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Establishment of conservation priorities for primates is a particular concern in the island archipelagos of Southeast Asia, where rates of habitat destruction are among the highest in the world. Conservation programs require knowledge of taxonomic diversity to ensure success. The Philippine tarsier is a flagship species that promotes environmental awareness and a thriving ecotourism economy in the Philippines. However, assessment of its conservation status has been impeded by taxonomic uncertainty, a paucity of field studies, and a lack of vouchered specimens and genetic samples available for study in biodiversity repositories. Consequently, conservation priorities are unclear. In this study we use mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to empirically infer geographic partitioning of genetic variation and to identify evolutionarily distinct lineages for conservation action. The distribution of Philippine tarsier genetic diversity is neither congruent with expectations based on biogeographical patterns documented in other Philippine vertebrates, nor does it agree with the most recent Philippine tarsier taxonomic arrangement. We identify three principal evolutionary lineages that do not correspond to the currently recognized subspecies, highlight the discovery of a novel cryptic and range-restricted subcenter of genetic variation in an unanticipated part of the archipelago, and identify additional geographically structured genetic variation that should be the focus of future studies and conservation action. Conservation of this flagship species necessitates establishment of protected areas and targeted conservation programs within the range of each genetically distinct variant of the Philippine tarsier.  相似文献   

Introduction of alien herbivores in sensitive island systems has resulted in massive effects on vegetation cover, floristic richness and composition of communities; some species can be even totally extirpated by grazing pressure. Goats Capra hircus and wild rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus were introduced in the Canary Islands around 500 B.C. Barbary ground squirrels Atlantoxerus getulus were introduced in 1967. Traditional extensive livestock exploitations have been maintained to the present but in the last decades the number of goats has sharply increased up to densities of 53 heads/km2. Overgrazing and trampling have heavily affected eleven island endemic plant species. Some populations have been reduced to less than 10 viable individuals. On the other hand, goat carcasses and wild rabbit and squirrel populations help to maintain populations of three endangered endemic subspecies of birds. This conflict presents important economic and social ramifications: whereas public funds (mainly through European LIFE projects) are devoted to conservation of plant and avian endemic taxa, the number of goats increases rapidly thanks to subventions derived from the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Similar conflicts are apparent in other Mediterranean Basin insular systems. It is urgently necessary to harmonize farming and conservation objectives in the Canary Islands. The impact of goats on the vegetation should be minimized through limitation of grazing in sensitive areas with high degree of endemism. Creation of ‘vulture restaurants’ may reduce the dependence of scavengers on extensive livestock exploitations. We recommend a careful study of ecological relationships within island communities where non-native species are susceptible of playing a keystonrole as occurs in the Mediterranean Basin archipelagos.  相似文献   

The two currently recognized species of kangaroo mice, Microdipodops megacephalus and M. pallidus, inhabit sandy soils of the Great Basin Desert in western North America. Given their habitat specificity and the fluctuating climate throughout the Pleistocene, kangaroo mice likely endured a turbulent biogeographic history that resulted in disjunct distributions and isolation of genetic lineages. Recent phylogenetic investigations using mitochondrial data have revealed several mitochondrial clades within this genus that may represent cryptic species. These mitochondrial clades are genetically unique, occupy relatively small distributions, and, as such, may be at an increased risk of extinction due to climate change and extensive recent habitat alteration. Herein, we apply haplotype network, population genetic, and historical demographic analyses to mitochondrial data of each Micropdipodops species and mitochondrial clade to assess conservation genetics within kangaroo mice. Results indicate that each mitochondrial clade is a distinct lineage with little to no gene flow occurring among clades. Additionally, historical demographic analyses support past population expansions and identify locations of past refugium for each distinct lineage. Although mitochondrial data indicate that the clades appear to be in approximate genetic equilibrium and have not suffered any extreme bottlenecks over time, there is still concern for the survival of smaller and more vulnerable Microdipodops subpopulations due to impending habitat threats in the Great Basin Desert.  相似文献   

探讨海岛植物功能性状的演变机制,对福州市平潭岛和福州国家森林公园的野生植物功能性状进行了比较。结果表明,平潭岛和公园植物的共有科占总科数的63%,共有种占总种数的19%。海岛植物为适应强风、干旱、贫瘠的环境,以草本植物为主,占65.75%。海岛植物的叶级明显小于大陆植物,叶被毛植物占62.39%,并呈木质化和肉质化特征。海岛植物的繁殖能力提高,海岛植物花期长于大陆,以r-繁殖策略为主。海岛植物的传播能力提高,颖果和瘦果比例高于大陆植物,而核果和浆果比例相反;微型果为79.20%,以风力和蚁类传播为主。总体而言,大陆性海岛与大陆野生植物具有相同起源,海岛植物为适应脆弱的生态环境,其适应-繁殖-传播相关的功能性状发生演变,呈现出适应能力增强、繁殖和传播能力提高的特点。  相似文献   

Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana(Fagaceae) is a Mexican endemic tree, currently threatened with extinction. In order to assess the level and structure of genetic variation in four remaining populations, leaf samples were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and cpDNA PCR-RFLP markers. A sample of the more widespread congener, F. grandifoliavar. grandifolia from the USA was also analysed for comparison. Thirty-three polymorphic RAPD bands were produced using 18 10-mer primers. AMOVA of RAPD data indicated significant (P < 0.002) population differentiation, with 15.6% of variation recorded between Mexican populations. PCR-RFLP analysis enabled three cpDNA haplotypes to be identified, denoted types A, B, and C. Types A and B were each restricted to an individual Mexican population, whereas Type C was fixed for two Mexican populations, and the population from the USA. Within-population genetic variation, quantified as percentage polymorphic bands, Shannon's Diversity Index and Nei's gene diversity measure, was found to be lower in Mexican populations than in that from the USA, and was positively related to population size. These results suggest that an unexpectedly high degree of genetic variation exists within Mexican beech, and this variation should be considered in developing the conservation strategy that is urgently required if extinction of this taxon is to be prevented.  相似文献   

