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To evaluate the effects of pirfenidone nanoparticles on corneal re-epithelialization and scarring, major clinical challenges after alkali burn.


Effect of pirfenidone on collagen I and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) synthesis by TGFβ induced primary corneal fibroblast cells was evaluated by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry. Pirfenidone loaded poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles were prepared, characterized and their cellular entry was examined in primary corneal fibroblast cells by fluorescence microscopy. Alkali burn was induced in one eye of Sprague Dawley rats followed by daily topical treatment with free pirfenidone, pirfenidone nanoparticles or vehicle. Corneal re-epithelialization was assessed daily by flourescein dye test; absence of stained area indicated complete re-epithelialization and the time for complete re-epithelialization was determined. Corneal haze was assessed daily for 7 days under slit lamp microscope and graded using a standard method. After 7 days, collagen I deposition in the superficial layer of cornea was examined by immunohistochemistry.


Pirfenidone prevented (P<0.05) increase in TGF β induced collagen I and α-SMA synthesis by corneal fibroblasts in a dose dependent manner. Pirfenidone could be loaded successfully within PLGA nanoparticles, which entered the corneal fibroblasts within 5 minutes. Pirfenidone nanoparticles but not free pirfenidone significantly (P<0.05) reduced collagen I level, corneal haze and the time for corneal re-epithelialization following alkali burn.


Pirfenidone decreases collagen synthesis and prevents myofibroblast formation. Pirfenidone nanoparticles improve corneal wound healing and prevent fibrosis. Pirfenidone nanoparticles are of potential value in treating corneal chemical burns and other corneal fibrotic diseases.  相似文献   



Although oxygen is essential for the wound healing process, tissue hypoxia is known to stimulate angiogenesis. To explore these inconsistent findings, we estimated the influence of the oxygen environment on wound healing with our original model.


Experiment 1 (Establishment of the model): To modify the topical oxygen tension, oxygen impermeable (polyvinylidene chloride) and permeable (polymethylpentene) membranes were applied to symmetrical excisional wounds in ddy mice (n = 6). Oxygen tension under the membrane was quantified with a device using photo-quenching technique. Experiment 2 (Influence of oxygen environment on wound healing): The wound area, granulation thickness and vascular density were analyzed under different oxygen environments (n = 24).


Experiment 1: The permeable group maintained equivalent oxygen level to atmosphere (114.1±29.8 mmHg on day 7), while the impermeable group showed extremely low oxygen tension (5.72±2.99 mmHg on day 7). Accordingly, each group was defined as the normoxia group and the hypoxia group. Experiment 2: Percent decrease in wound size was significantly enhanced in the normoxia group (11.1±1.66% on day 7) in comparison with the hypoxia group (27.6±3.47% on day 7). The normoxia group showed significantly thicker granulation tissue than the hypoxia group (491.8±243.2 vs. 295.3±180.9 µm). Contrarily, the vascular density of the hypoxia group significantly increased on day 7 (0.046±0.025 vs. 0.011±0.008 mm2/mm2).


Our original model successfully controlled local oxygen concentration around the wound, and the hypoxic wounds showed increased angiogenesis but with a smaller amount of granulation tissue and delayed wound closure. Enhanced neovascularization in the hypoxic group likely implies compensative response to an insufficient ambient oxygen supply.  相似文献   

目的:探讨烧伤膏对烫伤小鼠皮肤创面修复的可能作用机制。方法:将50只小鼠随机分为5组:正常组、模型组,烧伤膏高、中、低剂量组。除正常组和模型组外,烧伤膏实验组小鼠每天外涂烧伤膏治疗,连用15天。治疗结束后,采用Masson染色技术检测各组小鼠皮肤厚度及细胞病理形态;采用生化法检测皮肤中羟脯氨酸(Hyp)含量;采用ELISA技术检测皮肤中的TNF-α,IL-1β、Collagen I、EGF和TGF-β1的含量。结果:与正常组相比,模型组小鼠皮肤烫伤创面可见表皮细胞脱落,结构模糊,细胞变性坏死,表皮和真皮厚度明显减少,胶原纤维变薄,排列紊乱无序,呈断裂状;烧伤后创面局部组织中Hyp、TNF-α、IL-1β的含量显著升高(P0.01,P0.01,P0.01),而EGF、TGF-β1和Collagen I含量均明显减少(P0.01,P0.01,P0.01),而应用烧伤膏治疗15天后,上述各项实验指标明显得到改善。结论:烧伤膏抑制创面早期感染,减少胶原蛋白的分解和促进后期创面修复的作用可能与抑制炎性细胞因子和增加皮肤相关生长因子表达的作用机制有关。  相似文献   

