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We demonstrate the use of a simple microfluidic setup, in which single budding yeast cells can be tracked throughout their entire lifespan. The microfluidic chip exploits the size difference between mother and daughter cells using an array of micropads. Upon loading, cells are trapped underneath these micropads, because the distance between the micropad and cover glass is similar to the diameter of a yeast cell (3-4 μm). After the loading procedure, culture medium is continuously flushed through the chip, which not only creates a constant and defined environment throughout the entire experiment, but also flushes out the emerging daughter cells, which are not retained underneath the pads due to their smaller size. The setup retains mother cells so efficiently that in a single experiment up to 50 individual cells can be monitored in a fully automated manner for 5 days or, if necessary, longer. In addition, the excellent optical properties of the chip allow high-resolution imaging of cells during the entire aging process.  相似文献   

Metabolic intermediates, such as succinate and citrate, regulate important processes ranging from energy metabolism to fatty acid synthesis. Cytosolic concentrations of these metabolites are controlled, in part, by members of the SLC13 gene family. The molecular mechanism underlying Na+-coupled di- and tricarboxylate transport by this family is understood poorly. The human Na+/dicarboxylate cotransporter NaDC3 (SLC13A3) is found in various tissues, including the kidney, liver, and brain. In addition to citric acid cycle intermediates such as α-ketoglutarate and succinate, NaDC3 transports other compounds into cells, including N-acetyl aspartate, mercaptosuccinate, and glutathione, in keeping with its dual roles in cell nutrition and detoxification. In this study, we construct a homology structural model of NaDC3 on the basis of the structure of the Vibrio cholerae homolog vcINDY. Our computations are followed by experimental testing of the predicted NaDC3 structure and mode of interaction with various substrates. The results of this study show that the substrate and cation binding domains of NaDC3 are composed of residues in the opposing hairpin loops and unwound portions of adjacent helices. Furthermore, these results provide a possible explanation for the differential substrate specificity among dicarboxylate transporters that underpin their diverse biological roles in metabolism and detoxification. The structural model of NaDC3 provides a framework for understanding substrate selectivity and the Na+-coupled anion transport mechanism by the human SLC13 family and other key solute carrier transporters.  相似文献   

N6-Methyladenosine (m6A) is the most prevalent internal RNA modification in eukaryotes. ALKBH5 belongs to the AlkB family of dioxygenases and has been shown to specifically demethylate m6A in single-stranded RNA. Here we report crystal structures of ALKBH5 in the presence of either its cofactors or the ALKBH5 inhibitor citrate. Catalytic assays demonstrate that the ALKBH5 catalytic domain can demethylate both single-stranded RNA and single-stranded DNA. We identify the TCA cycle intermediate citrate as a modest inhibitor of ALKHB5 (IC50, ∼488 μm). The structural analysis reveals that a loop region of ALKBH5 is immobilized by a disulfide bond that apparently excludes the binding of dsDNA to ALKBH5. We identify the m6A binding pocket of ALKBH5 and the key residues involved in m6A recognition using mutagenesis and ITC binding experiments.  相似文献   

The recently discovered heliobacteria are the only Gram-positive photosynthetic bacteria that have been cultured. One of the unique features of heliobacteria is that they have properties of both the photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria (containing the type I reaction center) and Clostridia (forming heat-resistant endospores). Most of the previous studies of heliobacteria, which are strict anaerobes and have the simplest known photosynthetic apparatus, have focused on energy and electron transfer processes. It has been assumed that like green sulfur bacteria, the major carbon flow in heliobacteria is through the (incomplete) reductive (reverse) tricarboxylic acid cycle, whereas the lack of CO2-enhanced growth has not been understood. Here, we report studies to fill the knowledge gap of heliobacterial carbon metabolism. We confirm that the CO2-anaplerotic pathway is active during phototrophic growth and that isoleucine is mainly synthesized from the citramalate pathway. Furthermore, to our surprise, our results suggest that the oxidative (forward) TCA cycle is operative and more active than the previously reported reductive (reverse) tricarboxylic acid cycle. Both isotopomer analysis and activity assays suggest that citrate is produced by a putative (Re)-citrate synthase and then enters the oxidative (forward) TCA cycle. Moreover, in contrast to (Si)-citrate synthase, (Re)-citrate synthase produces a different isomer of 2-fluorocitrate that is not expected to inhibit the activity of aconitase.  相似文献   

