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An analysis of the final stratigraphic appearances of byrozoan species and genera, compiled in a world-wide bryozoan data base, revealed three discrete Late Ordovician extinctions. A Late Carddoc (Onnian) extinction was most pronounced on the plates of Baltica and Siberia. Endemic species and genera, confined to one plate and one lithotope were most affected and the extinction was coincident with increased migrations of bryozoan genera to Baltica and Siberia. The Late Caradoc extinction may be related to decreasing provinciality and competition between migrant and stenotopic taxa. Two major extinctions occurred in the Late Ashgill. The greatest of the two is recognized at the end of the Rawtheyan. and affected primarily taxa on the North American plate. The extinction at the end of the Hirnantian affected primarily Baltic taxa. The exact timing of the end-Rawtheyan extinction in North America cannot be established owing to incompleteness of the stratigraphic record. The Rawtheyan extinction occurred during a major glaciation centered in North Africa and a regression of epeiric seas. The large majority of North American survivors of the extinction are represented by Faunas preserved on Anticosti Island. which remained submerged during the regression. This evidence supports regression as a cause of the Rawtheyan extinctions in North America. The end-Hirnantian extinctions may be related to the ensuing transgression or to a wave of faunal migrations associated with the transgression. * Bryozoa, extinctions, Ordovician, Rawtheyan, Hirnantian, North America, Baltica .  相似文献   

Fossil bryozoans sometimes contain fossilised brown bodies which remain after polypide degeneration. Position and shape of brown bodies as well as different skeletal diaphragms within living chambers allow outlining of autozooid anatomy in Palaeozoic trepostome bryozoans. In some trepostome bryozoans short autozooids were restricted by complete basal diaphragms to distal parts of autozooecia. In species with alternating hemiphragms, as in the specimen ofHemiphragma sp. described here, long autozooids occupied the entire autozooecial chambers. Their short polypides were positioned in distal parts of the autozooid. Both anatomic types correspond to the progressive polypide cycle afterBoardman. For species with ring septa, non-alternating hemiphragms (studied in an example ofNipponostenopora karatauensis) as well as without any diaphragms the stationary type of polypide cycle seems also to be possible. In that case, the polypides should be as long as the cystid.   相似文献   

The Cenomanian witnessed a spectacular evolutionary radiation of cheilostome bryozoans, both in terms of species diversity and morphological disparity. However, Cenomanian cheilostome faunas are inadequately known. Twelve species of cheilostome bryozoans are here described from the Cenomanian Beer Head Limestone Formation of SE Devon, England, a nearshore facies of limestones and sands. Two of the cheilostome species are new – Wilbertopora manubriformis sp. nov. and Foratella cervisia sp. nov. – and five cannot be identified beyond genus level. Syntypes of Foratella forata (d’Orbigny, 1853), the Senonian type species of Foratella Canu, 1900, are illustrated using SEM and a lectotype is chosen. All of the species present are neocheilostomes, which were larval brooders. Compared with the non-brooding malacostegans that dominate pre-Cenomanian faunas, most species have avicularia and extensive frontal walls, features probably adaptive against small predators.  相似文献   

Among the six species of fossil bryozoans described by Xia et al. [Xia, F.S., Zhang, S.G., Wang, Z.Z., 2007. The oldest bryozoans: new evidence from the late Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) of East Yangtze Gorges. Journal of Paleontology 81 (6), 1308–1326] from the Fenghsiang Formation of the Chenjiahe section of Yichang and the Guanzhuangping section, Liujiachang Town of Songzi, the Yangtze Gorges, Nekhorosheviella nodulifera occurs in the pristinus Conodont Subzone (lower Subzone of deltifer Conodont Zone) and the five other species are associated with the conodont Paltodus deltifer deltifer and the graptolites Acanthograptus sinensis and A. erectoramus. Based on the conodonts and graptolites, this bryofauna stratigraphically corresponds to the A. sinensis Graptolite Zone or P. deltifer Conodont Zone. The bryofauna is of Tremadocian Age (Early Ordovician) and represents the oldest bryozoans so far as known.  相似文献   

