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异型花柱(heterostyly)是被子植物中一种特殊的花多态现象和雌雄异位形式,包括二型花柱(distyly)和三型花柱(tristyly)2种类型.据报道,在被子植物的约31个科中有异型花柱植物.该类型植物的花部特征在避免自交、促进准确的异交传粉以及通过降低雌雄功能干扰以提高亲本适合度等方面具有重要的进化意义.该文从以下3个方面总结和分析了异型花柱及其进化意义:(1)异型花柱植物的类型和花部特征、附属多态性和种群结构:(2)异型花柱植物在被子植物中的分布、起源和演化:(3)异型花柱植物的进化适应意义.结合目前作者开展的有关工作,对异型花柱植物研究中存在的一些问题进行讨论和展望,希望能为国内工作者开展该领域的研究提供一些参考.  相似文献   

周伟  王红 《植物学报》2009,44(6):742-751
异型花柱(heterostyly)是被子植物中一种特殊的花多态现象和雌雄异位形式, 包括二型花柱(distyly)和三型花柱(tristyly) 2种类型。据报道, 在被子植物的约31个科中有异型花柱植物。该类型植物的花部特征在避免自交、促进准确的异交传粉以及通过降低雌雄功能干扰以提高亲本适合度等方面具有重要的进化意义。该文从以下3个方面总结和分析了异型花柱及其进化意义: (1)异型花柱植物的类型和花部特征、附属多态性和种群结构; (2)异型花柱植物在被子植物中的分布、起源和演化; (3) 异型花柱植物的进化适应意义。结合目前作者开展的有关工作, 对异型花柱植物研究中存在的一些问题进行讨论和展望, 希望能为国内工作者开展该领域的研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

雌雄同体植物的性别干扰及其进化意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
雌雄同体植物在传粉和交配过程中两性功能存在潜在的冲突和妥协。除自交和近交衰退外,人们近年来更加强调导致配子浪费和适合度减少的繁殖代价——性别干扰。性别干扰潜在地存在于雌雄同体植物中,尤其是花粉和柱头空间位置接近而又同时成熟的两性花中。该文首先介绍了雌雄同体植物性别干扰的含义及其各种形式,进而用性别干扰理论来解释各种花部性状的适应意义,同时还回顾了植物中关于性别干扰的少数实验证据。该文强调,通常被解释为避免自交的花部机制实际上更大可能是为了避免性别干扰。从更广泛意义上,自交也可以看成是一种形式的性别干扰。  相似文献   

花部形态特征在植物交配系统的演化与维持过程中起关键作用,交配方式的转变将可能伴随着相应花部形态的调整。为探寻交配系统与花形态变异之间的联系,本研究对二型花柱植物滇丁香(Luculia pinceana)的二态和单态种群的花部形态特征进行比较分析。结果表明花部形态在两种不同花型构造的种群间分化程度显著大于花型构造相同的种群间变异。相对于二态种群而言,长花柱的单态种群中雌雄异位距离缩小,且个体间雌雄生殖器官在空间上的非法重叠程度增高,花部形态的调整能够同时促进自交和同型异交。在异型花柱物种内,异交为主的二型花柱种群向单态种群转变过程中自交比率预期上升,本研究表明花部形态的变异模式与交配系统转变相一致。  相似文献   

蓝花丹的花部形态二态性及自交不亲和特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张硕  高素萍 《广西植物》2014,(6):747-753
花部形态的二态性在异型自交不亲和中的作用一直颇具争议。为了探讨其对自交不亲和的作用,选择代表植物蓝花丹,观测其花部形态,利用激素调控其花柱高度,对调控后的花柱授粉,并分析结实率的变化。结果表明:(1)蓝花丹的花部形态在众多方面存在二态性;(2)IAA,NAA,GA 在适宜的浓度都能调节其花柱的长度;(3)调节后的花柱自然和人工授粉,结实率与空白对照相比无显著差异。实验结果说明蓝花丹的花部形态有着典型的二态性特征,此特征是蓝花丹对花型间互补式雌雄异位的进化适应策略;而雌雄性器官的空间分布并没有通过影响合法花粉的有效传播而影响自交不亲和性;异型花的自交不亲和性更多地还是体现在生理机制上。  相似文献   

