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臭氧是氧气的同素异形体,在常温条件下它是一种有特殊臭味的淡蓝色气体。臭氧现已成为我国主要的一种环境污染物。臭氧的分布存在着明显的时间特异性和地区特异性,与气象条件、污染物的输送与扩散以及局地光化学反应强度等因素有着重要的关系。同时在人群流行病学和动物实验中发现了臭氧可以提高慢性阻塞性肺疾病、哮喘等呼吸系统疾病的发病率和病死率,同时提示了老年人、有呼吸系统疾病病史的人群和儿童都是易受臭氧影响的高危人群。国内外学者也对臭氧对机体损伤的机制进行了研究,主要集中在臭氧的致炎作用、氧化应激作用、造成机体气道高反应性和对细胞DNA的损伤等方面。本文主要就国内外对臭氧在时空分布、对机体呼吸系统影响和臭氧造成机体损伤的机制这3方面作一简要综述。  相似文献   

During the years 2004 and 2005 high mortalities in turbot Scophthalmus maximus (L.) from a fish farm in the north of Portugal were observed. Moribund fish showed darkening of the ventral skin, reddening of the fin bases and distended abdominal cavities caused by the accumulation of ascitic fluid. Ciliates were detected in fresh mounts from skin, gill and ascitic fluid. Histological examination revealed hyperplasia and necrosis of the gills, epidermis, dermis and muscular tissue. An inflammatory response was never observed. The ciliates were not identified to species level, but the morphological characteristics revealed by light and electronic scanning microscopes indicated that these ciliates belonged to the order Philasterida. To our knowledge this is the first report of the occurrence of epizootic disease outbreaks caused by scuticociliates in marine fish farms in Portugal.  相似文献   

The behaviour of boron (B) and its fate in the environment remains in many respects obscure. The major B sources and fluxes seem to have been identified, although there are many uncertainties about the magnitude and importance of each; published evaluations vary greatly. Little is known about B speciation of living matter-bearing formations, i.e. soils, natural waters, and sediments. Many authors suppose that B in nature occurs only as oxo-compounds, although, natural inorganic and organic B compounds and complexes have been described. Moreover, the most common approach to B biogeochemistry in terms of inorganic B compounds (as boric acid and borates) seems to oversimplify the matter. Data on the physiological functions of B are fragmentary and often contradictory. Some data exists on endemic symptoms and diseases among humans and grazing cattle that are supposedly triggered by B abundance in the natural environment. Unfortunately, the published data are scarce and vague. In this paper, we review the up-to date references on B sources, turnover, and speciation in the environment and the element potential impact on health.  相似文献   



Air pollutants such as tropospheric ozone and PM2.5 travel through large areas. The damage factors (DFs) presented by existing researches in life cycle impact assessment do not take into consideration transboundary movement. A previous study used a global chemistry transport model (CTM), to develop health damage factors for ten different regions around the world by considering the transboundary movement of PM2.5. Under the same assessment procedure, this research is designed to calculate the ozone DFs by region and to find the effects of wide range movement on the DFs.


The DFs by regions are defined as changes in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) derived from changes in tropospheric ozone concentration around the world which is induced by an increase in emissions of the unit amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC). DFs for ten regions are calculated as follows. Firstly, the concentration change of worldwide ozone caused by a change in emission of a substance from one region is estimated with a global scale CTM for both NOx and NMVOC. Secondly, DALY changes on the world due to a change in concentration of ozone are estimated by using population data and epidemiological concentration-response functions for mortality and morbidity. Finally, the above calculations are done for all targeted ten regions.

