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Amur Falcons (Falco amurensis) are a migratory species that face a variety of threats across their range, but little is known about their breeding ecology. These falcons breed in forest habitats in Eastern and Central Asia using nests constructed by corvids, including Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica). We monitored nests of 21 pairs of Amur Falcons at Hustai National Park in central Mongolia in 2017. Our objectives were to describe their basic nesting ecology, estimate nest survival by modeling the daily survival rate (DSR), examine nest selection by modeling it as a function of nest and site covariates, and use a spatial simulation to test hypotheses concerning intra‐ and interspecific avoidance. Clutch sizes averaged 4.1 eggs (= 21 nests), and incubation and nestling periods averaged 25.7 and 26.1 d, respectively. The daily survival rate was 0.98, with young in 12 nests surviving to fledging. Nest structures were more likely to be selected as percent cover of nest bowls increased, usually in the form of a dome of sticks with multiple side entrances. Closed nests likely provide increased protection from predators. In contrast to congeneric Red‐footed Falcons (F. vespertinus) that nest in large colonies, Amur Falcons nested no farther from or closer to nests of either conspecifics or congeners than expected by chance. One factor likely contributing to this difference is that Red‐footed Falcons often use the nests of colonial‐nesting Rooks (Corvus frugilegus), whereas Amur Falcons typically use the nests of non‐colonial Eurasian Magpies. The ongoing loss of deciduous trees like white birch (Betula platyphylla) across the breeding range of Amur Falcons, probably due to climate change and increased grazing pressure, is likely to reduce the availability of nesting habitat for Eurasian Magpies which, in turn, will likely reduce availability of nests for Amur Falcons and other small falcons.  相似文献   



Helicobacter pylori is coexisted with various diseases, including chronic gastritis, ulcer, and gastric cancer. Besides, chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis are extremely widespread over the world, which are considered as high health‐care cost burdens of digestive diseases. Epidemiologic evidence on Helicobacter pylori infection in gallbladder increasing the risk of biliary diseases has been contradictory.


Conduct a meta‐analysis of overall studies and investigate an association between Helicobacter pylori infection of the gallbladder with chronic cholecystitis/cholelithiasis.


We used PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane library databases to identify all published studies before August 2017. Pooled odds ratios (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained using the random effects model. Heterogeneity, sensitivity, and stratified analyses were also performed.


Eighteen studies involving 1544 participants and 1061 biliary cases with chronic cholecystitis/cholelithiasis were included. Helicobacter pylori infection of the gallbladder was significantly associated with an increased risk of chronic cholecystitis and cholecystitis (OR = 3.022; 95% CI, 1.897‐4.815; I2 = 20.1%). In addition, country‐based subgroup analysis also showed a positive association between Helicobacter pylori positivity and chronic cholecystitis/cholelithiasis risk. The ORs (95% CIs) for Asian and non‐Asian region studies were 3.75 (1.83‐7.71) and 2.25 (1.29‐3.89), respectively.


This meta‐analysis suggests that infection of the gallbladder with Helicobacter pylori is closely related to an increased risk of chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance is a major cause of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) treatment failures. Because the resistance rate of H. pylori to furazolidone is low, we aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of furazolidone. We searched the PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Embase databases and included randomized controlled trials (RCT) that either compared furazolidone to other antibiotics or changed the administered dose of furazolidone. A total of 18 articles were included in the meta‐analysis. According to the intention‐to‐treat (ITT) analysis, the total eradication rates of furazolidone‐containing therapy were superior to those of other antibiotic‐containing therapies (relative risk [RR] 1.07, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01‐1.14) (13 RCTs). Specifically, the eradication rates of furazolidone‐containing therapy were better than those for metronidazole‐containing therapy (RR 1.10, 95% CI: 1.01‐1.21 for ITT). The eradication rate of furazolidone‐containing bismuth‐containing quadruple therapy was 92.9% (95% CI: 90.7%‐95.1%) (PP). In addition, a higher daily dose of furazolidone increased the eradication rate (RR 1.17, 95% CI: 1.05‐1.31). And the incidence of some adverse effects, such as fever and anorexia, was higher in the furazolidone group than in the control group, the overall incidences of total side effects and severe side effects showed no significant differences between the groups. Furazolidone‐containing treatments could achieve satisfactory eradication rates and did not increase the incidence of total or severe adverse effects, but the incidence of milder side effects, such as fever and anorexia, should be considered when prescribing furazolidone‐containing treatments to patients.  相似文献   

