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Bacteria are recognized as important drivers of biogeochemical processes in all aquatic ecosystems. Temporal and geographical patterns in ocean bacterial communities have been observed in many studies, but the temporal and spatial patterns in the bacterial communities from the South China Sea remained unexplored. To determine the spatiotemporal patterns, we generated 16S rRNA datasets for 15 samples collected from the five regularly distributed sites of the South China Sea in three seasons (spring, summer, winter). A total of 491 representative sequences were analyzed by MOTHUR, yielding 282 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) grouped at 97% stringency. Significant temporal variations of bacterial diversity were observed. Richness and diversity indices indicated that summer samples were the most diverse. The main bacterial group in spring and summer samples was Alphaproteobacteria, followed by Cyanobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria, whereas Cyanobacteria dominated the winter samples. Spatial patterns in the samples were observed that samples collected from the coastal (D151, D221) waters and offshore (D157, D1512, D224) waters clustered separately, the coastal samples harbored more diverse bacterial communities. However, the temporal pattern of the coastal site D151 was contrary to that of the coastal site D221. The LIBSHUFF statistics revealed noticeable differences among the spring, summer and winter libraries collected at five sites. The UPGMA tree showed there were temporal and spatial heterogeneity of bacterial community composition in coastal waters of the South China Sea. The water salinity (P=0.001) contributed significantly to the bacteria-environment relationship. Our results revealed that bacterial community structures were influenced by environmental factors and community-level changes in 16S-based diversity were better explained by spatial patterns than by temporal patterns.  相似文献   

Archaea represent a significant portion of biomass in the marine sediments and may play an important role in global carbon cycle. However, the identity and composition of deep sea sediment Archaea are unclear. Here, we used the archaeal 16S rRNA gene primers to determine the diversity and community structure of Archaea from shallow water (<100 m) and deep water (>1500 m) sediments in the South China Sea. Phylogenetically the archaeal community is separated between the shallow- and deep sea sediments, with the former being dominated by the Thaumarchaeota and the latter by the Marine Benthic Group B, E and the South African GoldMine Euryarchaeotal Group as well as Thaumarchaeota. Sand content showed significant correlation with Thaumarchaeota, suggesting that the porous media may create an oxic environment that allowed these aerobic organisms to thrive in the surface sediments. The carbon isotope composition of total organic carbon was significantly correlated to the distribution of archaeal groups, suggesting that Archaea overall may be constrained by the availability or sources of organic carbon in the sediments of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Cai H  Jiao N 《Microbial ecology》2008,56(4):751-764
Marine heterotrophic microorganisms that assimilate nitrate play an important role in nitrogen and carbon cycling in the water column. The nasA gene, encoding the nitrate assimilation enzyme, was selected as a functional marker to examine the nitrate assimilation community in the South China Sea (SCS). PCR amplification, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) screening, and phylogenetic analysis of nasA gene sequences were performed to characterize in situ nitrate assimilatory bacteria. Furthermore, the effects of nutrients and other environmental factors on the genetic heterogeneity of nasA fragments from the SCS were evaluated at the surface in three stations, and at two other depths in one of these stations. The diversity indices and rarefaction curves indicated that the nasA gene was more diverse in offshore waters than in the Pearl River estuary. The phylotype rank abundance curve showed an abundant and unique RFLP pattern in all five libraries, indicating that a high diversity but low abundance of nasA existed in the study areas. Phylogenetic analysis of environmental nasA gene sequences further revealed that the nasA gene fragments came from several common aquatic microbial groups, including the Proteobacteria, Cytophaga–Flavobacteria (CF), and Cyanobacteria. In addition to the direct PCR/sequence analysis of environmental samples, we also cultured a number of nitrate assimilatory bacteria isolated from the field. Comparison of nasA genes from these isolates and from the field samples indicated the existence of horizontal nasA gene transfer. Application of real-time quantitative PCR to these nasA genes revealed a great variation in their abundance at different investigation sites and water depths.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) are utilized to identify the effects caused by human activities on water quality along the coast of Sanya, South China Sea. PCA and CA identify the seasonality of water quality (dry and wet seasons) and polluted status (polluted area). The seasonality of water quality is related to climate change and Southeast monsoons. Spatial pattern is mainly related to anthropogenic activities (especially land input of pollutions). PCA reveals the characteristics underlying the generation of coastal water quality. The temporal and spatial variation of the trophic status along the coast of Sanya is governed by hydrodynamics and human activities. The results provide a novel typological understanding of seasonal trophic status in a shallow, tropical, open marine bay.  相似文献   

