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河南东南部早石炭世植物群   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了河南东南部商城和固始杨山组植物化石,共计11 属18 种。它们分属于石松纲、楔叶纲、真蕨纲、种子蕨纲、科达纲和裸子植物种子,其中以石松纲鳞木类植物占优势。杨山组植物群含有一些典型的早石炭世分子, 如 Archaeocalam ites scrobiculatus、Cardiopteridium spetsbergense、Rhodeopteridiumhsianghsiangense,它们在维宪期至纳缪尔早期地层是颇为常见的;然而这一植物群也含有某些华夏型的鳞木类植物,即Lepidodendron cf.aolungpylukense、L.shanyangense、L.cf.subrhom bicum 等。根据植物群的总体组成,杨山组植物群的地质时代属于早石炭世晚期,大致相当于维宪晚期至纳缪尔A期。当前植物群可以与甘肃东部、陕西山阳、华南和马来西亚西部等的一些同期植物群进行对比,对比结果表明与陕西山阳植物群最接近。此外,笔者还讨论了全球早石炭世晚期植物群的分布  相似文献   

河南固始早石炭世杨山组植物群   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统描述了扬山组植物18属25种,其中以石松类及种子蕨和真蕨纲为主,仅少数属楔叶纲;石松类中发现不少叶座较小,叶痕相对较大的鳞木类植物,颇似华夏植物群中的鳞木类;首次报道了我国发现的古芦木孢囊穗.据对植物群综合分析,杨山组的时代为早石炭世中晚期.  相似文献   

About one hundred goniatite beaks (jaws) and five radulae from the Late Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) of Arkansas wgere studied with light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Four beaks were found within the body chamber of the goniatite Girtyoceras. Owing to the three-dimensional preservation, these oldest known beaks could be studied in detail and compared with those in living coleoids. The beaks are univalved, and the lower one is larger than the upper. Each beak consists of an organic outer and inner lamella; only the rostrum is weakly calcified. In the lower beak the outer and inner lamellae are about the same length, but in the upper beak the outer lamella is considerably shorter than the inner lamella. The goniatite beaks resemble those in living coleoids in the relative length of the outer and inner lamellae in the upper beak, which probably indicates similarity in muscle insertion. Concerning the length of the inner and outer lamellae, the lower beak is similar to that in Vampyroteuthis and the pelagic octopod Tremoctopus. Late Mississippian goniatite beaks dealt with here are similar to those of Carboniferous and Permian goniatites in general morphology, but differ from those of Mesozoic ammonoids. In the latter ammonoids, the lower beak has a long outer lamella and a short inner lamella, whereas both lamellae have about equal length in the goniatites. Goniatite radulae remain stable during ammonoid evolution and demonstrate a more or less distinct similarity with those in living coleoids.  相似文献   

Moderately well-preserved radiolarian assemblages are described from bedded cherts south of Mae Hong Son, north-west Thailand. Twenty species and subspecies are identified, including one new species ( Archocyrtium sashidai Feng sp. nov.). The assemblages belong to the middle Early Carboniferous Albaillella indensis and Eostylodictya rota zones. The new data suggest that there was a pelagic basin between the Shan-Thai terrane and Gondwana during the Early Carboniferous. This implies, contrary to previous interpretations, that the Shan-Thai terrane had already rifted apart from Gondwana during the Early Carboniferous.  相似文献   

中国石炭纪和二叠纪植物群   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙克勤 《植物学通报》2001,18(6):691-706
本文总结了和讨论了中国石炭纪和二叠纪植物群分布特征,在对植物群成分分析的基础上,认为中国早石炭世(杜内期、维宪期和纳缪尔A期)分布一个全球一致性的植物群,即拟鳞木植物群Lepidodendropsis flora。中国的晚石炭世(纳缪尔B-C期、维期发期和斯蒂分期)和二叠纪植物群为华夏植物群。本文还对北方华夏植物群亚区和南方华夏植物群亚区植物群进行了对比,并论述了这两个植物群在组成成分上的差异。  相似文献   

全球石炭纪和二叠纪植物地理分区   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
早石炭世由于全球气候分带不明显,无显著植物分区现象,全球为一个一致性的植物区,即拟鳞植物区(Lepidodendropsis floral provinece)。晚石炭世和二叠纪,全球存在4个植物区,即华夏植物区(Cathaysian floral province)、欧美植物区(Euramerican floral province)、安加拉植物区(Angaran floral proince)  相似文献   

