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 Our long-term goal is to control wheat diseases through the enhancement of host plant resistance. The constitutive expression of plant defense genes to control fungal diseases can be engineered by genetic transformation. Our experimental strategy was to biolistically transform wheat with a vector DNA containing a rice chitinase gene under the control of the CaMV 35 S promoter and the bar gene under control of the ubiquitin promoter as a selectable marker. Immature embryos of wheat cv ‘Bobwhite’ were bombarded with plasmid pAHG11 containing the rice chitinase gene chi11 and the bar gene. The embryos were subcultured on MS2 medium containing the herbicide bialaphos. Calli were then transferred to a regeneration medium, also containing bialaphos. Seventeen herbicide-resistant putative transformants (T0) were selected after spraying with 0.2% Liberty, of which 16 showed bar gene expression as determined by the phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) assay. Of the 17 plants, 12 showed the expected 35-kDa rice chitinase as revealed by Western blot analysis. The majority of transgenic plants were morphologically normal and self-fertile. The integration, inheritance and expression of the chi11 and bar genes were confirmed by Southern hybridization, PAT and Western blot analysis of T0 and T1 transgenic plants. Mendelian segregation of herbicide resistance was observed in some T1 progenies. Interestingly, a majority of the T1 progeny had very little or no chitinase expression even though the chitinase transgene was intact. Because PAT gene expression under control of the ubiquitin promoter was unaffected, we conclude that the CaMV 35 S promoter is selectively inactivated in T1 transgenic wheat plants. Received: 12 May 1998 / Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

The bar gene conferring resistance to the herbicide Basta (containing phosphinothricin) was transferred to embryogenic cultures of Picea abies by particle bombardment and transformants were selected on Basta medium. In total, 83 9-month-old transgenic plants of Picea abies from six transformed sublines were analysed for continued tolerance to Basta. PCR analysis showed that the bar gene was present in all transformed plants but not in the control plants. Northern blot analysis showed differences in expression level among plants from the same subline as well as among sublines. A simple biotest for screening for Basta tolerance based on the colour change of detached needles induced by Basta was developed. The tolerance to Basta varied among the plants from different sublines. Needles from four of the sublines were resistant to 100 mg l−1 phosphinothricin, a concentration inducing yellowing in control needles, while plants from the other two sublines were on average two to four times as resistant as untransformed control plants. The biotest enables rapid semi-quantitative monitoring for continued transgene expression in long-lived tree species. Received: 21 October 1999 / Revision received: 24 January 2000 / Accepted: 24 January 2000  相似文献   

Transgenic plants of the model legume Lotus japonicus were regenerated by hypocotyl transformation using a bar gene as a selectable marker. The bar encodes for Phosphinothricin Acetyl Transferase that detoxifies phosphinothricin (PPT), the active ingredient of herbicides such as Ignite (AgrEvo) and Basta (Hoechst). Transgenic L. japonicus plants resistant to PPT were positive upon PCR by bar gene-specific primers. In 5 out of 7 independent lines tested, PPT resistance segregated as a single dominant allele indicating a single T-DNA insertion into the plant genome. All regenerated plants were fertile and void of visible somaclonal abnormalities contrary to 14% infertility when antibiotic selectable markers were used. The lack of somaclonal variation, ease of PPT application and low cost of PPT makes this protocol an attractive alternative for the regeneration of transgenic L. japonicus. The production of PPT herbicide-resistant L. japonicus plants may have significant commercial applications in crop production.  相似文献   

Summary We have established an efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation procedure for Arabidopsis thaliana genotype C24 using the chimeric bialaphos resistance gene (bar) coding for phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT). Hypocotyl explants from young seedlings cocultivated with agrobacteria carrying a bar gene were selected on shoot-inducing media containing different concentrations of phosphinothricin (PPT) which is an active component of bialaphos. We found that 20 mg/l of PPT completely inhibited the control explants from growing whereas the explants transformed with the bar gene gave rise to multiple shoots resistant to PPT after 3 weeks under the same selection conditions. The transformation system could also be applied to root explants. Resulting plantlets could produce viable seeds in vitro within 3 months after preparation of the explants. The stable inheritance of the resistance trait, the integration and expression of the bar gene in the progeny were confirmed by genetic tests, Southern analysis and PAT enzyme assay, respectively. In addition, the mature plants in soil showed tolerance to the herbicide Basta.Abbreviations bar bialaphos resistance gene - CIM callus-inducing medium - DTNB 5,5-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) - GM germination medium - HPT hygromycin phosphotransferase - MS Murashige and Skoog salts - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - PAT phosphinothricin acetyltransferase - PPT phosphinothricin - SIM shoot-inducing medium  相似文献   

