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Primates have long been a favorite subject of evolutionary biologists, and in recent decades, have come to play an increasingly important role in biomedical research, including comparative genetics and phylogenetics. The growing list of annotated genome databases from nonhuman primate species is expected to aid in these endeavors, allowing many analyses to be performed partially or even entirely in silico. However, whole genome sequence data are typically derived from only one, or at best a few, individuals. As a consequence, information in the databases does not capture variation within species or populations, nor can the sequence of one individual be taken as representative across all loci. Furthermore, the vast majority of primate species have not been sequenced, and only a small percentage of species are currently slated for whole genome sequencing efforts. Finally, for many species data on patterns and levels of RNA expression will be lacking. Thus, there will continue to be a demand for samples from nonhuman primates as raw material for genetic and phylogenetic analyses. Gathering such samples can be complicated, with many legal and practical barriers to obtaining samples in the field or transporting samples between research centers and across borders. Here, we provide basic but critical advice for those initiating studies requiring genetic material from nonhuman primates, including some guidance on how to locate and obtain samples, brief overviews of common protocols for handling and processing samples, and a table of useful links for locating resources related to the acquisition of samples. We also advocate for the creation of curated banks of nonhuman primate samples, particularly renewable sources of genetic material such as immortalized cell lines or fibroblasts, to reduce the need for repeated or redundant sampling from living animals.  相似文献   

The use of DNA analysis in forensic investigations into animal persecution and biodiversity conservation is now commonplace and crimes such as illegal collection/smuggling, poaching, and illegal trade of protected species are increasingly being investigated using DNA based evidence in many countries. Using DNA analysis, it is possible to identify the species and geographical origin (i.e. population) of a forensic sample, and to also individualise the sample with high levels of probability. Despite extensive literature in animal species, there is unfortunately a serious lack of information on plant species, with only a handful of recent studies. In this review, I detail the applications and diverse forensic investigations that have been carried out to date whilst also highlighting recent developmental studies which offer forensic potential for many species in the future.  相似文献   

Agroecosystems cover more than one quarter of the global land area (ca. 50 million km2) as highly simplified (e.g. pasturelands) or more complex systems (e.g. polycultures and agroforestry systems) with the capacity to support higher biodiversity. Increasingly more information has been published about primates in agroecosystems but a general synthesis of the diversity of agroecosystems that primates use or which primate taxa are able to persist in these anthropogenic components of the landscapes is still lacking. Because of the continued extensive transformation of primate habitat into human‐modified landscapes, it is important to explore the extent to which agroecosystems are used by primates. In this article, we reviewed published information on the use of agroecosystems by primates in habitat countries and also discuss the potential costs and benefits to human and nonhuman primates of primate use of agroecosystems. The review showed that 57 primate taxa from four regions: Mesoamerica, South America, Sub‐Saharan Africa (including Madagascar), and South East Asia, used 38 types of agroecosystems as temporary or permanent habitats. Fifty‐one percent of the taxa recorded in agroecosystems were classified as least concern in the IUCN Red List, but the rest were classified as endangered (20%), vulnerable (18%), near threatened (9%), or critically endangered (2%). The large proportion of threatened primates in agroecosystems suggests that agroecosystems may play an important role in landscape approaches to primate conservation. We conclude by discussing the value of agroecosystems for primate conservation at a broad scale and highlight priorities for future research. Am. J. Primatol. 74:696‐711, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

G4 DNA motifs, which can form stable secondary structures called G-quadruplexes, are ubiquitous in eukaryotic genomes, and have been shown to cause genomic instability. Specialized helicases that unwind G-quadruplexes in vitro have been identified, and they have been shown to prevent genetic instability in vivo. In the absence of these helicases, G-quadruplexes can persist and cause replication fork stalling and collapse. Translesion synthesis (TLS) and homologous recombination (HR) have been proposed to play a role in the repair of this damage, but recently it was found in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that G4-induced genome alterations are generated by an error-prone repair mechanism that is dependent on the A-family polymerase Theta (Pol θ). Current data point towards a scenario where DNA replication blocked at G-quadruplexes causes DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), and where the choice of repair pathway that can act on these breaks dictates the nature of genomic alterations that are observed in various organisms.  相似文献   

