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Herbivory and predation by the mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The mangrove tree crab (Aratus pisonii) is a key member of the arboreal arthropod community of the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) swamps of south Florida. Its ecological roles include primary herbivory, predation, and export of biomass and energy in the form of offspring and frass. Although the larval stage is planktonic, distribution of adults and Aratus leaf damage are patchy.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs are known primarily to be deposit feeders. They eat detritus, bacteria, and other small particles of organic material found in the sandy or muddy substrate on which they live. They have highly specialized mouthparts used to separate edible matter from nondigestable material. Here we provide evidence of cannibalism and predation in a fiddler crab, Uca annulipes. We additionally provide the first evidence of a fiddler crab hunting shrimp and insects. This study is an exemplary reminder that, even though an animal may have evolved highly specialized feeding traits, this need not preclude it from opportunistically acting as a generalist feeder.  相似文献   

The land crab Cardisoma guanhumi is one of the most common species in mangroves of the American Atlantic coast and Caribbean islands however, studies of its effects on the physical and chemical soil properties are scarce. This study compares specific physicochemical properties of soil between C. guanhumi burrows (B) and adjacent zones (AZ), and provides the first insights on their role as an ecosystem engineer in mangroves. The study was conducted in an estuarine system dominated by Rhizophora mangle, located at the Río Chico estuary, Miranda state of Venezuela. Random soil samples were taken digging each burrow until reaching the bottom and at the same depth for AZ. Data analysis was carried out using Bayesian inference. Credible mean differences between B and AZ, were found for sand (B?=?26.53?±?10.76, AZ?=?17.25?±?5.7%), silt (B?=?73.16?±?10.77, AZ?=?82.42?±?5.69%), pH (B?=?8.71?±?0.36, AZ?=?9.12?±?0.30), soil organic matter (SOM, B?=?0.43?±?0.21, AZ?=?0.17?±?0.06%), total N (TN, B?=?786?±?232, AZ?=?529?±?107 µg g?1), Mg (B?=?4.42?±?0.60, AZ?=?3.48?±?0.71 cmolc kg?1) and K (B?=?0.12?±?0.05 AZ?=?0.06?±?0.02 cmolc kg?1). Chemical variables as SOM, K, Mg and TN showed the highest values of effect size (>?1.4). With the exception of the pH, all chemicals variables—which were different between B and AZ—showed strong and decisive evidences of correlations with SOM. When SOM variable was controlled, the relationships between pH–TN, TN–K and Mg–K decreased, even though the correlation evidence between each pair remained. Differences in chemical contents found in B respect to AZ suggest that the activities of C. guanhumi (feeding, moulting, excretion and defecation) within their burrows promote the spatial heterogeneity of mangrove soils.  相似文献   

The leaf-removing decapod crab, Ucides cordatus plays a key role as ecological engineer in Brazilian mangrove ecosystems. We analyzed the spatial distribution of a specific population at two different scales to observe how individual behavior could alter spatial population structure. First, we conducted a spatial point pattern analysis of the burrow entrances and the Rhizophora mangle prop roots on the mangrove floor at a scale of few meters. Secondly, we analyzed at a large scale (10–100 m) the potential effects of surface elevation, light intensity, prop root coverage, species of neighboring tree (R. mangle, Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia germinans) and pneumatophore density on the size and number of burrow entrances. At the same large scale, we conducted an analysis of clustering of the crabs around the R. mangle trees. At small scale, the burrow entrances, although aggregated around the prop roots, showed a regularly spaced distribution (∼25 cm) signaling an intraspecific competition among the crabs. At large scale, crabs preferred to install their burrows at an intermediate level of surface elevation and prop root coverage, and in R. mangle-dominated areas. At the same kind of habitats, the largest burrows, and thus potentially the largest crabs, were found in higher number than on other habitats. The R. mangle-dominated areas preference was confirmed by an aggregating around R. mangle trees in R. mangle-dominated forest, but only of large individuals in L. racemosa-dominated forest. These observations lead us to the definition of a preferred habitat for U. cordatus. Competition leading to the small-scale regular patterns was proposed as an explanation for exclusion of smaller crabs from preferred habitats seen at large scale. We hypothesize that this preferred habitat might explain at regional scale the variation of U. cordatus importance in Neotropical mangroves.  相似文献   

