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Enzymes that degrade cellulose into glucose are one of the most expensive components of processes for converting cellulosic biomass to fuels and chemicals. Cellulase enzyme Cel7A is the most abundant enzyme naturally employed by fungi to depolymerize cellulose, and like other cellulases is inhibited by its product, cellobiose. There is thus great economic incentive for minimizing the detrimental effects of product inhibition on Cel7A. In this work, we experimentally generated 10 previously proposed site‐directed mutant Cel7A enzymes expected to have reduced cellobiose binding energies (the majority of mutations were to alanine). We then tested their resilience to cellobiose as well as their hydrolytic activities on microcrystalline cellulose. Although every mutation tested conferred reduced product inhibition (and abolished it for some), our results confirm a trade‐off between Cel7A tolerance to cellobiose and enzymatic activity: Reduced product inhibition was accompanied by lower overall enzymatic activity on crystalline cellulose for the mutants tested. The tempering effect of mutations on inhibition was nearly constant despite relatively large differences in activities of the mutants. Our work identifies an amino acid in the Cel7A product binding site of interest for further mutational studies, and highlights both the challenge and the opportunity of enzyme engineering toward improving product tolerance in Cel7A. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2016;113: 330–338. © 2015 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Renewable fuels produced from biomass‐derived sugars are receiving increasing attention. Lignocellulose‐degrading enzymes derived from fungi are attractive for saccharification of biomass because they can be produced at higher titers and at significantly less cost than those produced by bacteria or archaea. However, their properties can be suboptimal; for example, they are subject to product inhibition and are sensitive to small changes in pH. Furthermore, increased thermostability would be advantageous for saccharification as increased temperature may reduce the opportunity for microbial contamination. We have developed a mutagenesis platform to improve these properties and applied it to increase the operating temperature and thermostability of the fungal glycosyl hydrolase Cel7A. Secretion of Cel7A at titers of 26 mg/L with limited hyperglycosylation was achieved using a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain with upregulated protein disulfide isomerase, an engineered α‐factor prepro leader, and deletion of a plasma membrane ATPase. Using biased clique shuffling (BCS) of 11 Cel7A genes, we generated a small library (469) rich in activity (86% of the chimeras were active) and identified 51 chimeras with improved thermostability, many of which contained mutations in the loop networks that extend over the enzyme's active site. This BCS library was far superior as a source of active and stable chimeras compared to an equimolar library prepared from the same 11 genes. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 2710–2719. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) has been studied with purified endoglucanases Hi Cel5A (EG II), Hi Cel7B (EG I), and Hi Cel45A (EG V) from Humicola insolens, and Tr Cel7B (EG I), Tr Cel12A (EG III), and Tr Cel45Acore (EG V) from Trichoderma reesei. The CMC, with a degree of substitution (DS) of 0.7, was hydrolyzed with a single enzyme until no further hydrolysis was observed. The hydrolysates were analyzed for production of substituted and non-substituted oligosaccharides with size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Production of reducing ends and of nonsubstituted oligosaccharides was determined as well. The two most effective endoglucanases for CMC hydrolysis were Hi Cel5A and Tr Cel7B. These enzymes degraded CMC to lower molar mass fragments compared with the other endoglucanases. The products had the highest DS determined by MALDI-TOF-MS. Thus, Hi Cel5A and Tr Cel7B were less inhibited by the substituents than the other endoglucanases. The endoglucanase with clearly the lowest activity on CMC was Tr Cel45Acore. It produced less than half of the amount of reducing ends compared to Tr Cel7B; furthermore, the products had significantly lower DS. By MALDI-TOF-MS, oligosaccharides with different degree of polymerization (DP) and with different number of substituents could be separated and identified. The average oligosaccharide DS as function of DP could be measured for each enzyme after hydrolysis. The combination of techniques for analysis of product formation gave information on average length of unsubstituted blocks of CMC.  相似文献   

从海栖热袍菌中克隆出编码热稳定性的纤维素酶基因,以热激载体pHsh为表达质粒,构建重组质粒phsh—Ceff4,并转化至大肠杆菌中进行表达。基因表达产物通过热处理和离子交换层析,重组酶纯度达电泳纯。对纯化的重组酶酶学性质研究表明,最适反应温度85℃,最适反应pH4.6,pH4.5—6.0之间酶的相对酶活在80%以上。Co^2+对酶活性有促进作用,Ca^2+、Mg^2+、Zn^2+不影响酶活性,而Cu^2+、Ni^2+、Mn^2+对酶活性有抑制作用。  相似文献   

