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显微分离出黑麦(SecalecerealeL.)1R染色体,用CohesiveadapterssingleprimerPCR(CASPPCR)方法进行体外扩增,以DIG11dUTP标记扩增产物为探针,进行Southern分子杂交,结果表明扩增产物来自黑麦1R染色体。用1/10体积的连接物转化E.coliDH5α,获得10000多个重组菌落。经酶切分析,克隆子的插入片段为250~500bp,为进一步筛选1R染色体的分子标记打下了基础  相似文献   

The technique of mieromanipulaion has been used to establish a system of single chromosome mierodissection. According to the standard karyotype of rye ( Secale cereale L. ), 1R chromosome carrying disease-resistant gene has been identified, microdissected and transferred into Ep-pendorf tube using mieromanipulator. The results showed that IR chromosome in cells pretreated with α-bromonaphthalene could be identified quickly and the efficiency of microdissection was greatly improved when the technique of wall degradation and hypotonic treatment was applied.  相似文献   

首先对显微分离出的黑麦(SecalecerealeL.)1R染色体进行了两轮Sau3A连接接头介导的PCR扩增(LA_PCR)。经Southern杂交证实这些染色体扩增片段来源于基因组DNA之后,再利用1R染色体的第二轮扩增产物、黑麦基因组DNA、rDNA基因为探针,与其根尖细胞中期分裂相进行染色体原位杂交,发现微分离的1R染色体体外扩增产物中包含大量的非该染色体特异性重复序列,而其信息量却较黑麦总基因组少;当以适量的黑麦基因组DNA进行封阻时,微分离染色体的体外扩增产物成功地被重新定位在中期分裂相的一对1R染色体上,说明微分离1R染色体的PCR扩增产物中的确包含了该染色体特异性的片段。此外,以从1R染色体微克隆文库中筛选出的一单、低拷贝序列和一高度重复序列分别为探针,染色体原位杂交检测发现,这一高度重复序列可能为端粒相关序列;而单、低拷贝序列却未检测到杂交信号。这些结果从不同侧面反映出染色体着染技术是证实微分离、微切割染色体的真实来源及筛选染色体特异性探针的有利工具。建立了可供参考的植物染色体着染实验体系,为染色体微克隆技术在植物中的进一步应用提供了便利。  相似文献   

Two and five 1R chromosomes were microdissected from the metaphase spreads of rye ( Secale cereale L. ) root-rip cells with the aids of glass needles. The dissected chromosomes were amplified in vitro by the Sau3A linker adaptor mediated PCR technique, by which 0.3 to 2.5 kb smear DNA fragments were obtained. After hybridized with DIG labeled probes, it was confirmed that the PCR products of the microdissected chromosomes were homologous with the rye genomic DNA, and derived from the 1R chromosome as well. Then, the second round PCR products from five chromosomes of 1R were microcloned to construct the plasmid library, including 220 000 clones. 172 randomly selected clones were evaluated ranged in size from 300 to 1 800 bp. Furthermore, the genomic dot hybridization results indicated that the library contained nearly 42% medium/high repetitive sequences and 58% low/single copy sequences, and its redundancy was very low. In this research, many aspects of the 1R chromosome microclone library exceeded or approached those of the previous reports in the literatures. Those are potential for construction of a high density genetic map of chromosome IR, from which some important genes can be tagged and isolated.  相似文献   

染色体微切割与微克隆技术首先在动物和人类上得到应用,随着PCR技术的发展,该技术在植物遗传与进化研究等方面也得到了较为广泛应用。本文就植物染色体显微切割和微克隆技术的原理、主要操作规程以及在植物中应用的研究现状、存在问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

黑麦1R染色体微克隆文库的构建与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过玻璃针分离法 ,从黑麦 (SecalecerealeL .)根尖细胞中期分裂相中显微分离出 2条及 5条 1R染色体。经Sau3A接头介导的PCR(LA_PCR)方法对其进行体外扩增 ,得到了 0 .3~ 2 .5kb之间的DNA片段。以DIG标记的探针进行多次Southern杂交 ,证明显微分离出的染色体的体外扩增产物与黑麦基因组DNA同源 ,并且来自 1R染色体。然后利用 5条 1R染色体的第二轮PCR产物构建质粒文库 ,可得到 2 2 0 0 0 0个重组子。随机挑选 172个重组子进行分析 ,发现插入片段主要介于 30 0~ 180 0bp之间。此外 ,根据基因组点杂交结果推算出该文库包含约 42 %的中、高重复序列和 5 8%的单、低拷贝序列 ,而且文库的冗余度较低。研究构建的黑麦 1R染色体微克隆文库为 1R染色体高密度遗传图谱的建立以及位于其上的重要基因的定位与分离提供了便利。  相似文献   

