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亚低温及钾肥对温室番茄光合作用和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘金棚10号’番茄为试验材料,采用盆栽方法,研究了温度与钾肥交互作用对温室盆栽番茄光合作用和品质的影响,为合理施用钾肥提高番茄生长发育过程中抵抗亚低温乃至低温耐性提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)与常温下正常栽培相比,亚低温使番茄植株生长发育迟缓,花序数、叶片数、节间距、叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率、单果重及品质显著下降,气孔限制值升高。(2)增施一定量的钾肥能够显著提高亚低温下温室番茄的花序数、叶片数、节间距、叶绿素含量、光合作用、番茄单果重和品质,缓解了亚低温胁迫对温室番茄的伤害。(3)亚低温胁迫下,单株钾肥用量为18.54g时对番茄植株受到亚低温胁迫伤害的缓解效果最佳,少施或者多施都不利于亚低温下番茄植株的正常生长发育。研究表明,亚低温条件下,增施适量的钾肥能有效提高番茄抵抗亚低温胁迫能力,有利于番茄植株的生长和果实品质的提高。  相似文献   

Non-destructive estimation using digital cameras is a common approach for estimating leaf area index (LAI) of terrestrial vegetation. However, no attempt has been made so far to develop non-destructive approaches to LAI estimation for aquatic vegetation. Using the submerged plant species Potamogeton malainus, the objective of this study was to determine whether the gap fraction derived from vertical photographs could be used to estimate LAI of aquatic vegetation. Our results suggested that upward-oriented photographs taken from beneath the water surface were more suitable for distinguishing vegetation from other objects than were downward-oriented photographs taken from above the water surface. Exposure settings had a substantial influence on the identification of vegetation in upward-oriented photographs. Automatic exposure performed nearly as well as the optimal trial exposure, making it a good choice for operational convenience. Similar to terrestrial vegetation, our results suggested that photographs taken for the purpose of distinguishing gap fraction in aquatic vegetation should be taken under diffuse light conditions. Significant logarithmic relationships were observed between the vertical gap fraction derived from upward-oriented photographs and plant area index (PAI) and LAI derived from destructive harvesting. The model we developed to depict the relationship between PAI and gap fraction was similar to the modified theoretical Poisson model, with coefficients of 1.82 and 1.90 for our model and the theoretical model, respectively. This suggests that vertical upward-oriented photographs taken from below the water surface are a feasible alternative to destructive harvesting for estimating PAI and LAI for the submerged aquatic plant Potamogeton malainus.  相似文献   

目前,互联网上提供许多关于基因及其相关信息的数据库,从这些资料库中提取的资料信息,可用于遗传,生化,分子生物学等各种形式的研究。TIGR Tomato Gene Index数据库中的信息为研究番茄果实成熟开辟了新思路。本研究通过对该数据库的分析,发现了一些在番茄果实成熟过程中差异表达的基因。并进一步通过基因芯片软件和文献挖掘的方法对这些基因进行了分析,结果发现了一些新的与果实成熟相关的基因。这对研究番茄果实成熟提供有价值的信息和思路。  相似文献   

Simulation models of leaf area index (LAI) and yield for cotton can provide a theoretical foundation for predicting future variations in yield. This paper analyses the increase in LAI and the relationships between LAI, dry matter, and yield for cotton under three soil conditioners near Korla, Xinjiang, China. Dynamic changes in cotton LAI were evaluated using modified logistic, Gaussian, modified Gaussian, log normal, and cubic polynomial models. Universal models for simulating the relative leaf area index (RLAI) were established in which the application rate of soil conditioner was used to estimate the maximum LAI (LAI m). In addition, the relationships between LAI m and dry matter mass, yield, and the harvest index were investigated, and a simulation model for yield is proposed. A feasibility analysis of the models indicated that the cubic polynomial and Gaussian models were less accurate than the other three models for simulating increases in RLAI. Despite significant differences in LAIs under the type and amount of soil conditioner applied, LAI m could be described by aboveground dry matter using Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Moreover, the simulation model for cotton yield based on LAI m and the harvest index presented in this work provided important theoretical insights for improving water use efficiency in cotton cultivation and for identifying optimal application rates of soil conditioners.  相似文献   

