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The effect of larval diet on diapause induction in the Israeli strain of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), was studied in a field trial using intact apple fruits of two varieties: Ana (early-ripening, in the end of June) and Granny Smith (late-ripening, in October). Diapause incidence increased as fruit age (determined as days from fruit-set) progressed. These results corroborate former studies on other strains of the codling moth, where excised fruits were used.The combination of 80-day-old, fully ripe, Ana fruit treatment with the longest days of the year, yielded 38% diapause. This result demonstrates that mature fruit (inducing diapause) cannot completely override the effect of long day (averting diapause), but does confirm that larval diet modifies the photoperiodic induction of diapause in the codling moth.Deceased, October 1988  相似文献   

The effect of four prediapause temperatures (18, 22, 26 and 30°C) on the photoperiodic response of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), was studied under controlled conditions. The highest rates of diapause were recorded, for all day-lengths, at temperatures of 22 and 26°C while relatively lower rates of diapause were elicited at 18 and 30°C. The same trend was demonstrated by projecting the values of the critical photoperiod which induces 50% diapause (=CPhP50) over the prediapause temperature. The change in diapause incidence as a function of photoperiod, at all prediapause temperatures, exhibited a response characteristic of long-day insects, i.e. high rates of diapause at short days (12–13.5 h) and a decrease in diapause incidence at long days (14–15 h). The results for temperatures 22, 26 and 30°C support the view that lower prediapause temperatures enhance diapause induction, at a give photoperiod, while higher temperatures tend to avert or diminish the process. On the other hand, the low rates of diapause obtained at 18°C contradict this view. Nevertheless, high correlation was found between the laboratory evidence and field data, indicating the adaptability of the Israeli codling moth to subtropical climate.  相似文献   

在甘肃省高台县通过对三角胶粘式和水盆式这2种类型苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)诱捕器的田间比较研究。结果显示,二者在诱捕效率上存在的明显差异。在苹果蠹蛾密度较低的条件下,三角胶粘式诱捕器平均日诱捕量为2.50只,比水盆式诱捕器高出近2.84倍,最早监测到成虫的时间也比水盆式诱捕器提前3~4d,因此,三角胶粘式诱捕器具有更高的监测效率。结果还显示地面植被的遮盖极大地降低诱捕器的诱捕效果,严重时会使诱捕器对密度较低的苹果蠹蛾种群的监测功能丧失。  相似文献   

Diapause in a New Zealand strain of codling moth (Cydia pomonella Linnaeus [Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae]) was induced in larvae by photoperiods of 15 h or less. Once diapause had been initiated, it could not be terminated by any combination of conditions tested for at least 20 days after cocooning. In diapausing larvae a low rate of pupation occurred at 25 °C under a long day (18 h) photoperiod. A high rate of pupation was achieved under a long day regime when larvae were decocooned, and provided with apple as nourishment. Diapause could be terminated predictably in 94–100% of larvae by 1) conditioning at 15 °C and constant darkness for periods of 40–100 days, then 2) chilling at 2±2 °C and constant darkness for 20–50 days followed by 3) any post-chill condition periods at 25 °C, 18 h photoperiod. Complete diapause termination was achieved when 100 days conditioning was followed by 30 days or 50 days post-chill period. Under these conditions, 76% termination occurred in the post-chill period after 10 days, and 93% after 25 days.To terminate diapause in codling moth larvae, we recommend that a 100 days conditioning followed by 30 days chilling and 50 days post chilling periods be used.  相似文献   

朱虹昱  杜磊  徐婧  刘伟  张润志 《昆虫知识》2012,49(1):114-120
载有反口橡皮塞诱芯的三角式诱捕器是我国目前进行苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)监测的主要工具。在室内理论条件下悬挂自制的橡皮塞信息素诱芯,苹果蠹蛾性信息素释放持续时间为20周,最后1周的信息素剩余含量仍在500μg左右。在室外自然条件下,2个处理能够检测到信息素剩余含量的最后时间分别为第9周和第5周,剩余含量分别为33.3μg和37.7μg;装有该信息素诱芯的诱捕器能够诱集到苹果蠹蛾成虫的时间可达15周。综合室内和室外结果,得到该自制苹果蠹蛾诱芯的最长有效时间为15周,高效时间为4周。  相似文献   