建立了利用显微操作技术分离植物单个染色体的方法。以黑麦(Secale cereale L.)为材料,以其标准染色体组型图为依据,识别出黑麦含抗病基因的1R染色体。经显微操作,将单条1R染色体放入Ep-pendorf管中。研究表明,用α-溴奈饱和液对细胞进行预处理,可快速鉴别出黑麦1R染色体。采用去壁低渗制片技术,可明显地改善显微分离单染色体的条件。  相似文献   

A 1397-bp fragment corresponding to the rpoC2 chloroplast RNA polymerase gene was obtained by direct rye DNA amplification. Two rye species, Secale montanum Guss. and S. cereale L., did not practically differ in the structure of this DNA fragment (the nucleotide sequences were 99% identical). The corresponding nucleotide sequences in rye and wheat (Triticum aestivum L., Genbank accession no. AB027572) were 97–98% similar. The extent of the homology of various stretches of the rpoC2 rye gene with the corresponding sequences in maize and rice was 81–95%, whereas the deduced amino acid sequences of rpoC2 in rye, wheat, maize, and rice were considerably identical (96–97% of homology). The rye fragment of the rpoC2 gene differed from the corresponding sequences in three other grass species primarily by a short (49 bp) insert into the region of numerous short repeats corresponding to nucleotides 15750/15751, 28728/28729, and 27472/27473 in wheat, maize, and rice, respectively.  相似文献   

当柱穗山羊草(Aegilops cylindrica Host.)2C染色体单体添加到普通小麦品种中国春和以中国春为背景的派生系时,减数分裂时,不含2C染色体的配子会发生染色体结构变异。为了制备一套黑麦1R染色体缺失系以用于定位黑麦1R染色体上的控制重要农艺性状的基因,把一条2C染色体导人到小黑麦1R二体附加系(21″ 1R″)中,然后让这些个体(21″ 1R″ 2C′,2n=45)自交,以便产生1R染色体结构变异体。实验共检测了345粒F,种子,83粒种子带有结构变异的黑麦1R染色体(24.1%)。通过C分带和原位杂交检测,对来自于23株F2的46个F3植株所带有的异常1R染色体进行了归类:其中1RL端体为39.1%,1RL等臂染色体为2.2%,1RL易位系为32.6%。1RS端体为4.3%,1RS等臂染色体为4.3%,切点在长臂上的缺失体为2.2%。在6.5%的植株中同时含有2种类型的1R染色体结构变异。其余8.7%带有异常1R染色体的个体因为没有原位杂交结果而无法判断是属于哪种类型。已获得的1R结构变异株将有可能进一步发展成为一套可用于定位黑麦1R染色体上重要功能基因的遗传材料。另外,还探讨了综合应用细胞学和分子标记方法鉴定易位染色体中小麦染色体片段的尝试,并对所获结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Summary The progenies of two different rye test-crosses were analyzed for secalin proteins by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) using unreduced and reduced aqueous ethanol extracts. Segregation for two high-molecular-weight secalin bands (Glu-R1 or Sec3), one -secalin band (Gli-R1 or Sec-1), two 40K -secalin bands (Gli-R1 or Sec1) and two -type secalin bands (new locus) were studied. One recombinant between - and -secalins was found in one test-cross. The new locus, designated Gli-R3 or Sec-4, was mapped between Glu-R1 and Gli-R1, more displaced towards Gli-R1. In test-cross 1 recombination between Glu-R1 and Gli-R3 was 33.80±3.22%, and between Gli-R3 and Gli-R1, 12.04±2.21%. In the other test-cross the map distances were relatively similar but smaller, likely due to less recombination within two different species of Secale. Genes coding for 40K -secalins at Gli-R1 were likely proximal to the centromere with respect to genes coding for -secalins at the same complex locus.  相似文献   

Abstract: Subsequent to inversion, horizontally pre-gravistim-ulated coleoptiles exhibit an increased gravicurvature capacity as compared to vertically pre-gravistimulated and subsequently horizontally gravistimulated coleoptiles. This indicates that gravistimulated inhibition of growth of the upper organ flank during gravicurvature is mediated wo the retention of wall loos ening potential. After inversion, this potential contributes to en hanced cell extension on the then physiologically lower side.  相似文献   

