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The most common mutation in the alpha subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1) component of the human pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) is arginine-234 to glycine and glutamine in 12 and 3 patients, respectively. Interestingly, these two mutations at the same amino acid position cause E1 (and hence PDC) deficiency by apparently different mechanisms. Recombinant human R234Q E1 had similar V(max) (25.7 +/- 4.4 units/mg E1) and apparent K(m) (101 +/- 4 nM) values for TPP as recombinant wild-type human E1, while R234G E1 had no significant change in V(max) (33.6 +/- 4.7 units/mg E1) but had a 7-fold increase in its apparent K(m) value for TPP (497 +/- 25 nM). Both of the R234 mutant proteins had similar apparent K(m) values for pyruvate. Both R234Q and R234G mutant proteins displayed similar phosphorylation rates of sites 1 and 2 by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 (PDK2) and site 3 by PDK1 compared to wild-type E1. Phosphorylated R234Q E1, R234G E1, and wild-type E1 also had similar dephosphorylation rates of sites 1 and 2 by phosphopyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase 1. The rate of dephosphorylation of site 3 was about 50% for R234Q E1 and without a significant change for R234G E1 compared to the wild type. The data indicate that the patients with the R234G E1 mutation are symptomatic due to a decreased ability of this mutant protein to bind TPP, whereas the patients with the R234Q E1 mutation are symptomatic due to a decreased rate of dephosphorylation of site 3, hence keeping the enzyme in a phosphorylated/inactivated form.  相似文献   

Among highly conserved residues in eucaryotic mitochondrial malate dehydrogenases are those with roles in maintaining the interactions between identical monomeric subunits that form the dimeric enzymes. The contributions of two of these residues, Asp-43 and His-46, to structural stability and catalytic function were investigated by construction of mutant enzymes containing Asn-43 and Leu-46 substitutions using in vitro mutagenesis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene (MDH1) encoding mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. The mutant enzymes were expressed in and purified from a yeast strain containing a disruption of the chromosomal MDH1 locus. The enzyme containing the H46L substitution, as compared to the wild type enzyme, exhibits a dramatic shift in the pH profile for catalysis toward an optimum at low pH values. This shift corresponds with an increased stability of the dimeric form of the mutant enzyme, suggesting that His-46 may be the residue responsible for the previously described pH-dependent dissociation of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. The D43N substitution results in a mutant enzyme that is essentially inactive in in vitro assays and that tends to aggregate at pH 7.5, the optimal pH for catalysis for the dimeric wild type enzyme.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is a common, immune-mediated genetic disorder of the skin and is associated with arthritis in approximately 30% of cases. Previously, we localized PSORS2 (psoriasis susceptibility locus 2) to chromosomal region 17q25.3-qter after a genome-wide linkage scan in a family of European ancestry with multiple cases of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Linkage to PSORS2 was also observed in a Taiwanese family with multiple psoriasis-affected members. In caspase recruitment domain family, member 14 (CARD14), we identified unique gain-of-function mutations that segregated with psoriasis by using genomic capture and DNA sequencing. The mutations c.349G>A (p.Gly117Ser) (in the family of European descent) and c.349+5G>A (in the Taiwanese family) altered splicing between CARD14 exons 3 and 4. A de novo CARD14 mutation, c.413A>C (p.Glu138Ala), was detected in a child with sporadic, early-onset, generalized pustular psoriasis. CARD14 activates nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), and compared with wild-type CARD14, the p.Gly117Ser and p.Glu138Ala substitutions were shown to lead to enhanced NF-kB activation and upregulation of a subset of psoriasis-associated genes in keratinocytes. These genes included chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 (CCL20) and interleukin 8 (IL8). CARD14 is localized mainly in the basal and suprabasal layers of healthy skin epidermis, whereas in lesional psoriatic skin, it is reduced in the basal layer and more diffusely upregulated in the suprabasal layers of the epidermis. We propose that, after a triggering event that can include epidermal injury, rare gain-of-function mutations in CARD14 initiate a process that includes inflammatory cell recruitment by keratinocytes. This perpetuates a vicious cycle of epidermal inflammation and regeneration, a cycle which is the hallmark of psoriasis.  相似文献   