Gene resources of Oryza rufipogon Griff. play a crucial role in rice breeding, and hence to study their conservation is of utter importance. The authors describe a method for preparation of DNA from mini- amotmt of the silica-gel-dried leaves of Oryza rufipogon. The high molecular weight DNAs of 1 168 individuals representing 44 populations have been obtained with high yields, which could be used for RAPD PCR and construction of total DNA bank of this species. The template DNA from silica-gel-dried leaves stored for one year at room temperature gave the same RAPD results as that from the newly prepared silica-gel-dried leaves. The optional template DNA concentrations for amplification ranged from 3.1 ng to 50 ng. In addition, the quality and quantity of the template DNAs that affect RAPD results are also discussed.  相似文献   

 啮齿目动物高重复顺序DNA的结构特征,虽已有人进行过分析,并提出大鼠DNA中有酶切位点分布独特的高重复顺序,也有人认为在Sprague-Dawlay大鼠中有类似于α-DNA大小的高重复顺序,并命名为α型(α-type),是否大鼠中也含有类α顺序,并没有人讨论过。我们对Wistar大鼠高重复顺序DNA进行了分离、纯化、分子克隆及核苷酸序列分析,测定了全序列为370bp,它也是具有酶切点分布独特的高重复顺序,但与前者存在着18%的差异性。我们对此顺序与灵长类类α-DNA进行了比较分析,发现二者在几方面都不存在相似之处,如此序列G-C含量占全部碱基组成的37.3%,而类α顺序的G-C含量约在40%以上,一些酶切位点也与类α-DNA完全不相同,另外在此序列的相应位置上也不具有灵长类类α-DNA的三个“冷点区”等等,由此得出大鼠这一高重复顺序并非类α顺序,而类α顺序只是灵长类动物所特有的。  相似文献   

Abstract The National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs) established Working Groups (WGs) for developing resources and mechanisms to facilitate collaborations among non-human primate (NHP) researchers. Here we report the progress of the Genome Banking and the Genetics and Genomics WGs in developing resources to advance the exchange, analysis and comparison of NHP genetic and genomic data across the NPRCs.
The Genome Banking WG has established a National NHP DNA bank comprising 1250 DNA samples from unrelated animals and family trios from the 10 NHP species housed within the NPRC system. The Genetics and Genomics WG is developing SNP arrays that will provide a uniform, highly informative, efficient and low-cost method for rhesus and long-tailed macaque genotyping across the eight NPRCs. This WG is also establishing a Biomedical Informatics Research Network-based portal for shared bioinformatics resources including vital statistics, genotype and population data and information on the National NHP DNA bank.  相似文献   

An innovative combination of various recently described molecular methods was set up to efficiently identify regions flanking a marker DNA in insertional mutants of Chlamydomonas. The technique is named restriction enzyme site-directed amplification PCR (RESDA-PCR) and is based on the random distribution of frequent restriction sites in a genome and on a special design of primers. The primer design is based on the presence of a restriction site included in a low degenerated sequence at the 3' end and of a specific adapter sequence at the 5' end, with the two ends being linked by a polyinosine bridge. Specific primers of the marker DNA combined with the degenerated primers allow amplification of DNA fragments adjacent to the marker insertion by using two rounds of either short or long cycling procedures. Amplified fragments from 0.3 to 2 kb or more are routinely obtained at sufficient purity and quantity for direct sequencing. This method is fast, is reliable (87% success rate), and can be easily extrapolated to any organism and marker DNA by designing the appropriate primers. A procedure involving the PCR over enzyme digest fragments is also proposed for when, exceptionally, positive results are not obtained.  相似文献   