The interplay between a receiver's sensory system and a sender's courtship signals is fundamental to the operation of sexual selection. Male courtship signals that match a female receiver's preexisting perceptual biases can be favored yet the message they communicate is not always clear. Do they simply beacon the male's location or also indicate his quality? We explored this question in a species of fiddler crab Uca terpsichores that courts under elevated predation risk and that mates and breeds underground in the safety of males' burrows. Sexually receptive females leave their own burrows and are thereby exposed to avian predators as they sequentially approach several courting males before they choose one. Males court by waving their single greatly enlarge claw and sometimes by building a sand hood next to their burrow entrance. Hoods are attractive because they elicit a risk‐reducing orientation behavior in females, and it has been suggested that claw waving may also serve primarily to orient the female to the male. If the wave communicates male quality, then females should discriminate mates on the basis of variation in elements of the wave, as has been shown for other fiddler crabs. Alternatively, variation in elements of the claw waving display may have little effect on the display's utility as a beacon of the location of the male and his burrow. We filmed courting males and females under natural conditions as females responded to claw waving and chose mates. Analysis of the fine‐scale courtship elements between the males that females rejected and those they chose revealed no differences. When predation risk during courtship is high, males' courtship displays may serve primarily to guide females to safe mating and breeding sites and not as indicators of male quality apart from their roles as beacons.  相似文献   

The population of the hermit crab Diogenes pugilator is numerically quite substantial in the examined area, therefore it is analysed if the population was subject to any pressure by predators and by other species of hermit crabs living in that zone. It was found there is a potential pressure by predators which might influence it. Only Liocarcinus depurator is able to keep the population trend of D. pugilator under control. With regard to the relationships with the other species of hermit crab, D. pugilator dominates only over Pagurus anachoretus, while in the other cases, there was just competition for food.  相似文献   

McIntyre PB  Baldwin S  Flecker AS 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):130-138
Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity is widespread among aquatic animals, however the relative contributions of behavioral and morphological shifts to reducing risk of predation remain uncertain. We tested the phenotypic plasticity of a Neotropical tadpole (Rana palmipes) in response to chemical cues from predatory Belostoma water bugs, and how phenotype affects risk of predation. Behavior, morphology, and pigmentation all were plastic, resulting in a predator-induced phenotype with lower activity, deeper tail fin and muscle, and darker pigmentation. Tadpoles in the predator cue treatment also grew more rapidly, possibly as a result of the nutrient subsidy from feeding the caged predator. For comparison to phenotypes induced in the experiment, we quantified the phenotype of tadpoles from a natural pool. Wild-caught tadpoles did not match either experimentally induced phenotype; their morphology was more similar to that produced in the control treatment, but their low swimming activity was similar to that induced by predator cues. Exposure of tadpoles from both experimental treatments and the natural pool to a free-ranging predator confirmed that predator-induced phenotypic plasticity reduces risk of predation. Risk of predation was comparable among wild-caught and predator-induced tadpoles, indicating that behavioral shifts can substantially alleviate risk in tadpoles that lack the typical suite of predator-induced morphological traits. The morphology observed in wild-caught tadpoles is associated with rapid growth and high competition in other tadpole species, suggesting that tadpoles may profitably combine a morphology suited to competition for food with behaviors that minimize risk of predation.  相似文献   

We saw 79 predatory interactions between a new speciesof monostiliferous, suctorial hoplonemertean and thefiddler crabs Uca musica (77 cases) and U.stenodactylus (2 cases). At an intertidal sand barin the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal, worms ateabout 0.1% of the adult crab population per day. Themode of attack and the spatial and temporaldistributions of interactions suggest the worm is anambush predator. When struck by a worms sticky,mucous-covered proboscis, crabs produced copious foamfrom their buccal area. Mucous-laden crabs thatescaped, again foamed indicating that the foam maycounteract the mucus. If the attack led to a kill,the struggling crab soon became quiescent, as istypical in other nemertean-prey interactions. Theworm inverted its proboscis, found ingress to thecrabs body and fed. Crabs escaped by autotomizingappendages entwined by the proboscis, by forcefullypulling away and by remaining quiescent, then movingaway when the worm inverted its proboscis and beforeit entered the crab. Immobility, a response to visualpredators, may falsely indicate paralysis to the wormand cause it to invert its proboscis, therebyproviding the crab with an opportunity to escape. This predator-prey interaction seems to incorporategeneralized predator tactics and fortuitous preydefenses that give worms and crabs about an evenchance of success.  相似文献   

