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Capsule The population of Nightjars in the UK increased by over 36% between 1992 and 2004.

Aims To determine the population size and distribution of Nightjars in the UK and examine associations with forestry and heathland habitat features.

Methods A volunteer survey was supported by professional cover in remote parts of Wales, and areas of Dorset and lowland Scotland. Two visits to allocated 1-km squares were made between late May and mid-July. Each surveyor recorded the locations of calling males onto maps and the occurrence of habitat categories within 50 m of each Nightjar registration.

Results Observers surveyed 3264 1-km squares in 2004 and, on average, 78% of the target habitat (90% in southern England). The total number of males counted was 4131 (range 3850–4414), adjusted to 4606 (95% CL ± 913) to account for unsurveyed habitat. The adjusted total represented a 36% increase in 12 years. Nightjars were recorded in 275 10-km squares in 2004, a 2.6% increase since 1992. However, there was evidence of population decline and range contractions in northwest Britain, including north Wales, northwest England and in Scotland. In 2004, 57% of Nightjars were associated with forest plantations (similar to 1992) and 59% with heathland (slightly higher than in 1992).

Conclusion National objectives for Nightjar conservation (UK Biodiversity Action Plan: UKBAP) were reached in respect of population size and stability, but the target for a 5% range increase by 2003 was not met. The continued increase in the national population is probably attributable to habitat protection, management and restoration of heathlands, and the continued availability of clear-fell/young plantations in conifer forests. Management and/or protection/restoration/re-creation of these key habitats remains critical for the long-term objectives of UKBAP. The issue of providing foraging habitats, perhaps via agri-environment schemes, is also raised.  相似文献   

King penguins make up the bulk of avian biomass on a number of sub‐Antarctic islands where they have a large functional effect on terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The same applies at Marion Island where a substantial proportion of the world population breeds. In spite of their obvious ecological importance, the at‐sea distribution and behavior of this population has until recently remained entirely unknown. In addressing this information deficiency, we deployed satellite‐linked tracking instruments on 15 adult king penguins over 2 years, April 2008 and 2013, to study their post‐guard foraging distribution and habitat preferences. Uniquely among adult king penguins, individuals by and large headed out against the prevailing Antarctic Circumpolar Current, foraging to the west and southwest of the island. On average, individuals ventured a maximum distance of 1,600 km from the colony, with three individuals foraging close to, or beyond, 3,500 km west of the colony. Birds were mostly foraging south of the Antarctic Polar Front and north of the southern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Habitat preferences were assessed using boosted regression tree models which indicated sea surface temperate, depth, and chorophyll a concentration to be the most important predictors of habitat selection. Interestingly, king penguins rapidly transited the eddy‐rich area to the west of Marion Island, associated with the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge, which has been shown to be important for foraging in other marine top predators. In accordance with this, the king penguins generally avoided areas with high eddy kinetic energy. The results from this first study into the behavioral ecology and at‐sea distribution of king penguins at Marion Island contribute to our broader understanding of this species.  相似文献   

Little is known about the wintering distribution of the European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus. We combined geolocator and GPS‐logger data from different sites in Western Europe to analyse migration routes and migration timing of this trans‐equatorial migrant. Nightjars followed a loop migration route during which they cross two ecological barriers, and converged near common stopover zones in Northern, Central and Western Africa, where they stayed for 2–3 weeks. Nightjars used the same stopover sites as several other European migrants, relying on small and discrete wintering areas within the Democratic Republic of Congo. This confirms the importance of these specific zones and highlights the vulnerability of Western European populations to habitat loss in their non‐breeding areas.  相似文献   

Food acquisition is an important modulator of animal behavior and habitat selection that can affect fitness. Optimal foraging theory predicts that predators should select habitat patches to maximize their foraging success and net energy gain, likely achieved by targeting areas with high prey availability. However, it is debated whether prey availability drives fine‐scale habitat selection for predators. We assessed whether an ambush predator, the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), exhibits optimal foraging site selection based on the spatial distribution and availability of prey. We used passive infrared camera trap detections of potential small mammal prey (Peromyscus spp., Tamias striatus, and Sciurus spp.) to generate variables of prey availability across the study area and used whether a snake was observed in a foraging location or not to model optimal foraging in timber rattlesnakes. Our models of small mammal spatial distributions broadly predicted that prey availability was greatest in mature deciduous forests, but T. striatus and Sciurus spp. exhibited greater spatial heterogeneity compared with Peromyscus spp. We found the spatial distribution of cumulative small mammal encounters (i.e., overall prey availability), rather than the distribution of any one species, to be highly predictive of snake foraging. Timber rattlesnakes appear to forage where the probability of encountering prey is greatest. Our study provides evidence for fine‐scale optimal foraging in a low‐energy, ambush predator and offers new insights into drivers of snake foraging and habitat selection.  相似文献   