The exo-loop of Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase Cel7A forms the roof of the active site tunnel at the catalytic centre. Mutants were designed to study the role of this loop in crystalline cellulose degradation. A hydrogen bond to substrate made by a tyrosine at the tip of the loop was removed by the Y247F mutation. The mobility of the loop was reduced by introducing a new disulphide bridge in the mutant D241C/D249C. The tip of the loop was deleted in mutant Delta(G245-Y252). No major structural disturbances were observed in the mutant enzymes, nor was the thermostability of the enzyme affected by the mutations.The Y247F mutation caused a slight k(cat) reduction on 4-nitrophenyl lactoside, but only a small effect on cellulose hydrolysis. Deletion of the tip of the loop increased both k(cat) and K(M) and gave reduced product inhibition. Increased activity was observed on amorphous cellulose, while only half the original activity remained on crystalline cellulose. Stabilisation of the exo-loop by the disulphide bridge enhanced the activity on both amorphous and crystalline cellulose. The ratio Glc(2)/(Glc(3)+Glc(1)) released from cellulose, which is indicative of processive action, was highest with Tr Cel7A wild-type enzyme and smallest with the deletion mutant on both substrates. Based on these data it seems that the exo-loop of Tr Cel7A has evolved to facilitate processive crystalline cellulose degradation, which does not require significant conformational changes of this loop.  相似文献   

Understanding the depolymerization mechanisms of cellulosic substrates by cellulase cocktails is a critical step towards optimizing the production of monosaccharides from biomass. The Spezyme CP cellulase cocktail combined with the Novo 188 β‐glucosidase blend was used to depolymerize bacterial microcrystalline cellulose (BMCC), which was immobilized on a glass surface. The enzyme mixture was supplemented with a small fraction of fluorescently labeled Trichoderma reseii Cel7A, which served as a reporter to track cellulase binding onto the physical structure of the cellulosic substrate. Both micro‐scale imaging and bulk experiments were conducted. All reported experiments were conducted at 50°C, the optimal temperature for maximum hydrolytic activity of the enzyme cocktail. BMCC structure was observed throughout degradation by labeling it with a fluorescent dye. This method allowed us to measure the binding of cellulases in situ and follow the temporal morphological changes of cellulose during its depolymerization by a commercial cellulase mixture. Three kinetic models were developed and fitted to fluorescence intensity data obtained through confocal microscopy: irreversible and reversible binding models, and an instantaneous binding model. The models were successfully used to predict the soluble sugar concentrations that were liberated from BMCC in bulk experiments. Comparing binding and kinetic parameters from models with different assumptions to previously reported constants in the literature led us to conclude that exposing new binding sites is an important rate‐limiting step in the hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 108–117. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Parsiegla G  Belaïch A  Belaïch JP  Haser R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(37):11134-11142
Cellulases cleave the beta-1.4 glycosidic bond of cellulose. They have been characterized as endo or exo and processive or nonprocessive cellulases according to their action mode on the substrate. Different types of these cellulases may coexist in the same glycoside hydrolase family, which have been classified according to their sequence homology and catalytic mechanism. The bacterium C. celluloyticum produces a set of different cellulases who belong mostly to glycoside hydrolase families 5 and 9. As an adaptation of the organism to different macroscopic substrates organizations and to maximize its cooperative digestion, it is expected that cellulases of these families are active on the various macroscopic organizations of cellulose chains. The nonprocessive cellulase Cel9M is the shortest variant of family 9 cellulases (subgroup 9(C)) which contains only the catalytic module to interact with the substrate. The crystal structures of free native Cel9M and its complex with cellobiose have been solved to 1.8 and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. Other structurally known family 9 cellulases are the nonprocessive endo-cellulase Cel9D from C. thermocellum and the processive endo-cellulase Cel9A from T. fusca, from subgroups 9(B1) and 9(A), respectively, whose catalytic modules are fused to a second domain. These enzymes differ in their activity on substrates with specific macroscopic appearances. The comparison of the catalytic module of Cel9M with the two other known GH family 9 structures may give clues to explain its substrate profile and action mode.  相似文献   

