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紫竹梅雄蕊毛细胞发育过程中胞间连丝超微结构的变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
紫竹梅(Setcreasea purpurea)雄蕊毛细胞间的胞间连丝随着细胞的生长、发育、衰老而呈现动态变化的过程.花蕾和开放花的雄蕊毛细胞间的胞间连丝,具备胞间连丝的一般结构,直径约50 nm .衰老花雄蕊毛细胞间的胞间连丝拓宽,内部结构逐步降解、撤离,呈开放式通道,直径约100 nm . 在胞间连丝的动态开放过程中,细胞内的细胞器也发生相应变化. 对胞间连丝形成开放性通道及其机理进行了讨论  相似文献   

E. B. Tucker 《Protoplasma》1982,113(3):193-201
Summary Investigations into plant intercellular communication were initiated through an examination of plasmodesmata and cell-to-cell passage of molecular probes in the staminal hairs ofSetcreasea purpurea. Plasmodesmata connecting staminal hair cells of small buds are filled with an electron-opaque homogenous material. To examine the permeation selectivity of plasmodesmata, molecular probes made up of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) complexed with amino acids and peptides were injected into the staminal hair cells and the spread of these fluorescent molecules through the symplast, was monitored. Molecules composed of FITC complexed to single amino acids with polar and aliphatic R groups travel rapidly, while those which include peptides travel slowly. Dye molecules composed of an amino acid with an aromatic side group do not pass from cell to cell at all. It is hypothesized that the material occluding the plasmodesmata constitutes the diffusion barrier, by presenting a hydrophilic environment which allows passage of molecules with maximum molecular weights of 700–800 daltons, but which retains those with aromatic side groups.  相似文献   

The kinetics of symplastic transport in staminal hairs of Setcreasea purpurea was studied. The tip cell of a staminal hair was microinjected with carboxyfluorescein (CF) and the symplastic transport of this CF was videotaped and the digital data analyzed to produce kinetic curves. Using a finite difference equation for diffusion between cells and for loss of dye into the vacuole, kinetic curves were calculated and fitted to the observed data. These curves were matched with data from actual microinjection experiments by adjusting K (the coefficient of intercellular junction diffusion) and L (the coefficient of intracellular loss) until a minimum in the least squares difference between the curves was obtained. (a) Symplastic transport of CF was governed by diffusion through intercellular pores (plasmodesmata) and intracellular loss. Diffusion within the cell cytoplasm was never limiting. (b) Each cell and its plasmodesmata must be considered as its own diffusion system. Therefore, a diffusion coefficient cannot be calculated for an entire chain of cells. (c) The movement through plasmodesmata in either direction was the same since the data are fit by a diffusion equation. (d) Diffusion through the intercellular pores was estimated to be slower than diffusion through similar pores filled with water.  相似文献   


Bdallophytum americanum (Cytinaceae) is an endoparasitic plant species, meaning only the flowers emerge from the host during the reproductive season. Reports on the pollination biology of this species state that its primary pollinators are carrion flies attracted by the smell of the flowers and nectar as a reward. However, the functional role of one of the most outstanding attributes of B. americanum has been neglected. These are the staminal appendages formed by the apical overgrowth of connective tissue during anther development. To determine whether these staminal appendages play a role in pollination, we monitored a nectarless population of B. americanum. We described the inflorescence emergence, floral movements, and pollination and performed field experiments to test whether the absence of the staminal connective appendages affected the visitation frequency. Male inflorescences emerge early, and both male and female flowers open during the day and do not close. Hoverflies are the most frequent visitors to both floral sexes and carry the most pollen. Moreover, the movement of staminal appendages matching the pollen viability changes is reported for the first time. The staminal appendages are the structures where pollinators land before foraging. The field experiments showed that the visitation frequency decreased sharply without staminal appendages. As a landing platform, the staminal connective appendages in B. americanum are crucial for pollinator positioning and collecting viable pollen.


