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The core origin of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication is composed of a 64-base-pair sequence encompassing T-antigen-binding site II and adjacent sequences on either side. A 7-base-pair sequence to the early side of T-antigen-binding site II which is conserved among the papovavirus genomes SV40, BK, JC, and SA12 was recently shown to be part of a 10-base-pair sequence required for origin activity (S. Deb, A.L. DeLucia, C.-P. Baur, A. Koff, and P. Tegtmeyer, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:1663-1670, 1986), but its functional role was not defined. In the present report, we have used gel retention assays to identify a monkey cell factor that interacts specifically with double-stranded DNA carrying this sequence and also binds to single-stranded DNA. DNA-protein complexes formed with extracts from primate cells are more abundant and display electrophoretic mobilities distinct from those formed with rodent cell extracts. The binding activity of the factor on mutant templates is correlated with the replication activity of the origin. The results suggest that the monkey cell factor may be involved in SV40 DNA replication.  相似文献   

P H Cleat  R T Hay 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(6):1841-1848
The DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions proposed for the stability of nucleoprotein complexes at the origin of replication in prokaryotes are also thought to impart regulatory precision in eukaryotic DNA replication. This type of specificity can be observed, for example, during adenovirus DNA replication where efficient initiation requires that nuclear factor I (NFI) binds to the origin of DNA replication. Addition of purified NFI stimulates the initiation of adenovirus DNA replication in vitro in a reaction that is dependent on the concentration of the adenovirus DNA binding protein (DBP). However, the molecular basis for the synergistic action of NFI and DBP during replication is at present unknown. We report here that DBP increases the affinity of NFI for its binding site in the replication origin. DBP did not, however, increase the affinity of another eukaryotic sequence-specific DNA binding protein, EBP1, for its recognition site. Other single-stranded DNA binding proteins could not substitute for DBP in increasing NFI affinity for its binding site. In addition, DBP was found to alter the binding kinetics of NFI, both by increasing the rate of association and decreasing the rate of dissociation of NFI with the DNA template. The co-operativity between NFI and DBP was also demonstrated on another DNA template, a human NFI site (FIB2), suggesting that this interaction is of general occurrence and not restricted to the adenovirus origin of replication.  相似文献   

The human adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) mutant Ad2ts111 has previously been shown to contain two mutations which result in a complex phenotype. Ad2ts111 contains a single base change in the early region 1B (E1B) 19,000-molecular-weight (19K) coding region which yields a cyt deg phenotype and another defect which maps to the E2A 72K DNA-binding protein (DBP) coding region that causes a temperature-sensitive DNA replication phenotype. Here we report that the defect in the Ad2ts111 DBP is due to a single G----T transversion that results in a substitution of valine for glycine at amino acid 280. A temperature-independent revertant, Ad2ts111R10, was isolated, which reverts back to glycine at amino acid 280 yet retains the cyt and deg phenotypes caused by the 19K mutation. We physically separated the two mutations of Ad2ts111 by constructing a recombinant virus, Ad2ts111A, which contained a wild-type Ad2 E1B 19K gene and the gly----val mutation in the 72K gene. Ad2ts111A was cyt+ deg+, yet it was still defective for DNA replication at the nonpermissive temperature. The Ad2ts111 DBP mutation is located only two amino acids away from the site of the mutation in Ad2+ND1ts23, a previously sequenced DBP mutant. Biochemical studies of purified Ad2+ND1ts23 DBP showed that this protein was defective for elongation but not initiation of replication in a cell-free replication system consisting of purified Ad polymerase, terminal protein precursor, and nuclear factor I. Ad2+ND1ts23 DBP bound less tightly to single-strand DNA than did Ad2 DBP, as shown by salt gradient elution of purified DBPs from denatured DNA cellulose columns. This decreased binding to DNA was probably due to local conformational changes in the protein at a site that is critical for DNA binding rather than to global changes in protein structure, since both the Ad2+ND1ts23 and Ad2 DBPs showed identical cleavage patterns by the protease thermolysin at various temperatures.  相似文献   

