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中国浙江新昌化石木研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了发现于中国东南沿海地区浙江省新昌县中生代地层中的一种化石木新种———新昌南洋杉型木 (AraucarioxylonxinchangenseDuansp .nov .)。这种化石木保存在早白垩世馆头组中、下部的紫红色泥砂岩中 ,分布在新昌县城西部 ,南北绵延 2 5公里、东西宽约 2公里的狭长地区。由于在化石木产区曾发现过多种植物化石 ,因而确定了该区在早白垩世时期处于我国的欧洲 中国植物区内 ,属亚热带 热带气候区 ,种种迹象表明此时气候有些干旱。同区发现的松柏目叶化石 ,其气孔构造与南洋杉科有一定的亲缘关系 ,这一点似乎与化石木之属可以对应。  相似文献   

中国东北辽宁省西部几种中生代化石木   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对产自辽宁省西部中生代化石木进行了解剖学研究。经鉴定,它们是:朝阳原始云杉型木(新种)(Protopiceoxylon chaoyangense Duan sp.nov.),西部南洋杉型木(Araucarioxylon sidugawaense Shimakura),巴图南洋杉型木(新种)(Araucarioxylon batuense Duan sp.nov.)和辽西紫杉型木(新种)(Taxox  相似文献   

Silicified coniferous wood was collected from the Lanqi Formation (late Middle Jurassic in age) at Shebudaigou Village, Liaoning Province, China. Three taxa are identified, namely Pinoxylon dacotense Knowlton, Xenoxylon phyllocladoides Gothan, and Araucariopitys sp. Based on these new data, and those of other fossil plants reported previously from the same formation, we consider the climate during the deposition of the Lanqi Formation was subtropical, humid and seasonal. In this respect the Lanqi flora differs from the coeval Shimengou and Longmen floras from North China. The Longmen flora was deposited during more humid, subtropical conditions, while the Shimengou Formation indicates that the climate was warm temperate and dry. Our data would suggest that the Late Jurassic climatic pattern was initiated as early as the late Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

现存狒狒类(Papionin)生活于非洲(如Papio和Theropithoan)、亚洲(如Macaca)和北非(M.sylvanas)。在上新世和更新世,Theropithecus经历了从非洲到亚洲的扩散过程,在印度发现了类似化石。这次在云南中甸金沙江附近发现的下更新世狒狒化石(Papio)证明,如同亚洲猕猴和现代人类祖先一样,非洲狒狒类(Papio和Theropithecus)在同一时期从非洲扩散到亚洲。所不同的是它们没有像猕猴和人类一样生存下来。这次化石的发现对于研究以下生物学问题提供了重要依据1)探讨旧大陆猴类在上新—更新世从非洲到亚洲的扩散过程;2)研究不同旧大陆猴类的进化和环境适应性;3)为现代人类祖先在非洲—亚大陆的扩散研究提供证据;4)由于化石产地包括有人类祖先和其他动物的化石,因此,狒狒在亚洲的生态适应研究将为探讨人类在同一时期的生态适应提供证据。  相似文献   

报道了一种具混合型纹孔(互列式纹孔和对列式纹孔)的化石本。化石木产自内蒙古乌达矿区老石旦矿附近太原组上部,地质时代为早二叠世早期。经比较,确认为南洋杉型木属(Araucarioxylon Kraus)一种新;老石旦南洋杉型木(Araucarioxylon laoshidanense sp.nov.).根据混合型纹孔的存在及其他特征,认为新种可能代表了一种原始的松杉类植物的木材化石。主要特征:仅保存  相似文献   

A kind of silicified fossil wood with mixed pits on the radial tracheid wall is described. The fossil wood was collected from the top of Taiyuan Formation (early Early Permian) in Wuda Mining District, Nei Mongol. Compared with the Paleozoic fossil woods in the world, it is put into Araucarioxylon Kraus and named as A. laoshidanense sp. nov. Based on the character of possessing mixed pittings (alternate and opposite pittings) on the radial tracheid wall, the fossil wood is believed to be one of the unknown primitive conifers.Diagnosis of the new species: Only secondary xylem preserved and consisting of axial tracheids and rays. Growth ring boundary, resin duct and axial parenchyma absent. One to Four (commonly 2or3) seriates of bordered pits mostly alternate but sometimes opposite)on the radial tracheid wall. One to Four (commonly1, rarely2 to 4) Cupressoid pits in each cross-field. Rays usually uniseriate, sometimes partly-biseriate and 2 to 39 (mainly3-5) cells high.  相似文献   