Results and discussion

DFs of NOx and NMVOC for ten regions were calculated as 0.3–4.2?×?10?5 DALY/kg and 0.2–5.6?×?10?6 DALY/kg, respectively. It was found DFs might be underestimated around 10 to 70 % by region if the transboundary movement is not taken into consideration. In many regions in the northern hemisphere, about 60 % of damage occurs outside the emission area, which is larger than that of southern hemispheric regions due to a larger population exposed to downwind places. In regions of China and India, however, the influence on other regions accounted for only 10 % because these regions involve larger influences in the source region. The impact of NO titration effect can be seen in cold seasons in many regions, but it was found that the effect is remarkable on an annual average only in Europe, a cold region with large emissions.


The human health DFs of NOx and NMVOC considering effects of transboundary movement of tropospheric ozone are estimated for ten regions by using a global CTM. As a future work, it is important to show the interannual sensitivity of the DFs through chronological assessments.

The influence of ozone on Ca2+ transport in plant membranes from pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Pinto) leaves was investigated in vitro by means of a filtration method using purified vesicles. Two transport mechanisms located at the plasma membrane are involved in a response to ozone: (a) passive Ca2+ influx into the cell and (b) active Ca2+ efflux driven by an ATP-dependent system, which has two components: a primary Ca2+ transport directly linked to ATP which is partially activated by calmodulin and a H+/Ca2+ antiport coupled to activity of a H+-ATPase. The passive Ca2+ permeability is increased by ozone. A triangular pulse of ozone stimulates a higher influx of Ca2+ than does a square wave, even though the total dose was the same (0.6 microliter per liter × hour). Leaves exposed to a square wave did not exhibit visible injury and were still able to recover from oxidant stress by activation of calmodulin-dependent Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms. On the other hand, leaves exposed to a triangular wave of ozone, exhibit visible injury and lost the ability of extruding Ca2+ out of the cell.  相似文献   

  1. The infraorder Cicadomorpha is a diverse group comprising several species considered important pests of economic crops and species that may act as vectors of plant pathogens. In Europe, the gram-negative bacterium Xylella fastidiosa is one of the most important and severe insect-borne plant pathogens associated with the infraorder Cicadomorpha.
  2. Therefore, the knowledge of the abundance and diversity of native Cicadomorpha insect vectors related to the different agroecosystems is essential to design and implementing specific measures to control insect-borne plant pathogens.
  3. In this work, in two consecutive years (2018 and 2019), five almond orchards, five vineyards, five olive orchards, and five scrublands distributed in the North of Portugal were sampled in three different periods (early summer, summer and autumn) to investigate species composition, richness, and diversity of the Cicadomorpha community. Also, in 2019, five lemon orchards were sampled.
  4. A total of 6056 individuals were collected (2322 in 2018 and 3734 in 2019), belonging to 71 species of three families. Observing several considered pests or vectors of vicious pathogens within these species was possible. The confirmed vectors of X. fastidiosa (Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758) and Neophilaenus campestris (Fallen, 1805)) were captured in all agroecosystems and, in general, with more abundance in autumn. The highest abundance, richness, and diversity of Cicadomorpha were observed in vineyards. However, these parameters (abundance, richness and diversity) significantly differed between the agroecosystem and sampling period.
  5. Further research on how the composition of the vegetation cover shapes the Cicadomorpha community is essential to implement strategies to reduce the spread of insect-borne pathogens if they are introduced into agroecosystems.

The effects of the putative biliary metabolite of the peptido-leukotrienes, N-acetyl-leukotriene (LT) E4 has been investigated in the anesthetized pig. Intravenous bolus doses of synthetic N-acetyl-LTE4 produced minimal respiratory and cardiovascular actions in the pig. N-acetyl-LTE4 was approximately 100-fold less active than LTC4. The actions of N-acetyl-LTE4 were not blocked by pretreatment of the animals with indomethacin (5 mg/kg iv) or with a selective LTD4 antagonist L-649,923 (5 mg/kg plus 2 mg/kg/hr iv). In summary, N-acetyl-LTE4 exerts weak actions in the pig which is consistent with the acetylation process being a mechanism of detoxification.  相似文献   