The fiddler crab, Uca beebei, lives in individually defended burrows, in mixed-sex colonies on intertidal mud flats. Avian predation is common, especially of crabs unable to escape into burrows. Mating pairs form in two ways. Females either mate on the surface at their burrow entrance (''surface mating'') or leave their own burrow and sequentially enter and leave (''sample'') courting males'' burrows, before staying in one to mate underground (''burrow mating''). We tested whether perceived predation risk affects the relative frequency of these mating modes. We first observed mating under natural levels of predation during one biweekly, semi-lunar cycle. We then experimentally increased the perceived predation risk by attracting grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) to each half of the study site in two successive biweekly cycles. In each experimental cycle, crabs were significantly less likely to mate on the side with more birds. Moreover, on the side with elevated predation risk, the number of females leaving burrows to sample was greatly reduced relative to the number of females that surface-mated. Males waved less and built fewer mud pillars, which attract females, when birds were present. We discuss several plausible proximate explanations for these results and the effect of changes in predation regime on sexual selection.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Mangrove forests are important sinks of atmospheric carbon, and the internal deposits and fluxes of organic matter can reflect how these ecosystems respond to...  相似文献   

The mangrove crab Ucides cordatus showed a significant reduction in its output of isosmotic urine (to 60% of submerged rates) in humid, emersed conditions when in apparent water balance. A similar, but lesser, reduction was observed in the intertidal temperature species Carcinus maenas. Some of the decrease is effected by increased water withdrawal of an isosmotic fluid in the antennal gland (inulin urine to haemolymph concentration ratio=1.27) in Ucides but most is due to the reduced filtration rate which decreases from 3.41 to 2.19 ml·100 g-1·day-1 (in Carcinus from 7.37 to 5.88). In Carcinus, inulin urine to haemolymph concentration ratios are within the range 1.34–1.41 and show significant change on emersion. Comparisons of ion and inulin clearance ratios revealed interspecific differences in renal handling of Na+ and Cl-. During emersion total Na+ efflux is markedly reduced in both species. Urinary Na+ losses are responsible for most of the efflux in Carcinus but represent only 50% of the total in Ucides. Significant Na+ uptake from interstitial water occurs in Ucides. REductions in ion and water loss appear to be mainly dependent on decreases in urine output (clearance rate). However, some released urine was found to accumulate in the branchial chambers in both species. Whether or not extrarenal reabsorption of ions from released urine occurs in the gill chambers in either crab species remains to be proved.Abbreviations CPM counts per minute - ECF extracellular fluid - k rate constant for inulin clearance - k Na rate constant for sodium efflux - J out Na sodium efflux rate - Q tot total radioactivity injected - SEM standard error of mean - SW sea water - 9-SW sea water, salinity 9 mg·ml-1 (ppt) - 26-SW sea water, salinity 26 mg·ml-1 (ppt) - U/B ratio of urine (U) to haemolymph (B) concentrations - V c1 clearance rate - V u urine output - V a inulin space  相似文献   

Lethargic crab disease (LCD) has caused extensive epizootic mortality of the mangrove land crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus 1763) (Brachyura: Ocypodidae) along the Brazilian coast. Direct culture of tissue samples from sick crabs and subsequent isolation and purification identified the causative agent as an Exophiala species of fungus. The histopathology of crabs with variable signs of LCD indicates that the most affected tissues are the epidermis, connective tissue, heart, hepatopancreas, nervous system, and gills. Gonads, somatic muscles, and digestive system are less affected by the fungus. The observed pathology is compatible with the clinical signs of LCD. Necrosis, tissue degeneration, and congestion of hemal sinuses and vessels are present in heavily infected organs. Nerve fibers may be compressed by accumulations of yeast-like cells. In heavy infections the tissue of gill lamellae is destroyed with subsequent dilation or compression. Cellular immune responses include hemocytic infiltration, agglutination and encapsulation, and phagocytosis. Phagocytosis of yeast-like cells is abundant in the connective tissue associated with the exoskeleton. These results indicate that LCD is the result of a systemic phaeohyphomycosis caused by a species of Exophiala. The present study also suggests that dispersal of the fungus within the crab occurs through the hemal system.  相似文献   

