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Analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum genome reveals a limited number of putative autophagy genes, specifically the four genes involved in ATG8 lipidation, an essential step in formation of autophagosomes. In yeast, Atg8 lipidation requires the E1-type ligase Atg7, an E2-type ligase Atg3, and a cysteine protease Atg4. These four putative P. falciparum ATG (PfATG) genes are transcribed during the parasite’s erythrocytic stages. PfAtg7 has relatively low identity and similarity to yeast Atg7 (14.7% and 32.2%, respectively), due primarily to long insertions typical of P. falciparum. Excluding the insertions the identity and similarity are higher (38.0% and 70.8%, respectively). This and the fact that key residues are conserved, including the catalytic cysteine and ATP binding domain, we hypothesize that PfAtg7 is the activating enzyme of PfAtg8. To assess the role of PfAtg7 we have generated two transgenic parasite lines. In one, the PfATG7 locus was modified to introduce a C-terminal hemagglutinin tag. Western blotting reveals two distinct protein species, one migrating near the predicted 150 kDa and one at approximately 65 kDa. The second transgenic line introduces an inducible degradation domain into the PfATG7 locus, allowing us to rapidly attenuate PfAtg7 protein levels. Corresponding species are also observed in this parasite line at approximately 200 kDa and 100 kDa. Upon PfATG7 attenuation parasites exhibit a slow growth phenotype indicating the essentiality of this putative enzyme for normal growth.  相似文献   

