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Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) robustness under elevated membrane tension is maintained by actin assembly–mediated force generation. However, whether more actin assembles at endocytic sites in response to increased load has not previously been investigated. Here actin network ultrastructure at CME sites was examined under low and high membrane tension. Actin and N-WASP spatial organization indicate that actin polymerization initiates at the base of clathrin-coated pits and that the network then grows away from the plasma membrane. Actin network height at individual CME sites was not coupled to coat shape, raising the possibility that local differences in mechanical load feed back on assembly. By manipulating membrane tension and Arp2/3 complex activity, we tested the hypothesis that actin assembly at CME sites increases in response to elevated load. Indeed, in response to elevated membrane tension, actin grew higher, resulting in greater coverage of the clathrin coat, and CME slowed. When membrane tension was elevated and the Arp2/3 complex was inhibited, shallow clathrin-coated pits accumulated, indicating that this adaptive mechanism is especially crucial for coat curvature generation. We propose that actin assembly increases in response to increased load to ensure CME robustness over a range of plasma membrane tensions.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells are defined by extensive intracellular compartmentalization, which requires dynamic membrane remodeling. FER/Cip4 homology-Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (F-BAR) domain family proteins form crescent-shaped dimers, which can bend membranes into buds and tubules of defined geometry and lipid composition. However, these proteins exhibit an unexplained wide diversity of membrane-deforming activities in vitro and functions in vivo. We find that the F-BAR domain of the neuronal protein Nervous Wreck (Nwk) has a novel higher-order structure and membrane-deforming activity that distinguishes it from previously described F-BAR proteins. The Nwk F-BAR domain assembles into zigzags, creating ridges and periodic scallops on membranes in vitro. This activity depends on structural determinants at the tips of the F-BAR dimer and on electrostatic interactions of the membrane with the F-BAR concave surface. In cells, Nwk-induced scallops can be extended by cytoskeletal forces to produce protrusions at the plasma membrane. Our results define a new F-BAR membrane-deforming activity and illustrate a molecular mechanism by which positively curved F-BAR domains can produce a variety of membrane curvatures. These findings expand the repertoire of F-BAR domain mediated membrane deformation and suggest that unique modes of higher-order assembly can define how these proteins sculpt the membrane.  相似文献   

Microtubule (MT)-based transport of organelles driven by the opposing MT motors kinesins and dynein is tightly regulated in cells, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Here we tested the regulation of MT transport by the ubiquitous protein MAP4 using Xenopus melanophores as an experimental system. In these cells, pigment granules (melanosomes) move along MTs to the cell center (aggregation) or to the periphery (dispersion) by means of cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin-2, respectively. We found that aggregation signals induced phosphorylation of threonine residues in the MT-binding domain of the Xenopus MAP4 (XMAP4), thus decreasing binding of this protein to MTs. Overexpression of XMAP4 inhibited pigment aggregation by shortening dynein-dependent MT runs of melanosomes, whereas removal of XMAP4 from MTs reduced the length of kinesin-2–dependent runs and suppressed pigment dispersion. We hypothesize that binding of XMAP4 to MTs negatively regulates dynein-dependent movement of melanosomes and positively regulates kinesin-2–based movement. Phosphorylation during pigment aggregation reduces binding of XMAP4 to MTs, thus increasing dynein-dependent and decreasing kinesin-2–dependent motility of melanosomes, which stimulates their accumulation in the cell center, whereas dephosphorylation of XMAP4 during dispersion has an opposite effect.  相似文献   

Genes occupy preferred spatial positions within interphase cell nuclei. However, positioning patterns are not an innate feature of a locus, and genes can alter their localization in response to physiological and pathological changes. Here we screen the radial positioning patterns of 40 genes in normal, hyperplasic, and malignant human prostate tissues. We find that the overall spatial organization of the genome in prostate tissue is largely conserved among individuals. We identify three genes whose nuclear positions are robustly altered in neoplastic prostate tissues. FLI1 and MMP9 position differently in prostate cancer than in normal tissue and prostate hyperplasia, whereas MMP2 is repositioned in both prostate cancer and hyperplasia. Our data point to locus-specific reorganization of the genome during prostate disease.  相似文献   

