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对现有的区域植被动态模拟模型进行了改进,使之包含了土地利用分布格局对植被和生态系统相关过程的影响.改进后的模型被用于研究中国东部南北样带(NSTEC)植被和净第一性生产力对未来气候变化的响应.模拟结果显示土地利用格局对未来气候条件下植被分布的变迁和生产力形成过程有非常显著的影响.与没有土地利用约束的情形相比较,土地利用作为限制条件缓减了植被类型之间的竞争,从而减少了模拟的样带区域内常绿阔叶林,但增加了模拟灌木和草地的分布.土地利用约束使得模拟得到的当前条件下的净第一性生产力更为接近实际情况,且未来气候条件下的生产力改变量更为可信.对未来CO2倍增条件下7个大气环流模型预测的气候情景的模拟结果表明:落叶阔叶林将显著增加,但针叶林、灌木和草原的分布将下降.未来气候条件下NSTEC样带的净第一性生产力总量将增加.预测样带北部的净第一性生产力的变化范围大于样带南部.温度变化比降水变化对样带的生产力具有更强的控制.  相似文献   

对现有的区域植被动态模拟模型进行了改进,使之包含了土地利用分布格局对植被和生态系统相关过程的影响。改进后的模型被用地研究中国东部南北样带(NSTEC)植被和净第一性生产力对未来气候变化的响应。模拟结果显示土地利用格局对未来气候条件下植被分布的变迁和生产力形成过程有非常显著的影响。与没有土地利用约束的情形相比较,土地利用作为限制条件缓减了植被类型之间的竞争,从而减少了模拟的样带区域内常绿阔叶林,但增加了模拟灌木和草地的分布。土地利用约束使得模拟得到的当前条件下的净第一性生产力更为接近实际情况,且未来气候条件下的生产力改变量更为可信。对未来CO2倍增条件下7个大气环流模型预测的气候情景的模拟结果表明:落叶阔叶林将显著增加,但针叶林、灌木和草原的分布将下降。未来气候条件下NSTEC样带的净第一性生产力总量将增加。预测样带北部的净第一性生产力的变化范围大于样带南部。温度变化比降水变化对样带的生产力具有更强的控制。  相似文献   

G. Zhou  Y. Wang  S. Wang 《植被学杂志》2002,13(3):361-368
Abstracts. The Northeast China Transect (NECT) has been used to study how water availability influences the composition of plant functional types, soil organic matter, net primary production, trace gas flux, and land‐use patterns. We discuss relations of plant species number, soil C and N and above‐ground biomass with a precipitation gradient and interactions with land‐use practices (grassland fencing, mowing and grazing), on the basis of data from the west part of NECT. The results indicate: 1. The above‐ground biomass of grassland communities has a linear relationship with precipitation under three land‐use practices, while plant species number, soil C, and total soil N have linear relationships with precipitation under fencing and mowing; under grazing the relationships are non‐linear. 2. Plant species number, soil C and total soil N have strong linear relationships with above‐ground biomass under both fencing and mowing, while they seem to have nonlinear relationships under grazing. 3. Land‐use practices along the precipitation gradient result not only in changes in grassland communities but also in qualitative changes of their structure and function. 4. Grasslands are more vulnerable to changes in climate under mowing than under fencing, and are more capable to store C in soil and plants. 5. At a given precipitation level, number of plant species, above‐ground biomass, and soil C are higher under low to medium intensity of human activities (mowing and grazing). A better understanding of how different intensities of human activities will affect the structure and function of grassland will require further research.  相似文献   

Today research on global change is becoming one of the three vital topics in ecology. Within this field, simulating an individual plant’s physiological responses to global change, especially the combined effects of CO2 enrichment and the climatic change it caused, is a useful model in predicting the changes of either natural vegetation or agricultural crops, in that the physiological basis of the responses are mostly understood and the results of simulation can be checked with experi ments at any level or step when needed. Since the scenarios of the global changes often differ with different GCM’s, and will change as the GCM’s are being improved, even though, the simulation programs can still be used to for new predictions. In this study, based on the physiological mechanisms, a systematic dynamic model of plant individual growth was established, which included a weather generator and a growth module. The combined effects of enriched CO2 and climatic change on the main physiological processes, such as photosynthesis, respiration, etc., and seasonal dynamics of biomass were considered in the model. The data sets of the long-term weather records of Beijing Meteorological Station and the observed values of many ecophysiological quantities, obtained in a CO2 enrichment experiment of soybean, were used to parameterize and to validate the model. The results showed that data obtained from the simulation were quite compatible with those from the observation. When the CO2 concentration was doubled, the peak values of the total biomass and green biomass were increased approximately by 70% and 56% respectively. Furthermore, the responses of the total net assimilation and the average specific dark respiration rate within the growth season explained the internal mechanism of the biomass responses. The result indicated that the total net assimilation increased, while the average specific dark respiration rate decreased. Thus, it can be deduced that the increase of biomass was brought about not only by the increase of the net assimilation, but also by 'the decrease of the specific dark respiration rate. Sensitivity analysis was used to the soybean individual responses to global change. The seasonal dynamics of the total biomass to the combined effects of different levels of CO2, temperature and precipitation were simulated. CO2 concentration and precipitation have positive, while temperature has negative effect on total biomass. The positive effect of precipitation became weaker with increasing temperatures, while the negative effect of temperature was strengthened by the increased precipitation. The positive effect of CO2 concentration became stronger with the increasing temperatures, but weaker under enhancing precipitations. The positive effect of precipitation and the negative effect of temperature were weakened by doubling the CO2 concentration. These are partly due to the enhanced water use efficiency caused by CO2 enrichment, which in turn renders the plant individual more resistant and adaptable to the environmental change.  相似文献   

