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The E6 proteins of the high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) have been shown to form a complex with and induce the degradation of human p53 in vitro. To determine whether p53 is degraded more rapidly in cells expressing E6 in vivo, the half-life of p53 was determined by pulse-chase analysis in early-passage normal human keratinocytes and fibroblasts, human keratinocytes immortalized with HPV type 16 (HPV16) E6 plus E7, and nonimmortal keratinocytes transfected with E6. The results of these experiments indicate that (i) the half-life of newly synthesized p53 is relatively long (4 h) in early-passage human keratinocytes and fibroblasts but short in keratinocytes expressing E6 (15 to 30 min), (ii) a similar increased rate of p53 degradation was measured in lines immortalized with HPV16 E6 plus E7 and senescent cells expressing E6, indicating that this increase is not simply the result of selection in the immortalized lines, and (iii) very low levels of expression of E6 result in a greatly decreased half-life of p53, suggesting that E6 acts in a catalytic manner.  相似文献   

Transfection of the E6 and E7 genes of the high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) into primary genital keratinocytes generates colonies of proliferating cells which are resistant to calcium- and serum-induced terminal differentiation. To genetically map the HPV gene(s) responsible for this cellular phenotype, we cloned cDNAs for full-length E6, full-length E7, four truncated E6 splice variants (E6I to E6IV), and a series of E6 C-terminal truncation mutants into a simian virus 40 expression vector. The E6 proteins were tagged with the AU1 epitope at the C terminus to verify their expression in COS cells by immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence. Transfection of the full-length E6 protein, either wild type or epitope tagged, induced calcium- and serum-resistant keratinocyte colonies, but the truncated E6 variants and full-length E7 protein did not. E6-induced colonies, while altered in response to serum and calcium, could not be established into cell lines without the combined presence of the E7 protein, further exemplifying the independent roles of E6 and E7 in cell differentiation and cell proliferation. The E6 C-terminal deletion mutants defined two distinct functional domains between amino acids 120 and 151. Amino acids 120 to 151 contained an apparent bipartite nuclear localization signal, whereas amino acids 132 to 141 were required for the induction of resistance to calcium- and serum-induced differentiation and for immortalization of human keratinocytes in conjunction with E7.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E6 and E7 are selectively retained and expressed in HPV16-associated human genital tumors. E6 is active in several cell culture assays, including transformation of NIH 3T3 cells, trans activation of the adenovirus E2 promoter, and cooperation with E7 to immortalize normal human keratinocytes. Biochemically, the HPV16 E6 protein has been shown to bind to tumor suppressor protein p53 in vitro and induce its degradation in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate. To examine the relationship between the various biological activities of E6 and inactivation of p53, we tested the abilities of dominant negative mutants of p53 to substitute functionally for E6 in the three cell culture assays. While wild-type p53 inhibited keratinocyte proliferation, both mouse and human mutant p53s, in conjunction with E7, increased proliferation of the keratinocytes, resulting in generation of immortalized lines. However, in contrast to E6, mutant p53 was unable to induce transformation or trans activate the adenovirus E2 promoter in NIH 3T3 cells. These results suggest that inactivation of wild-type p53 is necessary for HPV-induced immortalization of human keratinocytes and that different or additional activities are