Floral organs are widely believed to enhance the pollination and reproductive success of angiosperms. However, the functional implication of some floral structures is still unknown. In this study, we explored the functional role of staminal appendages on male and female reproductive success of Himalayan Roscoea spp. and tested if their function differed between species with biotic pollination and autonomous selfing. Phenotypic manipulation is a powerful approach to test the functional effect of a particular trait on plant fitness. We compared various proxies of pollination success between intact flowers and flowers with manually excised staminal appendages. We found that the rate of visitation did not differ between intact and manipulated flowers. Our results revealed that in outcrossing Roscoea spp., the staminal appendages act as triggering devices to facilitate pollen release and deposition and also to manipulate the foraging position of pollinators to ensure both male and female reproductive success. In contrast, in autonomously selfing Roscoea spp., the removal of staminal appendages did not affect any aspect of pollination processes. Our results suggest that the staminal appendages are an integral component of outcrossing in Roscoea spp. and are maintained by selection pressure through both male and female reproductive success. This study provides important insights on how variation in breeding systems can provoke changes in the structure and function of floral organs among congeners.  相似文献   

Brown spot of European pear ( Pyrus communis L.) caused by Stemphylium vesicarium (Wallr.) E. Simmons is a disease of economic importance in fruit-growing areas of southern Europe. The pathogen produces two host-specific SV-toxins (SV-toxin I and II) in culture filtrates, which selectively induce veinal necrosis only on susceptible cultivars. Ultrastructural changes in leaf cells treated with SV-toxin were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Plasma membrane modification specifically occurred at the plasmodesmata of susceptible leaf cells. The plasmalemmal invaginations appeared at both ends of the plasmodesmata 3 h after toxin treatment. Many Golgi vesicles were found in the cytoplasm close to or fused to the invaginated plasma membranes. Polysaccharide-like materials were released from the fused vesicles to extracellular spaces between cell walls and invaginated plasma membranes. Membrane fragments from modified plasma membranes and extended desmotubules from plasmodesmata were also observed at invaginated sites. No changes in ultrastructure were detected in other organelles. These results suggest that the target site of SV-toxin action may be on the plasma membranes of susceptible cells.  相似文献   

Results of light and electron microscopy and preliminary ultracytochemical studies of the staminal hairs of Bulbine inflata at different stages of development are reported here. The staminal filaments are covered with yellow, unicellular, linear, erecto-patent hairs. These staminal hairs arise directly as single cell outgrowths from epidermal cells of the filament. The surface of each hair is patterned with helical wall thickenings in an anticlockwise direction. This wall is covered by a thick folded cuticle, and formed of a loosely fibrillar cellulose layer. The hair cell possesses a cytoplasm rich in organelles. Especially ribosomes are abundant. Plastids contain large starch grains and peripheral lipid droplets. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisternae (SER) encircle the plastids and mitochondria; it is extended in the cytoplasm along the hair length. These hairs have functions in flower pollination attracting pollinators visually, secreting specific substances, providing increased surface area, protecting the filaments and being involved in their movement and vibration.  相似文献   

Floral key innovations play a significant role in the discussion of adaptive radiation in plants. The paper brings together a brief review of morphological key innovations in plants, elucidating their evolutionary significance in flower–pollinator interactions, and new data on Salvia, a genus being examined as an example for presumed adaptive radiation. We hypothesize that the characteristic staminal lever mechanism functions as a key innovation. It is defined as a functional unit including the modification of stamens to lever-like structures, their reversible movement, and the organization of the remaining floral structures involved in the process of pollen transfer. We follow the assumption that structure and functioning of the staminal levers play a major role in the process of pollen deposition on the pollinator's body, and that minute changes of both their proportions and their interactions with pollinators may have significant consequences for the pollination system. The functioning of the staminal lever mechanism is tested by field investigations, biomechanical experiments and pollination simulations. First results are presented, and possible modes of allopatric and sympatric speciation are discussed, based on morphometry of Salvia flowers and pollinators as well as on the operating mode of the staminal lever mechanism. Special attention is given to species-specific patterns of pollen deposition on the pollinator's body. We assume that, depending on the precision of the lever movement, sympatric Salvia species flowering during overlapping periods and sharing the same pollinating species may be either mechanically isolated from each other or able to hybridize. The latter may result in speciation, as may spontaneous mutations influencing the flower-pollinator interaction, e.g. by significant changes in morphometry of the staminal lever system and/or other flower structures. As a consequence, Salvia individuals may deposit pollen on a different part of the pollinator's body, or even adapt to a new pollinator species, both resulting in reproductive isolation from the parental population.  相似文献   

