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 Intergeneric hybrids between Brassica juncea (2n=36), B. carinata (2n=34) and Orychophragmus violaceus (2n=24) were produced when B. juncea and B. carinata cultivars were used as female parents. The hybrids between B. juncea and O. violaceus had an intermediate morphology except for petal colour and were partially fertile. The hybrids between B. carinata and O. violaceus had a matroclinous morphology and were nearly fertile. Cytological analysis of the hybrids and their progenies gave the following results. (1) In the hybrids between B. juncea and O. violaceus, the somatic tissues of the roots, leaves and styles were mixoploid (2n=12–42), and cells with 24, 30 or 36 chromosomes were the most frequent. Based on the recorded numbers and behaviour of the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes, complete and partial separation of the parental genomes was proposed to have occurred during mitosis. This resulted in the occurrence of cells with possibly complete and incomplete complements of the parental species and cells with parental complements and some additional chromosomes from the other parent. (2)  Pollen mother cells (PMCs) possibly with both parental chromosome complements, only B. juncea chromosomes or a complete B. juncea complement with additional O. violaceus chromosomes were more competitive in entering meiosis. The majority of fertile gametes were deduced to have been produced by PMCs with a B. juncea complement with or without additional O. violaceus chromosomes. (3) The progeny plants from selfed hybrids between B. juncea and O. violaceus were morphologically either of a B. juncea, hybrid or variable type. Cytologically they were grouped into six types according to the frequencies of cells with various chromosome numbers. All of the plants except 2 which constituted two types, were mixoploids, composed of cells with various chromosome numbers, mainly in a certain serial range. (4) The hybrid plants between B. carinata and O. violaceus were mixoploids with chromosome numbers in the range of 12–34, and cells with 2n=34 were the most frequent. The main categories of PMCs with 17 bivalents at metaphase I and 17 : 17 segregations at anaphase I contributed to the high fertility of the hybrids and the fact that their progeny after selfing were mainly plants with 2n=34. Somatic and meiotic separation of the parental genomes was proposed to have occurred in the hybrids between B. carinata and O. violaceus. (5) Mitotic and meiotic elimination of what could be O. violaceus chromosomes might also have contributed to the observed mitotic and meiotic cell types in the two kinds of hybrids studied. Finally, the possible mechanisms behind these cytological observations and their potential in the production of Brassica aneuploids were discussed. Received: 4 February 1997/Accepted: 29 July 1997  相似文献   

Protoplasts derived from common wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Jinan 177) were fused with UV-treated protoplasts of Agropyron elongatum (Host) Nevski by PEG method, and fertile asymmetric somatic hybrid plants resembling wheat morphology were obtained. The F2 hybrid plants could be divided into 3 types according to their morphology. Type Ⅰ hybrids had high and loosely standing stalks with big spikes and grains. TypeⅡ hybrids were dwarf and compact in shape with high tillering ability and smaller spikes. Type Ⅲ hybrids were similar to typeⅠas a whole but had more compact and erect spikes. All the F2 hybrid lines were superior to wheat in seed protein content, although some difference existed between themselves. Protein analysis of immature embryos and flag leaves from hybrids by two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that they possessed characteristic proteins of both parents and some new proteins. There existed also some different kinds of proteins in different lines.  相似文献   

×Taxodiomeria peizhongiiZ. J. Ye, J. J. Zhang et S. H. Pan was regarded as a new intergeneric hybrid between Taxodium mucronatum Tenore (as the female donor) and Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk ex Otto et Dietr (as the male donor). To confirm the authenticity of the intergeneric hybrid, we analyzed the rbcL gene and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of 26S-18S ribosomal RNA gene of the three species using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR), and obtained the following results: i) Taxodiomeria peizhongii had the same RFLP maps of the rbcL gene and the ITS as Taxodium mucronatum, but was different from C. fortunei; ii) a 311-bp PCR amplification product was obtained in C. fortunei by AP-PCR of ITS, but was not found in Taxodiomeria peizhongii. Our results have demonstrated that C. fortunei did not provide any genome for Taxodiomeria peizhongii, implying that T. peizhongii is not an intergeneric hybrid between the two species.  相似文献   

