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红光能增加细胞壁的Hyp含量和细胞各部分的Hyp/Pro,绿豆下胚轴切段伸长被红光抑制的程度与两者是正相关。环己酰亚胺和放线菌素D明显降低细胞壁的Hyp含量,提高WSFC和CWRSE中的Hyp/Pro,抑制切段伸长。香豆素不仅显著减少细胞壁的Hyp含量,而且降低WSFC和CWRSE中的Hyp/Pro,促进下胚轴伸长。α,α.二吡啶降低细胞壁的Hyp含量和WSFC中的Hyp/Pro,解除红光对切段伸长的抑制。EGTA、verapamil、La3 和A23187均可解除红光抑制切段伸长的作用,但对细胞壁的Hyp含量和细胞三部分蛋白质中Hyp/Pro影响较小。  相似文献   

研究了胞壁钙在红光抑制黄化绿豆(PhaseolusradiatusL.)下胚轴切段伸长生长中的作用。培养在有Ca2+介质中的切段胞壁钙含量比无Ca2+介质中的高3倍多,但不论介质中有无外源Ca2+,红光对下胚轴伸长的抑制程度都为20%~25%。乙醇双乙胺醚N,N,N′,N′四乙酸(EGTA)减少胞壁钙含量,相应地抵消红光对伸长的抑制;verapamil、La3+处理的切段胞壁钙含量与黑暗对照接近,但削弱红光的抑制作用;A23187减少胞壁钙,相应地抵消红光作用,甚至促进伸长生长。此外,氯丙嗪不影响胞壁钙含量,却阻止红光抑制伸长。表明红光无需外源Ca2+也能抑制切段伸长生长,但并非完全不需要Ca2+,可能胞壁自身的Ca2+基本能满足伸长生长所需。胞壁Ca2+的作用很复杂,它既可作为钙库起内流Ca2+信号的作用,也可在壁区起生长调节作用。  相似文献   

首次从常用食品绿豆(Phaseolus radiatus L.)中分离得到7个已知化合物,通过波谱解析等方法确定其结构为:7-甲氧基牡荆素(1),硬脂酸(2),1-硬脂酸甘油脂(3),色氨酸(4),尿嘧啶核苷(5),β-谷甾醇(6)和胡萝卜苷(7)。  相似文献   

钙对吸胀的绿豆种子脱水耐性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以绿豆种子为材料,研究了预吸胀种子脱水耐性的变化,以及Ca^2 处理对种子脱水耐性的影响。结果表明:绿豆种子的脱水耐性随预吸胀时间的延长而下降;Ca^2 预吸胀处理能提高种子的脱水耐性,适宜的Ca^2 浓度为20mmol/L;Ca^2 能修复预吸胀种子的脱水伤害,适宜的Ca^2 浓度为2.5~5mmol/L。  相似文献   

红光和Ca~(2 )对与绿豆下胚轴伸长有关的细胞壁酶的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为去黄化过程中的一个反应——植物茎伸长受光抑制的现象,已有不少研究。人们发现,胚轴长度受光的调节,对红光尤其敏感(lion1982)。红光抑制绿豆下胚轴切段伸长(王小菩和潘瑞炽1990),却促进绿豆下胚轴原生质体膨大,钙在此过程中起第二信使的作用(龙程等1994a,b),但红光促进原生质体膨大却抑制切段伸长的机理尚不清楚。我们认为问题的症结可能在细胞壁,因为植物细胞的生长(伸长和扩大)在很大程度上取决于细胞壁的松弛和伸展。植物细胞只有当细胞壁酶作用于细胞壁使之松弛时,才能在膨压的作用下吸水长大(Taiz1984)。因…  相似文献   

采用透射电子显微镜观察经10℃低温处理2d的绿豆下胚轴细胞超微结构变化的结果表明,细胞受到不同程度的伤害,其中大部分细胞的损伤是可逆的而非致死性的,如内质网膜模糊和呈颗粒状;线粒体呈现不同程度的膨胀,其数量增加,且聚集分布在内质网和高尔基体附近,核糖体聚集成为多聚核糖体等。也有小部分细胞受到的伤害是致死性的,如细胞质电子密度显著升高,质体中淀粉粒过度积累,内质网和高尔基体膨胀和解体,小液泡频繁吞噬细胞质和细胞器,细胞自溶死亡等。  相似文献   

