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The globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola is an umbrella species for fen mires and is at risk of extinction in its westernmost breeding population due to severe habitat loss. We used boosted regression trees to model Aquatic Warbler habitat selection in order to make recommendations for effective management of the last remnant habitats. Habitat data were collected in the years 2004–2006 in all remaining breeding sites in Pomerania (eastern Germany and western Poland) as well as in recently abandoned sites. Models were validated using data from similar Aquatic Warbler habitats in Lithuania. The probability of occurrence of Aquatic Warblers in late May/early June was positively associated with low isolation from other occupied sites, less eutrophic conditions, a high proportion of area mown early in the preceding year, high availability of vegetation 60–70 cm high, high prey abundance and high habitat heterogeneity. Early summer land management is needed in the more productive sites to prevent habitat deterioration by succession to higher and denser vegetation. As this also poses a serious threat to broods, management that creates a mosaic of early and late used patches is recommended to preserve and restore productive Aquatic Warbler sites. In less productive sites, winter mowing can maintain suitable habitat conditions. Aquatic Warbler‐friendly land use supports a variety of other threatened plant and animal species typical of fens and sedge meadows and can meet the economic interests of local land users.  相似文献   

R. JULLIARD  B. BARGAIN  A. DUBOS  & F. JIGUET 《Ibis》2006,148(4):735-743
The migration strategy of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola needs to be known to ensure that effective action is taken to conserve its principal stopover sites. Using data from ringing stations during the autumn migration of reedbed warblers, we developed an index that allowed countries and sites to be compared in terms of their numerical importance to migrating Aquatic Warblers. According to this index, there was no significant decline in the number of Aquatic Warblers migrating through Europe during the 1990s. France appears to receive the largest numbers of this species in autumn compared with other European countries. Within France, only coastal regions are visited by the species (but not in the Mediterranean), with the largest numbers occurring in Normandy and Loire, while Brittany receives large numbers in some years but not in others. We also identified some French sites that are of major importance to migrating Aquatic Warblers depositing reserves on migration. France therefore plays a very important part in providing stopover sites for Aquatic Warblers, which means that France should play a major role in undertaking conservation measures for this threatened species.  相似文献   

The Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) is a song bird breeding in fen mires and similarly structured other wetlands with a water depth of 1–10 cm. Widespread in central-European wetlands at the beginning of the 20th century, the species is now globally threatened. The westernmost and genetically distinct Pomeranian population is even on the verge of extinction. The major challenge in the conservation of remaining habitat is the cost-efficient removal of biomass. About 50% of the Pomeranian population survives in a valley fen near Rozwarowo in Northwest Poland, where between 1993 and 2007 a conspicuous change in breeding habitat has taken place from summer grazed sedge meadows to commercial winter cut reed beds. We compared vegetation structure, site conditions, and potential prey abundance with the distribution and abundance of Aquatic Warblers in Rozwarowo Marshes and studied temporal changes and the compatibility of conservation and reed cutting interests. Aquatic Warblers now occur almost exclusively in sparsely growing, low reed with abundant Thelypteris palustris, Carex elata, and Lysimachia vulgaris. This vegetation type provides more potential prey for Aquatic Warblers than the higher productive tall reed, whereas the patches of sedge vegetation have become too small following succession after abandonment. Currently, commercial reed cutting maintains suitable Aquatic Warbler breeding habitat. Considering the impending changes in the reed market, there is a need for flexible agri-environmental schemes (AES) to ensure that stripes are left uncut and to prevent eutrophication by high and long flooding of the site.  相似文献   

While small antelopes are becoming increasingly threatened, knowledge of their biology is often limited. Management recommendations are therefore frequently based on insufficient information. One of the declining small antelopes is the suni in South Africa. A reduction in sand forests as well as habitat destruction by increased nyala populations are the suggested causes of suni declines. However, no recent study has quantified the factors that underlie suni distribution in southern Africa. Here we investigate whether the vegetation types, vegetation structures or occurrences of sympatric browsers affect suni distribution within Tembe Elephant Park, South Africa. We found that vegetation type and vegetation structure interacted in their effects on suni distribution, but there were no effects of sympatric browsers. Suni were found most often in the sand forests, but were also present in closed woodland. Vegetation structure was, however, related to the local distribution of suni only in sand forest. This highlights that suni are not exclusively bound to sand forest, and also that the vegetation structure within the sand forest may be as important as the vegetation type. We suggest that the current conservation assessment of this subspecies is based on insufficient data, and that a more detailed assessment of their distribution and the factors that determine the same is critically needed.  相似文献   