The reversible inhibition of three ripening-related processes by high-temperature treatment (38[deg]C) was examined in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv Daniella) fruit. Ethylene production, color development, and softening were inhibited during heating and recovered afterward, whether recovery took place at 20[deg]C or fruit were first held at chilling temperature (2[deg]C) after heating and then placed at 20[deg]C. Ethylene production and color development proceeded normally in heated fruit after 14 d of chilling, whereas the unheated fruit had delayed ethylene production and uneven color development. Levels of mRNA for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase, phytoene synthase, and polygalacturonase decreased dramatically during the heat treatment but recovered afterward, whereas the mRNA for HSP17 increased during the high-temperature treatment and then decreased when fruit were removed from heat. As monitored by western blots, the HSP17 protein disappeared from fruit tissue after 3 d at 20[deg]C but remained when fruit were held at 2[deg]C. The persistence of heat-shock proteins at low temperature may be relevant to the protection against chilling injury provided by the heat treatment. Protein levels of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase and polygalacturonase also did not closely follow the changes in their respective mRNAs. This implied both differences in relative stability and turnover rates of mRNA compared to protein and nontranslation of the message that accumulated in low temperature. The results suggest that high temperature inhibits ripening by inhibiting the accumulation of ripening-related mRNAs. Ripening processes that depend on continuous protein synthesis including ethylene production, lycopene accumulation, and cell-wall dissolution are thereby diminished.  相似文献   

本试验采用U207均匀设计方案,通过无土栽培方法研究酸铝耦合处理对银杏幼株生长的效应。结果表明,在pH 4.5~5.5范围内,能耐铝(AlCl3)浓度可达0.4 mmol/L,而高浓度(0.8~1.2 mmol/L)的铝对银杏有毒害作用;pH高于5.0时,提高培养液中铝浓度对银杏生长无明显影响。总之,酸铝耦合加剧对银杏植株的毒害作用,尤其对根系的伤害更为明显,甚至导致烂根死根,从而使地上部停止生长。  相似文献   

氮肥基追比对抗虫杂交棉叶片衰老和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在盆栽条件下,研究了3种氮肥基追比(2:1、1:1和1 :2)对抗虫杂交棉'豫杂35'的叶片衰老特性和产量的影响.结果表明,氮肥基追比为1;2处理的棉花植株在盛蕾期和开花期的叶片SOD、POD活性和叶绿素、可溶性蛋白质含量相对较低,MDA含量较高;仉在盛铃期之后,其叶片SOD、POD活性和叶绿素、可溶性蛋白质含量却相对较高,MDA含量较低.氮肥基追比为1:2处理的皮棉产量分别比1;1和2:1处理显著增加3.66%和7.33%.研究发现,在本实验条件下,合适的氮肥基追比(1:2)能保持生育后期棉花叶片活性氧代谢相对协调,延缓棉花叶片的衰老进程,从而显著提高棉花产量.  相似文献   

Flowers of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants cv. Castle Rock were sprayed with 100 ppm of ethrel, 0.5 mm aminooxyacetic acid (AOA), or water (control) 2 days after anthesis. The fruit period of cell division was extended up to 16–18 days after anthesis with the application of ethrel but reduced from 10–12 days (control) down to only 6–8 days with the application of AOA. In a trend opposite to AOA application, fruits that received ethrel treatment were of higher ethylene and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) levels than control. This was noticed not only during the first 2 weeks after anthesis but also during the fruit climacteric phase. Mesocarp cells of ethrel-treated fruits were greater in number/mm2 but smaller in size than control; an opposite trend was obtained with the application of AOA. This was observed for a period of 18 days after anthesis, but by that time or at earlier ages, fruits of AOA treatment were larger in size and heavier in weight than control, and both were larger and heavier than ethrel-treated ones. At 5 weeks after anthesis and thereafter, the fruit response to all treatments was totally reversed because early ethrel-treated fruits became significantly larger in size and heavier in weight with a ripening delay of about 10 and 15 days compared with those of control and AOA-treated ones, respectively. When the same treatments were applied to the whole plant, similar results were obtained because the early application of ethrel increased the fruit yield by about 15% over control with a pronounced ripening delay; an opposite trend was obtained with the application of AOA. No significant differences were found among all treatments in terms of flower or fruit abscission or fruit number/plant. The data suggest that ethylene regulates tomato fruit transmission from cell division to cell enlargement. In addition, fruit cell division is terminated only when endogenous ethylene decreases to its basal level, allowing cell enlargement to dominate and proceed as in the case of the early application of AOA. The ripening delay of ethrel-treated fruits may be caused by the longer time required for the increased cell number to reach maturation. A low level of ethrel application at the tomato early fruiting stage may be used for increasing fruit yield by increasing fruit size and consequently its quality. Received June 1, 1998; accepted December 7, 1998  相似文献   