在MS基本培养基上,黄瓜和绿豆幼苗的下胚轴切段培养4d时即可见不定根发生。下胚轴不同部位切段的发根能力不同。下胚轴切段反插时比正插时发根快1-2d,发根率也高于正插的;0.01-0.05mg/L的NAA还诱导下胚轴切段在形态学上端发根。TIBA对正插或反插的下胚轴切段的不定根发生都有抑制作用。结果提示,生长素极性运输活性对不定根形成起着重要作用。  相似文献   

2.个D和(认;促进了好工们已幼苗胚轴中肌醇磷脂降解。用技射性标记本,n.(法分离.发现2、4-D与*A..均对nP和H厂降解具促进作用(降解过早:PIP,、PIP).;1时DA(1十平什高、但PI水平创t不大、PP:{.。使肌酸磷脂代谢受列一定抑$JI.刊、Pm一,n厂水平均高于对照.仁D八*水平则低于对外。IAA和 fh醇含量 jj低于对照。2.1-D和(M。在一定程度_L运转*P.;。;对肌醇刚S代谢的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Red-light-induced swelling of the protoplasts isolated from hypocotyl of etiolated mung bean(Phaseolus radiatusL.)was observed only when Ca^2 ions were present in the medium.The optimal CaCl2 concentration was 250μM,Swlling response declined when Ca^2 was supplied into the medium after red light irradiation.The Ca^2 -chelator EGTA eliminated the red-light-induced swelling and 45Ca^2 accumulation in the protoplasts.In conltrast,A23187,a Ca^2 -ionophore,could mimic the effect of red light in darkness.These results indicate that Ca^2 may play a role in light signal transduction.In addition,swelling response was prevented by TFP and CPZ(both are CaM antagonists),implying the involvement of CaM in red-light-induced and Ca^2 -dependent protoplast swelling.  相似文献   

Protoplasts from hypocotyls of etiolated mung bean (Phaseolus raditus L. ) seedlings were maintained at a constant osmotic potential at 20±2℃, and they were found to swell gradually after being pulsed with red light (R) (10.5 W · m-2, 3 min) when CaCl2 was present in the medium. The volume reached maximum during 30--60 min after R-irradiation and decreased swelling afterwards. Farred light (FR) irradiation in presence or absence of Ca2+ did not influence the protoplast volume. The R-effect was photoreversible by subse- quent FR (2.5 W · m-2, 5 min) irradiation, usually seen over two R-FR cycles. Furthermore, swelling response was in positivecorrelation with red light intensity and duration of R pulse, indicating the involvement of phytoehrome. FR became less effective in reversing the effect of R after 10 min in dark between R and FR. Protoplast swelling occurred only when Ca2+ ions (1 mmol/L) then Ca2+ ions (1 mmol/L) is added to the medium 5 rain after R. The effect of Ca2+ could not be replaced by Mg2+, Ba2+, Zn2+, or K+. The time course of water (3H20) uptake into protoplasts after R-irradiation was consistent with the trend of protoplast swelling, indicating the existence of certain relationship between the swelling and water uptake of the protoplasts.  相似文献   

Baydoun, E. A-H. and Brett, C. T. 1988. Properties and possiblephysiological significance of cell wall calcium binding in etiolatedpea epicotyls.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 199–208. The binding of 45Ca2+ ions to cell walls prepared from pea epicotylswas examined in young and old parts of the epicotyl, and wasfound to be considerably greater, on a carbohydrate basis, inthe older, non-growing cells. A similar comparison between light-and dark-grown stems showed greater binding in the dark-grownstems. The polygalacturonase-insensitive component of the bindingcontained at least three types of binding with different affinities,and had an apparent pK of 4.3. The specificity of the bindingfor calcium ions was examined and a considerable degree of specificitywas observed. The specificity of inhibition by calcium of epicotylelongation was similar to the specificity of calcium binding.A specific calcium chelator, EGTA, when present at a concentrationof above 10 mol m–3, promoted the extension of matureregions of the epicotyl, while inhibiting extension of youngertissue. Key words: Cell wall, calcium, pea epicotyl  相似文献   