The influence of habitat characteristics on the distribution of larval and adult Odonata communities in a lowland river in eastern England was studied. There was a longitudinal distribution of Odonata, with larval assemblages being influenced directly by marginal flow velocity, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and phosphate concentrations and indirectly by shade and cover of floating vegetation. Adult populations responded directly to shade, reed cover, amenity-managed land use and bank height, and indirectly to BOD and ammonia concentrations. Distribution patterns were strongly associated with both natural changes along the river system and management impacts. River management practices locally disrupted the natural displacement of species along the river, but whilst some forms of human interference on river systems were beneficial to species richness, the effects on stenotopic species were disadvantageous. To conserve Odonata management emphasis should be on the maintenance of suitable conditions for river specialists.  相似文献   

This study investigated the utilization of mist‐belt grassland habitat by the threatened blue swallow and was conducted over three successive breeding seasons in the Blue Swallow Natural Heritage Site at Kaapsehoop, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Blue swallows significantly preferred wetlands over grasslands for foraging. Sufficient foraging habitat must be within a 1.5 km radius from an active nest site. The minimum size of a pair of blue swallows home range should be 333 ha, consisting at a minimum of grasslands (243 ha or 73%) and wetlands (90 ha or 27%). In order to conserve this threatened species, habitat transformation should not take place within a minimum radius of 1.5 km of any blue swallow nest. Due to the critical dependence of the blue swallow on wetland habitat for foraging, any development outside the 1.5 km radius that would affect hydrology and water quality within this range would need to be considered, and any adverse effect mitigated. Rehabilitation of areas to a grassland/wetland mosaic would rather quickly support foraging, and eventually breeding. Although a better understanding of the dynamics between wetlands and adjacent grasslands regarding blue swallow habitat requirements is needed, action can already be taken, based on our results.  相似文献   

Species with highly restricted ranges are disproportionately at risk of extinction, particularly where habitat loss occurs as a result of mining. Postmining restoration of rare species populations is considered as an appropriate response to counter such threats, but requires a careful, evidence‐based, and information‐driven approach. The economically important diamond mining at Sendelingsdrif in the southern Namib Desert occurs in the highly diverse Succulent Karoo Biome and threatens a significant part of the population of the narrow endemic succulent plant species Juttadinteria albata. To decrease the inherent risks of restoring such a rare species, we studied the habitat features of premining J. albata populations and experimentally tested whether some features could assist future reintroductions in postmining substrates. Plots where J. albata occurred were mostly south‐ to west‐facing and had among others higher rock cover and steeper slopes than plots where J. albata plants were absent. A revegetation experiment, with J. albata cuttings that were established on postmining substrate mounds, revealed that plants on steeper slopes, facing south to west, grew faster than plants on other slopes and aspects. Slope and aspect are therefore important habitat properties to recreate when restoring J. albata populations. These, and other preferred habitat properties such as higher levels of organic C, should now be tested in larger‐scale field trials. Validation of habitat requirements of J. albata through the revegetation experiment has decreased the risks at least partially and provides additional empirical evidence of the importance of establishing reference conditions to enhance ecological restoration.  相似文献   