极度濒危植物五针白皮松的保护遗传学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用随机扩增多态(RAPD)方法对极度濒危植物五针白皮松(Pinus squamata X.W.Li)的遗传多样性和居群遗传结构进行了研究。14个随机引物共获得93条RAPD谱带,其中6条为多态带,多态位点百分率仅为6.45%,遗传多样性极低。Shannon指数I和Nei指数h在种内也只有0.020和0.030,两个亚居群间(半阴坡亚居群与半阳坡亚居群)遗传分化程度不高,遗传分化系数Gst只有0.110,与大多数松科植物近似,居群每代迁移数为4.032。五针白皮松极低的遗传多样性可能是由于它在演化过程中遭受过严重的灾害,造成严重的瓶颈效应,丧失其大部分遗传变异。在随后的演化过程中由于遗传漂变、自交衰退等小种群现象,导致遗传多样性的进一步丧失。另外,阔叶树种对其生存的挤压和人类的干扰也是导致五针白皮松遗传多样性降低的因素之一。本文最后对该结果的保护生物学意义进行了评价。  相似文献   

This review compares new developmental models on flowering andother vascular plants with evolutionary hypotheses formulatedby Agnes Arber (1879–1960) and like-minded botanists.Special emphasis is laid on philosophical basics such as perspectivism,pluralism about evolutionary modelling, continuum way of thinking,and fuzzy logic. Arber's perspective is best labelled as F uzzyA rberian M orphology (FAM Approach). Its proponents (‘FAMmers’)treat structural categories (e.g. ‘roots’, ‘shoots’,‘stems’, ‘leaves’, ‘stipules’)in vascular plants as concepts with fuzzy borderlines allowingintermediates (including transitional forms, developmental mosaics).The FAM Approach complements Cla ssical Plant M orphology (ClaMApproach), which is the traditional approach in botany. ClaMproponents (‘ClaMmers’) postulate that the structuralcategories of vascular plants are regarded as concepts withclear-cut borderlines and without intermediates. However, duringthe evolution of vascular plants, the root-shoot distinctionand the stem-leaf distinction have become blurred several timesdue to developmental changes, resulting in organs with uniquecombinations of features. This happened, for example, in thebladderworts (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae). When focusingon the ‘leaf’, the FAM Approach is identical toArber's ‘partial-shoot theory of the leaf’ and Sinha's‘leaf shoot continuum model’. A compound leaf canrepeat the developmental pathway of the whole shoot, at leastto some degree. For example, compound leaves of Chisocheton(Meliaceae)with indeterminate apical growth and three-dimensional branchingmay be seen as developmental mosaics sharing some growth processeswith whole shoots! We focus here on the FAM Approach becausethis perspective is especially promising for developmental geneticistsstudying flowering and other vascular plants. Copyright 2001Annals of Botany Company Review, body plan, developmental mosaics, leaf development, history of botany, homeosis, homeotic genes, Lentibulariaceae, morphological evolution, process morphology, stipules, Utricularia, flowering plants  相似文献   

虎的保护遗传学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈珉  张恩迪  李冰 《四川动物》2007,26(1):216-220
回顾了关于虎的遗传变异、种群结构、系统分类等保护遗传学研究,发现虎在遗传进化上面临的最严重与最需要解决的问题是遗传多样性低,圈养种群存在近交退化。为了有效保护和管理好虎现存的种群,建议划分虎的进化单元与保护管理单元,人工促进同一进化单元虎的基因交流;同时建立虎的基因文库,保护虎的基因资源。  相似文献   

<正> 本书系由昆虫各重要类群的细胞内共生物的专家写成。其重点是:它们形态学的电镜研究、寄主与共生物的相互关系、寄主的免疫系统、共生物的遗传学及基因表达、它们的系统发育和分类等。目前已知,在蟑螂、白蚁、蚂蚁、蝉、蚧虫、蚜虫、蝇类、甲虫及蜱类中均有细胞内共生物。  相似文献   

Genetics and Utilization of Pathogen Resistance in Plants   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Crute IR  Pink D 《The Plant cell》1996,8(10):1747-1755

MicroRNA(miRNA)是真核生物中具有重要调控作用的小分子非编码RNA。本文对miRNA官网miRBase数据库Release 22.1中隶属于植物界的绿藻门、苔藓植物门、蕨类植物门、裸子植物门、被子植物门共计82个物种的miRNA进行了统计分析。miRBase共收录植物miRNA 前体8 615个,成熟miRNA 10 414条,隶属于2 892个miRNA家族。绿藻门miRNA与其他4个门miRNA无同源性;对其他4个门植物miRNA的保守性进行研究,发现存在于2个植物门的miRNA家族有26个,属于中度保守miRNA家族;14个miRNA家族存在于3个及3个以上植物门中,属于高度保守miRNA家族,其中7个miRNA家族系苔藓、蕨类、裸子和被子植物共有,是植物中最保守的miRNA。分析表明,超过30个miRNA家族的植物有35种。进一步对40个中度或者高度保守miRNA在35种植物中的分布进行研究,发现miRNA家族及其成员在物种间的分布存在较大的差异。这些分布上的差异一方面反映不同植物中miRNA的研究深度不同,另一方面也反映出miRNA在植物进化过程中的适应性调整。研究不同植物中miRNA家族的分布,可在miRNA水平为植物早期进化同源性的研究提供分子依据。  相似文献   

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