刘敏  孙杉  李庆军 《生物多样性》2007,15(6):639-644
花柱卷曲性是一种见于姜科山姜属(Alpinia)和砂仁属(Amomum)植物中的独特的性二态现象, 具有这一性系统的植物, 其居群包括上举型和下垂型两种表型, 所有个体的雌雄性别功能在时间和空间上分离。本研究通过操控授粉和花粉管生长两项实验, 探讨花柱卷曲性植物个体两性功能的隔离方式及其适应意义。云南草蔻(Alpinia blepharocalyx)操控授粉实验表明, 自花花粉对其异交率影响不显著(P > 0.05), 但可能由于自花花粉沉降导致胚珠贴现进而引起近交衰退, 操控条件下每果结籽数显著减少(P < 0.01)。云南草蔻和红豆蔻(Alpinia galanga)花粉管生长实验都显示无论对两种表型进行怎样的授粉处理, 花粉粒萌发和花粉管生长的速率仅在柱头处于可授位置时表现出最大值, 与自交和异交授粉方式无关; 上举型植株上午花粉囊虽未裂但其内花粉已成熟。研究结果表明即使不考虑花柱运动, 山姜属植物也具有异型雌雄异熟的特性。这一结果证实了花柱卷曲运动机制是通过互补式雌雄异位和异型雌雄异熟相结合形成的花部二态性, 异型雌雄异熟促进了异交, 而花柱运动的功能可能在于避免雌雄干扰。  相似文献   

雌全同株是指植株同时具有两性花和雌花性系统,目前国内外相关研究多集中于菊科(Asteraceae)植物。海滨蝇子草(Silene uniflora Roth.)单株具有2种花朵类型,分别是可育两性花和功能上为雌花的雄性不育两性花,属于功能性雌全同株植物。可育两性花具有雄性先熟和雌雄异位的性别分离特征;其繁育系统主要为异交,部分自交,花内自交坐果率为31.71%。功能性雌花的雄蕊和花粉畸形,花粉量少。在初花期和末花期,功能性雌花较可育两性花所占比例更大。海滨蝇子草的功能性雌全同株性系统,在进化上可能具有降低自交、增加异交率,避免雌雄功能干扰和提高雌雄功能资源分配等适应性机制。  相似文献   

雄蕊运动指雄蕊在自身能量支持下发生的主动运动,不包括雄蕊在访花者触碰下造成的被动位移。该文总结了雄蕊的应激运动、快速猛烈弹射、缓慢运动以及级联运动等4种主要类型,分析了这些运动类型的系统分布及繁殖适应意义等方面的研究进展。雄蕊的应激运动由访花者或其他外力诱发,可能起到促进散粉和实现繁殖保障的作用;雄蕊快速猛烈的弹射运动可将花粉猛然撒向空中或访花者身上,促进了花粉的风媒或虫媒散布;缓慢运动的雄蕊可能通过在不同花期改变雄蕊的空间位置和雌雄异位程度来调节繁殖策略,或主动将雄蕊花药移至特定部位(如柱头表面)实现自交;雄蕊逐一、依次发生的级联运动较为复杂,主要分布在刺莲花科、梅花草科、旱金莲科和芸香科中,目前还缺乏实验研究;但根据"花粉呈现理论"以及其他类型的雄蕊运动研究结果,雄蕊的级联运动可以将花粉分批呈现给不同的传粉者,通过不同传粉者的分别传粉来提高花粉的输出;而且可避免已散粉雄蕊对即将散粉雄蕊的干扰,同时可能也降低了雌雄功能干扰和(或)花内自交。在芸香(Ruta graveolens)中,级联运动之后的雄蕊还会在花末期再同时向花中央运动;这种多向、多次运动方式是目前发现的最复杂的雄蕊运动类型。雄蕊运动领域值得今后开展进一步实验研究的方向主要有:1)雄蕊运动尤其是级联运动对雌雄功能干扰(性别间干扰)、雄蕊与雄蕊的"性别内干扰"等植物繁殖格局的影响;2)雄蕊运动与雌雄异熟、雌雄异位等花部特征的相互作用;3)雄蕊运动复杂类型的生理与发育机制。  相似文献   