The pheochromocytomas are an important cause of secondary hypertension. Although pheochromocytoma susceptibility may be associated with germline mutations in the tumor-suppressor genes VHL and NF1 and in the proto-oncogene RET, the genetic basis for most cases of nonsyndromic familial pheochromocytoma is unknown. Recently, pheochromocytoma susceptibility has been associated with germline SDHD mutations. Germline SDHD mutations were originally described in hereditary paraganglioma, a dominantly inherited disorder characterized by vascular tumors in the head and the neck, most frequently at the carotid bifurcation. The gene products of two components of succinate dehydrogenase, SDHC and SDHD, anchor the gene products of two other components, SDHA and SDHB, which form the catalytic core, to the inner-mitochondrial membrane. Although mutations in SDHC and in SDHD may cause hereditary paraganglioma, germline SDHA mutations are associated with juvenile encephalopathy, and the phenotypic consequences of SDHB mutations have not been defined. To investigate the genetic causes of pheochromocytoma, we analyzed SDHB and SDHC, in familial and in sporadic cases. Inactivating SDHB mutations were detected in two of the five kindreds with familial pheochromocytoma, two of the three kindreds with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma susceptibility, and 1 of the 24 cases of sporadic pheochromocytoma. These findings extend the link between mitochondrial dysfunction and tumorigenesis and suggest that germline SDHB mutations are an important cause of pheochromocytoma susceptibility.  相似文献   

The deficiency of the enzyme glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase leads to predominant accumulation of glutaric acid (GA) in the organism and is known as glutaric acidemia type I (GA1). Despite the mechanisms of brain damage involved in GA1 are not fully understood, oxidative stress may be involved in this process. Treatment is based on protein/lysine (Lys) restriction and l-carnitine (L-car) supplementation. L-car was recently shown to have an important antioxidant role. A knockout mice model (Gcdh?/?) submitted to a dietary overload of Lys was developed to better understand the GA1 pathogenesis. In this study, we evaluated L-car and glutarylcarnitine levels, the lipid and protein damage, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and antioxidant enzymes activities in striatum of Gcdh?/? and wild-type (WT) mice. We also determined the effect of the L-car treatment on these parameters. Thirty-day-old Gcdh?/? and WT mice were fed a normal chow (0.9% Lys) or submitted to a high Lys diet (4.7%) for 72 h. Additionally, these animals were administered with three intraperitoneal injections of saline or L-car in different times. Gcdh?/? mice were deficient in L-car and presented a higher glutarylcarnitine levels. They also presented lipid and protein damage, an increased ROS production and altered antioxidant enzymes compared to WT mice. Additionally, mice exposed to Lys overload presented higher alterations in these parameters than mice under normal diet, which were significantly decreased or normalized in those receiving L-car. Thus, we demonstrated a new beneficial effect of the L-car treatment attenuating or abolishing the oxidative stress process in Gcdh?/? mice.  相似文献   