Bialaphos selection of stable transformants from maize cell culture   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary Stable transformed Black Mexican Sweet (BMS) maize callus was recovered from suspension culture cells bombarded with plasmid DNA that conferred resistance to the herbicide bialaphos. Suspension culture cells were bombarded with a mixture of two plasmids. One plasmid contained a selectable marker gene, bar, which encoded phosphinothricin acetyl transferase (PAT), and the other plasmid encoded a screenable marker for -glucuronidase (GUS). Bombarded cells were selected on medium containing the herbicide bialaphos, which is cleaved in plant cells to yield phosphinothricin (PPT), an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase. The bialaphos-resistant callus contained the bar gene and expressed PAT as assayed by PPT inactivation. Transformants that expressed high levels of PAT grew more rapidly on increasing concentrations of bialaphos than transformants expressing low levels of PAT. Fifty percent of the bialaphos-resistant transformants tested (8 of 16) expressed the nonselected gene encoding GUS.  相似文献   

Apical points of young seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar "Jing 411” and somatic calli of cultivar "FK8” were transformed with plasmids pBI121 and (or) pBIAH-A+ by using microprojectile bombardment. Histochemical assay of GUS activity showed positive reaction on some of the transformation processed apical points and calli. This demonstrated that foreign genes were introduced into the apical meristematic cells as well as the callus cells. The plantlets of cv. "Jing 411” survived after apical point transformation with pBIAH-A+ were transplanted into the field and the progenies were screened with kanamycin. 4 % of the screened seeds germinated into green seedlings with kanamycin resistance. Dot hybridization of total DNA from kanamycin resistant plants showed the existence of foreign DNA in some of the detected plants.  相似文献   

An Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transformation system for Brassica napus has been improved. We investigated several marker genes for transformation of Brassica napus , and the aadA gene, which confers resistance to streptomycin and spectinomycin, was found to be the most suitable. Forty-three out of 193 putative transformants in the T1 generation were investigated by Southern blot analysis. Transformants containing a range of 1 to 10 integrated T-DNA copies per genome were found. Total DNA from 35 plants showed hybridisation to both the aadA and the nptll marker gene probes, from 5 plants only to one marker gene probe and from 3 plants DNA did not hybridise to any of the gene probes. Furthermore, more complex integration patterns such as direct repeated copies of the T-DNA, both as tandem and inverted copies, were observed. Inheritance of the marker genes in the T2 generation was studied in 37 of the plants. This revealed that 22% of the plants that contained both marker genes, segregated as one single locus (3:1) for both genes, while 46% of the plants gave a segregation pattern corresponding to one T-DNA locus for at least one of the marker genes. Moreover, these inheritance patterns appeared to be more or less independent of the number of genes seen in the Southern blot analysis of the T, generation. In this study we show that the introduced marker genes are inherited by the T; generation in a less predictable way than was earlier reported for B. napus .  相似文献   

Acetolactate synthase (ALS) is a target enzyme for many herbicides, including sulfonylurea and imidazolinone. We investigated the usefulness of a mutated ALS gene of rice, which had double point mutations and encoded an herbicide-resistant form of the enzyme, as a selectable marker for wheat transformation. After the genomic DNA fragment from rice containing the mutated ALS gene was introduced into immature embryos by means of particle bombardment, transgenic plants were efficiently selected with the herbicide bispyribac sodium (BS). Southern blot analysis confirmed that transgenic plants had one to more than ten copies of the transgene in their chromosomes. Adjustment of the BS concentration combined with repeated selection effectively prevented nontransgenic plants from escaping herbicide selection. Measurement of ALS activity indicated that transgenic plants produced an herbicide-resistant form of ALS and therefore had acquired the resistance to BS. This report is the first to describe a selection system for wheat transformation that uses a selectable marker gene of plant origin.  相似文献   