饶洁  段丁琪  唐强  马明国  韦杰  贺秀斌 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6649-6660
三峡水库蓄水运行形成的极端生境胁迫深刻改变了消落带植被结构和功能。在消落带横向断面高程梯度上,植被生境具有典型的空间异质性。选取三峡水库典型自然恢复消落带,通过野外调查和室内分析,揭示了消落带自然演替植被的群落构成、物种多样性和生物量随高程梯度的分异特征,系统分析了极端淹水、侵蚀-沉积、土壤环境等生境胁迫类型对消落带植被高程梯度分异的影响。结果表明:①研究消落带适生植被以草本为主,共有15科25种23属,其中禾本科种类较多,但单属单种、单优群落现象明显;一年生和多年生草本分别占52%和48%,且一年生草本多在消落带上部定居,多年生草本主要在消落带下部聚集。②物种多样性指数与高程呈正相关趋势,在145-150m范围内较低,在160-170m范围内较高。③植被生物量为199.68-1211.2g/m2,总体呈现随高程增加而显著增加的趋势;受多种生境因子的复合胁迫影响,生物量随高程存在局部波动。④水库水位变动形成淹水时长、出露时令、淹水强度等是影响消落带植被生物量高程梯度分异的主导因子;侵蚀/沉积过程改变土层厚度、根层土壤持水能力和肥力条件,对植被生长产生重要影响;土壤水分和氮是植被生长的限制性因子。因此,优势生境适宜性物种选育、土壤基质保育和植被格局功能优化是三峡水库消落带植被恢复和生态功能重建的重要任务。  相似文献   

The floodplains of the West‐African Sahel region have experienced extensive habitat transformation during the past four decades, coinciding with an impoverishment of raptor populations. We investigated foraging patterns of Palaearctic migratory Eurasian Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus, Pallid Harriers C. macrourus and Montagu’s Harriers C. pygargus on a floodplain system in northern Cameroon to assess species, sex‐ and age‐related habitat preferences. Sex and age have rarely been incorporated into general studies of raptor habitat associations, despite clear evidence of intrasexual and age‐related differences in foraging strategies and diet composition, potentially carrying strong conservation implications. We found evidence of sexual differences in foraging preference related to land use, particularly in the most sexually dimorphic Pallid Harrier, and evidence that juveniles used different habitats to adults. This constitutes the first quantitative documentation of such differentiation by Palaearctic raptors on African wintering grounds, indicating that general patterns of habitat use in wintering raptors may obscure sex‐ and age‐specific preferences. Contrary to expectations, we found limited evidence for interspecific foraging segregation. Food partitioning by prey mass was related to harrier body mass and facilitated by a diverse availability of prey on human‐transformed floodplains. Anticipated further large‐scale conversion of floodplain habitat into predominantly desiccated grasslands raises concerns about the survival of wintering harriers.  相似文献   

The link between environmental temperature, physiological processes and population fluctuations is a significant aspect of insect pest management. Here, we explore how thermal biology affects the population abundance of two globally significant pest fruit fly species, Ceratitis capitata (medfly) and C. rosa (Natal fruit fly), including irradiated individuals and those expressing a temperature sensitive lethal (tsl) mutation that are used in the sterile insect technique. Results show that upper and lower lethal temperatures are seldom encountered at the field sites, while critical minimum temperatures for activity and lower developmental thresholds are crossed more frequently. Estimates of abundance revealed that C. capitata are active year-round, but abundance declines markedly during winter. Temporal autocorrelation of average fortnightly trap captures and of development time, estimated from an integrated model to calculate available degree days, show similar seasonal lags suggesting that population increases in early spring occur after sufficient degree-days have accumulated. By contrast, population collapses coincide tightly with increasing frequency of low temperature events that fall below critical minimum temperatures for activity. Individuals of C. capitata expressing the tsl mutation show greater critical thermal maxima and greater longevity under field conditions than reference individuals. Taken together, this evidence suggests that low temperatures limit populations in the Western Cape, South Africa and likely do so elsewhere. Increasing temperature extremes and warming climates generally may extend the season over which these species are active, and could increase abundance. The sterile insect technique may prove profitable as climates change given that laboratory-reared tsl flies have an advantage under warmer conditions.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that variation in juvenile survival may be particularly important in driving avian population dynamics. The quality of habitats available to inexperienced juveniles of migrant species is critical to their survival because they must obtain enough food to build up fat reserves for migration, while avoiding predation. We radiotracked 110 juvenile Ring Ouzels Turdus torquatus, a species of high conservation concern in the UK, to quantify for the first time seasonal patterns in foraging habitat and food abundance during this potentially key life‐history period. Key attributes of foraging plots were compared with those on control plots (representing the broad habitat types selected by foraging juveniles) during 2007–08. Birds foraged on invertebrates in grass‐rich plots during June to mid‐July and then shifted to foraging mainly on moorland berries in higher‐altitude, heather‐rich plots during mid‐July to early‐September. Juveniles selected invertebrate foraging plots with low soil acidity, and increasingly selected plots with high earthworm (an important food) biomass and grass cover, but low grass and all vegetation height as the season progressed. In contrast, earthworm biomass and grass cover remained constant, and grass and all vegetation height increased, on control plots. Juveniles selected berry foraging plots with higher abundance of ripe Bilberries Vaccinium myrtillus and Crowberries Empetrum nigrum than found on control plots. Juvenile Ring Ouzels thus appear to require access to short, grass‐ and invertebrate‐rich habitat during early summer, and taller, heather‐dominated and berry‐rich areas in late summer. The use of two distinct habitat types during the pre‐migratory period illustrates the need for a detailed understanding of the requirements of juvenile birds.  相似文献   