BLM and WRN are members of the RecQ family of DNA helicases that act to suppress genome instability and cancer predisposition. In addition to a RecQ helicase domain, each of these proteins contains an N-terminal domain of approximately 500 amino acids (aa) that is incompletely characterized. Previously, we showed that the N-terminus of Sgs1, the yeast ortholog of BLM, contains a physiologically important 200 aa domain (Sgs1103–322) that displays single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding, strand annealing (SA), and apparent strand-exchange (SE) activities in vitro. Here we used a genetic assay to search for heterologous proteins that could functionally replace this domain of Sgs1 in vivo. In contrast to Rad59, the oligomeric Rad52 protein provided in vivo complementation, suggesting that multimerization is functionally important. An N-terminal domain of WRN was also identified that could replace Sgs1103–322 in yeast. This domain, WRN235–526, contains a known coiled coil and displays the same SA and SE activities as Sgs1103–322. The coiled coil domain of WRN235–526 is required for both its in vivo activity and its in vitro SE activity. Based on this result, a potential coiled coil was identified within Sgs1103–322. This 25 amino acid region was similarly essential for wt Sgs1 activity in vivo and was replaceable by a heterologous coiled coil. Taken together, the results indicate that a coiled coil and a closely linked apparent SE activity are conserved features of the BLM and WRN DNA helicases.  相似文献   

野老鹳草DNA的提取方法及RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:以野老鹳草(Geranium carolinianum L.)的茎、叶为材料,研究野老鹳草DNA的提取方法及RAPD的分析。方法:采用CATB法、高盐低pH法和SDS法分别提取野老鹳草的基因纽DNA,并对3种方法进行了一些改进。通过RAPD分析所提取的DNA,比较所用的提取方法。结果:比较DNA产量、质量等,确定了高盐低pH法较佳。结论:干燥的材料和新鲜的材料均可提取得到DNA,高盐低pH法提取的效果优于CTAB和SDS法。  相似文献   

The occurrence of bacteria with a reduced genome, such as that found in Mycoplasmas, raises the question as to which genes should be enough to guarantee the genomic stability indispensable for the maintenance of life. The aim of this work was to compare nine Mycoplasma genomes in regard to DNA repair genes. An in silico analysis was done using six Mycoplasma species, whose genomes are accessible at GenBank, and M. synoviae, and two strains of M. hyopneumoniae, whose genomes were recently sequenced by The Brazilian National Genome Project Consortium and Southern Genome Investigation Program (Brazil) respectively. Considering this reduced genome model, our comparative analysis suggests that the DNA integrity necessary for life can be primarily maintained by nucleotide excision repair (NER), which is the only complete repair pathway. Furthermore, some enzymes involved with base excision repair (BER) and recombination are also present and can complement the NER activity. The absence of RecR and RecO-like ORFs was observed only in M. genitalium and M. pneumoniae, which can be involved with the conservation of gene order observed between these two species. We also obtained phylogenetic evidence for the recent acquisition of the ogt gene in M. pulmonis and M. penetrans by a lateral transference event. In general, the presence or nonexistence of repair genes is shared by all species analyzed, suggesting that the loss of the majority of repair genes was an ancestral event, which occurred before the divergence of the Mycoplasma species.  相似文献   

Storvik G  Egeland T 《Biometrics》2007,63(3):922-925
Two different quantities have been suggested for quantification of evidence in cases where a suspect is found by a search through a database of DNA profiles. The likelihood ratio, typically motivated from a Bayesian setting, is preferred by most experts in the field. The so-called np rule has been suggested through frequentist arguments and has been suggested by the American National Research Council and Stockmarr (1999, Biometrics55, 671-677). The two quantities differ substantially and have given rise to the DNA database search controversy. Although several authors have criticized the different approaches, a full explanation of why these differences appear is still lacking. In this article we show that a P-value in a frequentist hypothesis setting is approximately equal to the result of the np rule. We argue, however, that a more reasonable procedure in this case is to use conditional testing, in which case a P-value directly related to posterior probabilities and the likelihood ratio is obtained. This way of viewing the problem bridges the gap between the Bayesian and frequentist approaches. At the same time it indicates that the np rule should not be used to quantify evidence.  相似文献   

目的 为快速地提取到质量较好的黑翅土白蚁基因组DNA进行白蚁种群多样性的研究,对基因组DNA提取方法进行了比较与改进.方法 先初步采取CTAB法与蛋白酶K法对黑翅土白蚁基因组DNA的提取方法进行比较,再利用正交设计法对蛋白酶K法中裂解液、蛋白酶、RNA酶及作用时间4个因素进行优化.结果 蛋白酶K法获得的基因组DNA的质量与产量稍优于CTAB法;较佳的提取步骤组合为:裂解液150 μL,蛋白酶K 6μL,作用时间1h,RNA酶可不添加.结论 采用优化后的方法获得的基因组DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,得到了清晰、稳定的扩增谱带,完全可用于相关后续实验.  相似文献   

