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This paper proposes a supervised training algorithm for Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) which modifies the Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP)learning rule to support both local and network level training with multiple synaptic connections and axonal delays. The training algorithm applies the rule to two and three layer SNNs, and is benchmarked using the Iris and Wisconsin Breast Cancer (WBC) data sets. The effectiveness of hidden layer dynamic threshold neurons is also investigated and results are presented.  相似文献   

Simulations of molecular systems typically handle interactions within non-bonded pairs. Generating and updating a list of these pairs can be the most time-consuming part of energy calculations for large systems. Thus, efficient non-bonded list processing can speed up the energy calculations significantly. While the asymptotic complexity of current algorithms (namely O(N), where N is the number of particles) is probably the lowest possible, a wide space for optimization is still left. This article offers a heuristic extension to the previously suggested grid based algorithms. We show that, when the average particle movements are slow, simulation time can be reduced considerably. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in the DistanceMatrix class of the molecular modeling package MESHI. MESHI is freely available at .  相似文献   

 In recent years the genetic algorithm (GA) was used successfully to solve many optimization problems. One of the most difficult questions of applying GA to a particular problem is that of coding. In this paper a scheme is derived to optimize one aspect of the coding in an automatic fashion. This is done by using a high cardinality alphabet and optimizing the meaning of the letters. The scheme is especially well suited in cases where a number of similar problems need to be solved. The use of the scheme is demonstrated with such a group of problems: the simplified problem of navigating a ‘robot’ in a ‘room.’ It is shown that for the sample problem family the proposed algorithm is superior to the canonical GA. Received: 26 August 1994/Accepted in revised form: 13 January 1995  相似文献   

A hybrid of genetic algorithm and local optimization was tested on a massively multimodal spin-lattice problem involving a huge configuration space. The results are good, and global optima will probably be achieved in a sizeable proportion of cases, especially if a selection scheme is applied that maintains genetic diversity by introducing a spatial separation between the members of the population. If we use single-point cross-over, the performance of the algorithm depends strongly on the order of the units corresponding to individual spins in the bit strings that the genetic part of the algorithm processes. Due to some interplay between the genetic algorithm and local optimization, the best performance is achieved with a peculiar ordering, while the results with the most obvious ordering are much worse. I introduce an ordering-invariant crossover operation that gives excellent performance: it almost always yields states of the lowest energy. I expect this or some similar crossover operation to work well in the hybrid scheme for many other problems as well.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Reverse engineering gene networks and identifying regulatory interactions are integral to understanding cellular decision making processes. Advancement in high throughput experimental techniques has initiated innovative data driven analysis of gene regulatory networks. However, inherent noise associated with biological systems requires numerous experimental replicates for reliable conclusions. Furthermore, evidence of robust algorithms directly exploiting basic biological traits are few. Such algorithms are expected to be efficient in their performance and robust in their prediction. RESULTS: We have developed a network identification algorithm to accurately infer both the topology and strength of regulatory interactions from time series gene expression data in the presence of significant experimental noise and non-linear behavior. In this novel formulism, we have addressed data variability in biological systems by integrating network identification with the bootstrap resampling technique, hence predicting robust interactions from limited experimental replicates subjected to noise. Furthermore, we have incorporated non-linearity in gene dynamics using the S-system formulation. The basic network identification formulation exploits the trait of sparsity of biological interactions. Towards that, the identification algorithm is formulated as an integer-programming problem by introducing binary variables for each network component. The objective function is targeted to minimize the network connections subjected to the constraint of maximal agreement between the experimental and predicted gene dynamics. The developed algorithm is validated using both in-silico and experimental data-sets. These studies show that the algorithm can accurately predict the topology and connection strength of the in silico networks, as quantified by high precision and recall, and small discrepancy between the actual and predicted kinetic parameters. Furthermore, in both the in silico and experimental case studies, the predicted gene expression profiles are in very close agreement with the dynamics of the input data. CONCLUSIONS: Our integer programming algorithm effectively utilizes bootstrapping to identify robust gene regulatory networks from noisy, non-linear time-series gene expression data. With significant noise and non-linearities being inherent to biological systems, the present formulism, with the incorporation of network sparsity, is extremely relevant to gene regulatory networks, and while the formulation has been validated against in silico and E. Coli data, it can be applied to any biological system.  相似文献   

Cluster Computing - Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is an Np-Hard problem, for which various solutions have been offered so far. Using the Harris Hawk Optimization (HHO) algorithm, this paper...  相似文献   