The taxonomic diversity and distribution of the Upper Ordovician bryozoans of Mongolia are analyzed. Five heterochronous assemblages of bryozoans are established: Chigertei and Tsagaan del in the Sandbian Stage and Bairim Ovoo, Uuregnur, and Sairin in the Katian Stage. The bryozoans are shown to be important for solving complex problems of stratigraphy of the Ordovician of Mongolia and for paleogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

Borings are described in zooids of Cenomanian to Campanian melicerititids, an aberrant group of cyclostome bryozoans with calcified opercula. The borings are circular or elliptical, straight-sided and have a diameter of 40–90 μn. Autozooids were drilled in preference to heterozooids and most borings penetrate the operculum. The shape and distribution of boreholes suggests that they were made by a predator attacking one zooid at a time. The predator responsible may have been a gastropod, most probably a nudibranch or a micromorphic muricid. Bryozoa, Gastropoda, predation, borings, Upper Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The bryozoan fauna from the Xiazhen Formation (Katian, Upper Ordovician) of northeast Jiangxi Province, southeast China is reported here. Seventeen species of bryozoans belonging to fifteen genera and four orders are identified: Homotrypa yushanensis, Homotrypa sp., Prasopora yushanensis, Trematopora sp., Monotrypella sp., Rhombotrypa sp., Orbignyella sp., Constellaria jiangxiensis, Constellaria sp., Stictopora nicholsoni, Trigonodictya parvula, Ptilodictya ensiformis, Stictoporella sp., Pseudopachydictya sp., Nematopora sp., Arthrostylidae sp. indet., and Chasmatoporidae sp. indet. Four of these genera have been reported previously but nine genera (Trematopora, Monotrypella, Rhombotrypa, Orbignyella, Trigonodictya, Ptilodictya, Stictoporella, Pseudopachydictya, and Nematopora), one rhabdomesine and one fenestrate are found for the first time in the Late Ordovician strata of South China. Our palaeogeographical analysis suggests that the bryozoan association is typical for the Katian, which is mostly widespread in Laurentia, Siberia, Baltica and Mediterranean, and displays palaeobiogeographical relationships to the Laurentia–Siberia Province.  相似文献   

Human impact on mid- and late Holocene vegetation in south Cumbria, UK   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of 9 pollen sampling sites and 56 14C dates has identified hitherto unsuspected or poorly-defined sequences of mid- to late Holocene (late Neolithic to post-Medieval) anthropogenic vegetation changes in south Cumbria, U.K. A series of small-scale, but significant woodland clearance episodes are recorded throughout the Bronze Age, followed by a marked recession in activity during the early Iron Age. The late Iron Age-Roman periods witnessed the first major clearance of woodland in the region which was succeeded by woodland regeneration in the post-Roman/early Medieval period. Woodland clearance intensified in the later Medieval period culminating in large areas of permanently open landscape. The results show that high-resolution, independently date pollen analysis is necessary to reveal regional evidence of small, temporary Bronze Age clearances. A well-documented prehistoric wooden trackway from Foulshaw Moss is shown to be significantly older than previously thought, dating to the mid-Bronze Age, ca. 1550–1250 cal B.C. Pre-Roman cereal cultivation in the area is also confirmed.The Department of Earth Sciences  相似文献   

Summary The egg case, pelagic larva and postlarva ofNassarius trivittatus Say are described and figured from specimens reared in the laboratory. Similarities and differences in the larvae of New England and European species ofNassarius are indicated.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit beschreibt die Eierkapseln, die pelagischen Larven und die Postlarven vonNassarius trivittatusSay. Abbildungen von Examplaren, die im Laboratorium aufgezogen wurden, werden wiedergegeben.