Vertebrate microremains from the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous of the Carnic Alps are predominantly chondrichthyan, with minor placoderm and actinopterygian remains. The faunas are sparse and, with very few exceptions, occur only in conodont-rich pelagic limestones (Pramosio Limestone) representative of the palmatolepid-bispathodid conodont biofacies. Phoebodont and jalodont chondrichthyans, also reflecting open-ocean environments, predominated during the Famennian, and eventually symmoriids seem to predominate during the Early Carboniferous. The presence of Siamodus in this assemblage gives a new locality for this genus known from few regions in the world and allows confirming its stratigraphical range (limpidus Zone) and its relation to deep-water environments. The Late Devonian vertebrate faunas are tropical and cosmopolitan, having much in common with coeval taxa from the North-Gondwanan margins and Asian terranes. Composition of the vertebrate faunas is consistent with the Carnic Alps terrane having occupied a position intermediate between Gondwana and Laurussia, as hypothesized by various authors, but because of sparsity of the taxa represented and the pronounced cosmopolitan nature of both the conodont and vertebrate faunas, the data are not compelling.  相似文献   

Eight species of fossil plants are described for the first time from the Lower Carboniferous of the Arkhangelsk Region. One of these species, Adiantites lisitzynii O. Orlova et Jurina, is new. The taxonomic composition of the assemblage of 20 species indicates a woody vegetation of the Euramerian aspect. The rich assemblage recovered for the first time from terrigenous deposits of the Arkhangelsk Region dates them to the Visean (Early Carboniferous).  相似文献   

The wrinkle layer is a dorsal shell structure occurring in a number of ammonoids, but its function is still debated. Here, we describe, from Moroccan material of the Early Carboniferous species Maxigoniatites saourensis (Pareyn, 1961 ), the most conspicuous wrinkle layer known within the Ammonoidea. This additional shell layer occurs in the ventrolateral portion of the adult body chamber and forms continuous lamellae, which range about two millimetres into the lumen of the body chamber. Possible functions are discussed and the most likely interpretation for the structure is ‘fabricational noise’, which is related to the coarsening of the shell ornament of the terminal body chamber.  相似文献   

通过对植物化石的保存及分选情况、植物体自身的抗破坏能力及分类群特征以及沉积环境的分析得出,辽东早石炭世植物群埋藏类型属原地埋藏或亚原地埋藏,其生存环境为湿热的淡水滨岸沼泽环境。  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Unispirifer Campbell, U. semicircularis and U. parvus, are established as a result of a revision of Early Carboniferous spiriferids from the Moscow Syneclise. These forms have previously been described under Spirifer tornacensis Koninck, 1883 and S. taidonensis Tolmatschow, 1924.  相似文献   

A unique Early Jurassic flora from the Schitukhe Formation of South Primorye, Russia is further studied, with newly collected materials. The flora is composed of over 50 taxa. It is dominated by ferns (Dipteridaceae, Marattiaceae, etc.), cycads (Pterophyllum, Nilssonia, Ctenis, Taeniopteris, etc.), conifers (Cycadocarpidium, Podozamites, etc.), and other seasonally deciduous gymnosperms (Czekanowskiales, Ginkgoales, etc.), showing a special flora living in an ecotone zone between the Palaeofloristic realms of Siberian Flora and Euro-Sinian Flora in the East Asia during the early Early Jurassic. The flora is compared with its coeval floras from China and Japan. A new species Cycadocarpidium pacificum n. sp. is reported. The age of the Schitukhe flora is constrained by the marine mollusca fossils yielded in the sandwich marine beds of the Schitukhe Formation, as the Hettangian–Sinemurian.  相似文献   

Here we report the discovery of an Early Carboniferous (Late Visean) 3D cephalopod beak displaying significant similarity to the lower beak of Recent coleoids. It was uncovered in a fragmentarily preserved, longiconic shell from the Moorefield Formation in Arkansas, USA. This shell comprises a fractured 29‐mm‐long body chamber having a maximum diameter of ~14 mm and showing an indistinct pro‐ostracum‐like structure. The beak‐bearing shell could easily have been mistaken for a bactritid or orthocerid if it were not for a coleoid‐type, weakly mineralized, evidently organic‐rich shell wall which shows a lamello‐columnar ultrastructure of a bulk of shell wall thickness and plate ultrastructure of thin outer layer. The specimen is assigned to an as‐yet unnamed shelled coleoid of a so far unknown high‐level taxonomic group. A partially exposed, 4.0‐mm‐long portion of the beak is the lower beak in oblique view from its left side. It exhibits fractured anthracite‐like black, apparently originally chitin material, helmet‐like general shape, broad hood with narrow shallow median groove and small notch posteriorly, pronounced pointed, non‐biomineralized upside belt rostrum, high shoulder and about a 90–100 degrees jaw angle. A broad hood and massive rostrum emphasize its similarity to the lower mandible of Recent Vampyroteuthis and signify that its unique, among living coleoids, structure has been existed for at least since Late Visean time (~333 my).  相似文献   