运用遥感估算中国陆地植被净第一性生产力   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
净第一性生产力 (NPP)研究方法很多 ,运用NOAA_AVHRR的可见光波段、近红外波段和热红外波段来提取和反演地面参数 ,进而准确估算陆地植被净第一性生产力 ,是一种全新的研究手段。利用遥感数据进行生物量和净第一性生产力的估算 ,主要是采用光能利用率模型 ,即通过NPP与植物吸收的光合有效辐射 (APAR)和植物将所吸收的光合有效辐射转化为有机物的转化率 (ε)的关系来实现的。用数学公式可表达为 :NPP =(FPAR×PAR)×[ε ×σT×σE×σS× (1-Ym)× (1-Yg) ]。在遥感和地理信息系统技术的支持下 ,以 1990年每旬的 8km分辨率的NOAA_AVHRR 1~ 5通道的影像为数据源 ,对中国每旬的陆地植被净第一性生产力进行估算 ,然后累加得出全年的NPP值。估算结果 :1990年中国陆地植被NPP总量为 6 .13× 10 9tC·a-1,NPP最高值为 1812 .9gC/m2 。根据计算的结果 ,对中国大陆植被NPP的分布规律进行了分析。遥感模型能够以面代点 ,比较真实地反映陆地植被NPP的时空分布状况 ,与中国植被分布的地理规律性相符 ,这是其他统计模型所无法比拟的。  相似文献   

Aim A regional model of vegetation dynamics was enhanced to include biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen and was then applied to a forest transect in east China (FTEC) in order to investigate the responses of the transect to possible global change. Location Eastern China. Methods Biomass and nitrogen concentration of green and nongreen portions of vegetation, moisture contents of three soil layers, and total and available soil nitrogen are included as state variables in the enhanced model. The model was parameterized and validated against field observations of biomass, productivity, plant and soil nitrogen concentration, nitrogen uptake, a vegetation index derived from satellite remote sensing and digital maps of vegetation and soil distributions along a forest transect in eastern China (FTEC). The model was applied to FTEC in order to investigate the responsive characteristics of the ecosystems to global climatic change. Scenarios of climate change under doubled CO2 produced by seven general circulation models (GCM) were used to drive the model. Results The simulations indicated that the model is capable of simulating accurately potential vegetation distribution and net primary productivity under contemporary climatic conditions. The simulations for GCM‐projected future climate scenarios with doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration predicted that broadleaf forests would increase, but conifer forests, shrubs and grasses would decrease; and that deciduous forests would have the largest relative increase, but evergreen shrubs would have the largest decrease. Conclusions The overall effects of doubling CO2 and climatic changes on FTEC were to produce an increased net primary productivity (NPP) at equilibrium for all seven GCM scenarios. The inclusion of nitrogen dynamics in the model imposes more constraint on the responses of FTEC to climatic change than the previous version of the model without nitrogen dynamics. Temperature exerts a stronger control on NPP than precipitation, as indicated by the negative correlations between NPP and temperature. The southern portion of FTEC, at latitudes less than 33 °N, show much larger increases in annual NPP than in the north. However, the predicted range of NPP increases is much larger in the north than in the south.  相似文献   

Among the many approaches for studying the net primary productivity ( NPP ), a new method by using remote sensing was introduced in this paper. With spectral information source (the visible band, near infrared band and thermal infrared band) of NOAA-AVHRR, we can get the relative index and parameters, which can be used for estimating NPP of terrestrial vegetation. By means of remote sensing, the estimation of biomass and NPP is mainly based on the models of light energy utilization. In other words, the biomass and NPP can be calculated from the relation among NPP , absorbed photosynthetical active radiation (APAR) and the rate (ε) of transformation of APAR to organic matter, thus:NPP=(FPAR×PAR)×[ε*×σT×σE×σS×(1-Ym)×(1-Yg)] . Based upon remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS), the NPP of terrestrial vegetation in China in every ten days was calculated, and the annual NPP was integrated. The result showed that the total NPP of terrestrial vegetation in China was 6.13×109 t C·a-1in 1990 and the maximum NPP was 1 812.9 g C/m. According to this result, the spatio-temporal distribution of NPP was analyzed. Comparing to the statistical models, the RS model, using area object other than point one, can better reflect the distribution of NPP , and match the geographic distribution of vegetation in China.  相似文献   