The DNA unwinding element (DUE) is a sequence rich in adenine and thymine residues present within the origin region of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic replicons. Recently, it has been shown that this is the site where bacterial DnaA proteins, the chromosomal replication initiators, form a specific nucleoprotein filament. DnaA proteins contain a DNA binding domain (DBD) and belong to the family of origin binding proteins (OBPs). To date there has been no data on whether OBPs structurally different from DnaA can form nucleoprotein complexes within the DUE. In this work we demonstrate that plasmid Rep proteins, composed of two Winged Helix domains, distinct from the DBD, specifically bind to one of the strands of ssDNA within the DUE. We observed nucleoprotein complexes formed by these Rep proteins, involving both dsDNA containing the Rep-binding sites (iterons) and the strand-specific ssDNA of the DUE. Formation of these complexes required the presence of all repeated sequence elements located within the DUE. Any changes in these repeated sequences resulted in the disturbance in Rep-ssDNA DUE complex formation and the lack of origin replication activity in vivo or in vitro.  相似文献   

DNA-binding protein was characterized by previous investigators as a single-stranded DNA-binding protein analogous to the gene 32 protein of phage T4 (Van der Vliet &; Levine, 1973; Sugawara et al., 1977). In the studies presented here the interactions between natural and synthetic polynucleotides and the DNA-binding protein of adenovirus 2-infected HeLa cells have been examined. Polynucleotide melting techniques revealed a tight yet dissociable binding to the helix structure of double-stranded DNA. In addition, binding and filter binding competition experiments at high DNA to protein ratios revealed a specific binding to double-stranded DNA termini with a dissociation constant of 1 × 10?9 to 2 × 10?9m. The ability of DNA-binding protein to bind to heat-denatured viral DNA was confirmed but the binding to double-stranded DNA termini was more specific on a molar basis. DNA-binding protein can recognize both flush and staggered ends of double-stranded DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Initiation of adenovirus DNA synthesis is preceded by the assembly of a nucleoprotein complex at the origin of DNA replication containing three viral proteins, preterminal protein, DNA polymerase and DNA binding protein, and two cellular proteins, nuclear factors I and III. While sequence specific interactions of the cellular proteins with their cognate sites in the origin of DNA replication are well characterized, the question of how the viral replication proteins recognize the origin has remained unanswered. Preterminal protein and DNA polymerase were therefore purified to homogeneity from recombinant baculovirus infected insect cells. Gel filtration demonstrated that while DNA polymerase existed in monomeric and dimeric forms, preterminal protein was predominantly monomeric and when combined the proteins formed a stable heterodimer. In a gel electrophoresis DNA binding assay each of the protein species recognized DNA within the origin of DNA replication with unique specificity. Competition analysis and DNase I protection experiments revealed that although each protein could recognize the origin, the heterodimer did so with enhanced specificity, protecting bases 8-17 from cleavage with the nuclease. Thus the highly conserved 'core' of the origin of DNA replication, present in all human adenoviruses, is recognized by the preterminal protein--DNA polymerase heterodimer.  相似文献   

We have identified and purified to near homogeneity two specific single-stranded DNA-binding factors (SPSF I and II) with molecular masses of 42 and 39 kDa, respectively, from calf thymus. Gel retention analysis and competition experiments demonstrate that the ubiquitous proteins SPSF I and II specifically interact with single-stranded DNA derived from the minimal in vitro origin of replication of bovine papillomavirus type 1 and a region of the viral genome proposed to be involved in plasmid maintenance. Bovine papillomavirus type 1 proteins do not interfere with DNA binding of SPSF I and II. The exact location of the binding domains of SPSF I and II on the DNA has been determined by methylation interference and T4 DNA polymerase footprinting. A potential cellular binding site for SPSF I and II is the major promoter (P2) of the human c-myc gene.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has became clear that most proteins involved in cellular DNA precursor synthesis or DNA replication have been 'invented' more than once, indicating that the transition from RNA to DNA genomes was more complex than previously thought. Several authors have suggested that DNA viruses, which often encode their own version of these proteins, played an important role in this process. The nature of the genome of the last universal cellular ancestor (LUCA) -- that is, RNA or DNA, prokaryotic-like or eukaryotic-like -- remains in dispute. A hyperthermophilic LUCA would have suggested a circular, double-stranded DNA genome; however, recent data favor a mesophilic or moderately thermophilic LUCA.  相似文献   

