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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of modulating the plasma concentrations of the avian antidiuretic hormone, arginine vasotocin (AVT), upon the febrile response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in Pekin ducks. LPS, intravenously administered into conscious control birds at a dose of 1 μg · kg−1, caused a monophasic increase in body temperature of 0.85 ± 0.12 °C associated with a Thermal Response Index of 2.5 ± 0.6 C° h. Plasma AVT concentrations in the control birds also increased with the progression of the fever response, more than doubling from their basal values. Ducks in which the circulating level of AVT had either been elevated by the intravenous infusion of the peptide or dehydration, or reduced by the administration of a specific AVT antibody prior to LPS administration, produced body temperature profiles and Thermal Response Index values that did not differ significantly from those of the control birds. The lack of any direct effect of variations in plasma AVT concentrations upon the magnitude of the fever response indicates that the LPS-induced elevation in plasma AVT is not associated with modulating the rise in body temperature obtained in avian fever. Accepted: 7 March 2000  相似文献   

The consequences of variations in environmental temperature on innate immune responses in birds are by and large not known. We investigated the influence of ambient temperature on the febrile response in female Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Ducks, implanted with temperature data loggers to measure body temperature, were injected with lipopolysaccharide (100 μg kg−1) to evoke febrile responses and kept at ambient temperatures higher, within, and lower than their thermoneutral zone (n=10), and in conditions that simulated one day of a heat wave (n=6). Compared to the febrile response at thermoneutrality, at low temperatures, febrile responses were significantly attenuated; fevers reached lower magnitudes (from basal body temperature of 41.2±0.3 °C to a peak of 42.0±0.3 °C). In contrast, at high ambient temperatures, ducks rapidly developed significantly enhanced fevers, which reached markedly higher febrile peaks (from basal body temperature of 41.6 °C to a peak of 44.0 °C in a simulated heat wave when ambient temperature reached 40 °C). These results indicate that ambient temperature affects the febrile response in female Pekin ducks. Our findings reveal a key difference in febrile mediation between ducks and mammals, and have implications for avian survival because high environmental temperatures during febrile mediation could lead to febrile responses becoming physiologically deleterious.  相似文献   

Fever is an energetically expensive component of the mammalian immune system’s acute phase response. Like mammals, birds also develop fever when exposed to pathogens, but, as yet, the energy requirements of febrile mediation in birds are not known. We injected ducks (Anas platyrhynchos; n=8) with 100 μ kg−1 LPS or sterile isotonic saline and recorded their core body temperatures while measuring their O2 consumption and CO2 production in an open-flow respirometric circuit. Lipopolysaccharide elicited robust increases in the core body temperatures of our birds. The metabolic rate of the ducks increased about 80 min after treatment with LPS, relative to the metabolic rate of saline injected birds, and peaked 100 min later when the highest body temperatures were recorded. Our ducks increased their energy expenditure by 33.1% for about 3 h to mount a febrile response that, on average, increased their body temperature 1.4 °C. Studies with humans and rats, kept at thermoneutral temperatures, found a 10-15% increase in metabolic rate for every 1 °C increase in body temperature. The increase in metabolic rate, reported here (23%/°C), is noticeably higher and we conclude that febrile mediation is metabolically more expensive in Pekin ducks than in mammals.  相似文献   

Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) were bilaterally adrenalectomized (biADX), injected with 1 mg of triamcinolone (TRIAM) kg bw−1 im and given 0.9% saline drinking water during a 24 h recovery period followed by chemical sympathectomy with 6OH DOPA 3 h before the start of experimental observations. Baseline plasma dopamine (DA) concentrations decreased from 283 ± 88.5 pmol ml−1 to 42.4 ± 11.1 pmol ml−1; epinephrine (E) from 142 ± 46 pmol ml−1 to 18.4 ± 9.2 pmol ml−1 and norepinephrine (NE) from 742 ± 84 pmol ml−1 to 406 ± 38 pmol ml−1 1 day after biADX + TRIAM but before chemical sympathectomy. Baseline MABP increased from 132 ± 3.2 mmHg to 209 ± 14.3 mmHg (P < 0.05) in response to TRIAM. After chemical sympathectomy with 6OH DOPA there was an additional 90% decrease in plasma NE to 42 ± 9.4 pmol ml−1 and a concurrent 60% decrease in MABP to 83.4 ± 6.9 mmHg (P < 0.05). Nasal fluid secretion was maintained by the continuous infusion of hypertonic saline (1,000 mosmol kg H2O−1 at a rate of 0.3 ml kg−1 min−1). Rates of nasal fluid secretion and fluid electrolyte concentrations were unchanged following biADX + TRIAM + 6OH DOPA. Angiotensin II (ANG II; dose 1 μg kg bw−1 i.v.), attenuated nasal fluid secretion showing that the response to ANG II was not NE- dependent. Plasma NE concentrations decreased following Tyramine i.v. (33 ± 8.5 pmol ml−1) there being no vasopressor response. This is the first report of the ANG II induced attenuation of duck salt gland secretion in the absence of measurable E and NE.  相似文献   

