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澳洲指橘与柑橘属间原生质体电融合再生二倍体体细胞杂种 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
电场诱导粗柠檬(CitrusjambhiriLush,2n=2x=18)叶肉原生质体与澳洲指橘(MicrocitruspapuanaSwingle,2n=2x=18)悬浮系原生质体融合,融合产物培养后再生出丛芽,经试管嫁接得到完整植株。再生植株的细胞学检查表明它们具有18条染色体,为二倍体;植株的叶片形态与叶肉亲本(粗柠檬)一样;用6个10-mer随机引物分析再生植株的杂种特性:在4个引物(OPA-07、OPAN-07、OPE-05和OPA-08)的扩增带型图中,再生植株的带型与粗柠檬完全一样,澳洲指橘的特征带未在植株中出现;在引物OPS-13和引物OPA-04的扩增带型图中,再生植株都具有澳洲指橘的特征带。细胞学和RAPD分析的结果表明,通过对称融合得到了澳洲指橘与粗柠檬的属间二倍体体细胞杂种植株。这是柑橘属间对称融合再生二倍体叶肉亲本类型植株的首例报道。 相似文献
柑橘细胞电融合参数选择及种间体细胞杂种植株再生 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
以“Page”橘柚(CitrusreticulataBlanco×C.paradisiMacf)胚性悬浮系原生质体和粗柠檬(C.jambhiriLush)叶肉原生质体为融合试材,摸索了适合柑橘的电融合参数。研究表明,在AC(交变电场)125V/cm、DC(直流脉冲)1250V/cm、AC作用时间60s、DC脉冲时间50μs、DC脉冲个数为3、DC脉冲间隔为0.5s时融合率较高,双核异核体率可以达到15%以上。利用不同类型原生质体比重的不同,融合后通过控制离心时间,可以收集到更高比例的双核异核体。融合产物经培养,3~4个月再生小植株。染色体计数结合形态学观察表明,再生的150株小植株中78%为四倍体,其余为二倍体叶肉亲本再生类型。再生植株经过氧化物酶同工酶及RAPD分析,表明得到了体细胞杂种,还证明获得了1株叶肉亲本同源四倍体再生类型。 相似文献
Leaf-derived protoplasts of Rough lemon ( Citrus jambhiri Lush, 2n = 2x = 18) were electrofused with embryogenic suspension protoplasts of its relative, Microcitrus papuana 5wingle (2n = 2x = 18), with an intention of creating novel germplasm. Six plants were regenerated following protoplasts fusion. Cytological examination demonstrated that they were diploids with 18 chromosomes (2n = 2x = 18). RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) analyses with six arbitrary 10-mer primers showed that the regenerated plants had identical band pattems to those of Rough lemon for primers OPA-07, OPAN-07, OPE-05 and OPA-08, whereas for the other two primers, OPA-04 and OPS-13, bands specific to M. papuana could be detected in the regenerated plants. Cytological and RAPD analysis revealed that the regenerated plants were diploid somatic hybrids between M. papuana and Rough lemon. The putative hybrids were morphologically similar to Rough lemon. This is the first report on production of diploid somatic hybrid plants between citrus with its related genus via symmetric fusion. 相似文献
Intergeneric somatic hybrid plants derived from protoplast fusion between Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Valencia and Fortunella crassifolia Swingle cv. Meiwa have been grown in the fields for 6 years. The plants grew less vigorously with uneven canopy size and some shoots frequently died. Chromosome count showed that the plants, containing non-tetraploid cells besides amphidiploid, were chimeras. Most somatic hybrid plants exhibited a new band of EST isozyme. RAPD analysis verified that several plants lacked some of the parents' markers. The results indicated that the intergeneric somatic hybrids were genetically unstable. 相似文献
柑桔原生质体融合再生叶肉亲本型植株的遗传分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
