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蛋白质的折叠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重点介绍了蛋白质折叠的热力学控制学说和动力学控制学说,简单介绍了几种蛋白质折叠模型并分析了多肽链在体内进行快速折叠的原因。  相似文献   

Stunning advances have been achieved in addressing the protein folding problem, providing deeper understanding of the mechanisms by which proteins navigate energy landscapes to reach their native states and enabling powerful algorithms to connect sequence to structure. However, the realities of the in vivo protein folding problem remain a challenge to reckon with. Here, we discuss the concept of the “proteome folding problem”—the problem of how organisms build and maintain a functional proteome—by admitting that folding energy landscapes are characterized by many misfolded states and that cells must deploy a network of chaperones and degradation enzymes to minimize deleterious impacts of these off-pathway species. The resulting proteostasis network is an inextricable part of in vivo protein folding and must be understood in detail if we are to solve the proteome folding problem. We discuss how the development of computational models for the proteostasis network’s actions and the relationship to the biophysical properties of the proteome has begun to offer new insights and capabilities.  相似文献   

Co-translational folding (CTF) facilitates correct folding in vivo, but its precise mechanism remains elusive. For the CTF of a three-domain protein SufI, it was reported that the translational attenuation is obligatory to acquire the functional state. Here, to gain structural insights on the underlying mechanisms, we performed comparative molecular simulations of SufI that mimic CTF as well as refolding schemes. A CTF scheme that relied on a codon-based prediction of translational rates exhibited folding probability markedly higher than that by the refolding scheme. When the CTF schedule is speeded up, the success rate dropped. These agree with experiments. Structural investigation clarified that misfolding of the middle domain was much more frequent in the refolding scheme than that in the codon-based CTF scheme. The middle domain is less stable and can fold via interactions with the folded N-terminal domain. Folding pathway networks showed the codon-based CTF gives narrower pathways to the native state than the refolding scheme.  相似文献   


A coarse-grained simulation accessing relevant folding timescales for β-lactoglobulin was corroborated experimentally and reveals a dynamic role for nonnative structures dictated by local propensity vis-à-vis the large-scale context. This picture prompts us to shift focus, leaving aside the hierarchical vs. nonhierarchical controversy.  相似文献   

Models of protein energetics that neglect interactions between amino acids that are not adjacent in the native state, such as the Gō model, encode or underlie many influential ideas on protein folding. Implicit in this simplification is a crucial assumption that has never been critically evaluated in a broad context: Detailed mechanisms of protein folding are not biased by nonnative contacts, typically argued to be a consequence of sequence design and/or topology. Here we present, using computer simulations of a well-studied lattice heteropolymer model, the first systematic test of this oft-assumed correspondence over the statistically significant range of hundreds of thousands of amino acid sequences that fold to the same native structure. Contrary to previous conjectures, we find a multiplicity of folding mechanisms, suggesting that Gō-like models cannot be justified by considerations of topology alone. Instead, we find that the crucial factor in discriminating among topological pathways is the heterogeneity of native contact energies: The order in which native contacts accumulate is profoundly insensitive to omission of nonnative interactions, provided that native contact heterogeneity is retained. This robustness holds over a surprisingly wide range of folding rates for our designed sequences. Mirroring predictions based on the principle of minimum frustration, fast-folding sequences match their Gō-like counterparts in both topological mechanism and transit times. Less optimized sequences dwell much longer in the unfolded state and/or off-pathway intermediates than do Gō-like models. For dynamics that bridge unfolded and unfolded states, however, even slow folders exhibit topological mechanisms and transit times nearly identical with those of their Gō-like counterparts. Our results do not imply a direct correspondence between folding trajectories of Gō-like models and those of real proteins, but they do help to clarify key topological and energetic assumptions that are commonly used to justify such caricatures.  相似文献   