We have applied a refined microdissection procedure to create a plasmid library of the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) chromosome arm 1HS. The technical improvements involved include synchronization of meristematic root tissue, a metaphase drop-spread technique, paraffin protection of the collection drop to avoid evaporation, and a motorized and programmable microscope stage. Thirteen readily-discernible telocentric chromosomes have been excised from metaphases of synchronized root-tip mitoses. After lysis in a collection drop (2 nl), the DNA was purified, restricted withRsaI, ligated into a vector containing universal sequencing primers, and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. Finally, the amplified DNA was cloned into a standard plasmid vector. The size of the library was estimated to be approximately 44,000 recombinant plasmids, of which approximately 13% can be utilized for RFLP analysis. Tandem repetitive probes could be rapidly excluded from further analysis after colony hybridization with labelled total barley DNA. Analysis of 552 recombinant plasmids established that: (1) the insert sizes ranged between 70 and 1150 bp with a mean of 250 bp, (2) approximately 60% of the clones contained highly repetitive sequences, and (3) all single- or low-copy probes tested originate from chromosome 1HS. Four probes were genetically mapped, using an interspecificH. vulgare xH. spontaneum F2 population. One of these probes was found to be closely linked to theMla locus conferring mildew resistance.  相似文献   

The visco-elastic properties of bread flour are firmly associated with the presence or absence of certain HMW subunits coded by the Glu-1 genes. Identifying allelic specific molecular markers (AS-PCR) associated with the presence of Glu-1 genes can serve as a valuable tool for the selection of useful genotypes. This paper reports the use of primers designed from nucleotide sequences of the Glu-D1 gene of wheat (AS-PCR for Glu-D1y10) that recognise and amplify homologous sequences of the Glu-R1 gene subunits of rye. The primers amplify the complete coding regions and provided two products of different size in rye, in wheats carrying the substitution 1R(1D) and in rye-wheat aneuploid lines carrying the long arm of chromosome 1R. The location, the molecular characterisation of these sequences and their expression during grain ripening seem to demonstrate that the amplification products correspond to structural genes encoding the high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenins of rye. The homology of the rye gene to subunits encoding HMW glutenins in wheat was confirmed by Southern blots and sequencing. The amplification-products were cloned, sequenced and characterised, and the sequences compared with the main glutenin subunits of wheat and related species. Further, an RT-PCR experiment was performed using primers designed from the sequence of both amplified products. This assay demonstrated that both sequences are expressed in endosperm during grain ripening. The results of these analyses suggest that both gene subunits correspond to x- and y-type genes of the Glu-R1 locus of rye. Received: 11 December 2000 / Accepted: 17 April 2001  相似文献   

In immunodeficient patients, Aspergillus species emerge as circumstantial pathogens. Aspergillus fumigatus is a distant first among the pathogenic aspergilli, which cause deep-seated mycoses. Sequences of the pep gene of A. fumigatus as potential PCR primers, which have not been tested before, were used to identify this species and if possible, differentiate it from other, co-identified, clinically important species of the genus. We present results of the three most promising primer pairs, pep-1/pep-22, pep-15/pep-22 and pep-21/pep32. The second pair was of better specificity when tested with DNA extracted from pure cultures of a multitude of aspergilli, whereas the first co-amplified four clinically significant Aspergillus species. The compatibility of the PCR method with the CTAB DNA extraction protocol varied according to the biological fluid tested and the primer pair used. The first two pairs showed moderate adaptability to the different commercial DNA extraction kits, which were tested in whole blood, spiked with Aspergillus fumigatus hyphae and conidia - as were all the biological fluids used. Restriction of the amplification products with MspI produced distinct patterns for different Aspergillus spp. This approach, as a potential diagnostic tool, seems reliable and sensitive due to its flexibility, speed, low cost, ease of application and selectable breadth of detection.  相似文献   

等位基因特异性引物PCR技术及其应用研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的:研究建立等位基因特异性引物PCR技术体系,并将其应用于基因单核苷酸多态性研究工作。方法:通过美国国家生物信息中心(NCBI)的genBank获取基因序列及其相应位点的SNP信息。利用Primer5.0软件设计引物,并经NCBI的Blast2.0软件检验其特异性。结果:建立了单一等位基因特异性引物PCR(SASP—PCR)与嵌套式等位基因特异性引物PCR(NASP-PCR)两种技术,并应用于β2肾上腺素受体及内皮源性一氧化氮合酶基因单核苷酸多态性的研究,证实该技术的稳定性和优越性。结论:等位基因特异性引物PCR技术是一种更为简便、特异性较高、费用少的、便于推广的SNP检测方法,特别是在群体基因单核苷酸多态性研究中更有优势。  相似文献   


Objective: To investigate the association of caveolin-1 (CAV1) genetic variants (C239A (rs1997623), G14713A (rs3807987), G21985A (rs12672038), T29107A (rs7804372)) with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) susceptibility.