COCKSHULL  K. E. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(4):791-806
Plants of Callistephus chinensis were grown in eight hours ofdaylight per day and received either uninterrupted dark periodsor dark periods interrupted by one hour of low-intensity light.The growth in area and the accumulation of dry matter was followedfor leaves at different heights of insertion on the stem. Lightinterruption treatment caused more rapid surface expansion ofindividual leaves. The rate of accumulation of dry matter wasalso increased but less in proportion to the increase in areaso that the area per unit weight of leaf material, i.e. thespecific leaf area, was greater. The final areas and dry weightsof leaves were also considerably greater than in the uninterruptednight treatment. When plants were transferred from uninterruptedto interrupted nights, a similar response was obtained fromthose leaves which began to expand rapidly after the commencementof the treatment. The reciprocal transfer into uninterrupted nights immediatelyretarded the rate of leaf expansion and final leaf areas wereless. The rate of accumulation of dry matter was not affectedso rapidly and the area per unit weight of leaf material fellbelow that recorded from leaves which had always received uninterruptednights. Within any one treatment and on any one occasion thespecific leaf area was almost constant, regardless of heightof insertion and therefore also of leaf size and degree of development. It is postulated that a promotor of leaf growth is producedin the light interruption treatment and that this regulatormay increase cell expansion. Transfer to uninterrupted nightsmay halt the synthesis of this regulator and may also lead tothe production of an inhibitor of leaf expansion. Finally, it is concluded from a survey of the literature, that,in general, where a response to photoperiod exists, leaf areais greater in long days than in short days.  相似文献   

The effect of leaf age on K (86Rb) influx into tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum Mill.) leaf lamina slices was determined for leaves5, 9 and 13 counting acropetally. Potassium influx rates expressedon a leaf fresh weight basis declined rapidly during leaf elongationat external KCI concentrations between 0.5 and 20.0 mM. In fullyexpanded leaves, K influx rates declined more slowly with age.The onset of senescence in mature leaves did not result in alarge loss in K uptake capability. Leaf position on the shootaxis and the stage of whole plant development had little influenceon K influx into leaf cells. It is suggested that the rapiddecrease in K influx in growing leaves is related to a dilutionin the concentration of K transporter sites resulting from anincrease in cell volume and weight. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, tomato, free space, potassium, influx rate, ion uptake, leaf slices, leaf age leaf ontogeny  相似文献   

进行温室玉米秸秆还田对番茄的增产效果以及对设施土壤磷素的影响研究。通过单因素试验,检测秸秆还田对微生物量磷和磷素淋溶的影响。与对照相比,添加秸秆可以显著提高土壤中全磷和有效磷的含量,以能显著提高土壤的磷活化系数,以秸秆30 000 kg/hm2、磷肥(过磷酸钙,P)200 kg/hm2(S3P3)的处理最高,有效降低土壤中全磷和有效磷向下迁移的能力。秸秆还田还可以增加土壤中微生物量磷含量,秸秆还田量和微生物量磷之间存在中等程度相关,并改变土壤中有效磷的比例,进而对植物生长产生一定的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田能够改变磷元素在土壤耕作层中的分布,提高土壤中微生物量磷和有效磷的含量,增加原土壤的磷活化系数,并显著减少磷素的淋溶量,为降低农业面源污染提供了部分解决途径。  相似文献   

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Spring Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nine amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, ranging from 0 to 200 kgN ha–1, were applied to spring wheat cv. Kleiber in the3 years 1972-1974. In 1972 grain dry weight with 125 kg N ha–1or more was 100 g m–2 (23 per cent) greater than withoutnitrogen. Grain yield was unaffected by nitrogen in the otheryears. Leaf area at and after anthesis was increased throughoutthe range of nitrogen tested, most in 1972 and least in 1973.Consequently, the addition of 200 kg N ha–1 decreasedthe amount of grain produced per unit of leaf area by approximately25 per cent in all years. The dry weight of leaves and stems at anthesis and maturitywas increased by nitrogen in all years, similarly to leaf area.However, the change in stem dry weight between anthesis andmaturity was not affected by nitrogen; stems increased in dryweight for about 20 days after anthesis and then decreased tovalues similar to those at anthesis. The uptake of CO2 per unit area of flag leaf or second leaf(leaf below the flag leaf) was slightly decreased by nitrogenwhen the increase in leaf area caused by nitrogen appreciablydecreased the light intensity at the surface of these leaves.In spite of such decreases the CO2 absorbed by flag and secondleaves per unit area of land was always increased by nitrogen,and relatively more than was grain yield. It is suggested that increases in respiratory loss of CO2 withincreasing nitrogen fertilizer may explain why nitrogen increasedvegetative growth and leaf area relatively more than grain yield.  相似文献   