Kolb  V. A. 《Molecular Biology》2001,35(4):584-590
The review analyzes the research concerning the folding of proteins in the course of their synthesis on ribosomes. The experimental data obtained for various proteins using various methods give grounds for concluding that a nascent protein largely acquires its spatial structure while still attached to the ribosome, and final folding into the biologically active conformation takes place as soon as the completed protein is released therefrom. Cotranslational folding is characteristic of both bacterial and eukaryotic cells, and appears to be the universal and the most evolutionarily ancient mechanism.  相似文献   

We have been studying chaperonins these past twenty years through an initial discovery of an action in protein folding, analysis of structure, and elucidation of mechanism. Some of the highlights of these studies were presented recently upon sharing the honor of the 2013 Herbert Tabor Award with my early collaborator, Ulrich Hartl, at the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Boston. Here, some of the major findings are recounted, particularly recognizing my collaborators, describing how I met them and how our great times together propelled our thinking and experiments.  相似文献   

The folding pathway and rate coefficients of the folding of a knotted protein are calculated for a potential energy function with minimal energetic frustration. A kinetic transition network is constructed using the discrete path sampling approach, and the resulting potential energy surface is visualized by constructing disconnectivity graphs. Owing to topological constraints, the low-lying portion of the landscape consists of three distinct regions, corresponding to the native knotted state and to configurations where either the N or C terminus is not yet folded into the knot. The fastest folding pathways from denatured states exhibit early formation of the N terminus portion of the knot and a rate-determining step where the C terminus is incorporated. The low-lying minima with the N terminus knotted and the C terminus free therefore constitute an off-pathway intermediate for this model. The insertion of both the N and C termini into the knot occurs late in the folding process, creating large energy barriers that are the rate limiting steps in the folding process. When compared to other protein folding proteins of a similar length, this system folds over six orders of magnitude more slowly.  相似文献   


It is widely believed that the prediction of the three-dimensional structures of proteins from the first principles is impossible. This view is based on the fact that the number of possible structures for each protein is astronomically large. The question is then why a protein folds into its native structure with the proper biological functions in the time scale of milliseconds to minutes, and this is called Levinthal's paradox. In this article I will discuss our strategy for attacking the protein folding problem. Our approach consists of two elements: the inclusion of accurate solvent effects and the development of powerful simulation algorithms that can avoid getting trapped in states of energy local minima. For the former, we discuss several models varying in nature from crude (distance-dependent dielectric function) to rigorous (reference interaction site model). For the latter, we show the effectiveness of Monte Carlo simulated annealing and generalized-ensemble algorithms.  相似文献   

We measure the stability and folding relaxation rate of phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) constructs localized in the nucleus or in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of eukaryotic cells. PGK has a more compact native state in the cellular compartments than in aqueous solution. Its native FRET signature is similar to that previously observed in a carbohydrate-crowding matrix, consistent with crowding being responsible for the compact native state of PGK in the cell. PGK folds through multiple states in vitro, but its folding kinetics is more two-state-like in the ER, so the folding mechanism can be modified by intracellular compartments. The nucleus increases PGK stability and folding rate over the cytoplasm and ER, even though the density of crowders in the nucleus is no greater than in the ER or cytoplasm. Nuclear folding kinetics (and to a lesser extent, thermodynamics) vary less from cell to cell than in the cytoplasm or ER, indicating a more homogeneous crowding and chemical environment in the nucleus.  相似文献   

The equilibrium and kinetic folding/unfolding of apomyoglobin (ApoMb) were studied at pH 6.2, 11 °C by recording tryptophan fluorescence. The equilibrium unfolding of ApoMb in the presence of urea was shown to involve accumulation of an intermediate state, which had a higher fluorescence intensity as compared with the native and unfolded states. The folding proceeded through two kinetic phases, a rapid transition from the unfolded to the intermediate state and a slow transition from the intermediate to the native state. The accumulation of the kinetic intermediate state was observed in a wide range of urea concentrations. The intermediate was detected even in the region corresponding to the unfolding limb of the chevron plot. Urea concentration dependence was obtained for the observed folding/unfolding rate. The shape of the dependence was compared with that of two-state proteins characterized by a direct transition from the unfolded to the native state.  相似文献   