Summary Thick terrestrial Late Carboniferous to Triassic volcanosedimentary successions, a prominent feature of the Chilean and Argentinian High Andes, were formed on the active continental margin of Gondwanaland. Their stratigraphic position and the paleogeographic and paleoclimatic relations to neighbouring successions are poorly defined. A more precise age has been obtained for alluviolimnic intra-arc sediments (Miembro Medio), which are intercalated in the Late Carboniferous-Triassic volcano-sedimentary successions in the Salar de Atacama area of northern Chile. The ostracodesCarbonita cf.pungens andParaparchites sp., which occur in the lower part of the Miembro Medio, are of Late Carboniferous, probably Westphalian age. The diverse taphoflora, which occurs in a higher stratigraphic level than the ostracodes, includes sphenophytes, ferns, gymnosperms and pteridophylls, for which we assume a late Westphalian-Early Permian age. Considering radiometric data of under-and overlying volcanic rocks, a Westphalian-Stephanian (to? Early Permian) age is inferred for the Miembro Medio. Fauna and flora indicate that warm-humid and seasonal climatic conditions existed during the deposition of the lower fossiliferous part of the Miembro Medio. This coincides with the sedimentary paleoclimatic indicators of the Miembro Medio and the climate which was assumed to have predominated in wide parts of the Central and Southern Andes during the Latest Carboniferous.  相似文献   

An Early Devonian flora from the Pingyiqu Formation of northern Sichuan is described. It contains 13 species in 9 genera. They are Eogaspesiea gracilis, Uskiella sp., Zosterophyllum myretonianum, Z.yunnanicum, Z.sichuanense sp.nov., Oricilla unilateralis sp.nov., Hicklingia cf.edwardii, Psilophyton sp., Drepanophycus spinaetormis, D.spinosus, D.sp., Leclercqia complexa, and Sciadocillus cuneifidus gen.et sp.nov. The geologic range of the flora is inferred to be Siegenian (probably Upper Gedinnian-Siegenian). Sciadocillus gen.nov. (Marchantiales?) Diagnosis: Thalli flattened, composed of a central disc-like structure and radiating wedge-shaped unbranched lobes. Sporangium-like reproductive organs round to elliptic, attached to the upper surface and along the edges of the lobes. Spores trilete. Type species: Sciadocillus cuneifidus Sciadocillus cuneifidus sp.nov. Thallus, 4.2mm in diameter, consists of a central disc-like structure, about 1.0mm in diameter, bearing 14 unbranched lobes. Lobes wedge-shaped, 1.5-1.75mm long , 0.75-0.83mm wide at the apex and 0.25mm at the base. Sporangium-like reproductive organs round to elliptic, 0.45-0.50mm long and about 0.4mm wide, without stalks. Spores, spheroidal to subspheroidal, 20-40μm in diameter, trilete, exine smooth, sometimes folded. Holotype: Plate 7:53, 54 (counterpart). Locality: Approximately 800m, in northwest Yanmenba Village, Jiangyou, Sichuan. Horizon: Lower part of Pingyipu Formation (Upper Gedinnian-Siegenian). Zosterophyllum Penhallow (1892) (Zosterophyllaceae) Zosterophyllum sichuanense sp.nov. Plant with smooth axes at least 57mm long, 1.6-2.0mm wide, branching unknown. Fertile axes terminate in lax spikes, about 6.5mm wide; spikes with spirally arranged sporangia, three to four gyres. Sporangia borne on stalks, 2.7-3.9mm long and 0.54-0.81mm wide; stalks obliquely inserted on axis, gentely cured upwards, in profile often C-shaped with adaxial margins of sporangia; stalk contain vascular strand. Sporangia Fan-shaped, often folded in half and margins facing axis, almost triangular in side view, sometimes obovate in abaxial view; dehiscense not observed. Holotype: Plate 2:11. Paratype: Plate 2:10, 14. Locality: approximately 800m, northwest Yanmenba Village, Jiangyou, Sichuan. Horizon: Pingyipu Formation (Siegenian). Oricilla Gensel (1982) (Zosterophyllaceae) Oricilla unilateralis sp.nov. Plants erect. Naked axes at least 76mm long, 1.6-3.2mm wide, branching dichotomous with branching angles 30-60°in fertile regions. Sporangia borne laterally in one row on branches, located above bifurcation, oriented to inside of axis. Stalks not observed. Sporangia probably attached by an extremely short stalk to axis at right angle. Sporangia reniform to ellitical, 2.8-4.0mm wide (X=3.3mm), 2.0-2.5mm high (X =2.3mm) , composed of two equal valves, dehiscent along distal margin. Spores subcircular, trilete, 48-58μm, in diameter, smooth, with dark area at juncture of trilete rays. Surface covered with tapetal residue. Holotype: Plate 4: 28. Paratype: Plate 4: 30-32. Locality: Approximately 800 m northwest Yanmenba Village, Jiangyou, Sichuan. Horizon: Pingyipu Formation (Siegenian).  相似文献   