We are interested in asparagine-linked glycans (N-glycans) of Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii, because their N-glycan structures have been controversial and because we hypothesize that there might be selection against N-glycans in nucleus-encoded proteins that must pass through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) prior to threading into the apicoplast. In support of our hypothesis, we observed the following. First, in protists with apicoplasts, there is extensive secondary loss of Alg enzymes that make lipid-linked precursors to N-glycans. Theileria makes no N-glycans, and Plasmodium makes a severely truncated N-glycan precursor composed of one or two GlcNAc residues. Second, secreted proteins of Toxoplasma, which uses its own 10-sugar precursor (Glc3Man5GlcNAc2) and the host 14-sugar precursor (Glc3Man9GlcNAc2) to make N-glycans, have very few sites for N glycosylation, and there is additional selection against N-glycan sites in its apicoplast-targeted proteins. Third, while the GlcNAc-binding Griffonia simplicifolia lectin II labels ER, rhoptries, and surface of plasmodia, there is no apicoplast labeling. Similarly, the antiretroviral lectin cyanovirin-N, which binds to N-glycans of Toxoplasma, labels ER and rhoptries, but there is no apicoplast labeling. We conclude that possible selection against N-glycans in protists with apicoplasts occurs by eliminating N-glycans (Theileria), reducing their length (Plasmodium), or reducing the number of N-glycan sites (Toxoplasma). In addition, occupation of N-glycan sites is markedly reduced in apicoplast proteins versus some secretory proteins in both Plasmodium and Toxoplasma.Animals, fungi, and plants synthesize Asn-linked glycans (N-glycans) by means of a lipid-linked precursor containing 14 sugars (dolichol-PP-Glc3Man9GlcNAc2) (26). Recently we used bioinformatics and experimental methods to show that numerous protists are missing sets of glycosyltransferases (Alg1 to Alg14) and so make truncated N-glycan precursors containing 0 to 11 sugars (46). For example, Entamoeba histolytica, which causes dysentery, makes N-glycan precursors that contain seven sugars (Man5GlcNAc2) (33). Giardia lamblia, a cause of diarrhea, makes N-glycan precursors that contain just GlcNAc2 (41). N-glycan precursors may be identified by metabolic labeling with radiolabeled mannose (Entamoeba) or glucosamine (Giardia) (46). Unprocessed N-glycans of each protist may be recognized by wheat germ agglutinin 1 (WGA-1) (GlcNAc2 of Giardia) or by the antiretroviral lectin cyanovirin-N (Man5GlcNAc2 of Entamoeba) (2, 33, 41).N-glycans are transferred from lipid-linked precursors to sequons (Asn-Xaa-Ser or Asn-Xaa-Thr, where Xaa cannot be Pro) on nascent peptides by an oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) (28). For the most part, transfer of N-glycans by the OST is during translocation, although there are human and Trypanosoma OSTs that transfer N-glycans after translocation (34, 45).N-glycan-dependent quality control (QC) systems for protein folding and endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD), which are present in most eukaryotes, are missing from Giardia and a few other protists that make truncated N-glycans (5, 26, 53). There is positive Darwinian selection for sequons (sites of N-glycans) that contain Thr in secreted and membrane proteins of organisms that have N-glycan-dependent QC (12). This selection occurs for the most part by an increased probability that Asn and Thr will be present in sequons rather than elsewhere in secreted and membrane proteins. In contrast, there is no selection on sequons that contain Ser, and there is no selection on sequons in the secreted proteins of organisms that lack N-glycan-dependent QC.For numerous reasons, we are interested in the N-glycans of Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii, which cause severe malaria and disseminated infections, respectively.(i) There has been controversy for a long time as to whether Plasmodium makes N-glycans. While some investigators identified a 14-sugar Plasmodium N-glycan resembling that of the human host (29), others identified no N-glycans (6, 22).(ii) There is also controversy concerning whether the N-glycans of Toxoplasma, after removal of Glc by glucosidases in the ER lumen, contain either 7 sugars (Man5GlcNAc2), like Entamoeba (32, 33), or 11 sugars (Man9GlcNAc2), like the human host (16, 19, 26). If it is Man5GlcNAc2, then Toxoplasma uses the dolichol-PP-linked glycan predicted by its set of Alg enzymes (32, 46). If it is Man9GlcNAc2, then Toxoplasma uses the dolichol-PP-linked glycan of the host cell (16, 19, 26).(iii) Both Plasmodium and Toxoplasma are missing proteins involved in N-glycan-dependent QC of protein folding (5).(iv) We hypothesize that there may be negative selection against N-glycans in Plasmodium and Toxoplasma, because the N-glycans added in the ER lumen during translocation will likely interfere with threading of nucleus-encoded apicoplast proteins into a nonphotosynthetic, chloroplast-derived organelle called the apicoplast (21, 35, 37, 48, 52, 54). Nucleus-encoded apicoplast proteins have a bipartite signal at the N terminus, which targets proteins first to the lumen of the ER and second to lumen of the apicoplast. This bipartite signal has been used in transformed plasmodia where green fluorescent protein (GFP) is targeted to the apicoplast with the bipartite signal of the acyl carrier protein (ACPleader-GFP), to the secretory system with the signal sequence only (ACPsignal-GFP), and to the cytosol with the organelle-targeting transit peptide only (ACPtransit-GFP) (55). Similar constructs have been used to characterize signals that target nucleus-encoded proteins of Toxoplasma to the apicoplast (11, 25).Here we use a combination of bioinformatic, biochemical, and morphological methods to characterize the N-glycans of Plasmodium and Toxoplasma and to test our hypothesis that there is negative selection against N-glycans in protists with apicoplasts.  相似文献   



Modulation of infected host cells by intracellular pathogens is a prerequisite for successful establishment of infection. In the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, potential candidates for erythrocyte remodelling include the apicomplexan-specific FIKK kinase family (20 members), several of which have been demonstrated to be transported into the erythrocyte cytoplasm via Maurer''s clefts.


In the current work, we have knocked out two members of this gene family (Pf fikk7.1 and Pf fikk12), whose products are localized at the inner face of the erythrocyte membrane. Both mutant parasite lines were viable and erythrocytes infected with these parasites showed no detectable alteration in their ability to adhere in vitro to endothelial receptors such as chondroitin sulfate A and CD36. However, we observed sizeable decreases in the rigidity of infected erythrocytes in both knockout lines. Mutant parasites were further analyzed using a phospho-proteomic approach, which revealed distinct phosphorylation profiles in ghost preparations of infected erythrocytes. Knockout parasites showed a significant reduction in the level of phosphorylation of a protein of approximately 80 kDa for FIKK12-KO in trophozoite stage and a large protein of about 300 kDa for FIKK7.1-KO in schizont stage.


