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白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊经卵传递登革病毒的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊通过吸食病毒液或叮吸有病毒血症的小鸡血后,能感染登革1-4型病毒,并能在蚊体内增殖,对感染雌蚊了1和子2代幼虫,雌性或雄性成虫4559只,分101批进行了病毒检测,白纹伊蚊子1代的批阳性率;登革1型为10%(1/10)2型为22.22%(2/9)3型为33.33%(4/12),4型为28.95%(11/38)登革1~4型的最低子代感染率依次主国0.20%,0.71%,0.70%和  相似文献   

用4株基孔肯雅病毒经口感染白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊,进行了易感性和传播性的研究。结果表明,这两种蚊虫对基孔肯雅病毒易感。无论白纹伊蚊或埃及伊蚊,感染后第5-6天即可通过吸血将病毒传播给乳鼠,至第8-13天,传播率可高达55.55%-100%。感染蚊亦可经叮咬将病毒传播给小鸡。埃及伊蚊的易感性和传播率高于白纹伊蚊。实验还发现,不同来源毒株之间存在一定差异,如分离自云南白纹伊蚊的M81株的感染率和传播率均高于其它毒株。这些结果表明,白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊在基孔肯雅病毒的保存和传播中起重要作用。  相似文献   

To study the dispersal of dengue vector mosquitoes in Singapore, females of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) were fed blood containing rubidium (Rb), which was detectable in their eggs by means of Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (GFAAS). Laboratory calibration of the Rb reading, for a range of egg numbers from Rb-fed females, indicated a reasonably linear relationship and an unequivocal distinction between results with zero and one marked egg. Rb-marked female Aedes mosquitoes aged 3-5 days were released in semi-rural and urbanized parts of Singapore, with an array of ovitraps extending to a radius of 320 m from the release point. Subsequently, Rb-marked Aedes eggs were detected throughout the array, with similar distributions on each of the 4 days after release. More Rb was detected nearer the release point. However, when correction was made for the greater areas of zones further from the release point (and therefore presumably existence of more alternative oviposition sites), there were no significant differences in the numbers of marked eggs per ovitrap in the zones nearer or further from the release points. It is concluded that females of both these Aedes (Stegomyia) species could disperse easily and quickly throughout areas of radius 320 m in search of oviposition sites. This contrasts with the general belief that Ae. aegypti seldom flies more than 50 m and that control operations can safely be based on such an assumption. Releases on level 12 of a 21-storey apartment block, with ovitraps on each storey, showed similar easy and rapid dispersal to the top and bottom of the block.  相似文献   

Abstract Larval competition is common in container‐breeding mosquitoes. The impact of competition on larval growth has been thoroughly examined and findings that larval competition can lead to density‐dependent effects on adult body size have been documented. The effects of larval competition on adult longevity have been less well explored. The effects of intraspecific larval densities on the longevity of adults maintained under relatively harsh environmental conditions were tested in the laboratory by measuring the longevity of adult Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) that had been reared under a range of larval densities and subsequently maintained in high‐ or low‐humidity regimes (85% or 35% relative humidity [RH], respectively) as adults. We found significant negative effects of competition on adult longevity in Ae. aegypti, but not in Ae. albopictus. Multivariate analysis of variance suggested that the negative effect of the larval environment on the longevity of Ae. aegypti adults was most strongly associated with increased development time and decreased wing length as adults. Understanding how larval competition affects adult longevity under a range of environmental conditions is important in establishing the relationship between models of mosquito population regulation and epidemiological models of vector‐borne disease transmission.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Herpetomonas sp. was found repeatedly in the Malpighian tubules of laboratory-reared male and female Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Malaysia. The flagellates occurred irregularly, in batches, and were absent during long periods. The data suggest an exogenous source of infection for the mosquitoes, presumably from another insect, probably of another genus. Thirty to 40% of the flagellates of Aedes contained intracytoplasmic rod-shaped structures strongly resembling bacteria. These were found often in groups suggesting intracellular multiplication. They were passed to the Herpetomonas daughter cells during division. Parasitism of Aedes by Herpetomonas is extremely unusual, only one previous record, an inconclusive one, having been found. Parasitism by Herpetomonas containing bacterium-like rods has apparently never been reported.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) was first reported in Central Africa in 2000, together with the indigenous mosquito species Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Because Ae. albopictus can also transmit arboviruses, its introduction is a public health concern. We undertook a comparative study in three Cameroonian towns (Sahelian domain: Garoua; equatorial domain: Douala and Yaoundé) in order to document infestation by the two species and their ecological preferences. High and variable levels of pre‐imaginal Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus infestation were detected. Only Ae. aegypti was encountered in Garoua, whereas both species were found in Douala and Yaoundé, albeit with significant differences in their relative prevalence. Peridomestic water containers were the most strongly colonized and productive larval habitats for both species. No major differences in types of larval habitat were found, but Ae. albopictus preferentially bred in containers containing plant debris or surrounded by vegetation, whereas Ae. aegypti tended to breed in containers located in environments with a high density of buildings. These findings may have important implications for vector control strategies.  相似文献   

