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林木花药培养研究进展及展望   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
多数林木在遗传上高度杂合,给育种和遗传研究带来很多不便。与农作物相比,林木花药培养的意义更为重大。对国内外林木花药培养的现状及影响花药培养的主要因素进行了概述,讨论了其在21世纪分子生物技术时代的应用前景,旨在促进林木花药培养技术的完善并开拓其应用领域。  相似文献   

多数林木在遗传上高度杂合,给育种和遗传研究带来很多不便。与农作物相比,林木花药培养的意义更为重大。对国内外林木花药培养的现状及影响花药培养的主要因素进行了概述,讨论了其在21世纪分子生物技术时代的应用前景,旨在促进林木花药培养技术的完善并开拓其应用领域。  相似文献   

本文对耐储藏推迟成熟的转基因番茄进行了介绍,提出了番茄育种中基因工程的研究内容,指出基因工程拓展了番茄在医学领域的研究。  相似文献   

茄子花药培养及单倍体育种   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
取花粉发育为单核中期的茄子(Solanum melongena Uar.Serpentinum Bailey)花药进行离体培养。以Co~(?)对茄子进行花药予处理,提高愈伤组织诱导频率。对花药采用30℃恒温培养一用,然后降至17~28℃,加速花粉起动。通过愈伤组织及胚状体的途径获得花粉植株。观察了其后代分离及稳定,并通过田间鉴定及筛选,培育出抗病、高产、质佳的茄子新品系86-1。已开始应用于生产。  相似文献   

皂苷因其在人体中具有重要的生理及药理活性一直是人们研究的热点.番茄是我们日常生活中最常食用的蔬菜,其主要活性物质除了人们熟知的番茄红素外尚含有含量并不低的水溶性番茄皂苷,目前国内有关番茄皂苷的研究报导较少.本文主要对上世纪70年代以来国外研究人员在番茄皂苷研究方面所取得的进展进行综述.  相似文献   

植物花药培养及其影响因素研究进展(综述)   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文概述国内外植物花药培养现状及影响花药培养的主要因素(植物基因型、植物生理状态、花药发育时期、培养基成分、预处理等)。  相似文献   

探讨菘蓝花药处于单核晚期的形态指标,并以适宜发育时期的花药为外植体,进行花药培养及单倍体诱导。实验结果表明,4℃低温处理2d后,在含有6-BA0.5mg·L-1和NAA1.0mg·L-1。的Ms培养基上,花药愈伤组织的诱导率为23.35%;将其转接到Ms附加6.BA1.0mg·L-1,NAA0.5mg·L-1的分化培养基上,80.00%以上的愈伤组织可以诱导产生不定芽;再将分化出的试管苗转接到1/2MS+NAA1.0mg·L-1的生根培养基上,3d左右即可获得完整植株。经叶边缘压片检查染色体数目,花药培养所得的弱小绿苗为单倍体植株。  相似文献   

红掌花药培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了发育时期、基因型、培养基、低温预处理等因素对红掌花药愈伤组织诱导的影响.结果表明,小孢子中晚期是红掌花药培养的适宜时期;基因型对花药膨大率有显著的影响;不同培养基上的Sweet Dream和Jungle Bush的花药膨大率差异显著;低温预处理明显提高Sweet Dream的花药膨大率.从Sweet Dream花药诱导出致密和疏松两种愈伤组织,两种愈伤组织芽分化率和生根率存在明显差异,致密愈伤组织的小苗生根率为95.00%,而疏松愈伤组织的小苗生根率为30.00%.Sweet Dream的花药再生植株与叶片再生植株在形态特征上有差异,染色体鉴定结果表明,花药再生植株均是二倍体.  相似文献   

麻竹花药培养及再生植株的获得   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以麻竹(Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro)花药为材料, 于M8+2 mg·L–1 NAA +0.5 mg·L–1 6-BA+15 mg·L–1 PAA+7.5 mg·L–1 STS+500 mg·L–1 CH+100 mg·L–1 proline+100 mg·L–1 glutamin+5.4% maltose+0.8% agar的诱导培养基上成功诱导出胚性愈伤组织, 在此培养基上继代可形成体胚并分化成苗, 初步建立了麻竹花药一步成苗的再生体系。  相似文献   

Histology of embryogenic responses in soybean anther culture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to clarify the embryogenic responses in soybean anther culture, anthers of four cultivars were cultured under known conditions to trigger androgenic response. A histological study was performed with anthers in vivo and with approximately 100 explants sampled after 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 30 and 45 days of culture. In vitro culture triggered the frequent accumulation of phenolic compounds on the locular and anther surfaces, and also caused the destruction of cells and tissues in complex structure such as the tapetum, microspores and pollen grains. Somatic embryogenesis of unicellular origin was observed from the epidermis and the middle layer, and of multicellular origin from connective calluses. No androgenic response could be observed in the anthers of these four soybean genotypes, in the medium and conditions indicated. We point out to the need of changing the approach to the study of androgenesis in soybean, either by using culture conditions unfavourable to the proliferation of diploid tissues, or by culturing isolated microspores.  相似文献   

