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冠果草的胚胎学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冠果草花药壁的发育为单子口十型,绒毡层为周原质团型。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为连续型,四分体呈左右对称式排列,成熟花粉为三细胞型。双珠被,假厚珠心,倒生胚珠。胚囊发育为葱型,成熟胚囊的特点是两个极核分别位于中央细胞两端,不融合成次生核。受精过程中,一个精于与卵核融合形成合子,另一精子先与珠孔端极核融合,之后受精极核再移动到合点端与另一极核融合,形成初生胚乳核。胚的发育为石竹型。成熟胚呈马蹄形,具有2片真叶。胚乳发育为沼生目型。随着胚的发育,胚乳细胞逐渐解体,成熟种子中无胚乳。  相似文献   

高山红景天胚胎学研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
张萍  申家恒 《植物研究》1998,18(1):38-45
高山红景天(Rhodiola sachalinensis A.Bor.)具8个雄蕊,每个雄蕊有4个花粉囊。小孢子母细胞减数分裂时,胞质分裂为同时型。形成的四分体为四面体形。花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、二层中层和绒毡层五层细胞组成,其发育方式为基本型。腺质型绒毡层,有些绒毡层细胞分裂形成不规则双层,少数细胞双核。二细胞型花粉。雌蕊由4心皮组成。边缘胎座,倒生胚珠,双珠被,厚珠心,胚珠发育中形成珠心喙。大孢子四分体线形或T -形,合点大孢子具功能。胚囊发育为蓼型。成熟胚囊中,卵细胞核、助细胞核均位于细胞的合点端,珠孔端具液泡;极核融合为次生核,并位于卵细胞合点端附近; 3个反足细胞退化。双受精属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。胚的发育为石竹型;基细胞侵入珠孔端,形成囊状吸器。细胞型胚乳;初生胚乳核分裂形成两个细胞,其珠孔端的细胞发育成胚乳本体,合点端的细胞直接发育成具一单核的合点吸器。  相似文献   

Summary Facultative heterochromatin occurs not only in certain animals in connection with sex determination but also in members of at least one plant genus,Gagea (Liliaceae s. str.), but here in the course of embryo sac development, fertilization, and endosperm formation. The present contribution intends to provide undebatable photographic and cytometric evidence, previously not available, for the events in the course of which three whole genomes in the pentaploid endosperm nuclei ofGagea lutea become heterochroma-tinized. In this plant, embryo sac formation usually follows the Fritillaria type, i.e., the embryo sac is tetrasporic, and a 1 + 3 position of the spore nuclei is followed by a mitosis in which the three chalazal spindles fuse and two triploid nuclei are formed. A triploid chalazal polar nucleus is derived from one of these, which contributes to the pentaploid endosperm. These nuclei in the chalazal part of the embryo sac show stronger condensation compared with the micropylar ones. The pycnosis of the triploid polar nucleus is maintained and even enhanced during endosperm proliferation, while the micropylar polar nucleus and the sperm nucleus maintain their euchromatic condition. The origin of the heterochromatic masses in the endosperm nuclei from the three chalazal genomes of the central cell is unambiguously evident from the distribution of heterochromatic chromosomes in the first endosperm mitosis and the following interphase. DNA content measurements confirm a 3 2 relationship of heterochromatic and euchromatic chromosome sets, which is usually maintained up to the cellularized endosperm. Pycnotic nuclei in the chalazal part of megagametophytes are characteristic of several embryo sac types, but only forGagea spp. it is documented that such nuclei can take part in fertilization and endosperm formation.Dedicated to Professor Walter Gustav Url on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Ranalisma rostratum Stapf is a rare and endangered species. This paper deals with the fertilization and the development of embryo and endosperm in this plant.The embryogenesis is of Caryophyllad type and the development of endosperm belongs to Heobial type.Before fertilization,the two polar nuclei are located respectively at both ends of embryo sac. In most angiosperms with two polar nuclei,the polar nuclei may fuse eiher before fertilization to form a secondary nucleus or during fertilization called triple fusion. In Ranalisma rostratum Stapf, however, it is found that only in case when the micropylar polar nucleus is fertilized,it can move to the chalazal end and fuse with the chalazal polar nucleus.This phenomenon is very rare and the process must take more time to fulfil fertilization both polar nuclei. This feature of fusion of polar nuclei is therefore thought as a primitive character from the view of phylogeny.  相似文献   