南海南沙海域沉积物中可培养微生物及其多样性分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
【目的】为了从南沙海域中分离获得微生物菌种资源,【方法】本文通过沉积物采样、可培养菌分离及16S rRNA鉴定,【结果】从22个站点的沉积物样品中获得349株细菌,分属于87个种。发现产芽孢细菌分布最广,并在10个站点的分离株中占多数;它们是Bacillus,Halobacillus,Brevibacillus,Paenibacillus,Pontibacillus和Thalassobacillus。其中芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)无论在数量上还是种类上都最多,分别属于34种,其中有8个可能的新种。此外,g-Proteobacteria是分离率较高的另一亚群;其中,假单胞菌(Pseudomonas),海杆菌(Marinobacter),食烷菌(Alcanivorax)属的细菌最多。统计还发现,在深度750~2000 m之间,低GC含量的细菌最丰富,而深度2000 m以下,分离株则全部为g-Proteobacteria。【结论】南沙沉积物可培养微生物中产芽孢细菌及 g-Proteobacteria比较丰富;其中,产芽孢细菌的多样性最高,具有进一步研究开发价值。  相似文献   

Ciliates (protozoa) are ubiquitous components of plankton community and play important roles in aquatic ecosystems in regards of their abundance, biomass, diversity and energy turnover. Based on the stratified samples collected from the northern Beibu Gulf in August 2011, species composition, abundance, biomass, diversity and spatial pattern of planktonic ciliates were studied. Furthermore the main environmental factors controlling ciliate communities were determined. A total of 101 species belonging to 44 genera and 7 orders (i.e., Oligotrichida, Haptorida, Euplotida, Sessilida, Pleurostomatida, Scuticociliatida and Tintinnida) were identified. The variation of ciliate communities was significant at horizontal level, but that was not at vertical level. Based on cluster analysis, ciliate communities were divided into three main groups. Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that Group A, existing in the waters with higher concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen, was dominated by Tintinnidium primitivum. Group B in the waters with lower temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, was dominated by Leegaardiella ovalis. Group C, existing in the waters with higher temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, was dominated by large Strombidium spp. and Mesodinium rubrum. Combining multiple analytic methods, our results strongly supported that phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll-a were the most significant factors affecting the ciliate communities in the northern Beibu Gulf in summer. Concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen primarily influenced ciliate biomass, implying a potential impact of eutrophication on ciliate growth. The correlation with chlorophyll-a concentration, on one hand indicate the response of ciliates to the food availability, and on the other hand, the ciliates containing chloroplasts or endosymbionts may contribute greatly to the chlorophyll-a.  相似文献   

为了揭示南海长茎葡萄蕨藻Caulerpa lentillifera共附生真菌的群落结构,并分析自来水清洗对真菌群落多样性的影响,本研究以收集于深圳南海各月份长茎葡萄蕨藻为材料,利用Illumina MiSeq 2500测序平台进行真菌ITS1扩增子测序,分析自来水清洗前后真菌类群组成和多样性的差异。研究发现,从所有18个样品中总共获得914个OTUs,检测出真菌3门12纲32目50科74属106种,其中优势属为曲霉属Aspergillus、单胞瓶霉属Phialemonium、枝孢属Cladosporium、链座菌属Catenulostroma和茎点霉属Phoma;不同月份真菌Alpha多样性指数显示南海长茎葡萄蕨藻共附生真菌丰度和多样性均随着温度降低而降低;自来水清洗前后南海长茎葡萄蕨藻共附生真菌的多样性及群落结构存在一定差异,清洗后真菌OTUs和Alpha多样性指数均有所降低,其中Chao1和Ace指数为显著性下降,表明自来水清洗对真菌群落组成丰度及多样性影响显著,这对长茎葡萄蕨藻的食品安全具有积极意义。  相似文献   