Zellweger cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome is a severe congenital disorder associated with defective peroxisomal biogenesis. At least 23 PEX genes have been reported to be essential for peroxisome biogenesis in various species, indicating the complexity of peroxisomal assembly. Cells from patients with peroxisomal biogenesis disorders have previously been shown to segregate into >/=12 complementation groups. Two patients assigned to complementation group G who had not been linked previously to a specific gene defect were confirmed as displaying a cellular phenotype characterized by a lack of even residual peroxisomal membrane structures. Here we demonstrate that this complementation group is associated with mutations in the PEX3 gene, encoding an integral peroxisomal membrane protein. Homozygous PEX3 mutations, each leading to C-terminal truncation of PEX3, were identified in the two patients, who both suffered from a severe Zellweger syndrome phenotype. One of the mutations involved a single-nucleotide insertion in exon 7, whereas the other was a single-nucleotide substitution eight nucleotides from the normal splice site in the 3' acceptor site of intron 10. Expression of wild-type PEX3 in the mutant cell lines restored peroxisomal biogenesis, whereas transfection of mutated PEX3 cDNA did not. This confirmed that the causative gene had been identified. The observation of peroxisomal formation in the absence of morphologically recognizable peroxisomal membranes challenges the theory that peroxisomes arise exclusively by growth and division from preexisting peroxisomes and establishes PEX3 as a key factor in early human peroxisome synthesis.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that ionizing radiation-induced disruptions in mitochondrial O? metabolism lead to persistent heritable increases in steady-state levels of intracellular superoxide (O?(?U+2212)) and hydrogen peroxide (H?O?) that contribute to the biological effects of radiation. Hamster fibroblasts (B9 cells) expressing a mutation in the gene coding for the mitochondrial electron transport chain protein succinate dehydrogenase subunit C (SDHC) demonstrate increases in steady-state levels of O??- and H?O?. When B9 cells were exposed to low-dose/low-LET radiation (5-50 cGy), they displayed significantly increased clonogenic cell killing compared with parental cells. Clones derived from B9 cells overexpressing a wild-type human SDHC (T4, T8) demonstrated significantly increased surviving fractions after exposure to 5-50 cGy relative to B9 vector controls. In addition, pretreatment with polyethylene glycol-conjugated CuZn superoxide dismutase and catalase as well as adenoviral-mediated overexpression of MnSOD and/or mitochondria-targeted catalase resulted in significantly increased survival of B9 cells exposed to 10 cGy ionizing radiation relative to vector controls. Adenoviral-mediated overexpression of either MnSOD or mitochondria-targeted catalase alone was equally as effective as when both were combined. These results show that mammalian cells over expressing mutations in SDHC demonstrate low-dose/low-LET radiation sensitization that is mediated by increased levels of O??- and H?O?. These results also support the hypothesis that mitochondrial O??- and H?O? originating from SDH are capable of playing a role in low-dose ionizing radiation-induced biological responses.  相似文献   

3-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IPMDH) is a dimeric enzyme with a strongly hydrophobic core that is composed of residues from four alpha-helices. We replaced Glu253, which is found in the hydrophobic core and is part of the subunit interface of the Bacillus subtilis (Bs) IPMDH, with several other amino acids to probe. The thermostabilities of the mutants were assessed by measuring the residual enzymatic activities at 40 degrees C after heat treatment and by monitoring changes in ellipticity at 222 nm as the environmental temperature increased incrementally. The results of these studies indicate that, for residues with non-polar side chains, when positioned at residue 253, the thermostabilities of their corresponding mutants correlate positively with the relative hydrophobicities of the side chains. Relative activities of all mutants are lower than that of the wild-type enzyme. For two of the mutants, we directly show that the substitution at position 253 negatively affects Mn(2+) binding, which is required for catalysis. When a lysine is the position 253 residue, the protein dissociates. The results presented herein increase our understanding of the role played by the BsIPMDH dimer interface on the stability and activity of BsIPMDH.  相似文献   

The stability of tetrameric malate dehydrogenase from the green phototrophic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus (CaMDH) is at least in part determined by electrostatic interactions at the dimer-dimer interface. Since previous studies had indicated that the thermal stability of CaMDH becomes lower with increasing pH, attempts were made to increase the stability by removal of (excess) negative charge at the dimer-dimer interface. Mutation of Glu165 to Gln or Lys yielded a dramatic increase in thermal stability at pH 7.5 (+23.6 -- + 23.9 degrees C increase in apparent t(m)) and a more moderate increase at pH 4.4 (+4.6 -- + 5.4 degrees C). The drastically increased stability at neutral pH was achieved without forfeiture of catalytic performance at low temperatures. The crystal structures of the two mutants showed only minor structural changes close to the mutated residues, and indicated that the observed stability effects are solely due to subtle changes in the complex network of electrostatic interactions in the dimer-dimer interface. Both mutations reduced the concentration dependency of thermal stability, suggesting that the oligomeric structure had been reinforced. Interestingly, the two mutations had similar effects on stability, despite the charge difference between the introduced side-chains. Together with the loss of concentration dependency, this may indicate that both E165Q and E165K stabilize CaMDH to such an extent that disruption of the inter-dimer electrostatic network around residue 165 no longer limits kinetic thermal stability.  相似文献   