Codling moth (CM) and oriental fruit moth (OFM) are very important orchard pests worldwide, and particularly in Victoria, Australia, where both species damage pome fruit. Individually CM and OFM have been controlled successfully by pheromone‐mediated mating disruption, but treatment of pome fruit with full registered rates of two individual hand‐applied dispensers for CM and OFM could be uneconomical for growers. Field trials conducted over three seasons in plots sprayed with insecticides consistently demonstrated that dual Isomate C/OFM TT dispensers, designed to disrupt both CM and OFM, were as effective as Isomate CTT and Isomate OFM Rosso dispensers applied individually in pears for control of CM and OFM respectively. The dual‐ and individual‐species dispensers reduced moth catches and fruit damage to a similar degree. The results suggest that combined control of CM and OFM in pears by applying dual Isomate C/OFM TT dispensers at the full‐recommended rate of 500 dispensers per hectare will be more economical than use of individual species dispensers, because the price and application cost of dual dispenser is about half that for individual dispensers.  相似文献   

The effects of different doses of two attractants on the interactions between pheromone traps for the pea moth, Cydia nigricana (F.) were investigated. In lines of three traps along the wind, each containing 103 g (E)-10-dodecen-1-yl acetate (E10-12: Ac), interactions were evident at spacings of 15 m and 50 m; the centre trap catch was suppressed (cf. an isolated trap) but, unlike interacting traps containing 102 g (E,E)-8, 10-dodecadien-1-yl acetate (E, E8, 10–12: Ac), the upwind trap did not catch more moths than the other traps.Changing the dose of E10-12: Ac in lines of traps with a spacing of 50 m did not affect the profile of catches, but reducing the dose of E, E8, 10–12: Ac to 1 g per trap resulted in a profile similar to that obtained with all doses of E10-12: Ac.The efficiency with which traps caught moths approaching within 1 m was affected by the attractant rather than the dose. Traps containing E, E8, 10–12: Ac were almost twice as efficient as those containing E10-12: Ac, suggesting that the former is a better close-range attractant.
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung verschiedener Mengen zweier Attraktivstoffe auf die gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Pheromonfallen für den Erbsenwickler, Cydia nigricana F., wurde untersucht. Drei Fallen mit je 103 g des Pheromonanalogs (E)-10-dodecen-1-yl Acetat (E10-12: Ac), wurden in einer Reihe in der Hauptwindrichtung aufgehängt. Bei Fallenabständen von 15 m und 50 m war die gegenseitige Beeinflussung offensichtlich. Im vergleich mit isolierten Fallen wurde der Fang der zentralen Falle reduziert. Die Aufwindfalle fing nicht mehr als die andern Fallen und zwar im Gegensatz zu Versuchen, in denen die Fallen je 102 g des natürlichen Pheromons (E,E) 8, 10-dodecadien-1-yl Acetat (E, E8, 10–12: Ac) enthielten.Wenn die Menge von E10-12: Ac in Fallenreihen mit 50 m Abstand geändert wurde (z.B. 104 g), wurde das Fangprofil nicht geändert. Wurde die Menge von E, E8, 10–12: Ac auf 1 g pro Falle vermindert, ergab sich ein Profil, das allen Kombinationen von E10-12: Ac entsprach.Die Fängigkeit der Fallen im Nahbereich von 1 m wurde mehr durch den Lockstoff als durch die Menge beeinflusst. Fallen mit E, E8, 10–12: Ac waren fast zweimal fängiger als Fallen mit E10-12: Ac (37% und 22%). Demnach scheint die erste Substanz der bessere Nahdistanzlockstoff zu sein.

