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Iron transport in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The study of iron uptake promoted by 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate (DHB) into Escherichia coli K-12 aroB mutants allowed some dissection of outer and cytoplasmic membrane functions. These strains are unable to produce the iron-transporting chelate enterochelin, unless fed with a precursor such as DHB. When added to the medium, enterochelin and its natural breakdown products, the linear dimer and trimer of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoylserine (DBS), efficiently transported iron via the feuB, tonB and fep gene products. Thus mutants in these genes were defective in transport of the above chelates. However, feuB and tonB mutants were able to take up iron when DHB was added to the medium. Thus DHB-promoted iron uptake bypassed two functions required for the transport of ferric-enterochelin from the medium. One of these functions, feuB, has been shown to be an outer membrane protein. In contrast to three other iron transport systems including ferric-enterochelin uptake, DHB-promoted iron uptake was little affected by the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol. Dissipation of the energized state of the cytoplasmic membrane apparently only affects those iron transport systems which require an outer membrane protein. Since DHB-promoted iron uptake bypasses the feuB outer membrane protein and the tonB function, it is concluded that, in ferricenterochelin transport, the tonB gene may function in coupling the energized state of the cytoplasmic membrane to the protein-dependent outer membrane permeability. DHB-promoted iron uptake required the synthesis and enzymatic breakdown of enterochelin as judged by the effects of the entF and fesB mutations. A fep mutant was not only deficient in the transport of the ferric chelates of enterochelin and its breakdown products, but was also deficient in DHB-promoted iron uptake. A scheme is presented in which iron diffuses as DHB-complex through the outer membrane, and is subsequently captured by enterochelin or DBS dimer or trimer and translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane.List of Abbreviations DHB 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate - DBS 2,3-dihydroxybenzoylserine - NTA nitrilotriacetate - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a major cause of paediatric diarrhoea and a model for the family of attaching and effacing (A/E) pathogens. A/E pathogens encode a type III secretion system to transfer effector proteins into host cells. The EPEC Tir effector protein acts as a receptor for the bacterial surface protein intimin and is involved in the formation of Cdc42-independent, actin-rich pedestal structures beneath the adhered bacteria. In this paper, we demonstrate that EPEC binding to HeLa cells also induces Tir-independent, cytoskeletal rearrangement evidenced by the early, transient formation of filopodia-like structures at sites of infection. Filopodia formation is dependent on expression of the EPEC Map effector molecule - a protein that targets mitochondria and induces their dysfunction. We show that Map-induced filopodia formation is independent of mitochondrial targeting and is abolished by cellular expression of the Cdc42 inhibitory WASP-CRIB domain, demonstrating that Map has at least two distinct functions in host cells. The transient nature of the filopodia is related to an ability of EPEC to downregulate Map-induced cell signalling that, like pedestal formation, was dependent on both Tir and intimin proteins. The ability of Tir to downregulate filopodia was impaired by disrupting a putative GTPase-activating protein (GAP) motif, suggesting that Tir may possess such a function, with its interaction with intimin triggering this activity. Furthermore, we also found that Map-induced cell signalling inhibits pedestal formation, revealing that the cellular effects of Tir and Map must be co-ordinately regulated during infection. Possible implications of the multifunctional nature of EPEC effector molecules in pathogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Two nucleoside transport systems have been verified and separated by mating and recombination experiments. The recipient strain was a mutant which is negative for transport of all nucleosides. The two systems differ in specificity and in regulation. One system transports pyrimidine and adenine in specificity and in regulation. One system transports pyrimidine and adenine nucleosides, but not guanine nucleosides. It is regulated by the cytR gene. The other system transports all nucleosides and is regulated by the cytR as well as by the deoR genes. Enzyme assays performed on whole cells of strains, able or unable to transport nucleosides, indicate that the nucleoside catabolizing enzymes are located inside the permeability barrier of the cell.  相似文献   