There are some cellular fail and degeneration in the parietal area of the basal region of developing wheat proembryo. Electron microscopic studies reveal that the envelopment of peripheral wall to the proembryo is partly ruptured in this area and the disassembled protoplasm of the degenerated cells mixes with the disintegrated constituents of adjacent endosperm cells. Hence, in the limited area a direct communication between the inner surviving proembryo cells and the surrounding medium is established. A number of ectodesma-like plasmodesmata and open channels appear at the boundary wall, various nutrients may enter the proembryo via symplastic pathway or by endocytosis. The surrounding macromolecules (disassembled nuclei, mitochondria, cytoplasmic granules and vesicles packed with fibrils) appear to traverse across the wall continually, and it seems that this is'an important mode of nurture translocation. Also, within the proembryo some of the densely distributed plasmodesmata undergo modification and become fully opened for macromolect, les traversing, which is in favor of re-distribution of cell contents amongst proembryo cells. Presumably, the structural changes occurred in the basal region is a special kind of differentiation which results in function of this local area as apparatus of nurture absorption. Evidently, it would enhance the incorporation of external materials into the proembryo, and then the normal proliferation, development and differentiation of proembryo cells would be ensured.  相似文献   

利用透射电镜观察了洋葱抽苔时其鳞片叶表皮细胞的亚显微结构变化。幼嫩鳞片叶表皮细胞结构正常:液泡在细胞中央,细胞质在靠近细胞壁的边缘;细胞质中富含质体、线粒体和核糖体等细胞器;胞间连丝直径约为50nm。伴随着细胞的衰退,细胞质变得松散,在液泡中出现大量絮状物,细胞器逐渐解体。少数胞间连丝直径扩大,达到80nm左右,它可能在大分子胞间转移中起重要作用。在衰老细胞中,核和质体已解体但多数胞间连丝仍维持正常状态。  相似文献   

Werner D  Gerlitz N  Stadler R 《Protoplasma》2011,248(1):225-235
Developing flowers are important sinks in Arabidopsis thaliana. Their energy demand is covered by assimilates which are synthesized in source leaves and transported via the vasculature. Assimilates are unloaded either symplastically through plasmodesmata or apoplastically by specific transport proteins. Here we studied the pathway of phloem unloading and post-phloem transport in developing gynoecia. Using phloem-mobile fluorescent tracers, we show that phloem unloading into cells of ovule primordia followed a symplastic pathway. Subsequently, the same tracers could not move out of phloem cells into mature ovules anymore. A further change in the mode of phloem unloading occurred after anthesis. In open flowers as well as in outgrowing siliques, the phloem was again unloaded via the symplast. This observed onset of symplastic phloem unloading was accompanied by a change in frequency of MP17-GFP-labeled plasmodesmata. We could also show that the change in cell–cell connectivity was independent of fertilization and increasing sink demand. The presented results indicate that symplastic connectivity is highly regulated and varies not only between different sink tissues but also between different developmental stages.  相似文献   

杨世杰  张蜀秋 《植物学报》1989,6(3):129-135
本文介绍了胞间连丝次生形成和次生变化的研究进展。用统计特定细胞壁区段上胞间连丝数量与密度的变化,电镜观察嫁接组合中接穗与砧水间细胞壁上胞间连丝的形成等方法,证明了在植物生长发育过程中,存在着胞间连丝的次生形成。在某些特定部位,某一发育阶段,已形成的胞间连丝常会发生可逆的次生变化,这种变化和植物发育过程中的共质体隔离以及物质运输的调节有关。  相似文献   

Tucker EB  Boss WF 《Plant physiology》1996,111(2):459-467
The relationship of Ca2+ and plasmodesmatal closure was examined in staminal hairs of Setcreasea purpurea by microinjecting cells with active mastoparan (Mas-7), inactive mastoparan (Mas-17), active inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), or inactive IP3. Calcium green dextran 10,000 was used to study cellular free Ca2+, and carboxyfluorescein was used to monitor plasmodesmatal closure. When Mas-7 was microinjected into the cytoplasm of cell 1 (the tip cell of a chain of cells), a rapid increase in calcium green dextran-10,000 fluorescence was observed in the cytoplasmic areas on both sides of the plasmodesmata connecting cells 1 and 2 during the same time that the diffusion of carboxyfluorescein through them was blocked. The inhibition of cell-to-cell diffusion was transient, and the closed plasmodesmata reopened within 30 s. The elevated Ca2+ level near plasmodesmata was also transient and returned to base level in about 1.5 min. The transient increase in Ca2+, once initiated in cell 1, repeated with an oscillatory period of 3 min. Elevated Ca2+ and oscillations of Ca2+ were also observed near interconnecting cell walls throughout the chain of cells, indicating that the signal had been transmitted. Previously, we reported that IP3 closed plasmodesmata; now we report that it stimulated Ca2+ and oscillations similar to Mas-7. The effect was specific for similar concentrations of Mas-7 over Mas-17 and active IP3 over inactive IP3. It is important that the Ca2+ channel blocker La3+ eliminated the responses from Mas-7 and IP3, indicating that an influx of Ca2+ was required. These results support the contention that plasmodesmata functioning is regulated via Ca2+ and that IP3 may be an intermediary between the stimulus and Ca2+ elevations.  相似文献   