A new cellulosomal protein from Clostridium cellulolyticum Cel9M was characterized. The protein contains a catalytic domain belonging to family 9 and a dockerin domain. Cel9M is active on carboxymethyl cellulose, and the hydrolysis of this substrate is accompanied by a decrease in viscosity. Cel9M has a slight, albeit significant, activity on both Avicel and bacterial microcrystalline cellulose, and the main soluble sugar released is cellotetraose. Saccharification of bacterial microcrystalline cellulose by Cel9M in association with two other family 9 enzymes from C. cellulolyticum, namely, Cel9E and Cel9G, was measured, and it was found that Cel9M acts synergistically with Cel9E. Complexation of Cel9M with the mini-CipC1 containing the cellulose binding domain, the X2 domain, and the first cohesin domain of the scaffoldin CipC of the bacterium did not significantly increase the hydrolysis of Avicel and bacterial microcrystalline cellulose.  相似文献   

Thermostability is an important feature in industrial enzymes: it increases biocatalyst lifetime and enables reactions at higher temperatures, where faster rates and other advantages ultimately reduce the cost of biocatalysis. Here we report the thermostabilization of a chimeric fungal family 6 cellobiohydrolase (HJPlus) by directed evolution using random mutagenesis and recombination of beneficial mutations. Thermostable variant 3C6P has a half‐life of 280 min at 75°C and a T50 of 80.1°C, a ~15°C increase over the thermostable Cel6A from Humicola insolens (HiCel6A) and a ~20°C increase over that from Hypocrea jecorina (HjCel6A). Most of the mutations also stabilize the less‐stable HjCel6A, the wild‐type Cel6A closest in sequence to 3C6P. During a 60‐h Avicel hydrolysis, 3C6P released 2.4 times more cellobiose equivalents at its optimum temperature (Topt) of 75°C than HiCel6A at its Topt of 60°C. The total cellobiose equivalents released by HiCel6A at 60°C after 60 h is equivalent to the total released by 3C6P at 75°C after ~6 h, a 10‐fold reduction in hydrolysis time. A binary mixture of thermostable Cel6A and Cel7A hydrolyzes Avicel synergistically and released 1.8 times more cellobiose equivalents than the wild‐type mixture, both mixtures assessed at their respective Topt. Crystal structures of HJPlus and 3C6P, determined at 1.5 and 1.2 Å resolution, indicate that the stabilization comes from improved hydrophobic interactions and restricted loop conformations by introduced proline residues. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1874–1883. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

There is a high level of conservation of tryptophans within the active site architecture of the cellulase family, whereas the function of the four tryptophans in the catalytic domain of Cel7A is unclear. By mutating four tryptophan residues in the catalytic domain of Cel7A from Penicillium piceum (PpCel7A), the binding affinity between PpCel7A and p-nitrophenol-d -cellobioside (pNPC) was reduced as determined by Michaelis–Menten constants, molecular dynamics simulations, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Furthermore, PpCel7A variants showed a reduced level of cellobiohydrolase (CBH) activity against cellulose analogs or natural cellulose. Therefore, it could be concluded four tryptophan residues in Cel7A played a critical role in substrate binding. Mutagenesis results indicated that the W390 stacking interactions at the −2 site played an essential role in facilitating substrate distortion to the −1 site. As soon as the function was altered, the mutation would inevitably affect the catalytic activity against the natural substrate. Interestingly, no clear relationship was found between the CBH activity of PpCel7A variants against pNPC and Avicel. p-Nitrophenol contains many electrophilic groups that may result in overestimation of the binding constant between tryptophan residues and pNPC in comparison with the natural substrate. Consequently, screening improved cellulase using cellulose analogs would divert attention from the target direction for lignocellulose biorefinery. Clarifying mechanism of catalytic diversity on the natural cellulose or cellulose analogs may give better insight into cellulase screening and selecting strategy.  相似文献   