The bipartite geminiviruses such as tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) and squash leaf curl virus (SqLCV) have two single-stranded circular genomic DNAs, the A and B components, thought to be replicated from double-stranded circular DNA intermediates. Although it has been presumed that the origin sequences for viral replication are located in the highly conserved 200-nucleotide common region (CR) present in both genomic components and that the viral-encoded AL1 protein interacts with these sequences to effect replication, there has been no evidence that this is in fact so. We have investigated these questions, demonstrating selectivity and sequence specificity in this protein-DNA interaction. Simple component switching between the DNAs of TGMV and SqLCV and analysis of replication in leaf discs showed that whereas the A components of both TGMV and SqLCV promote their own replication and that of their cognate B component, neither replicates the noncognate B component. Furthermore, using an in vivo functional replication assay, we found that cloned viral CR sequences function as a replication origin and direct the replication of nonviral sequences in the presence of AL1, with both circular single-stranded and double-stranded DNA being synthesized. Finally, by the creation of chimeric viral CRs and specific subfragments of the viral CR, we demonstrated sequence-specific recognition of the replication origin by the AL1 protein, thereby localizing the origin to an approximately 90-nucleotide segment in the AL1 proximal side of the CR that includes the conserved geminiviral stem-loop structure and approximately 60 nucleotides of 5' upstream sequence. By deletional analysis, we further demonstrated that the conserved stem-loop structure is essential for replication. These studies identify the functional viral origin of replication within the CR, demonstrating that sequence-specific recognition of this origin by the AL1 protein is required for replication.  相似文献   

The replication of adenovirus DNA with purified proteins   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
B W Stillman 《Cell》1983,35(1):7-9

R T Hay 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(2):421-426
Adenovirus mini-chromosomes which contain two cloned, inverted adenovirus termini replicate in vivo when supplied with non-defective adenovirus as a helper. This system has been used to define the minimum cis acting DNA sequences required for adenovirus DNA replication in vivo. Deletions into each end of the adenovirus inverted terminal repeat (ITR) were generated with Bal31 exonuclease and the resulting molecules constructed into plasmids which contained two inverted copies of the deleted ITR separated by the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase gene. To determine the effect of the deletion in vivo plasmids cleaved to expose the adenovirus termini were co-transfected with adenovirus type 2 DNA into tissue culture cells. The replicative ability of the molecules bearing adenovirus termini was assayed by Southern blotting of extracted DNA which had been treated with DpnI, a restriction enzyme which cleaves only methylated and therefore unreplicated, input DNA. Molecules containing the terminal 45 bp of the viral genome were fully active whereas molecules containing only 36 bp were in-active in this assay. Therefore sequences required for DNA replication are contained entirely within the terminal 45 bp of the viral genome. Thus, both the previously described highly conserved region (nucleotides 9-18) and the binding site for the cellular nuclear factor I (nucleotides 19-48) are essential for adenovirus DNA replication in vivo.  相似文献   