Y C Paliwal 《Tissue & cell》1975,7(2):217-226
Ryegrass mosaic virus particles and virus induced lamellar inclusions were found in mesophyll and epidermal cells of virus infected ryegrass leaves. The lamellar inclusions were occasionally found in phloem cells also. Virus particles occurred in cytoplasm, inside plasmodesmata and often in membrane bound sacs embedded in a matrix between plasmalemma and cell wall at or near plasmodesmata. Electron dense plugs protruding from plasmodesmata, finger-like cell wall outgrowths and cell wall deposits usually at plasmodesmata were also observed. Cytopathological changes in organelles in infected cells included dense deposits in the cisternae of endosplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, mitochondria with electron-dense or opaque matrix, proliferating cristae and deteriorating unit membrane; and disintegrating chloroplasts.  相似文献   

本文介绍了胞间连丝次生形成和次生变化的研究进展,用统计特定细胞壁区段上胞间连丝数量与密度的变化,电镜观察嫁接组合中接穗与砧水间细胞壁上胞间连丝的形成等方法,证明了在植物生长发育过程中,存在着胞间连丝的次生形成。在某些特定部位,某一发育阶段,已形成的胞间连丝常会发生可逆的次生变化,这种变化和植物发育过程中的共质体隔离以及物质运输的调节有关。  相似文献   

Osyris alba L. is a widespread dioecious hemiparasitic shrub of S Europe, N Africa, and SW Asia. Male inflorescences are multiflowered whereas each female inflorescence is reduced to a single flower with persistent enlarged bracts. Pollination is a prerequisite for fruit and seed development and wind is unlikely to be an effective means of pollen spread. In southern Italy pollen is transported by small unspecialized flies and beetles. Both male and female flowers produce an indistinguishable sweet odour. Male flowers are produced in large numbers and over a larger period than the females and provide pollen, nectar, and staminal hairs as rewards for pollinators. The presence and function of staminal hairs with tip cells inOsyris alba has been reported for the first time. Female flowers are rewardless, producing neither mature pollen, nectar nor staminal hairs, but possess three modified yellow indehiscent anthers containing no viable pollen which may provide a strong visual feeding stimulus for pollinators. It is suggested that pollinators are attracted by deceit to female flowers by mimicry of the males and the floral mimicry is, therefore, intraspecific and intersexual. The floral characteristics and flowering phenology of male and female plants are consistent with this kind of mimicry. The female flower possesses a tricarpellary ovary with three ovules of which only one develops. The single seed, containing a small embryo and a large, rich endosperm, is borne in a red fleshy bird-dispersed fruit. The reduction in seed number per flower to one highly nutrient-invested seed, together with a reduction of the multiflowered inflorescence to a solitary flower and the sequential production of ripe fruits over an extended fruiting season, suggest that the female function is markedly resource-limited. It is suggested that, although all the reproductive characteristics present inOsyris alba, as well as hemiparasitism, had probably evolved before the end of the tropical Tertiary, they are of adaptive advantage in the nutrient and water-limited environment of the Mediterranean maquis.  相似文献   

Summary The loose cuticles of the cells of wilted staminal hairs ofTradescantia virginica do not contain cellulose at all; (compare fig. 6 with fig. 5 and 7). They exhibit a positive rodlet birefringence with reference to the cell axis, which is probably due to cuticular folds and to longitudinal spaces inside the cuticle. There is a faint negative intrinsic birefringence in normal as well as in dewaxed cuticles, suggesting the presence of chemically bound, radially oriented chain molecules in these longitudinal spaces. (See table 1 and fig. 8.)According to the oblique extinction of single cell walls between crossed nicols and according to the fact that the cell wall, if torn, sometimes shows unwinding spirals (fig. 1, 2) the fibrillar structure of the cellulose cell wall in many cells must be oriented according to a flat Z- or S-spiral. In other cells this structure is predominantly transverse.Electron micrographs show that in addition to the more or less transversely oriented predominant inner layer of the cell wall, there is an outer layer with more or less isotropic, fibrillar structure (fig. 10, 11, 12). This is explained by assuming that the outer layer is in a less favourable position for intussusception of new fibrils during growth than the inner one, which will cause a reversion of the originally transverse fibril orientation in the former. The same layer structure is already found in very young cells, still showing cell division; (fig. 13, 14). The fibril thickness is about 100 Å.The cell walls separating the cells of the staminal hairs are perforated by some 800 holes of about 0,1 diameter, which probably contained plasmodesmata, (fig. 15, 16).  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Photosynthesis is one of the processes most susceptible to low-temperature inhibition in maize, a tropical C4 crop not yet fully adapted to a temperate climate. C4 photosynthesis relies on symplasmic exchange of large amounts of photosynthetic intermediates between Kranz mesophyll (KMS) and bundle sheath (BS) cells. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the slowing of maize photosynthesis at low temperature is related to ultrastructural changes in the plasmodesmata between KM and BS as well as BS and vascular parenchyma (VP) cells.