Predators are a major source of stress in natural systems because their prey must balance the benefits of feeding with the risk of being eaten. Although this ‘fear’ of being eaten often drives the organization and dynamics of many natural systems, we know little about how such risk effects will be altered by climate change. Here, we examined the interactive consequences of predator avoidance and projected climate warming in a three‐level rocky intertidal food chain. We found that both predation risk and increased air and sea temperatures suppressed the foraging of prey in the middle trophic level, suggesting that warming may further enhance the top‐down control of predators on communities. Prey growth efficiency, which measures the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels, became negative when prey were subjected to predation risk and warming. Thus, the combined effects of these stressors may represent an important tipping point for individual fitness and the efficiency of energy transfer in natural food chains. In contrast, we detected no adverse effects of warming on the top predator and the basal resources. Hence, the consequences of projected warming may be particularly challenging for intermediate consumers residing in food chains where risk dominates predator‐prey interactions.  相似文献   

Our aim was to assess the effect of environmental factors on short temporal abundance variations of the two most abundant native rodents of agricultural agroecosystems, Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha. We conducted a 3‐year longitudinal sampling of rodents, and recorded meteorological data such as temperature and precipitation, predation rate by Leopardus geoffroyi, Tyto furcata and Athene cunicularia, vegetation cover and height, characteristics of cropfields and their borders. The effect of these factors on rodent abundance was evaluated through generalized linear mixed models. Abundance variations of both rodent species were explained by characteristics of both cropfields and their borders. At the studied temporal scale, meteorological variables did not have a direct effect on abundance variations, but probably influenced through vegetation characteristics and were expressed in seasonal variations. For A. azarae there was also an effect of predation by L. geoffroyi (positive) and T. furcata (negative), while predation by A. cunicularia did not contribute to explain abundance variations of any species.  相似文献   

Theories involving niche diversification to explain high levels of tropical diversity propose that species are more likely to co‐occur if they partition at least one dimension of their ecological niche space. Yet, numerous species appear to have widely overlapping niches based upon broad categorizations of resource use or functional traits. In particular, the extent to which food partitioning contributes to species coexistence in hyperdiverse tropical ecosystems remains unresolved. Here, we use a molecular approach to investigate inter‐ and intraspecific dietary partitioning between two species of damselfish (Dascyllus flavicaudus, Chromis viridis) that commonly co‐occur in branching corals. Species‐level identification of their diverse zooplankton prey revealed significant differences in diet composition between species despite their seemingly similar feeding strategies. Dascyllus exhibited a more diverse diet than Chromis, whereas Chromis tended to select larger prey items. A large calanoid copepod, Labidocera sp., found in low density and higher in the water column during the day, explained more than 19% of the variation in dietary composition between Dascyllus and Chromis. Dascyllus did not significantly shift its diet in the presence of Chromis, which suggests intrinsic differences in feeding behaviour. Finally, prey composition significantly shifted during the ontogeny of both fish species. Our findings show that levels of dietary specialization among coral reef associated species have likely been underestimated, and they underscore the importance of characterizing trophic webs in tropical ecosystems at higher levels of taxonomic resolution. They also suggest that niche redundancy may not be as common as previously thought.  相似文献   

Vast areas of the African savanna landscapes are characterized by tree‐covered Macrotermes termite mounds embedded within a relatively open savanna matrix. In concert with termites, large herbivores are important determinants of savanna woody vegetation cover. The relative cover of woody species has considerable effects on savanna function. Despite the potentially important ecological relationships between termite mounds, woody plants, large herbivores, and birds, these associations have previously received surprisingly little attention. We experimentally studied the effects of termites and large herbivores on the avian community in Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda, where woody vegetation is essentially limited to termite mounds. Our experiment comprised of four treatments in nine replicates; unfenced termite mounds, fenced mounds (excluding large mammals), unfenced adjacent savanna, and fenced savanna. We recorded species identity, abundance, and behavior of all birds observed on these plots over a two‐month period, from late dry until wet season. Birds used termite mounds almost exclusively, with only 3.5% of observations occurring in the treeless intermound savanna matrix. Mean abundance and species richness of birds doubled on fenced (large herbivores excluded) compared to unfenced mounds. Feeding behavior increased when large mammals were excluded from mounds, both in absolute number of observed individuals, and relative to other behaviors. This study documents the fundamental positive impact of Macrotermes termites on bird abundance and diversity in an African savanna. Birds play crucial functional roles in savanna ecosystems, for example, by dispersing fruits or regulating herbivorous insect populations. Thus, the role of birds in savanna dynamics depends on the distribution and abundance of termite mounds.  相似文献   