A specific gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) transport system in Escherichia coli K-12 cells with a K(m) of 12 muM and a V(max) of 278 nmol/ml of intracellular water per min is described. Membrane vesicles contained d-lactate-dependent activity of the system. Mutants defective in GABA transport were isolated; they lost the ability to utilize GABA as a nitrogen source, although the activities of glutamate-succinylsemialdehyde transaminase (GSST) (EC and succinylsemialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSDH) (EC, the enzymes that catalyze GABA utilization, remained as high as in the parental CS101B strain. The ability to utilize l-ornithine, l-arginine, putrescine, l-proline, and glycine as a nitrogen source was preserved in the mutants. The genetic lesions resulting in the loss of GABA transport, gabP5 and gabP9, mapped in the gab gene cluster in close linkage to gabT and gabD, the structural genes of GSST and SSDH, and to gabC, a gene controlling the utilization of GABA, arginine, putrescine, and ornithine. The synthesis of the GABA transport carrier is subject to dual physiological control by (i) catabolite repression and (ii) nitrogen availability. Experiments with glutamine synthetase (EC and with glutamine synthetase-constitutive strains strongly indicate that this enzyme is the effector in the regulation of GABA carrier synthesis by route (ii).  相似文献   

As a result of the enormous amount of information that has been collected with E. coli over the past half century (e.g. genome sequence, mutant phenotypes, metabolic and regulatory networks, etc.), we now have detailed knowledge about gene regulation, protein activity, several hundred enzyme reactions, metabolic pathways, macromolecular machines, and regulatory interactions for this model organism. However, understanding how all these processes interact to form a living cell will require further characterization, quantification, data integration, and mathematical modeling, systems biology. No organism can rival E. coli with respect to the amount of available basic information and experimental tractability for the technologies needed for this undertaking. A focused, systematic effort to understand the E. coli cell will accelerate the development of new post-genomic technologies, including both experimental and computational tools. It will also lead to new technologies that will be applicable to other organisms, from microbes to plants, animals, and humans. E. coli is not only the best studied free-living model organism, but is also an extensively used microbe for industrial applications, especially for the production of small molecules of interest. It is an excellent representative of Gram-negative commensal bacteria. E. coli may represent a perfect model organism for systems biology that is aimed at elucidating both its free-living and commensal life-styles, which should open the door to whole-cell modeling and simulation.  相似文献   

Genomics projects have resulted in a flood of sequence data. Functional annotation currently relies almost exclusively on inter-species sequence comparison and is restricted in cases of limited data from related species and widely divergent sequences with no known homologs. Here, we demonstrate that codon composition, a fusion of codon usage bias and amino acid composition signals, can accurately discriminate, in the absence of sequence homology information, cytoplasmic ribosomal protein genes from all other genes of known function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis using an implementation of support vector machines, SVM(light). Analysis of these codon composition signals is instructive in determining features that confer individuality to ribosomal protein genes. Each of the sets of positively charged, negatively charged and small hydrophobic residues, as well as codon bias, contribute to their distinctive codon composition profile. The representation of all these signals is sensitively detected, combined and augmented by the SVMs to perform an accurate classification. Of special mention is an obvious outlier, yeast gene RPL22B, highly homologous to RPL22A but employing very different codon usage, perhaps indicating a non-ribosomal function. Finally, we propose that codon composition be used in combination with other attributes in gene/protein classification by supervised machine learning algorithms.  相似文献   

Malignant glioma: lessons from genomics, mouse models, and stem cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chen J  McKay RM  Parada LF 《Cell》2012,149(1):36-47
Eighty percent of malignant tumors that develop in the central nervous system are malignant gliomas, which are essentially incurable. Here, we discuss how recent sequencing studies are identifying unexpected drivers of gliomagenesis, including mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and the NF-κB pathway, and how genome-wide analyses are reshaping the classification schemes for tumors and enhancing prognostic value of molecular markers. We discuss the controversies surrounding glioma stem cells and explore how the integration of new molecular data allows for the generation of more informative animal models to advance our knowledge of glioma's origin, progression, and treatment.  相似文献   