Assembly and sealing of the tight junction barrier are critically dependent on the perijunctional actin cytoskeleton, yet little is known about physical and functional links between barrier-forming proteins and actin. Here we identify a novel functional complex of the junction scaffolding protein ZO-1 and the F-BAR–domain protein TOCA-1. Using MDCK epithelial cells, we show that an alternative splice of TOCA-1 adds a PDZ-binding motif, which binds ZO-1, targeting TOCA-1 to barrier contacts. This isoform of TOCA-1 recruits the actin nucleation–promoting factor N-WASP to tight junctions. CRISPR-Cas9–mediated knockout of TOCA-1 results in increased paracellular flux and delayed recovery in a calcium switch assay. Knockout of TOCA-1 does not alter FRAP kinetics of GFP ZO-1 or occludin, but longer term (12 h) time-lapse microscopy reveals strikingly decreased tight junction membrane contact dynamics in knockout cells compared with controls. Reexpression of TOCA-1 with, but not without, the PDZ-binding motif rescues both altered flux and membrane contact dynamics. Ultrastructural analysis shows actin accumulation at the adherens junction in TOCA-1–knockout cells but unaltered freeze-fracture fibril morphology. Identification of the ZO-1/TOCA-1 complex provides novel insights into the underappreciated dependence of the barrier on the dynamic nature of cell-to-cell contacts and perijunctional actin.  相似文献   

Early endosomes are transported bidirectionally by cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin-3, but how the movements are regulated in vivo remains unclear. Here our forward genetic study led to the discovery of VezA, a vezatin-like protein in Aspergillus nidulans, as a factor critical for early endosome distribution. Loss of vezA causes an abnormal accumulation of early endosomes at the hyphal tip, where microtubule plus ends are located. This abnormal accumulation depends on kinesin-3 and is due to a decrease in the frequency but not the speed of dynein-mediated early endosome movement. VezA-GFP signals are enriched at the hypha tip in an actin-dependent manner but are not obviously associated with early endosomes, thus differing from the early endosome association of the cargo adapter HookA (Hook in A. nidulans). On loss of VezA, HookA associates normally with early endosomes, but the interaction between dynein-dynactin and the early-endosome-bound HookA is significantly decreased. However, VezA is not required for linking dynein-dynactin to the cytosolic ∆C-HookA, lacking the cargo-binding C-terminus. These results identify VezA as a novel regulator required for the interaction between dynein and the Hook-bound early endosomes in vivo.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ∼21-nucleotide-long, single-stranded noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression. Biogenesis of miRNAs is mediated by the two RNase III-like enzymes, Drosha and Dicer. Here we study miRNA biogenesis during maturation of Xenopus oocytes to eggs using microinjection of pri-miRNAs. We show that processing of exogenous and endogenous primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) is strongly enhanced upon maturation of oocytes to eggs. Overexpression of cloned Xenopus Drosha in oocytes, however, boosts pri-miRNA processing dramatically, indicating that Drosha is a rate-limiting factor in Xenopus oocytes. This developmental regulation of Drosha is controlled by poly(A) length addition to the Drosha mRNA, which boosts translation upon transition from oocytes to eggs. Processing of pri-miRNAs by Drosha and Dicer has been shown to be affected by adenosine-to-inosine deamination–type RNA editing. Using activated Xenopus eggs for microinjection experiments, we demonstrate that RNA editing can reduce pri-miRNA processing in vivo. This processing block is determined by the structural but not sequence changes introduced by RNA editing.  相似文献   

The precise functions of most of the proteins that participate in clathrin-mediated intracellular trafficking are unknown. We investigated two such proteins, epsinR and gadkin, using the knocksideways method, which rapidly depletes proteins from the available pool by trapping them onto mitochondria. Although epsinR is known to be an N-ethylmaleimide–sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE)-specific adaptor, the epsinR knocksideways blocked the production of the entire population of intracellular clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs), suggesting a more global function. Using the epsinR knocksideways data, we were able to estimate the copy number of all major intracellular CCV proteins. Both sides of the vesicle are densely covered, indicating that CCVs sort their cargo by molecular crowding. Trapping of gadkin onto mitochondria also blocked the production of intracellular CCVs but by a different mechanism: vesicles became cross-linked to mitochondria and pulled out toward the cell periphery. Both phenotypes provide new insights into the regulation of intracellular CCV formation, which could not have been found using more conventional approaches.  相似文献   

