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The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been widely used as a model eukaryote to study a diverse range of biological processes. However, population genetic studies of this species have been limited to date, and we know very little about the evolutionary processes and selective pressures that are shaping its genome. Here, we sequenced the genomes of 32 worldwide S. pombe strains and examined the pattern of polymorphisms across their genomes. In addition to introns and untranslated regions (UTRs), intergenic regions also exhibited lower levels of nucleotide diversity than synonymous sites, suggesting that a considerable amount of noncoding DNA is under selective constraint and thus likely to be functional. A number of genomic regions showed a reduction of nucleotide diversity probably caused by selective sweeps. We also identified a region close to the end of chromosome 3 where an extremely high level of divergence was observed between 5 of the 32 strains and the remain 27, possibly due to introgression, strong positive selection, or that region being responsible for reproductive isolation. Our study should serve as an important starting point in using a population genomics approach to further elucidate the biology of this important model organism.  相似文献   



Construction of plasmids is crucial in modern genetic manipulation. As of now, the common method for constructing plasmids is to digest specific DNA sequences with restriction enzymes and to ligate the resulting DNA fragments with DNA ligase. Another potent method to construct plasmids, known as gap-repair cloning (GRC), is commonly used in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. GRC makes use of the homologous recombination activity that occurs within the yeast cells. Due to its flexible design and efficiency, GRC has been frequently used for constructing plasmids with complex structures as well as genome-wide plasmid collections. Although there have been reports indicating GRC feasibility in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, this species is not commonly used for GRC as systematic studies of reporting GRC efficiency in S. pombe have not been performed till date.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated GRC efficiency in S. pombe in this study. We first showed that GRC was feasible in S. pombe by constructing a plasmid that contained the LEU2 auxotrophic marker gene in vivo and showed sufficient efficiency with short homology sequences (>25 bp). No preference was shown for the sequence length from the cut site in the vector plasmid. We next showed that plasmids could be constructed in a proper way using 3 DNA fragments with 70% efficiency without any specific selections being made. The GRC efficiency with 3 DNA fragments was dramatically increased >95% in lig4Δ mutant cell, where non-homologous end joining is deficient. Following this approach, we successfully constructed plasmid vectors with leu1+, ade6+, his5+, and lys1+ markers with the low-copy stable plasmid pDblet as a backbone by applying GRC in S. pombe.


We concluded that GRC was sufficiently feasible in S. pombe for genome-wide gene functional analysis as well as for regular plasmid construction. Plasmids with different markers constructed in this research are available from NBRP-yeast (http://yeast.lab.nig.ac.jp/).  相似文献   

Regulation of polarised cell growth is essential for many cellular processes including spatial coordination of cell morphology changes during the division cycle. We present a mathematical model of the core mechanism responsible for the regulation of polarised growth dynamics during the fission yeast cell cycle. The model is based on the competition of growth zones localised at the cell tips for a common substrate distributed uniformly in the cytosol. We analyse the bifurcations in this model as the cell length increases, and show that the growth activation dynamics provides an explanation for the new-end take-off (NETO) as a saddle-node bifurcation at which the cell sharply switches from monopolar to bipolar growth. We study the parameter sensitivity of the bifurcation diagram and relate qualitative changes of the growth pattern, e.g. delayed or absent NETO, to previously observed mutant phenotypes. We investigate the effects of imperfect asymmetric cell division, and show that this leads to distinct growth patterns that provide experimentally testable predictions for validating the presented competitive growth zone activation model. Finally we discuss extension of the model for describing mutant cells with more than two growth zones.  相似文献   