A new genus ( Protosciadopityoxylon gen nov. ) of Early Cretaceous fossil wood reported in the present paper was discovered from Liaoning Province, China, and is named as a new species:Protosciadopityoxylon liaoningense gen. et sp. nov. It is described here and this generic name, adopted by the authors, is employed for fossil wood that is believed to be nearly related to the recent genus Sciadopitys and the fossil genus Sciadopityoxylon. The new genus bears some similarities to Protophyllocladoxylon,Protocircoporoxylon and Xenoxylon in different geological ages, but it differs from them in the types of cross-field pitting.  相似文献   

Two new fossil species, Archaeohelorus polyneurus sp. n. and A. tensus sp. n., assigned to the genus Archaeohelorus Shih, Feng & Ren, 2011 of Heloridae (Hymenoptera), are reported from the late Middle Jurassic, Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia, China. Based on the well-preserved forewings and hind wings of these specimens, the diagnosis of the Archaeohelorus is emended: forewing 2cu-a intersecting Cu and Rs+M at the same point or postfurcal, and hind wing may have tubular veins C, Sc+R, R, Rs, M+Cu, M and Cu distinct, or simplified venation. The new findings also elucidate the evolutionary trend of forewing and hind wing venation and body size for the Heloridae from the late Middle Jurassic to now.  相似文献   

Pelliales is a basal lineage of the simple thalloid liverworts. Here, we describe a simple thalloid liverwort from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation of the Turpan–Hami Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern China. The thalloid fossil liverwort is described as a new species: Pellites hamiensis (Pelliaceae, Pelliales). Pellites hamiensis nov. sp. resembles the extant species of Pelliaceae in having ribbon-like segments, conspicuous costae that appear as ridges on the ventral surface, rectangular cells with thickened walls adjacent to the margin, and elongated cells in the middle part of the thallus. The occurrence of P. hamiensis nov. sp. extends the fossil records of Pellites back to the Aalenian-Bajocian or Bajocian (ca. 170 Ma) and suggests that the divergence time of the Pelliaceae is no later than the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

Conifer Woods of the Pliocene Age from Yunnan, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Tertiary floras play an integral role in understanding the biodiversity and interactions between climate and vegetation in Yunnan, China. The fossil spores, pollen grains, and leaves in this region have been investiaged intensively. In comparison, the woods have been studied relatively little. A large number of Pliocene wood specimens was collected from the opencast lignite coal mine of Hongxing situated in Changning County of Yunnan Province. Among the collection, Tsuga cf. dumosa (D. Don) Eichler and Pinus cf. armandii Franchet were identified based on wood structures. The subtle feature oftori extensions is reported in the wood of T. cf. dumosa. Considering the climatic requirements of modern T. dumosa and P.armandii, the two species of conifer described from Pliocene sediments probably grew in mountainous terrain at an elevation of approximately 2 300 m, in a cool and humid environment.  相似文献   

Estimating the paleoclimate changes through CO2 levels has become a promising area of geological research. This paper focuses on analysis of fossil Ginkgo in continuous sedimentary series in northwestern China using plant anatomy and organic geochemistry approaches. The CO2 variation curve during Early and Middle Jurassic is reconstructed based on the stomatal ratio method, which is consistent with the estimated results of GEOCARB III. In comparison with the carbon isotopic composition measured from the fossil leaves of Ginkgo, we suggest that the stomata-based CO2 concentrations for the Jurassic are generally consistent with the predictions of the geochemical model, ranging from 1000 to 1600 ppmv. Measurements of carbon isotope values demonstrate that the water use efficiency of the fossil Ginkgo in a “green house” world is higher than that of the living Ginkgo. Investigations of physiological responses of plants to the increasing CO2 level at the present and in the future should help demonstrate this effect. The cause of the carbon isotopic shift at the boundary between Aalenian and Bajocian for the Yaojie Basin is unclear and therefore needs further investigation.  相似文献   

