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中国兜被兰属植物的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
兰科的兜被兰属约有12种,主要分布于亚洲的温带至亚热带山地,我国的四川和云南是其现代分布中心和分化中心。本文通过植物地理学、孢粉学和解剖学的研究,对该属进行分类学订正,确认中国产有12种,其中9种为我国特有,包括4个新种和1个新组合种。  相似文献   

报道了陕西省兰科一新记录属——套叶兰属(Hippeophyllum Schltr.)及一新记录种——套叶兰(Hippeophyllum sinicwn S. C. Chen et K. Y. Lang)。  相似文献   

Peristylus is a genus of over 60 species, mainly distributed in the Old World tropics, with many species extending northwards to central China. In the present paper, the taxa of the genus hitherto recorded in China are taxonomically and phytogeographically discussed and revised, and, as a result, 20 species are recognized, including one new species, P. jinchuanicus K. Y. Lang, and four new combinations, P. bulleyi (Rolfe) K. Y. Lang, P. forrestii (Schltr.) K. Y. Lang, P. longiracemus (Fukuyama) K. Y. Lang and P. neotineoides (Ames et Schltr.) K. Y. Lang. A full list of synonyms is given, a key to the species is provided and the distribution areas in China of all the taxa are mapped.  相似文献   

InthecourseofpreparingatreatmentoftheAquifoliaceaeforFloraReipublicaePopularisSinicae,wefoundthatvalidpublicationofeightname...  相似文献   

Eight species, Ilex ficifolia C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. huiana C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. hirsuta C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. zhejiangensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. wugongshanensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. robustinervosa C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. syzygiophylla C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng and I. verisimilis Chun ex C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, are valid- ly published here by the designation of holotypes.  相似文献   

中国蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的分类和植物地理的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
蜘蛛抱蛋属植物主要产于亚洲东部,中国的广西是其现代的分布中心和分化中心。通过对从其 分类和植物地理方面的研究和修订,确认此属中国产有47种,其中45种为中国所特有,4个种为新种。文中列有中国产全部种的分种检索表和全部标本引证。  相似文献   

Aspidistra is a genus mainly found in eastern Asia, with its distribution and differentiation center in Guangxi of China. In the present paper, all the taxa hitherto recorded in China are taxonomically and phytogeographically revised. As a result, 47 species are recognized, of which 45 are endemic to China and four are new to science, i. e. A. ebianensis K. Y. Lang et Z. Y. Zhu, A. fenghuangensis K. Y. Lang, A. oblongifolia F. T. Wang et K. Y. Lang and A. fosciaria G. Z. Li, A key to all species is provided and all the speci-mens examined are cited.  相似文献   

Duringthevisitoftheseniorauthorin 1995totheherbariumoftheNationalMuseumofNaturalHistoryinParis(P) ,anewsaprophyticspeciesofCephalantherawasfoundrelatedtoCephalantheracalcarataS .C .Chen&K .Y .Langpublishedin 1986 .Duetolackingliteratureavailableatthattime ,itwasn…  相似文献   

中国姜黄属植物的订正   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将白顶姜黄(CurcumaalbicomaS.Q.Tong)归入川郁金(C.sichuanenslsX.X.Chen),将另一种“川郁金”(C.chuanyujinC.K.HsiehetH.Zhang)归入广西莪术(C.kwangsiensisS.G.LeeetC.F.Liang)。认为过去把莪术鉴定为C.zedoaria(Christ.)Rose.C.caesiaRoxb.或C.aeruginosaRoxb,其实都是C.phaeocaulisVal.的误定;C.elataRoxb.是C.wenyujinY.H.ChenetC.Ling的误定;认为广西莪术的两个变种,即紫脉莪术(C.kwangsiensisvar.affinisY.H.Chen)和毛莪术(C.kwangsiensisvar.puberulaY.H.Chen)不能成立.对台湾是否产C.viridifloraRoxb.表示怀疑。附有中国产姜黄属植物12种的检索表及其分布.  相似文献   