A protocol has been developed to produce a cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) in tobacco tolerant to the herbicide phosphinothricin (PPT) by means of in vitro selection. The synthetic CTB subunit gene was altered to modify the codon usage to that of tobacco plant genes. The gene was then cloned into a plant expression vector and was under the control of the ubiquitin promoter and transformed into tobacco plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic plantlets were selected in a medium supplemented with 5 mg/L PPT. Polymerase chain reaction analysis confirmed stable integration of the synthetic CTB gene into a chromosomal DNA. A high level of CTB (1.8% of total soluble protein) was expressed in transgenic plants, which was 18-fold higher than that under the control of the expressed CaMV 35S promoter with native gene. The transgenic plants when transferred to a greenhouse proved to be resistant to 2% PPT.  相似文献   

抗冷冻蛋白基因遗传转化草菇的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用RT PCR技术从瑞典的北极云杉卷叶蛾幼虫中扩增出抗冷冻蛋白基因 ,利用基因枪法遗传转化草菇。PCR检测和Southern杂交结果证明 ,抗冷冻蛋白基因已整合进草菇基因组。低温胁迫试验结果表明 ,转基因草菇具有较强的耐低温能力。转基因草菇生物学特性观测结果显示 ,大多数草菇转化子的生长速率明显地慢于对照的宿主菌株 ,多数转化子的菌丝也明显地比宿主菌丝细弱。转化子筛选结果表明 ,采用三轮的转化子筛选程序 ,即第一轮在固体培养基上筛选、第二轮和第三轮在液体培养基中筛选 ,有利于获得真实转化子和淘汰假转化子。转基因草菇一代低温胁迫结果证明 ,转基因草菇后代仍然具有较强的低温耐受能力 ,这说明转基因草菇的耐低温性能在世代之间是稳定的  相似文献   

hpt与bar基因作为水稻转基因筛选标记的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张春雨  李宏宇  刘斌 《遗传》2012,34(12):1599-1606
标记基因的选择是影响植物遗传转化和转基因后代筛选成败的关键因素。hpt与bar作为两种常用的水稻转化筛选标记被广泛应用于水稻的转化。为比较两者在实际应用中的效果, 文章首先对比了在潮霉素和除草剂(Bialaphos)两种筛选剂下水稻遗传转化的情况。研究表明, hpt基因的转化筛选体系相对于bar基因在转化效率上提高近两倍, 转化周期提前至少10 d, 且插入基因拷贝数更低。随后, 文章分析了利用潮霉素浸种法在田间筛选转基因水稻的可行性, 研究显示当潮霉素浓度大于167 mg/L时, 可以对以水稻品种kitaake为亲本的转基因材料进行有效筛选, 达到常规除草剂的筛选效果。但与除草剂相比较, 潮霉素的田间筛选成本却处于劣势。文章研究和讨论了hpt和bar基因在遗传转化和后代田间筛选中的优缺点, 并提供了一种利用潮霉素浸种法筛选转基因后代阳性植株的手段, 为将来在水稻转基因研究工作中根据实际需求选择合适的遗传转化、筛选体系提供参考。  相似文献   

Arabitol dehydrogenase as a selectable marker for rice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Arabitol dehydrogenase has been adapted for use as a plant selectable marker. Arabitol is a five-carbon sugar alcohol that can be used by E. coli strain C, but not by the laboratory K12 strains. The enzyme converts the non-plant-metabolizable sugar arabitol into xylulose, which is metabolized by plant cells. Rice was transformed with a plant-expression-optimized synthetic gene using Biolistic-mediated transformation. Selection on 2.75% arabitol and 0.25% sucrose yielded a transformation efficiency (9.3%) equal to that obtained with hygromycin (9.2%). Molecular analyses showed that the atlD gene was integrated into the rice genome of selected plants and was inherited in a Mendelian manner. This study indicates that arabitol could serve as an effective means of plant selection.  相似文献   