叶肉亲本(粗柠檬)型植株叶形指数、气孔特征与亲本粗柠檬无异,与同组合体细胞杂种差异显著。染色体计数为二倍体(2n=2x=18)。过氧化物酶(POX)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)同工酶图谱与粗柠檬一致。RAPD分析表明,在具多态性的54个随机引物中,大多数引物(52个)上的图谱与粗柠檬相同。但OPW-12上,叶肉亲本型植株含有哈姆林甜检的特征谱带。OPV-04扩增产物显示,叶肉亲本型 相似文献
柑桔细胞电融合再生两个种间体细胞杂种 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
朋娜脐橙(Citrussinensis Osbeck)胚性细胞悬浮系原生质体分别与粗柠檬(C.jambhiri Lush)、枸头橙(C.aurantium)叶肉原生质体经电场诱导而融合。经培养,两组合均获得再生植株。对朋娜脐橙+粗柠檬的再生胚状体进行染色体计数,随机取样的52个胚状体中,26个为四倍体,另外26个为二倍体;对74棵再生植株进行染色体计数,由此说明都为四倍体;表明体细胞杂种在植株再生过程中具有明显的竞争优势。朋娜脐橙+枸头橙再生的14棵植株都为四倍体。对朋娜脐橙+粗柠檬部分植株进行POX同工酶和RAPD分析,表明所有检测植株都为杂种。朋娜脐橙+枸头橙再生植株经RAPD分析,表明也为杂种。 相似文献
柑橘与枳属间体细胞杂种再生及其对脚腐病抗性的评价 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Page橘柚 (CitrusreticulataBlanco×C .paradisiMacf.)胚性细胞悬浮系原生质体与枳 (Poncirustrifoliata (L .)Raf.)叶肉原生质体经电场诱导融合 ,4~ 5个月再生 15 0余棵小植株。再生植株根系发达 ,叶片具三叶特征。随机检查 2 0余株再生苗根尖染色体数目 ,表明都为四倍体 (2n =4x =36 )。随机取 7株进行RAPD分析 ,表明被检测植株都为杂种。用引起脚腐病的寄生疫霉菌 (PhytophthoraparasiticaDastar)毒素接种体细胞杂种及双亲叶片 ,结果表明 ,Page橘柚中度感病 ,枳高抗 ,体细胞杂种为抗病类型。 相似文献
Protoplasts of Page tangelo (Citrus reticulata Blanco×C. paradisi Macf.) cell suspension culture were electrically fused with mesophyll protoplasts isolated from trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.). More than 150 plantlets regenerated after 4-5 months of culture. The regenerated plants were trifoliate with well developed root systems. Root-tip chromosome counting of more than 20 randomly selected plants revealed that they were all tetraploids (2n=4x=36). RAPD analysis of 7 randomly selected plants verified their hybridity. Inoculation of citrus Phytophthora parasitica Dastar toxin on leaves of somatic hybrids and both parental genotypes showed that Page tangelo was moderately susceptible, and trifoliate orange was highly resistant while the somatic hybrids were resistant. The potential of this somatic hybrid as rootstock is also discussed. 相似文献
伏令夏橙与宁波金柑属间体细胞杂种变异研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
伏令夏橙(Citrussinensis(L.)Osbeck)+宁波金柑(FortunelacrasifoliaSwingle)属间体细胞杂种在田间生长6年,树势较弱,新梢经常枯死,树冠参差不齐。染色体检查发现,除了四倍体之外,还存在其它倍性的细胞,呈嵌合体状态。酯酶同工酶图谱上,多数单株出现一条双亲没有的新带。RAPD分析结果表明,部分植株丢失了亲本的标记带型,表现出遗传上的不稳定性 相似文献
柑桔种间体细胞杂种的花粉特性及贮藏研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对粗柠檬与“哈姆林”甜橙种间体细胞杂种的花粉特性(形态、花粉量、生活力等)进行了观察、检测,并于-20℃的低温条件下开展了贮藏试验。结果表明:花粉离体萌发的适宜培养基为0.8%琼脂 16%蔗糖 10mg/kg硼酸,萌发率为15.31%,其生活力介于两亲本之间,可作为杂交亲本进一步被利用。贮藏试验结果显示:以真空、干燥(CaCl2或硅胶作干燥剂)贮藏花粉的效果较好。授粉试验证明,贮藏花粉与新鲜花粉的座果率差异不显著,说明低温、真空和干燥是贮藏粗柠檬与“哈姆林”甜橙种间体细胞杂种花粉的较适条件。 相似文献
原生质体融合获得柑桔种间体细胞杂种 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
粗柠檬(Citrus jambhiri Lush)叶肉原生质体与哈姆林甜橙(C.sinensis L.Osbeck)胚性悬浮细胞系原生质体经PEG诱导融合,培养7天时原生质体恢复分裂。再生的胚状体在含有GA_3的培养基中萌发出茎芽。茎芽经生根诱导成为完整植株。对首批再生的5棵植株进行染色体检查,结果表明,全为四倍体,2n=4x=36。淀粉胶电泳分析过氧化物酶同工酶,结果显示这5棵植株为体细咆杂种。粗柠檬和哈姆林甜橙在该位点上均为同质结合,基因型分别是MM和FF。体细胞杂种含有双亲的酶带,基因型为MMFF。杂种植株生长旺盛,根系发达,叶片及植株形态介于双亲之间。本文对其作为砧木品种的可能性等问题作了讨论。 相似文献
柑橘与黄皮属间体细胞杂种植株的异常倍性变异 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