We have demonstrated that larvae of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L) can successfully complete their first instar when fed apple leaves instead of fruit. Larvae fed leaves after hatching maximized their feeding intensity (about 320 g/larva/day) on day 2. Weight gain revealed a stereotypic sigmoid pattern that peaked on day 3. Although the maximum body weight of larvae fed leaves was 70–85% less than for larvae maintained on apples or on artificial diet, 100% of larvae fed leaves molted to the second instar 3–5 days after hatching. Our investigation revealed a diurnal pattern of leaf ingestion, and neonates' feeding intensity decreased significantly during the scotophase. We also demonstrated that monosodium glutamate (MSG) increased feeding on leaves by codling moth larvae. Depending on the duration of the bioassay, and larval age at time of initial exposure, 0.05 mg/ml and 0.1 mg/ml MSG increased apple leaf consumption by 25–60% over leaves alone. The effect of monosodium glutamate was best demonstrated during the first day following hatching. Exposure to MSG also accelerated molting to the second instar. Larvae exposed to MSG initiated consumption of leaf tissue significantly earlier than control neonates. The feeding stimulatory effect of MSG was not observed if exposure to this chemical was delayed until 3–4 h after hatch.The addition of feeding stimulants to pesticides that act via the alimentary tract may reduce the amount of active ingredients needed to maintain the efficacy of these formulations. Here, we postulate that first instar codling moth larvae are potential targets for treatment with pesticide formulations enhanced with monosodium glutamate.  相似文献   

A strain of Steinernemacarpocapsae obtained from overwintering codling mothscollected in Bulgaria was identified to species usingthe polymerase chain reaction. The infectivity ofthis strain towards codling moth prepupae was comparedto that of a U.S. strain at three temperatures (11, 15and 20 °C). Infectivity was low at 11 °C with 8%mortality recorded for both strains. Mortality was61% and 62% at 15 °C, and 82% and 81% at 20 °C forthe Bulgarian and U.S. strain, respectively. The meanpercent mortality at each individual temperature wassignificantly different from each other whenmortalities of the two strains were combined. Thus,the Bulgarian strain did not provide a low temperatureinfectivity advantage compared to the U.S. strain.  相似文献   

A viscous formulation based on castor oil containing the pyrethroid insecticide cyfluthrin and E8, E10-dodecadienol, the main component of the codling moth sex pheromone, (Cydia pomonellaL.: Tortricidae, Olethreutinae) was developed. The insecticidal performance of the formulation was evaluated in the laboratory using a tarsal-contact bioassay. The pheromone dosage required to attract male moths to the formulation was determined in behavioural tests performed in a wind tunnel. The efficacy of formulations applied to seedlings of the host plant was further investigated in glasshouse experiments conducted with male moths in small wire-gauze cages. The laboratory tests resulted in a formulation for preliminary field trials containing 4% cyfluthrin and 0.1% pheromone. During the 1995 growing season, experiments were conducted in apple orchards at three locations in Germany. The formulation was first applied to the bark of apple trees (Malus domestica) in mid May and then again in late July. A good level of control, comparable with a spray treatment using the insect growth regulator Alsystin was achieved. The potential of the attract and kill strategy, combining selective attraction of a pest species with the efficacy associated with a pyrethroid insecticide treatment, as a means of controlling the codling moth in commercial apple growing, is discussed.  相似文献   

Field experiments have shown that the activity of (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-yl acetate, the sex pheromone of the pea moth, Cydia nigricana (F.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), is significantly affected by the type of rubber substrate used for the preparation of dispensers. Rubber substrates cured with elemental sulphur or accelerators based on organic sulphur compounds isomerized pea moth pheromone faster than rubber substrates cured by organic peroxides. The degree of isomerization increased during field use and/or storage. Average catches of males were further dependent on the release rate of pheromone from the dispenser. In a 2×3 factorial experiment arranged in 6×6 Latin square design a statistically highly significant dispenser x dose interaction was demonstrated (P<0.01).
Résumé Dans la nature, l'action de (E,E)-8,10-dodécadien-1-yl-acétate, phéromone sexuelle de C. nigricana F., est significativement modifiée par le type de caoutchouc utilisé poùr la réalisation du diffuseur. Le caoutchouc vulcanisé du soufre ou avec des accélérateurs à base de composés soufrés isomérise la phéromone sexuelle de C. nigricana plus rapidement que le caoutchouc vulcanisé avec des péroxydes organiques. Le taux d'isomérisation augmente pendant l'utilisation dans la nature et/ou pendant le stockage. Les captures moyennes de mâles dépendent avant tout de la libération de la phéromone par le diffuseur. Une étude de 2×3 facteurs organisée en carré latin (6×6) a mis en évidence une interaction hautement significative entre diffuseur et dose (P<0,01).