Our results suggest that FIKK members phosphorylate different membrane skeleton proteins of the infected erythrocyte in a stage-specific manner, inducing alterations in the mechanical properties of the parasite-infected red blood cell. This suggests that these host cell modifications may contribute to the parasites'' survival in the circulation of the human host.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum infections in malaria endemic areas often harbor multiple clones of parasites. However, the transmission success of the different genotypes within the mosquito vector has remained elusive so far. The genetic diversity of malaria parasites was measured by using microsatellite markers in gametocyte isolates from 125 asymptomatic carriers. For a subset of 49 carriers, the dynamics of co-infecting genotypes was followed until their development within salivary glands. Also, individual oocysts from midguts infected with blood from 9 donors were genotyped to assess mating patterns. Multiplicity of infection (MOI) was high both in gametocyte isolates and sporozoite populations, reaching up to 10 genotypes. Gametocyte isolates with multiple genotypes gave rise to lower infection prevalence and intensity. Fluctuations of genotype number occurred during the development within the mosquito and sub-patent genotypes, not detected in gametocyte isolates, were identified in the vector salivary glands. The inbreeding coefficient Fis was positively correlated to the oocyst loads, suggesting that P. falciparum parasites use different reproductive strategies according to the genotypes present in the gametocyte isolate. The number of parasite clones within an infection affects the transmission success and the mosquito has an important role in maintaining P. falciparum genetic diversity. Our results emphasize the crucial importance of discriminating between the different genotypes within an infection when studying the A. gambiae natural resistance to P. falciparum, and the need to monitor parasite diversity in areas where malaria control interventions are implemented.  相似文献   

Understanding the transmission and movement of Plasmodium parasites is crucial for malaria elimination and prevention of resurgence. Located at the limit of malaria transmission in the Pacific, Vanuatu is an ideal candidate for elimination programs due to low endemicity and the isolated nature of its island setting. We analyzed the variation in the merozoite surface protein 1 (msp1) and the circumsporozoite protein (csp) of P. falciparum and P. vivax populations to examine the patterns of gene flow and population structures among seven sites on five islands in Vanuatu. Genetic diversity was in general higher in P. vivax than P. falciparum from the same site. In P. vivax, high genetic diversity was likely maintained by greater extent of gene flow among sites and among islands. Consistent with the different patterns of gene flow, the proportion of genetic variance found among islands was substantially higher in P. falciparum (28.81–31.23%) than in P. vivax (-0.53–3.99%). Our data suggest that the current island-by-island malaria elimination strategy in Vanuatu, while adequate for P. falciparum elimination, might need to be complemented with more centrally integrated measures to control P. vivax movement across islands.  相似文献   

Environmental microbial community analysis typically involves amplification by PCR, despite well-documented biases. We have developed two methods of PCR-independent microbial community analysis using the high-density microarray PhyloChip: direct hybridization of 16S rRNA (dirRNA) or rRNA converted to double-stranded cDNA (dscDNA). We compared dirRNA and dscDNA communities to PCR-amplified DNA communities using a mock community of eight taxa, as well as experiments derived from three environmental sample types: chromium-contaminated aquifer groundwater, tropical forest soil, and secondary sewage in seawater. Community profiles by both direct hybridization methods showed differences that were expected based on accompanying data but that were missing in PCR-amplified communities. Taxon richness decreased in RNA compared to that in DNA communities, suggesting a subset of 20% in soil and 60% in groundwater that is active; secondary sewage showed no difference between active and inactive populations. Direct hybridization of dscDNA and RNA is thus a viable alternative to PCR-amplified microbial community analysis, providing identification of the active populations within microbial communities that attenuate pollutants, drive global biogeochemical cycles, or proliferate disease states.  相似文献   

