknown colonies. Although all colonies had produced similar numbers of drones, differences among the colonies in male mating success exceeded one order of magnitude. These differences were enhanced by the siring success of individual drones within the offspring of mated queens. The siring success of individual drones was correlated with the mating frequency at the colony level. Thus more successful colonies not only produced drones with a higher chance of mating, but also with a significantly higher proportion of offspring sired than drones from less successful colonies. Although the life cycle of honeybee colonies is very female centred, the male reproductive success appears to be a major driver of natural selection in honeybees.  相似文献   

We compared the mortality of honeybee (Apis mellifera) drone and worker larvae from a single queen under controlled in vitro conditions following infection with Paenibacillus larvae, a bacterium causing the brood disease American Foulbrood (AFB). We also determined absolute P. larvae cell numbers and lethal titres in deceased individuals of both sexes up to 8 days post infection using quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR). Our results show that in drones the onset of infection induced mortality is delayed by 1 day, the cumulative mortality is reduced by 10% and P. larvae cell numbers are higher than in worker larvae. Since differences in bacterial cell titres between sexes can be explained by differences in body size, larval size appears to be a key parameter for a lethal threshold in AFB tolerance. Both means and variances for lethal thresholds are similar for drone and worker larvae suggesting that drone resistance phenotypes resemble those of related workers.  相似文献   

An account is given of the mating responses of free-flying drones towards a queen, and of the pheromones controlling these responses.  相似文献   

Lipophorin of the larval honeybee, Apis mellifera L   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most insects have a major lipoprotein species in the blood (hemolymph) that serves to transport fat from the midgut to the storage depots in fat body cells and from the fat body to peripheral tissues. The generic name lipophorin is used for this lipoprotein. In larvae of the honeybee, Apis mellifera, a lipophorin has been found with properties that correlate well with those of the only other lipophorin reported for an immature insect, that of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. The honeybee lipophorin (Mr = 530,000) has a density of 1.13 g/ml, contains approximately 41% lipid and 59% protein, and contains two apoproteins, apoLp-I, Mr = 250,000 and apoLp-II, Mr = 80,000, both of which are glycosylated. The lipids consist predominantly of polar lipids, of which phospholipids and diacylglycerols represent 60% of the total. When the intact lipophorin is treated with trypsin, apoLp-I is rapidly proteolyzed, while apoLp-II is resistant, indicating a difference in exposure of the two apoproteins to the aqueous environment. Honeybee apoLp-II cross-reacts with antibodies to M. sexta apoLp-II, but not to anti-M. sexta apoLp-I. No cross-reactivity of honeybee apoLp-I to anti-M. sexta apoLp-I was observed.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts that honeybee (Apis mellifera) workers should largely refrain from producing their own offspring, as the workers collectively have higher inclusive fitness if they rear the sons of their mother, the queen. Studies that have quantified levels of ovary activation and reproduction among workers have largely supported this prediction. We sampled pre‐emergent male pupae and adult workers from seven colonies at regular intervals throughout the reproductive part of the season. We show that the overall contribution of workers to male (drone) production is 4.2%, nearly 40 times higher than is generally reported, and is highest during reproductive swarming, when an average of 6.2% of the males genotyped are worker‐produced. Similarly, workers in our samples were 100 times more likely to have active ovaries than previously assumed. Worker reproduction is seasonally influenced and peaks when colonies are rearing new queens. Not all worker subfamilies contribute equally to reproduction. Instead, certain subfamilies are massively over‐represented in drone brood. By laying eggs within the period in which many colonies produce virgin queens, these rare worker subfamilies increase their direct fitness via their well‐timed sons.  相似文献   