Tramer (1969) proposed that communities regulated by competition in benign, predictable environments were characterized by (i) damped variation in evenness relative to variation in richness over time, and (ii) high evenness relative to communities regulated by variation in the abundance and diversity of resources in rigorous, unpredictable environments. To test whether patterns of variation in diversity could reflect the mechanisms proposed to regulate community structure, temporal and spatial changes in the diversity, richness and evenness of breeding duck communities were examined along a gradient of variability in wetland conditions using thirty-three years of duck census and climate data from the Canadian prairie and boreal forest regions. Temporal variation in evenness was independent of wetland habitat variability. Changes in richness were more parsimoniously explained by the appearance of ducks displaced (by drought) from rigorous, variable, wetland habitats into relatively benign ones, than by competition in benign areas. Evenness was not significantly higher for duck guilds in more constant wetland habitats, as predicted. Variation in richness, evenness and diversity, predicted by Tramer, do not provide a basis for distinguishing the factors that regulate duck community structure.  相似文献   

In ectotherms, the likelihood of surviving an infection is determined by the efficiency of thermoregulation, the availability of a variety of thermal microenvironments, the individual's health status, and the virulence of the infective agent. Physiological and behavioral demands related to an efficient immune response entail a series of costs that compete with other vital activities, specifically energy storage, growth, reproduction, and maintenance functions. Here, we characterize the thermal biology and health status by the presence of injuries, ectoparasites, body condition, and individual immune response capacity (using phytohemagglutinin in a skin-swelling assay) of the southernmost lizards of the world, Liolaemus sarmientoi, endemic to a sub-optimal, cold environment in Patagonia, Argentina. In particular, we study the effect of a bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide; LPS-treatment) on thermoregulation. We found that the field-active body temperature (Tb) was much lower than the preferred body temperature (Tp) obtained in the laboratory. All the individuals were in good body condition at the beginning of the experiments. The phytohemagglutinin test caused detectable thickening in sole-pads at 2 h and 24 h post-assay in males and non-pregnant females, indicating a significant innate immune response. In the experimental immune challenge, the individuals tended to prefer a low body temperature after LPS-treatment (2 h post-injection) and developed hypothermia, while the control individuals injected with phosphate buffered saline (PBS), maintained their body temperature throughout the trial. In both the LPS-treatment and PBS-control individuals, BC declined during the experiment. Hypothermia may allow this southernmost species to optimize the use of their energetic resources and reduce the costs of thermoregulation in a cold-temperate environment where they rarely attain the mean Tp (35.16 °C) obtained in laboratory.  相似文献   



Kv7 channels (KCNQ) are potassium ion channels that are important in controlling neuronal excitability, which have been implicated in psychiatric disorders. Specifically, a role for Kv7 channels in anxiety processes has been proposed.


The main aim of this study was to investigate possible anxiolytic effects of Kv7 channel modulators in rats applying the stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) paradigm, a preclinical paradigm, which uses the autonomic stress-induced rise in body temperature as a readout parameter of stress.


The non-selective Kv7.2–5 channel positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) flupirtine and retigabine reduced the SIH response and basal body temperature with concomitant locomotor sedation. Administration of the Kv7.4/Kv7.5 channel negative allosteric modulator R-BMS204352 prior to injection with flupirtine did not antagonize the effects on body temperature and locomotor activity. Administration of the Kv7.4/Kv7.5 preferential PAM S-BMS204352 only modestly affected basal body temperature but did not affect the SIH response or locomotor activity levels.