We asked whether climate change might affect the geographic distributions of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae). We tested the effects of temperature, diet and the presence of congeneric species on the performance of immature stages of these two aedine species in the laboratory. Mosquitoes in three different species-density combinations were reared at four constant temperatures (20 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C, 35 °C) on low- or high-level diets. Of the four temperatures tested, mortality increased only at 35 °C in both species. Mortality was higher on the high-level diet than on the low-level diet at 35 °C, but not at other temperatures. The presence of congeneric species had a significant positive effect on mortality in Ae. albopictus, but not in Ae. aegypti. Both species developed more quickly at higher temperatures within the range of 20-30 °C; development was not enhanced at 35 °C. Population growth of Ae. albopictus was more stable, regardless of diet and temperature; that of Ae. aegypti varied more according to these two factors. These species-specific attributes may help to explain the latitudinal distribution of the mosquitoes and degree of species dominance where they are sympatric.  相似文献   

In Port‐au‐Prince, Haiti, the status of insecticide resistance has not recently been evaluated for Aedes aegypti (L) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) populations. No prophylactics exist for dengue, so prevention is only through vector control methods. An earthquake occurred in Haiti on January 12, 2010, with a magnitude of 7.0 Mw that devastated the area. Dengue became a major concern for the humanitarian relief workers that entered the country. Bottle bioassays were conducted in the field on adult mosquitoes reared from larvae collected from the grounds of the U.S. Embassy and from an adjacent neighborhood in eastern Port‐au‐Prince, Haiti. At the CDC, Fort Collins, CO, bioassays, molecular, and biochemical assays were performed on mosquitoes reared from field‐collected eggs. A small percentage of the population was able to survive the diagnostic dose in bioassays run in Haiti. Mosquitoes tested at the CDC demonstrated no phenotypic resistance. A variety of factors could be responsible for the discrepancies between the field and lab data, but temperature and larval nutrition are probably most important. Knowledge of localized resistance and underlying mechanisms helps in making rational decisions in selection of appropriate and effective insecticides in the event of a dengue outbreak.  相似文献   