Hybridization between the nearly extinct speciesDiplotaxis siettiana andBrassica juncea is prevented because of strong prefertilization barriers. Use of mentor pollen ofD. siettiana irradiated with 1000 Gy gamma radiation before the incompatible pollination led to fertilization. 5 d after pollination 17% ovules showed entry of pollen tubes, 10 d after pollination 27% ovules showed small globular embryos which grew no further. No embryos were found in control pollinations. Thus , use of irradiated mentor pollen brings about fertilization in this difficult cross and hybrids can be obtained if embryos are rescued.  相似文献   

In Brassicas, the Fatty Acid Elongation1 (FAE1) gene product, a 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase, is the first in a 4-enzyme complex involved in the synthesis of erucic acid from oleic acid. The FAE1 homologue from Brassica juncea cv. Pusa Bold was cloned in a binary vector both in sense and antisense orientations under the control of the CaMV35S promoter. The recombinant binary vectors were used to transform B. juncea cv. RLM 198 via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The presence of the transgene was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction and Southern hybridization. Northern and western analyses showed the expression of the gene and protein, respectively, in the transgenic plants. Analyses of the fatty acid profile of the seed oil from homozygous T4 generation seeds revealed that over-expression of the FAE1 gene caused a 36% increase in the percent of erucic acid (37–49% compared to 36% in untransformed control). The down-regulation of FAE1 caused an 86% decrease in the percent of erucic acid to as low as 5% in the seed oil of transgenic plants. Thus, it is clearly possible to alter erucic acid content of mustard by altering the expression level of the FAE 1 gene. S. Kanrar and J. Venkateswari equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

Hybridization between the nearly extinct speciesDiplotaxis siettiana andBrassica juncea is prevented because of strong prefertilization barriers. Use of mentor pollen ofD. siettiana irradiated with 1000 Gy gamma radiation before the incompatible pollination led to fertilization. 5 d after pollination 17% ovules showed entry of pollen tubes, 10 d after pollination 27% ovules showed small globular embryos which grew no further. No embryos were found in control pollinations. Thus , use of irradiated mentor pollen brings about fertilization in this difficult cross and hybrids can be obtained if embryos are rescued.  相似文献   

An intergeneric cross was made between Dendranthema×grandiflorum “Aoyunhuoju” and Ajania pacifica. Twenty two individuals were identified as an intergeneric hybrid according to the morphologies, cytogenetical characteristics and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular marker. Specific characteristics of A. pacifica, such as leaf color, were successfully integrated into the chrysanthemum cultivar, as were some less appealing morphological characteristics. Characteristics of the intergeneric hybrid, including leaf color, shape of leaf, color of flower, branching and blooming date, were intermediate between parents. However, the size, number, and shape of ray florets varied from individual to individual. Additionally, the chromosome number of the intergeneric hybrid was normal with an expected 2n=72; meiosis behavior overall was normal too. Cross compatibility indicated relative phylogenetic relationships between the parents to some extent. The intergeneric hybrid of D.×grandiflorum “Aoyunhuoju” and A. pacifica and its normal chromosome behavior, as a result of the relatively high cross compatibility, suggested a close relationship between the parents. We supposed that a close relationship between Dendrathema and Ajania.  相似文献   

Mixtalol (a mixture of long chain aliphatic alcohols varying in chain length from C24 to C32) applied to Brassica juncea plants as foliar spray caused an increase in secondary and tertiary branching with consequent enhancement in seed yield through increased number of inflorescences and siliquae per plant. The percentage of immature siliquae and shattering of siliquae decreased with this treatment. Mixtalol increased total dry matter of plants, partitioning coefficient and harvest index. The contents of starch, protein and oil were also higher in seeds from Mixtalol treated plants.  相似文献   