濒危植物——长喙毛茛泽泻的受精作用及胚和胚乳的发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长喙毛茛泽泻Ranalisma rostratum Stapf的配子融合开始较早,但精核与极核融合速度较快。精核与珠孔极核融合后即移向胚囊合点端与另一极核再融合形成初生胚乳核。初生胚乳核第一次分裂后形成两个细胞,以后珠孔端胚乳细胞再进行游离核分裂,胚乳发育属于沼生目型。开花后两天,合子分裂,八分体呈4层,每层呈两个细胞方式排列胚胎发生属于石竹型。  相似文献   

喉毛花的胚胎学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文首次系统地记载了喉毛花属的胚胎发育过程,并以此为依据讨论了该属的分类等级和系统位置。喉毛花花药四室;药壁发育属双子叶型;绒毡层单型起源,细胞具单核,属腺质绒毡层;一层中层细胞;花药壁表皮层宿存,纤维状加厚和膨大;药室内壁减缩。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列为四面体型;成熟花粉为3-细胞型。子房为2心皮、l室,典型的侧膜胎座,胚珠8列,胚珠胎座靠近两心皮腹缝线。薄珠心,单珠被,倒生胚珠。大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成的4个大孢子呈直列式排列,其中合点端的大孢子具功能。胚囊发育为蓼型。极核在受精前融合为次生核。反足细胞宿存、分裂为8~12个,每个细胞均多核和异常膨大,反足细胞形成的吸器明显。异花传粉,珠孔受精。花粉管通过破坏一助细胞进入胚囊。受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子体融合类型。胚乳发育为核型,每核含2~3核仁。胚胎发育为茄型酸浆I变型,成熟种子胚只发育至球形胚阶段。反足细胞在合子分裂之后才开始退化,在胚的发育过程中反足细胞在胚乳层之外形成一层染色深、类似“外胚乳”的结构。比较喉毛花、龙胆属、假龙胆属以及肋柱花属的胚胎学特征表明喉毛花与假龙胆属的亲缘关系最近,在分类等级上作为一个独立的属较为合适,在系统位置上它比假龙胆属更为原始。  相似文献   

以石蜡制片法对苦瓜(Momordi cacharantia L.)进行了胚胎学研究。小孢子母细胞减数分裂时,胞质分裂为同时型,形成四面体型四分体和左右对称型四分体。成熟花粉为二细胞型。子房三室,双珠被,厚珠心,倒生胚珠。大孢子四分体为线形,合点端功能大孢子发育成为蓼型胚囊。中央细胞细胞质中有大量贮藏物质存在。极核在受精时融合。双受精过程属有丝分裂前配子融合类型。3个反足细胞随受精过程进行而退化。胚胎发生为柳叶菜型。核型胚乳,合点端具胚乳吸器。  相似文献   

竹节参雌配子体发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了竹节参(Panax japonicus C.A.Mey)雌配子体(胚囊)的发育过程。竹节参大孢子母细胞减数分裂产生线形排列的大孢子四分体。胚囊发育属蓼型,由合点端大孢子发育而成。游离核胚囊时期,胚囊珠孔端的细胞器种类和数量都较胚囊合点端多;胚囊合点端相邻的珠被细胞中有含淀粉粒的小质体,与胚囊珠孔端相邻的退化中的非功能大孢子中则有含淀粉粒的大质体和大类脂体。成熟胚囊中,反足细胞较早退化;极核融合成次生核;卵细胞高度液泡化,细胞器数量较少;助细胞则有丰富的细胞器和发达的丝状器。PAS反应表明,受精前的成熟胚囊中积累淀粉粒。次生核受精后,很快分裂产生胚乳游离核,到几十至数百个核时形成胚乳细胞。卵细胞受精后则要经过较长的休眠期。  相似文献   