Cyclic-di-GMP is a bacterial second messenger that controls the switch between motile and sessile states. It is synthesized by proteins containing the enzymatic GGDEF domain and degraded by the EAL domain. Many bacterial genomes encode several copies of proteins containing these domains, raising questions on how the activities of parallel c-di-GMP signalling systems are segregated to avoid potentially deleterious cross-talk. Moreover, many ‘hybrid’ proteins contain both GGDEF and EAL domains; the relationship between the two apparently opposing enzymatic activities has been termed a ‘biochemical conundrum’. Here, we present a computational analysis of 11 248 GGDEF- and EAL-containing proteins in 867 prokaryotic genomes to address these two outstanding questions. Over half of these proteins contain a signal for cell-surface localization, and a majority accommodate a signal-sensing partner domain; these indicate widespread prevalence of post-translational regulation that may segregate the activities of proteins that are co-expressed. By examining the conservation of amino acid residues in the GGDEF and EAL catalytic sites, we show that there are predominantly two types of hybrid proteins. In the first, both sites are intact; an additional regulatory partner domain, present in most of these proteins, might determine the balance between the two enzymatic activities. In the second type, only the EAL catalytic site is intact; these—unlike EAL-only proteins—generally contain a signal-sensing partner domain, suggesting distinct modes of regulation for EAL activity under different sequence contexts. Finally, we discuss the role of proteins that have lost GGDEF and EAL catalytic sites as potential c-di-GMP-binding effectors. Our findings will serve as a genomic framework for interpreting ongoing molecular investigations of these proteins.  相似文献   

Technologies that provide a genome-wide view offer an unprecedented opportunity to scrutinize the molecular biology of the cancer cell. The information that is derived from these technologies is well suited to the development of public databases of alterations in the cancer genome and its expression. Here, we describe the synergistic efforts of research programmes in Brazil, the United Kingdom and the United States towards building integrated databases that are widely accessible to the research community, to enable basic and applied applications in cancer research.  相似文献   

Summary Chlorsulfuron-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were isolated by screening for growth of seedlings in the presence of the herbicide. Both whole plants and derived tissue cultures were resistant to concentrations of the herbicide approximately 300-fold higher than that required to prevent growth of the wild-type. The resistance is due to a single dominant nuclear mutation at a locus designated csr which has been genetically mapped to chromosome-3. Acetohydroxy acid synthase activity in extracts from chlorsulfuron-resistant plants was much less-susceptible to inhibition by chlorsulfuron and a structurally related inhibitor than the activity in wild-type extracts. This suggests that the csr locus is the structural gene for acetohydroxy acid synthase.  相似文献   

Various F' plasmids of Escherichia coli K-12 could be transferred into mutants of the soil strain 6.2, classified herein as a Pseudomonas fluorescens biotype IV. This strain was previously found to receive Flac plasmid (N. Datta and R.W. Hedges, J. Gen Microbiol. 70:453-460, 1972). ilv, leu, met, arg, and his auxotrophs were complemented by plasmids carrying isofunctional genes; trp mutants were not complemented or were very poorly complemented. The frequency of transfer was 10(-5). Subsequent transfer into other P. fluorescens recipients was of the same order of magnitude. Some transconjugants were unable to act as donors, and these did not lose the received information if subcultured on nonselective media. Use of F' plasmids helped to discriminate metabolic blocks in P. fluorescens. In particular, metA, metB, and argH mutants were so distinguished. In addition, F131 plasmid carrying the his operon and a supD mutation could partially relieve the auxotrophy of thr, ilv, and metA13 mutants, suggesting functional expression of E. coli tRNA in P. fluorescens. In P. fluorescens metA Rifr mutants carrying the F110 plasmid, which carried the E. coli metA gene and the E. coli rifs allele, sensitivity to rifampin was found to be dominant at least temporarily over resistance. This suggests interaction of E. coli and P. fluorescens subunits of RNA polymerase. his mutations were also complemented by composite P plasmids containing the his-nif region of Klebsiella pneumoniae (plasmids FN68 and RP41). nif expression could be detected by acetylene reduction in some his+ transconjugants. The frequency of transfer of these P plasmids was 5 X 10(-4).  相似文献   

Utilization of iron (Fe(3+)) by Escherichia coli depends upon a system which is determined by at least two genetic loci. Mutants which carry a deletion of the tonB-trp region of the chromosome grow only when very high concentrations of iron are present in the medium. These strains are sensitive to chromic ion (Cr(3+)) and, unlike the parent strain, fail to grow on MnSO(4) when FeSO(4) is not added to the medium. A second type of mutant, Chr2, which was isolated on the basis of its sensitivity to chromic ion, also requires a high concentration of iron for growth. This mutant can be distinguished phenotypically from the deletion mutants since it grows normally on low concentrations of iron, provided citrate is added to the medium. The chromium sensitivity of both types of mutants can be reversed by high concentrations of exogenous iron. The data are interpreted to indicate that the E. coli mutants studied are defective in iron transport and that residual iron transport is in some way inhibited by chromic ion.  相似文献   

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