Development of a fast and accurate scoring function in virtual screening remains a hot issue in current computer-aided drug research. Different scoring functions focus on diverse aspects of ligand binding, and no single scoring can satisfy the peculiarities of each target system. Therefore, the idea of a consensus score strategy was put forward. Integrating several scoring functions, consensus score re-assesses the docked conformations using a primary scoring function. However, it is not really robust and efficient from the perspective of optimization. Furthermore, to date, the majority of available methods are still based on single objective optimization design.  相似文献   



Distance matrix methods constitute a major family of phylogenetic estimation methods, and the minimum evolution (ME) principle (aiming at recovering the phylogeny with shortest length) is one of the most commonly used optimality criteria for estimating phylogenetic trees. The major difficulty for its application is that the number of possible phylogenies grows exponentially with the number of taxa analyzed and the minimum evolution principle is known to belong to the -hard class of problems.  相似文献   

From gene expression profiles, it is desirable to rebuild cellular dynamic regulation networks to discover more delicate and substantial functions in molecular biology, biochemistry, bioengineering and pharmaceutics. S-system model is suitable to characterize biochemical network systems and capable to analyze the regulatory system dynamics. However, inference of an S-system model of N-gene genetic networks has 2N(N+1) parameters in a set of non-linear differential equations to be optimized. This paper proposes an intelligent two-stage evolutionary algorithm (iTEA) to efficiently infer the S-system models of genetic networks from time-series data of gene expression. To cope with curse of dimensionality, the proposed algorithm consists of two stages where each uses a divide-and-conquer strategy. The optimization problem is first decomposed into N subproblems having 2(N+1) parameters each. At the first stage, each subproblem is solved using a novel intelligent genetic algorithm (IGA) with intelligent crossover based on orthogonal experimental design (OED). At the second stage, the obtained N solutions to the N subproblems are combined and refined using an OED-based simulated annealing algorithm for handling noisy gene expression profiles. The effectiveness of iTEA is evaluated using simulated expression patterns with and without noise running on a single-processor PC. It is shown that 1) IGA is efficient enough to solve subproblems; 2) IGA is significantly superior to the existing method SPXGA; and 3) iTEA performs well in inferring S-system models for dynamic pathway identification.  相似文献   

A new software tool making use of a genetic algorithm for multi-objective experimental optimization (GAME.opt) was developed based on a strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm. The software deals with high dimensional variable spaces and unknown interactions of design variables. This approach was evaluated by means of multi-objective test problems replacing the experimental results. A default parameter setting is proposed enabling users without expert knowledge to minimize the experimental effort (small population sizes and few generations).  相似文献   

The automated sequence annotation pipeline (ASAP) is designed to ease routine investigation of new functional annotations on unknown sequences, such as expressed sequence tags (ESTs), through querying of web-accessible resources and maintenance of a local database. The system allows easy use of the output from one search as the input for a new search, as well as the filtering of results. The database is used to store formats and parameters and information for parsing data from web sites. The database permits easy updating of format information should a site modify the format of a query or of a returned web page.  相似文献   

We propose a new particle swarm optimization algorithm for problems where objective functions are subject to zero-mean, independent, and identically distributed stochastic noise. While particle swarm optimization has been successfully applied to solve many complex deterministic nonlinear optimization problems, straightforward applications of particle swarm optimization to noisy optimization problems are subject to failure because the noise in objective function values can lead the algorithm to incorrectly identify positions as the global/personal best positions. Instead of having the entire swarm follow a global best position based on the sample average of objective function values, the proposed new algorithm works with a set of statistically global best positions that include one or more positions with objective function values that are statistically equivalent, which is achieved using a combination of statistical subset selection and clustering analysis. The new PSO algorithm can be seamlessly integrated with adaptive resampling procedures to enhance the capability of PSO to cope with noisy objective functions. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the new algorithm is able to consistently find better solutions than the canonical particle swarm optimization algorithm in the presence of stochastic noise in objective function values with different resampling procedures.  相似文献   

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based, stochastic optimization technique inspired by the social dynamics of birds. The PSO algorithm is rather sensitive to the control parameters, and thus, there has been a significant amount of research effort devoted to the dynamic adaptation of these parameters. The focus of the adaptive approaches has largely revolved around adapting the inertia weight as it exhibits the clearest relationship with the exploration/exploitation balance of the PSO algorithm. However, despite the significant amount of research efforts, many inertia weight control strategies have not been thoroughly examined analytically nor empirically. Thus, there are a plethora of choices when selecting an inertia weight control strategy, but no study has been comprehensive enough to definitively guide the selection. This paper addresses these issues by first providing an overview of 18 inertia weight control strategies. Secondly, conditions required for the strategies to exhibit convergent behaviour are derived. Finally, the inertia weight control strategies are empirically examined on a suite of 60 benchmark problems. Results of the empirical investigation show that none of the examined strategies, with the exception of a randomly selected inertia weight, even perform on par with a constant inertia weight.  相似文献   

