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Chaetosphaeria tortuosa is described as the newly discovered teleomorph of Menispora tortuosa, based on specimens from Canada and the Czech Republic, and single spore isolations from both morphs. The fungus produces superficial, more or less globose, papillate, dark brown to black smooth perithecia (200–)220–250 × (220–)230–260 μm. The asci are unitunicate, 8-spored, cylindrical-fusiform, (110–)120–133(–145) × 12–14 with a distinct apical, nonamyloid annulus 1–1.5 μm high, 3.5–4 μm wide. The ascospores are fusiform, 19–24 × 5–6 μm, hyaline, 3-septate, smooth, and 2-seriate in the ascus. The morphology of the teleomorph and anamorph are similar to that of C. ovoidea (anamorph: M. glauca), differing in dimensions of asci and ascospores, and in the disposition and morphology of the phialides of the anamorphs. The generic concept and phylogeny of Menispora is briefly discussed, and a key to the 11 species currently accepted in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

The pathogen Chrysoporthe cubensis (formerly Cryphonectria cubensis) is best known for the important canker disease that it causes on Eucalyptus species. This fungus is also a pathogen of Syzygium aromaticum (clove), which is native to Indonesia, and like Eucalyptus, is a member of Myrtaceae. Furthermore, C. cubensis has been found on Miconia spp. native to South America and residing in Melastomataceae. Recent surveys have yielded C. cubensis isolates from new hosts, characterized in this study based on DNA sequences for the ITS and β-tubulin gene regions. These hosts include native Clidemia sericea and Rhynchanthera mexicana (Melastomataceae) in Mexico, and non-native Lagerstroemia indica (Pride of India, Lythraceae) in Cuba. Isolates from these hosts and areas group in the sub-clade of C. cubensis accommodating the South American collections of the fungus. This sub-clade also includes isolates recently collected from Eucalyptus in Cuba, which are used to epitypify C. cubensis. New host records from Southeast Asia include exotic Tibouchina urvilleana from Singapore and Thailand and native Melastoma malabathricum (Melastomataceae) in Sumatra, Indonesia. Consistent with their areas of occurrence isolates from the latter collections group in the Asian sub-clade of C. cubensis. DNA sequence comparisons of isolates from Tibouchina lepidota in Colombia revealed that they represent a new sub-clade within the greater Chrysoporthe clade. Isolates in this clade are described as Chrysoporthe inopina sp. nov., based on distinctive morphological differences.  相似文献   

The new genus Corylomyces, isolated from the surface of a hazelnut (Corylus avellana) in the French Pyrenees, is described, illustrated and compared with morphologically similar taxa. It is characterised by tomentose, ostiolate ascomata possessing long necks composed of erect to sinuose hairs, and one- or two-celled, opaque, lunate to reniform ascospores. Analyses of the SSU and LSU fragments rDNA gene sequences support its placement in the Lasiosphaeriaceae (Sordariales).  相似文献   

A new species, Hypocrella panamensis, is described from collections and cultures obtained on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. In order to aid in placement of this fungus, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using LSU (rDNA) sequences. Hypocrella panamensis is characterized by possessing pulvinate stromata with a Lecanicillium-like anamorphic state and superficial perithecia. Hypocrella panamensis consistently grouped in a clade containing Hypocrella nectrioides, H. phyllogena, and H. africana (100 % PP). Most species of Hypocrella possess Aschersonia or Hirsutella anamorphs. Hypocrella panamensis is unique in the genus Hypocrella in possession of a Lecanicillium-like anamorphic state. In its biological habit Hypocrella panamensis is similar to other species in Hypocrella in that it infects and degrades the scale insect, then grows superficially on nutrients that emerge to the plant surface through the stylet wound.  相似文献   

The authors report first records for the genus Setulipes in Madagascar, with the presence of Setulipes cf. hakgalensis and two new species, Setulipes funaliformis and S. moreaui, as well as a new species from Mauritius: S. mauritiensis. A key to these taxa, as well as to other African species, is supplied.  相似文献   