Malaria, the disease caused by Plasmodium parasites, remains a major global health burden. The liver stage of Plasmodium falciparum infection is a leading target for immunological and pharmacological interventions. Therefore, novel approaches providing specific detection and isolation of live P. falciparum exoerythrocytic forms (EEFs) are warranted. Utilizing a recently generated parasite strain expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) we established a method which, allows for detection and isolation of developing live P. falciparum liver stages by flow cytometry. Using this technique we compared the susceptibility of five immortalized human hepatocyte cell lines and primary hepatocyte cultures from three donors to infection by P. falciparum sporozoites. Here, we show that EEFs can be detected and isolated from in vitro infected cultures of the HC-04 cell line and primary human hepatocytes. We confirmed the presence of developing parasites in sorted live human hepatocytes and characterized their morphology by fluorescence microscopy. Finally, we validated the practical applications of our approach by re-examining the importance of host ligand CD81 for hepatocyte infection by P. falciparum sporozoites in vitro and assessment of the inhibitory activity of anti-sporozoite antibodies. This methodology provides us with the tools to study both, the basic biology of the P. falciparum liver stage and the effects of host-derived factors on the development of P. falciparum EEFs.  相似文献   

Chronic atrial fibrillation (AF) is a complex disease with underlying changes in electrophysiology, calcium signaling and the structure of atrial myocytes. How these individual remodeling targets and their emergent interactions contribute to cell physiology in chronic AF is not well understood. To approach this problem, we performed in silico experiments in a computational model of the human atrial myocyte. The remodeled function of cellular components was based on a broad literature review of in vitro findings in chronic AF, and these were integrated into the model to define a cohort of virtual cells. Simulation results indicate that while the altered function of calcium and potassium ion channels alone causes a pronounced decrease in action potential duration, remodeling of intracellular calcium handling also has a substantial impact on the chronic AF phenotype. We additionally found that the reduction in amplitude of the calcium transient in chronic AF as compared to normal sinus rhythm is primarily due to the remodeling of calcium channel function, calcium handling and cellular geometry. Finally, we found that decreased electrical resistance of the membrane together with remodeled calcium handling synergistically decreased cellular excitability and the subsequent inducibility of repolarization abnormalities in the human atrial myocyte in chronic AF. We conclude that the presented results highlight the complexity of both intrinsic cellular interactions and emergent properties of human atrial myocytes in chronic AF. Therefore, reversing remodeling for a single remodeled component does little to restore the normal sinus rhythm phenotype. These findings may have important implications for developing novel therapeutic approaches for chronic AF.  相似文献   

Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to almost all antimalarial drugs, including the first-line treatment with artemisinins, has been described, representing an obvious threat to malaria control. In vitro antimalarial sensitivity testing is crucial to detect and monitor drug resistance. Current assays have been successfully used to detect drug effects on parasites. However, they have some limitations, such as the use of radioactive or expensive reagents or long incubation times. Here we describe a novel assay to detect antimalarial drug effects, based on flow cytometric detection of hemozoin (Hz), which is rapid and does not require any additional reagents. Hz is an optimal parasite maturation indicator since its amount increases as the parasite matures. Due to its physical property of birefringence, Hz depolarizes light, hence it can be detected using optical methods such as flow cytometry. A common flow cytometer was adapted to detect light depolarization caused by Hz. Synchronized in vitro cultures of P. falciparum were incubated for 48 hours with several antimalarial drugs. Analysis of depolarizing events, corresponding to parasitized red blood cells containing Hz, allowed the detection of parasite maturation. Moreover, chloroquine resistance and the inhibitory effect of all antimalarial drugs tested, except for pyrimethamine, could be determined as early as 18 to 24 hours of incubation. At 24 hours incubation, 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were comparable to previously reported values. These results indicate that the reagent-free, real-time Hz detection assay could become a novel assay for the detection of drug effects on Plasmodium falciparum.  相似文献   

Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease; yet half of the world''s population lives at risk of infection, and an estimated 660,000 people die of malaria-related causes every year. Rising drug resistance threatens to make malaria untreatable, necessitating both the discovery of new antimalarial agents and the development of strategies to identify and suppress the emergence and spread of drug resistance. We focused on in-development dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) inhibitors. Characterizing resistance pathways for antimalarial agents not yet in clinical use will increase our understanding of the potential for resistance. We identified resistance mechanisms of Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) DHODH inhibitors via in vitro resistance selections. We found 11 point mutations in the PfDHODH target. Target gene amplification and unknown mechanisms also contributed to resistance, albeit to a lesser extent. These mutant parasites were often hypersensitive to other PfDHODH inhibitors, which immediately suggested a novel combination therapy approach to preventing resistance. Indeed, a combination of wild-type and mutant-type selective inhibitors led to resistance far less often than either drug alone. The effects of point mutations in PfDHODH were corroborated with purified recombinant wild-type and mutant-type PfDHODH proteins, which showed the same trends in drug response as the cognate cell lines. Comparative growth assays demonstrated that two mutant parasites grew less robustly than their wild-type parent, and the purified protein of those mutants showed a decrease in catalytic efficiency, thereby suggesting a reason for the diminished growth rate. Co-crystallography of PfDHODH with three inhibitors suggested that hydrophobic interactions are important for drug binding and selectivity.  相似文献   

Development of resistance against current antimalarial drugs necessitates the search for novel drugs that interact with different targets and have distinct mechanisms of action. Malaria parasites depend upon high levels of glucose uptake followed by inefficient metabolic utilization via the glycolytic pathway, and the Plasmodium falciparum hexose transporter PfHT, which mediates uptake of glucose, has thus been recognized as a promising drug target. This transporter is highly divergent from mammalian hexose transporters, and it appears to be a permease that is essential for parasite viability in intra-erythrocytic, mosquito, and liver stages of the parasite life cycle. An assay was developed that is appropriate for high throughput screening against PfHT based upon heterologous expression of PfHT in Leishmania mexicana parasites that are null mutants for their endogenous hexose transporters. Screening of two focused libraries of antimalarial compounds identified two such compounds that are high potency selective inhibitors of PfHT compared to human GLUT1. Additionally, 7 other compounds were identified that are lower potency and lower specificity PfHT inhibitors but might nonetheless serve as starting points for identification of analogs with more selective properties. These results further support the potential of PfHT as a novel drug target.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) play an important role in the development and pathogenicity of malaria parasites. One of the most prominent functions of Hsps is to facilitate the folding of other proteins. Hsps are thought to play a crucial role when malaria parasites invade their host cells and during their subsequent development in hepatocytes and red blood cells. It is thought that Hsps maintain proteostasis under the unfavourable conditions that malaria parasites encounter in the host environment. Although heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is capable of independent folding of some proteins, its functional cooperation with heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) facilitates folding of some proteins such as kinases and steroid hormone receptors into their fully functional forms. The cooperation of Hsp70 and Hsp90 occurs through an adaptor protein called Hsp70-Hsp90 organising protein (Hop). We previously characterised the Hop protein from Plasmodium falciparum (PfHop). We observed that the protein co-localised with the cytosol-localised chaperones, PfHsp70-1 and PfHsp90 at the blood stages of the malaria parasite. In the current study, we demonstrated that PfHop is a stress-inducible protein. We further explored the direct interaction between PfHop and PfHsp70-1 using far Western and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analyses. The interaction of the two proteins was further validated by co-immunoprecipitation studies. We observed that PfHop and PfHsp70-1 associate in the absence and presence of either ATP or ADP. However, ADP appears to promote the association of the two proteins better than ATP. In addition, we investigated the specific interaction between PfHop TPR subdomains and PfHsp70-1/ PfHsp90, using a split-GFP approach. This method allowed us to observe that TPR1 and TPR2B subdomains of PfHop bind preferentially to the C-terminus of PfHsp70-1 compared to PfHsp90. Conversely, the TPR2A motif preferentially interacted with the C-terminus of PfHsp90. Finally, we observed that recombinant PfHop occasionally eluted as a protein species of twice its predicted size, suggesting that it may occur as a dimer. We conducted SPR analysis which suggested that PfHop is capable of self-association in presence or absence of ATP/ADP. Overall, our findings suggest that PfHop is a stress-inducible protein that directly associates with PfHsp70-1 and PfHsp90. In addition, the protein is capable of self-association. The findings suggest that PfHop serves as a module that brings these two prominent chaperones (PfHsp70-1 and PfHsp90) into a functional complex. Since PfHsp70-1 and PfHsp90 are essential for parasite growth, findings from this study are important towards the development of possible antimalarial inhibitors targeting the cooperation of these two chaperones.  相似文献   