Many factors have contributed to the richness of narrow endemics in the Mediterranean, including long-lasting human impact on pristine landscapes. The abandonment of traditional land-use practices is causing forest recovery throughout the Mediterranean mountains, by increasing reduction and fragmentation of open habitats. We investigated the population genetic structure and habitat dynamics of Plantago brutia Ten., a narrow endemic in mountain pastures of S Italy. Some plants were cultivated in the botanical garden to explore the species' breeding system. Genetic diversity was evaluated based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) polymorphisms in 150 individuals from most of known stands. Recent dynamics in the species habitat were checked over a 14-year period. Flower phenology, stigma receptivity and experimental pollinations revealed protogyny and self-incompatibility. With the exception of very small and isolated populations, high genetic diversity was found at the species and population level. amova revealed weak differentiation among populations, and the Mantel test suggested absence of isolation-by-distance. Multivariate analysis of population and genetic data distinguished the populations based on genetic richness, size and isolation. Landscape analyses confirmed recent reduction and isolation of potentially suitable habitats. Low selfing, recent isolation and probable seed exchange may have preserved P. brutia populations from higher loss of genetic diversity. Nonetheless, data related to very small populations suggest that this species may suffer further fragmentation and isolation. To preserve most of the species' genetic richness, future management efforts should consider the large and isolated populations recognised in our analyses.  相似文献   

东北虎和东北豹主要捕食马鹿、梅花鹿、狍  及野猪等大中型有蹄类动物,而这些有蹄类的生存依赖森林灌草层的植食性食物资源,形成了东北亚温带森林生态系统完整的啃食食物链 (grazing food chain) 主体。本研究通过对建设中的东北虎豹国家公园东部地区有蹄类栖息地的灌草层植物进行本底调查,获得有蹄类动物的食物资源基线数据。2015年及2016年生长季,在东北虎豹国家公园东部,随机选择141个样地嵌套496条样线,1948个样方,对不同森林结构 (郁闭林及开阔生境,开阔生境包括林窗、林缘和河岸带) 的灌草层植物生物量、食物类别组成 (嫩枝叶、禾莎草、杂类草和蕨类) 及碳、氮含量进行调查分析。研究结果显示:灌草层生物量在开阔生境显著高于郁闭林下 (94.91 g/m2 vs. 30.15 g/m2),达到3.15倍。三种开阔生境下的灌草层食物资源类别组成差异显著,在林窗内以嫩枝叶优势,在林缘以杂类草占优势,在河岸带以蕨类占优势。灌草层中杂类草和嫩枝叶平均氮含量高,杂类草碳含量低、C/N低;四类植物热值均超17kJ/g,其中嫩枝叶最高。嫩枝叶、杂类草占优势的高生物量 (生物量大于40 g/m2) 斑块占郁闭林下的16 %、占开阔生境的50 %左右,可能是精食者 (browser) 的取食热点区域。建议在未来国家公园建设中,在合适的地段保留一定的开阔生境,为梅花鹿等食草动物补充高质量的灌草层食物资源斑块,促进有蹄类动物种群发展,并以此为基础恢复虎豹种群。  相似文献   