Wound healing and repair are the most complex biological processes that occur in human life. After injury, multiple biological pathways become activated. Impaired wound healing, which occurs in diabetic patients for example, can lead to severe unfavorable outcomes such as amputation. There is, therefore, an increasing impetus to develop novel agents that promote wound repair. The testing of these has been limited to large animal models such as swine, which are often impractical. Mice represent the ideal preclinical model, as they are economical and amenable to genetic manipulation, which allows for mechanistic investigation. However, wound healing in a mouse is fundamentally different to that of humans as it primarily occurs via contraction. Our murine model overcomes this by incorporating a splint around the wound. By splinting the wound, the repair process is then dependent on epithelialization, cellular proliferation and angiogenesis, which closely mirror the biological processes of human wound healing. Whilst requiring consistency and care, this murine model does not involve complicated surgical techniques and allows for the robust testing of promising agents that may, for example, promote angiogenesis or inhibit inflammation. Furthermore, each mouse acts as its own control as two wounds are prepared, enabling the application of both the test compound and the vehicle control on the same animal. In conclusion, we demonstrate a practical, easy-to-learn, and robust model of wound healing, which is comparable to that of humans.  相似文献   

目的:建立SD大鼠肝脏严重出血模型,考察壳聚糖-三聚磷酸钠(TPP)纳米粒的止血效果对于实质性器官严重出血的止血效果。方法:24只SD大鼠各分3组,每组8只,分为阴性对照组、壳聚糖-TPP组(NP组)和正常组,其中阴性对照组和NP组的大鼠建立肝脏严重出血模型。NP组,将壳聚糖-TPP纳米粒喷射到伤口,直至将整个伤口覆盖。阴性对照组,不使用任何止血材料处理创面。术后15天,用SEM和TEM观察NP组和阴性对照组的肝组织的微观结构。结果:通过组织学检查发现壳聚糖-TPP纳米粒在治疗严重伤口时能加速肉芽和大量胶原蛋白的生成,这正是伤口愈合初期的标志。结论:壳聚糖-TPP纳米粒对于严重出血的实质器官可发挥优良的止血性能,并能促使伤口愈合。  相似文献   

Wound healing in a pre-existing Th2-dominated skin milieu was assessed by using an epidermal specific interleukin-4 (IL-4) transgenic (Tg) mouse model, which develops a pruritic inflammatory skin condition resembling human atopic dermatitis. Our results demonstrated that IL-4 Tg mice had delayed wound closure and re-epithelialization even though these mice exhibited higher degrees of epithelial cell proliferation. Wounds in IL-4 Tg mice also showed a marked enhancement in expression of inflammatory cytokines/chemokines, elevated infiltration of inflammatory cells including neutrophils, macrophages, CD3+ lymphocytes, and epidermal dendritic T lymphocytes. In addition, these mice exhibited a significantly higher level of angiogenesis as compared to wild type mice. Furthermore, wounds in IL-4 Tg mice presented with larger amounts of granulation tissue, but had less expression and deposition of collagen. Taken together, an inflamed skin condition induced by IL-4 has a pronounced negative influence on the healing process. Understanding more about the pathogenesis of wound healing in a Th2- dominated environment may help investigators explore new potential therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

With the advent of aging society, the effects of aging on all aspects of the body are attracting more and more attention. Among them, the increasing incidence of chronic wounds in the elderly not only affects the quality of the elderly’s life significantly, but also brings a heavy medical burden on society. Delayed and poor wound healing increases the possibility of severe infections. To find out a solution for infection and chronic wounds, it is necessary to clarify the specific mechanisms of wound healing and possible intervention targets. Wound healing is a complex physiological process in the human body, which involves the coordinated activation of multiple cell types and signaling pathways. The role of senescent cells in wound healing is causing growing attention in recent years. It was thought that wound healing needs to take a longer time in elder people. In recent years, it has been found that senescent cells promote wound healing. So far, the effects of senescent cells on the efficiency and quality of wound healing and its specific mechanism have not been fully clarified. What is certain is that different types of senescent cells and even different subtypes of the same senescent cells play different roles in fast and chronic wound healing. It is not only the heterogeneity of the senescent cell itself, but also the difference in the surrounding microenvironment that determines the effect of senescent cells on wound healing. The study of its mechanism is helpful to find a way to promote the healing of wounds. It is worth noting that senescent cells themselves may also induce poor wound prognosis, such as chronic wounds, inflammation and decreased anti-infection ability. Therefore, the ideal treatment strategy to apply senescent cells will be a comprehensive plan that maximizes the efficiency and quality of wound healing, while minimizing the risk of senescent cells itself becoming an inducement for chronic wounds.  相似文献   

Biology Bulletin - The effect of nanosecond repetitive pulsed microwave radiation (RPMR, 10 GHz, 100 ns pulse duration, 8 Hz pulse repetition rate, 140 and 1500 W/cm2 peak power flux density...  相似文献   