木棉(Bombax ceiba)花大、红色, 多为鸟媒传粉, 但也存在频率极低的黄花个体, 有蜜蜂访花。本文对比研究了海南岛木棉红花、黄花的花部特征及传粉过程, 以解释黄花个体的适应意义。木棉两种花色表型的花蜜组分(葡萄糖和果糖)及挥发性物质(烷烃类、酯类、酚类等)没有显著差异, 但黄花花瓣的反射波长范围均在鸟类与蜜蜂视觉范围内, 可同时吸引鸟和蜜蜂。木棉黄花的雌雄异熟程度较小(花粉活性时期与柱头可受期重叠较大), 可在传粉媒介访花次数有限的情况下同时输出或接受花粉。另一方面, 黄花有着更大程度的柱头探出式雌雄异位, 降低了较小程度雌雄异熟可能导致的自交与雌雄功能干扰。木棉存在明显的花粉限制, 且黄花的坐果率(1.08 ± 0.56)%显著低于红花(3.27 ± 0.93)%。我们推测, 黄花个体可能通过增加木棉访花者类群多样性、降低雌雄异熟程度而提高了木棉的繁殖成功率, 也通过吸引蜜蜂而降低了蜜蜂对红花鸟媒传粉的干扰。  相似文献   

雌雄异熟和异型花在一些被子植物中的共同存在被认为是一种有效避免两性花植物自交并促进异交的机制。本文报道青藏高原特有植物祁连獐牙菜Swertia przewalskii Pissjauk.的花同时具有雌雄异熟和异型花这两种特征。在此基础上,我们详细观察了该植物访花昆虫的访花行为,主要探讨这种促进异花传粉的机制是否能完全避免株内异花传粉的自交。繁育系统试验证明祁连獐牙菜单花套袋不结实,说明雌雄异熟和异型花的花特征完全避免了单花的自花传粉,自然结实必须依赖昆虫传粉才能完成。然而,该植物却是高度自交亲和的,因为人  相似文献   

Since Darwin observed the reconfiguration of pollinia in orchards and referred to it as a function to reduce self-pollination, diverse floral movements have been investigated and various hypotheses have been proposed to explain their adaptive significance. However, adaptive significance of floral movement in some species has yet to be fully explained. Increasing evidence suggests that some floral movements, which have previously been considered as a mechanism to avoid self-pollination, may act as a mechanism to reduce intrafloral male-female interference. In this review, we first explore insect-induced floral movement—such as secondary pollen presentation—that enhances the efficiency and accuracy of pollination. Secondly, we outline the active movements of different floral structures of pistil (style), stamen (filament, anther, pollen), and corolla, such as flexistyly, pollen sliding and catapulting, and anther rotation. Thirdly, we introduce movement herkogamy, which makes herkogamy decrease or increase via the movements of floral structures, especially decreased approach herkogamy via style curvature in the Malvaceae with a monadelphous column. Fourthly, we highlight the different adaptive significances in floral movements for understanding their evolution, including reduction in intrafloral male–female interference, promotion of outcrossing and/or avoidance of self-pollination, delayed autonomous selfing, and tolerance to harsh environments. In particular, we explore the possibility of three functions of one floral movement in one species, which differs from the generally recognized and conventional notion of one floral movement in one species with only one or two functional mechanisms. Finally, we provide perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for using demographic and molecular genetic approaches to (i) study the relative importance and evolutionary mechanism of different adaptive significances in one floral movement; and (ii) simultaneously investigate the floral movement and correlative traits of broader species in related or unrelated families to test how they evolved and the evolutionary relationship between their functions.  相似文献   