required for E6-dependent transformation and trans activation of NIH 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus types (HPVs) most often associated with cancer of the cervix, such as HPV16, have been reported previously to immortalize normal human foreskin keratinocytes in vitro, while the types that are primarily associated with benign cervical lesions failed to do so. In this study we have determined the HPV16 genes that are responsible for the immortalizing activity of the viral genome. Transfection with a plasmid in which E6 and E7 were the only intact open reading frames (ORFs) induced an indefinite life-span in the keratinocytes with an efficiency similar to that of the entire early region of the viral DNA. Mutants in the E6E7 clone with inactivating lesions in E6 or E7 failed to induce immortalization. When transfected alone, E7 could induce hyperproliferation, but these cells eventually senesced. By itself, E6 exhibited no activity, Co-transfection of a plasmid with an intact E6 ORF and a second plasmid with an intact E7 ORF generated keratinocyte lines with indefinite growth potential. The E6 and E7 proteins were detected in the lines induced by the E6E7 DNA and by co-transfection of the E6 and E7 plasmids. Therefore, we conclude that HPV16 E6 and E7 cooperative to immortalize human keratinocytes in vitro. Changes in cellular gene expression are probably also required for immortalization since all of the keratinocyte lines examined were aneuploid. Serum and calcium resistant sublines were isolated from the E6E7 induced lines, indicating that other HPV genes do not play an obligatory role in the generation of resistance to differentiation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Binding of the retinoblastoma gene product (pRB) by viral oncoproteins, including the E7 of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV 16), is thought to be important in transformation of cells. One of the steps in transformation is the immortalization process. Here we show that mutations in E7 within the full-length genome which inhibit binding of pRB do not abrogate the ability of the HPV 16 DNA to immortalize primary human epithelial (keratinocyte) cells. A mutation in one of the cysteines of a Cys-X-X-Cys motif which is contained in the carboxy half of the E7 and is part of a zinc finger arrangement completely eliminates the ability of HPV 16 DNA to immortalize cells. The results indicate the importance of E7 in the immortalization of primary keratinocytes but suggest that the binding of pRB is not essential.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E6 and E7 oncogenes are thought to play a role in the development of most human cervical cancers. These E6 and E7 oncoproteins affect cell growth control at least in part through their association with and inactivation of the cellular tumor suppressor gene products, p53 and Rb. To study the biological activities of the HPV-16 E6 and E7 genes in epithelial cells in vivo, transgenic mice were generated in which expression of E6 and E7 was targeted to the ocular lens. Expression of the transgenes correlated with bilateral microphthalmia and cataracts (100% penetrance) resulting from an efficient impairment of lens fiber cell differentiation and coincident induction of cell proliferation. Lens tumors formed in 40% of adult mice from the mouse lineage with the highest level of E6 and E7 expression. Additionally, when lens cells from neonatal transgenic animals were placed in tissue culture, immortalized cell populations grew out and acquired a tumorigenic phenotype with continuous passage. These observations indicate that genetic changes in addition to the transgenes are likely necessary for tumor formation. These transgenic mice and cell lines provide the basis for further studies into the mechanism of action of E6 and E7 in eliciting the observed pathology and into the genetic alterations required for HPV-16-associated tumor progression.  相似文献   