采用双因素七水平的均匀设计方案,分析无土栽培下酸铝胁迫对银杏幼树植株含水率的影响。结果表明,银杏植株的含水率随pH降低而降低,随着铝处理浓度增加而下降,表明酸、铝胁迫越强,越能抑制银杏植株水分的正常吸收,导致植株缺水。对植物含水率受影响程度进行分析,pH为影响其生长第一因素,当pH低于3.5时植株干枯不能生长;pH大于5.0,铝对植株含水率无显著影响。因此,银杏植株含水率可作为受酸、铝胁迫的重要指标。  相似文献   

局部枯斑法测定结果表明,番茄GCR—267品系叶片内ToMV的含量仅为番茄GCR-26品系叶片内病毒含量的1/40—1/50;GCR-267品系含有的Tm-2~(?)基因对ToMV增殖的抑制作用不受温度变化的影响;而ToMV在GCR-26体内的增殖却依赖于环境温度,高温对它有部分的抑制作用。用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和SDS—聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析上述两个品系在常温和高温下接种ToMV后其叶片可溶性蛋白的变化,结果发现在GCR-26品系中,ToMV的增殖与寄主体内新产生的14.2KD蛋白呈正相关,而在GCR—267品系中未检测到这种蛋白。我们推测14.2KD蛋白可能是一种能参与或促进ToMV增殖过程的温度敏感因子,称之为番茄“S”蛋白。  相似文献   

Tomato fruit on plants grown in circulating nutrient solutionexhibited a diurnal cycle in growth rate, measured as a changein diameter, with a maximum during thc day. The diurnal growthcycle was less evident in those fruit grown at high electricalconductivity (17 mS), or on days of reduced irradiance. Girdledfruit of low conductivity plants grew at a much reduced ratewith a diurnal cycle in reverse to that of ungirdled fruit,while girdled fruit of high conductivity plants showed no diurnalgrowth. The evidence suggests that phloem and xylem water transportinto fruit operate on opposite diurnal cycles. Partitioning of available xylem water in detached fruit betweenthe calyx and berry, as well as within the berry, was determinedby berry size and relative humidity in the air. Although berrytranspiration rate was unaffected by conductivity treatmentduring plant growth, water uptake capacity was greatly reducedin the berry from high conductivity plants, suggesting an increasedresistance in the xylem transport system within the fruit. Key words: Salinity, electrical conductivity, tomato fruit, xylem transport, transpiration  相似文献   

以番茄为试验材料,研究番茄黄化曲叶病毒(TYLCV)侵染对植株叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度和叶绿体超微结构的影响.结果表明:TYLCV侵染番茄后,叶片叶绿素a、b以及总叶绿素含量分别下降50.2%、24.19%和43.84%,叶片净光合速率和气孔导度分别下降43.28%、27.07%,胞间CO2浓度增加13.04%.与健康叶片相比,叶绿体变形,叶绿体基质片层大部分消解,基粒结构消失,叶绿体外膜和内膜剥离,质壁分离和细胞膜内陷,细胞器消解.研究表明,TYLCV侵染破坏了番茄叶片的叶绿体结构,严重影响番茄叶片的光合作用.  相似文献   

An Analysis of the Effects of Gibberellic Acid on Tomato Leaf Growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of four consecutive daily sprays of gibberellicacid (GA3) on the growth of leaves of young tomato plants cv.Potentate were studied. Total leaf weight and area were increasedby GA3. The percentage changes were larger in the younger leavesthan in the older but the absolute increases of the middlleleaves accounted for most of the total response. Chlorophyllcontent, both total and per unit weight, was reduced by GA inthe older leaves and increased in the younger; on an area basisit was reduced in all but the youngest leaves. Palisade cell length and palisade cell number per unit sectionlength were reduced by GA3 in the oldest leaves and increasedin the youngest. There were larger intercellular spaces in bothmesophyll layers and a larger transectional area of the mid-ribsof the oldest and two youngest leaves in GA3 plants. The ‘surfaceareas’ of epidermal cells were also increased by GA3 treatment.Leaf fresh weight per unit area was only a true index of laminathickness in the two oldest leaves.  相似文献   

本文研究了云南松林分的叶面积指数及其变化,同时分析了叶面积指数与林分年龄、密度、海拔梯度以及坡向之间的关系。这对森林经营有着重要的意义,也是光能利用的研究课题之一.  相似文献   

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