In field experiments, larvae of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) rarely acquired granulosis virus on hatching from the egg, but picked up most later, on the tree surface. Deposits of virus sprayed in 1.0% w/v skimmed milk did not affect neonate larval behaviour. Larvae died, usually in the first instar, after entering treated fruit, but they frequently entered via the calyx or near the base of the stalk or through cracks in the skin, where little feeding damage by first-and sometimes second-instar larvae was seen.
Résumé En verger, la pulvérisation d'oeufs de carpocapse avec du virus de la granulose en suspension dans l'eau (additionnée de lait écrémé dilué à 1%) n'a pas modifié la survie des chenilles avant pénétration dans le fruit; par contre la pulvérisation des arbres a provoqué une forte mortalité. Bien que des chenilles consommant des poils et la surface des feuilles aient été observées avant leur pénétration dans le fruit, ce qui aurait pu provoquer leur contamination par le virus, il semble que la contamination létale provienne des fruits seuls.La présence de produit n'a modifié ni le comportement larvaire, ni le taux de pénétration dans les fruits; la mortalité y a lieu ensuite, généralement au premier stade. Dans 74 à 78% des cas, les chenilles ont pénétré dans le fruit par le calice ou près de la base du pédoncule — aucun dégât provenant de larves du premier stade n'y était visible, de même que dans le calice pour les larves du deuxième stade. Par contre, toute pénétration par la surface du fruit était repérable dès le premier stade. Il est possible que la répartition des lieux de pénétration dans le fruit influe sur la létalité due au virus et explique les variations d'efficacité observées en verger. Un système de classification des dégâts, provoqués lors de la pénétration dans le fruit, de chenilles du premier au troisième stade est proposé pour évaluer l'efficacité des essais en verger.

Polyethylene dispensers (Shin Etsu) containing 172 ml of the sex pheromone, (E, E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (63%), dodecenol (31%) and tetradecenol (6%), of codling moth (CM),Cydia pomonella (L.), were placed in apple orchards in Virginia. Two blocks of about 2 ha each were treated in 1989, and three in 1990. Dispensers were placed in trees at a density of 1000/ha shortly after apple bloom. Male orientation to pheromone traps was almost totally disrupted (a few males were captured at high population densities). In 1989, the Daleville pheromone-treated block had 0.9% and 0.8% CM-injured fruit in the center and edge, respectively; 0% and 39.5% injured fruit were found in the conventional control and abandoned blocks, respectively. The Criglersville orchard (‘organically’ managed, with high CM density) CM harvest injury was 16.0%, 16.5%, 34.5%, and 26.5% in the pheromone-treated center and edge, organic control and abandoned blocks, respectively. In 1990, the Daleville CM harvest injury was 4.7%, 7.3%, 1.1%, 0.3% and 58%, in the pheromone-treated center and edge, control center and edge, and abandoned blocks, respectively (possible reasons for the high injury in this block are discussed). Harvest injury in the Fincastle pheromone-treated and control blocks were 0.7% and 0%, respectively. The Criglersville orchard yielded 17%, 19% and 20% CM-injured fruit at harvest in the pheromone-treated, organic control and abandoned blocks, respectively. Pheromone release rate was calculated as 37 mg/ha/h in 1989.  相似文献   