Thirty‐two Aedes aegypti populations collected throughout Thailand and five populations of Aedes albopictus from southern Thailand were subjected to standard WHO contact bioassays to assess susceptibility to three commonly used synthetic pyrethroids: permethrin, deltamethrin, and lambda‐cyhalothrin. A wide degree of physiological response to permethrin was detected in Ae. aegypti, ranging from 56.5% survival (Lampang, northern Thailand) to only 4% (Kalasin in northeastern and Phuket in southern Thailand). All 32 populations of Ae. aegypti were found to have evidence of incipient resistance (62.5%) or levels of survival deemed resistant (37.5%) to permethrin. Four populations of Ae. albopictus were found with incipient resistance (97 – 80% mortality) and one with resistance (< 80%) to permethrin. The majority of Ae. aegypti populations (68.7%) was susceptible (> 98% mortality) to deltamethrin, with incipient resistance (observed 97–82% mortality) in other localities. In contrast, all populations of Ae. aegypti were completely susceptible (100% mortality) to the recommended operational dosage of lambda‐cyhalothrin. All five populations of Ae. albopictus were found completely susceptible to both deltamethrin and lambda‐cyhalothrin. Evidence of defined incipient or resistance to synthetic pyrethroids mandates appropriate response and countermeasures to mitigate further development and spread of resistance. In light of these findings, we conclude that routine and comprehensive susceptibility monitoring of dengue mosquito vectors to synthetic pyrethroids should be a required component of resistance management policies and disease control activities.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are invasive mosquito species with geographic ranges that have oscillated within Florida since their presence was first documented. Local transmission of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses serves as evidence of the public health importance of these two species. It is important to have detailed knowledge of their distribution to aid in mosquito control efforts and understand the risk of arbovirus transmission to humans. Through a partnership involving the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension Service and the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory; the Florida Department of Health; and mosquito control agencies throughout Florida, a container mosquito surveillance program involving all life stages was launched in the summer of 2016 to detect the presence of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Results from this survey were mapped to provide a picture of the current known distribution of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Florida. Aedes aegypti and/or Ae. albopictus were detected in the 56 counties that were part of the survey. Only Aedes albopictus was detected in 26 counties, primarily in the panhandle region of Florida. The results of this work underscore the importance of maintaining container mosquito surveillance in a state where chikungunya, dengue, and Zika viruses are present and where there is continued risk for exotic arbovirus introductions.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) were surveyed using ovitraps in residential areas in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand. Egg populations (both species inclusive) remained low in the dry season, but increased/decreased exponentially during the first/latter half of the rainy season, respectively. This seasonal pattern was similar to the seasonal distribution of dengue haemorrhagic fever cases in the area. During the dry season (November-March) Ae.aegypti was dominant in urban and indoor ovitraps. With onset of the rainy season in April, relative abundance of Ae.albopictus increased in rural and outdoor ovitraps. Ae.albopictus displaced Ae.aegypti in the latter half of the rainy season in the rural area. Possible mechanisms to account for this seasonal decline of Ae.aegypti and reciprocal fluctuations in relative abundance of Ae.albopictus are discussed in relation to food availability for larvae in container habitats.  相似文献   

Considering the rapid transmission of the dengue virus, substantial efforts need to be conducted to ward-off the epidemics of dengue viruses. The control effort is depending on chemical insecticides and had aroused undesirable conflicts of insecticide resistance. Here, we study the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae as a promising new biological control agent for vector control. The pathogenicity effects of Metarhizium anisopliae against field and laboratory strains of Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti larvae were tested using the larvicidal bioassay technique. The results demonstrate that the treatments using M. anisopliae isolate MET-GRA4 were highly effective and able to kill 100% of both Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti mosquito larvae at a conidia concentration of 1 × 10?/ml within 7 days of the treatment period. The fungus displayed high larvicidal activity against laboratory and field strain of Ae. aegypti larvae with LC50 values (9.6 × 103/ml, 1.3 × 103/ml) and LC95 values (1.2 × 10?/ml, 5.5 × 105/ml) respectively. For Ae. albopictus, LC50 values for laboratory and field strains were (1.7 × 104/ml, 2.7 × 104/ml) and the LC95 values were (2.1 × 10?/ml, 7.0 × 105/ml) respectively. Interestingly, the susceptibility of field strain towards M. anisopliae was higher as compared to the laboratory strain Aedes larvae. In which, the causative agents of all the dead larvae were verified by the virulence of M. anisopliae and caused morphological deformities on larval body. The findings from this study identify this isolate could be an effective potential biocontrol agent for vector mosquitoes in Malaysia.  相似文献   

We investigated the oviposition behavior of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. In particular we examined whether small‐scale site characteristics and the presence of conspecifics or congeners altered oviposition by these mosquitoes. Various combinations of females of the two species were allowed to oviposit inside cages among either vegetation (potted plants) or structural components (wood and concrete blocks). Numbers of eggs deposited per female were compared between species, sides, and treatments. Most significant differences between treatments and species involved differences between single species and mixed species treatments. Ae. aegypti deposited more eggs/female in the vegetation side than in the structure side whereas the opposite pattern was evident for Ae. albopictus. Ae. aegypti females had higher frequency of skip oviposition than Ae. albopictus. An average of 63% of the containers in the two‐species treatments contained eggs of both species, with more frequent joint occurrences observed in the treatment with three females of each species than in the treatments with one of each. Our results point to the existence of various interactions between gravid Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus females at or near the oviposition sites but further experimental work is necessary to fully characterize the interactions and their specific mechanisms.  相似文献   