The adenovirus terminal protein (TP) is covalently linked to the 5' ends of the adenovirus genome and enhances DNA replication in vitro by increasing template activity. To study the effect of TP in more detail we isolated short origin fragments containing functional TP using anion exchange chromatography. These fragments were highly active as templates for DNA replication in a reconstituted system. Employing band-shift assays we found that the affinity of the precursor terminal protein-DNA polymerase complex for the TP-containing origin was increased 2 to 3-fold. Binding affinities of two other replication stimulating proteins, NFI and Oct-1, were not influenced by the terminal protein. Upon DNaseI footprinting we observed, unexpectedly, that the breakdown pattern had changed at various positions in the origin, notably in the area 3-6 and 41-51 by the presence of TP. Some differences in the footprint pattern of NFI and Oct-1 were also found. Our results indicate that TP induces subtle changes in the origin structure that influence the interaction of other replication proteins.  相似文献   

A rapid and quantitative nitrocellulose filter-binding assay is described for the detection of nuclear factor I, a HeLa cell sequence-specific DNA-binding protein required for the initiation of adenovirus DNA replication. In this assay, the abundant nonspecific DNA-binding activity present in unfractionated HeLa nuclear extracts was greatly reduced by preincubation of these extracts with a homopolymeric competitor DNA. Subsequently, specific DNA-binding activity was detected as the preferential retention of a labeled 48-base-pair DNA fragment containing a functional nuclear factor I binding site compared with a control DNA fragment to which nuclear factor I did not bind specifically. This specific DNA-binding activity was shown to be both quantitative and time dependent. Furthermore, the conditions of this assay allowed footprinting of nuclear factor I in unfractionated HeLa nuclear extracts and quantitative detection of the protein during purification. Using unfrozen HeLa cells and reagents known to limit endogenous proteolysis, nuclear factor I was purified to near homogeneity from HeLa nuclear extracts by a combination of standard chromatography and specific DNA affinity chromatography. Over a 400-fold purification of nuclear factor I, on the basis of the specific activity of both sequence-specific DNA binding and complementation of adenovirus DNA replication in vitro, was affected by this purification. The most highly purified fraction was greatly enriched for a polypeptide of 160 kilodaltons on silver-stained sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Furthermore, this protein cosedimented with specific DNA-binding activity on glycerol gradients. That this fraction indeed contained nuclear factor I was demonstrated by both DNase I footprinting and its function in the initiation of adenovirus DNA replication. Finally, the stoichiometry of specific DNA binding by nuclear factor I is shown to be most consistent with 2 mol of the 160-kilodalton polypeptide binding per mol of nuclear factor I-binding site.  相似文献   

Initiation of adenovirus DNA replication.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In an attempt to study the mechanism of initiation of adenovirus DNA replication, an assay was developed to investigate the pattern of DNA synthesis in early replicative intermediates of adenovirus DNA. By using wild-type virus-infected cells, it was possible to place the origin of adenovirus type 2 DNA replication within the terminal 350 to 500 base pairs from either of the two molecular termini. In addition, a variety of parameters characteristic of adenovirus DNA replication were compared with those obtained in a soluble nuclear extract competent for viral DNA replication. It was observed that in vitro DNA replication, which is dependent on the exogenously added viral DNA-protein complex as its optimal template, occurs in a manner apparently indistinguishable from the situation in virus-infected cells. This includes the presence of proteinaceous material on the molecular termini of newly initiated viral DNA.  相似文献   

The initiation of SV40 (simian virus 40) DNA replication requires the co-operative interactions between the viral Tag (large T-antigen), RPA (replication protein A) and Pol (DNA polymerase alpha-primase) on the template DNA. Binding interfaces mapped on these enzymes and expressed as peptides competed with the mutual interactions of the native proteins. Prevention of the genuine interactions was accomplished only prior to the primer synthesis step and blocked the assembly of a productive initiation complex. Once the complex was engaged in the synthesis of an RNA primer and its extension, the interfering effects of the peptides ceased, suggesting a stable association of the replication factors during the initiation phase. Specific antibodies were still able to disrupt preformed interactions and inhibited primer synthesis and extension activities, underlining the crucial role of specific protein-protein contacts during the entire initiation process.  相似文献   

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