The present study supports a role of Kv7.2/Kv7.3 channels in anxiety reduction, hypothermia and sedation, whereas preferential activation of Kv7.4/Kv7.5 channels only modestly affected body temperature and locomotor activity. Thus, the effects of Kv7 channel openers may be dissociated with regard to the contribution of different Kv7 subunits and Kv7 channel isoforms.  相似文献   

Most important day-roosts for wintering ducks are protected, but the useof such sites as foraging habitats by Anatidae has received little attention. Westudied the foraging activity of wintering mallard (Anasplatyrhynchos) and teal (A. crecca) at fourprotected areas of the Marshes of Rochefort, western France. These species aregenerally nocturnal feeders, but they may expand their foraging time into thedaylight hours if they have high energy requirements. Our goal was to identifythe factors that lead dabbling ducks to increase their daily foraging time, sothat the management of protected sites used by ducks diurnally could be adjustedaccordingly. We demonstrate for the first time that, at the holarctic scale,granivorous ducks in colder habitats have longer diurnal foraging times. Inwestern France, foraging represented 37–60% of ducks' daily time-budget:16% of daylight hours and 85% of the night were spent foraging on average. Teal(350 g) fed longer per day than mallard (1100 g), andthis seemed to result from different migration strategies rather thandifferences in body mass. This study suggests that management of protected areasshould be adjusted to the climatic conditions of a wintering quarter and to themigration status of species in the duck community, so that adequate foragingsites are available for energetically stressed individuals to fulfil their dailyrequirements.  相似文献   

Blood components are considered to reflect nutrient metabolism and immune activity in both humans and animals. In this study, we measured 12 blood components in Pekin ducks and performed genome-wide association analysis to identify the QTLs (quantitative trait locus) using a genotyping-by-sequencing strategy. A total of 54 QTLs were identified for blood components. One genome-wide significant QTL for alkaline phosphatase was identified within the intron-region of the OTOG gene (P = 1.31E-07). Moreover, 21 genome-wide significant SNPs for the level of serum cholinesterase were identified on six different scaffolds. In addition, for serum calcium, one genome-wide significant QTL was identified in the upstream region of gene RAB11B. These results provide new markers for functional studies in Pekin ducks, and several candidate genes were identified, which may provide additional insights into specific mechanisms for blood metabolism in ducks and their potential application for duck breeding programs.  相似文献   

The vertebrate renin-angiotensin system controls cardiovascular, renal and osmoregulatory functions. Angiotensin II (ANG II) is the most potent hormone of the RAS but in some vertebrate animals angiotensin III (Val4-ANG III) may be a hormone. We studied the effects of some angiotensins and mammalian ANG II receptor antagonists on nasal salt gland function and arterial blood pressure in conscious white Pekin ducks. Nasal salt gland fluid secretion (NFS) was induced by a 10 ml · kg−1 bw i.v. injection of a NaCl solution (1000 mosmol · kg−1 H2O) and maintained by a continuous i.v. infusion of the same solution at a rate of 0.97 ml · min−1. There was a positive linear correlation between nasal fluid [Na+] and osmolality, between [Na+] and [K+], and also between the rate of NFS and [Na+] and [K+]. [Asp1,Val5]-ANG II (1 nmol · kg−1 i.v.) inhibited NFS but did not change ionic concentrations. Val4-ANG III (1 or 5 nmol · kg−1) and ANG I (1-7) (20 nmol · kg−1) had no effect on NFS. [Sar1, Ile8]-ANG II (SARILE) acted as an ANG II receptor agonist and resulted in a prolonged and complete inhibition of NFS. The AT1 receptor antagonist, losartan (DuP 753) and the AT2 receptor antagonist, PD 123319 both failed to block the inhibitory effect of [Asp1, Val5]-ANG II on the nasal salt glands. [Asp1,Val5]-ANG II (2 nmol · kg−1 i.v.) increased mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), whereas the same dose of [Asn1,Val5]-ANG II (teleost) had only 30% of the pressor potency of the avian ANG II. Neither 1 nor 5 nmol · kg−1 of Val4-ANG III i.v. nor 20 nmol · kg−1 of ANG I (1-7) had any measurable effect on MABP. SARILE blocked completely the pressor response to [Asp1,Val5]-ANG II but the AT1 antagonists losartan and CGP 48933 and the AT2 antagonist PD 123319 all failed to block the pressor response to [Asp1,Val5]-ANG II. These results have substantiated an important role of the nasal salt gland in potassium regulation and highlighted a pharmacological dimorphism of saralasin, namely agonist and antagonist to angiotensin II-mediated inhibition of nasal salt gland function and pressor response, respectively. Using specific nonpeptidergic angiotensin II receptor antagonists, we have confirmed the distinct pharmacology of the avian angiotensin II receptors in a nongallinaceous species and the absence of significant angiotensin I (1-7) and angiotensin II effects on the cardiovascular system and nasal salt gland. Accepted: 6 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary A homogeneous group of 8-week-old Pekin ducks was divided into two groups: saltwater (SW) ducks received salt water of gradually increasing salinity (200–600 mOsm·kg-1) from the 8th to 20th week of age; freshwater (FW) ducks were maintained on fresh water but otherwise treated identically. During the course of salt-adaptation SW ducks increased plasma osmolality, Na+ and Cl- levels, and concentrations of the osmoregulatory peptide hormones arginine vasotocin and angiotensin II. The apparent volume of inulin distribution decreased in SW ducks, but blood volume was not reduced. SW ducks also developed arterial hypotension, bradycardia, and reduced cardiac output in the course of salt adaptation. This depressed cardiovascular performance was associated with enhanced vagal restraint of cardiac function and reduced plasma concentrations of norepinephrine. Salt water adaptation did not alter the degrees to which mean arterial pressure and heart rate changed in response to intravenous bolus injections of catecholamines. The same applied to the osmoregulatory peptides which were, however, effective only at supraphysiological concentrations. The Pekin duck, as a bird predisposed for adaptation to high salt loads, presumably adapts to chronic hypertonic saline intake by resetting the central autonomic control of blood pressure to a lower level.Abbreviations FW ducks fresh water ducks - SW ducks salt water ducks - ANGI angiotensin II - AVT arginine vasotocin - MAP mean arterial pressure - HR heart rate - IV intravenous - CO cardiac output - SV stroke volume - TPR total peripheral resistance - ISp virtual inulin space - ECFV extracellular fluid volume  相似文献   