The Steinfeld in Lower Austria supports a population of European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) which was extensively studied during 1997 and 1998. The study area encompassed a pine forest of 20 km2. The population densities of 1.05 and 1.25 territories/km2, respectively, lies within the range found in central European populations. Annual monitoring until 2001 has shown the population to be stable. To gain an insight into habitat use of the species, various habitat-related parameters were measured inside and outside the territories, namely structure of trees, density of trees, structure of undergrowth vegetation and structure of clearings. Discriminant analysis was applied to assess the factors responsible for habitat choice of the Nightjar population. The findings showed that the Nightjars territories were frequently centered on a large clearing with an area of at least 0.7 ha. Clearings less than 50 m wide were not colonized. The requirement for a minimum width of a clearing in addition to a minimum area probably relates to better hunting conditions. Nightjars prefer trees where the lower edge of the crown is on average 4.38 m higher than at control points so that males can churr from dead branches immediately below the canopy. Such trees were found on the edge of clearings in the forest, and the edge of a clearing thus had a pronounced effect on the quality of a territory. In contrast to reports in the literature, neither the proportion of bare patches of ground nor the average height of undergrowth vegetation was found to be decisive for territory selection.  相似文献   

Habitat use by birds may be related to single or interacting effects of habitat characteristics, food resources and predators, but little is known about factors affecting habitat use by wetland species in boreal ecosystems. We surveyed brood‐rearing females and ducklings of four common boreal duck species to assess the effects of habitat structure and food resources on the use of wetlands by brood‐rearing ducks. Although wetland use by duck broods was related to habitat structure and food abundance, their relative importance varied among duck species. For the Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, a diving duck, aquatic invertebrates and large emerging insects were the most important factors associated with wetland use. Common Teal Anas crecca broods were observed more often on wetlands with greater Dipteran emergence, whereas in Mallard Anas platyrhynchos both habitat structure and large emerging insects were important. The occurrence of Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope broods was related to emerging Diptera and habitat structure but the associations were not strong. The varying habitat and food requirements of common duck species could influence the success of wetland management programmes, and consideration of these factors may be particularly important for initiatives aimed at harvested species or species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Habitat selection results from trade-offs between availability and use of resources under constraints of predation, competition, or other threats, which can vary spatially and temporally. For northern herbivores, winter food availability and quality can limit population size and may drive habitat preference. North American porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) are widespread generalist herbivores that range from Mexico to the northern reaches of Alaska. During the long Alaskan winter, porcupines deal with high energetic demands resulting from low ambient temperatures while subsisting on low quality forage. We tracked free-ranging porcupines over 3 winters in southcentral Alaska to determine habitat selection and home range size in relation to diet. Porcupines maintained larger than expected home ranges, and selected for conifer-hardwood forests at the home range level. Individual variation among porcupines was too large to determine a pattern of microhabitat selection among trees. Regardless, direct observations revealed that porcupines used only white spruce and paper birch trees for foraging. White spruce may provide some nutritional and thermoregulatory advantage over paper birch; however, porcupines did feed on paper birch cambium, suggesting some nutritional requirement is met by eating paper birch. Porcupines most likely feed on paper birch cambium when detoxification pathways used to process plant toxins in white spruce needles are saturated. Maintaining mixed conifer-hardwood forests in southcentral Alaska would provide suitable winter habitat for porcupines and may alleviate damage to single species stands of conifers or hardwoods that are preferred by commercial forestry operations. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Aim Asian elephants, Elephas maximus, are threatened throughout their range by a combination of logging, large scale forest conversion and conflict with humans. We investigate which environmental factors, both biotic and abiotic, constrain the current distribution of elephants. A spatially explicit habitat model is constructed to find core areas for conservation and to assess current threats. Location Ulu Masen Ecosystem in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Methods A stratified survey was conducted at 12 sites (300 transects) to establish the presence of elephants. Presence records formed the basis to model potential habitat use. Ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA) is used to describe their niche and to identify key factors shaping elephant distribution. An initial niche model was constructed to describe elephant niche structure, and a second model focused on identifying core areas only. To assess the threat of habitat encroachment, overlap between the elephants’ optimal niche and the occurrence of forest encroachment is computed. Results Elephants were recorded throughout the study area from sea level to 1600 m a.s.l. The results show that the elephant niche and consequently habitat use markedly deviates from the available environment. Elephant presence was positively related to forest cover and vegetation productivity, and elephants were largely confined to valleys. A spatially explicit model showed that elephants mainly utilize forest edges. Forest encroachment occurs throughout the elephants range and was found within 80% of the elephants’ ecological niche. Main conclusions In contrast to general opinion, elephant distribution proved to be weakly constrained by altitude, possibly because of movement routes running through mountainous areas. Elephants were often found to occupy habitat patches in and near human‐dominated areas. This pattern is believed to reflect the displacement of elephants from their former habitat.  相似文献   