Species of Apiognomonia with their Discula anamorphic states in the Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales, are known throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere and cause diseases such as sycamore or plane tree anthracnose. The genus Apiognomonia was described based on A. veneta as the type species; however, there has been disagreement about whether or not A. veneta is a synonym of A. errabunda. Using morphological, ecological, and DNA sequence data we conclude that A. errabunda and A. veneta are different species, although very closely related; thus, A. veneta is the correct name for the type species of Apiognomonia. This conclusion is based on a combined analysis of sequences from the ITS regions of nuclear rDNA for 51 isolates from host plants of eight genera and intron regions from actin, calmodulin and translation elongation factor 1-alpha for over 25 isolates. The type species of the genus Discula is D. nervisequa, the earliest available epithet for D. platani, the lectotype of Discula. D. nervisequa is the anamorph of A. veneta. Based on an examination of the type specimen, we determined that the commonly used name for the anamorph of A. errabunda, D. umbrinella, refers to another species. A. veneta and A. errabunda including their anamorphs are described and illustrated. An account of all synonyms and excluded synonyms is presented.  相似文献   

Cesariella graeca gen. sp. nov. is described to accommodate a new species of the Laboulbeniales (Fungi, Ascomycota) parasitic on the endogean ground beetles Reicheadella aetolica and R. bischoffi (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Greece. Cesariella is distinguished from the allied genus Laboulbenia by the presence of two cells borne on the inner side of cell III, and by the presence of a conspicuous remnant of the spore apex protruding laterally near the base of the appendage.  相似文献   

The lichen-forming order Lichinales, generally characterized by prototunicate asci and the development of thalli with cyanobacteria, has recently been recognized as a separate class of ascomycetes, Lichinomycetes, as a result of molecular phylogenetic studies. As alkali and water-soluble (F1SS) polysaccharides reflect phylogeny in other ascomycetes, a polysaccharide from Lichina pygmaea and L. confinis was purified and characterized to investigate whether these F1SS compounds in the Lichinomycetes were distinctive. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and chemical analyses revealed this as a galactomannan comprising a repeating unit consisting of an α-(1→6)-mannan backbone, mainly substituted by single α-galactofuranose residues at the O-2- or the O-2,4- positions linked to a small mannan core. With the exception of the trisubstituted mannopyranose residues previously described in polysaccharides from other lichens belonging to orders now placed in Lecanoromycetes, the structure of this galactomannan most closely resembles those found in several members of the Onygenales in Eurotiomycetes. Our polysaccharide data support molecular studies showing that Lichina species are remote from Lecanoromycetes as the galactofuranose residues are in the α-configuration. That the Lichinomycetes were part of an ancestral lichenized group can not be established from the present data because the extracted polysaccharide does not have the galactofuranose residue in the β configuration; however, the data does suggest that an ancestor of the Lichinomycetes contained a mannan and was part of an early radiation in the ascomycetes.  相似文献   

Recent DNA sequence analyses indicated that Nigrosabulum globosum is a cleistothecial representative of the Bionectriaceae in the Hypocreales, but morphological characters supporting this relationship are unknown. Using light and electron microscopy we followed the development of the ascomata of this species, from the formation of gametangia through to the development of mature ascospores, and observed a series of characters that confirmed its hypocrealean affinities. These included the formation of a gel-filled centrum during early stages of ascoma development, the subsequent appearance of hyaline peridial tissue enclosed within a layer we interpret as representing a melanized uniloculate stroma, apically derived paraphyses, and an ascogenous system that gives rise to asci that were both cylindrical to clavate and globose. Ascospores, previously reported to be smooth, were ornamented with a honeycomb-like reticulum and were able to germinate within the ascoma. The carbonaceous outer (stromatic) walls of the mature, grit-like cleistothecia indicate possible resistance to UV radiation and desiccation. Furthermore, the complement of germinated ascospores would enable mature ascomata to function as propagules that could quickly initiate new growth when transferred to fresh substrate. Our reexamination of N. globosum also provides data that support the hypothesized close relationship with other bionectriaceous, cleistothecial coprophiles, i.e., species of Hapsidospora, and Bulbithecium in particular.  相似文献   