胎膜来源的间充质干细胞促进烧伤愈合的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:研究胎膜来源的间充质干细胞在治疗SD大鼠Ⅲ度烧伤中的作用.方法:用胰酶消化法分离足月产胎膜细胞,加入Amino-MAX Ⅱ培养基进行培养.流式细胞仪检测细胞表面标志物CD29、CD73、CDl4、CD45.分别用浓度为3mg/ml、5mg/ml、7mg/mi、9mg/ml的明胶溶液包被脱细胞真皮(ADM),以5x 106/ml的密度将细胞种植在包被和未包被的ADM表面,2小时后收集未贴附在ADM上的细胞,计算细胞种植效率.实验组:以7mg/ml的明胶包被ADM,以5x 106/ml的密度种植第2~3代细胞,培养3~5天后,移植至SD大鼠Ⅲ度烧伤创面;对照组Ⅰ移植单纯的ADM,对照组Ⅱ未进行移植,术后定期观察创面大体情况,计算创面收缩率、表皮再生面积比例,第5周切取新生皮肤组织行HE染色.结果:胎膜分离的细胞以长梭形为主,表达与间充质干细胞相关的表面抗原标志物CD29、CD73,极少表达造血细胞标志物CD14、CD45.不同浓度明胶溶液包被和未包被的ADM,其细胞种植效率均无明显区别(P>0.05);相比对照组,实验组移植物成活时间更长,创面再上皮化时间较早,创面收缩率较小,再生表皮面积亦较多(P<0.05);再生表皮更厚,有明显的表皮突,真皮层毛细血管丰富.结论:成功分离、培养了胎膜来源的间充质干细胞.胎膜来源间充质干细胞复合ADM可促进SD大鼠Ⅲ烧伤创面表皮再生,加速创伤愈合,抑制创面收缩.  相似文献   

目的:通过平行对照实验,探讨恒磁场对不同种类手术后患者伤口愈合的影响.方法:征集志愿者260例,结合手术种类进行随机分组.对照组常规拆线、普通敷贴,磁场组采用0.2T恒磁敷贴.1月后,对两组问以及磁场组不同手术种类的创伤愈合情况进行评价.结果:恒磁场能提高术后的伤口愈合速度和质量(P<0.01),不同手术种类的患者其疗效之间的差异没有显著性意义(P>0.01).结论:恒磁场在临床术后伤口护理中具有适应症广、使用方便的特点,为临床上磁疗的应用提供了一种新的思路.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a third hospital infection agent, and it is the second essential factor in wound infections. Despite many...  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - The authors have previously demonstrated that one phage-displayed keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) model peptide that can bind to...  相似文献   

Sericin has good hydrophilic properties, compatibility, and biodegradation, it can be used as a wound-healing agent. We evaluated the effects of sericin on wound healing and wound size reduction using rats by generating two full-thickness skin wounds on the dorsum. Group 1 animals were treated with Betadine® on left-side (control) wounds and, with 8% sericin cream on right-side (treated) wounds. Group 2, cream base (formula control) and 8% sericin cream (treated) were topically applied to left-, and right-side wounds respectively. Sericin-treated wounds had much smaller inflammatory reactions, and wound-size reduction was much greater than in the control throughout the inspection period. Mean time in days for 90% healing from sericin-treated wounds was also much less than for cream base-treated wounds. Histological examination after 15 d of treatment with 8% sericin cream revealed complete healing, no ulceration, and an increase in collagen as compared to cream base-treated wounds, which showed some ulceration and acute inflammatory exudative materials.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探究湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)对肛瘘术后造模大鼠创面修复的影响。方法:将45只SPF级SD大鼠随机分为模型组(Model组)、MEBO组、易孚组,每组15只。建立全层皮肤缺损开放感染模型。观察肛瘘创面组织一般情况。分别在给药第3、7、14天测定并计算创面愈合率。苏木精-伊红(HE)染色观察大鼠创面组织病理学变化。酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)检测各组大鼠创面肉芽组织中炎症因子指标[肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)]水平。采用碱性磷酸酶(SAP)免疫组化法对创面肉芽组织进行染色,观察表皮生长因子(EGF)、基质金属蛋白酶-2(MMP-2)水平。蛋白质印迹(Western Blot)法检测各组大鼠创面肉芽组织B细胞淋巴瘤/白血病-xL基因(Bcl-xl)、B细胞淋巴瘤/白血病-2基因拮抗剂(Bak)蛋白表达水平,计算Bcl-xl/Bak比值。结果:与Model组相比,MEBO组大鼠创面愈合率(干预7、14 d后)、创面肉芽组织中EGF、MMP-2水平、Bcl-xl、Bak蛋白表达水平均显著升高(P<0.05),创面分泌物和水肿评分、创面肉芽组织生长评分、创面肉芽组织中TNF-α、IL-6水平、Bcl-xl/Bak比值均显著降低(P<0.05)。大鼠创面组织出血减少、细胞间渗出液减少,血管扩张减轻,炎性细胞浸润减轻,可见大量的新生毛细血管和成纤维细胞。结论:MEBO可能通过抑制炎症反应,改善创面微循环和促进组织再生对肛瘘术后大鼠创面修复。  相似文献   



Approximately 15% of the United States population suffers from chronic kidney disease (CKD), often demonstrating an associated impairment in wound healing. This study outlines the development of a surgical murine model of CKD in order to investigate the mechanisms underlying this impairment.