黄皮属(Clausena)是芸香科柑橘亚科黄皮族植物,有30余个种,其中11个种原产于中国。黄皮在我国广东、广西、福建等省区有大面积商业栽培,其中鸡心黄皮是最著名的品种[1]。本研究以柑橘属优良脐橙品种“朋娜”为胚性愈伤组织亲本,以黄皮属品种鸡心黄皮... 相似文献
Studies on somaclonal variation in Phalaenopsis 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
The morphological and genetic variations in somaclones of Phalaenopsis True Lady “B79-19” derived from tissue culture were evaluated. In 1360 flowering somaclones, no apparent difference was found
in the shape of the leaves, whereas flowers in some somaclones were deformed. We have demonstrated that 38 selected random
primers can be used to generate amplified segments of genomic DNA and to differentiate polymorphisms of somaclonal variations
in Phalaenopsis. The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data indicated that normal and variant somaclones are not genetically identical.
We also studied the banding patterns of aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM) in young leaves of variant
and normal somaclones of Phalaenopsis. With respect to AAT, three distinct banding patterns were found in normal somaclones and only two-banded phenotypes were
detected in variant somaclones. In a comparison of the banding patterns of PGM isozymes, three to four bands were detected
in normal somaclones and two to three bands in variant ones.
Received: 15 August 1997 / Revision received: 16 February 1998 / Accepted: 1 May 1998 相似文献
本文概述体细胞胚胎发生在柑桔原生质体培养、花药培养、苗木脱毒、胚乳培养、快速繁殖、抗盐突变体筛选和基因工程等研究领域的应用,并对胚胎发生在柑桔生物技术上的应用提出一些看法。 相似文献
Hybridizing the diploid monoembryonic pummelo (Citrus grandis) and polyembryonic tangerine (C. reticulata cv. Huanongbendizao) with allotetraploid somatic hybrids from protoplast fusion were conducted. Seeds of pollinated fruits were found to be abortive 90 days after pollination. The aborted seeds were then cultured on media of MT supplement with 1 mg/L GA3 or with 500 mg/L of malt extract. 25.6% of the seeds germinated or developed into embryoids: The entire plants were transplanted into soil after grafting shoots on the root-stocks of trifoliate orange in vitro, if the germinated embryos have poor roots or no root at all. A total of 73 plants from 6 different combinations were obtained, among which 20 were verified as triploids with 2n= 3x=27 chromosomes, 32 diploids 2n= 2x= 18, 8 a- neuploids and the rest 13 unconfirmed. 相似文献
利用RNA原位杂交技术, 对水稻受精前后雌蕊组织切片进行磷酸化酶基因表达的定位。结果显示, 磷酸化酶mRNA在柱头、花柱、子房壁以及维管束中大量表达, 而胚珠中除合点部位外表达很弱。受精前后的胚囊中各细胞磷酸化酶mRNA表达也很弱, 并且没有明显的时空变化。在积累淀粉的胚乳细胞中磷酸化酶mRNA大量分布。原胚中的磷酸化酶mRNA表达较弱, 到分化胚积累过渡性淀粉时才显著增加。本文首次对磷酸化酶mRNA在植物雌性器官发育过程中的时空分布动态作了初步研究。