饶固  戴丹  张波  李玉 《微生物学通报》2021,48(10):3791-3798
[背景] 托光柄菇属(Volvopluteus)隶属于光柄菇科(Pluteaceae),目前世界上仅有4个种。[目的] 调查我国东北地区大型真菌资源。[方法] 采集大型真菌标本,对其形态进行详细的观察和描述,提取DNA,测定rDNA ITS序列,基于最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建系统发育树。[结果] 2019–2020年在吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州敦化市采集的标本中,有6份标本为密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis,该种真菌此前未在我国发现。在系统发育分析中,采自我国的密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis与该种的模式标本聚为一个分支。[结论] 密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis为中国新记录种。  相似文献   

记述采自中国西藏的钩瓣叶蜂属 Macrophya Dahlbom 1新种:尖盾钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya acutiscutellaris Wei, Li & Heng sp. nov.。简要讨论了M. planata 种团的特征,编制了M. planata 种团已知种类分种检索表。该新种与在中国墨脱和印度那加兰邦地区分布的拟平盾钩瓣叶蜂M. pseudoplanata Saini et al., 1996最近似,但新种的雌虫体长13.5 mm,后足胫节端部1/3完全黑色,触角2.5倍长于头宽,单眼后区宽长比为1.6,雄虫抱器向顶部弱度变窄等,与后者不同。新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that similar conidial morphologies in aquatic hyphomycetes are a result of convergent evolution was tested using molecular sequence data. Cladistic analyses were performed on partial sequences of 28S rDNA of seven species of Lemonniera, one species of Margaritispora and one species of Goniopila. Lemonniera has tetraradiate conidia with long arms, whereas Margaritispora and Goniopila have typically globose (isodiametric) conidia, with short conical protuberances in a stellate or quadrangular arrangement. Lemonniera and Margaritispora have phialidic conidiogenesis and both produce dark, minute sclerotia in culture whereas Goniopila has holoblastic conidiogenesis and does not produce sclerotia in culture. Goniopila produces a microconidial phialidic synanamorph in culture. All three genera have schizolytic conidial secession. Molecular analyses demonstrate that Lemonniera species are placed in two distinct clades: one within Leotiomycetes; the other within Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes. Margaritispora is placed with Lemonniera species within Leotiomycetes. Goniopila and Lemonniera pseudofloscula are placed within Dothideomycetes. No morphological character was entirely congruent with the molecular derived phylogeny. This suggests that for the group of species studied, conidial shape is not a reliable indicator of phylogeny but more likely the result of convergent evolution in response to the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Data from microscopic morphology, single-spore cultures, and DNA analyses of teleomorphs and anamorphs support the recognition of five species of Prosthecium with Stegonsporium anamorphs on Acer: P. acerinum sp. nov., the teleomorph of S. acerinum; P. acerophilum comb. nov., formerly known as Dictyoporthe acerophila; P. galeatum comb. nov., originally described as Massaria galeata; P. opalus sp. nov.; and P. pyriforme sp. nov., the teleomorph of S. pyriforme s. str. The morphology of both type specimens and freshly collected material was investigated. The teleomorphs have brown ellipsoidal ascospores with five distosepta and often a longitudinal distoseptum. The anamorphs of all species described here belong to Stegonsporium; their connection to the Prosthecium teleomorphs was demonstrated by morphology and DNA sequences of single spore cultures derived from both ascospores and conidia. The anamorphs and teleomorphs of all five Prosthecium species are described and illustrated by LM images, and a key to these species is provided. As perceived from this work, S. pyriforme is restricted to Europe and does not occur in North America, whereas S. acerinum is restricted to North America, not found in Europe. The host associations given in the literature are revised and evidence is provided that only A. opalus, A. pseudoplatanus, and A. saccharum are confirmed hosts of Prosthecium with Stegonsporium anamorphs. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of tef1, ITS rDNA, and partial nuLSU rDNA sequences confirm that the species with Stegonsporium anamorphs are closely related to P. ellipsosporum, the generic type species. Stilbospora macrosperma is confirmed as the anamorph of P. ellipsosporum by DNA data of single spore isolates obtained from both ascospores and conidia.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the lichen family Porinaceae using mitochondrial SSU rDNA sequences is presented, with special focus on foliicolous taxa. Fifty specimens of 28 mostly tropical species, representing eight species groups of Porina as well as the genus Trichothelium, were analysed together with species of other members of Ostropomycetidae, and using Agyriaceae as outgroup. We performed the phylogenetic analyses with a Bayesian approach and under the criterion of maximum parsimony. Four main clades can be distinguished: the P. nitidula-group s. lat. (including Trichothelium, P. papillifera and P. rubescens), the Porina epiphylla-group s. lat. (including the P. radiata-, the P. nucula-, the P. imitatrix- and the P. epiphylla-group s. str.) and two clades of the P. rufula-group. The genus Porina as understood by all recent concepts is paraphyletic, and Trichothelium is nested within the Porina nitidula-group. The non-setose P. repanda forms a monophyletic clade with Trichothelium. The tree does not support a monophyletic origin of substrate preferences or photobiont selection. Species-specific associations with morphologically different trentepohlioid photobionts mapped on the tree suggest that closely related mycobiont species switch between different types of algae.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Teracosphaeria petroica is described for a perithecial ascomycete and its anamorph occurring on decayed wood collected in New Zealand. The fungus produces immersed, non-stromatic ceratosphaeria-like perithecia in nature, with hyaline, septate ascospores produced in unitunicate, non-amyloid asci. The anamorph produced in vitro is phialophora-like with lightly pigmented phialides terminating in flaring, deep collarettes that are often noticeably brown with conspicuous periclinal thickening. Phylogenetic analysis of LSU rDNA sequence data indicates that this fungus is distinct from morphologically similar fungi classified in the Chaetosphaeriales, the Trichosphaeriales or the Magnaporthaceae. It forms a monophyletic group with recently described, chaetosphaeria-like ascomycetes, such as the pyrenomycete genus Mirannulata, and shows affinity with the anamorphic species Dictyochaeta cylindrospora. The usefulness of describing anamorph genera for morphologically reduced anamorphs, when anamorph characteristics are actually part of the holomorph diagnosis, is discussed. An apparently contradictory example of the so-called Cordana and Pseudobotrytis anamorphs of Porosphaerella spp. is also discussed.  相似文献   