The binding of cellobiohydrolases to cellulose is a crucial initial step in cellulose hydrolysis. In the search for a detailed understanding of the function of cellobiohydrolases, much information concerning how the enzymes and their constituent catalytic and cellulose-binding domains interact with cellulose and with each other and how binding changes during hydrolysis is still needed. In this study we used tritium labeling by reductive methylation to monitor binding of the two Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolases, Cel6A and Cel7A (formerly CBHII and CBHI), and their catalytic domains. Measuring hydrolysis by high-performance liquid chromatography and measuring binding by scintillation counting allowed us to correlate activity and binding as a function of the extent of degradation. These experiments showed that the density of bound protein increased with both Cel6A and Cel7A as hydrolysis proceeded, in such a way that the adsorption points moved off the initial binding isotherms. We also compared the affinities of the cellulose-binding domains and the catalytic domains to the affinities of the intact proteins and found that in each case the affinity of the enzyme was determined by the linkage between the catalytic and cellulose-binding domains. Desorption of Cel6A by dilution of the sample showed hysteresis (60 to 70% reversible); in contrast, desorption of Cel7A did not show hysteresis and was more than 90% reversible. These findings showed that the two enzymes differ with respect to the reversibility of binding.  相似文献   

The binding of cellobiohydrolases to cellulose is a crucial initial step in cellulose hydrolysis. In the search for a detailed understanding of the function of cellobiohydrolases, much information concerning how the enzymes and their constituent catalytic and cellulose-binding domains interact with cellulose and with each other and how binding changes during hydrolysis is still needed. In this study we used tritium labeling by reductive methylation to monitor binding of the two Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolases, Cel6A and Cel7A (formerly CBHII and CBHI), and their catalytic domains. Measuring hydrolysis by high-performance liquid chromatography and measuring binding by scintillation counting allowed us to correlate activity and binding as a function of the extent of degradation. These experiments showed that the density of bound protein increased with both Cel6A and Cel7A as hydrolysis proceeded, in such a way that the adsorption points moved off the initial binding isotherms. We also compared the affinities of the cellulose-binding domains and the catalytic domains to the affinities of the intact proteins and found that in each case the affinity of the enzyme was determined by the linkage between the catalytic and cellulose-binding domains. Desorption of Cel6A by dilution of the sample showed hysteresis (60 to 70% reversible); in contrast, desorption of Cel7A did not show hysteresis and was more than 90% reversible. These findings showed that the two enzymes differ with respect to the reversibility of binding.  相似文献   

Summary Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) was used to characterize a commercial cellulase preparation (Celluclast 1.5L, Novozymes) in relation to its protein profile and activity against hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) and other substrates. Co-elution of CBHII (Cel 6A) with other enzyme components of the cellulase system was characterized by immunochemical assays using monoclonal antibodies, whereas the occurrence of EGII (Cel 5A) was assessed based on its ability to cleave the heterosidic bond of 4-methylumbellyferyl-β-d-cellotrioside (MUmbG3). The main cellulase constituents of Celluclast 1.5L were pooled into six fractions containing EGII (Cel 5A) and EGIII (Cel 12A) (F1), EGII and CBHII (Cel 6A) (F2), CBHII and EGI (Cel 7B) (F3), EGI (F4), and CBHI (Cel 7A) (F5). The occurrence of CBHI core protein within the CBHI fraction of the FPLC profile was determined by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Using this method, we were able to demonstrate that the batch of Celluclast 1.5L used in this study contained 10.9–18.8% of CBHI as its corresponding free core protein.  相似文献   

Due to its elevated cellulolytic activity, the filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum (T. harzianum) has considerable potential in biomass hydrolysis application. Cellulases from Trichoderma reesei have been widely used in studies of cellulose breakdown. However, cellulases from T. harzianum are less-studied enzymes that have not been characterized biophysically and biochemically as yet. Here, we examined the effects of pH and temperature on the secondary and tertiary structures, compactness, and enzymatic activity of cellobiohydrolase Cel7A from T. harzianum (Th Cel7A) using a number of biophysical and biochemical techniques. Our results show that pH and temperature perturbations affect Th Cel7A stability by two different mechanisms. Variations in pH modify protonation of the enzyme residues, directly affecting its activity, while leading to structural destabilization only at extreme pH limits. Temperature, on the other hand, has direct influence on mobility, fold, and compactness of the enzyme, causing unfolding of Th Cel7A just above the optimum temperature limit. Finally, we demonstrated that incubation with cellobiose, the product of the reaction and a competitive inhibitor, significantly increased the thermal stability of Th Cel7A. Our studies might provide insights into understanding, at a molecular level, the interplay between structure and activity of Th Cel7A at different pH and temperature conditions.  相似文献   

