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Summary The strain of Drosophila melanogaster carrying the inversion In(1)w m4, which juxtaposes the normal w + gene to the centromeric heterochromatin, variegates for pigmentation in the eye. This strain was treated with various concentrations of n-butyrate and n-proprionate during the embryonic and larval stages. Concentrations as low as 70mM markedly suppress the variegated eye phenotype. This suggests that non-acetylated histones play a major role in the phenomenon of position-effect variegation.This research was supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada team grant A-1764 to T.A.G. and D.T. Suzuki, and Natural, Applied & Health Sciences grant 9704 to T.A.G.  相似文献   

Carnitine is a well-known naturally occurring compound, very similar to butyrate, with an essential role in intermediary metabolism mainly at the mitochondrial level. Since butyrate inhibits the enzyme histone deacetylase and is capable of suppressing position-effect variegation in Drosophila melanogaster, we tested a further possible function of carnitine in the nucleus, using an assay for the suppression of position-effect variegation. We tested three physiological forms of carnitine (l-carnitine, l-propionylcarnitine, l-acetylcarnitine) for the ability to suppress two different chromosomal rearrangements, inducing variegation of the white + and brown + genes. The results show that the carnitine derivatives are capable of suppressing the position-effect variegation, albeit with different efficiencies. The carnitine derivatives interact lethally with Su-var(2)1 01, a mutation that induces hyperacetylation of histones, whilst hyperacetylated histories accumulated in both the nuclei of HeLa cells and Drosophila polytene chromosomes treated with the same compounds. These results strongly suggest that the carnitine derivatives suppress position-effect variegation by a mechanism similar to that of butyrate. It is suggested that carnitines may have a functional role in the nucleus, probably at the chromatin level.  相似文献   

Talbert PB  Henikoff S 《Genetics》2000,154(1):259-272
In Drosophila, heterochromatin causes mosaic silencing of euchromatic genes brought next to it by chromosomal rearrangements. Silencing has been observed to "spread": genes closer to the heterochromatic rearrangement breakpoint are silenced more frequently than genes farther away. We have examined silencing of the white and roughest genes in the variegating rearrangements In(1)w(m4), In(1)w(mMc), and In(1)w(m51b). Eleven stocks bearing these chromosomes differ widely in the strength of silencing of white and roughest. Stock-specific differences in the relative frequencies of inactivation of white and roughest were found that map to the white-roughest region or the adjacent heterochromatin. Most stock-specific differences did not correlate with gross differences in the heterochromatic content of the rearranged chromosomes; however, two stocks, In(1)w(m51b) and In(1)w(mMc), were found to have anomalous additional heterochromatin that may act in trans to suppress variegating alleles. In comparing different stocks, the frequency of silencing of the roughest gene, which is more distant from heterochromatin, does not correlate with the frequency of silencing of the more proximal white gene on the same chromosome, in contradiction to the expectation of models of continuous linear propagation of silencing. We frequently observed rough eye tissue that is pigmented, as though an active white gene is skipped.  相似文献   

Lloyd VK  Sinclair DA  Grigliatti TA 《Genetics》1999,151(4):1503-1516
Genomic imprinting is a phenomenon in which the expression of a gene or chromosomal region depends on the sex of the individual transmitting it. The term imprinting was first coined to describe parent-specific chromosome behavior in the dipteran insect Sciara and has since been described in many organisms, including other insects, plants, fish, and mammals. In this article we describe a mini-X chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster that shows genomic imprinting of at least three closely linked genes. The imprinting of these genes is observed as mosaic silencing when the genes are transmitted by the male parent, in contrast to essentially wild-type expression when the same genes are maternally transmitted. We show that the imprint is due to the sex of the parent rather than to a conventional maternal effect, differential mitotic instability of the mini-X chromosome, or an allele-specific effect. Finally, we have examined the effects of classical modifiers of position-effect variegation on the maintenance and the establishment of the imprint. Factors that modify position-effect variegation alter the somatic expression but not the establishment of the imprint. This suggests that chromatin structure is important in maintenance of the imprint, but a separate mechanism may be responsible for its initiation.  相似文献   