Taphrina entomospora is one of the few species of the genus described on native plants of the Southern Hemisphere and also one of the few leaf pathogens known on Nothofagus species. The anatomical changes it produces on N. pumilio leaves, and its morphology, cytology, and sporogenesis were studied. The fungus is a perennial species that overwinters as mycelium in the foliar buds and infects the developing leaves, so the whole blade develops the disease symptoms. Interveinal areas of the leaves become chlorotic, thickened and rounded. Palisade parenchyma fails to develop, with spongy parenchyma developing as packed, rounded, isodiametric cells with little intercellular space. The mycelium is subcuticular, dikaryotic, and produces ascogenous hyphae, asci, and ascospores as described for other species in the genus. Before ascus discharge, ascospores bud in a regular, unique way. The life-cycle of T. entomospora is compared with other representative taxa in the genus and the distribution of this pathogen is discussed.  相似文献   

Sarcostemma areysianum Bruyns is described from the southern mountains of Yemen. It appears to be most closely related to S. arabicum Bruyns & P. Forst. and S. socotranum Lavranos, differing from both by the taller gynostegium with narrow, mostly acute inner corona lobes. A key to the species from Arabia and Socotra is provided.  相似文献   

记述中国带斑叶蜂属Emphytopsis Wei & Nie 1新种:斑唇带斑叶蜂Emphytopsis maculoclypea Wei sp. nov.。该新种与刻胸带斑叶蜂E. punctata Wei & Nie, 1998以及单带带斑叶蜂E. unimaculata Wei, 2011近似,但新种的唇基端部、后眶后缘黑色;中胸前侧片上部和中后足基节腹侧具显著黑斑;单眼后区平坦,不高于上眶;单眼后区侧沟十分微弱;锯腹片中部锯节的纹孔线下域高宽比约等于1.8(后两种唇基、后眶后缘、中胸前侧片上部和中后足基节腹侧均无黑斑;单眼后区稍隆起,明显高于上眶;单眼后区侧沟显著;锯腹片中部锯节的纹孔线下域高宽比约等于1.4)。文中还编制了带斑叶蜂属世界已知种检索表。  相似文献   

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