Febrile seizures (FS) are the most prevalent seizures in children. Although FS are largely benign, complex FS increase the risk to develop temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Studies in rat models for FS have provided information about functional changes in the hippocampus after complex FS. However, our knowledge about the genes and pathways involved in the causes and consequences of FS is still limited. To enable molecular, genetic and knockout studies, we developed and characterized an FS model in mice and used it as a phenotypic screen to analyze FS susceptibility. Hyperthermia was induced by warm air in 10- to 14-day-old mice and induced FS in all animals. Under the conditions used, seizure-induced behavior in mice and rats was similar. In adulthood, treated mice showed increased hippocampal Ih current and seizure susceptibility, characteristics also seen after FS in rats. Of the seven genetically diverse mouse strains screened for FS susceptibility, C57BL/6J mice were among the most susceptible, whereas A/J mice were among the most resistant. Strains genetically similar to C57BL/6J also showed a susceptible phenotype. Our phenotypic data suggest that complex genetics underlie FS susceptibility and show that the C57BL/6J strain is highly susceptible to FS. As this strain has been described as resistant to convulsants, our data indicate that susceptibility genes for FS and convulsants are distinct. Insight into the mechanisms underlying seizure susceptibility and FS may help to identify markers for the early diagnosis of children at risk for complex FS and TLE and may provide new leads for treatment.  相似文献   

Our main objectives were to determine the genes involved in the establishment of hepatic steatosis in three genotypes of palmipeds. To respond to this question, we have compared Muscovy ducks, Pekin ducks and their crossbreed the mule duck fed ad libitum or overfed. We have shown a hepatic overexpression of fatty acid synthase (FAS) and di-acyl glycerol acyl transferase 2 (DGAT2) in overfed individuals, where DGAT2 seemed to be more regulated. This increase in lipogenesis genes is associated with a decrease of lipoprotein formation in Muscovy and mule ducks, especially apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein (MTTP), leading to lipid accumulation in liver. In Pekin ducks, MTTP expression is upregulated suggesting a better hepatic lipids exportation. Regarding lipids re-uptake, fatty acid-binding protein 4 and very-low-density-lipoprotein receptor are overexpressed in liver of mule ducks at the end of the overfeeding period. This phenomenon puts light on a mechanism unknown until today. In fact, mule can incorporate more lipids in liver than the two other genotypes leading to an intensified hepatic steatosis. To conclude, our results confirmed the genotype variability to overfeeding. Furthermore, similar observations are already described in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in human, and ask if ducks could be an animal model to study hepatic triglyceride accumulation.  相似文献   