Westphal T  Reuter G 《Genetics》2002,160(2):609-621
Compact chromatin structure, induction of gene silencing in position-effect variegation (PEV), and crossing-over suppression are typical features of heterochromatin. To identify genes affecting crossing-over suppression by heterochromatin we tested PEV suppressor mutations for their effects on crossing over in pericentromeric regions of Drosophila autosomes. From the 46 mutations (28 loci) studied, 16 Su(var) mutations of the nine genes Su(var)2-1, Su(var)2-2, Su(var)2-5, Su(var)2-10, Su(var)2-14, Su(var)2-15, Su(var)3-3, Su(var)3-7, and Su(var)3-9 significantly increase in heterozygotes or by additive effects in double and triple heterozygotes crossing over in the ri-p(p) region of chromosome 3. Su(var)2-2(01) and Su(var)2-14(01) display the strongest recombinogenic effects and were also shown to enhance recombination within the light-rolled heterochromatic region of chromosome 2. The dominant recombinogenic effects of Su(var) mutations are most pronounced in proximal euchromatin and are accompanied with significant reduction of meiotic nondisjunction. Our data suggest that crossing-over suppression by heterochromatin is controlled at chromatin structure as well as illustrate the possible effects of heterochromatin on total crossing-over frequencies in the genome.  相似文献   

Differential DNA replication is widely held to influence polytene chromosome structure by causing the dramatic reductions in heterochromatic DNA content that are characteristic of most endopolyploid cells. The underreplication model of heterochromatic sequence underrepresentation predicts that replication intermediates should populate regions of DNA between fully polytenized euchromatic sequences and underpolytenized heterochromatic sequences. We directly tested this prediction using Dp1187, a 1300 kb Drosophila minichromosome containing well-defined heterochromatic regions. DNA from a euchromatic/heterochromatic junction region of Dp1187, demonstrating a significant gradient of underrepresentation in larval salivary glands, lacked the stalled replication forks predicted by the underreplication model. We consider an alternative mechanism leading to heterochromatic sequence underrepresentation involving a process of DNA elimination.by W. Hennig  相似文献   

Position-effect variegation in Drosophila melanogaster is accompanied by compaction of the corresponding chromosomal regions. The compaction can be continuous, so that bands and interbands located distal to the eu-heterochromatic junction fuse into one dense block, or discontinuous, when two or more zones of compaction are separated by morphologically and functionally normal regions. In this work it was found that in both continuous and discontinuous compaction the blocks of dense material contain the immunochemically detectable protein HP1, which has previously been characterized as specific for heterochromatin. The regions undergoing compaction do not contain HP1 when they have a normal banding pattern. Thus, it may be proposed that HP1 is one of the factors involved in compaction. If two different or two identical rearrangements are combined in the same nucleus, they variegate independently. The frequency of compaction of the two rearrangements in the same nucleus corresponds to the product of the frequencies of the compact state of the individual elements. The extent of compaction (i.e. the number of bands involved in heterochromatization) of each rearrangement does not depend on the compaction pattern of the other rearranged element.  相似文献   

Summary The dose dependent effects of position-effect variegation (PEV) modifying genes were studied in chromosome arms2L, 2R and3R. Four groups of PEV modifying genes can be distinguished: haplo-abnormal suppressor and enhancer loci with or without a triplo-effect. using duplications four triplo-abnormal suppressor and four triplo-abnormal enhancer functions were localized. In two cases we proved that these functions correspond to a converse haplo-abnormal one. Altogether 43 modifier loci were identified. Most of these loci proved not to display significant triplo-effects (35). The group of haplo-abnormal loci with a triplo-effect may represent genes which play an important role in heterochromatin packaging.  相似文献   