The changes in photochemical features of PhotosystemⅡ(PSⅡ) and contents of Rubisco large subunit (RLS) and small subunit (RSS) in flag leaf from 75DAS to 113DAS (from filling to harvesting stages) were investigated in two hybrid rices (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Liangyoupeijiu and cv. Shanyou 63 grown in the field. Liangyoupeijiu is a super high-yielding rice and Shanyou 63 has widely been planted in China in these years. The results indicate that soluble protein and chlorophyll in both cultivars degraded slowly at first and dramatically thereafter. The degradation speed of soluble protein in Shanyou 63 was faster than that in Liangyoupeijiu. Both Fv/Fm and qP decreased in parallel with leaf senescence, whereas qN fell at first and then rose. No significant change in excitation pressure (1-qP ) was found before 89DAS but a sharply increase in both cultivars after it occurred. Excitation pressure rose more rapidly in Shanyou 63 than that in Liangyoupeijiu. The changes of RLS and RSS content exhibited the same trend as that of soluble protein content. A better linear correlation between RLS, RSS degradation and elevation of (1-qP ) were shown in both cultivars. We suggest that the increase in PSⅡ excitation pressure possibly induced the quick senescence process in rice flag leaf. The high-yielding of Liangyoupeijiu may be due to its maintenance of stronger photosynthetic capacity, longer and more stable photosynthetic functional du-ration than that of Shanyou 63.  相似文献   

 A scheme of selection combining selfing and backcross was applied to a B. napus line with the blackleg resistance from B. juncea in order to transfer this resistance to a winter oilseed rape variety. Cytogenetic analyses combined with cotyledon blackleg resistance tests at each generation allowed us to obtain a recombinant line showing regular meiotic behavior. The resistance is monogenic and is highly efficient under field conditions. Four-hundred RAPD primers were tested on two segregating populations by bulk segregant analysis. Three markers totally linked to the introgression were identified. The analysis of these markers on both sets of B. napus-B. nigra and B. oleracea-B. nigra addition lines revealed that they are not located on the B4 chromosome of B. nigra, which has already been shown to carry a blackleg resistance gene, but rather on the B8 chromosome. We confirmed that the resistance gene is carried by the B genome of B. juncea. Based on these data, two hypotheses, one involving chromosome rearrangements between the two B genomes of B. nigra and B. juncea, and the other based on a more probable digenic control of the resistance within B. juncea, are discussed. Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