根霉脂肪酶的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
根霉属微生物是脂肪酶的一个重要来源,多种根霉脂肪酶已被分离并鉴定。本文将对根霉脂肪酶的菌种筛选、发酵、纯化、结构、分子生物学研究及应用进行概述。  相似文献   

The effects of ficoll in liquid culture media have been contradictory in previous reports. The objective of this study was to determine the functional properties of ficoll in potato 4 (P4) liquid induction medium and their influence on anther culture responses of wheat. Ficoll addition significantly (p0.01) reduced callus production from the anthers of spring wheat cv. Pavon 76. The reduction was directly related to the concentration of ficoll added within the range of 50 to 200 g l-1 medium. Although the addition of ficoll significantly (p0.01) increased the percentage of regenerable calli and the ratio of green vs. albino plants, the final yield of green plants per 100 anthers was significantly lower. Consistent results also were obtained with four other spring wheat genotypes (Chris, Butte 86, WA 6916, and Edwall). Ficoll concentration affected the density, viscosity, and osmolality of the liquid media. The higher medium density caused by ficoll addition increased the percentage of floating calli, as well as the percentage of regenerable calli and the ratio of green vs. albino plants. However, the increased medium viscosity by ficoll addition significantly (p0.01) reduced callus production. Ficoll addition also increased medium osmolality, which affected callus production by interacting with the sugar concentration of the induction media. Using response functions, the estimated maltose concentration for maximum callus production was 105 g l-1 for the standard P4 media, compared with 68 g l-1 for the ficoll-containing P4 media. These results clearly demonstrate that ficoll addition to the liquid P4 induction medium containing high sucrose concentration (90 g l-1) is deleterious to the maximum production of green plants from wheat anther culture.  相似文献   

The anther cultures of Brassica hirta underwent pollenembryogenesis and callusing,which showed a wide range of chromosome numbers varying from 9 (n=12) to a highly polyploid.For embryogenesis,pretreatment of floral buds in 0.4 M sucrose solution for 72 hrs at 4℃ was superior to freshly cultured anthers.Culture temperature of 30℃ for 14 days before maintenance of cultures at 25℃ was significantly beneficial for embryo yield in comparison to cultures continuously incubated at 25℃.Dark treatment during culture was more effective for pollen-embryo yield.  相似文献   

矮牵牛花药培养及植株再生研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
采用花粉发育双核期的矮牵牛花药,研究不同浓度植物生长调节剂配比及不同浓度蔗糖和麦芽糖对花药诱导率的影响。结果表明,采用6-BA和IBA组合诱导效果较好;NH+6-BA 1.5mg/L+IBA 1.5mg/L花药诱导率较高;麦芽糖诱导效果明显比蔗糖好。  相似文献   

桑树花粉愈伤组织的诱导与花粉细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论影响桑树花粉愈伤组织诱导频率的问题 ,描述花粉细胞早期发育和愈伤组织的分化过程  相似文献   

A period of four days preincubation at 25 °C on a medium containing mannitol was found to be superior to those pretreatments requiring incubation at 4 °C. In addition, the yield of green plants was improved by orienting anthers flat on the medium during mannitol preincubation, and reducing the number of anthers cultured per dish.  相似文献   

The effects of different media and cold pretreatment of spikes on the androgenic response and regeneration capacity from anther culture of tritordeum was studied. L5 medium gave the highest frequency of anther response. The frequency of cultures regenerating green or albino plantlets was not affected by the composition of the medium tested. Cold pretreatment of the spikes significantly increased the frequency of anther response and also the percentage of cultures giving albino plantlets. A mean of four green plants was obtained per 100 subcultured calli/embryos. The percentage of spontaneous chromosome doubling was only 1%. The addition of colchicine at 0.02% to the induction medium significantly increased the frequency of doubled haploids regenerated without any effect on regeneration capacity. This technique proved more efficient than a conventional chromosome-doubling method.  相似文献   

流域生态风险评价研究进展   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19  
流域生态风险评价是流域生态环境保护与管理的重要研究内容,与一般的区域生态风险评价相比,具有其独特的流域特征。在已有研究基础上,对流域生态风险评价进行了概念界定与特征分析,并按照风险源、生态受体、生态终点的分类标准对流域生态风险评价进行了类型划分,简要评述了流域生态风险评价的相关研究主题,并尝试构建反映流域时空尺度变化规律的生态风险评价概念模型。最后针对流域生态风险评价的研究现状,重点讨论了目前存在的不足及未来的研究趋向。  相似文献   

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