A negative selectable marker gene, codA, was successfully co-transformed with a GUS reporter gene to develop selectable marker gene-free transgenic plants. The pNC binary vector contained a T-DNA harboring the codA gene next to the nptII gene, while a second binary vector, pHG, contained a GUS reporter gene. Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN) were co-transformed via the mixture method with Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404 strains harboring pNC and pHG, respectively. Seeds harvested from the co-transformants were sown on germination media containing 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC). Analysis of the progeny by GUS staining and PCR amplification revealed that all of the 5-FC-resistant R1 plants were codA free, and that the codA gene segregated independently of the GUS gene. Because codA-free seedlings developed normally on 5-FC-containing medium, we suggest that co-transformation with negatively selectable markers is a viable method for the production of easily distinguished, selectable marker gene-free transgenic plants.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of a new biosynthetic gene, MET2, from the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. The predicted product of PpMET2 is significantly similar to its Saccharomyces cerevisiae counterpart, ScMET2, which encodes homoserine-O-transacetylase. The ScMET2 was able to complement the P. pastoris met2 strain; however, the converse was not true. Expression vectors based on PpMET2 for the intracellular and secreted production of foreign proteins and corresponding auxotrophic strains were constructed and tested for use in heterologous expression. The expression vectors and corresponding strains provide greater flexibility when using P. pastoris for recombinant protein expression.  相似文献   

Jin K  Zhang Y  Luo Z  Xiao Y  Fan Y  Wu D  Pei Y 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(8):1379-1383
An improved transformation method for the biocontrol agent, Beauveria bassiana, was developed. For convenience of transformation selection and detection, the coding regions of the genes for phosphinothricin acetyltransferase and green fluorescent protein were fused and an expression vector, pBFT, carrying this fusion was constructed. Under optimum conditions, over 60 transformants microg(-1) plasmid DNA were obtained. B. bassiana conidia frozen 1 month at -80 degrees C were fully competent for transformation. The method was significantly less laborious and more rapid than current methods for B. bassiana. The bar::egfp provides a selectable and visible marker which may expedite future genetic engineering of this fungus.  相似文献   

Propagation of three orchid genera using encapsulated protocorm-like bodies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Protocorm-like bodies (plbs) of the orchid Dendrobium ‘Sonia’ were obtained from fractionated plb explants on Murashiga and Skoog (1962) medium (MS) supplemented with 4.44 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). The developmental stage of plbs to be encapsulated, concentrations of sodium alginate (2–5%) and calcium chloride (25–100 mM), and concentration of MS salts in the matrix were assessed. Fractionated plbs 13–15 d after culture were at the leaf primordia stage and found suitable for encapsulation studies. The best encapsulation response was observed with 3% sodium alginate upon complexation with 75 mM CaCl2.2H2O. An encapsulation matrix prepared with MS medium (three-quarter strength) supplemented with 0.44 μM BA and 0.54 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid gave 100% conversion of encapsulated plbs to plants after storage. A viability of >85% of encapsulated plbs of Dendrobium ‘Sonia’ was observed for 75 d at 4°C. Encapsulated plbs of orchids Dendrobium, Oncidium, and Cattleya were stored at 4°C for 75, 60 and 30 d, respectively, with >88% germination. All plants survived potting in media having either wood charcoal pieces alone or in combination with brick pieces.  相似文献   

We have used the bar gene in combination with the herbicide Basta to select transformed rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Radon) protoplasts for the production of herbicide-resistant rice plants. Protoplasts, obtained from regenerable suspension cultures established from immature embryo callus, were transformed using PEG-mediated DNA uptake. Transformed calli could be selected 2–4 weeks after placing the protoplast-derived calli on medium containing the selective agent, phosphinothricin (PPT), the active component of Basta. Calli resistant to PPT were capable of regenerating plants. Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) assays confirmed the expression of the bar gene in plants obtained from PPT-resistant calli. The only exceptions were two plants obtained from the same callus that had multiple copies of the bar gene integrated into their genomes. The transgenic status of the plants was varified by Southern blot analysis. In our system, where the transformation was done via the protoplast method, there were very few escapes. The efficiency of co-transformation with a reporter gene gusA, was 30%. The To plants of Radon were self-fertile. Both the bar and gusA genes were transmitted to progeny as confirmed by Southern analysis. Both genes were expressed in T1 and T2 progenies. Enzyme analyses on T1 progeny plants also showed a gene dose response reflecting their homozygous and heterozygous status. The leaves of To plants and that of the progeny having the bar gene were resistant to application of Basta. Thus, the bar gene has proven to be a useful selectable and screenable marker for the transformation of rice plants and for the production of herbicide-resistant plants.  相似文献   