为了评价以医院为单位整群抽样获取的脐带血DNA库与一般人群的相似性,对北京某医院收集的脐带血DNA库提供者父母籍贯和姓氏分布进行统计分析。以该医院产科连续出生的566名汉族新生儿及其父母为研究对象,收集产妇及其丈夫的姓名、籍贯等资料,分析新生儿父母籍贯和姓氏的分布与构成,并与全国和北方汉族人群姓氏构成频率和构成顺位进行比较。DNA库中父母籍贯北京的占45.1%~49.8%,河北、山东、河南、江苏的比例较高(3.7%~10.6%),父母籍贯覆盖全国30个省、市、自治区(除西藏、贵州),但多数地区所占的频率较低。父亲姓氏146个、母亲姓氏145个,其中构成比大于1.5%的姓氏有9个。父亲姓氏前8位为:王(9.0%)、李(8.0%)、张(7.8%)、刘(7.1%)、杨(4.1%)、陈(3.5%)、赵(3.4%)、高(1.6%),母亲姓氏前8位为:王(11.8%)、李(8.3%)、张(7.8%)、刘(6.4%)、赵(3.7%)、陈(3.4%)、孙(2.8%)、杨(2.7%)。父母姓氏合并后的前7位姓氏为:王(10.42%)、李(8.13%)、张(7.77%)、刘(6.7l%)、赵(3.53%)、杨(3.36%)、陈(3.45%),其分布频率与北方地区人群(王9.87%、李9.28%、张9.13%、刘6.68%、赵3.56%、杨3.04%、陈2.51%)相似(X^2=8.54,df=6,P=0.20),其顺位除杨、陈与北方地区人群颠倒外.其余的顺位一致。提示在北京某医院整群抽样的汉族新生儿脐带血DNA库父母的籍贯和姓氏构成接近北方汉族人群的特征.进一步改进抽样方法有可能获得符合基因群体研究要求的脐带血DNA库。  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are highly toxic to the cells and accumulation of DSBs results in several detrimental effects in various cellular processes which can lead to neurological, immunological and developmental disorders. Failure of the repair of DSBs spurs mutagenesis and is a driver of tumorigenesis, thus underscoring the importance of the accurate repair of DSBs. Two major canonical DSB repair pathways are the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) pathways. 53BP1 and BRCA1 are the key mediator proteins which coordinate with other components of the DNA repair machinery in the NHEJ and HR pathways respectively, and their exclusive recruitment to DNA breaks/ends potentially decides the choice of repair by either NHEJ or HR. Recently, Rap1 interacting factor 1 has been identified as an important component of the DNA repair pathway which acts downstream of the ATM/53BP1 to inhibit the 5′–3′ end resection of broken DNA ends, in-turn facilitating NHEJ repair and inhibiting homology directed repair. Rif1 is conserved from yeast to humans but its function has evolved from telomere length regulation in yeast to the maintenance of genome integrity in mammalian cells. Recently its role in the maintenance of genomic integrity has been expanded to include the regulation of chromatin structure, replication timing and intra-S phase checkpoint. We present a summary of these important findings highlighting the various aspects of Rif1 functions and discuss the key implications for genomic integrity.  相似文献   

The X family of DNA polymerases in eukaryotic cells consists of terminal transferase and DNA polymerases β, λ, and μ. These enzymes have similar structural portraits, yet different biochemical properties, especially in their interactions with DNA. None of these enzymes possesses a proofreading subdomain, and their intrinsic fidelity of DNA synthesis is much lower than that of a polymerase that functions in cellular DNA replication. In this review, we discuss the similarities and differences of three members of Family X: polymerases β, λ, and μ. We focus on biochemical mechanisms, structural variation, fidelity and lesion bypass mechanisms, and cellular roles. Remarkably, although these enzymes have similar three-dimensional structures, their biochemical properties and cellular functions differ in important ways that impact cellular function.  相似文献   

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