A study of the stable isotope composition (δ18O, δ13C) of biogenic (ostracod, mollusc) and authigenic carbonates in the Ballagan Formation, Lower Carboniferous of Scotland, coupled with evidence from sedimentology and associated fossil fauna and flora, supports the argument that this formation was deposited in a coastal flood plain setting, in brackish (0.5 < 30‰ NaCl) and hypersaline (> 40‰ NaCl) waters, but in the absence of persistent normal marine conditions. The oxygen isotope data from the Ballagan Formation divide into three clusters: a diagenetic field defined by low δ18O (< − 11‰ VPDB); an intermediary field (δ18O − 11‰ to − 9‰) composed of a mixture of known primary and secondary (diagenetic) carbonates; and samples within the range of − 9‰ to − 4‰ which, as far as we can ascertain, are largely unaltered. No samples give typical Early Carboniferous δ18O marine values. Average marine carbonates from Europe have δ18O between − 4‰ to − 3‰. The Ballagan Formation carbonates were probably deposited in evaporated freshwater and/or brackish water. This conclusion is supported by the presence of evaporites (gypsum, anhydrite, halite pseudomorphs) and common desiccation-cracked mudstone surfaces throughout the Ballagan Formation, suggesting conditions of fluctuating salinity in ephemeral bodies of water. The stable isotope data support the notion that the ostracod assemblages of the Ballagan Formation were colonising brackish water and hypersaline ecologies on a coastal flood plain during the Early Carboniferous, a stage of development that may have encouraged their colonisation of fully non-marine (limnetic) environments during the later Carboniferous. The ostracods include cytherellacean and kloedenellacean species known from marginal marine sites elsewhere, but probably tolerant of brackish water, podocopid species such as ‘Bythocyprisaequalis that may have been adapted for brackish water settings on coastal flood plains (ephemeral lakes and lagoons), and paraparchitacean-dominated assemblages that may signal harsh (hypersaline or desiccating) environments.  相似文献   

嵩山与鸡公山自然保护区植物区系比较研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在野外调查和取得最新植物区系研究资料的基础上,对河南省的嵩山与鸡公山自然保护区植物区系进行了比较研究.研究结果显示出两地植物区系的相似性和差异性:嵩山共有种子植物126科586属1335种,植物区系以温带成分为主,兼有一定的热带成分,与西北、华北植物区系联系较紧密;鸡公山计有种子植物157科675属1583种,温带成分虽占有较高的比例,但热带种类丰富,与华中、华东植物区系的关系更密切,表现出向北亚热带植物区系明显过渡的特征;两地植物区系的共同特点是温带成分都占有一定优势,说明落叶阔叶林仍然是两个地区相对稳定的森林植被类型.  相似文献   

The conodont fauna from the Devonian-Carboniferous Shahmirzad section, located in the Central Alborz Mountains (North Iran), have been studied mainly for biostratigraphic purposes. Some levels were barren of conodonts, whereas others yielded a not very abundant, but quite differentiated fauna. No conodonts have been found from the mainly terrigenous and shaly Geirud Formation, whereas representative of genera Bispathodus, Clydagnathus, Gnathodus, Hindeodus, Mehlina, Polygnathus, Protognathodus, Pseudopolygnathus and Siphonodella have been collected from the mainly calcareous overlaying Mobarak Formation. The fauna allowed to discriminate five biointervals, from the sulcata Zone to a “Lower typicus - anchoralis-latus interval” in the central part of the section, while the lower and upper parts cannot be zoned on the basis of conodonts. This paper is the first report on lowermost Carboniferous conodonts from the Mobarak Formation in central Alborz.  相似文献   

重庆市蕨类植物区系调查和分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重庆市有野生蕨类植物47科120属604种(含变种及以下分类单位)。其科属优势明显,其中蹄盖蕨科、金星蕨科、鳞毛蕨科和水龙骨科4个科包含了49属337种,占重庆市蕨类植物属、种总数的40.83%和55.79%;特有现象明显,地方特有种十分丰富,中国特有种和地方特有种类分别达到164种和33种;蕨类植物区系具有古老、孑遗和原始性等特点,表现出一定的热带性质或热带亲缘。  相似文献   

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