Sousa WP  Kennedy PG  Mitchell BJ 《Oecologia》2003,135(4):564-575
Variation in rates of seedling recruitment, growth, and survival can strongly influence the rate and course of forest regeneration following disturbance. Using a combination of field sampling and shadehouse experiments, we investigated the influence of propagule size and predispersal insect damage on the establishment and early growth of the three common mangrove species on the Caribbean coast of Panama: Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, and Rhizophora mangle. In our field samples, all three species exhibited considerable intraspecific variation in mature propagule size, and suffered moderate to high levels of predispersal attack by larval insects. Rates of insect attack were largely independent of propagule size both within and among trees. Our experimental studies using undamaged mature propagules showed that, for all three species, seedlings established at high rates regardless of propagule size. However, propagule size did have a marked effect on early seedling growth: seedlings that developed from larger propagules grew more rapidly. Predispersal insect infestations that had destroyed or removed a substantial amount of tissue, particularly if that tissue was meristematic or conductive, reduced the establishment of propagules of all three species. The effect of sublethal tissue damage or loss on the subsequent growth of established seedlings varied among the three mangrove species. For Avicennia, the growth response was graded: for a propagule of a given size, the more tissue lost, the slower the growth of the seedling. For Laguncularia, the response to insect attack appeared to be all-or-none. If the boring insect penetrated the outer spongy seed coat and reached the developing embryo, it usually caused sufficient damage to prevent a seedling from developing. On the other hand, if the insect damaged but did not penetrate the seed coat, a completely healthy seedling developed and its growth rate was indistinguishable from a seedling developing from an undamaged propagule of the same size. Similar to Avicennia, if an infestation did not completely girdle a Rhizophora seedling, it survived, but grew at a reduced rate. In summary, our experiments demonstrated that natural levels of variation in propagule size and predispersal damage by insects translate into significant differences in seedling performance in terms of establishment and/or early growth. Such differences are sufficiently large that they could influence the intensity and outcome of competitive interactions during forest regeneration.  相似文献   

Aratus pisoni (Milne Edwards) breeds throughout the year according to a lunar rhythm; the hatching of the eggs occurs at both full and new moon. Females become mature at about six months old or 12 mm carapace width and from then on, ovulate, on the average, once every intermoult; the number of eggs laid is directly proportional to the volume of the crab. By the time a female is eighteen months old at a size of 18 mm carapace width it will have laid 27,500 eggs and passed through seven moults. Mortality is greatest during the larval life and is caused mainly by predation.  相似文献   

Blumenshine  S.C.  Hambright  K.D. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):347-356
Limnologists have long recognized the importance of predation in freshwater communities. The majority of study of predator effects has involved vertebrate predators, with emphasis on planktivorous fish. Documented effects of planktivorous fish have been so dramatic that manipulations of their populations are seen by many as potential tools in lake management. However, the success of such manipulations is often less than desired due to the ubiquitous complexity of food webs and the pervasiveness of compensatory responses to food web manipulation. Recently, enormous effort has been applied to the Lake Kinneret pelagic food web in effort to reduced the abundance of the planktivorous Kinneret bleak Acanthobrama terraesanctae and thereby increase the biomass of herbivorous zooplankton in the hopes of increasing water clarity. We compared potential predation pressure on Lake Kinneret herbivorous zooplankton by bleak and the other major zooplankton predators in the lake, the cyclopoid copepods Mesocyclops ogunnus and Thermocyclops dybowskii. We found that, despite having much lower biomass, cyclopoid copepods accounted for a greater portion of the predation mortality on herbivorous zooplankton than bleak. Our results suggest that reductions in predation pressure by bleak will not yield subsequent increases in herbivorous zooplankton biomass. Rather, reductions in bleak predation pressure may allow for increases in cyclopoid copepod abundance and thereby a net increase in predation pressure on herbivorous zooplankton.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of the first polymorphic microsatellite markers for the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus are described. The number of alleles at each locus ranged from three to 25, mean of nine alleles, in 46 crabs captured in two Brazilian mangroves. The markers averaged high levels of observed (0.709 ± 0.183) and expected (0.716 ± 0.170) heterozygosities. Departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed at two loci. Linkage disequilibrium tests were not significant and no evidence of null alleles was detected. All these microsatellite loci are expected to be useful in estimating fine-scale population processes of this valuable mangrove species currently subjected to excessive fishing efforts.  相似文献   

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