Rao KS  Fu Z  Albro M  Narayanan B  Baddam S  Lee HJ  Kim JJ  Frerman FE 《Biochemistry》2007,46(50):14468-14477
We have determined steady-state rate constants and net rate constants for the chemical steps in the catalytic pathway catalyzed by the E370D mutant of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase and compared them with those of the wild-type dehydrogenase. We sought rationales for changes in these rate constants in the structure of the mutant cocrystallized with the alternate substrate, 4-nitrobutyric acid. Substitution of aspartate for E370, the catalytic base, results in a 24% decrease in the rate constant for proton abstraction at C-2 of 3-thiaglutaryl-CoA as the distance between C-2 of the ligand and the closest carboxyl oxygen at residue 370 increases from 2.9 A to 3.1 A. The net rate constant for flavin reduction due to hydride transfer from C-3 of the natural substrate, which includes proton abstraction at C-2, to N5 of the flavin decreases by 81% due to the mutation, although the distance increases only by 0.7 A. The intensities of charge-transfer bands associated with the enolate of 3-thiaglutaryl-CoA, the reductive half-reaction (reduced flavin with oxidized form of substrate), and the dienolate following decarboxylation are considerably diminished. Structural investigation suggests that the increased distance and the change in angle of the S-C1(=O)-C2 plane of the substrate with the isoalloxazine substantially alter rates of the reductive and oxidative half-reactions. This change in active site geometry also changes the position of protonation of the four carbon dienolate intermediate to produce kinetically favorable product, vinylacetyl-CoA, which is further isomerized to the thermodynamically stable normal product, crotonyl-CoA.  相似文献   

Point mutations in codon 331 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) were detected in 10 of 19 Alzheimer's brains but not in 11 normal brains. The same mutations were also detected in 2 of 6 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic plaques characteristic of Alzheimer's disease were found histologically in the brain of one ALS patient who was positive of the mutation. The finding suggests that a point mutation in ND2 is a potential risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

The Eyguieres 42 strain of Drosophila simulans, obtained by laboratory selection, displayed approximately 20,000-fold resistance to the insecticide fipronil. Molecular cloning of the cDNA encoding the RDL GABA receptor subunit of this strain revealed the presence of two mutations: the Rdl mutation (A301G) and an additional mutation in the third transmembrane domain (T350M). In order to assess the individual and combined roles of the two mutations in fipronil resistance, the functional properties of wild-type, A301G, T350M and A301G/T350M homomultimeric RDL receptors were compared by expression in Xenopus oocytes. In wild-type receptors, the inhibition of GABA (EC(30))-induced currents by fipronil and picrotoxin was enhanced by repeated GABA applications. The A301G mutation nearly abolished this effect, decreased the sensitivity to fipronil and picrotoxin and increased the reversibility of inhibition. The T350M mutation also reduced the sensitivity to both antagonists. Of the four receptor variants tested, the double mutant showed the highest resistance to fipronil, following repeated GABA applications. In conclusion, the present study emphasizes new aspects of the pharmacological alterations induced by the Rdl mutation and shows that resistance to GABA receptor-directed insecticides may implicate a mutation distinct from Rdl.  相似文献   