European haresLepus europaeus Pallas, 1778 have lower population densities and body condition in pastural landscapes than in arable landscapes, but reasons for this are not understood. The aim of this study was to determine whether forage quality is low in pastural landscapes during certain seasons. We carried out chemical analysis of the nutritional quality of 5 habitat types to determine whether hares select high quality habitats, and whether nutritional quality explains seasonal differences in range sizes of hares in pastural landscapes. Hares did not tend to select habitats of high nutritional quality (protein, fat or energy) over those of lower quality. Hares did not increase active range size as the overall energy content of forage at the study site decreased; seasonal differences in active range size were not explained by nutritional quality. Differences may be explained by behavioural changes related to breeding. Pastural habitat is fairly stable in terms of nutritional quality through the year, and results suggest that poor forage quality is unlikely to be responsible for the poor body condition of hares in pastural landscapes. Hares in these landscapes are more likely to be limited by habitat quality in terms of cover than by forage.  相似文献   

Obligate insectivorous birds breeding in high latitudes travel thousands of kilometres during annual movements to track the local seasonal peaks of food abundance in a continuously fluctuating resource landscape. Avian migrants use an array of strategies when conducting these movements depending on e.g. morphology, life history traits and environmental factors encountered en route. Here we used geolocators to derive data on the annual space‐use, temporal pattern and migratory strategies in an Afro‐Palaearctic aerial insectivorous bird species – the European nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus. More specifically, we aimed to test a set of hypothesises pertaining to the migration of a population of nightjars breeding in south‐eastern Sweden. We found that the birds wintered across the central and western parts of the southern tropical Africa almost entirely outside the currently described wintering range of the species. The nightjars performed a narrow loop migration across Sahara, with spring Sahel stopovers significantly to the west of autumn stops indicative to an adaptive response to winds during migration. To our surprise, the migration speed was faster in the autumn (119 km d? 1) than in the spring (99 km d? 1), possibly due to the prevailing wind regimes over the Sahara. The estimated flight fraction in both autumn (14%) and spring (12%) was almost exactly as the theoretically predicted 1:7 time relationship between flights and stopovers for small birds. The temporal patterns within the annual cycle indicate that individuals follow alternative spatiotemporal schedules that converge towards the breeding season. The positive relationship between the spatially and temporally distant winter departure and breeding arrival suggests that individuals´ temporal fine‐tuning to breeding may be constrained, leading to potential negative fitness consequences.  相似文献   

贵州草海越冬黑颈鹤觅食栖息地选择的初步研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
李凤山 《生物多样性》1999,7(4):257-262
本文报道了利用Friedman非参数统计方法,研究越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)在贵州草海对其觅食栖息地选择的结果。在草海的黑颈鹤越冬觅食栖息地可分为5种——莎草草甸、浅水沼泽、草地、玉米地和蔬菜地。黑颈鹤对莎草草甸的选择性最高,对玉米地的选择性最差,对其余类型栖息地的选择随地点的不同而不同。草海的人为活动很多,是影响黑颈鹤利用和选择栖息地的一个重要因素。本文也对改善黑颈鹤越冬栖息地的管理和保护提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Adult human foragers expend roughly 30–60 kcal per km in unburdened walking at optimal speeds.1,2 In the context of foraging rounds and residential moves, they may routinely travel distances of 50–70 km per week, often while carrying loads.3 Movement on the landscape, then, is arguably the single most expensive item in the activity budgets of hunter‐gatherers. Mobility costs may have been greater still for Neandertals. They had stocky, short‐limbed physiques that were energetically costly to move4 and lived in relatively unproductive Pleistocene environments5 that may have required greater movement to deal with problems of biodepletion and resource patchiness.6 But just how mobile were the Neandertals?  相似文献   

To maximize the effectiveness of conservation interventions, it is crucial to have an understanding of how intraspecific variation determines the relative importance of potential limiting factors. For bird populations, limiting factors include nest‐site availability and foraging resources, with the former often addressed through the provision of artificial nestboxes. However, the effectiveness of artificial nestboxes depends on the relative importance of nest‐site vs. foraging resource limitations. Here, we investigate factors driving variation in breeding density, nestbox occupation and productivity in two contrasting study populations of the European Roller Coracias garrulus, an obligate cavity‐nesting insectivorous bird. Breeding density was more than four times higher at the French study site than at the Latvian site, and there was a positive correlation between breeding density (at the 1‐km2 scale) and nest‐site availability in France, whereas there was a positive correlation between breeding density and foraging resource availability in Latvia. Similarly, the probability of a nestbox being occupied increased with predicted foraging resource availability in Latvia but not in France. We detected no positive effect of foraging resource availability on productivity at either site, with most variation in breeding success driven by temporal effects: a seasonal decline in France and strong interannual fluctuations in Latvia. Our results indicate that the factors limiting local breeding density can vary across a species' range, resulting in different conservation priorities. Nestbox provisioning is a sufficient short‐term conservation solution at our French study site, where foraging resources are typically abundant, but in Latvia the restoration of foraging habitat may be more important.  相似文献   