Macroendocytic vacuoles formed by phagocytosis, or the live-cell engulfment program entosis, undergo sequential steps of maturation, leading to the fusion of lysosomes that digest internalized cargo. After cargo digestion, nutrients must be exported to the cytosol, and vacuole membranes must be processed by mechanisms that remain poorly defined. Here we find that phagosomes and entotic vacuoles undergo a late maturation step characterized by fission, which redistributes vacuolar contents into lysosomal networks. Vacuole fission is regulated by the serine/threonine protein kinase mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which localizes to vacuole membranes surrounding engulfed cells. Degrading engulfed cells supply engulfing cells with amino acids that are used in translation, and rescue cell survival and mTORC1 activity in starved macrophages and tumor cells. These data identify a late stage of phagocytosis and entosis that involves processing of large vacuoles by mTOR-regulated membrane fission.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic β- and γ-actin proteins are 99% identical but support unique organismal functions. The cytoplasmic actin nucleotide sequences Actb and Actg1, respectively, are more divergent but still 89% similar. Actb–/– mice are embryonic lethal and Actb–/– cells fail to proliferate, but editing the Actb gene to express γ-actin (Actbc–g) resulted in none of the overt phenotypes of the knockout revealing protein-independent functions for Actb. To determine if Actg1 has a protein-independent function, we crossed Actbc–g and Actg1–/– mice to generate the bG/0 line, where the only cytoplasmic actin expressed is γ-actin from Actbc–g. The bG/0 mice were viable but showed a survival defect despite expressing γ-actin protein at levels no different from bG/gG with normal survival. A unique myopathy phenotype was also observed in bG/0 mice. We conclude that impaired survival and myopathy in bG/0 mice are due to loss of Actg1 nucleotide-dependent function(s). On the other hand, the bG/0 genotype rescued functions impaired by Actg1–/–, including cell proliferation and auditory function, suggesting a role for γ-actin protein in both fibroblasts and hearing. Together, these results identify nucleotide-dependent functions for Actg1 while implicating γ-actin protein in more cell-/tissue-specific functions.  相似文献   

During breast cancer progression, alternative mRNA splicing produces functionally distinct isoforms of Mena, an actin regulator with roles in cell migration and metastasis. Aggressive tumor cell subpopulations express MenaINV, which promotes tumor cell invasion by potentiating EGF responses. However, the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. Here we report that Mena associates constitutively with the tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B and mediates a novel negative feedback mechanism that attenuates receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. On EGF stimulation, complexes containing Mena and PTP1B are recruited to the EGFR, causing receptor dephosphorylation and leading to decreased motility responses. Mena also interacts with the 5′ inositol phosphatase SHIP2, which is important for the recruitment of the Mena-PTP1B complex to the EGFR. When MenaINV is expressed, PTP1B recruitment to the EGFR is impaired, providing a mechanism for growth factor sensitization to EGF, as well as HGF and IGF, and increased resistance to EGFR and Met inhibitors in signaling and motility assays. In sum, we demonstrate that Mena plays an important role in regulating growth factor–induced signaling. Disruption of this attenuation by MenaINV sensitizes tumor cells to low–growth factor concentrations, thereby increasing the migration and invasion responses that contribute to aggressive, malignant cell phenotypes.  相似文献   

Neurons release neuropeptides, enzymes, and neurotrophins by exocytosis of dense-core vesicles (DCVs). Peptide release from individual DCVs has been imaged in vitro with endocrine cells and at the neuron soma, growth cones, neurites, axons, and dendrites but not at nerve terminals, where peptidergic neurotransmission occurs. Single presynaptic DCVs have, however, been tracked in native terminals with simultaneous photobleaching and imaging (SPAIM) to show that DCVs undergo anterograde and retrograde capture as they circulate through en passant boutons. Here dynamin (encoded by the shibire gene) is shown to enhance activity-evoked peptide release at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. SPAIM demonstrates that activity depletes only a portion of a single presynaptic DCV''s content. Activity initiates exocytosis within seconds, but subsequent release occurs slowly. Synaptic neuropeptide release is further sustained by DCVs undergoing multiple rounds of exocytosis. Synaptic neuropeptide release is surprisingly similar regardless of anterograde or retrograde DCV transport into boutons, bouton location, and time of arrival in the terminal. Thus vesicle circulation and bidirectional capture supply synapses with functionally competent DCVs. These results show that activity-evoked synaptic neuropeptide release is independent of a DCV''s past traffic and occurs by slow, dynamin-dependent partial emptying of DCVs, suggestive of kiss-and-run exocytosis.  相似文献   