Chilling-tolerant (CT) KW 1074 and chilling-sensitive (CS) CM 109 maize (Zea mays) lines were studied. The effect of moderate chilling (14 °C) on the rate of photosynthesis, photosynthate transport kinetics, and the ultrastructure of plasmodesmata linking the KMS, BS and VP cells were analysed. Additionally, the accumulation of callose and calreticulin was studied by the immunogold method.

Key Results

Chilling inhibited photosynthesis, photosynthate transfer to the phloem and photosynthate export from leaves in both lines. This inhibition was reversible upon cessation of chilling in the CT line but irreversible in the CS line. Simultaneously to physiological changes, chilling induced swelling of the sphincters of plasmodesmata linking KMS and BS cells and a decreased lumen of the cytoplasmic sleeve of plasmodesmata at the BS/VP interface in the CS line but not in the CT line. Accumulation of calreticulin, which occurred near the neck region of the closed plasmodesmata was observed after just 4 h of chilling and over-accumulation of callose at the KMS/BS and BS/VP interfaces occurred after 28 h of chilling.


Stronger chilling sensitivity of the CM 109 maize line compared with the KW 1074 line, shown by decreased photosynthesis and assimilate export from a leaf, is related to changes in the ultrastructure of leaf plasmodesmata at low temperature. The chain of reactions to chilling is likely to include calreticulin action resulting in rapid and efficient closure of the plasmodesmata at both KMS/BS and BS/VP interfaces. Callose deposition in a leaf was a secondary effect of chilling.  相似文献   

Edward B. Tucker 《Planta》1990,182(1):34-38
The effect of microinjected calcium-loaded 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy) ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid (CaBAPTA) on cell-to-cell diffusion of carboxyfluorescein (CF) was examined in staminal hairs of S. purpurea Boom. The CaBAPTA was microinjected into the cytoplasm of the staminal hairs either with CF or prior to a subsequent microinjection of CF. The cell-to-cell diffusion of CF along the hair was monitored using enhanced-fluorescence video microscopy. Cytoplasmic streaming stopped in cells treated with CaBAPTA, indicating that intracellular Ca2+ had increased. Cell-to-cell diffusion of CF was blocked in cells treated with Ca-BAPTA. An inhibition of cytoplasmic streaming and cell-to-cell diffusion was observed in the cells adjoining the CaBAPTA-microinjected cell, indicating that the Ca-BAPTA appeared to pass through plasmodesmata. While cytoplasmic streaming resumed 5–10 min after CaBAPTA treatment, cell-to-cell diffusion did not resume until 30–120 min later. These data support an involvement of calcium in the regulation of cell-to-cell communication in plants.Abbreviations BAPTA 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N, N-tetraacetic acid - CF carboxyfluorescein This work was supported by Professional Staff Congress-City University (PSC-CUNY) of New York grant No. 667180 and U.S. Department of Agriculture grant No. 87-CRCR-1-244.  相似文献   

The thermogenic carpellary appendages of the flowers of Victoriacruziana d'Orb. and the thermogenic staminal appendages of Nelumbolutea (Willd.) Pers. possess the cyanide-insensitive, ‘alternative’respiratory pathway. The presence of this pathway was demonstratedin tissue slices as well as in mitochondria. The thermogenicactivity was accompanied by ultrastructural changes in the Victoriamitochondria. Before anthesis, mitochondria with well-developedcristae were present in appendage tissue in large numbers. Duringanthesis, lamelliform cristae appeared in a different orientation. Key words: Victoria, Nelumbo, flowers, thermogenicity, mitochondria  相似文献   

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