In response to iron deprivation, Staphylococcus aureus produces staphyloferrin B, a citrate-containing siderophore that delivers iron back to the cell. This bacterium also possesses a second citrate synthase, SbnG, that is necessary for supplying citrate to the staphyloferrin B biosynthetic pathway. We present the structure of SbnG bound to the inhibitor calcium and an active site variant in complex with oxaloacetate. The overall fold of SbnG is structurally distinct from TCA cycle citrate synthases yet similar to metal-dependent class II aldolases. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that SbnG forms a separate clade with homologs from other siderophore biosynthetic gene clusters and is representative of a metal-independent subgroup in the phosphoenolpyruvate/pyruvate domain superfamily. A structural superposition of the SbnG active site to TCA cycle citrate synthases and site-directed mutagenesis suggests a case for convergent evolution toward a conserved catalytic mechanism for citrate production.  相似文献   

Lipoate-protein ligases are used to scavenge lipoic acid from the environment and attach the coenzyme to its cognate proteins, which are generally the E2 components of the 2-oxoacid dehydrogenases. The enzymes use ATP to activate lipoate to its adenylate, lipoyl-AMP, which remains tightly bound in the active site. This mixed anhydride is attacked by the ϵ-amino group of a specific lysine present on a highly conserved acceptor protein domain, resulting in the amide-linked coenzyme. The Streptomyces coelicolor genome encodes only a single putative lipoate ligase. However, this protein had only low sequence identity (<25%) to the lipoate ligases of demonstrated activity and appears to be a circularly permuted version of the known lipoate ligase proteins in that the canonical C-terminal domain seems to have been transposed to the N terminus. We tested the activity of this protein both by in vivo complementation of an Escherichia coli ligase-deficient strain and by in vitro assays. Moreover, when the domains were rearranged into a protein that mimicked the arrangement found in the canonical lipoate ligases, the enzyme retained complementation activity. Finally, when the two domains were separated into two proteins, both domain-containing proteins were required for complementation and catalysis of the overall ligase reaction in vitro. However, only the large domain-containing protein was required for transfer of lipoate from the lipoyl-AMP intermediate to the acceptor proteins, whereas both domain-containing proteins were required to form lipoyl-AMP.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial TCA cycle dehydrogenase enzymes have been shown to be stimulated by Ca(2+) under various substrate and ADP incubation conditions in an attempt to determine and understand the role of Ca(2+) in maintaining energy homeostasis in working hearts. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that, at physiological temperature and 1 mM extramitochondrial free magnesium, Ca(2+) can stimulate the overall mitochondrial NAD(P)H generation flux in rat heart mitochondria utilizing pyruvate and malate as substrates at both subsaturating and saturating concentrations. In both cases, we found that, in the physiological regime of mitochondrial oxygen consumption observed in the intact animal and in the physiological range of cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration averaged per beat, Ca(2+) had no observable stimulatory effect. A modest apparent stimulatory effect (22-27%) was observable at supraphysiological maximal ADP-stimulated respiration at 2.5 mM initial phosphate. The stimulatory effects observed over the physiological Ca(2+) range are not sufficient to make a significant contribution to the control of oxidative phosphorylation in the heart in vivo.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an evolutionarily conserved serine-threonine kinase that senses cellular energy status, is activated by stress and neurohumoral stimuli. We investigated the mechanisms by which adrenergic signaling alters AMPK activation in vivo. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is highly enriched in sympathetic innervation, which is critical for regulation of energy homeostasis. We performed unilateral denervation of BAT in wild type (WT) mice to abolish neural input. Six days post-denervation, UCP-1 protein levels and AMPK α2 protein and activity were reduced by 45%. In β(1,2,3)-adrenergic receptor knock-out mice, unilateral denervation led to a 25-45% decrease in AMPK activity, protein expression, and Thr(172) phosphorylation. In contrast, acute α- or β-adrenergic blockade in WT mice resulted in increased AMPK α Thr(172) phosphorylation and AMPK α1 and α2 activity in BAT. But short term blockade of α-adrenergic signaling in β(1,2,3)-adrenergic receptor knock-out mice resulted in decreased AMPK activity in BAT, which strongly correlated with enhanced phosphorylation of AMPK on Ser(485/491), a site associated with inhibition of AMPK activity. Both PKA and AKT inhibitors attenuated AMPK Ser(485/491) phosphorylation resulting from α-adrenergic blockade and prevented decreases in AMPK activity. In vitro mechanistic studies in BAT explants showed that the effects of α-adrenergic blockade appeared to be secondary to inhibition of oxygen consumption. In conclusion, adrenergic pathways regulate AMPK activity in vivo acutely via alterations in Thr(172) phosphorylation and chronically through changes in the α catalytic subunit protein levels. Furthermore, AMPK α Ser(485/491) phosphorylation may be a novel mechanism to inhibit AMPK activity in vivo and alter its biological effects.  相似文献   