Earth observation environmental features measured through remote sensing and models of vector mosquitoes species Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus provide an advancement with regards to dengue risk in urban environments of subtropical areas of Argentina. The authors aim to estimate the effect of landscape coverage and spectral indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [NDVI], Normalized Difference Water Index [NDWI] and Normalized Difference Built-up Index [NDBI]) on the larvae abundance of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Eldorado, Misiones, Argentina using remote satellite sensors. Larvae of these species were collected monthly (June 2016 to April 2018), in four environments: tire repair shops, cemeteries, dwellings and an urban natural park. The proportion of landscape coverage (water, urban areas, bare soil, low vegetation and high vegetation) was determined from the supervised classification of Sentinel-2 images and spectral indices, calculated. The authors developed spatial models of both vector species by generalized linear mixed models. The model's results showed that Ae. aegypti larvae abundance was better modelled by NDVI minimum values, NDBI maximum values and the interaction between them. For Ae. albopictus proportion of bare soil, low vegetation and the interaction between both variables explained better the abundance.  相似文献   

Several studies have examined how climatic variables such as temperature and precipitation may affect life history traits in mosquitoes that are important to disease transmission. Despite its importance as a seasonal cue in nature, studies investigating the influence of photoperiod on such traits are relatively few. This study aims to investigate how photoperiod alters life history traits, survival, and blood‐feeding activity in Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus). We performed three experiments that tested the effects of day length on female survival, development time, adult size, fecundity, adult life span, and propensity to blood feed in Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti. Each experiment had three photoperiod treatments: 1) short‐day (10L:14D), 2) control (12L:12D), and 3) long‐day (14L:10D). Aedes albopictus adult females were consistently larger in size when reared in short‐day conditions. Aedes aegypti adult females from short‐day treatments lived longer and were more likely to take a blood meal compared to other treatments. We discuss how species‐specific responses may reflect alternative strategies evolved to increase survival during unfavorable conditions. We review the potential impacts of these responses on seasonal transmission patterns, such as potentially increasing vectorial capacity of Ae. aegypti during periods of shorter day lengths.  相似文献   

Entomological indices have been used to quantitatively express vector density, but the threshold of larval indices of Aedes albopictus in dengue epidemics is still undefined. We conducted a case‐control study to identify the thresholds of Aedes albopictus larval indices in dengue epidemics. Two unit levels of analysis were used: district and street. The discriminative power of the indices was assessed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. The association between the entomologic indices and dengue transmission was further explored by a logistic regression model. At the district level, there was no significant difference in the Breteau index (BI) between districts that reported cases and those did not (t=0.164, p>0.05), but the Container index (CI) did show a significant difference (t=2.028, p<0.01). The AUC (Area Under the Curve) of BI, CI, and prediction value were 0.540, 0.630, and 0.533, respectively. Predicting at the street level, the AUC of BI, CI, and prediction values were 0.684, 0.660, and 0.685, respectively, and 0.861, 0.827, and 0.867 for outbreaks. BI=5.1, CI=5.4, or prediction value =0.491were suggested to control the epidemic efficiently with the fewest resources, where BI=4.0, CI=5.1, or PRE =0.483 were suggested to achieve effectiveness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Females of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera, Culicidae) were not receptive to mating 1 h after the initial insemination or at later times throughout the first gonotrophic cycle. A significant proportion of these females (75–90%) were inseminated again prior to the second gonotrophic cycle. Insemination was determined by the detection in females of sperm labelled with 3 H(G)-adenine or 32PO4 after matings with radiolabeled males. Females deprived of males after the first insemination displayed an abnormal reduction in fertility throughout successive gonotrophic cycles.  相似文献   

In recent years, the remarkable spread of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) throughout the world has drawn attention to this hitherto poorly studied species, particularly after its role in outbreaks of chikungunya fever in the western Indian Ocean and in Italy. Variants of sterile insect technique (SIT), including the release of transgenic males with a dominant lethal gene (RIDL), have been proposed in the search for new and innovative methods of control. Knowledge of male dispersal, mating behaviour and longevity will be critical to the success of this approach. We present an effective and practical method for trapping both male and female Ae. albopictus using a mouse-baited BG-Sentinel trap.  相似文献   

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