The attract and kill technique has been formulated in a product under the trade name `Sirene CM®'. It consists of a viscous paste containing 0.16% codlemone to attract the male moths and 6.0% permethrin to kill them. The formulation is applied by hand twice per season using a specially developed system which can be calibrated for application of the paste to the host plant in small droplets of either 100 l or 50 l. Between 1995 and 1997, 15 trials on control of the codling moth were conducted in isolated orchards in the Lake Geneva region. In each plot, depending on tree size, two applications varying between 52 and 537 g ha–1 of Sirene CM were made. In 14 trials, the larval attack of the codling moth on fruit was below the economic threshold of 1% and the hibernating population stayed at a low level. One single plot (0.4 ha) had to be treated with a curative spray in 1995, because the initial population was much too high. According to the reductions in trap catch and of mating frequency measured by tethered codling moth females, efficiency of the attract and kill droplets lasted 5–7 weeks, after which it decreased slowly.  相似文献   

The rearing and production of diapausing codling moth (Cydia pomonella (L.) [Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae]) larvae for use in research programmes is outlined. Diapause was induced under conditions of complete darkness or under photoperiods of up to 15 h. Diapausing larvae were stored for over 2 years in the laboratory but greatest survival occurred when the storage time was one year or less. The recommended conditions for the induction of diapause are a 12 h photoperiod, 25°C and 55–65% r.h.
Résumé Cet article porte sur les aspects principaux de l'élevage et de la production de chenilles diapaussantes de Cydia pomonella L. (Lep. Olethreutidae) pour des travaux de recherche. La diapause a été induite sous obscurité totale ou photophases inférieures à 15 heures. Des chenilles diapausantes ont été conservées en laboratoire jusqu'à deux ans, mais la survie pendant la première année était supérieure. Les conditions recommandées pour l'induction de la diapause sont une photophase de 12 heures, 25°C et 55–65 h.r.

Inundative applications of the codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella L., granulovirus (CpGV), which target neonate larvae before or during initial entry into fruit, offer potential for selective control of this key pest. In field tests on apple we compared the persistence and efficacy of single applications of three CpGV products approved for organic orchards in North America. In addition, the success of repeated (2–14) applications of one product (Cyd-X) as a principal control measure for CM in apple orchards was monitored following operational use by cooperating growers at four separate locations. In the first study, an early season application of all products at label rates remained highly effective for the first 24 h (averaging 94% larval mortality relative to controls) and moderately effective after 72 h (averaging 71% mortality) during dry sunny conditions. Significant activity remained up to 14 days, suggesting prolonged survival of the virus in UV-protected locations, such as the calyx of fruit. A second application later in the season was slightly less effective. Data obtained from commercial sites provide circumstantial evidence for the effectiveness of well-timed CpGV applications against CM outbreaks. In all cases where first generation larvae were targeted beginning at egg hatch (≈250 degree days) and treated areas monitored (0.3–1.6 ha plots), fruit damage during the second larval generation was reduced or eliminated. Based on the number of live larvae recovered throughout the season, mortality rates remained high (80.3–100% across sites). The cumulative number of moths caught in pheromone-baited traps was reduced (66–94%) in the second flight. Data from tree bands placed to catch diapause-destined larvae indicated overwintering generations remained low in treated sites (0.18 larvae/band).  相似文献   

The codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), has developed resistance to various insecticides. Relative fitness of one susceptible strain (Sv) and two strains selected for resistance to diflubenzuron (Rt) and deltamethrin (Rv), respectively, was measured in the absence of insecticide selection pressure. Mating rate, fecundity, fertility, developmental time, fifth instar weight, and adult longevity were compared. Both resistant strains were less fecund and fertile, developed more slowly, weighed less, and had shorter life-spans than the susceptible strain. These results indicate that biological constraints are associated with insecticide resistance in the codling moth. We also found that fitness estimates of the Rv strain did not differ statistically from those of the Rt strain. Enhanced mixed-function oxidase and glutathione-S-transferase activities have been shown to be involved in insecticide resistance in both Rt and Rv strains. This suggests that the fitness cost described in both resistant strains was mainly associated to metabolic resistance. The impact of such deleterious pleiotropy of insecticide resistance in C. pomonella in terms of resistance management in the field is discussed.  相似文献   