We report an improved variant of mKeima, a monomeric long Stokes shift red fluorescent protein, hmKeima8.5. The increased intracellular brightness and large Stokes shift (∼180 nm) make it an excellent partner with teal fluorescent protein (mTFP1) for multiphoton, multicolor applications. Excitation of this pair by a single multiphoton excitation wavelength (MPE, 850 nm) yields well-separable emission peaks (∼120-nm separation). Using this pair, we measure homo- and hetero-oligomerization interactions in living cells via multiphoton excitation fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (MPE-FCS). Using tandem dimer proteins and small-molecule inducible dimerization domains, we demonstrate robust and quantitative detection of intracellular protein–protein interactions. We also use MPE-FCCS to detect drug–protein interactions in the intracellular environment using a Coumarin 343 (C343)-conjugated drug and hmKeima8.5 as a fluorescence pair. The mTFP1/hmKeima8.5 and C343/hmKeima8.5 combinations, together with our calibration constructs, provide a practical and broadly applicable toolbox for the investigation of molecular interactions in the cytoplasm of living cells.  相似文献   

The action of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) on the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTPases initiates intracellular transport pathways. This role requires ARF GEFs to be recruited from the cytosol to intracellular membrane compartments. An ARF GEF known as General receptor for 3-phosphoinositides 1 (Grp1) is recruited to the plasma membrane through its pleckstrin homology (PH) domain that recognizes phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3). Here, we find that the phosphorylation of Grp1 induces its PH domain to recognize instead phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). This phosphorylation also releases an autoinhibitory mechanism that results in the coil–coil (CC) domain of Grp1 engaging two peripheral membrane proteins of the recycling endosome. Because the combination of these actions results in Grp1 being recruited preferentially to the recycling endosome rather than to the plasma membrane, our findings reveal the complexity of recruitment mechanisms that need to be coordinated in localizing an ARF GEF to an intracellular compartment to initiate a transport pathway. Our elucidation is also remarkable for having revealed that phosphoinositide recognition by a PH domain can be switched through its phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The functional relationship between the formation of hundreds of fusion pores during the acrosome reaction in spermatozoa and the mobilization of calcium from the acrosome has been determined only partially. Hence, the second messenger NAADP, promoting efflux of calcium from lysosome-like compartments and one of its potential molecular targets, the two-pore channel 1 (TPC1), were analyzed for its involvement in triggering the acrosome reaction using a TPCN1 gene–deficient mouse strain. The present study documents that TPC1 and NAADP-binding sites showed a colocalization at the acrosomal region and that treatment of spermatozoa with NAADP resulted in a loss of the acrosomal vesicle that showed typical properties described for TPCs: Registered responses were not detectable for its chemical analogue NADP and were blocked by the NAADP antagonist trans-Ned-19. In addition, two narrow bell-shaped dose-response curves were identified with maxima in either the nanomolar or low micromolar NAADP concentration range, where TPC1 was found to be responsible for activating the low affinity pathway. Our finding that two convergent NAADP-dependent pathways are operative in driving acrosomal exocytosis supports the concept that both NAADP-gated cascades match local NAADP concentrations with the efflux of acrosomal calcium, thereby ensuring complete fusion of the large acrosomal vesicle.  相似文献   

Mutations in adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) disrupt regulation of Wnt signaling, mitosis, and the cytoskeleton. We describe a new role for APC in the transport of mitochondria. Silencing of wild-type APC by small interfering RNA caused mitochondria to redistribute from the cell periphery to the perinuclear region. We identified novel APC interactions with the mitochondrial kinesin-motor complex Miro/Milton that were mediated by the APC C-terminus. Truncating mutations in APC abolished its ability to bind Miro/Milton and reduced formation of the Miro/Milton complex, correlating with disrupted mitochondrial distribution in colorectal cancer cells that could be recovered by reconstitution of wild-type APC. Using proximity ligation assays, we identified endogenous APC-Miro/Milton complexes at mitochondria, and live-cell imaging showed that loss of APC slowed the frequency of anterograde mitochondrial transport to the membrane. We propose that APC helps drive mitochondria to the membrane to supply energy for cellular processes such as directed cell migration, a process disrupted by cancer mutations.  相似文献   

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