A plant transformation and selection system has been developed utilizing a modified tubulin gene as a selectable marker. The vector constructs carrying a mutant alpha-tubulin gene from goosegrass conferring resistance to dinitroaniline herbicides were created for transformation of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. These constructs contained beta- and/or mutant alpha-tubulin genes driven either by ubiquitin or CaMV 35S promoter. The constructs were used for biolistic transformation of finger millet and soybean or for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of flax and tobacco. Trifluralin, the main representative of dinitroaniline herbicides, was used as a selective agent in experiments to select transgenic cells, tissues and plantlets. Selective concentrations of trifluralin estimated for each species were as follows: 10 microM for Eleusine coracana, Glycine max, Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Nicotiana sylvestris; 3 microM for Linum usitatissimum. PCR and Southern blotting analyses of transformed lines with a specific probe to nptII, alpha-tubulin or beta-tubulin genes were performed to confirm the transgenic nature of regenerated plants. Band specific for the mutant alpha-tubulin gene was identified in transformed plant lines. Results confirmed the stable integration of the mutant tubulin gene into the plant genomes. The present study clearly demonstrates the use of a plant mutant tubulin as a selective gene for plant transformation.  相似文献   

Luo K  Zheng X  Chen Y  Xiao Y  Zhao D  McAvoy R  Pei Y  Li Y 《Plant cell reports》2006,25(5):403-409
We have assessed the use of a homeobox gene knotted1 (kn1) from maize as a selectable marker gene for plant transformation. The kn1 gene under the control of cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S::kn1) was introduced into Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Under nonselective conditions (without antibiotic selection) on a hormone-free medium (MS), a large number of transgenic calli and shoots were obtained from explants that were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404 harboring the 35S::kn1 gene. On the other hand, no calli or shoots were produced from explants that were infected with an Agrobacterium strain harboring pBI121 (nptII selection) or from uninfected controls cultured under identical conditions. Relative to kanamycin selection conferred by nptII, the use of kn1 resulted in a 3-fold increase in transformation efficiency. The transgenic status of shoots obtained was confirmed by both histochemical detection of GUS activity and molecular analysis. The results presented here suggest that kn1 gene could be used as an effective alternative selection marker with a potential to enhance plant transformation efficiency in many plant species. With kn1 gene as a selection marker gene, no antibiotic-resistance or herbicide-resistance genes are needed so that potential risks associated with the use of these traditional selection marker genes can be eliminated.  相似文献   

We describe the cDNA sequence for ARG7, the gene that encodes argininosuccinate lyase – a selectable nuclear marker – in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The 5′ end of the cDNA contains one more exon and the organisation of the mRNA is different from that predicted from the genomic sequence. When expressed under the control of the endogenous RbcS2 promoter, the 2.22-kb cDNA complements the arg7 mutation as well as the genomic DNA. A linear cDNA fragment lacking promoter sequences is also able to complement, suggesting that it could be used in promoter-trapping experiments. Despite the presence of a sequence encoding a potential chloroplast transit peptide in the cDNA the protein is not targeted to the chloroplast, nor can it complement the arg7 mutation when expressed there. By inserting a T7 bacteriophage promoter into the plasmid, a version of the cDNA which is able to complement both the C. reinhardtii arg7 mutant and the Escherichia coli argH mutant has been created. This modified Arg7 cDNA provides two advantages over the genomic DNA currently in use for gene tagging: it is shorter (6.2 kb versus 11.9 kb for pARG7.8φ3), and the selectable marker used in C. reinhardtii is the same as that used in E. coli, making plasmid rescue of the tag much more likely to succeed. Received: 2 June 1998 / Accepted: 25 September 1998  相似文献   

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