Studying a species under a range of conditions is essential for fully understanding its ecology and for predicting its response to human impacts on the environment. We investigated the spatial behaviour and the habitat characteristics of foraging areas of Eurasian Stone‐curlews breeding in an important but poorly investigated habitat, gravel riverbed, throughout the full 24‐h cycle. The data collected for 17 radiotagged birds nesting in the Taro River Regional Park (Parma, Italy) showed a clear split between diurnal and nocturnal spatial behaviour. Almost all diurnal fixes and about two‐thirds of nocturnal ones were located in the gravel riverbed, which not only provided suitable breeding territories but probably part of the food resources needed for reproduction. Nocturnal excursions from breeding sites to feeding areas (mostly farmland), sometimes of a few kilometres, indicated that these resources do not cover all of the birds’ needs. Night spotlight counts of foraging birds in the agricultural area indicated that Stone‐curlews preferred recently harvested crops (mainly forage and wheat) and piles of farmyard manure. These habitat preferences are closely linked to the predominant agricultural activity of the study area, which is characterized by a high density of dairy farms for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. It seems likely that the proximity of gravel riverbed and farmland habitats is one of the main causes of the high breeding density recorded in the study area. We propose that the conservation of Stone‐curlews at this site could potentially be achieved only by a synergistic management of both natural and agricultural habitats.  相似文献   

Animals select habitats that will ultimately optimize their fitness through access to favorable resources, such as food, mates, and breeding sites. However, access to these resources may be limited by bottom‐up effects, such as availability, and top‐down effects, such as risk avoidance and competition, including that with humans. Competition between wildlife and people over resources, specifically over space, has played a significant role in the worldwide decrease in large carnivores. The goal of this study was to determine the habitat selection of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in a human‐wildlife landscape at multiple spatial scales. Cheetahs are a wide‐ranging, large carnivore, whose significant decline is largely attributed to habitat loss and fragmentation. It is believed that 77% of the global cheetah population ranges outside protected areas, yet little is known about cheetahs’ resource use in areas where they co‐occur with people. The selection, or avoidance, of three anthropogenic variables (human footprint density, distance to main roads and wildlife areas) and five environmental variables (open habitat, semiclosed habitat, edge density, patch density and slope), at multiple spatial scales, was determined by analyzing collar data from six cheetahs. Cheetahs selected variables at different scales; anthropogenic variables were selected at broader scales (720–1440 m) than environmental variables (90–180 m), suggesting that anthropogenic pressures affect habitat selection at a home‐range level, whilst environmental variables influence site‐level habitat selection. Cheetah presence was best explained by human presence, wildlife areas, semiclosed habitat, edge density and slope. Cheetahs showed avoidance for humans and steep slopes and selected for wildlife areas and areas with high proportions of semiclosed habitat and edge density. Understanding a species’ resource requirements, and how these might be affected by humans, is crucial for conservation. Using a multiscale approach, we provide new insights into the habitat selection of a large carnivore living in a human‐wildlife landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract Fine‐scale habitat preferences of three co‐occurring mycophagous mammals were examined in a tropical wet sclerophyll forest community in north‐eastern Australia. Two of the three mammal species responded to fine‐scale variation in vegetation and landform around individual trap locations. At a broad scale, the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica), an endangered marsupial endemic to the Australian wet tropics region, showed a preference for ridges over mid‐slopes and gullies, irrespective of forest type. In contrast, the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), a widespread marsupial, displayed a preference for Eucalyptus woodland over adjacent Allocasuarina forest, irrespective of topographic category. The giant white‐tailed rat (Uromys caudimaculatus), a rodent endemic to the wet tropics, showed no particular preference for either forest type or topographic category. A multiple regression model of mammal capture success against three principal habitat gradients constructed from 21 habitat variables using principal component analysis indicated strong species‐specific preferences for fine‐scale vegetation assemblages. Bettongs preferred areas of Eucalyptus woodland with sparse ground cover, low densities of certain grass species, high density of tree stems and few pig diggings. Bandicoots, in contrast, favoured areas in both forest types with dense ground cover, fewer tree stems and greater numbers of pig diggings; that is, characteristics least favoured by bettongs. The striking differences in fine‐scale habitat preferences of these two mammals of similar body size and broad habitat requirements suggest a high degree of fine‐scale habitat partitioning. White‐tailed rats did not show preference for any of the habitat gradients examined.  相似文献   

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