为了认识南海深海冷泉区沉积物中可培养微生物的多样性,本文以冷泉区与非冷泉区两个站点的深海沉积物为样品,通过两种培养基(R2A海水培养基和2216E培养基)直接涂布或富集后平板分离纯化,从9个样品中共得到395株菌株,并通过16SrRNA基因鉴定,分属10个属。发现产芽胞细菌分布最广、丰度最大,包括3个属、15个种。其中芽胞杆菌(Bacillus)无论是在数量还是在种类上都分布最多。并且,随着水深和沉积物深度的增加,分离到的可培养微生物丰富度降低。本研究表明,即使在冷泉区,南海深海沉积物中产芽胞细菌也比较丰富。  相似文献   

从湖北铜绿山铜矿和山西中条山铜矿两地采集了矿山废水样品, 用RFLP方法(限制性片段长度多态性方法)分析不同矿山废水中微生物多样性及其群落结构组成变化。结果发现:通过16S rDNA基因序列的系统发育树分析, 在5个矿山废水样品中检测到的细菌主要分为4大类:即Proteobacteria纲、Nitrospira纲、Firmicutes纲和Bacteroidetes纲。通过对古菌16S rDNA 的PCR分析发现, 取自湖北铜绿山铜矿的样品中检测到古菌的存在, 而取自山西中条山铜矿的样品中没有检测到古菌的存在。检测到的古菌主要是属于Ferroplasma属和Thermoplasma属。结合5个矿山废水样品的化学元素分析结果和细菌群落结构数据, 进行PCA分析(主成分分析), 发现不同矿山废水样品的生物地球化学性质及其微生物组成存在很大差异, pH值、温度、不同浓度的元素如S、Cu、Ni和Co可能是形成细菌种群结构差异的关键因素。  相似文献   