Computer simulation is an important technique to capture the dynamics of biochemical networks. Numerical optimization is the key to estimate the values of kinetic parameters so that the dynamic model reproduces the behaviors of the existing experimental data. It is required to develop general strategies for the optimization of complex biochemical networks with a huge space of search parameters, under the condition that kinetic and quantitative data are hardly available. We propose an integrative and practical strategy for optimizing a complex dynamic model by using qualitative and incomplete experimental data. The key technologies are the divide and conquer method for reducing the search space, handling of multiple objective functions representing different types of biological behaviors, and design of rule-based objective functions that are suitable for qualitative and error-prone experimental data. This strategy is applied to optimizing a dynamic model of the yeast cell cycle to demonstrate the feasibility of it.  相似文献   

The Cox model—which remains the first choice for analyzing time-to-event data, even for large data sets—relies on the proportional hazards (PH) assumption. When survival data arrive sequentially in chunks, a fast and minimally storage intensive approach to test the PH assumption is desirable. We propose an online updating approach that updates the standard test statistic as each new block of data becomes available and greatly lightens the computational burden. Under the null hypothesis of PH, the proposed statistic is shown to have the same asymptotic distribution as the standard version computed on an entire data stream with the data blocks pooled into one data set. In simulation studies, the test and its variant based on most recent data blocks maintain their sizes when the PH assumption holds and have substantial power to detect different violations of the PH assumption. We also show in simulation that our approach can be used successfully with “big data” that exceed a single computer's computational resources. The approach is illustrated with the survival analysis of patients with lymphoma cancer from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. The proposed test promptly identified deviation from the PH assumption, which was not captured by the test based on the entire data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The estimation of parameter values for mathematical models of biological systems is an optimization problem that is particularly challenging due to the nonlinearities involved. One major difficulty is the existence of multiple minima in which standard optimization methods may fall during the search. Deterministic global optimization methods overcome this limitation, ensuring convergence to the global optimum within a desired tolerance. Global optimization techniques are typically classified into stochastic and deterministic. The former typically lead to lower CPU times but offer no guarantee of convergence to the global minimum in a finite number of iterations. In contrast, deterministic methods provide solutions of a given quality (i.e., optimality gap), but tend to lead to large computational burdens. RESULTS: This work presents a deterministic outer approximation-based algorithm for the global optimization of dynamic problems arising in the parameter estimation of models of biological systems. Our approach, which offers a theoretical guarantee of convergence to the global minimum, reformulating the set of ordinary differential equations into an equivalent set of algebraic equations through the use of orthogonal collocation methods, giving rise to a nonconvex nonlinear programming (NLP) problem. This nonconvex NLP is decomposed into two hierarchical levels: a master mixed-integer linear programming problem (MILP) that provides a rigorous lower bound on the optimal solution, and a reduced-space slave NLP that yields an upper bound. The algorithm iterates between these two levels until a termination criterion is satisfied. CONCLUSION: The capabilities of our approach were tested in two benchmark problems, in which the performance of our algorithm was compared with that of the commercial global optimization package BARON. The proposed strategy produced near optimal solutions (i.e., within a desired tolerance) in a fraction of the CPU time required by BARON.  相似文献   

While the adverse effects of elevated salinity levels on leaf gas exchange in many crops are not in dispute, representing such effects on leaf photosynthetic rates (A) continues to draw research attention. Here, an optimization model for stomatal conductance (gc) that maximizes A while accounting for mesophyll conductance (gm) was used to interpret new leaf gas exchange measurements collected for five irrigation water salinity levels. A function between chloroplastic CO2 concentration (cc) and intercellular CO2 concentration (ci) modified by salinity stress to estimate gm was proposed. Results showed that with increased salinity, the estimated gm and maximum photosynthetic capacity were both reduced, whereas the marginal water use efficiency λ increased linearly. Adjustments of gm, λ and photosynthetic capacity were shown to be consistent with a large corpus of drought‐stress experiments. The inferred model parameters were then used to evaluate the combined effects of elevated salinity and atmospheric CO2 concentration (ca) on leaf gas exchange. For a given salinity level, increasing ca increased A linearly, but these increases were accompanied by mild reductions in gc and transpiration. The ca level needed to ameliorate A reductions due to increased salinity is also discussed using the aforementioned model calculations.  相似文献   



A relevant problem in drug design is the comparison and recognition of protein binding sites. Binding sites recognition is generally based on geometry often combined with physico-chemical properties of the site since the conformation, size and chemical composition of the protein surface are all relevant for the interaction with a specific ligand. Several matching strategies have been designed for the recognition of protein-ligand binding sites and of protein-protein interfaces but the problem cannot be considered solved.  相似文献   

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