Plasmodium malariae is a slow-growing parasite with a wide geographic distribution. Although generally regarded as a benign cause of malaria, it has been associated with nephrotic syndrome, particularly in young children, and can persist in the host for years. Morbidity associated with P. malariae infection has received relatively little attention, and the risk of P. malariae-associated nephrotic syndrome is unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used data from a very large hospital-based surveillance system incorporating information on clinical diagnoses, blood cell parameters and treatment to describe the demographic distribution, morbidity and mortality associated with P. malariae infection in southern Papua, Indonesia. Between April 2004 and December 2013 there were 1,054,674 patient presentations to Mitra Masyarakat Hospital of which 196,380 (18.6%) were associated with malaria and 5,097 were with P. malariae infection (constituting 2.6% of all malaria cases). The proportion of malaria cases attributable to P. malariae increased with age from 0.9% for patients under one year old to 3.1% for patients older than 15 years. Overall, 8.5% of patients with P. malariae infection required admission to hospital and the median length of stay for these patients was 2.5 days (Interquartile Range: 2.0–4.0 days). Patients with P. malariae infection had a lower mean hemoglobin concentration (9.0g/dL) than patients with P. falciparum (9.5g/dL), P. vivax (9.6g/dL) and mixed species infections (9.3g/dL). There were four cases of nephrotic syndrome recorded in patients with P. malariae infection, three of which were in children younger than 5 years old, giving a risk in this age group of 0.47% (95% Confidence Interval; 0.10% to 1.4%). Overall, 2.4% (n = 16) of patients hospitalized with P. malariae infection subsequently died in hospital, similar to the proportions for the other endemic Plasmodium species (range: 0% for P. ovale to 1.6% for P. falciparum).


Plasmodium malariae infection is relatively uncommon in Papua, Indonesia but is associated with significant morbidity from anemia and a similar risk of mortality to patients hospitalized with P. falciparum and P. vivax infection. In our large hospital database, one in 200 children under the age of 5 years with P. malariae infection were recorded as having nephrotic syndrome.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method for detection of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infection in anophelines using a triplex TaqMan real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay (18S rRNA). We tested the assay on Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles stephensi colony mosquitoes fed with Plasmodium-infected blood meals and in duplicate on field collected An. darlingi. We compared the real-time PCR results of colony-infected and field collected An. darlingi, separately, to a conventional PCR method. We determined that a cytochrome b-PCR method was only 3.33% as sensitive and 93.38% as specific as our real-time PCR assay with field-collected samples. We demonstrate that this assay is sensitive, specific and reproducible.  相似文献   

Cerebral malaria, a major cause of death during malaria infection, is characterised by the sequestration of infected red blood cells (IRBC) in brain microvessels. Most of the molecules implicated in the adhesion of IRBC on endothelial cells (EC) are already described; however, the structure of the IRBC/EC junction and the impact of this adhesion on the EC are poorly understood. We analysed this interaction using human brain microvascular EC monolayers co-cultured with IRBC. Our study demonstrates the transfer of material from the IRBC to the brain EC plasma membrane in a trogocytosis-like process, followed by a TNF-enhanced IRBC engulfing process. Upon IRBC/EC binding, parasite antigens are transferred to early endosomes in the EC, in a cytoskeleton-dependent process. This is associated with the opening of the intercellular junctions. The transfer of IRBC antigens can thus transform EC into a target for the immune response and contribute to the profound EC alterations, including peri-vascular oedema, associated with cerebral malaria.  相似文献   

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