We measured hydrolytic rates of four purified cellulases in small increments of temperature (10–50 °C) and substrate loads (0–100 g/liter) and analyzed the data by a steady state kinetic model that accounts for the processive mechanism. We used wild type cellobiohydrolases (Cel7A) from mesophilic Hypocrea jecorina and thermophilic Rasamsonia emersonii and two variants of these enzymes designed to elucidate the role of the carbohydrate binding module (CBM). We consistently found that the maximal rate increased strongly with temperature, whereas the affinity for the insoluble substrate decreased, and as a result, the effect of temperature depended strongly on the substrate load. Thus, temperature had little or no effect on the hydrolytic rate in dilute substrate suspensions, whereas strong temperature activation (Q10 values up to 2.6) was observed at saturating substrate loads. The CBM had a dual effect on the activity. On one hand, it diminished the tendency of heat-induced desorption, but on the other hand, it had a pronounced negative effect on the maximal rate, which was 2-fold larger in variants without CBM throughout the investigated temperature range. We conclude that although the CBM is beneficial for affinity it slows down the catalytic process. Cel7A from the thermophilic organism was moderately more activated by temperature than the mesophilic analog. This is in accord with general theories on enzyme temperature adaptation and possibly relevant information for the selection of technical cellulases.  相似文献   

Adenosine 5'-triphosphate or ATP is the primary energy source within the cell, releasing its energy via hydrolysis into adenosine 5'-diphosphate or ADP. Actin is an important ATPase involved in many aspects of cellular function, and the binding and hydrolysis of ATP regulates its polymerization into actin filaments as well as its interaction with a host of actin-associated proteins. Here we study the dynamics of monomeric actin in ATP, ADP-Pi, and ADP states via molecular dynamics simulations. As observed in some crystal structures we see that the DNase-I loop is an alpha-helix in the ADP state but forms an unstructured coil domain in the ADP-Pi and ATP states. We also find that this secondary structure change is reversible, and by mimicking nucleotide exchange we can observe the transition between the helical and coil states. Apart from the DNase-I loop, we also see several key structural differences in the nucleotide binding cleft as well as in the hydrophobic cleft between subdomains 1 and 3 where WH2-containing proteins have been shown to interact. These differences provide a structural basis for understanding the observed differences between the various nucleotide states of actin and provide some insight into how ATP regulates the interaction of actin with itself and other proteins.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis experiments suggest that Asp79 in cellulase Cel6A (E2) from Thermobifida fusca has a catalytic role, in spite of the fact that this residue is more than 13 A from the scissile bond in models of the enzyme-substrate complex built upon the crystal structure of the protein. This suggests that there is a substantial conformational shift in the protein upon substrate binding. Molecular mechanics simulations were used to investigate possible alternate conformations of the protein bound to a tetrasaccharide substrate, primarily involving shifts of the loop containing Asp79, and to model the role of water in the active site complex for both the native conformation and alternative low-energy conformations. Several alternative conformations of reasonable energy have been identified, including one in which the overall energy of the enzyme-substrate complex in solution is lower than that of the conformation in the crystal structure. This conformation was found to be stable in molecular dynamics simulations with a cellotetraose substrate and water. In simulations of the substrate complexed with the native protein conformation, the sugar ring in the -1 binding site was observed to make a spontaneous transition from the (4)C(1) conformation to a twist-boat conformer, consistent with generally accepted glycosidase mechanisms. Also, from these simulations Tyr73 and Arg78 were found to have important roles in the active site. Based on the results of these various MD simulations, a new catalytic mechanism is proposed. Using this mechanism, predictions about the effects of changes in Arg78 were made which were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

beta-catenin plays essential roles in cell adhesion and Wnt signaling, while deregulation of beta-catenin is associated with multiple diseases including cancers. Here, we report the crystal structures of full-length zebrafish beta-catenin and a human beta-catenin fragment that contains both the armadillo repeat and the C-terminal domains. Our structures reveal that the N-terminal region of the C-terminal domain, a key component of the C-terminal transactivation domain, forms a long alpha helix that packs on the C-terminal end of the armadillo repeat domain, and thus forms part of the beta-catenin superhelical core. The existence of this helix redefines our view of interactions of beta-catenin with some of its critical partners, including ICAT and Chibby, which may form extensive interactions with this C-terminal domain alpha helix. Our crystallographic and NMR studies also suggest that the unstructured N-terminal and C-terminal tails interact with the ordered armadillo repeat domain in a dynamic and variable manner.  相似文献   

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