Curvature of un-pollinated styles towards the anthers in the Malvaceae has been interpreted as different adaptive mechanisms, presenting a challenging problem for evolutionary biologists. We have surveyed different species of this family to determine in which style curvature occurs, and to determine its possible functional roles. Two distinct types of style curvature occur in 18 species distributed in eight genera of four tribes: Type I, before pollen shedding, occurs in species of the Malvavisceae, Ureneae, and Hibisceae tribes, which have highly receptive stigmas and viable pollen when curvature brings stigmas into contact with anthers; and Type II, after pollen shedding, only appears in the protandrous species of the Malveae tribe. Curvature is often associated with annual and perennial herbs. We conclude that the adaptive significance of style curvature in the Malvaceae includes delayed selfing, promotion of outcrossing, and reduction in intrafloral male–female interference, even if the frequency of two or three of these occurs in one species only. This diversity provides model plants and the opportunity for determining the evolution, relative importance, and harmony mechanism of different adaptive significance, especially when two or three functions occur simultaneously in one floral movement of one species (e.g., Kosteletzkya virginica).  相似文献   

  • Self‐fertilisation that is delayed until after opportunities for outcrossing have ceased has been argued to provide both the reproductive assurance benefits of selfing and the genetic advantages of outcrossing. In the Campanulaceae, presentation of pollen on stylar hairs and progressive stigma curvature have been hypothesised to facilitate delayed selfing, but experimental tests are lacking. Stigma curvature is common in Campanula, a genus largely characterised by self‐incompatibility, and therefore is unlikely to have initially evolved to promote self‐fertilisation. In derived self‐compatible species, however, stigma curvature might serve the secondary function of delayed selfing.
  • We investigated delayed selfing in Triodanis perfoliata, a self‐compatible relative of Campanula. Using floral manipulation experiments and pollen tube observations, we quantified the extent and timing of self‐pollination. Further, we hypothesised that, if stigma curvature provides the benefit of delayed selfing in Triodanis, selection should have favoured retention of self‐pollen through the loss of a stylar hair retraction mechanism.
  • Results of a stigma removal experiment indicated that autonomous selfing produces partial seed set, but only some selfing was delayed. Pollen tube observations and a flower senescence assay also supported the finding of partial delayed selfing. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that pollen‐collecting hairs retract during anthesis, which may limit the extent of delayed selfing.
  • Delayed selfing appeared to be only partially effective in T. perfoliata. The stylar hair retraction in this species would seem to contradict selection for selfing. We suggest that caution and rigour are needed in interpreting floral traits as adaptive mechanisms for delayed selfing.

高山植物扁蕾的延迟自交机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
扁蕾(Gentianopsis barbata)具有鲜艳的花和显著的腺体,并且花开放的前5 d柱头和花药始终处于不同的位置(雌雄异位),这些花综合征表明该植物应为异花传粉。为检验这一假设,我们对青藏高原植物扁蕾的海北站种群进行了3年的传粉生物学研究实验。与花综合征所表明的繁育系统相反,两年的野外观察发现昆虫的访花频率十分低,不去雄并隔离昆虫处理也能产生大量种子,说明这一种群的繁殖主要是依赖于自花传粉。尽管利用种子结实评价的柱头可授性从花开放4 d后开始下降,但随着花的发育进程,雄蕊的伸长能使得花药与柱头完全接触。实验也证明,柱头可授性和花粉活力都超过5 d,说明花药和柱头的接触能够发生自花授粉。扁蕾的这种自花传粉机制应属于典型的延迟自交类型。自花授粉发生在单花花期快要结束前,自交之前仍然保持异交传粉机制,这种延迟自交避免了自交与异交竞争造成的花粉或者种子折损,并为扁蕾在青藏高原极端环境下由于访花昆虫缺乏造成的异交失败提供了繁殖保障。  相似文献   