Invasive species present a major threat to global biodiversity. Understanding genetic patterns and evolutionary processes that reinforce successful establishment is paramount for elucidating mechanisms underlying biological invasions. Among birds, the ring‐necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) is one of the most successful invasive species, established in over 35 countries. However, little is known about the evolutionary genetic origins of this species and what population genetic signatures tell us about patterns of invasion. We reveal the ancestral origins of populations across the invasive range and explore the potential influence of climate and propagule pressure from the pet trade on observed genetic patterns. Ring‐necked parakeet samples representing the ancestral native range (n = 96) were collected from museum specimens, and modern samples from the invasive range (n = 855) were gathered from across Europe, Mauritius and Seychelles, and sequenced for two mitochondrial DNA markers comprising 868 bp of cytochrome b and control region, and genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Invasive populations comprise birds that originate predominantly from Pakistan and northern areas of India. Haplotypes associated with more northerly distribution limits in the ancestral native range were more prevalent in invasive populations in Europe, and the predominance of Asian haplotypes in Europe is consistent with the higher number of Asian birds transported by the pet trade outside the native range. Successful establishment of invasive species is likely to be underpinned by a combination of environmental and anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been considerable efforts to restore degraded tropical montane forests through active restoration using indigenous tree species. However, little is known about how these species used for restoration influence other species. In this study, two potential restoration species, Albizia gummifera and Neoboutonia macrocalyx, are investigated with regard to the relationship between their density and the abundance and richness of other plant species. The study was conducted in a degraded forest consisting of disturbed transition zones and secondary forest. Our results show positive relationships between the density of A. gummifera and the abundance of tree seedling and sapling richness in the transition zones and in the secondary forest. Shrub richness was negatively related to the density of A. gummifera. Abundance and richness of tree saplings and shrubs were positively related to N. macrocalyx density both in the transition zones and in the secondary forest. Herb species richness declined with N. macrocalyx density in the transition zones but increased with N. macrocalyx density in the secondary forest. The positive relationships between the density of the two tree species and species richness of other woody species suggest that both A. gummifera and N. macrocalyx can be suitable for active restoration of degraded mountain forests within their natural range.  相似文献   

The impact of increasing vertebrate predator numbers on bird populations is widely debated among the general public, game managers and conservationists across Europe. However, there are few systematic reviews of whether predation limits the population sizes of European bird species. Views on the impacts of predation are particularly polarised in the UK, probably because the UK has a globally exceptional culture of intensive, high‐yield gamebird management where predator removal is the norm. In addition, most apex predators have been exterminated or much depleted in numbers, contributing to a widely held perception that the UK has high numbers of mesopredators. This has resulted in many high‐quality studies of mesopredator impacts over several decades. Here we present results from a systematic review of predator trends and abundance, and assess whether predation limits the population sizes of 90 bird species in the UK. Our results confirm that the generalist predators Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and Crows (Corvus corone and C. cornix) occur at high densities in the UK compared with other European countries. In addition, some avian and mammalian predators have increased numerically in the UK during recent decades. Despite these high and increasing densities of predators, we found little evidence that predation limits populations of pigeons, woodpeckers and passerines, whereas evidence suggests that ground‐nesting seabirds, waders and gamebirds can be limited by predation. Using life‐history characteristics of prey species, we found that mainly long‐lived species with high adult survival and late onset of breeding were limited by predation. Single‐brooded species were also more likely to be limited by predation than multi‐brooded species. Predators that depredate prey species during all life stages (i.e. from nest to adult stages) limited prey numbers more than predators that depredated only specific life stages (e.g. solely during the nest phase). The Red Fox and non‐native mammals (e.g. the American Mink Neovison vison) were frequently identified as numerically limiting their prey species. Our review has identified predator–prey interactions that are particularly likely to result in population declines of prey species. In the short term, traditional predator‐management techniques (e.g. lethal control or fencing to reduce predation by a small number of predator species) could be used to protect these vulnerable species. However, as these techniques are costly and time‐consuming, we advocate that future research should identify land‐use practices and landscape configurations that would reduce predator numbers and predation rates.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to explore the correlation of intercellular adhesion molecule‐1 (ICAM‐1) K469E and megakaryoblastic leukaemia factor‐1 (MKL‐1) ?184C/T polymorphisms with the susceptibility to coronary heart disease (CHD) in the Chinese Han population. 100 CHD patients and 91 healthy people that had no blood connection with each other were enrolled in this case‐control study. ICAM‐1 and MKL‐1 polymorphisms were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) approach. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyse the correlation between polymorphisms of ICAM‐1 and MKL‐1 and CHD susceptibility. Differences of genotype and allele frequencies of the two SNPs between case and control groups were analysed by chi‐square test. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were indicated relative susceptibility of CHD. The distributions of ICAM‐1 and MKL‐1 polymorphisms in each group conformed to Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). After adjusting for traditional risk factors, the TT genotype frequency of MKL‐1 ?184C/T polymorphism was found significantly higher in case group than in control group (P < .05). Meanwhile, T allele frequency increased in case group compared with control group, and the differences had statistical significance (P = .04, OR = 2.34, 95% CI = 1.34‐5.26). Logistic regression analysis in this study proved that smoking, hypertension, diabetes and triglyceride (TG) were all risk factors for CHD ICAM‐1 K469E polymorphism has no association with the onset of CHD. But MKL‐1 ?184C/T polymorphism is associated with the risk of CHD and T allele might be a susceptibility factor for CHD.  相似文献   

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