The structure of cells with calcium oxalate crystals and their nelghbouring cells has been studied by light and transmission electron microscopy at different stages of bean leaf development. Plants were grown with varying calcium supply to identify a possible influence of calcium nutrition on cell structure. Crystals are formed inside the vacuole of already highly vacuolated cells of bundle sheath extensions. The membrane around the crystal vacuole is continuous with the plasmalemma. The crystal vacuole contains membraneous structures. In the fully expanded leaf the crystal becomes ensheathed by wall material. Chloroplasts of bundle sheath extension cells, with or without crystals, are smaller, with fewer membranes, and with much narrower stroma regions than those of the palisade parenchyma. There is a stage in the young leaf when only the bundle sheath extension cells without crystals have starch grains in their chloroplasts. As their number is lower in plants grown with high calcium supply this means that, in this case, less cells are competent for photosynthesis.  相似文献   

苗龄与红光对向日葵原生质体分离和培养的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋君达  薛庆中 《遗传学报》1992,19(5):430-435
用1.0—1.5%(W/V)纤维素酶(Onozuka R-10)和0.3—0.5%(W/V)果胶酶[Pectinasc (Serva)]配合分离到大量有活力的向日葵下胚轴原生质体,经液体浅层培养或琼脂糖小块培养7—10天后,均能持续分裂到细胞团或体细胞胚,至14—21天形成大量肉眼可见的小愈伤组织(直径0.5—2.0mm)。比较试验表明:(1)影响向日葵下胚轴原生质体分裂生长的首要因素是起始材料无菌苗的生理状态。用红光照射无菌苗,能明显地促使下胚轴原生质体在较低密度(1×10~4/ml)培养时,也能持续分裂,再生小愈伤组织;(2)在MS培养基上添加5mmol/L谷氨酰胺或以7.5mmol/L谷氨酰胺代替原培养基中的无机氮,能促使原生质体高频率(44.4%左右)分裂,再生愈伤组织。  相似文献   

2,6-Dichlorobenzonitrile (DCB) inhibited only increases in levelsof the cellulosic polysac-charides while monensin and galactoseinhibited increases in levels of both the cellulosic and thematrix polysaccharides in intact rice coleoptiles that weresubmerged in water. Elongation growth of rice coleoptiles wassuppressed by DCB at 10–6 M, by monensin at 10–7M, and by galactose at 3 ? 10–3 M and above. Thus, thesynthesis of both the cellulosic and the matrix polysaccharidesis essential for the elongation of intact rice coleoptiles.These inhibitors increased the minimum stress-relaxation timeand the relaxation rate and they decreased the mechanical extensibilityof the cell wall, indicating that they inhibited cell wall loosening.The concentrations of the inhibitors required for inhibitionof cell wall loosening were higher than those for suppressionof elongation. The data suggest that polysaccharides synthesisplays two roles in elongation. It keeps the cell wall in a "loosened"condition by producing new extensible cell walls, while itsother role is probably related to the fixation or extensionof polymers already present in the cell wall. (Received November 15, 1990; Accepted May 23, 1991)  相似文献   

以东北绿豆为试验材料,采用琼脂悬空培养法,研究了绿豆边缘细胞的发育特性。结果表明:绿豆根尖发育初期根边缘细胞呈球形,随着根尖伸长逐渐发育形成椭圆形、长椭圆形和长条形;发育过程中,根边缘细胞具有较高的存活率,在根长大于10mm后根边缘细胞的存活率均在70%~80%之间并趋于稳定;在根长为25~30mm时根边缘细胞数目达到最大值(约13 000个);根冠果胶甲基酯酶(PME)活性在根长5mm时达到最高值(1.486H+μmol.root cap-1.h-1),此后随着根的伸长,根冠PME活性在1.107~1.256H+μmol.root cap-1.h-1间变化并趋于稳定。  相似文献   