Honey bees satisfy their lipid requirement by consuming pollen. The free fatty acid content of the midgut was used to quantify fat digestion. Midguts extracted from younger workers of known ages and from foragers were divided into three components: endoperitrophic region (peritrophic membrane with gut contents), extraperitrophic region and intestinal wall. Both the total amount of pollen and the amount of free fatty acids in the endoperitrophic region and in the intestinal wall depend on the bee's age. The amounts increase within the 1st 3 days of a honey bee's life, reach maxima around the age of 8 days and then decrease continuously to the lowest values, measured in forager bees. Forced feeding with triacylglycerol results in significantly higher levels of free fatty acids, especially in the endoperitrophic region, in 8-day-old bees and foragers. This indicates that lipolytic activity depends on age and that the free fatty acid content in 8-day-old bees is primarily limited by the amount and availability of lipids ingested. The results show further that fat digestion depends on the functional status of honey bees, as is the case for pollen consumption, speed of transport of pollen bolus through the alimentary canal and protein digestion.  相似文献   

Terrestrial organisms need to limit evaporation from their bodies in order to maintain a homeostatic water balance. Owing to a large surface to volume ratio, arthropods are particularly susceptible to desiccation and have evolved behavioural and physiological mechanisms to conserve water. In social insects, water balance is also affected by the interactions between nestmates and by the architecture of the nest. For honeybees, humidity is particularly important for the brood because it affects the hatching success of eggs and because, unlike ants, honeybees cannot relocate their brood to parts of the nest with more favourable humidity. To advance the understanding of the water economy in honeybee nests, we investigated whether workers exhibit a hygropreference when exposed to a gradient of 24-90% relative humidity (RH) and whether the expression of this preference and their behaviour is affected by the presence of brood. The results show that young honeybee workers in the absence of brood exhibit a weak hygropreference for approximately 75% RH. When brood is present the expression of this preference is further weakened, suggesting that workers tend to the brood by distributing evenly in the gradient. In addition, fanning behaviour is shown to be triggered by an increase in humidity above the preferred level but not by a decrease. Our results suggest that humidity in honeybee colonies is actively controlled by workers.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):591-598
The morphological characters of honeybees have an important role for discriminating honeybee subspecies. In the present research, Iranian populations of honeybee (Apis mellifera) were collected from 19 areas in Iran. The samples were collected from stationary beekeeping sites. Moreover, pictures of honeybee forewings held in the Bee Data Bank in Oberursel were compared with Iranian honeybee populations. 19 morphological characters were measured for each forewing of worker honeybee to evaluate differentiation of Iranian honeybee populations from the commercial honeybee subspecies A. m. mellifera, A. m. carnica, A. m. caucasica and A. m. ligustica. Additionally, part of the tRNAleu gene, an intergenic region and part of COII was used to confirm differentiation of the commercial subspecies from Iranian honeybee populations. Results of the cluster analyses showed that 19 morphological characters of forewings differentiated Iranian populations from the commercial subspecies. Moreover, the phylogenetic tree of part of the tRNAleu gene, an intergenic region and part of COII differentiated the commercial subspecies from Iranian honeybee populations. Results of the discriminant function analyses (DFA) indicated that the references samples of A. m. meda overlapped with Iranian populations.  相似文献   

A study was carried out during May 1993, in southern England, on eight chemically untreated Apis mellifera L. colonics heavily infested with Varroa jacobsoni (15–40% of worker sealed brood). The position and time of capping of 3.228 worker sealed brood were recorded. At two hour intervals, starting from when each cell was capped, groups of worker cells were uncapped and their contents recorded. It was found that each V. jacobsoni female could deposit five or sometimes six larvae in a worker cell, of which four (1 male and 3 females) may reach maturity before the bee emerged from its cell. However, mortality of the offspring resulted in only 1.45 female offspring reaching maturity, for each normally reproducing mother mite, before the bee emerged. The mean development time of the first three female offspring was 134 hours (±=3 h.n=3), shorter than that of the male (154 hours). The first larva was deposited approximately 60 hours after the cell was capped, and developed into a male. Subsequent larvae were deposited at intervals varying from 26–32 hours, and all developed into females.  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular recordings were taken from a sustained unit in the first optic chiasma of the optic lobe of the worker honeybee. This unit received information from onlyone of the four retinal photopigments, despite the anatomical convergence in the retina and lamina ganglionaris.Supported by AFOSR contract F44620-70-C-0113 and NSF grant GB 30732.  相似文献   

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