The ERH gene encodes a highly conserved small nuclear protein with a unique amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure but unknown function. The gene is present in animals, plants, and protists but to date has only been found in few fungi. Here we report that ERH homologs are also present in all four species from the genus Schizosaccharomyces, S. pombe, S. octosporus, S. cryophilus, and S. japonicus, which, however, are an exception in this respect among Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. The ERH protein sequence is moderately conserved within the genus (58% identity between S. pombe and S.japonicus), but the intron-rich genes have almost identical intron-exon organizations in all four species. In S. pombe, erh1+ is expressed at a roughly constant level during vegetative growth and adaptation to unfavorable conditions such as nutrient limitation and hyperosmotic stress caused by sorbitol. Erh1p localizes preferentially to the nucleus with the exception of the nucleolus, but is also present in the cytoplasm. Cells lacking erh1+ have an aberrant cell morphology and a comma-like shape when cultured to the stationary phase, and exhibit a delayed recovery from this phase followed by slower growth. Loss of erh1+ in an auxotrophic background results in enhanced arrest in the G1 phase following nutritional stress, and also leads to hypersensitivity to agents inducing hyperosmotic stress (sorbitol), inhibiting DNA replication (hydroxyurea), and destabilizing the plasma membrane (SDS); this hypersensitivity can be abolished by expression of S. pombe erh1+ and, to a lesser extent, S. japonicus erh1+ or human ERH. Erh1p fails to interact with the human Ciz1 and PDIP46/SKAR proteins, known molecular partners of human ERH. Our data suggest that in Schizosaccharomyces sp. erh1+ is non-essential for normal growth and Erh1p could play a role in response to adverse environmental conditions and in cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

The telomere at the end of a linear chromosome plays crucial roles in genome stability. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the Rap1 protein, one of the central players at the telomeres, associates with multiple proteins to regulate various telomere functions, such as the maintenance of telomere DNA length, telomere end protection, maintenance of telomere heterochromatin, and telomere clustering in meiosis. The molecular bases of the interactions between Rap1 and its partners, however, remain largely unknown. Here, we describe the identification of the interaction domains of Rap1 with its partners. The Bqt1/Bqt2 complex, which is required for normal meiotic progression, Poz1, which is required for telomere length control, and Taz1, which is required for the recruitment of Rap1 to telomeres, bind to distinct domains in the C-terminal half of Rap1. Intriguingly, analyses of a series of deletion mutants for rap1+ have revealed that the long N-terminal region (1–456 a.a. [amino acids]) of Rap1 (full length: 693 a.a.) is not required for telomere DNA length control, telomere end protection, and telomere gene silencing, whereas the C-terminal region (457–693 a.a.) containing Poz1- and Taz1-binding domains plays important roles in those functions. Furthermore, the Bqt1/Bqt2- and Taz1-binding domains are essential for normal spore formation after meiosis. Our results suggest that the C-terminal half of Rap1 is critical for the primary telomere functions, whereas the N-terminal region containing the BRCT (BRCA1 C-terminus) and Myb domains, which are evolutionally conserved among the Rap1 family proteins, does not play a major role at the telomeres.  相似文献   

Human N-acetyltransferase 10 (NAT10) is known to be a lysine acetyltransferase that targets microtubules and histones and plays an important role in cell division. NAT10 is highly expressed in malignant tumors, and is also a promising target for therapies against laminopathies and premature aging. Here we report that NAT10 is an ATP-dependent RNA acetyltransferase responsible for formation of N4-acetylcytidine (ac4C) at position 1842 in the terminal helix of mammalian 18 S rRNA. RNAi-mediated knockdown of NAT10 resulted in growth retardation of human cells, and this was accompanied by high-level accumulation of the 30 S precursor of 18 S rRNA, suggesting that ac4C1842 formation catalyzed by NAT10 is involved in rRNA processing and ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have shown that the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has DNA replication origins (500 to 1500 bp) that are larger than those in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (100 to 150 bp). Deletion and linker substitution analyses of two fission yeast origins revealed that they contain multiple important regions with AT-rich asymmetric (abundant A residues in one strand and T residues in the complementary strand) sequence motifs. In this work we present the characterization of a third fission yeast replication origin, ars3001, which is relatively small (~570 bp) and responsible for replication of ribosomal DNA. Like previously studied fission yeast origins, ars3001 contains multiple important regions. The three most important of these regions resemble each other in several ways: each region is essential for origin function and is at least partially orientation dependent, each region contains similar clusters of A+T-rich asymmetric sequences, and the regions can partially substitute for each other. These observations suggest that ars3001 function requires synergistic interactions between domains binding similar proteins. It is likely that this requirement extends to other fission yeast origins, explaining why such origins are larger than those of budding yeast.  相似文献   

P. Munz 《Genetics》1994,137(3):701-707
The evaluation of three-point crosses at the tetrad and random spore level leads to the conclusion that both chiasma and chromatid interference are absent in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.  相似文献   