The structure of embryo sac, fertilization and development of embryo and endosperm in Vigina sesquipedalis (L.) Fruwirth were investigated. Pollization occures 7–10h before anthesis, and fertilization is completed 10 h after anthesis. After fertilization, wall ingrowths are formed at the micropylar and chalazal ends of the embryo sac. Embryo development conforms to the Onagrad type, and passes through 2 or more celled proembryo, long stick-shaped, globular, heart shaped, torpedo, young embryo, growing and enlarging embryo and mature embryo. Wall ingrowths are formed on the walls of basal cells and outer walls of the cells at basal region of suspenser. The suspensor remains as the seed reaches maturity. The starch grains accumulate in the cells of cotyledons by 9–16 days after anthesis, and proteins accumulate by 12–18 days after. The endosperm development follows the nuclear type. The endosperm ceils form at the micropylar end, and remain free nuclear phase at chalazal end. The outer cells are transfer cells. Those cells at the micropylar end form folded cells with wall ingrowths. At heartembryo stage, the endosperm begins to degenerate and disintegrates before the embryo matures.  相似文献   

掌叶大黄胚胎学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
掌叶大黄(Rheum palmatum L.)的花药4室,单或复孢原。药壁发育为单子叶型。腺质绒毡层发育后期出现双核。小孢子四分体为四面体型,胞质分裂为同时型。成熟花粉为3细胞,表面具3条沟。子房1室,单胚珠,直生,两层珠被,由内珠被形成珠孔,厚珠心。单孢原,位于珠心表皮下。直线形或T形大孢子四分体。合点端的大孢子发育为蓼型胚囊。2个极核在受精前合并为次生核。3个反足细胞宿存。胚乳发育为核型,在球形胚末期开始形成细胞。合点端的胚乳核一直不形成细胞,而为游离核的胚乳吸器。在胚乳吸器和其它部位都发现胚乳核融合现象。胚的发育属于紫菀型。胚具小胚柄。成熟胚囊时期出现承珠盘,且存留时间很长,成熟胚期尚存痕迹。  相似文献   

The structure of ovule, female and male gametophyte, double fertilization and the distrubution of starch grains during the fertilization have been studied. The main results are as follows: ( 1 ) Ovule The ovule is anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate. The nucetlus appears cylindric, since megaspores and embryo sac development, its internal cells of nucellus become disorganized, so that only a single layer of epidermal cells remains toward the side of the micropyle, On the other hand, the integument is not as long as nucellus, as a result micropyle is not formed. And no vascular bundle is found in the integument. (2) Female gametophyte The mature embryo sac is slender and is composed of an egg cell, two synergids, a central cell and three antipodal cells. The egg cell is situated slightly away from the tip of embryo sac. Some of them contain starch grains. Synergids occupy the tip of embryo sac. Its wall at micropylar region appears irregular in thickenes and irregular in ingrowths to form the filiform apparatus. The centrateell is very large, and strongly vacuolated Two polar nuclei come to contact closely with each other, but not fuse, or to fuse into a large secondary nucleus before fertilization. The polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus are usually situated at the middle-lower position of the central cell or nearer to the chalazal end above the antipodal cell. It is different from egg cell, no starch grains are found here. In most embryo sacs three antipodal cells are found. They are not as large as those in other plants of Ranunculaceae. But six antipodal cells or the antipodal cell with two nuclei may rarely be found. Like synergid, the wall of them appears not only irregularly thickened, but clearly with irregular ingrowths. In a few antipodal cells the starch garins are usually found near the nucleus. By the end of fertilization, antipodal cells become disintegrated. (3) Male gametophyte Most pollen grains are two-celled when shedding, and rich in starch grains. A few of them contain single nucleus or three-celled. (4) The double fertilization The fertilization of Kingdonia unifiora Balfour f. et W, W. Smith is wholly similar to some plants of Ranunculaceae studied. First, the pollen tube penetrates a degenerating synergid. And the pollen tube discharges its contents with two sperm nuclei into the degenerating synergid cell. One of the two sperms fuses with the nucleus of the egg, and the other fuses with two polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus of the central cell. If one sperm nucleus at first fuses with one of the polar nuclei, and then the fertilized polar nuclei again fuses with other polar nucleus. Secondly, the fertilization of the polar nuclei or the secondary nuclei completes earlier than that of the egg. The primary endosperm nucleus begins to divide earlier than the zygote. It seems that one of the sperm nuclei come to contact with egg nucleus, the other has already fused with polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus. The zygote with a single nucleolus appears until the endosperm with 16–20 cell. Thirdly, before and after fertilization there are one to some small nucleoli in egg nucleus and polar nuclei or secondary nucleus. However they increase in quantity from the beginning of the fusion of male nucleis. These nucleoli quite differ from male nucleoli by their small size, and most of them disappear at the end of fertilization. It may be concluded that the small nucleoli increase in quantity is related to the fusion of male and female nuclei. In the duration of fertilization, in ovule starch distribution is in the basal region of integument. But in embryo sac, onlysome egg cells, or zygotes contain starch grains, a part of which was brought in by pollen tube. Sometimes the starch grains are found in some synergids and antipodal cells. No starch grains are found in the central cell.  相似文献   