Cellular theory of aging states that human aging is the result of cellular aging, in which an increasing proportion of cells reach senescence. Senescence, from the Latin word senex, means “growing old,” is an irreversible growth arrest which occurs in response to damaging stimuli, such as DNA damage, telomere shortening, telomere dysfunction and oncogenic stress leading to suppression of potentially dysfunctional, transformed, or aged cells. Cellular senescence is characterized by irreversible cell cycle arrest, flattened and enlarged morphology, resistance to apoptosis, alteration in gene expression and chromatin structure, expression of senescence associated- β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) and acquisition of senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP). In this review paper, different types of cellular senescence including replicative senescence (RS) which occurs due to telomere shortening and stress induced premature senescence (SIPS) which occurs in response to different types of stress in cells, are discussed. Biomarkers of cellular senescence and senescent assays including BrdU incorporation assay, senescence associated- β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) and senescence-associated heterochromatin foci assays to detect senescent cells are also addressed.  相似文献   

An important goal of systems biology is to develop quantitative models that explain how specific molecular features give rise to systems-level properties. Metabolic and regulatory pathways that contain multifunctional proteins are especially interesting to study from this perspective because they have frequently been observed to exhibit robustness: the ability for a system to perform its proper function even as levels of its components change. In this study, we use extensive biochemical data and algebraic modeling to develop and analyze a model that shows how robust behavior arises in the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) regulatory system of Escherichia coli, which was shown in 1985 to experimentally exhibit robustness. E. coli IDH is regulated by reversible phosphorylation catalyzed by the bifunctional isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase/phosphatase (IDHKP), and the level of IDH activity determines whether carbon flux is directed through the glyoxylate bypass (for growth on two-carbon substrates) or the full tricarboxylic acid cycle. Our model, which incorporates recent structural data on IDHKP, identifies several specific biochemical features of the system (including homodimerization of IDH and bifunctionality of IDHKP) that provide a potential explanation for robustness. Using algebraic techniques, we derive an invariant that summarizes the steady-state relationship between the phospho-forms of IDH. We use the invariant in combination with kinetic data on IDHKP to calculate IDH activity at a range of total IDH levels and find that our model predicts robustness. Our work unifies much of the known biochemistry of the IDH regulatory system into a single quantitative framework and highlights the importance of constructing biochemically realistic models in systems biology.  相似文献   