The eastern rufous mouse lemur is one of the smallest primate species. It inhabits the eastern rain forest of Madagascar. Its reproductive biology has not been examined because of its rarity in laboratories. We present the first data on reproduction and variation in reproductive success from a breeding colony of wild‐caught Microcebus rufus. The eastern rufous mouse lemur shows a seasonal change in testicular size and in the occurrence of estrus. Females had 2.5 cycles (range, one to four) per season. The estrous cycle length was 59 days (range, 51–66), the duration of vaginal opening during estrus was 7.5 days (range, 5–8), receptivity occurred on the third day of estrus, gestation length was 56.5 days (range, 56–57), litter size was two neonates (range, one to three). The frequency and duration of mating behavior varied widely among the pairs. Copulation seemed to occur on a single day per estrus within the first to fourth hour after light change to red light. In four cases (three pairs), copulation lasted between 15 and 240 seconds. Breeding success can be increased by choosing mates carefully. Microcebus rufus seems to be a seasonal breeder like its sibling species Microcebus murinus. In wild‐caught animals, males seemed to adapt quickly (first season) to the conditions of captivity, whereas in the females, individual variation (first to third season) in reproductive activity was observed. Air humidity of >60% seems to facilitate the breeding success in wild‐caught pairs. First pregnancy and successful rearing of offspring occurred in the second and fourth year of captivity in two of three females. Wild‐caught eastern rufous mouse lemurs seemed to demonstrate variation in adapting to the conditions of captivity with regard to sex and individuality. Zoo Biol 20:157–167, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Application of habitat models for predicting expected local densities of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar in healthy populations has been hampered by a lack of generality in their fit to data from different systems. It is believed that this problem results at least in part from difficulties of effectively integrating factors that act across a range of spatial and temporal scales. Here, as an aid to developing more robust modelling and sampling methodologies, a simple process‐based model for local‐scale dynamics of Atlantic salmon juveniles is developed from first principles by integrating contemporary understanding of self‐thinning, density‐dependent growth and dispersal. The aim is to present a readily understood structure to illustrate the links between spawning and stocking strategies, habitat, migration and fish production. Based on this structure, contemporary understanding of the more complex biological processes that affect density, growth and habitat are discussed in relation to some of the key requirements of managers, including stocking for rehabilitation, assessment of predation impact and development of strategies for sampling populations effectively when deriving habitat‐production models. A major conclusion is that more structured, integrated research is required to provide the basic variables needed to model links between local and global scale habitat and fish production effectively. Nevertheless, application of the current understanding of the biology of Atlantic salmon should be of great benefit to managers in extracting key information from field surveys.  相似文献   

Habitat occupation and habitat overlap of the introduced tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus and co-occurring indigenous fish species were studied in a shallow lowland reservoir in Sri Lanka. Results were used to discuss the possible existence of empty habitats in reservoirs and the position of the introduced O. mossambicus in the fish community. Predictions were made of the effects of a subsidiary small-meshed gillnet fishery for indigenous minor cyprinids on the yield of tilapia. The zooplanktivorous halfbeak Hyporamphus gaimardi, an indigenous invader from brackish water estuaries and lagoons, has successfully colonized the pelagic habitat in this reservoir. The habitat of the introduced O. mossambicus overlapped significantly with those of the indigenous minor cyprinids. Only the smallest size classes of O. mossambicus (below 45 mm) arc spatially segregated from these cyprinids. Spatial distribution patterns are influenced by the rainy seasons which trigger an inshore movement of O. mossambicus and several other species around November and May. Barbus spp, (Cyprinidae) need riverine habitats for spawning, but for all other species the available habitats within the reservoir are suitable to complete their full life cycle. Exploitation of Barbus spp. with gillnets with a mesh size of 30-mm stretched mesh is predicted to have considerable detrimental effects on the existing fishery for O. mossambicus. However, a gillnet fishery with 15-mm stretched mesh to exploit Amblypharyngodon melettinus, Rasbora daniconius and H. gaimardi in the open water zone is expected to be successful without harming the existing fishery for O, mossambicus or the populations of Barbus spp.  相似文献   

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