To quantify cell cycle-dependent fluctuations on a proteome-wide scale, we performed integrative analysis of the proteome and phosphoproteome during the four major phases of the cell cycle in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In highly synchronized cells, we identified 3753 proteins and 3682 phosphorylation events and relatively quantified 65% of the data across all phases. Quantitative changes during the cell cycle were infrequent and weak in the proteome but prominent in the phosphoproteome. Protein phosphorylation peaked in mitosis, where the median phosphorylation site occupancy was 44%, about 2-fold higher than in other phases. We measured copy numbers of 3178 proteins, which together with phosphorylation site stoichiometry enabled us to estimate the absolute amount of protein-bound phosphate, as well as its change across the cell cycle. Our results indicate that 23% of the average intracellular ATP is utilized by protein kinases to phosphorylate their substrates to drive regulatory processes during cell division. Accordingly, we observe that phosphate transporters and phosphate-metabolizing enzymes are phosphorylated and therefore likely to be regulated in mitosis.Cell replication involves a complex series of highly regulated and evolutionary conserved events, called the “cell cycle.” Aberrations in the cell cycle have severe implications and can cause cancerous growth. A detailed understanding of the cell cycle and its regulation may identify additional targets for cancer therapy (13). The cell cycle has been the subject of previous proteomics studies. Olsen et al. (4) measured the dynamics of thousands of proteins and phosphorylation events across cell cycle phases of HeLa cells, providing insights into the underlying regulatory mechanisms and pointing to a general increase in phosphorylation site occupancy during M phase. In a targeted study, Pagliuca et al. (5) investigated interactors of cyclins E1, A2, and B1 in HeLa cells, revealing key mechanistic links between DNA replication and mitosis.Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast) is a unicellular organism, which can easily be genetically manipulated and carries many cell cycle features similar to metazoan cells. It is an important model organism to study the cell cycle and its checkpoint controls (6). Recent global proteomics studies of yeasts and their cell cycle (713) have mainly focused on Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast), with only a few studies of fission yeast (14, 15), although the fission yeast cell cycle may be more representative of eukaryotic cell cycles (16). However, attention of the proteomics community toward S. pombe is increasing. Recent proteomics studies covered up to 4087 S. pombe proteins (71% of the predicted proteome) and 1544 phosphoproteins in both asynchronous and synchronized cell cultures (1722); however, a comprehensive analysis of the S. pombe cell cycle is so far missing.Here, we use high resolution mass spectrometry in combination with stable isotope labeling by amino acids in the cell culture (SILAC)1 method, termed super-SILAC (23), and intensity-based absolute quantification (iBAQ) (24) to measure relative and absolute dynamics of the proteome and phosphoproteome during the cell cycle of fission yeast. We estimate copy numbers for 3178 S. pombe proteins, and we combine these data with calculated phosphorylation site stoichiometry to estimate the total amount of protein-bound phosphate and its dynamics across the cell cycle. Providing the global absolute dynamics and stoichiometry of proteins and their modifications will be a valuable resource for classical and systems biologists alike.  相似文献   

Cell fate is determined by the balance of conserved molecular mechanisms regulating death (apoptosis) and survival (autophagy). Autophagy is a process by which cells recycle their organelles and macromolecules through degradation within the vacuole in yeast and plants, and lysosome in metazoa. In the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, autophagy is strongly induced under nitrogen starvation and in aging cells. Previously, we demonstrated that calnexin (Cnx1p), a highly conserved transmembrane chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), regulates apoptosis under ER stress or inositol starvation. Moreover, we showed that in stationary phase, Cnx1p is cleaved into two moieties, L_Cnx1p and S_Cnx1p. Here, we show that the processing of Cnx1p is regulated by autophagy, induced by nitrogen starvation or cell aging. The cleavage of Cnx1p involves two vacuolar proteases: Isp6, which is essential for autophagy, and its paralogue Psp3. Blocking autophagy through the knockout of autophagy-related genes (atg) results in inhibition of both, the cleavage and the trafficking of Cnx1p from the ER to the vacuole. We demonstrate that Cnx1p is required for cell survival under nitrogen-starvation and in chronological aging cultures. The death of the mini_cnx1 mutant (overlapping S_cnx1p) cells is accompanied by accumulation of high levels of reactive-oxygen species (ROS), a slowdown in endocytosis and severe cell-wall defects. Moreover, mutant cells expressing only S_Cnx1p showed cell wall defects. Co-expressing mutant overlapping the L_Cnx1p and S_Cnx1p cleavage products reverses the death, ROS phenotype and cell wall defect to wild-type levels. As it is involved in both apoptosis and autophagy, Cnx1p could be a nexus for the crosstalk between these pro-death and pro-survival mechanisms. Ours, and observations in mammalian systems, suggest that the multiple roles of calnexin depend on its sub-cellular localization and on its cleavage. The use of S. pombe should assist in further shedding light on the multiple roles of calnexin.  相似文献   