The Tertiary floras play an integral role in understanding the biodiversity and interactions between climate and vegetation in Yunnan, China. The fossil spores, pollen grains, and leaves in this region have been investiagedintensively. In comparison, the woods have been studied relatively little. A large number of Pliocene wood specimens was collected from the opencast lignite coal mine of Hongxing situated in Changning County of Yunnan Province. Among the collection, Tsuga cf. dumosa (D. Don) Eichler and Pinus cf. armandii Franchet were identified based on wood structures. The subtle feature of tori extensions is reported in the wood of T. cf. dumosa. Considering the climatic requirements of modern T. dumosa and P.armandii, the two species of conifer described from Pliocene sediments probably grew in mountainous terrain at an elevation of approximately 2 300 m, in a cool and humid environment.  相似文献   

2021年7月在四川省宜宾市筠连县大雪山风景区乌岭沟东北(27°53′N,104°45′E,海拔1 380 m)采集到2号角蟾科(Megophryidae)布角蟾属(Boulenophrys)物种标本(标本号:WG202107005和WG202107006)。通过形态学比较并基于线粒体16S rRNA和细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因序列构建的最大似然树显示,2号标本是黔北角蟾(B. qianbeiensis)。目前,已知黔北角蟾分布于贵州省桐梓县黄连自然保护区和贵州省宽阔水国家级自然保护区,此次在四川宜宾发现黔北角蟾确定为四川省两栖类分布新记录种。  相似文献   

The wood flora from Williams Point, Livingston Island, contains 12 wood types of gymnosperm and angiosperm origin. Recent collections of material have increased the biodiversity of a postulated species-rich vegetation. The gymnosperm wood can be readily assigned to four form-genera: Araucarioxylon Kraus, Araucariopitys Jeffrey, Podocarpoxylon Gothan and Sahnioxylon Bose and Sah. This indicates a diversity of coniferous araucarian and podocarp trees alongside woods of uncertain affinity ( Sahnioxylon ; Bennettitales). Two angiosperm morphotypes are assigned to the organ genera Hedycaryoxylon Su¨ss (Monimiaceae) and Weinmannioxylon Petriella (Cunoniaceae). The remaining four taxa of angiosperm wood cannot be confidently placed in extant families as they exhibit features that suggest relationships with the Magnoliidae, Hamamelidae and Rosidae. This paper presents the first comprehensive taxonomic revision of the wood flora from Livingston Island and discusses the palaeoecology that prevailed at a latitude of about 60 degrees south during the Late Cretaceous. Newly described taxa are Araucarioxylon chapmanae sp. nov., Araucariopitys antarcticus sp. nov., Podocarpoxylon chapmanae sp. nov., P. verticalis sp. nov., P. communis sp. nov., Weinmannioxylon ackamoides sp. nov., Antarctoxylon livingstonensis gen. et sp. nov., A. multiseriatum gen. et sp. nov., A. heteroporosum gen. et sp. nov. and A. uniperforatum gen et sp. nov.  相似文献   

胡荣  赵凌霞 《人类学学报》2015,34(3):404-416
华南和东南亚发现大量更新世的猩猩牙齿化石。本研究应用CT扫描三维重建的技术方法研究了广西更新世化石猩猩牙齿釉质厚度,并与现生类人猿、现代人、化石类人猿以及早期人类进行比较分析。结果显示:广西猩猩同类牙齿的釉质厚度与牙齿大小相关性很小;臼齿和前臼齿釉质厚度在上下颌之间不存在显著性差异;来自广西不同地区的猩猩化石牙釉质厚度无显著差异。与早期人科成员相比,广西猩猩的牙釉质相对较薄,平均与相对釉质厚度值都明显小于南方古猿、傍人。与早期人属相比,小于直立人、尼人以及非洲和欧洲的早期人属化石。与现代人和现生灵长类相比,广西化石猩猩釉质厚度明显大于大部分猴类和非洲大猿;平均釉质厚度稍大于现生猩猩,而与现代人更为接近;相对釉质厚度小于现代人,而与现生猩猩差异不大,都属于偏厚型釉质。本文讨论了釉质厚度与系统分类演化、食性适应的相关问题,作者推测釉质厚度可能是物种的特征属性,与牙齿功能适应有密切关联。  相似文献   