Adhfn23 and Adhfn24 are two formaldehyde-induced, homozygous-viable, alcohol dehydrogenase-null mutants that bear lesions in the gene that codes for the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC of Drosophila melanogaster. Adhfn23 contains a 34-base pair deletion in the C-terminal coding region of the alcohol dehydrogenase structural gene. By immunological and molecular analysis, we show that the deletion shifts the translation reading frame and results in a prematurely truncated polypeptide product (10 amino acids shorter than wild type) that cross-reacts with antibody raised against ADH. The steady-state level of alcohol dehydrogenase mRNA present in this mutant is close (97%) to that in the wild type, but the steady-state level of alcohol dehydrogenase-like protein is 50% lower. Moreover, the rate of alcohol dehydrogenase synthesis in Adhfn23 flies is reduced to 60% of that found in the wild type. Hence both the rate of synthesis and the rate of degradation of alcohol dehydrogenase are affected. In contrast, Adhfn24 which contains an 11-base pair deletion in the N-terminal coding region of the ADH gene, synthesizes no immunodetectable protein, and the amount of alcohol dehydrogenase mRNA is less than half that of wild-type flies. As with Adhfn23, the deletion in Adhfn24 results in a change in the reading frame. Unlike Adhfn23, however, nucleic acid sequence data indicate that polypeptide chain elongation can proceed for a considerable distance (over 130 amino acids) beyond the deletion. Based upon antigenic binding-site predictions, the resultant aberrant protein (projected 195 amino acids in length) would share few antigenic sites with the alcohol dehydrogenase from the wild type, which may account for the lack of immunoprecipitable material in this mutant. The contrasting effects these two deletions have on the Drosophila ADH mRNA levels and ADH protein levels are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Two mutations in the gene, RpII215, were analyzed to determine their effects on cell differentiation and proliferation. The mutations differ in that one, RpII215 ts(ts), only displays a conditional recessive lethality, while the other, RpII215 Ubl (Ubl), is a recessive lethal mutation that also displays a dominant mutant phenotype similar to that caused by the mutation Ultrabithorax (Ubx). Ubl causes a partial transformation of the haltere into a wing; however, this transformation is more complete in flies carrying both Ubl and Ubx. The present study shows that patches of Ubl/- tissue in gynandromorphs are morphologically normal. Cuticle that has lost the wild-type copy of the RpII215 locus fails to show a haltere to wing transformation, nor does it show the synergistic enhancement of Ubx by Ubl. We conclude that an interaction between the two RpII215 alleles, Ubl and RpII215 +, is responsible for the mutant phenotype. Gynandromorphs carrying the ts allele, when raised at permissive temperature, display larger patches of ts/- cuticle than expected, possibly indicating that the proliferation of ts/+ cells is reduced. This might result from an antagonistic interaction between different RpII215 alleles. Classical negative complementation does not appear to be the cause of the antagonistic interaction described above, as only one RpII215 subunit is thought to be present in an active multimeric polymerase enzyme. We have therefore coined the term negative heterosis to describe the aforementioned interactions.We also observed that the effects of mutationally altered RNA polymerase II on somatic cells are different from its effects on germ cells. Mutant somatic cells (either Ubl/- or ts/-, the latter shifted to restrictive temperature) reduce cell proliferation, but otherwise do not appear to disrupt cell differentiation. However, mutant germ cells often differentiate into morphologically abnormal oocytes.  相似文献   

Pig heart NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase is 65% inactivated by 3-bromo-2-ketoglutarate (Ehrlich, R.S., and Colman, R.F., 1987, J. Biol. Chem. 262, 12,614-12,619) and 90% inactivated by 2-(4-bromo-2,3-dioxobutylthio)-1,N6- ethenoadenosine 2',5'-bisphosphate (2-BDB-T epsilon A-2',5'-DP) (Bailey, J.M., and Colman, R.F., 1987, J. Biol. Chem. 262, 12,620-12,626). Both inactivation reactions result in enzyme with an incorporation of 1.0 mol reagent/mol enzyme dimer and both modified enzymes bind only 1.0 mol manganous isocitrate or NADPH/mol enzyme dimer as compared to 2.0 mol manganous isocitrate or NADPH/mol enzyme dimer for unmodified enzyme. The inactivation reactions, which occur at or near the nucleotide binding site, are mutually exclusive. Reaction with either affinity reagent led to the isolation of the same modified triskaidekapeptide, DLAGXIHGLSNVK. We have isolated from isocitrate dehydrogenase a peptide, DLAGCIHGLSNVK, that had been modified by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) with no loss of enzymatic activity. We now show that enzyme modified by NEM in the presence of isocitrate plus Mn2+ retains full catalytic activity but is not inactivated by either of the affinity reagents; thus, all three reagents appear to react at the same site. The analysis of HPLC tryptic maps of isocitrate dehydrogenase treated under denaturing conditions with iodo[3H]acetic acid or [3H]NEM demonstrates that both bromoketoglutarate and 2-BDB-T epsilon A-2',5'-DP react with the cysteine residue of DLAGCIHGLSNVK. We conclude that the cysteine of this triskaidekapeptide is close to the coenzyme binding site but is not essential for catalytic function.  相似文献   

Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a genetic disorder characterized by defective lysosome-related organelles. Here, we report the identification of two HPS patients with mutations in the beta 3A subunit of the heterotetrameric AP-3 complex. The patients' fibroblasts exhibit drastically reduced levels of AP-3 due to enhanced degradation of mutant beta 3A. The AP-3 deficiency results in increased surface expression of the lysosomal membrane proteins CD63, lamp-1, and lamp-2, but not of nonlysosomal proteins. These differential effects are consistent with the preferential interaction of the AP-3 mu 3A subunit with tyrosine-based signals involved in lysosomal targeting. Our results suggest that AP-3 functions in protein sorting to lysosomes and provide an example of a human disease in which altered trafficking of integral membrane proteins is due to mutations in a component of the sorting machinery.  相似文献   

Data has been published showing that in heterotetrameric liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase composed of the active (E487) and the inactive Oriental-variant (K487) subunit, the Oriental variant was dominant and caused the inactivation of the E487 subunit. The published structures of the enzyme showed that the glutamate at position 487 is salt bonded to an arginine (475) in a different subunit. Arg475 was mutated to a glutamine to test for its importance in causing the Oriental variant to be an enzyme with a high Km for NAD and a low specific activity. Unexpectedly, the R475Q mutant exhibited positive cooperativity in NAD binding with a Hill coefficient of 2. Individual heterotetramers composed of subunits of E487 and K487 were produced by making changes to two residues on the surface of the enzyme and then co-expressing both cDNAs in E. coli. The E3K form had essentially 50% the activity of the E4 homotetrameric form while EK3 had essentially the same properties as did the homotetrameric K4 Oriental variant. This showed that in a dimer pair composed of one K- and one E- subunit the K-subunit became dominant and caused the inactivation of its E-partner. Further, pre-steady state burst data and steady state kinetic data make it appear that there was one functioning active subunit in each of the dimer pairs that made up the tetrameric enzyme. Thus, the half-of-the-site reactivity is a result of having one functioning and one non-functioning subunit in each dimer pair. The actual structural basis for this is still not understood, but could be related to the E487–R475 inter-dimer salt bond.  相似文献   

Data has been published showing that in heterotetrameric liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase composed of the active (E487) and the inactive Oriental-variant (K487) subunit, the Oriental variant was dominant and caused the inactivation of the E487 subunit. The published structures of the enzyme showed that the glutamate at position 487 is salt bonded to an arginine (475) in a different subunit. Arg475 was mutated to a glutamine to test for its importance in causing the Oriental variant to be an enzyme with a high Km for NAD and a low specific activity. Unexpectedly, the R475Q mutant exhibited positive cooperativity in NAD binding with a Hill coefficient of 2. Individual heterotetramers composed of subunits of E487 and K487 were produced by making changes to two residues on the surface of the enzyme and then co-expressing both cDNAs in E. coli. The E(3)K form had essentially 50% the activity of the E(4) homotetrameric form while EK(3) had essentially the same properties as did the homotetrameric K(4) Oriental variant. This showed that in a dimer pair composed of one K- and one E- subunit the K-subunit became dominant and caused the inactivation of its E-partner. Further, pre-steady state burst data and steady state kinetic data make it appear that there was one functioning active subunit in each of the dimer pairs that made up the tetrameric enzyme. Thus, the half-of-the-site reactivity is a result of having one functioning and one non-functioning subunit in each dimer pair. The actual structural basis for this is still not understood, but could be related to the E487-R475 inter-dimer salt bond.  相似文献   

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