Interspecific crosses contribute significantly to plant evolution enabling gene exchanges between species. The efficiency of interspecific crosses depends on the similarity between the implicated genomes as high levels of genome similarity are required to ensure appropriate chromosome pairing and genetic recombination. Brassica napus (AACC) is an allopolyploid, resulting from natural hybridization between Brassica rapa (AA) and Brassica oleracea (CC), both being diploid species derived from a common ancestor. To study the relationships between genomes of these Brassica species, we have determined simultaneously the pairing and recombination pattern of A and C chromosomes during meiosis of AAC triploid hybrids, which result from the interspecific cross between natural B. napus and B. rapa. Different AAC triploid hybrids and their progenies have been analysed using cytogenetic, BAC-FISH, and molecular techniques. In 71% of the pollen mother cells, homologous A chromosomes paired regularly, and usually one chromosome of each pair was transmitted to the progeny. C chromosomes remained mainly univalent, but were involved in homoeologous pairing in 21.5% of the cells, and 13% of the transmitted C chromosomes were either recombined or broken. The rate of transmission of C chromosomes depended on the identity of the particular chromosome and on the way the hybrid was crossed, as the male or as the female parent, to B. napus or to B. rapa. Gene transfers in triploid hybrids are favoured between A genomes of B. rapa and B. napus, but also occur between A and C genomes though at lower rates.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - Gene expression analysis coupled with in-planta studies showed that specific Gβγ combination regulates plant growth and defence traits in the allotetraploid...  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that EDTA is necessary to solubilize soil Pb and facilitate its transport from the soil to the above ground plant tissues. These studies have also suggested that Pb is accumulated in the plant tissue with transpiration as the driving force. We conducted further studies to evaluate the relationship between EDTA soil treatment, plant transpiration, and plant accumulation of Pb and EDTA. Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) plants were grown in soils containing Pb at three different concentrations (1.5, 3.0 and 4.8 mmol/kg) for 5 weeks before being treated with EDTA concentrations ranging from 0 to 10 mmol/kg. Plant shoots and xylem sap were collected and analyzed for Pb and EDTA content using ICP and HPLC, respectively. Water loss was measured for 7 days following EDTA application. Transpiration was not affected at <5 mmol/kg EDTA but, at 10 mmol/kg EDTA transpiration decreased by 80%, whereas accumulation of Pb and EDTA increased. In the Sassafras soil, Pb and EDTA accumulation in the plant shoots continued to increase as the applied EDTA concentration increased, except at the highest level (10 mmol/kg). In soil amended with 4.8 mmol/kg Pb and 10 mmol/kg EDTA, the concentrations of EDTA and Pb in shoots decreased and visible signs of phytotoxicity were observed. The results presented herein support recent studies in hydroponic systems showing that EDTA and Pb are taken up by the plant and suggest that Pb is translocated in the plant as the Pb-EDTA complex. The results also show that the maximum Pb accumulation by plants occurs by maximizing the concentration of the Pb-EDTA complex based on the EDTA extractable soil Pb. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

 A cytoplasmic male-sterility system has been developed in mustard (Brassica juncea) following repeated backcrossings of the somatic hybrid Moricandia arvensis (2n=28, MM)+B. juncea (2n=36, AABB), carrying mitochondria and chloroplasts from M. arvensis, to Brassica juncea. Cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) plants are similar to normal B. juncea; however, the leaves exhibit severe chlorosis resulting in delayed flowering. Flowers are normal with slender, non-dehiscent anthers and excellent nectaries. CMS plants show regular meiosis with pollen degeneration occurring during microsporogenesis. Female fertility was normal. Genetic information for fertility restoration was introgressed following the development of a M. arvensis monosomic addition line on CMS B. juncea. The additional chromosome paired allosyndetically with one of the B. juncea bivalents and allowed introgression. The putative restorer plant also exhibited severe chlorosis similar to CMS plants but possessed 89% and 73% pollen and seed fertility, respectively, which subsequently increased to 96% and 87% in the selfed progeny. The progeny of the cross of CMS line with the restorer line MJR-15, segregated into 1 fertile : 1 sterile. The CMS (Moricandia) B. juncea, the restorer (MJR-15), and fertility restored F1 plants possess similar cytoplasmic organellar genomes as revealed by ‘Southern’ analysis. Received: 17 September 1997 / Accepted: 18 February 1998  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of two species of Drosera has been investigated by means of both light and electron microscopy. The apertures are situated proximally, a state rarely found in the pollen of Angiospermous plants. The pollen morphology of Aldrovanda, Dionea and Drosophyllum is compared.  相似文献   

Infection of Brassica juncea plants with Albugo candida caused the induction of β-1,3-glucanase in the leaf tissues following inoculation; the induction being more pronounced in the resistant cultivars. The enzyme purified from infected leaves of resistant cultivar RC-781 had a molecular mass of 35.4 kD. The enzyme exhibited its optimum activity at 50°C and at pH 5.5 with Km value of 0.55 mg laminarin ml?1. The enzyme activity was slightly stimulated by Cl? and Mg++, while inhibited by Hg++ and Mn++ at higher concentrations only  相似文献   