Drever MC 《Oecologia》2006,147(4):725-733
Populations exhibit spatial synchrony when their numbers rise and fall in concert at several sites over their distribution. I examined the relationship between synchrony, abundance of wetlands (ponds), distance, and agricultural cover using count data of ten duck species counted in 23 aerial survey strata on the mid-continental prairies of North America. Expansion of agriculture may have resulted in increased synchrony of duck populations through increased foraging efficiency of nomadic predators and/or if the homogenization of nesting habitat has removed habitat features that allow differential local responses to large-scale population drivers such as precipitation. As a measure of synchrony, I calculated all pair-wise cross-correlation coefficients based on population growth rates (r t ) at each survey stratum, and then regressed these correlation coefficients against measures of cross-correlation of pond (wetland) counts, distance between strata, and mean percent area of strata seeded to row crops. Synchrony for most species was most strongly related to synchrony of wetland availability among sites, and decreased with distance between sites. Synchrony of ducks that nest over water showed little effect of agricultural cover, whereas the effect of agricultural cover on synchrony of upland nesting ducks differed by species. Mobile large-bodied species showed evidence of increased synchrony due to agricultural cover, whereas smaller-bodied, more philopatric species showed evidence of decreased synchrony due to agricultural cover.  相似文献   

It is known that heating the ram scrotum stimulates heat loss resulting in a decrease in body temperature and that during fever core temperature increases, but local scrotal thermoeffectors operate to maintain normal scrotal temperature. We have investigated whether scrotal warming influences core body temperature and the panting effector during fever generation. We measured rectal temperature, intrascrotal temperature, scrotal skin temperature and respiratory frequency in four adult Merino rams following intravascular injection of saline or lipopolysaccharide at an ambient temperature of 18-20 degrees C while scrotal skin temperature was maintained at 33 degrees C or elevated to 41 degrees C. Compared to maintaining normal scrotal temperature, heating the scrotum increased respiratory frequency and reduced rectal temperature by a similar amount following LPS as following saline. Fever was associated with decreased respiratory frequency compared to saline at both 33 and 41 degrees C scrotal temperature, suggesting that the fever was generated mainly by decreasing respiratory heat loss. We conclude that scrotal thermal afferent stimulation resulted in an offset for the set-point of body temperature regulation in both normothermic and febrile rams.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides, acting on structures within the central nervous system influence body temperature. Non-opioid peptides induce hypothermia usually, while opioid peptides are mostly hyperthermic. Neuropeptides exert their effect only when injected into specific brain areas.

Hypo- Or hyperthermic effect of neuropeptides may be either due to changes in threshold body temperatures for induction of thermoregulatory effectors or due to changes in hypothalamic thermosensitivity.

At the cellular level the opioid peptides also act differently than the non-opioid peptides. The opioid peptides mostly inhibit spontaneous neuronal firing, while the non-opioid peptides usually stimulate it. Neuropeptides exert their influence on all neurones in the hypothalamus, independently on their temperature characteristics.

Neuropeptides may play a role in the regulation of body temperature under stressful conditions and during fever or hibernation, in particular. Some neuropeptides, namely AVP, -MSH and ACTH, act as natural antipyretic substances by lowering the threshold for cold thermogenesis.

Neuropeptides also modulate food intake, reproduction and many other functions which are substantially changed during hibernation. There appears to be a correlation between the effect of peptides on the control of food intake and on the control of body temperature. Opioid peptides, which increase food intake, induce hyperthermia, while non-opioid peptides, which are appetite inhibiting, induce hypothermia. The exact role o neuropeptides in the regulation of body temperature, food intake and gonadal activity of hibernators remains unclear, however.  相似文献   

Meat-quality traits play an essential role in meat poultry production. To determine the genetic mechanisms of meat quality in Pekin ducks, we performed a large-scale GWAS to identify quantitative trait loci affecting meat quality in Pekin ducks. We measured 10 traits in 542 Pekin ducks and genotyped each duck using genotyping-by-sequencing. The genetic parameters (genomic heritability, genetic correlation) for 10 meat-quality related traits were evaluated. Based on the large genotype–phenotype dataset, we performed GWASs for all of these traits. A total of 33 significant QTL (P < 3.03 × 10−5) across 13 chromosomes were identified by loci-based analysis. Some newly identified candidate genes were discovered for fat-deposition and meat-quality traits, including PAG1 for body weight and eviscerated weight, INTU and NUP35 for abdominal fat weight and ratio, NUP3 and ARHGDIB for skin fat weight and ratio, GOLGA5 for breast muscle toughness and breast tenderness, and CTDSPL and PKP1 for breast muscle thickness. The current study is the first systematic report regarding duck meat quality.  相似文献   

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