The genus Gynostemma B1. consists of 13 species and 2 varieties in the whole world, among which 11 species and 2 varieties occur in China. They are distributed in S. Shaanxi and the southern part of the Yangtze River (including Taiwan province) in China and also in Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, India and Malesia. Based on the characters and dehiscence of fruit, the genus Gynostemma B1. may be divided into two subgenera, i.e. Subgen. I. Gynostemma and Subgen. II. Trirostllum (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu ct S. K. Chen, comb. nov. 1. Subgenus Gynostemma. The fruits are baccate, globose, 3-umbonate and incorni culate on the apical side, indehiscent when mature. The style apex in female flower is bifid. Type of subgenus: Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak. This subgenus contains 8 species and 2 varieties in the world, among which 6 species and 2 varieties occur in China, i.e.1.G. simplicifolium B1. (Yunnan, Hainan of Guangdong); 2. G. laxum (Wall.) Cogn. (S. Yunnan, Hainan of Guangdong and Guangxi); 3. G. burmanicum King ex Chakr. (Yunnan), 3a. G. burmanicum var. molle C. Y. Wu (Yunnan); 4. G. pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak. (S. Shaanxi and the soutern area of the Yangtze River of China), 4a. G. pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak. var. dasycarpum C. V. Wu (Yunnan); 5. G. pubescens (Gagnep.) C. Y. Wu, st. nov. (Yunnan); 6. G. longipes C. Y. Wu, sp. nov. (endemic to China: Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Shaanxi and Guangxi). 2. Subgenus Trirostellum (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen, comb. nov.——Trirostellum Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie in Acta Phytotaxonomia Sinica 19 (4): 483. 1981, syn. nov. The fruit are capsules, subcampanulate, 3-corniculate on the apical side, dehiscent when mature. The style apex in female flower is luniform and irregularly denticulate at margin, rarely bifid. Type of subgenus: Gynostemma cardiospermum Cogn. ex Oliv. This subgenus comprises 5 species, which are all endemic to China. 1. G. yixingense (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Jiangsu and Zhejiang); 2. G. cardio spermum Cogn. ex Oliv. (Hubei, Shaanxi and Sichuan); 3. G. microspermum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (S. Yunnan); 4. G. aggregatum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (NW. Yunnan); 5. G.laxiflorum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Anhui).  相似文献   

描述了中国石豆兰属Bulbophyllum一新种——天贵卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum tianguii K.Y.Lang & D.Luo),并提供墨线图。该种产于广西乐业县,与富宁卷瓣兰B.funingense Z.H.Tsi & S.C.Chen外貌颇相似,但中萼片先端渐尖并具3 mm长的芒,侧萼片宽4~4.5 mm,花瓣先端渐尖并具1.5 mm长的芒,唇盘具2条肉质、具缘毛的纵脊,可与后者明显区别。  相似文献   

蜘蛛抱蛋属的细胞分类学研究Ⅱ   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
文章报道了13种蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的染色体核型,并对属内核型进化规律作了总结。作者认为随体染色体和第1对染色体可以作为本属核型的特征染色体。染色体数目变异与花部式样密切相关。本属植物原始的染色体基数为x=19。此外,对非整倍性变异的主要机制也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

报道江西省植物分布新记录3属6种,为袋果草Peracarpa carnosa (Wall.) Hook. f. et Thoms.、日本对叶兰Listera japonica Bl.、齿爪齿唇兰Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnepain) Ormerod、广东齿唇兰Odontochilus guangdongensis S. C. Chen et al.、革叶茶藨子Ribes davidii Franch.和蒲桃叶冬青Ilex syzygiophylla C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng,其中袋果草属Peracarpa Hook. f. et Thoms.、齿唇兰属Odontochilus Blume和对叶兰属Listera R. Br.为江西省新记录属。  相似文献   

报导了凤仙花科、十字花科、豆科、桑科、葡萄科、冬青科和兰科共15种2变种植物在我国4个省区的分布新记录.其中四川分布新记录有槽茎凤仙花(Impatiens sulcata Wall.)、总状凤仙花(Impatiensracemosa DC.)和云南甘草(Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis Cheng f.et L.K.Dai ex P.C.Li.);湖南分布新记录有管茎凤仙花(Impatiens tubulosa Hemsl.)、瑶山凤仙花(Impatiens macrovexilla var.yaoshanensis S.X.Yu,Y.L.Chen&H.N.Qin,)、山地凤仙花(Impatiens monticoia Hook.f.)、日本山嵛菜(Eutrema tenue Makino)、昌化泡果荠(Hilliella changhuaensis Y.H.Zhang)、糙毛假地豆(Desmodium heterocarpon(Linn)DC.)、少脉爬藤榕(Ficussarmentosa Buch.-Ham.ex J.E.SM.var.thunbergii(Maxim.)Corner)、掌裂...  相似文献   

西藏兰科一新记录属——冷兰属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西藏拉萨河流域的兰科植物进行了分类学研究,发现1个西藏新记录属(冷兰属)及属下新记录种(冷兰),并附有新记录种的特征照片。  相似文献   