Alpha (α)-tocopherol is the most biologically active and preferentially retained form of vitamin E in the human body and is known for its antioxidant and gene regulatory functions. Its increased intake is implicated in protection against diseases that involve an oxidative stress component. We have evaluated the chemopreventive potential of a diet supplemented with natural α-tocopherol-enriched transgenic (TR) Brassica juncea seeds. The modulation of phase I and phase II xenobiotic metabolism and of antioxidative enzymes was compared in the livers of mice fed on a control diet or on a diet supplemented with 2, 4, and 6 % (w/w) of wild-type (WT) or TR seeds. A dose-dependent increase in the specific activities of these enzymes was observed in those animals fed on diet supplemented with TR seeds. In comparison, an increase in the specific activities of antioxidative enzymes was substantial only at higher doses of WT seeds. Consequently, oxidative stress measured in terms of lipid peroxidation and lactate dehydrogenase activity was found to be lower in the case of mice fed with the supplemented diet. However, the chemopreventive potential of TR seeds was more pronounced than that of WT seeds. This study demonstrates the feasibility of fortifying diets with natural α-tocopherol for chemopreventive benefits by means of transgenic manipulation of a commonly used oilseed crop.  相似文献   

For molecular mapping and character tagging in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), cultivar Varuna and exotic collection BEC 144 were chosen on the basis of morphological and molecular differences. High degree of RFLP was detected between them using genomic DNA clones of Pst! subgenomic library as probes. Of the 48 probe — enzyme combinations, 89.5% were polymorphic. Majority of the probes revealed duplicate loci and a high frequency of null alleles (71.4%). Segregation analysis in the F2 population revealed significant deviation from expected 1:2:1 ratio for 32% of the markers. Using the computer package MAPMAKER, 15 markers could be placed in six linkage groups which covered a total length of 173.9 eM. Based on single factor analysis of variance, three significant marker-quantitative trait associations viz. BJG 59a primary branches/plant, BJG 42Gb - secondary branches/plant and BJG 433-days to f1owering could be identified. The BEC 144 alleles at the quantitative trait loci (QTL) in the marked genomic regions enhanced the trait expression. The putative gene action at these loci was found to be non-additive.  相似文献   

Intergenomic F1 hybrids between L. auratum x L. henryi and their BC1 progeny were investigated through genomic in situ hybridization technique (GISH) to determine their potential value in lily breeding. We confirmed that F1 intergenomic hybrids possessed a set of chromosomes (x=12) from both parents and that flowers of the F1 auratum × henryi hybrid showed an intermediate morphological phenotype. Pollen size, viability and germination ability were measured through microscopic observations. F1 intergenomic hybrids produced a relevant frequency of 2n-gametes, which were successfully used to perform crosses with Oriental hybrids, resulting in the triploid Oriental Auratum Henryi (OAuH) hybrid. Twenty BC1 plants were generated by crossing between four different Oriental hybrid cultivars and F1 AuH hybrids using an in vitro embryo rescue technique, after which the genome constitution and chromosome composition were analyzed by GISH. All plants were triploid, showing 12 from female parents (diploid Oriental hybrid) and 24 from male parents (diploid F1 AuH hybrid). Overall, 16 out of 20 BC1 progeny possessed recombinant chromosomes with 1-5 crossover sites per plant. Cytological analysis of 20 BC1 plants by GISH verified that the occurrence of 2n pollen formation in all F1 AuH hybrids was derived from the FDR (first division restitution) mechanism, in which the genome composition of all BC1 plants possess 12 Oriental + 12 L. auratum + 12 L. henryi chromosomes. Allotriploids derived from the AuH hybrid were used as female for crossing with the diploid Oriental hybrid cultivar ''Sorbonne'' and considerable numbers of plants (0-6.5 plants per ovary) were only obtained when female OAuH (BC1) triploids were used. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that production and analysis of F1 AuH hybrids and their progeny through sexual polyploidization can be useful for efficient creation of important horticultural traits.  相似文献   

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