Methods: A total of 427 patients with ESCC and 427 healthy controls were genotyped using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method.

Results: There were significant differences between patients and controls in distributions of their genotypes and allelic frequencies in G14713A and T29107A polymorphisms. Furthermore, haplotype analysis revealed that haplotypes CAAT and CAGT were associated with high risk for ESCC, while haplotype CGGA was protective against ESCC. Stratified analysis showed the associations between the SNPs (G14713A and T29107A) and ESCC risk were noteworthy among female patients and patients who never smoke or drank alcohol.

Conclusions: Genetic polymorphisms of CAV1 G14713A and T29107A might affect an individual’s susceptibility in developing ESCC, making them efficient potential genetic biomarkers for early detection of ESCC.  相似文献   

A major factor preventing more widespread use of polymerase chain reaction in the clinical laboratory is the lack of convenient non-radioactive probe hybridization procedures which do not sacrifice sensitivity or specificity. In this report, we describe comparisons of probes labelled with biotin, digoxygenin, alkaline phosphatase, and32P. We report the comparison of solution or liquid hybridization assay and Southern blotting with digoxygenin-labelled oligonucleotides on a total of 64 clinical specimens. Perfect diagnostic agreement between the32P and digoxygenin probes was obtained. These data suggest that the non-radioactive assay as described is as sensitive and as specific as the assay with32P-Iabelled probes.  相似文献   

Nanoplanktonic protists are comprised of a diverse assemblage of species which are responsible for a variety of trophic processes in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Current methods for identifying small protists by electron microscopy do not readily permit both identification and enumeration of nanoplanktonic protists in field samples. Thus, one major goal in the application of molecular approaches in protistan ecology has been the detection and quantification of individual species in natural water samples. Sequences of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes have proven to be useful towards achieving this goal. Comparison of sequences from clone libraries of protistan SSU rRNA genes amplified from natural assemblages of protists by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to examine protistan diversity. Furthermore, oligonucleotide probes complementary to short sequence regions unique to species of small protists can be designed by comparative analysis of rRNA gene sequences. These probes may be used to either detect the RNA of particular species of protists in total nucleic acid extracts immobilized on membranes, or the presence of target species in water samples via in situ hybridization of whole cells. Oligonucleotide probes may also serve as primers for the selective amplification of target sequences from total population DNA by PCR. Thus, molecular sequence information is becoming increasingly useful for identifying and enumerating protists, and for studying their spatial and temporal distribution in nature. Knowledge of protistan species composition, abundance and variability in an environment can ultimately be used to relate community structure to various aspects of community function and biogeochemical activity.  相似文献   

目的:建立一种敏感、特异的乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)DNA检测方法。方法:应用PCR扩增技术和核酸杂交技术结合酶促显色技术(即PCRELISA技术)来检测血清中的HBVDNA。结果:应用PCRELISA技术能够检出许多PCR琼脂糖凝胶电泳所检测不到的HBVDNA,大大地提高了检出率,而且,特异性强。结论:PCRELISA方法灵敏度高,特异性强,检测结果数据化,不受主观因素的影响 。  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed for Gossypium hirsutum acc. TM-1, a genetic and genomic standard line for Upland cotton. The library consists of 147 456 clones with an average insert size of 122.8 kb ranging from 97 to 240 kb. About 96.0% of the clones have inserts over 100 kb. Therefore, this library represents theoretically 7.4 haploid genome equivalents based on an AD genome size of 2 425 Mb. Clones were stored in 384 384- well plates and arrayed into multiplex pools for rapid and reliable library screening. BAC screening was carried out by four-round poiymerase chain reactions using 23 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, three sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers and one pair of primers for a gene associated with fiber development to test the quality of the library. Correspondingly, in total 92 positive BAC clones were identified with an average four positive clones per SSR marker, ranging from one to eight hits. Additionally, since these SSR markers have been localized to chromosome 12 (A12) and 26 (D12) according to the genetic map, these BAC clones are expected to serve as seeds for the physical mapping of these two homologous chromosomes, sequentially map-based cloning of quantitative trait loci or genes associated with important agronomic traits.  相似文献   

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