安徽芜湖金盆洞为新近发现的一处旧石器遗址,2002—2004年间两度发掘,除了人工制品外,另发掘出众多的哺乳动物化石。本文系统研究了其中的食肉类,经鉴定共计9属11种,即Nyctereutescf.N.sinensis、Canis variabilis、Arctonyx collaris rostratus、?Melessp.、Mustela sibirica、Mustelidae gen.et sp.indet、Ursusthibetanus kokeni、Ursus arctos、Pachycrocuta brevirostris sinensis、Panthera tigris和Pantherasp.。食肉类化石数量不多,但种类颇丰,对于探讨和分析遗址的地质年代具有重要意义。短吻硕鬣狗中国亚种的存在排除了晚更新世的可能,对比表明它与安徽和县龙潭洞动物群最为接近,可能稍晚于后者,应为中更新世中晚期。金盆洞主要由北方类型的动物构成,变异狼是长江以南地区的首次发现,黄鼬在南方同样十分少见,这表明金盆洞当时的气候较现今偏冷。与龙潭洞动物群相比,喜湿润的动物稀少,显然金盆洞的气候偏干些。  相似文献   

Fossil pollen of Wodehouseia were first found by E. A. Stanley in 1961.There are several species of Wodehouseia found from the drill cores of the Lower member of Taizhou Formation in Rutung, North Jiangsu. It provides an evidence forjudging the Lower member of Taizhou Formation to be Maestrichtian age. In the assemblage of the Lower member of Taizhou Formation, there are not onlyAquiapollenites and Wodehouseia but also Morinoipollenites and Jianghanpollis. TheAquilapollenites and Wodehouseia are typical genera occurred in the humid, subtropicalclimatic phytogeoprovince in the “Aquilapolles District”, circumpacific and Siberiaduring Late Cretaceous age. The Morinoipollenites and Jianghanpollis are typical ge-nera occurred in the arid(or semiarid), subtropical climatic phytogeoprovince in widesouthern areas of our country at that time. This mixed assemblage provides a key tocompare the assemblage in wide southern areas of our country with those in other countries. The author discusses the geographical distributions and distributions of geologicalperiod of Wodehouseia in detail. The structure of Wodehouseia and the paleoecology of the parent plant of Wodehouseia pollen are explored. 7 species including 3 new spe-cies are described in this paper. The new species are Wodehouseia jiangsuensis sp. nov., W. circinata sp. nov., W. zoros sp. nov.  相似文献   

Fifty-six cordaitalean trunks with anatomical features are discovered and described from the Moscovian (Pennsylvanian) Benxi Formation in Yangquan City, Shanxi Province, North China. They are allochthonously preserved in fluvial channel deposits and classified into two types based on the anatomy. The first type is characterized by a solid and heterocellular pith, endarch primary xylem and pycnoxylic secondary xylem with araucarian radial tracheidal pits and araucarioid cross-field pitting. The second type contains a septate pith and a pycnoxylic secondary xylem which is comparable to that of the first type. Primary xylem is absent in the second type. The diameter of these trunks ranges from 0.11 m to 0.55 m. The largest tree is estimated to be 29.96 m high using an allometric approach. The trunks represent the oldest and largest trees from the North China Block during the Pennsylvanian due to the absence of Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian there. The fossil evidence shows that cordaitaleans were large arborescent trees growing on clastic substrates in the Cathaysia during the Pennsylvanian. Their occurrence from the upper Pennsylvanian in North China Block suggests that the previously reported diversity of cordaitaleans, which were estimated based on impressions, is a gross underestimate. The absence of growth rings in the trunks and co-occurrence of arborescent lycopsids in the same interval, together with coal seams and bauxite around the fossil-bearing horizons, indicate that the trees grew under perhumid tropical conditions.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜首次对云南省楚雄州晚中新世石灰坝组石鼓村层的钙化木材进行了解剖学研究.鉴定出两种类型的木材:柳杉型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld)和杉木型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides Watari).二者分别与现代柳杉属和杉木属具有最接近的亲缘关系.根据这两种杉科化石木现存最近亲缘种的生态环境,并综合其他资料,推测该地区在晚中新世为温暖湿润的亚热带气候环境.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜首次对云南省楚雄州晚中新世石灰坝组石鼓村层的钙化木材进行了解决学研究。鉴定出两种类型的木材。柳杉型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld)和杉木型落羽杉型木(Taxo-dioxylon cunninghamioides Watari)。二者分别与现代柳杉属和杉木属具有最接近的亲缘关系。根据这两种杉科化石木现存最近亲缘种的生态环境,并综合其他资料,推测该地区在晚中新世为温暖湿润的亚热带气候环境。  相似文献   

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