The ability of the nervous system to undergo long-term plasticity is based on changes in cellular and synaptic proteomes. While many studies have explored dynamic alterations in neuronal proteomes during plasticity, there has been less attention paid to the astrocytic counterpart. Indeed, progress in identifying cell type-specific proteomes is limited owing to technical difficulties. Here, we present a cell type-specific metabolic tagging technique for a mammalian coculture model based on the bioorthogonal amino acid azidonorleucine and the mutated Mus musculus methionyl-tRNA synthetaseL274G enabling azidonorleucine introduction into de novo synthesized proteins. Azidonorleucine incorporation resulted in cell type-specific protein labeling and retained neuronal or astrocytic cell viability. Furthermore, we were able to label astrocytic de novo synthesized proteins and identified both Connexin-43 and 60S ribosomal protein L10a upregulated upon treatment with Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in astrocytes of a neuron-glia coculture. Taken together, we demonstrate the successful dissociation of astrocytic from neuronal proteomes by cell type-specific metabolic labeling offering new possibilities for the analyses of cell type-specific proteome dynamics.  相似文献   

Membrane protein folding is an emerging topic with both fundamental and health-related significance. The abundance of membrane proteins in cells underlies the need for comprehensive study of the folding of this ubiquitous family of proteins. Additionally, advances in our ability to characterize diseases associated with misfolded proteins have motivated significant experimental and theoretical efforts in the field of protein folding. Rapid progress in this important field is unfortunately hindered by the inherent challenges associated with membrane proteins and the complexity of the folding mechanism. Here, we outline an experimental procedure for measuring the thermodynamic property of the Gibbs free energy of unfolding in the absence of denaturant, ΔH2O, for a representative integral membrane protein from E. coli. This protocol focuses on the application of fluorescence spectroscopy to determine equilibrium populations of folded and unfolded states as a function of denaturant concentration. Experimental considerations for the preparation of synthetic lipid vesicles as well as key steps in the data analysis procedure are highlighted. This technique is versatile and may be pursued with different types of denaturant, including temperature and pH, as well as in various folding environments of lipids and micelles. The current protocol is one that can be generalized to any membrane or soluble protein that meets the set of criteria discussed below.Download video file.(66M, mov)  相似文献   

Empirical protein folding potentialfunctions should have a global minimum nearthe native conformationof globular proteins that fold stably, andthey should give the correct free energy offolding. We demonstrate that otherwise verysuccessful potentials fail to have even alocal minimumanywhere near the native conformation, anda seemingly well validated method ofestimatingthe thermodynamic stability of the nativestate is extremely sensitive to smallperturbations inatomic coordinates. These are bothindicative of fitting a great deal ofirrelevant detail. Here weshow how to devise a robust potentialfunction that succeeds very well at bothtasks, at least for alimited set of proteins, and this involvesdeveloping a novel representation of thedenatured state.Predicted free energies of unfolding for 25mutants of barnase are in close agreementwith theexperimental values, while for 17 mutantsthere are substantial discrepancies.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(8):1540-1564
Protein folding/unfolding is a complicated process that defies high-resolution characterization by experimental methods. As an alternative, atomistic molecular dynamics simulations are now routinely employed to elucidate and magnify the accompanying conformational changes and the role of solvent in the folding process. However, the level of detail necessary to map the process at high spatial–temporal resolution provides an overwhelming amount of data. As more and better tools are developed for analysis of these large data sets and validation of the simulations, one is still left with the problem of visualizing the results in ways that provide insight into the folding/unfolding process. While viewing and interrogating static crystal structures has become commonplace, more and different approaches are required for dynamic, interconverting, unfolding, and refolding proteins. Here we review a variety of approaches, ranging from straightforward to complex and unintuitive for multiscale analysis and visualization of protein folding and unfolding.  相似文献   

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