COVID-19 (coronavirus disease-2019) is a contagious illness that has been declared a global epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The coronavirus causes diseases ranging in severity from the common cold to severe respiratory diseases and death. Coronavirus primarily affects blood pressure by attaching to the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE 2) receptor. This virus has an impact on multiple organ systems, including the central nervous system, immune system, cardiovascular system, peripheral nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, urinary system, skin, and pregnancy. For the prevention of COVID-19, various vaccines such as viral-like particle vaccines, entire inactivated virus vaccines, viral vector vaccines, live attenuated virus vaccines, subunit vaccines, RNA vaccines, and DNA vaccines are now available. Some of the COVID-19 vaccines are reported to cause a variety of adverse effects that range from mild to severe in nature. SARS-CoV-2 replication is controlled by the RNA-Dependent RNA-Polymerase enzyme (RdRp). The availability of FDA-approved anti-RdRp drugs (Ribavirin, Remdesivir, Sofosbuvir, Galidesivir, and Tenofovir) as potent drugs against SARS-CoV-2 that tightly bind to its RdRp may aid in the treatment of patients and reduce the risk of the mysterious new form of COVID-19 viral infection. RdRp inhibitors, such as remdesivir (an anti-Ebola virus experimental drug) and favipiravir (an anti-influenza drug), inhibit RdRp and thus slow the progression of COVID-19 and associated clinical symptoms, as well as significantly shorten recovery time. Molnupiravir, an orally active RdRp inhibitor and noval broad spectrum antiviral agent, is an isopropyl pro-drug of EIDD-1931 for emergency use. Galidesivir's in vitro and in vivo activities are limited to RNA of human public health concern. Top seeds for antiviral treatments with high potential to combat the SARS-CoV-2 strain include guanosine derivatives (IDX-184), setrobuvir, and YAK. The goal of this review is to compile scattered information on available COVID-19 vaccines and other treatments for protecting the human body from their harmful effects and to provide options for making better choices in a timely manner.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a debate concerning the causes of antibiotic resistance and the steps that should be taken. Beef cattle in feedlots are routinely fed a class of antibiotics known as ionophores, and these compounds increase feed efficiency by as much as 10%. Some groups have argued that ionophore resistance poses the same public health threat as conventional antibiotics, but humans are not given ionophores to combat bacterial infection. Many ruminal bacteria are ionophore-resistant, but until recently the mechanism of this resistance was not well defined. Ionophores are highly lipophilic polyethers that accumulate in cell membranes and catalyze rapid ion movement. When sensitive bacteria counteract futile ion flux with membrane ATPases and transporters, they are eventually de-energized. Aerobic bacteria and mammalian enzymes can degrade ionophores, but these pathways are oxygen-dependent and not functional in anaerobic environments like the rumen or lower GI tract. Gram-positive ruminal bacteria are in many cases more sensitive to ionophores than Gram-negative species, but this model of resistance is not always clear-cut. Some Gram-negative ruminal bacteria are initially ionophore-sensitive, and even Gram-positive bacteria can adapt. Ionophore resistance appears to be mediated by extracellular polysaccharides (glycocalyx) that exclude ionophores from the cell membrane. Because cattle not receiving ionophores have large populations of resistant bacteria, it appears that this trait is due to a physiological selection rather than a mutation per se. Genes responsible for ionophore resistance in ruminal bacteria have not been identified, but there is little evidence that ionophore resistance can be spread from one bacterium to another. Given these observations, use of ionophores in animal feed is not likely to have a significant impact on the transfer of antibiotic resistance from animals to man.  相似文献   

对流层臭氧(O3)浓度增加对作物的不利影响已受到广泛关注,臭氧模型研究自然已成为该领域的热点之一。建立有效的模型对臭氧造成的作物产量损失进行评估和预测,能为中国臭氧污染的控制和农业安全提供科学依据。根据模型与作物生长关系的紧密程度,可将其分为统计模型和机理模型2大类。本文依据模型的研究进程,依次阐述了浓度响应、剂量响应、通量响应3个统计模型;重点分析国内外影响较大的CLASS、Martin和AFRCWHEAT2-O33个机理模型;指出各模型的局限性,并对相关研究发展方向的可行性措施进行讨论。  相似文献   