天山南麓山前平原植物群落物种多样性及空间分异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荒漠灌丛是天山南麓山前平原主要植被类型.本研究定量分析了山前平原植物群落物种多样性及生境尺度异质性的影响.结果表明:(1)天山南麓山前平原的植物群落多样性指数Simpson、均匀度指数McIntosh及丰富度指数Margalef都较低,在地貌带的过渡上,植物分布呈现均匀化.(2)海拔和地下水埋深是影响天山南麓山前平原植物群落物种多样性的重要环境指标.海拔梯度与物种多样性指数Simpson、Margalef及McIntosh均呈显著的线性正相关关系,物种多样性均随海拔高度的增加而增加;地下水埋深与物种多样性指数呈极显著的线性负相关关系,物种多样性随地下水埋深的增加而减小.(3)土壤含盐量与物种多样性指标无显著关系,但土壤含盐量与地下水埋深相关性显著,这是天山南麓山前平原土壤盐分空间异质性的一个重要特点.土壤盐分含量变化影响着植物群落物种组成,随土壤盐分含量增加,群落中盐生植物种类逐渐占据优势.(4)海拔的变化是决定天山南麓山前平原灌丛群落生境差异的主导因子.海拔差异表征了山前平原地貌、水文地质条件及土壤的变化,而随海拔变化的水热、水盐等干扰体系的差异则进一步导致了异质性的生境,进而影响不同植被类型中群落组成结构和多样性的差异.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS), the largest marginal sea in the Western Pacific Ocean, is a huge oligotrophic water body with very limited influx of nitrogenous nutrients. This suggests that sediment microbial N2 fixation plays an important role in the production of bioavailable nitrogen. To test the molecular underpinning of this hypothesis, the diversity, abundance, biogeographical distribution, and community structure of the sediment diazotrophic microbiota were investigated at 12 sampling sites, including estuarine, coastal, offshore, deep-sea, and methane hydrate reservoirs or their prospective areas by targeting nifH and some other functional biomarker genes. Diverse and novel nifH sequences were obtained, significantly extending the evolutionary complexity of extant nifH genes. Statistical analyses indicate that sediment in situ temperature is the most significant environmental factor influencing the abundance, community structure, and spatial distribution of the sediment nifH-harboring microbial assemblages in the northern SCS (nSCS). The significantly positive correlation of the sediment pore water NH4+ concentration with the nifH gene abundance suggests that the nSCS sediment nifH-harboring microbiota is active in N2 fixation and NH4+ production. Several other environmental factors, including sediment pore water PO43− concentration, sediment organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus levels, etc., are also important in influencing the community structure, spatial distribution, or abundance of the nifH-harboring microbial assemblages. We also confirmed that the nifH genes encoded by archaeal diazotrophs in the ANME-2c subgroup occur exclusively in the deep-sea methane seep areas, providing for the possibility to develop ANME-2c nifH genes as a diagnostic tool for deep-sea methane hydrate reservoir discovery.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution, diversity and composition of eukaryotic ultraplankton community of the northern South China Sea (nSCS) surface water and the relationship with the in situ water environment were investigated by the method of polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). A total of 18 DGGE intensive bands were detected and the sequence analysis of these DGGE bands revealed that Alveolata was the dominant eukaryotic ultraplankton group of surface water in the nSCS (50%). Other species belonged to Bicoecea, Bolidophyceae, Polycystinea and Chlorophyta, which accounted for less proportion of eukaryotic ultraplankton in the study area. Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages clustering of the sampling stations indicated that all stations were classified mainly based on geographical proximity. Redundancy analysis (RDA) was employed to further investigate the relationships between DGGE band pattern and the environmental variables. Based on the RDA analysis, temperature, salinity, phosphorus and silicate were the important factors to shape the eukaryotic ultraplankton community composition in the nSCS.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation, horizontal and vertical distribution, and cell size of nanoflagellates, together with physico-chemical and biological factors, were studied in the northern South China Sea (SCS). It was found that nanoflagellate abundance ranged from 0.157 × 103 to 9.193 × 103 cells/ml (with a mean of 0.891 × 103) in winter (February, 2004), while it ranged from 0.107 × 103 to 5.417 × 103 cells/ml (with a mean of 0.599 × 103) in summer (July, 2004). Nanoflagellates were more abundant in winter than summer in offshore regions, showing an unique seasonal pattern in this subtropical marginal sea. The abundance of nanoflagellates decreased from the estuary to the offshore region. Vertical distribution of nanoflagellates coupled well with that of bacteria and Chl a. The small size fraction of less than 5 μm dominated the nanoflagellate populations. Wind-driven mixing, eddies, availability of nutrients as well as Chl a and abundance of picoplankton seemed to be the major controlling factors for the spatial distribution and seasonal variation of nanoflagellates in the study area. Handling editor: P. Tasman  相似文献   

中国南海沉积环境可培养细菌多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】探索海洋沉积环境中可培养细菌的多样性。【方法】采用纯培养分离及16S rRNA基因序列鉴定的方法,对我国南海海域20个沉积物样品进行细菌多样性分析。【结果】共获得200株细菌,分属于47个属,99个种。经系统进化分析,可培养菌株主要分布于4个类群:厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),优势类群为Firmicutes,其中芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)所占比例为55.6%;而Actinobacteria和Bacteroidetes两个类群获得菌株较少;在Firmicutes和Actinobacteria两个类群中发现8个潜在新种和3个潜在新属级类群。【结论】初步研究结果表明,南海海洋沉积环境可培养微生物资源丰富,新物种资源多样;其中,芽孢杆菌为海洋沉积环境中的优势类群,随着样品深度的增加,细菌多样性呈现递减的趋势,深度可能是影响细菌多样性的一个重要因素;其次,分离培养基和分离方法直接关系到样品中可培养微生物多样性的发现,有待深入研究。  相似文献   