The primary and secondary structure of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA (ssrRNA) gene from the naked, marine amoeba, Vannella anglica (subclass Gymnamoebia), was determined. The ssrRNA is 1962 nucleotides in length, with a low G+C content of 37.1%. The ssrRNA is composed of several uncommon secondary structure features including helix E8-1, which may be a useful target for rRNA probes for the direct identification of isolates in mixed culture. Phylogenetic analysis of sequence data showed that V. anglica branched prior to the rapid diversification of the eukaryotes. It did not associate with the other naked, lobose amoebae represented by Acanthamoeba and Hartmannella, indicating that Vannella represents a separate amoeboid lineage and the subclass Gymnamoebia is polyphyletic. Received: 9 July 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

J. D. Hudson  H. Feilotter    P. G. Young 《Genetics》1990,126(2):309-315
In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cdc25 is a cell cycle regulated inducer of mitosis. wee1 and phenotypically wee alleles of cdc2 are epistatic to cdc25. Mutant alleles of a new locus, stf1 (suppressor of twenty-five), identified in a reversion analysis of conditionally lethal cdr1-76 cdc25-22 and cdr2-96 cdc25-22 double mutant strains, also suppress both temperature-sensitive and gene disruption alleles of cdc25. These mutants, by themselves, are phenotypically indistinguishable from wild type strains; hence they represent the first known mutations that are epistatic to cdc25 and do not display a wee phenotype. stf1 genetically interacts with other elements of mitotic control in S. pombe. stf1-1 is additive with wee1-50, cdc2-1w and cdc2-3w for suppression of cdc25-22. Also, like wee1- and cdc2-w, stf1- suppression of cdc25 is reversed by overexpression of the putative type 1 protein phosphatase bws1+/dis2+. Interaction with various mutants and plasmid overexpression experiments suggest that stf1 does not operate either upstream or downstream of wee1. Similarly, it does not operate through cdc25 since it rescues the disruption. stf1 appears to encode an important new element of mitotic control.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell wall synthesis by the clathrin light chain has been addressed. Schizosaccharomyces pombe clc1Δ mutant was inviable in the absence of osmotic stabilization; when grown in sorbitol-supplemented medium clc1Δ cells grew slowly, formed aggregates, and had strong defects in morphology. Additionally, clc1Δ cells exhibited an altered cell wall composition. A mutant that allowed modulating the amount of Clc1p was created to analyze in more detail the dependence of cell wall synthesis on clathrin. A 40% reduction in the amount of Clc1p did not affect acid phosphatase secretion and bulk lipid internalization. Under these conditions, β(1,3)glucan synthase activity and cell wall synthesis were reduced. Also, the delivery of glucan synthases to the cell surface, and the secretion of the Eng1p glucanase were defective. These results suggest that the defects in the cell wall observed in the conditional mutant were due to a defective secretion of enzymes involved in the synthesis/remodelling of this structure, rather than to their endocytosis. Our results show that a reduction in the amount of clathrin that has minor effects on general vesicle trafficking has a strong impact on cell wall synthesis, and suggest that this is the reason for the lethality of clc1Δ cells in the absence of osmotic stabilization.  相似文献   

Germ-tube emergence took place at almost the same time as DNAsynthesis during spore germination in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomycespombe. Neither the emergence nor the elongation of the germ-tubeswas inhibited by hydroxyurea. Spores harboring a temperature-sensitivecdc 10 mutation produced germ-tubes even at a restrictive temperature,which indicates that germ-tube formation is not dependent onDNA synthesis. 1 Present address: Department of Microbial Genetics, ResearchInstitute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, Yamada-Oka,Suita, Osaka 565, Japan. (Received June 3, 1982; Accepted July 5, 1982)  相似文献   

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