贵州兰科植物的新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏鲁明  余登利 《广西植物》2009,29(4):430-432
报道了贵州兰科的3个新记录属:羽唇兰属、坛花兰属、异型兰属;以及9个新记录种:羽唇兰、坛花兰、异型兰、等萼卷瓣兰、广西舌喙兰、广西鸢尾兰、勐海隔距兰、长足石仙桃、长距虾脊兰。凭证标本保存在茂兰保护区标本室(HML)。  相似文献   

国产七种和一变种兰属植物的核型研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对国产7种和1变种兰属植物,即邱北冬蕙兰Cymbidium qiubeiense、春兰C. goeringii、春剑 C.longibracteatum、线叶春兰C.serratum、蕙兰C.faberi、送春C.fabri var.szechuanicum、寒兰C.kanran、莎 叶兰C.cyperifolium 的核型进行了研究。具体结果如下:邱北冬蕙兰为2n=40=24m+12sm+4st;蕙兰为2n=40=30m+8sm+2st;送春为2n=40=26m+l0sm+4st;寒兰为2n=40=26m+12sm+2st;莎叶兰为2n=40=24m+12sm+4st;春兰为2n=40=24m+l0sm+4st+2t;春剑为2n=40=24m+l0sm+6st。线叶春兰为2n=40=28m+l0sm+2st。线叶春兰中偶尔发现染色体数有2n=41,43,60,80。  相似文献   

国产海桑属植物的两个杂交种   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
王瑞江  陈忠毅  陈二英  郑馨仁   《广西植物》1999,19(3):199-204
作者通过对红树林海桑属植物进行形态学、花粉学、细胞学以及其它方面的比较研究,证实了拟海桑和海南海桑为两个杂交种,它们的嫌疑亲本分别是杯萼海桑和海桑、杯萼海桑和卵叶海桑·sonneratia×hainanenwsisko,EY.ChenetW.Y Chen(prosp)为海南海桑的新名称,而拟海桑S.paracseolarisKo,E.Y.Chen,etW,ChenY.Chen则被归并入sonneratia×gulngaiN.C.Duke.  相似文献   

以礼草属的分类研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
以礼草属Kengyilia Yen et J. L. Yang 是禾本科Poaceae小麦族trib.Triticeae中新近建立的屑,针对其存在问题,对它进行了全面清理,提出了一个新的分类系统。新系统含3组、26种、6变种,其中3个组为新设立,并包括1新种、7个新等级、新组合及新异名。此外,还报道了一些类群的分布新记录。  相似文献   

Kengyilia Yen et J L Yang is a recently established genus in trib. Tritieeae of Poaceae. In this paper, this genus is taxonomically revised, and a new taxonomic system is presented. The new system includes 3 sections, 26 species and 6 varieties, of which 3 sections and 1 species are described as new, 7 taxa are treated respectively in the ways of new status or combination and reduction. Three new sections, sect. Kengyilia, sect. Stenachyra L. B. Cai and sect. Hyalolepis (Nevski) L. B. Cai, are differentiated by the length and width of spike, the growing position of spikelet, the relative length of glume, the colour of anther and so on. The sect. Kengyilia contains 9 species, distributed in northwestern China, extending westward to Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tadzhikistan, Afghanistan and Iran; the sect. Stenachyra L. B. Cai comprises 10 species and 3 verieties, distributed in western China, mainly in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau; and the sect. Hyalolepis (Nevski) L. B. Cai consists of about 7 species and 3 varieties, distributed in western China, extending westward to Kirghizia and Tadzhikistan. Twenty-six species of Kengyilia are recognized on the basis of the same criterion of specific concept, and the other taxa below the rank of species are also checked in terms of their external morphology. As a result, Kengyilia pen~ dula L. B. Cai is reported as a new species; K. hirsuta var. obviaristata L. B. Cai is raised to a species; K. melanthera (Keng) J. L. Yang, Yen et Baum is reduced to a variety under K. thoroldiana (Oliver) J. L. Yang, Yen et Baum; Roegneria hirsuta var. leiophylla Keng et S. L. Chen is reduced as a synonym of K. hirsuta var. hirsuta; Agropyron thoroldianum var. lasciusculum Melderis is reduced to K. grandiglumis (Keng et S. L. Chen) J. L. Yang, Yen et Baum; Roegneria rigidula var. intermedia Keng et S. L. Chen to K. rigidula (Keng et S. L. Chen) J. L. Yang, Yen et Baum; R. hirsuta var. variabilis Keng et S. L. Chen and R. rnelanthera var. tahopaica Keng et S. L. Chen to K. hirsuta (Keng et S. L. Chen)J. L. Yang, Yen et Baum. In addition, new records onthe geographical distributions of some taxa are also reported in this paper.  相似文献   

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