Abstract:Phosphorylase gene expression was localized in tissue sections of rice pistils before and after fertilization byin situRNA hybridization. Phosphorylase mRNA was substantially expressed in the stigma, style, ovary wall and vascular bundle, but weakly in ovular tissues except chalazal portion. It was weakly expressed and did not show temporal and spatial changes in embryo sacs before and after fertilization. A great quantity of phosphorylase mRNA was distributed in endosperm cells accumulating starch grains. Phosphorylase mRNA was less in proembryos, but significantly increased in differentiation embryos accumulating transition starch. This report is, for the first time, a tentative investigation on the temporal and spatial expression patterns of phosphorylase mRNA in plant female organ development. 相似文献
Somatic hybrid calli were recovered following electrofusion of protoplasts from a chloroplast-containing cell suspension culture of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and a cell suspension culture of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The protoplasts of wheat were inactivated by iodoacetamide; in addition morphology and colour were used as markers to aid selection of putative hybrid calli. For isozyme analysis of putative hybrids, nine isozymes were tested for differences in bands between the parental lines. Of these, three showed differences (ADH, GOT, SDH). Analysis of ADH bands of calli indicated that six lines were hybrids. These lines were analysed with the ,ther isozymes, and at the DNA level by Southern hybridisation with a wheat ribosomal DNA probe. The overall results indicated that one line was an almost complete combination of the genomes of the parental lines, but the other 5 lines were probably partial hybrids. In the latter, some loss of the wheat genome had probably occurred. 相似文献
广东野百合DNA提取和RAPD条件的优化 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
以野百合(Lilium brownii)新鲜叶片、硅胶干燥叶片及鳞片为材料,研究了DNA的提取方法,并对影响随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)反应的各因素进行了优化。建立了野百合RAPD的优化反应体系及程序,即在20μl反应体系中,含20 ng模板DNA,2.0 mmol/L Mg2 、0.2 mmol/L dNTPs、1.5 U Taq DNA聚合酶、0.3μmol/L随机引物S1519;扩增程序为:94℃预变性5 min,然后94℃30 s,38℃50 s,72℃1 min,35个循环,最后72℃延伸10 min,4℃保存。 相似文献
三系杂交稻亲本随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析 总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23
马文宾 庄杰云 彭应财 王侯聪 郑康乐MA Wen-bin ZHUANG Jie-yun PENG Ying-cai WANG Hou-cong ZHENG Kang-le 《遗传》1998,20(2):1-4
选用9个随机引物对31份杂交水稻亲本材料进行了RAPD分析, 共检测到60条多态性带。聚类分析结果表明,所有供试材料可以被明确地区分。在9个随机引物中,有8个具有较高的多态性检测能力。以这8个引物为基础,选用任两个引物即可在任一对材料中检测出多态性的频率在96.13%以上,而选用任3个引物则该频率在99.21%以上。这显示了运用RAPD鉴定稻种具有简便、灵敏、高效的优点,在鉴定杂交稻种的实践中有着良好的应用前景。
Abstract:Seven rice sterile lines,12 maintainer lines and 12 restorer lines were analyzed by RAPD with 9 primers.Altogether,118 fragments were generated,of which 60 detected polymorphisms among rice marker.Eight of nine primers can detect high polymorphism.The frequencies of polymorphism in any primers were used,the frequencies would be higher than 99.21%.The eight primers were therefore recommended as candidates for the identification of hybrid rice seeds. 相似文献