Contribution number 1453, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Three species of bucaniid gastropods from the upper Ordovician of Norway and Sweden are revised: Euomphalopterus excavatus is redescribed as a species of Phragmolites with very wide umbilici and ornamentation similar to that of Offleya. Three out of five specimens from the original type series of Temnodiscus lindstroemi remain, representing two different species of two different genera. The original species name is restricted to a species of Phragmolites, whereas two specimens are considered conspecific with Megalomphala? carinata sp. nov., although the high carina, the flaring aperture and the laterally compressed whorls seen in this species are unusual for the genus. The gastropod subfamily Bucaniinae of the family Bucaniidae is here considered to comprise nine genera. Placement of Phragmolites in this family is supported by its deep slit, tangential aperture, transverse growth lines, spiral and collabral ornamentation and the presence of a longitudinal keel on the base of the whorl.  相似文献   

A porpitoid hydrozoan, Pseudodiscophyllum windermerensis gen. et sp. nov., from Cumbria, represented by a well-preserved internal float (pneumatophore), is only the fourth porpitoid reported from Silurian rocks world-wide and the first to be found in any geological formation in England. Its circular pneumatophore is more than 110 mm in diameter. Because of the paucity of hard parts, these animals are not common as fossils but may have been important elements of the Palaeozoic oceanic plankton. Although the new species is superficially similar to the Ordovician Discophyllum , there are what appear to be fundamental differences. Similarities to species of Paropsonema , from the Devonian and Silurian, are also probably superficial. The wider relationships of these animals have long been misinterpreted in the palaeontological literature. They are not siphonophores. Correct understanding involves a complete re-interpretation of various homologies and of the evolutionary history of the group.  相似文献   

The earliest unequivocal bryozoans occurred in the Fenhsiang Formation (upper Tremadocian, Lower Ordovician) of Yichang, South China, providing important clues about the early evolution of primitive bryozoans. In this study, SEM and EDAX were used to analyze the microstructure of the walls of two bryozoan genera, Nekhorosheviella and Orbiramus, from the Fenhsiang Formation. All walls of Nekhorosheviella and endozonal walls of Orbiramus show poor preservation in thin sections, with a granular appearance reflecting extensive neomorphism, whereas exozonal walls of Orbiramus are distinctly laminated. These preservational differences may reflect skeletal chemistry, particularly the magnesium content of the calcite. Phosphatic skeletal linings were found to be distributed unevenly in the autozooecia of Nekhorosheviella, but were absent in Orbiramus.  相似文献   

Dental wear patterns were recorded on 458 deciduous molar teeth, of 142 subadults from late medieval (AD 1086–1539) England, to explore the relationship between dental wear and burial status of children. A new ordinal method for scoring dental wear stages on the deciduous molar teeth was devised. It was postulated that if a discernible relationship between dental wear stage and burial location could be seen then this could reflect a difference in diet between those receiving higher or lower status burial. The dental wear stages recorded were statistically similar for the dentitions of subadults from different cemeteries, as well as from different burial locations, indicating a comparable diet for the children studied. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Particulates and the cycling of lead in Ullswater, Cumbria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Ullswater has been affected by former lead mining in the catchment area. This paper investigates how lead in the lake is re-distributed within the littoral zones. Concentrations in the lake water are low. Particulates including phytoplankton, seston and gelatinous ooze overlying lead-enriched sediments can have values from 1.3 to >6.0 and 26 mg Pb g-1 dry weight respectively.
  • 2 During turbulent conditions, contaminated phytoplankton, settled algae and some of the gelatinous ooze are brought into near-homogenous suspension within the water column. In calm conditions, settlement of particulates occurs and a rate-zonal distribution results such that, in a vertical column of water, the finer particles in the upper layers have lower concentrations of lead per unit volume of water than the lower layers.
  • 3 In non-turbulent conditions the particles which settle on all submerged surfaces form a tenuous layer termed ecton. Aufwuchs becomes coated by ecton but the latter is readily re-suspended by disturbances. The intimate contact, and the similarity of concentrations of lead in Aufivuchs and ecton from any one sample, suggests that metal flux occurs between the two. It is concluded that the variety of particulates which comprise the ecton distribute lead during turbulence. In calm conditions the ecton settles on all submerged surfaces and provides a mechanism for transfer of lead into the littoral food web.