Preservation of bioenergetic homeostasis during the transition from the carbohydrate-laden fetal diet to the high fat, low carbohydrate neonatal diet requires inductions of hepatic fatty acid oxidation, gluconeogenesis, and ketogenesis. Mice with loss-of-function mutation in the extrahepatic mitochondrial enzyme CoA transferase (succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA transferase, SCOT, encoded by nuclear Oxct1) cannot terminally oxidize ketone bodies and develop lethal hyperketonemic hypoglycemia within 48 h of birth. Here we use this model to demonstrate that loss of ketone body oxidation, an exclusively extrahepatic process, disrupts hepatic intermediary metabolic homeostasis after high fat mother''s milk is ingested. Livers of SCOT-knock-out (SCOT-KO) neonates induce the expression of the genes encoding peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ co-activator-1a (PGC-1α), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), pyruvate carboxylase, and glucose-6-phosphatase, and the neonate''s pools of gluconeogenic alanine and lactate are each diminished by 50%. NMR-based quantitative fate mapping of 13C-labeled substrates revealed that livers of SCOT-KO newborn mice synthesize glucose from exogenously administered pyruvate. However, the contribution of exogenous pyruvate to the tricarboxylic acid cycle as acetyl-CoA is increased in SCOT-KO livers and is associated with diminished terminal oxidation of fatty acids. After mother''s milk provokes hyperketonemia, livers of SCOT-KO mice diminish de novo hepatic β-hydroxybutyrate synthesis by 90%. Disruption of β-hydroxybutyrate production increases hepatic NAD+/NADH ratios 3-fold, oxidizing redox potential in liver but not skeletal muscle. Together, these results indicate that peripheral ketone body oxidation prevents hypoglycemia and supports hepatic metabolic homeostasis, which is critical for the maintenance of glycemia during the adaptation to birth.  相似文献   

The biological methyl donor S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) is spontaneously degraded by inversion of its sulfonium center to form the R,S diastereomer. Unlike its precursor, (S,S)-AdoMet, (R,S)-AdoMet has no known cellular function and may have some toxicity. Although the rate of (R,S)-AdoMet formation under physiological conditions is significant, it has not been detected at substantial levels in vivo in a wide range of organisms. These observations imply that there are mechanisms that either dispose of (R,S)-AdoMet or convert it back to (S,S)-AdoMet. Previously, we identified two homocysteine methyltransferases (Mht1 and Sam4) in yeast capable of recognizing and metabolizing (R,S)-AdoMet. We found similar activities in worms, plants, and flies. However, it was not established whether these activities could prevent R,S accumulation. In this work, we show that both the Mht1 and Sam4 enzymes are capable of preventing R,S accumulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown to stationary phase; deletion of both genes results in significant (R,S)-AdoMet accumulation. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such an accumulation of (R,S)-AdoMet has been reported in any organism. We show that yeast cells can take up (R,S)-AdoMet from the medium using the same transporter (Sam3) used to import (S,S)-AdoMet. Our results suggest that yeast cells have evolved efficient mechanisms not only for dealing with the spontaneous intracellular generation of the (R,S)-AdoMet degradation product but for utilizing environmental sources as a nutrient.  相似文献   

磷饥饿提高了番茄幼苗质膜H ATP酶活性并促进了番茄幼苗根部的H 分泌。动力学分析表明 ,磷饥饿使番茄幼苗根部质膜H ATP酶的Km 值明显降低 ,亦即提高了该酶对其底物的亲和力 ,但对该酶的Vmax影响不大。另外 ,磷饥饿并不改变ATP酶的最适 pH值 (最适 pH值为 6.5)。钒酸盐显著抑制番茄幼苗根部质膜ATP酶的活性以及H 分泌 ,也显著抑制番茄幼苗的Pi吸收。与对照相比 ,上述抑制作用在饥饿处理的植物中表现得更强。以上结果表明 ,磷饥饿时高亲和性Pi传递系统的诱导很可能包含质膜H ATP酶的参与。  相似文献   

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