The current appearance of local codling moth populations with resistance to Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) is an impediment to continuous CpGV application. Therefore, crossing experiments have been performed in order to gain information about the inheritance of resistance. Evidence is presented that the observed field resistance is stably inherited even under non-selective conditions in the laboratory. Offspring of reciprocal F(1) crosses between a susceptible ('S') and a resistant ('R') strain and backcrosses between F(1) and S were bioassayed at different CpGV concentrations. The resistant strain showed 100 times lower susceptibility in 7-day bioassays. The responses of the reciprocal crosses (male S x female R and female S x male R) did not differ significantly, indicating that resistance is autosomally inherited. The median lethal concentration for the F(1) progeny was intermediate between those of its parental strains. Mortality data obtained from the backcrosses suggested that inheritance of resistance is due to a non-additive, polygenic trait.  相似文献   

Short-term variations in the relative catch in each of two or three interacting pheromone traps for the pea moth,Cydia nigricana (F.), were investigated for traps aligned along the wind. The proportional catch in each trap varied widely, although the mean values accorded with previous estimates. Over consecutive short intervals during a single trapping period the proportion caught in the centre trap of a three-trap line was constant. The proportion caught in the upwind trap of two-and three-trap lines showed trends in time. These trends differed between trapping periods, but two lines of traps operated simultaneously gave similar results to each other. It is suggested that these results, which are predicted by a model based on various components of moth orientation behaviour, are caused by changes in systematic behavioural processes, not random effects. Possible mechanisms are discussed.
Variations à court terme des captures deCydia nigricana dans des pièges à phéromones en interaction
Résumé Des données antérieures concernant les interactions entre des pièges à phéromone alignés le long du vent ont été utilisées pour déduire les caractéristiques du comportement d'orientation deC. nigricana. Ces données ont été introduites dans un modèle de simulation quantitative qui prédisait que quand les captures totales sur une ligne ont été regroupées sur une période globale de piégage, la proportion capturée dans chaque piège devrait aussi avoir des valeurs moyennes semblables, mais varie plus largement que précédemment indiqué. Les simulations concernant des intervalles consécutifs beaucoup plus courts pendant la même période de piégage ont suggéré une forme spécifique de cette variation.Cette note signale des variations à court terme dans la proportion capturée au piège qui confirment ces prédictions. Nous montrons que sur des intervalles consécutifs brefs pendant une simple période de piégage, la proportion capturée dans le piège central d'une ligne de 3 pièges est contstante, bien que sa valeur change suivant les périodes de piégage. La proportion capturée dans le piège face au vent de 2 ou 3 lignes de pièges suit cette tendance dans le temps, ce qui est généralement bien représenté avec des courbes simples. Ces tendances changent suivant les périodes de piégage, mais des lignes de pièges fonctionnant simultanément fournissaient des résultats similaires. On suggère que ces résultats sont dus à des changements dans des processus comportementaux systématiques et non à des effects aléatoires. Les mécanismes possibles sont discutés.

梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)是重要的蛀果类害虫之一,目前性信息素广泛应用于梨小食心虫防治,为明确性信息素陷阱诱捕器的诱捕效果,针对开口方式设计四面开口和两面开口两种处理的陷阱诱捕器;针对口径的大小下设计2、3、4、5、6 cm的5种口径的对口瓶陷阱式诱捕器,分别在桃园对梨小食心虫进行诱捕试验,诱捕结果显示两面开口的诱捕器诱捕效果比四面开口的诱捕器效果显著,口径为2 cm和3 cm的陷井式诱捕器诱捕效果最佳,诱捕量显著高于5 cm和6 cm,诱捕量达34.6头/日和20.4头/日。通过试验明确了陷阱诱捕器的最佳诱捕效果的参数,同时为测报及田间大量诱杀的诱捕器使用提供依据,为防控梨小食心虫性信息素诱捕器提供标准化参数。  相似文献   

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