M Conrad  V J Bubb    R Schlegel 《Journal of virology》1993,67(10):6170-6178
The human papillomavirus (HPV) E5 proteins are predicted from DNA sequence analysis to be small hydrophobic molecules, and the HPV type 6 (HPV-6) and HPV-11 E5 proteins share several structural similarities with the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) E5 protein. Also similar to the BPV-1 E5 protein, the HPV-6 and HPV-16 E5 proteins exhibit transforming activity when assayed on NIH 3T3 and C127 cells. In this study, we expressed epitope-tagged E5 proteins from both the "low-risk" HPV-6 and the "high-risk" HPV-16 in order to permit their immunologic identification and biochemical characterization. While the HPV-6 and HPV-16 E5 proteins fail to form disulfide-linked dimers and oligomers, they did resemble the BPV-1 E5 protein in their intracellular localization to the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and nuclear membranes. In addition, the HPV E5 proteins also bound to the 16-kDa pore-forming protein component of the vacuolar ATPase, a known characteristic of the BPV-1 E5 protein. These studies reveal a common intramembrane localization and potential cellular protein target for both the BPV and HPV E5 proteins.  相似文献   

We used a model system of normal human keratinocytes (HKc) and HKc immortalized with human papillomavirus type 16 DNA (HKc/HPV16) to investigate the effects of alpha interferons (IFN-alpha) on the growth of HPV16-immortalized human epithelial cells, on HPV16-mediated immortalization of normal HKc, and on HPV16 gene expression. Normal HKc and HKc/HPV16 were treated with several recombinant human IFN-alpha subtypes (IFN-alpha B, IFN-alpha D, and IFN-alpha B/D). These IFN-alpha subtypes inhibited proliferation of both normal HKc and HKc/HPV16 in a dose-dependent fashion; however, although 1,000 to 10,000 U of IFN-alpha per ml were required to inhibit growth of normal HKc, HKc/HPV16 were substantially growth inhibited by 100 U/ml. In addition, 100 U of IFN-alpha B/D per ml inhibited transformation of normal HKc by HPV16 DNA. Northern (RNA) blot analysis showed no effect of IFN-alpha on the mRNA levels of the HPV16 E6 and E7 open reading frames. However, immunofluorescence studies of the HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins with anti-E6 and anti-E7 monoclonal antibodies showed significant inhibition of E7 protein expression in cells treated with IFN-alpha, whereas E6 protein expression was not altered. The inhibition of E7 protein expression in cells treated with IFN-alpha was further confirmed by Western immunoblot analysis. These results suggest that IFN-alpha may inhibit HPV16-mediated transformation of HKc and proliferation of HKc/HPV16 through an inhibition of HPV16 E7 protein expression.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are small DNA tumor viruses that are the causative agent of warts and are associated with many anogenital cancers. The viral gene encoding the E6 protein has been found to be involved in HPV oncogenesis. E6 is known to inactivate the cellular tumor suppressor, p53. In addition, E6 has been shown to bind to a variety of other cellular proteins. The focus of this study was to determine what role the interactions of E6 with a subset of cellular proteins which contain a common alpha-helical domain in their E6 binding region (alpha-helix partners) play in E6-mediated phenotypes. We generated transgenic mice expressing a mutant of E6, E6(I128T), which is defective for binding at least a subset of the alpha-helix partners, including E6AP, the ubiquitin ligase that mediates E6-dependent degradation of the p53 protein, to determine whether binding of alpha-helix partners plays a role in E6-mediated activities in vivo. Unlike mice expressing the wild-type E6 (strain K14E6(WT)), the mice expressing E6(I128T) lacked the ability to alter the radiation-induced block to DNA synthesis and promote the formation of benign skin tumors in conjunction with chemical carcinogens. Additionally, they displayed reduced levels of skin hyperplasia, spontaneous skin tumors, and tumor progression activity compared to those of the K14E6(WT) mice. From these results, we conclude that a domain in E6 that mediates alpha-helix partner binding is critical for E6-induced phenotypes in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

The E6 oncoproteins encoded by the cancer-associated human papillomaviruses (HPVs) can associate with and promote the degradation of wild-type p53 in vitro. To gain further insight into this process, the ability of HPV-16 E6 to complex with and promote the degradation of mutant forms of p53 was studied. A correlation between binding and the targeted degradation of p53 was established. Mutant p53 proteins that bound HPV-16 E6 were targeted for degradation, whereas those that did not complex HPV-16 E6 were not degraded. Since the HPV-16 E6-promoted degradation involves the ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis pathway, specific mutations were made in the amino terminus of p53 to examine whether the E6 targeted degradation involved the N-end rule pathway. No requirement for destabilizing amino acids at the N terminus of p53 was found, nor was evidence found that HPV-16 E6 could provide this determinant in trans, indicating that the N-terminal rule pathway is not involved in the E6-promoted degradation of p53.  相似文献   

To examine the biological properties of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV) and human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E5 genes, each was cloned separately into a retroviral expression vector and helper-free recombinant viruses were generated in packaging cell lines. The BPV E5 retroviruses efficiently caused morphologic and tumorigenic transformation of cultured lines of murine fibroblasts, whereas the HPV16 E5 viruses were inactive in these assays. In contrast, infection of the p117 established line of murine epidermal keratinocytes with either the BPV or the HPV16 E5 retrovirus resulted in the generation of tumorigenic cells. Pam212 murine keratinocytes were also transformed to tumorigenicity by the HPV16 E5 gene but not by the gene carrying a frameshift mutation. These results establish that the HPV16 E5 gene is a transforming gene in cells related to its normal host epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The early human papillomavirus type 16 genes that directly participate in the in vitro transformation of primary human keratinocytes have been defined. In the context of the full viral genome, mutations in either the E6 or E7 open reading frame completely abrogated transformation of these cells. Mutations in the E1, E2, and E2-E4 open reading frames, on the other hand, had no effect. Thus, both the full-length E6 and E7 genes were required for the induction of keratinocyte immortalization and resistance to terminal differentiation. The E6 and E7 genes expressed together from the human beta-actin promoter were sufficient for this transformation; mutation of either gene in the context of this recombinant plasmid eliminated the ability to induce stable differentiation-resistant transformants.  相似文献   

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