The reproductive‐assurance hypothesis predicts that mating‐system traits will evolve towards increased autonomous self‐pollination in plant populations experiencing unreliable pollinator service. We tested this long‐standing hypothesis by assessing geographic covariation among pollinator reliability, outcrossing rates, heterozygosity and relevant floral traits across populations of Dalechampia scandens in Costa Rica. Mean outcrossing rates ranged from 0.16 to 0.49 across four populations, and covaried with the average rates of pollen arrival on stigmas, a measure of pollinator reliability. Across populations, genetically based differences in herkogamy (anther–stigma distance) were associated with variation in stigmatic pollen loads, outcrossing rates and heterozygosity. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that, when pollinators are unreliable, floral traits promoting autonomous selfing evolve as a mechanism of reproductive assurance. Extensive covariation between floral traits and mating system among closely related populations further suggests that floral traits influencing mating systems track variation in adaptive optima generated by variation in pollinator reliability.  相似文献   

The shift from outcrossing to selfing is often accompanied by striking changes in floral morphology towards a “selfing syndrome”, which is characterized by flowers with reduction in size, pollen: ovule (P/O) ratio, and herkogamy. This study aims to test whether such changes have occurred in the North American Arabidopsis lyrata, which is of particular interest because of the relatively recent transitions to selfing in this system. Flower size, flower shape, herkogamy levels, P/O ratio, and floral integration of six self-incompatible (outcrossing) and six self-compatible (selfing) populations of A. lyrata were measured in a common environment using conventional and geometric morphometrics methods. Although selfers had on average 9.2% smaller corollas, 8.4% longer pistils, and 21.5% lower P/O ratios than outcrossers, there were no differences in shape, floral integration, and herkogamy between outcrossing and selfing populations. Moreover, most variation in floral traits was explained by population genetic background rather than by mating system. We conclude that selfing populations in A. lyrata have not evolved a selfing syndrome.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the causes and consequences of cross- and self-fertilization have dominated research on plant mating since Darwin's seminal work on plant reproduction. Here, I provide examples of these accomplishments, but also illustrate new approaches that emphasize the role of floral design and display in pollen dispersal and fitness gain through male function. Wide variation in outcrossing rate characterizes animal-pollinated plants. In species with large floral displays, part of the selfing component of mixed mating can arise from geitonogamy and be maladaptive because of strong inbreeding depression and pollen discounting. Floral strategies that separate the benefits of floral display from the mating costs associated with geitonogamy can resolve these conflicts by reducing lost mating opportunities through male function. The results from experiments with marker genes and floral manipulations provide evidence for the function of herkogamy and dichogamy in reducing self-pollination and promoting pollen dispersal. Evidence is also presented indicating that increased selfing resulting from changes to floral design, or geitonogamy in large clones, can act as a stimulus for the evolution of dioecy. The scope of future research on mating strategies needs to be broadened to include investigations of functional links among flowers, inflorescences and plant architecture within the framework of life-history evolution.  相似文献   

繁殖保障和延迟自交的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阮成江  钦佩  尹增芳 《生态学报》2006,26(1):195-204
尽管植物在进化过程中面临不利自花授粉的选择,但许多植物仍维持混合的授粉机制。繁殖保障假说是解释自交进化的最重要因子之一,一直是植物生殖生态学和进化生物学关注的焦点之一。概述了近年来的主要研究热点及其进展,包括自交进化的遗传和生态机制及理论模型探讨、繁殖保障假说的提出、验证自交能否提供繁殖保障的例证、延迟自交的类型及延迟自交能否提供繁殖保障的例证等方面。介绍了我国在繁殖保障和延迟自交方面研究的现状和不足之处,结合国际上研究繁殖保障假说的发展趋势已由单季节、单种群、单因子的研究阶段过渡到多季节、多种群、多因子(自交方式及其所占比例、花粉折损、种子折损、自交率和近交衰退)的综合研究阶段,及由传统的、经典的研究方法过渡到应用现代实验手段(如SSR、SNP等分子标记)和先进仪器设备的研究阶段,提出今后研究中应注意的问题。有必要借用多学科(植物学、生态学和分子生物学)的方法及手段进行不同物种的对比和综合细致的研究。  相似文献   

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