红闪光对绿豆幼苗的生长发育有明显影响。实验发现,与普通的日光生长条件相比,经红闪光(加普通绿光和蓝光)处理的绿豆幼苗的茎生长比较快,而叶片生长比较缓慢。同时,叶片叶绿素含量较少,叶重也较轻,示红闪光使绿豆幼苗的干物质积累受阻。这种差别随红闪光处理时间的延长越来越明显。此外,红闪光还大大增强了 1叶的UBE强度。这些结果表明,红闪光处理不利于绿豆幼苗的生长发育。  相似文献   

Light is a major environmental factor affecting plant growth and development. The cytokinins have many similar effects on these processes and may be involved in photomorphogenesis. In order to study the correlation between light and endogenous cytokinins, we have examined growth parameters and endogenous cytokinins in stems, leaves and other organs of Phaseolus vulgaris, cultivated for 10 days under a range of irradiances (25, 110, 350 and 500 µmol m–2 s–1). The nucleotides isopentenyladenosine-5-monophosphate and zeatin riboside-5-monophosphate were the dominant cytokinins, whereas both free bases and ribosides were below the detection level (0.5 pmol g–1). Plants grown at the highest irradiance had in their stems, leaves, petioles and roots significantly higher levels of cytokinins than had plants grown at the lowest irradiance. As expected, increased light influx increased the dry weight of the root, petiole and leaf, and increased the leaf area, with concomitant increases in the cytokinins in these plant parts. However, the stem showed a different and more complex relationship with irradiance. Stem cytokinin levels increased drastically between 350 and 500 µmol m–2 s–1, but this was not correlated with any change in stem length; the light inhibition of stem elongation was mainly seen when irradiance was increased to 110 µmol m–2 s–1. Taken as a whole, the results are consistent with an effect of irradiance and cytokinins on the processes favouring biomass production.  相似文献   

拟南芥遮光培养2.5d时,rfc3-1突变体黄化幼苗的下胚轴平均长度约比野生型植株黄化幼苗的下胚轴长27.5%。观察表明,相对于野生型复制因子C亚基3(replication factor C3,AtRFC3)基因突变体的下胚轴表皮细胞,特别是上部靠近子叶部分的表皮细胞,单细胞长度变长。将野生型RFC3基因转染到rfc3-1后,突变体恢复野生型表型,进一步说明RFC3在黄化苗的下胚轴伸长生长中有作用。  相似文献   

Soil acidity and calcium (Ca) availability in the surface soil differ substantially beneath sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) trees in a mixed forest in northwestern Connecticut. We determined the effect of pumping of Ca from deep soil (rooting zone below 20-cm mineral soil) to explain the higher available Ca content in the surface soil beneath sugar maple. We measured the atmospheric input of Ca with bulk deposition collectors and estimated Ca weathering and Ca mineralization in the surface soil (rooting zone above 20-cm mineral soil) from strontium isotope measurements and observed changes in exchangeable Ca in soils during field incubation. Calcium leaching at 20 cm was calculated by combining modeled hydrology with measured Ca soil solution concentrations at 20-cm depth. We measured root length distribution with depth beneath both tree species. Calcium leaching from the surface soil was much higher beneath sugar maple than hemlock and was positively related with the amount of Ca available in the surface soil. Calcium leaching from the surface soil beneath sugar maple was higher than the combined Ca input from atmospheric deposition and soil weathering. Without Ca uptake in the deep soil, surface soils are being depleted in Ca, especially beneath sugar maple. More organically bound Ca was mineralized beneath sugar maple than beneath hemlock. A relatively small part of this Ca release was leached below the surface soil, suggesting that, beneath both tree species, most of the Ca cycling is occurring in the surface soil. Sugar maple had more fine roots in the deep soil than hemlock and a greater potential to absorb Ca in the deep soil. With a simple model, we showed that a relatively small amount of Ca uptake in the deep soil beneath sugar maple is able to sustain high amounts of available Ca in the surface soil. Received 20 June 2001; accepted 6 December 2001.  相似文献   

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