This study examined the similarity of epilimnetic bacterial community composition (BCC) across several within- and among-lake spatial scales, and the environmental factors giving rise to similar bacterial communities in different lakes were also explored. Samples were collected from 13 northern and southern Wisconsin lakes representing gradients in lake size, productivity, dissolved organic carbon and humic acid contents, and pH. Hypotheses regarding patchy distribution of bacterial communities in lakes were tested by comparing samples collected from nearby (tens of meters) and distant (hundreds of meters) sampling sites in the same lake. BCC was characterized by using a molecular fingerprinting technique, automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA). Overall, samples collected at the 10-m, 100-m, and between-lake scales differed by 13, 17, and 75%, respectively. Variation at these last two scales was significant. The development of within-lake variation in BCC appeared to depend on the isolation of water by lake shoreline features such as bays or narrow constrictions. ARISA profiles from northern lakes had fewer peaks and were less similar to each other than were those of the southern lakes, suggesting that regional features do not necessarily lead to the development of similar bacterial communities. Lakes at similar positions on productivity and dissolved organic carbon concentration gradients had similar bacterial communities, and bacterial diversity was positively correlated with lake productivity and water temperature. Factorial studies taking into account these gradients, as well as regional spatial scales, should provide much insight into the nature of aquatic bacterial biogeography.  相似文献   

通过扩增子测序,分析了枸杞岛附近海域表层水中真菌群落组成及其多样性特征。结果表明,枸杞岛周围海域真菌群落组成稳定,优势真菌菌门为子囊菌门(Ascomycota),优势菌纲为座囊菌纲(Dothideomycetes),优势真菌属包括Hortaea、青霉菌属(Penicillium)、曲霉菌属(Aspergillus)。其中丰度最高的OTU1765属于威尼克外瓶霉(Hortaea werneckii),经FUNGuild功能预测发现这是一种潜在的人类和植物病原真菌。枸杞岛附近海域表层水中真菌群落的生态功能组成比较丰富,主要为植物病原菌和未明确的腐生真菌。研究结果揭示了枸杞岛附近海域表层水中的真菌群落组成特点,为枸杞岛附近海域表层水中微生物资源的开发利用及环境保护提供参考。  相似文献   

Multiple anthropogenic disturbances to bacterial diversity have been investigated in coastal ecosystems, in which temporal variability in the bacterioplankton community has been considered a ubiquitous process. However, far less is known about the temporal dynamics of a bacterioplankton community responding to pollution disturbances such as toxic metals. We used coastal water microcosms perturbed with 0, 10, 100, and 1,000 μg liter−1 of cadmium (Cd) for 2 weeks to investigate temporal variability, Cd-induced patterns, and their interaction in the coastal bacterioplankton community and to reveal whether the bacterial community structure would reflect the Cd gradient in a temporally varying system. Our results showed that the bacterioplankton community structure shifted along the Cd gradient consistently after a 4-day incubation, although it exhibited some resistance to Cd at low concentration (10 μg liter−1). A process akin to an arms race between temporal variability and Cd exposure was observed, and the temporal variability overwhelmed Cd-induced patterns in the bacterial community. The temporal succession of the bacterial community was correlated with pH, dissolved oxygen, NO3-N, NO2-N, PO43−-P, dissolved organic carbon, and chlorophyll a, and each of these parameters contributed more to community variance than Cd did. However, elevated Cd levels did decrease the temporal turnover rate of community. Furthermore, key taxa, affiliated to the families Flavobacteriaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, Erythrobacteraceae, Piscirickettsiaceae, and Alteromonadaceae, showed a high frequency of being associated with Cd levels during 2 weeks. This study provides direct evidence that specific Cd-induced patterns in bacterioplankton communities exist in highly varying manipulated coastal systems. Future investigations on an ecosystem scale across longer temporal scales are needed to validate the observed pattern.  相似文献   

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