The flower develops in March and blossoms in early May in Nanjing. The cytokinesis of microsporocytes is simultaneous and most tetrads are tetrahedral. The tapetum is secretory and the nuclei become polyploid at last. The style is solid and most ovaries are unilocular, rarely bilocular. The ovule is pendulous, anatropous and unitegmic. The nucellus is pseudocrassinucellate. An obturator formed by transmitting tissue covers the micropyle. The raphe vascular strand extends into the integument when it reaches the chalaza and on a whole keeps a “U” shape. The endothelium cell is uninucleate. In most cases no nucellar cap is formed. No hypostase is found below the embryo sac. The archesporium is one-celled. The embryo sac development conforms to the Polygonum or Allium types. The degeneration of the megaspores in the linear tetrad usually occurs from the chalazal toward the micropylar end. Two synergids persist during fertilization. Three antipodal cells are uninucleate and ephemeral. Two polar nuclei fuse at the time of fertilization. The fertilization type accords with porogamy. The syngamy is premitotic. The development of endosperm is cellular. The initial four successive divisions of the primary endosperm cell are transverse-verticaltransverse-transverse subsequently, giving rise to sixteen cells of the early endosperm. The mature embryo is straight and nearly as long as the endospermous seed. The cotyledons are more or less cordate at base. The seedoat is thin and composed of 5-11 layers of compressed cells. Neither embryo nor endosperm contain the alkaloid camptothecine. The major similarities of Nyssa sinensis to the American nyssas in embryology, which may be a counted as the generic features, are the polyploid tapetum cells, the unitegmic ovule with U-shaped vascular strand, the direct enlargement of the archesporial cell to produce the megasporocyte, the pseudocrassinucellus, the usual absence of the nucellar cap, the Polygonum or Allium type of the embryo sac development, the first degeneration of the metachalazal megaspore, the ephemeral antipodal cells, a single nucleolus in the nucleus ofthe primary endosperm cell, the more or less cordate base of the cotyledons.  相似文献   

荔枝的胚胎学研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  

This paper reports the studies of overall embryology of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Development of the anther wall follows the dicotyledonous type. The cytokinesis of the microspore mother cell in meiosis is of simultaneous type. The arrangement of microspores in tetrad is tetrahedral, isobilateral and decussate. Microspores have various types of abortive to development. Mature pollen grain is of the 2-celled type. The ovule is bitegminous, crassinucellate and campylotropous. The megaspore mother cell gives rise to unequal dyad and then linear tetrad. The chalazal megaspore, the second or the third megaspore towards the micropylar end are functional megaspore. The development of the embryo sac conforms to the Polygonum type. Mature embryo sac has various types of variation. The fertilization belongs to the premitotic type of syngamy. The development of most embryoes belongs to the Onagrad type. The development of the endosperm belongs to the nuclear type and the endosperm near the chalazal end develops into haustorium.  相似文献   