应用遥感技术评估了印度北部Pali Gad山地流域过去几十年里土地利用/土地覆盖变化及其造成的土壤侵蚀程度,并基于摩根参数模型(Morgan Parametric Model)的方法来测定土壤的侵蚀程度;结果表明,由于不同的坡向受到太阳光照的不同可以引起土地覆盖的变迁;海拔和坡度已不再是阻碍人们获取自然资源的因素,人们的活动范围正转移到更高的海拔和更陡峭的坡度;揭示了土地利用/土地覆盖变化对土壤侵蚀进程有着直接的影响。  相似文献   

1995~2000年中国沙地空间格局变化的遥感研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
利用遥感方法 ,在覆盖全国的 Landsat-TM数据的基础上 ,对 1 995年和 2 0 0 0年中国沙地的空间分布格局与动态变化进行了调查。结果显示了 2 0 0 0年中国沙地总面积为 5 9× 1 0 4 km2 ,主要分布于各主要沙漠和我国的 7个主要省份。1 995~ 2 0 0 0年 ,有 470 9.7km2的土地转化为沙地 ,同时又有 2 1 5 6.4km2的沙地转化为其它土地利用类型 ,沙地总面积扩大了2 5 5 3 .3 km2 。对变化为沙地的土地进行分析 ,发现草地占主要部分 ,但耕地所占的比重也非常突出 ,同时也表明有部分沙地变化为草地和耕地。根据土地沙化的空间分布特征 ,将土地沙化过程分为 5种格局 :沙地 -绿洲型、沙漠型、沙地 -黄土过渡型、沙地 -草地型和高原风蚀型。通过对中国发生土地风蚀沙化的主要省份在 1 995~ 2 0 0 0年间的土地利用动态变化发现 ,土地利用变化是促使土地发生沙化的一个重要因素。在 5 a的时间里 ,7个省份耕地总面积扩大了 90 3 9.7km2 ,草地减少了 1 1 5 97.9km2。耕地的增加部分几乎均表现为对草地的侵占 ,土地变为沙地也主要发生在草地区。人为因素导致的耕地面积扩大是促使土地沙化的重要原因。对主要省份的土地利用方式进行分析 ,探讨不同地区减轻土地沙化趋势下的土地利用布局。  相似文献   

Although there is a great deal of information concerning responses to increases in atmospheric CO2 at the tissue and plant levels, there are substantially fewer studies that have investigated ecosystem-level responses in the context of integrated carbon, water, and nutrient cycles. Because our understanding of ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 is incomplete, modeling is a tool that can be used to investigate the role of plant and soil interactions in the response of terrestrial ecosystems to elevated CO2. In this study, we analyze the responses of net primary production (NPP) to doubled CO2 from 355 to 710 ppmv among three biogeochemistry models in the Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP): BIOME-BGC (BioGeochemical Cycles), Century, and the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM). For the conterminous United States, doubled atmospheric CO2 causes NPP to increase by 5% in Century, 8% in TEM, and 11% in BIOME-BGC. Multiple regression analyses between the NPP response to doubled CO2 and the mean annual temperature and annual precipitation of biomes or grid cells indicate that there are negative relationships between precipitation and the response of NPP to doubled CO2 for all three models. In contrast, there are different relationships between temperature and the response of NPP to doubled CO2 for the three models: there is a negative relationship in the responses of BIOME-BGC, no relationship in the responses of Century, and a positive relationship in the responses of TEM. In BIOME-BGC, the NPP response to doubled CO2 is controlled by the change in transpiration associated with reduced leaf conductance to water vapor. This change affects soil water, then leaf area development and, finally, NPP. In Century, the response of NPP to doubled CO2 is controlled by changes in decomposition rates associated with increased soil moisture that results from reduced evapotranspiration. This change affects nitrogen availability for plants, which influences NPP. In TEM, the NPP response to doubled CO2 is controlled by increased carboxylation which is modified by canopy conductance and the degree to which nitrogen constraints cause down-regulation of photosynthesis. The implementation of these different mechanisms has consequences for the spatial pattern of NPP responses, and represents, in part, conceptual uncertainty about controls over NPP responses. Progress in reducing these uncertainties requires research focused at the ecosystem level to understand how interactions between the carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles influence the response of NPP to elevated atmospheric CO2. Received: 13 December 1996 / Accepted: 20 November 1997  相似文献   

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