非直角双曲线模型(简称模型I)是Farquhar、von Caemmerer和Berry提出的生物化学光合模型(简称FvCB生化模型)的主要子模型。在植物光合作用对光响应曲线的拟合中, 模型I得到广泛的应用和验证。同时, 模型I也可用于估算植物叶片的最大电子传递速率(Jmax)。然而, 由模型I估算植物叶片的Jmax是否与实测值相符, 尚未得到严格的验证。该文应用LI-6400-40光合测定仪测定了遮阴和全日照条件下大豆(Glycine max)叶片的光合速率和电子传递速率对光的响应曲线, 然后分别用模型I和电子传递速率对光响应机理模型(简称模型II)进行了拟合。结果表明, 由模型I估算遮阴和全日照条件下大豆叶片的Jmax与观测值之间存在显著差异; 由模型II计算得到的Jmax与实测值之间不存在显著差异。此外, 用模型I估算的Jmax将高估光合电子流分配到光呼吸的量, 从而高估光呼吸对植物的光保护作用。因此, 在估算植物叶片Jmax和准确评估光呼吸对植物光保护作用方面, 模型II更合理。  相似文献   

最大电子传递速率的确定及其对电子流分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
非直角双曲线模型(简称模型I)是Farquhar、von Caemmerer和Berry提出的生物化学光合模型(简称FvCB生化模型)的主要子模型。在植物光合作用对光响应曲线的拟合中, 模型I得到广泛的应用和验证。同时, 模型I也可用于估算植物叶片的最大电子传递速率(Jmax)。然而, 由模型I估算植物叶片的Jmax是否与实测值相符, 尚未得到严格的验证。该文应用LI-6400-40光合测定仪测定了遮阴和全日照条件下大豆(Glycine max)叶片的光合速率和电子传递速率对光的响应曲线, 然后分别用模型I和电子传递速率对光响应机理模型(简称模型II)进行了拟合。结果表明, 由模型I估算遮阴和全日照条件下大豆叶片的Jmax与观测值之间存在显著差异; 由模型II计算得到的Jmax与实测值之间不存在显著差异。此外, 用模型I估算的Jmax将高估光合电子流分配到光呼吸的量, 从而高估光呼吸对植物的光保护作用。因此, 在估算植物叶片Jmax和准确评估光呼吸对植物光保护作用方面, 模型II更合理。  相似文献   

In areas where soils are low in bioavailable selenium (Se), potential Se deficiencies cause health risks for humans. Though higher plants have been considered not to require this element, the experience with low-Se soils in Finland has provided evidence that the supplementation of commercial fertilizers with sodium selenate affects positively not only the nutritive value of the whole food chain from soil to plants, animals and humans but also the quantity of plant yields. The level of Se addition has been optimal, and no abnormally high concentrations in plants or in foods of animal origin have been observed. Se levels in serum and human milk indicate that the average daily intake has been within limits considered to be safe and adequate. In fact, plants act as effective buffers, because their growth is reduced at high Se levels. They also tend to synthesize volatile compounds in order to reduce excess Se. On the other hand, when added at low concentrations, Se exerts a beneficial effect on plant growth via several mechanisms. As in humans and animals, Se strengthens the capacity of plants to counteract oxidative stress caused by oxygen radicals produced by internal metabolic or external factors. At proper levels it also delays some of the effects of senescence and may improve the utilization of short-wavelength light by plants. High additions are toxic and may trigger pro-oxidative reactions. Thus, the present supplementation of fertilizers with Se can be considered a very effective and readily controlled way to increase the average daily Se intake nationwide.  相似文献   

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