Summary Several mutants that enhance the gene inactivation associated with position-effect variegation [E(var) mutants] have been characterized. These include three ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS)-induced lesions and a second chromosome duplication. Each of the EMS mutations maps to a discrete euchromatic site on the third chromosome. One is located within the chromosomal region occupied by a cluster of Su(var) mutations. All four E(var) mutants enhance the inactivation of several different variegators and therefore they appear to influence position-effect variegation generally. However, the enhancement caused by the single site E(var) mutations is less striking than that caused by the duplication or by loss of the Y chromosome. The interaction between the E(var) mutants and selected Su(var) mutations, as well as the effects of extra Y heterochromatin on E(var) expression, have also been investigated. Based on the results of these studies, various hypothetical functions of the E(var) + products are suggested.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) genes of Drosophila are negative regulators of homeotic gene expression required for maintenance of determination. Sequence similarity between Polycomb and Su(var)205 led to the suggestion that PcG genes and modifiers of position-effect variegation (PEV) might function analogously in the establishment of chromatin structure. If PcG proteins participate directly in the same process that leads to PEV, PcG mutations should suppress PEV. We show that mutations in E(Pc), an unusual member of the PcG, suppress PEV of four variegating rearrangements: In(l)wm4, B(SV), T(2;3)Sb(V) and In(2R)bw(VDe2). Using reversion of a Pelement insertion, deficiency mapping, and recombination mapping as criteria, homeotic effects and suppression of PEV associated with E(Pc) co-map. Asx is an enhancer of PEV, whereas nine other PcG loci do not affect PEV. These results support the conclusion that there are fewer similarities between PcG genes and modifiers of PEV than previously supposed. However, E(Pc) appears to be an important link between the two groups. We discuss why Asx might act as an enhancer of PEV.  相似文献   

The dominant mutation Su-var(2)1 01 which suppresses position-effect variegation and displays recessive butyrate sensitivity was found to result in significant hyperacetylation of histone H4. This biochemical finding, as well as the genetic properties of this mutation, strongly suggest that the wild-type product of the corresponding locus is involved in histone H4 deacetylation. In larvae containing the suppressor mutation the accessibility of chromatin to endogenous nucleases is significantly increased which might be causally connected with histone H4 hyperacetylation. The suppressor mutation Su-var(2)1 01 has, therefore, to be classified as a chromatin condensation mutation.  相似文献   

Monod C  Aulner N  Cuvier O  Käs E 《EMBO reports》2002,3(8):747-752
white-mottled (wm4) position-effect variegation (PEV) arises by translocation of the white gene near the pericentric AT-rich 1.688 g/cm3 satellite III (SATIII) repeats of the X chromosome of Drosophila. The natural and artificial A•T-hook proteins D1 and MATH20 modify wm4 PEV in opposite ways. D1 binds SATIII repeats and enhances PEV, presumably via a recruitment of protein partners, whereas MATH20 suppresses it. We show that D1 and MATH20 compete for binding to identical sites of SATIII repeats in vitro and that conditional MATH20 expression results in a displacement of D1 from pericentric heterochromatin in vivo. In the presence of intermediate levels of MATH20, we show that this displacement becomes selective for SATIII repeats. These results strongly suggest that the suppression of wm4 PEV by MATH20 is due to a displacement of D1 from its preferred binding sites and provide additional support for a direct role of D1 in the assembly of AT-rich heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Position-effect variegation for the white locus was studied in normally shaped eyes and in reduced eyes of Bar (B) and Drop (Dr) flies. The average number of spots per eye is successively lower in +, B, and Dr eyes; moreover, B eyes show a relatively strong pigmentation. No simple relation seems to be present between the degree of pigmentation and the number of facets, either between +, B, and Dr eyes or within classes of Dr eyes that have been analysed.The chance that ommatidia will become pigmented follows a gradient across mottled eyes of wild-type shape that seems fixed early in development. The gradient is less clear or absent in B eyes.The results are best interpreted on the basis of the cell-lineage theory and an early one-sided action of B on the developing eye disc after fixation of the gradient.  相似文献   

In a variety of organisms, euchromatic genes brought into juxtaposition with pericentric heterochromatin show position-effect variegation (PEV), a silencing of gene expression in a subset of the cells in which the gene is normally expressed. Previously, a P-element mobilization screen identified transgenic Drosophila stocks showing PEV of an hsp70-white + reporter gene; transgenes in many of these stocks map to the chromocenter of polytene chromosome. A screen at an elevated temperature identified two stocks that under standard culture temperatures show complete repression of the hsp70-white + transgene. The transgenes in both cases map to the chromocenter of polytene chromosomes. Different types of middle repetitive elements are adjacent to seven pericentric transgenes; unique sequences are adjacent to two of the perimetric transgenes. All of the transgenes show suppression of PEV in response to a mutation in the gene encoding heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1). This suppression correlates with a more accessible chromatin structure. The results indicate that a pericentric transgene showing PEV can be associated with different types of DNA sequences, while maintaining a common association with the chromosomal protein HP1. Received: 15 January 1998; in revised form: 27 May 1998 / Accepted: 4 September 1998  相似文献   

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