CKD was induced in mice by partial cauterization of one kidney cortex and contralateral nephrectomy, modifying a previously published technique. After a minimum of 6-weeks, splinted, dorsal excisional wounds were created to permit assessment of wound healing parameters. Wounds were harvested on postoperative days (POD) 0, 3, 7, and 14 for histological, immunofluorescent, and quantitative PCR (qPCR).


CKD mice exhibited deranged blood chemistry and hematology profiles, including profound uremia and anemia. Significant decreases in re-epithelialization and granulation tissue deposition rates were found in uremic mice wounds relative to controls. On immunofluorescent analysis, uremic mice demonstrated significant reductions in cellular proliferation (BrdU) and angiogenesis (CD31), with a concurrent increase in inflammation (CD45) as compared to controls. CKD mice also displayed differential expression of wound healing-related genes (VEGF, IL-1β, eNOS, iNOS) on qPCR.


These findings represent the first reported investigation of cutaneous healing in a CKD animal model. Ongoing studies of this significantly delayed wound healing phenotype include the establishment of renal failure model in diabetic strains to study the combined effects of CKD and diabetes.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM)-induced endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) dysfunction causes impaired wound healing, which can be rescued by delivery of large numbers of ‘normal’ EPCs onto such wounds. The principal challenges herein are (a) the high number of EPCs required and (b) their sustained delivery onto the wounds. Most of the currently available scaffolds either serve as passive devices for cellular delivery or allow adherence and proliferation, but not both. This clearly indicates that matrices possessing both attributes are ‘the need of the day’ for efficient healing of diabetic wounds. Therefore, we developed a system that not only allows selective enrichment and expansion of EPCs, but also efficiently delivers them onto the wounds. Murine bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (MNCs) were seeded onto a PolyCaprolactone-Gelatin (PCG) nano-fiber matrix that offers a combined advantage of strength, biocompatibility wettability; and cultured them in EGM2 to allow EPC growth. The efficacy of the PCG matrix in supporting the EPC growth and delivery was assessed by various in vitro parameters. Its efficacy in diabetic wound healing was assessed by a topical application of the PCG-EPCs onto diabetic wounds. The PCG matrix promoted a high-level attachment of EPCs and enhanced their growth, colony formation, and proliferation without compromising their viability as compared to Poly L-lactic acid (PLLA) and Vitronectin (VN), the matrix and non-matrix controls respectively. The PCG-matrix also allowed a sustained chemotactic migration of EPCs in vitro. The matrix-effected sustained delivery of EPCs onto the diabetic wounds resulted in an enhanced fibrosis-free wound healing as compared to the controls. Our data, thus, highlight the novel therapeutic potential of PCG-EPCs as a combined ‘growth and delivery system’ to achieve an accelerated fibrosis-free healing of dermal lesions, including diabetic wounds.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is a pleiotropic cytokine that activates granulocyte and macrophage cell lineages. It is also known to have an important function in wound healing. This study investigated the effect of GM-CSF in wound healing of human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs). We used human GM-CSF derived from rice cells (rice cell-derived recombinant human GM-CSF; rhGM-CSF). An in vitro migration assay was performed to investigate the migration rate of HCECs treated with various concentrations of rhGM-CSF (0.1, 1.0, and 10.0 μg/ml). MTT assay and flow cytometric analysis were used to evaluate the proliferative effect of rhGM-CSF. The protein level of p38MAPK was analyzed by western blotting. For in vivo analysis, 100 golden Syrian hamsters were divided into four groups, and their corneas were de-epithelialized with alcohol and a blade. The experimental groups were treated with 10, 20, or 50 μg/ml rhGM-CSF four times daily, and the control group was treated with phosphate-buffered saline. The corneal wound-healing rate was evaluated by fluorescein staining at the initial wounding and 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours after epithelial debridement. rhGM-CSF accelerated corneal epithelial wound healing both in vitro and in vivo. MTT assay and flow cytometric analysis revealed that rhGM-CSF treatment had no effects on HCEC proliferation. Western blot analysis demonstrated that the expression level of phosphorylated p38MAPK increased with rhGM-CSF treatment. These findings indicate that rhGM-CSF enhances corneal wound healing by accelerating cell migration.  相似文献   

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