Summary The egg case, pelagic larvae, and young juvenile of Anachis avara Say, a species of prosobranch gastropod belonging to the family Columbellidae, are described and figured from specimes reared in the laboratory.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit beschreibt die Eierkapseln, die pelagischen Larven und die Jugendformen von Anachis avara Say, einer prosobranchen Gastropoden-Spezies, die zur Familie der Columbelliden gehört. Abbildungen von Exemplaren, die im Laboratorium aufgezogen wurden, werden wiedergegeben.

Contribution number 1341, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This research was supported by N.S.F. grant no. 17883.  相似文献   

互利共生是指两种不同生物之间所形成的紧密互利关系。文章以海鞘与蓝藻共生关系的典型实例为代表,介绍了蓝藻与海鞘共生关系的发现过程;蓝藻在海鞘间世代传递的机制;两者在共生关系中可能存在的生理功能,如蓝藻共生体通过碳固定、参与氮循环和产生代谢物等方式为海鞘提供营养并参与海鞘的防御活动,海鞘可供给共生体生长所需的一部分氮素营养和提供抗紫外线的保护等。对海鞘与蓝藻共生关系的研究将有助于理解生物进化过程,以及为进一步开发利用海洋生物之间的共生关系提供研究基础。  相似文献   

Modern hermit crabs form associations with many organisms which encrust, bore into, or cohabit the living chambers of gastropod shells occupied by the crabs. Among these hermit crab symbionts are bryozoan species which develop massive, commonly multilayered, colonies encrusting hermit crab shells. These colonies extend the living chamber of the crab through a characteristic process of helicospiral tubular growth originating from the shell aperture. The scant information available on the ecology of Recent bryozoan‐hermit crab symbioses is reviewed. Symbioses have been recorded from intertidal to upper slope environments, and from tropical to cold temperate zones. None of the hermit crab species are obligatory symbionts of bryozoans, and the majority of the modern bryozoan species involved are also not obligatory symbionts. Fossil examples always lack the hermit crabs, which have a poor fossilization potential; however, the distinctive tubular growth pattern and other features of the bryozoans enable recognition of ancient examples of the symbiosis. The earliest inferred associations between bryozoans and hermit crabs date from the Mid Jurassic, but associations remained uncommon until the Neogene. A remarkably wide taxonomic diversity of Recent and fossil bryozoans are known or inferred symbionts of hermit crabs. The broad evolutionary pattern of the association demonstrates multiple originations of the symbiosis by bryozoans belonging to at least 5 cyclostome and 12 cheilostome families. Only the Miocene‐Recent cheilostome family Hippoporidridae has an evolutionary history closely tied to symbiosis with hermit crabs. There is no evidence for coevolution.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems have expanded into the infaunal realm below the surface of soft sediments throughout the Phanerozoic eon. During the Palaeozoic era, this expansion largely involved sedentary animals living in permanent resting places. Active sand‐burrowing animals colonized the infaunal environment later, but when this happened and when specialization for infaunal life evolved remain open questions. Here, phylogenetic evidence, fossil occurrences and previously established criteria for recognizing the sand‐burrowing habit in marine gastropods are used to determine how many gastropod clades became infaunal and when the transitions from surface‐dwelling to infaunal life occurred. At least 20, and as many as 35, clades (all but one of post‐Palaeozoic age) contain actively infaunal species. The overwhelming majority (15 of 20 clades) became infaunal during the Cenozoic, and clades with hundreds of infaunal species in the living fauna diversified beginning in the Early Miocene. The repeated evolution of, and specialization to, the sand‐burrowing habit by gastropods and other animals was enabled by increased habitat availability and higher marine productivity, and was necessitated by intensifying predation. As a result, the infaunal realm was transformed from a marine refuge to an integrated part of the marine biosphere in which high performance in locomotion and defence has become the norm.  相似文献   

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