以石蜡制片法对苦瓜(Momordica charantia L.)进行了胚胎学研究。小孢子母细胞减数分裂时,胞质分裂为同时型,形成四面体型四分体和左右对称型四分体。成熟花粉为二细胞型。子房三室,双珠被,厚珠心,倒生胚珠。大孢子四分体为线形,合点端功能大孢子发育成为蓼型胚囊。中央细胞细胞质中有大量贮藏物质存在。极核在受精时融合。双受精过程属有丝分裂前配子融合类型。3个反足细胞随受精过程进行而退化。胚胎发生为柳叶菜型。核型胚乳,合点端具胚乳吸器。  相似文献   

濒危植物——长喙毛茛泽泻的雌雄配子体发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长喙毛茛泽泻 Ranalisma rostratum stapf 小孢子母细胞的减数分裂过程为连续型,四分体为左右对称型。成熟花粉为三胞花粉。花药绒毡层为变形绒毡层。雌蕊由多数单室子房构成,每子房中含一具双珠被、薄珠心的倒生胚珠。胚囊发育为葱型。成熟胚囊中三个反足细胞退化;二个极核分别位于中央细胞的两端,其体积相差明显。这种极核分布可能与反足细胞过早退化有关。  相似文献   

Ranalisma rostratum Stapf is a rare and endangered species. This paper deals with the development of its male and female gametophytes and probes the relationship between the process of reproduction and the cause which made this species endangered. The meiosis of microspore mother cells is successive cytokinesis and the microspore tetrads are isobilateral. Pollen grains are 3-celled when shed. The ovule is anatropous,bitegmic and tenuinucellate. The micropylar dyad cell usually desenerates soon after its formation, and the chalazal dyad cell develops into a Allium type embryo sac. During the development of embryo sac both polar nuclei are respectively located at the two ends of central cell,and they maintain this situation until the micropylar polar nucleus takes part in fertilization. Features of the embryo sac of Ranalisma rostratum Stapf are discussed.  相似文献   

ABE  KIYOHIKO 《Annals of botany》1976,40(1):99-102
The embryo sac of Gastrodia elata was reinvestigated. The ovuleis anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate. The chalazal megasporeof a triad develops into an embryo sac. Four nuclei are formedat the micropylar end but only two at the chalazal end. A typicalegg apparatus and a single polar nucleus are derived from themicropylar quartet, while the chalazal two disappear beforematuration of the embryo sac. Double fertilization takes placenormally.  相似文献   

李平  郑学经 《植物研究》1986,6(4):113-118
多年来,由于对延龄草的营养叶的脉序和花被片的分化趋势的研究,引起众多学者对延龄草的系统位置发生了兴趣。我们已发表过延龄草的大孢子发生及雌配子体的形成,本文发表的是延龄草的胚乳发育,并在此基础上,对延龄草的系统位置谈一些看法。延龄草的胚乳发育始于合点端。受精极核第一次分裂形成二个子细胞,两细胞间由一弧形壁将胚囊分隔成珠孔端室与合点端室,前者大于后者。通常珠孔端室核先于合点端室核分裂。游离核沿胚囊边缘向中央分布,且由珠孔端开始形成胚乳细胞,其速度也快于合点端。胚乳发育为沼生目型。  相似文献   

Embryo development of Zhangqiu green onion conforms to the Asterad type and goes through the following stages: proembryo, globular, ellipsoidal, laterally concave, stick-shaped, and curved and mature. The persistent synergid is present until the late globular stage of embryogenesis. Endosperm development of Zhangqiu green onion follows the nuclear pattern. Endosperm cell formation begins at both the micropylar end and the chalazai end of the embryo sac when the embryo is in the late globular stage. Due to the anticlinal wall formation, a layer of free nuclei becomes a layer of “open cells” which lack the inner periclinat wall. The open cells undergo cell division periclinally, and a layer of complete cells is cut off outside and a new layer of open cells inside. The subsequent cell divisions give rise to the endosperm cells centripetally until those from the opposite of the embryo sac meet. The first anticlinal walls arise from the cell plates without phragmoplasts between the free nuclei in interphase. The first periclinal walls are formed by normal cytokinesis. When a few layers of endosperm cells are formed at the micropylar end and the chalazal end of the embryo sac, free cells are present in the central vacuole.  相似文献   

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